1! { dg-do run }
2! Test the fix for PR38863, in which an unnecessary temporary
3! generated results that are not consistent with other compilers.
5! Contributed by Dick Hendrickson  <dick.hendrickson@gmail.com>
7module rg0045_stuff
8  type unseq
9    integer :: i
10    logical :: l
11  end type unseq
12  interface assignment(=)
13    module procedure l_to_t, i_to_t
14  end interface
16  elemental subroutine l_to_t (arg1, arg2)
17    type(unseq), intent(inout) :: arg1
18    logical, intent(in) :: arg2
19    arg1%l = arg2
20  end subroutine l_to_t
21  elemental subroutine i_to_t (arg1, arg2)
22    type(unseq), intent(inout) :: arg1
23    integer, intent(in) :: arg2
24    arg1%i = arg2
25  end subroutine i_to_t
26  subroutine rg0045(nf1, nf2, nf3)
27    type(unseq) :: tla2l(nf3, nf2)
28    type(unseq) :: tda2l(3,2)
29    logical :: lda(nf3,nf2)
30    tda2l%l = reshape ([.true.,.false.,.true.,.false.,.true.,.false.],[3,2])
31    tda2l%i = reshape ([1, -1, 3, -1, 5, -1],[3,2])
32    lda = tda2l%l
33    tla2l%l = lda
34    tla2l%i = reshape ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [3,2])
36! The problem occurred here: gfortran was producing a temporary for these
37! assignments because the dependency checking was too restrictive.  Since
38! a temporary was used, the integer component was reset in the first assignment
39! rather than being carried over.
41    where(lda)
42      tla2l = tla2l(1:3, 1:2)%l
43      tla2l = tla2l(1:3, 1:2)%i
44    elsewhere
45      tla2l = -1
46    endwhere
47    if (any (tla2l%i .ne. tda2l%i)) call abort
48    if (any (tla2l%l .neqv. tda2l%l)) call abort
49  end subroutine
50end module rg0045_stuff
52  use rg0045_stuff
53  call rg0045(1, 2, 3)