1Dear Dr. Bastoul,
3At the university of Ghent, we are starting to look
4at automatic optimization of loops to optimize the implementation
5in an FPGA. With the advent of your Cloog tool, we think
6it becomes possible to use the polyhedral model
7for the kind of optimizations we are thinking about, instead of using
8optimizations based on transforming abstract syntax trees.
10As a first test, we started with the representation of a
11wavelet decoder loop kernel in Cloog format. We do this
12by starting from a Fortran77-description, parse it
13using our FPT compiler and PolyAst-library, and then
14generate the Cloog data structures. Then we use
15the function cloog_program_dump_cloog to obtain an
16ASCII-file representing the code in Cloog-format.
18However, when trying to read in the generated file,
19we found that the generated file was incorrect, and
20I think the cause is in two small bugs in the
21function cloog_program_dump_cloog. After I've
22corrected them, the generated file seems correct
23(i.e. cloog can correctly read the generated file).
25I've attached the adapted program.c source file.
26I only changed the function cloog_program_dump_cloog,
27and now it looks as follows:
29void cloog_program_dump_cloog(FILE * foo, CloogProgram * program)
30{ int i, j ;
31  Matrix * matrix ;
32  Polyhedron * polyhedron ;
33  CloogLoop * loop ;
35  fprintf(foo,
36  "# CLooG -> CLooG\n"
37  "# This is an automatic dump of an input file from a CloogProgram data\n"
38  "# structure. It can be correct ONLY if dumped before loop generation.\n") ;
40  /* Language. */
41  if (program->language == 'c')
42  fprintf(foo,"# Langage: C\n") ;
43  else
44  fprintf(foo,"# Langage: FORTRAN\n") ;
45  fprintf(foo,"%c\n\n",program->language) ;
47  /* Context. */
48  fprintf(foo,"# Context (%d parameter(s)):\n",program->context->Dimension) ;
49  matrix = cloog_domain_domain2matrix(program->context) ;
50  cloog_domain_matrix_print(foo,matrix);
51  cloog_domain_matrix_free(matrix);
52  fprintf(foo,"1 # Parameter name(s)\n") ;
53  for (i=0;i<program->names->nb_parameters;i++)
54  fprintf(foo,"%s ",program->names->parameters[i]) ;
56  /* Statement number. */
57  i = 0 ;
58  loop = program->loop ;
59  while (loop != NULL)
60  { i++ ;
61    loop = loop->next ;
62  }
63  fprintf(foo,"\n\n# Statement number:\n%d\n\n",i) ;
65  /* Iteration domains. */
66  i = 1 ;
67  loop = program->loop ;
68  while (loop != NULL)
69  { /* Name of the domain. */
70    fprintf(foo,"# Iteration domain of statement %d.\n",i) ;
72    /* Number of polyhedron inside the union of disjoint polyhedra. */
73    j = 0 ;
74    polyhedron = /* KB 15.05.2005 remove program->, since otherwise
75                    the number of polytopes describing the iteration
76                    space of the first loop will be printed, instead
77                    of the number of polytopes for the current loop. program->*/loop->domain ;
78    while (polyhedron != NULL)
79    { j++ ;
80      polyhedron = polyhedron->next ;
81    }
82    fprintf(foo,"%d\n",j) ;
84    /* The polyhedra themselves. */
85    polyhedron = loop->domain ;
86    while (polyhedron != NULL)
87    { matrix = cloog_domain_domain2matrix(polyhedron) ;
88      cloog_domain_matrix_print(foo,matrix);
89      cloog_domain_matrix_free(matrix);
90      polyhedron = polyhedron->next ;
91    }
92    /* KB 15.05.2005 : options should be printed once per statement, not once
93       per polytope */
94      fprintf(foo,"0 0 0 # For future options.\n\n") ;
95    i++ ;
96    loop = loop->next ;
97  }
98  fprintf(foo,"\n1 # Iterator name(s)\n") ;
99  for (i=0;i<program->names->nb_iterators;i++)
100  fprintf(foo,"%s ",program->names->iterators[i]) ;
101  fprintf(foo,"\n\n") ;
103  /* Scattering functions (none since included inside domains). */
104  fprintf(foo,"# No scattering functions.\n0\n\n") ;
108The two changes are indicated by comments starting with the letters 'KB'.
