1! { dg-do run }
2! Check that derived type extension is compatible with renaming
3! the parent type and that allocatable components are OK.  At
4! the same time, private type and components are checked.
6! Contributed by Paul Thomas  <pault@gcc.gnu.org>
8module mymod
9  type :: a
10    real, allocatable :: x(:)
11    integer, private :: ia = 0
12  end type a
13  type :: b
14    private
15    real, allocatable :: x(:)
16    integer :: i
17  end type b
19  function set_b () result (res)
20    type(b) :: res
21    allocate (res%x(2))
22    res%x = [10.0, 20.0]
23    res%i = 1
24  end function
25  subroutine check_b (arg)
26    type(b) :: arg
27    if (any (arg%x /= [10.0, 20.0])) call abort
28    if (arg%i /= 1) call abort
29  end subroutine
30end module mymod
32  use mymod, e => a
33  type, extends(e) :: f
34    integer :: if
35  end type f
36  type, extends(b) :: d
37    integer :: id
38  end type d
40  type(f) :: p
41  type(d) :: q
43  p = f (x = [1.0, 2.0], if = 3)
44  if (any (p%e%x /= [1.0, 2.0])) call abort
46  q%b = set_b ()
47  call check_b (q%b)
48  q = d (b = set_b (), id = 99)
49  call check_b (q%b)