1! { dg-do run }
3! Test the fix for PR39879, in which gfc gagged on the double
4! defined assignment where the rhs had a default initialiser.
6! Contributed by David Sagan <david.sagan@gmail.com>
8module test_struct
9  interface assignment (=)
10    module procedure tao_lat_equal_tao_lat
11  end interface
12  type bunch_params_struct
13    integer n_live_particle
14  end type
15  type tao_lattice_struct
16    type (bunch_params_struct), allocatable :: bunch_params(:)
17    type (bunch_params_struct), allocatable :: bunch_params2(:)
18  end type
19  type tao_universe_struct
20    type (tao_lattice_struct), pointer :: model, design
21    character(200), pointer :: descrip => NULL()
22  end type
23  type tao_super_universe_struct
24    type (tao_universe_struct), allocatable :: u(:)
25  end type
26  type (tao_super_universe_struct), save, target :: s
27  contains
28    subroutine tao_lat_equal_tao_lat (lat1, lat2)
29      implicit none
30      type (tao_lattice_struct), intent(inout) :: lat1
31      type (tao_lattice_struct), intent(in) :: lat2
32      if (allocated(lat2%bunch_params)) then
33        lat1%bunch_params = lat2%bunch_params
34      end if
35      if (allocated(lat2%bunch_params2)) then
36        lat1%bunch_params2 = lat2%bunch_params2
37      end if
38    end subroutine
39end module
41program tao_program
42  use test_struct
43  implicit none
44  type (tao_universe_struct), pointer :: u
45  integer n, i
46  allocate (s%u(1))
47  u => s%u(1)
48  allocate (u%design, u%model)
49  n = 112
50  allocate (u%model%bunch_params(0:n), u%design%bunch_params(0:n))
51  u%design%bunch_params%n_live_particle = [(i, i = 0, n)]
52  u%model = u%design
53  u%model = u%design ! The double assignment was the cause of the ICE
54  if (.not. allocated (u%model%bunch_params)) call abort
55  if (any (u%model%bunch_params%n_live_particle .ne. [(i, i = 0, n)])) call abort
56  Deallocate (u%model%bunch_params, u%design%bunch_params)
57  deallocate (u%design, u%model)
58  deallocate (s%u)
59end program