1! { dg-do run }
2! Checks for corrects warnings if branching to then end of a
3! construct at various nesting levels
4  subroutine check_if(i)
5    goto 10  ! { dg-warning "Label at ... is not in the same block" }
6    if (i > 0) goto 40
7    if (i < 0) then
8       goto 40
910  end if    ! { dg-warning "Label at ... is not in the same block" }
10    if (i == 0) then
11       i = i+1
12       goto 20
13       goto 40
1420  end if
15    if (i == 1) then
16       i = i+1
17       if (i == 2) then
18          goto 30
19       end if
20       goto 40
2130  end if
22    return
2340  i = -1
24  end subroutine check_if
26  subroutine check_select(i)
27    goto 10  ! { dg-warning "Label at ... is not in the same block" }
28    select case (i)
29    case default
30       goto 999
3110  end select  ! { dg-warning "Label at ... is not in the same block" }
32    select case (i)
33    case (2)
34       i = 1
35       goto 20
36       goto 999
37    case default
38       goto 999
3920  end select
40    j = i
41    select case (j)
42    case default
43       select case (i)
44       case (1)
45          i = 2
46          goto 30
47       end select
48       goto 999
4930  end select
50    return
51999 i = -1
52  end subroutine check_select
54  i = 0
55  call check_if (i)
56  if (i /= 2) call abort ()
57  call check_select (i)
58  if (i /= 2) call abort ()