110I'm sending you these changes, so that they can be incorporated in the
111next version of cloog, if you find them to be correct.
113with kinds regards,
115Kristof Beyls
117P.S.: I'm currently studying your work about loop chunking, since I'll
118need some kind of generalized loop tiling transformation that extends over
119multiple loop nests, to get an efficient implementation of the wavelet
120code in an FPGA.
123-- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Parallel Information Systems Tel: +32(9)2649528 Universiteit Gent Fax: +32(9)2643594 St.-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 E-mail: Kristof.Beyls@elis.ugent.be B-9000 Gent, Belgium http://www.elis.ugent.be/~kbeyls --------------------------------------------------------------------
128   /**-------------------------------------------------------------------**
129    **                              CLooG                                **
130    **-------------------------------------------------------------------**
131    **                            program.c                              **
132    **-------------------------------------------------------------------**
133    **                 First version: october 25th 2001                  **
134    **-------------------------------------------------------------------**/
138 *               CLooG : the Chunky Loop Generator (experimental)             *
139 ******************************************************************************
140 *                                                                            *
141 * Copyright (C) 2001 Cedric Bastoul                                          *
142 *                                                                            *
143 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the  *
144 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software  *
145 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later *
146 * version.                                                                   *
147 *                                                                            *
148 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but       *
149 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
150 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License   *
151 * for more details.                                                          *
152 *                                                                            *
153 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along    *
154 * with software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,        *
155 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA                     *
156 *                                                                            *
157 * CLooG, the Chunky Loop Generator                                           *
158 * Written by Cedric Bastoul, Cedric.Bastoul@inria.fr                         *
159 *                                                                            *
160 ******************************************************************************/
161/* CAUTION: the english used for comments is probably the worst you ever read,
162 *          please feel free to correct and improve it !
163 */
166# include <sys/types.h>
167# include <sys/time.h>
168# include <sys/resource.h>
169# include <stdlib.h>
170# include <stdio.h>
171# include <string.h>
172# include <ctype.h>
173# include "../include/cloog/cloog.h"
177 *                          Structure display function                        *
178 ******************************************************************************/
180/* cloog_program_print function:
181 * This function prints the content of a CloogProgram structure (program) into a
182 * file (foo, possibly stdout).
183 */
184void cloog_program_print(FILE * foo, CloogProgram * program)
185{ fprintf(foo,"Program:\n") ;
186  fprintf(foo,"Language %c.\n",program->language) ;
187  fprintf(foo,"Scattering dimension number = %d.\n",program->scattdims) ;
189  cloog_names_print(foo,program->names) ;
191  fprintf(foo,"Under the context:\n") ;
192  cloog_domain_print(foo,program->context) ;
193  fprintf(foo,"\n") ;
194  cloog_loop_print(foo,program->loop) ;
198/* cloog_program_dump_cloog function:
199 * This function dumps a CloogProgram structure supposed to be completely
200 * filled in a CLooG input file (foo possibly stdout) such as CLooG can
201 * rebuild almost exactly the data structure from the input file (the number
202 * of scattering functions is lost since they are included inside the
203 * iteration domains, this can only lead to a less beautiful pretty printing).
204 * 27 june 2003: first version.
