1! { dg-do run }
2! PR30918 Failure to skip commented out NAMELIST
3! Before the patch, this read the commented out namelist and iuse would
4! equal 2 when done.  Test case from PR.
5program gfcbug58
6  implicit none
7  integer            :: iuse = 0, ios
8  integer, parameter :: nmlunit = 10    ! Namelist unit
9  !------------------
10  ! Namelist 'REPORT'
11  !------------------
12  character(len=12) :: type, use
13  integer           :: max_proc
14  namelist /REPORT/ type, use, max_proc
15  !------------------
16  ! Set up the test file
17  !------------------
18  open(unit=nmlunit, status="scratch")
19  write(nmlunit, '(a)') "!================"
20  write(nmlunit, '(a)') "! Namelist REPORT"
21  write(nmlunit, '(a)') "!================"
22  write(nmlunit, '(a)') "!      &REPORT use      = 'ignore'   / ! Comment"
23  write(nmlunit, '(a)') "!"
24  write(nmlunit, '(a)') " &REPORT type     = 'SYNOP'"
25  write(nmlunit, '(a)') "         use      = 'active'"
26  write(nmlunit, '(a)') "         max_proc = 20"
27  write(nmlunit, '(a)') " /"
28  rewind(nmlunit)
29  !-------------------------------------
30  ! Loop to read namelist multiple times
31  !-------------------------------------
32  do
33     !----------------------------------------
34     ! Preset namelist variables with defaults
35     !----------------------------------------
36     type      = ''
37     use       = ''
38     max_proc  = -1
39     !--------------
40     ! Read namelist
41     !--------------
42     read (nmlunit, nml=REPORT, iostat=ios)
43     if (ios /= 0) exit
44     iuse = iuse + 1
45  end do
46  if (iuse /= 1) call abort()
48end program gfcbug58