1! { dg-do run }
2! PR33985 Stream IO test with empty write, array writes, and reads.
3program streamtest
4  implicit none
5  character(1)   :: lf = char(10)
6  character(1)   :: tchar
7  integer        :: i,j,k
8  real(kind=4), dimension(100,100) :: anarray
9  open(10, file="teststream", access="stream", form="unformatted")
10  anarray = 3.14159
11  write(10) anarray
12  write(10, pos=1) ! This is a way to position an unformatted file
13  anarray = 0.0
14  read(10) anarray
15  anarray = abs(anarray - 3.14159)
16  if (any(anarray.gt.0.00001)) call abort()
17  close(10,status="delete")
18end program streamtest