205 */
206void cloog_program_dump_cloog(FILE * foo, CloogProgram * program)
207{ int i, j ;
208  Matrix * matrix ;
209  Polyhedron * polyhedron ;
210  CloogLoop * loop ;
212  fprintf(foo,
213  "# CLooG -> CLooG\n"
214  "# This is an automatic dump of an input file from a CloogProgram data\n"
215  "# structure. It can be correct ONLY if dumped before loop generation.\n") ;
217  /* Language. */
218  if (program->language == 'c')
219  fprintf(foo,"# Langage: C\n") ;
220  else
221  fprintf(foo,"# Langage: FORTRAN\n") ;
222  fprintf(foo,"%c\n\n",program->language) ;
224  /* Context. */
225  fprintf(foo,"# Context (%d parameter(s)):\n",program->context->Dimension) ;
226  matrix = cloog_domain_domain2matrix(program->context) ;
227  cloog_domain_matrix_print(foo,matrix);
228  cloog_domain_matrix_free(matrix);
229  fprintf(foo,"1 # Parameter name(s)\n") ;
230  for (i=0;i<program->names->nb_parameters;i++)
231  fprintf(foo,"%s ",program->names->parameters[i]) ;
233  /* Statement number. */
234  i = 0 ;
235  loop = program->loop ;
236  while (loop != NULL)
237  { i++ ;
238    loop = loop->next ;
239  } 
240  fprintf(foo,"\n\n# Statement number:\n%d\n\n",i) ;
242  /* Iteration domains. */
243  i = 1 ;
244  loop = program->loop ;
245  while (loop != NULL)
246  { /* Name of the domain. */
247    fprintf(foo,"# Iteration domain of statement %d.\n",i) ;
249    /* Number of polyhedron inside the union of disjoint polyhedra. */
250    j = 0 ;
251    polyhedron = /* KB 15.05.2005 remove program->, since otherwise
252                    the number of polytopes describing the iteration
253                    space of the first loop will be printed, instead
254                    of the number of polytopes for the current loop. program->*/loop->domain ;
255    while (polyhedron != NULL)
256    { j++ ;
257      polyhedron = polyhedron->next ;
258    } 
259    fprintf(foo,"%d\n",j) ;
261    /* The polyhedra themselves. */
262    polyhedron = loop->domain ;
263    while (polyhedron != NULL)
264    { matrix = cloog_domain_domain2matrix(polyhedron) ;
265      cloog_domain_matrix_print(foo,matrix);
266      cloog_domain_matrix_free(matrix);
267      polyhedron = polyhedron->next ;
268    }
269    /* KB 15.05.2005 : options should be printed once per statement, not once
270       per polytope */
271      fprintf(foo,"0 0 0 # For future options.\n\n") ;
272    i++ ;
273    loop = loop->next ;
274  } 
275  fprintf(foo,"\n1 # Iterator name(s)\n") ;
276  for (i=0;i<program->names->nb_iterators;i++)
277  fprintf(foo,"%s ",program->names->iterators[i]) ;
278  fprintf(foo,"\n\n") ;
280  /* Scattering functions (none since included inside domains). */
281  fprintf(foo,"# No scattering functions.\n0\n\n") ;
285/* cloog_program_dump_loopgen function:
286 * This function dumps a CloogProgram structure supposed to be completely
287 * filled in a LoopGen input file (foo possibly stdout) such as LoopGen can
288 * generate the code for this problem. If the user of CLooG had the bad idea
289 * to put the scattering functions directly inside the iteration domains, the
290 * time dimension of LoopGen is supposed to be 1.
291 * 27 june 2003: first version (should work but do not...).
292 */
293void cloog_program_dump_loopgen(FILE * foo, CloogProgram * program)
294{ int i, j, time ;
295  Matrix * matrix ;
296  Polyhedron * polyhedron ;
297  CloogLoop * loop ;
299  /* Statement number and time dimensions. */
300  i = 0 ;
301  loop = program->loop ;
302  while (loop != NULL)
303  { i++ ;
304    loop = loop->next ;
305  } 
306  if (program->scattdims)
307  time = program->scattdims ;
308  else
309  time = 1 ;
310  fprintf(foo,"%d %d 1\n\n",i,time) ;
312  fprintf(foo,
313  "# CLooG -> LoopGen\n"
314  "# This is an automatic dump of an input file from a CloogProgram data\n"
315  "# structure. It can be correct ONLY if dumped before loop generation.\n\n") ;
317  /* Context. */
318  fprintf(foo,"# Context (%d parameter(s)):\n1\n",program->context->Dimension) ;
319  matrix = cloog_domain_domain2matrix(program->context) ;
320  cloog_domain_matrix_print(foo,matrix);
321  cloog_domain_matrix_free(matrix);
322  fprintf(foo,"\n") ;
324  /* Iteration domains. */
325  i = 1 ;
326  loop = program->loop ;
327  while (loop != NULL)
328  { /* Number of polyhedron inside the union of disjoint polyhedra. */
329    j = 0 ;
330    polyhedron = program->loop->domain ;
331    while (polyhedron != NULL)
332    { j++ ;
333      polyhedron = polyhedron->next ;
334    } 
335    fprintf(foo,"%d\n",j) ;
337    /* Name of the domain. */
338    fprintf(foo,"# Iteration domain of statement %d.\n",i) ;
340    /* The polyhedra themselves. */
341    polyhedron = loop->domain ;
342    while (polyhedron != NULL)
343    { matrix = cloog_domain_domain2matrix(polyhedron) ;
344      cloog_domain_matrix_print(foo,matrix);
345      cloog_domain_matrix_free(matrix);
346       polyhedron = polyhedron->next ;
347    }
348    fprintf(foo,"\n") ;
349    i++ ;
350    loop = loop->next ;
351  } 
355/* cloog_program_dump_omega function:
356 * This function dumps a CloogProgram structure supposed to be completely
357 * filled in a OMEGA Calculator file (foo possibly stdout) such as OC can
358 * generate the code for this problem. If the user of CLooG had the bad idea
359 * to put the scattering functions directly inside the iteration domains, they
360 * will be added in the corresponding iteration domain for OMEGA with some
361 * equalities, so he need to pray (because OMEGA and equalities are really
362 * not friends)...
