1! { dg-do run { target fd_truncate } }
2! PR25039 This test checks that commas in input fields for formatted sequential
3! reads are interpreted as the read completion.  If no comma is encountered the
4! normal field width determines the end of the read.  The test case also checks
5! that default blanks are interpreted as NULL in numerics.
6! Test case derived from sample provided in PR by Iwan Kawrakow.
7! Contributed by Jerry DeLisle  <jvdelisle@gcc.gnu.org>
9      program pr25039
10      implicit none
11      integer :: i1, i2, i3
12      character(10) :: a1
13      open(10, status="scratch")
14      write(10,'(a)') "1, 235"
15      rewind(10)
16      read(10,'(3i2)') i1,i2,i3
17      if(i1.ne.1) call abort()
18      if(i2.ne.2) call abort()
19      if(i3.ne.35) call abort()
20      rewind(10)
21!     Make sure commas are read in character strings.
22      write(10,'(a)') "1234,6789,"
23      rewind(10)
24      read(10,'(a10)') a1
25      if(a1.ne."1234,6789,") call abort()
26      end