1242723Sjhibbits! { dg-do run }
2242723Sjhibbits! PR 62768
3242723Sjhibbits! Filenames with embedded NULL characters are truncated, make sure
4242723Sjhibbits! inquire reports the correct truncated name.
5242723Sjhibbitsprogram filename_null
6242723Sjhibbits  implicit none
7242723Sjhibbits  character(len=15), parameter :: s = "hello" // achar(0) // "world", &
8242723Sjhibbits       s2 = "hello"
9242723Sjhibbits  character(len=15) :: r
10242723Sjhibbits  logical :: l
11242723Sjhibbits  open(10, file=s)
12242723Sjhibbits  inquire(unit=10, name=r)
13242723Sjhibbits  if (r /= s2) call abort()
14242723Sjhibbits  inquire(file=s2, exist=l)
15242723Sjhibbits  if (.not. l) call abort()
16242723Sjhibbits  close(10, status="delete")
17242723Sjhibbitsend program filename_null