363 * December 7th 2003: first version.
364 */
365void cloog_program_dump_omega(FILE * foo, CloogProgram * program)
366{ int i, j, k, first, nb_iterators, nb_parameters, max_depth=0,
367      statement_number ;
368  Polyhedron * polyhedron ;
369  CloogLoop * loop ;
370  Value sign ;
372  fprintf(foo,
373  "# CLooG -> OMEGA\n"
374  "# This is an automatic dump of an input file from a CloogProgram data\n"
375  "# structure. It can be correct ONLY if dumped before loop generation.\n\n") ;
377  nb_parameters = program->context->Dimension ;
379  /* Context. */
380  fprintf(foo,"# Context (%d parameter(s)).\n",nb_parameters) ;
381  if (nb_parameters >= 1)
382  { fprintf(foo,"Symbolic %s",program->names->parameters[0]) ;
383    for (i=1;i<nb_parameters;i++)
384    fprintf(foo,", %s",program->names->parameters[i]) ;
385    fprintf(foo," ;\n\n") ;
386  }
388  /* Statements. */
389  fprintf(foo,"# Iteration domains:\n") ;
390  statement_number = 1 ;
391  loop = program->loop ;
392  while (loop != NULL)
393  { nb_iterators = loop->domain->Dimension - nb_parameters ;
394    if (nb_iterators > max_depth)
395    max_depth = nb_iterators ;
397    /* Name of the statement. */
398    fprintf(foo,"IS%d0:={",statement_number) ;
400    /* Dimensions. */
401    fprintf(foo,"[") ;
402    if (nb_iterators-program->scattdims >= 1)
403    { fprintf(foo,"%s",program->names->iterators[program->scattdims]) ;
404      for (j=program->scattdims+1;j<nb_iterators;j++)
405      fprintf(foo,",%s",program->names->iterators[j]) ;
406    }
407    fprintf(foo,"]: ") ;
409    /* Number of polyhedron inside the union of disjoint polyhedra
410     * (must be 1 for OMEGA, we just check it).
411     */
412    j = 0 ;
413    polyhedron = program->loop->domain ;
414    while (polyhedron != NULL)
415    { j++ ;
416      polyhedron = polyhedron->next ;
417    }
418    if (j > 1)
419    { fprintf(stderr,"[CLooG]ERROR: the problem cannot be dumped for OMEGA.\n");
420      exit(0) ;
421    }
423    /* The polyhedra themselves. */
424    polyhedron = loop->domain ;
425    for (j=program->scattdims;j<polyhedron->NbConstraints;j++)
426    { first = 1 ;
428      if (j > program->scattdims)
429      fprintf(foo," && ") ;
431      /* The coefficients of the iterators and the parameters. */
432      for (k=1;k<=polyhedron->Dimension;k++)
433      if (polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] != 0)
434      { if (!first)
435        { if (polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] > 0)
436          fprintf(foo,"+") ;
437        }
438	else
439        first = 0 ;
441        if ((polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] != 1) &&
442	    (polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] != -1))
443        fprintf(foo,VALUE_FMT,polyhedron->Constraint[j][k]) ;
444	else
445        if (polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] == -1)
446        fprintf(foo,"-") ;
448        if (k<=nb_iterators)
449        fprintf(foo,"%s",program->names->iterators[k-1]) ;
450        else
451        fprintf(foo,"%s",program->names->parameters[k-1-nb_iterators]) ;
452      }
454      /* The constant (k has the good value after the loop). */
455      if (polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] != 0)
456      { if (!first)
457        { if (polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] > 0)
458	  fprintf(foo,"+") ;
459        }
460        fprintf(foo,VALUE_FMT,polyhedron->Constraint[j][k]) ;
461      }
463      /* The (in)equality to 0. */
464      if (polyhedron->Constraint[j][0] == 0)
465      fprintf(foo,"=0") ;
466      else
467      fprintf(foo,">=0") ;
468    }
469    fprintf(foo,"} ;\n") ;
471    if ((loop = loop->next) != NULL)
472    statement_number ++ ;
473  }
475  /* Scattering functions (scheduling for OMEGA). */
476  loop = program->loop ;
477  if (program->scattdims > 0)
478  { statement_number = 1 ;
479    loop = program->loop ;
480    fprintf(foo,"\n# Schedules:\n") ;
482    while (loop != NULL)
483    { nb_iterators = loop->domain->Dimension - nb_parameters ;
484      if (nb_iterators > max_depth)
485      max_depth = nb_iterators ;
487      /* Name of the statement. */
488      fprintf(foo,"T%d0:={",statement_number) ;
490      /* Dimensions. */
491      fprintf(foo,"[") ;
492      if (nb_iterators-program->scattdims >= 1)
493      { fprintf(foo,"%s",program->names->iterators[program->scattdims]) ;
494        for (j=program->scattdims+1;j<nb_iterators;j++)
495        fprintf(foo,",%s",program->names->iterators[j]) ;
496      }
497      fprintf(foo,"] -> [") ;
499      /* The functions themselves. */
500      polyhedron = loop->domain ;
501      for (j=0;j<program->scattdims;j++)
502      { first = 1 ;
504        if (j > 0)
505        fprintf(foo,",") ;
507        /* We assume that the coefficient of the scattering iterator is 1. */
508        if ((polyhedron->Constraint[j][j+1] != 1) &&
509            (polyhedron->Constraint[j][j+1] != -1))
510        { fprintf(stderr,"[CLooG]ERROR: scattering dimension coefficients must "
511                         "be 1 or -1to dump for OMEGA.") ;
512          exit(0) ;
513        }
515        /* Depending on the sign of the scattering coefficient, the
516	 * coefficient for the scheduling expression.
517	 */
518	if (polyhedron->Constraint[j][j+1] == 1)
519        sign = -1 ;
520        else
521        sign = 1 ;
523        /* The coefficients of the iterators and the parameters. */
524        for (k=program->scattdims+1;k<=polyhedron->Dimension;k++)
525        if (polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] != 0)
526        { if (!first)
527          { if (sign*polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] > 0)
528            fprintf(foo,"+") ;
529          }
530	  else
531          first = 0 ;
533          if ((polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] != 1) &&
534	      (polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] != -1))
535          fprintf(foo,VALUE_FMT,sign*polyhedron->Constraint[j][k]) ;
536	  else
537          if (sign*polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] == -1)
538          fprintf(foo,"-") ;
540          if (k<=nb_iterators)
541          fprintf(foo,"%s",program->names->iterators[k-1]) ;
542          else
543          fprintf(foo,"%s",program->names->parameters[k-1-nb_iterators]) ;
544        }
546        /* The constant (k has the good value after the loop). */
547        if (polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] != 0)
548        { if (!first)
549          { if (sign*polyhedron->Constraint[j][k] > 0)
550	    fprintf(foo,"+") ;
551          }
552          fprintf(foo,VALUE_FMT,sign*polyhedron->Constraint[j][k]) ;
553        }
554	else
555	{ if (first)
556	  fprintf(foo,"0") ;
557	}
558      }
560      /* The scheduling expressions 'a la CLooG' end with the original
561       * dimensions...
562       */
563      if (nb_iterators >= 1)
564      { for (j=program->scattdims;j<nb_iterators;j++)
565        fprintf(foo,",%s",program->names->iterators[j]) ;
566      }
568      /* ...and possibly zeros in order for the scheduling functions to have
569       * the same dimension number.
570       */
571      for (j=nb_iterators;j<max_depth;j++)
572      fprintf(foo,",0") ;
574      fprintf(foo,"]} ;\n") ;
576      if ((loop = loop->next) != NULL)
577      statement_number ++ ;
578    }
579  }
581  /* The codegen call. */
582  fprintf(foo,"\n# CodeGen call:\n") ;
583  fprintf(foo,"codegen %d ",max_depth) ;
584  if (statement_number > 0)
585  { if (program->scattdims != 0)
586    fprintf(foo,"T10:") ;
587    fprintf(foo,"IS10") ;
588    for (i=1;i<statement_number;i++)
589    { fprintf(foo,", ") ;
590      if (program->scattdims != 0)
591      fprintf(foo,"T%d0:",i+1) ;
592      fprintf(foo,"IS%d0",i+1) ;
593    }
594  }
595  fprintf(foo," ;\n") ; 
599/* cloog_program_pprint function:
600 * This function prints the content of a CloogProgram structure (program) into a
601 * file (foo, possibly stdout), in a C-like language.
602 */
603void cloog_program_pprint(foo, program, options)
604FILE * foo ;
605CloogProgram * program ;
606CloogOptions * options ;
607{ CloogInfos * infos ;
609  infos = (CloogInfos *)malloc(sizeof(CloogInfos)) ;
610  infos->nb_iterators  = program->names->nb_iterators ;
611  infos->nb_parameters = program->names->nb_parameters ;
612  infos->iterators     = program->names->iterators ;
613  infos->parameters    = program->names->parameters ;
614  infos->scattdims     = program->scattdims ;  
615  infos->options       = options ;
616  /* Allocation for the array of strides, there is a +1 since the statement can
617   * be included inside an external loop without iteration domain.
618   */ 
619  infos->stride        =(Value *)malloc((infos->nb_iterators+1)*sizeof(Value)) ;
621  if (program->language == 'f')
622  infos->language      = LANGUAGE_FORTRAN ;
623  else
624  infos->language      = LANGUAGE_C ;
626  if (program->language == 'f')
627  fprintf(foo,"! Generated from %s by CLooG v%s %s bits in %.2fs.\n",
628          options->name,CLOOG_RELEASE,CLOOG_VERSION,options->time) ;
629  else
630  fprintf(foo,"/* Generated from %s by CLooG v%s %s bits in %.2fs. */\n",
631          options->name,CLOOG_RELEASE,CLOOG_VERSION,options->time) ;
633  pprint(foo,program->loop,NULL,1,0,infos) ;
635  free(infos->stride) ;
636  free(infos) ;
641 *                         Memory deallocation function                       *
642 ******************************************************************************/
645/* cloog_program_free function:
646 * This function frees the allocated memory for a CloogProgram structure.
647 */
648void cloog_program_free(CloogProgram * program)
649{ cloog_names_free(program->names) ;
650  cloog_loop_free(program->loop) ;
651  cloog_domain_free(program->context) ;
652  free(program) ;
657 *                               Reading function                             *
658 ******************************************************************************/
661/* cloog_program_read function:
662 * This function read the informations to put in a CloogProgram structure from
663 * a file (foo, possibly stdin). It returns a pointer to a CloogProgram
664 * structure containing the read informations.
665 * October 25th 2001: first version.
666 * September 9th 2002: - the big reading function is now splitted in several
667 *                       functions (one per read data structure).
668 *                     - adaptation to the new file format with naming.
669 */
670CloogProgram * cloog_program_read(FILE * foo)
671{ int i, nb_statements, nb_parameters, nb_iterators ;
672  char s[MAX_STRING], language, ** scat_names, prefix[2]={'c','\0'} ;
673  CloogLoop * current, * next ;
674  CloogNames * names ;
675  CloogDomainList * scattering ;
676  CloogProgram * p ;
678  /* Memory allocation for the CloogProgram structure. */
679  p = (CloogProgram *)malloc(sizeof(CloogProgram)) ;
680  if (p == NULL) 
681  { fprintf(stderr, "[CLooG]ERROR: memory overflow.\n") ;
682    exit(1) ;
683  }
685  /* Memory allocation for the CloogNames structure. */
686  names = (CloogNames *)malloc(sizeof(CloogNames)) ;
687  if (names == NULL) 
688  { fprintf(stderr, "[CLooG]ERROR: memory overflow.\n") ;
689    exit(1) ;
690  }
692  /* First of all, we read the language to use. */
693  while (fgets(s,MAX_STRING,foo) == 0) ;
694  while ((*s=='#'||*s=='\n') || (sscanf(s," %c",&language)<1))
695  fgets(s,MAX_STRING,foo) ;
696  p->language = language ;
698  /* We then read the context data. */
699  p->context = cloog_domain_read(foo) ;
700  nb_parameters = p->context->Dimension ;
702  /* Reading of the parameter names. */
703  names->nb_parameters = nb_parameters ;
704  names->parameters = cloog_names_read(foo,nb_parameters,NULL,FIRST_PARAMETER) ;
706  /* We read the statement number. */
707  while (fgets(s,MAX_STRING,foo) == 0) ;
708  while ((*s=='#'||*s=='\n') || (sscanf(s," %d",&nb_statements)<1))
709  fgets(s,MAX_STRING,foo) ;
711  /*printf("%d ",nb_statements) ;*/
713  /* Domains reading for each statement. */
714  if (nb_statements > 0)
715  { /* Reading of the first domain. */
716    p->loop = cloog_loop_read(foo,1,nb_parameters) ;
717    if (p->loop->domain != NULL)
718    nb_iterators = p->loop->domain->Dimension - nb_parameters ;
719    else
720    nb_iterators = 0 ;
722    /* And the same for each next domain. */
723    current = p->loop ;
724    for (i=2;i<=nb_statements;i++)
725    { next = cloog_loop_read(foo,i,nb_parameters) ;
726      if (next->domain != NULL)
727      if (next->domain->Dimension - nb_parameters > nb_iterators)
728      nb_iterators = next->domain->Dimension - nb_parameters ;
730      current->next = next ;
731      current = current->next ;
732    }     
734    /* Reading of the iterator names. */
735    names->nb_iterators = nb_iterators ;
736    names->iterators = cloog_names_read(foo,nb_iterators,NULL,FIRST_ITERATOR) ;
737    p->names = names ;
739    /* Reading and puting the scattering data in program structure. */
740    scattering = cloog_domain_list_read(foo) ;
742    if (scattering != NULL)
743    { if (cloog_domain_list_quick_same(scattering))
744      { fprintf(stderr, "[CLooG]WARNING: some scattering functions are "
745                        "similar.\n") ;
746      }
748      p->scattdims = scattering->domain->Dimension - p->loop->domain->Dimension;
749      scat_names = cloog_names_read(foo,p->scattdims,prefix,'1') ;
750      cloog_program_scatter(p,scattering,scat_names) ;
751      cloog_domain_list_free(scattering) ;
752      /* Now we can free scat_names since cloog_program_scatter copied it. */
753      for (i=0;i<p->scattdims;i++)
754      free(scat_names[i]) ; 
755      free(scat_names) ; 
756    }
757    else
758    p->scattdims = 0 ;
759  }
760  else
761  { p->loop = NULL ;
762    p->names = NULL ;
763  }
765  return(p) ;
770 *                            Processing functions                            *
771 ******************************************************************************/
774/* cloog_program_statement_count function:
775 * This function returns the number of statements in the whole program. This has
776 * nothing to do here, and I don't remember why and when I wrote it, anyway...
777 */
778int cloog_program_statement_count(CloogLoop * start)
779{ int count=0 ;
780  CloogLoop * loop ;
781  CloogStatement * statement ;
783  loop = start ;
785  while (loop != NULL)
786  { if (loop->inner != NULL)
787    count += cloog_program_statement_count(loop->inner) ;
789    statement = loop->statement ;
791    while (statement != NULL)
792    { count ++ ;
793      statement = statement->next ;
794    }
795    loop = loop->next ;
796  }
798  return count ;
802/* cloog_program_generate function:
803 * This function calls the Quillere algorithm for loop scanning. (see the
804 * Quillere paper) and calls the loop simplification function.
805 * - depth is the loop depth we want to optimize (guard free as possible),
806 *   the first loop depth is 1 and anegative value is the infinity depth.
807 * - sep_level is the level number where we want to start loop separation.
808 * October 26th 2001: first version. 
809 */ 
810CloogProgram * cloog_program_generate(program, options)
811CloogProgram * program ;
812CloogOptions * options ;
813{ float time ;
814  struct rusage start, end ;
815  CloogLoop * loop, * simplified ;
817  if ((program->scattdims > options->l) && (options->l > 0))
818  fprintf(stderr, "[CLooG]WARNING: -l depth is less than scattering dimension "
819                  "number (the generated code may be illegal).\n") ;
821  if (program->loop == NULL)
822  return program ;
823  else
824  { loop = program->loop ;
825    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start) ;
827    /* Here we go ! */
828    loop = cloog_loop_generate(loop,program->context,1,
829                               program->context->Dimension,options) ;
831    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end) ;
832    /* We calculate the time spent in code generation. */
833    time =  (end.ru_utime.tv_usec -  start.ru_utime.tv_usec)/(float)(MEGA) ;
834    time += (float)(end.ru_utime.tv_sec - start.ru_utime.tv_sec) ;
835    options->time = time ;
837    if (loop == NULL)
838    { program->loop = NULL ;
839      return program ;
840    }
841    else
842    { /*cloog_loop_print(stdout,loop) ;*/
843      simplified = cloog_loop_simplify(loop,program->context,1,
844                                       program->context->Dimension);
845      program->loop = simplified ;
846      /*program->loop = loop ;*/
847      return program ;
848    }
849  }
853/* cloog_program_scatter function:
854 * This function adds the scattering (scheduling) informations in a program.
855 * If names is NULL, this function create names itself such that the i^th
856 * name is ci.
857 * November 6th 2001: first version. 
858 */
859void cloog_program_scatter(program, scattering, names)
860CloogProgram * program ;
861CloogDomainList * scattering ;
862char ** names ;
863{ int i, scattering_dim, scattering_dim2, new_dim, not_enough_constraints=0 ;
864  char ** iterators ;
865  CloogLoop * loop ;
867  if ((program != NULL) && (scattering != NULL))
868  { loop = program->loop ;
870    /* We compute the scattering dimension and check it is >=0. */
871    scattering_dim = scattering->domain->Dimension - loop->domain->Dimension ;
872    if (scattering_dim <= 0)
873    { fprintf(stderr, "[CLooG]ERROR: scattering has not enough dimensions.\n") ;
874      exit(1) ;
875    }
876    if (scattering_dim >= scattering->domain->NbConstraints)
877    not_enough_constraints ++ ;
879    /* We add scattering names in program->iterators. */
880    new_dim = program->names->nb_iterators + scattering_dim ;
881    iterators = (char **)malloc(new_dim*sizeof(char *)) ;
882    if (iterators == NULL) 
883    { fprintf(stderr, "[CLooG]ERROR: memory overflow.\n") ;
884      exit(1) ;
885    }
886    for (i=0;i<scattering_dim;i++)
887    { iterators[i] = (char *)malloc(MAX_NAME*sizeof(char)) ;
888      if (iterators[i] == NULL) 
889      { fprintf(stderr, "[CLooG]ERROR: memory overflow.\n") ;
890        exit(1) ;
891      }
892      if (names != NULL)
893      strcpy(iterators[i],names[i]) ;
894      else 
895      sprintf(iterators[i],"c%d",i+1) ;
896    }
897    for (i=scattering_dim;i<new_dim;i++)
898    iterators[i] = program->names->iterators[i-scattering_dim] ;
899    free(program->names->iterators) ;
900    program->names->iterators = iterators ;
902    /* We update nb_iterators. */
903    program->names->nb_iterators = new_dim ;
905    /* Finally we scatter all loops. */
906    cloog_loop_scatter(loop,scattering->domain) ;
907    loop = loop->next ;
908    scattering = scattering->next ;    
910    while ((loop != NULL) && (scattering != NULL))
911    { scattering_dim2 = scattering->domain->Dimension - loop->domain->Dimension;
912      if (scattering_dim2 != scattering_dim)
913      { fprintf(stderr, "[CLooG]ERROR: "
914                        "scattering dimensions are not the same.\n") ;
915        exit(1) ;
916      }
917      if (scattering_dim2 >= scattering->domain->NbConstraints)
918      not_enough_constraints ++ ;
920      cloog_loop_scatter(loop,scattering->domain) ;
921      loop = loop->next ;
922      scattering = scattering->next ;
923    }
924    if ((loop != NULL) || (scattering != NULL))
925    fprintf(stderr, "[CLooG]WARNING: "
926                    "there is not a scattering for each statement.\n");
928    if (not_enough_constraints)
929    fprintf(stderr, "[CLooG]WARNING: not enough constraints for "
930                    "%d scattering function(s).\n",not_enough_constraints) ;
931  }