1// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
6// The API for instrumenting C and C++ programs with trace events.
8// This header defines macros which are used to record trace information during
9// program execution when tracing is enabled.  Each trace event macro records
10// an event of a given type together with the current time, a category, name,
11// and named arguments containing additional information about the event.
13// Where indicated, the category and name literal strings must point to
14// null-terminated static string constants whose memory address can be
15// cached by the string table for the lifetime of the trace session.
17// Defining the NTRACE macro completely disables recording of trace events
18// in the compilation unit.
20// For more control over how trace events are written, see <trace-engine/context.h>.
23#pragma once
25#include <trace/event_internal.h>
27// Argument type macros used when writing trace events in C.
29// When writing trace events in C, each trace argument value must be
30// individually wrapped with one of these macros to provide type information
31// for the argument.
33// When writing trace events in C++, it is not necessary to wrap each trace
34// argument value with these macros since the compiler can infer the necessary
35// type information, with the exception of |TA_CHAR_ARRAY|, |TA_STRING_LITERAL|,
36// and |TA_KOID|.
38// Use |TA_NULL| for null values.
39// Use |TA_INT32| for signed 32-bit integer values.
40// Use |TA_UINT32| for unsigned 32-bit integer values.
41// Use |TA_INT64| for signed 64-bit integer values.
42// Use |TA_UINT64| for unsigned 64-bit integer values.
43// Use |TA_DOUBLE| for double-precision floating point values.
44// Use |TA_CHAR_ARRAY| for character arrays with a length (copied rather than cached), required in C++.
45// Use |TA_STRING| for null-terminated dynamic strings (copied rather than cached).
46// Use |TA_STRING_LITERAL| for null-terminated static string constants (cached), required in C++.
47// Use |TA_POINTER| for pointer values (records the memory address, not the target).
48// Use |TA_KOID| for kernel object ids, required in C++.
50// C or C++ Usage: (argument type macros required in C)
52//     char* chars = ...;
53//     size_t length = ...;
54//     const char* c_string = ...;
55//     void* ptr = ...;
56//     zx_koid_t koid = ...;
58//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_NULL());
59//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_INT32(-10));
60//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_UINT32(10));
61//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_INT64(-10));
62//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_UINT64(10));
63//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_DOUBLE(3.14));
64//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_CHAR_ARRAY(chars, length));
65//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_STRING(c_string));
66//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_STRING_LITERAL("Hi!"));
67//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_POINTER(ptr));
68//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_KOID(koid));
70// C++ Usage: (argument type macros only needed for certain types)
72//     char* chars = ...;
73//     size_t length = ...;
74//     const char* c_string = ...;
75//     fbl::String fbl_string = ...;
76//     std::string std_string = ...;
77//     void* ptr = ...;
78//     zx_koid_t koid = ...;
80//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", nullptr);
81//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", -10);
82//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", 10u);
83//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", -10l);
84//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", 10ul);
85//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", 3.14);
86//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_CHAR_ARRAY(chars, length));
87//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", c_string);
88//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", fbl_string);
89//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", std_string);
90//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_STRING_LITERAL("Hi!"));
91//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", ptr);
92//     TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_KOID(koid));
94#define TA_NULL() (trace_make_null_arg_value())
95#define TA_INT32(int32_value) (trace_make_int32_arg_value(int32_value))
96#define TA_UINT32(uint32_value) (trace_make_uint32_arg_value(uint32_value))
97#define TA_INT64(int64_value) (trace_make_int64_arg_value(int64_value))
98#define TA_UINT64(uint64_value) (trace_make_uint64_arg_value(uint64_value))
99#define TA_DOUBLE(double_value) (trace_make_double_arg_value(double_value))
100#define TA_CHAR_ARRAY(string_value, length) \
101    (trace_make_string_arg_value(           \
102        trace_make_inline_string_ref((string_value), (length))))
103#define TA_STRING(string_value)   \
104    (trace_make_string_arg_value( \
105        trace_make_inline_c_string_ref(string_value)))
106#define TA_STRING_LITERAL(string_literal_value) \
107    (trace_make_string_arg_value(               \
108        TRACE_INTERNAL_MAKE_LITERAL_STRING_REF(string_literal_value)))
109#define TA_POINTER(pointer_value) (trace_make_pointer_arg_value((uintptr_t)pointer_value))
110#define TA_KOID(koid_value) (trace_make_koid_arg_value(koid_value))
112// Returns true if tracing is enabled.
114// Usage:
116//     if (TRACE_ENABLED()) {
117//         // do something possibly expensive only when tracing is enabled
118//     }
120#ifndef NTRACE
121#define TRACE_ENABLED() (trace_is_enabled())
123#define TRACE_ENABLED() (false)
124#endif // NTRACE
126// Returns true if tracing of the specified category has been enabled (which
127// implies that |TRACE_ENABLED()| is also true).
129// |category_literal| must be a null-terminated static string constant.
131// Usage:
133//     if (TRACE_CATEGORY_ENABLED("category")) {
134//         // do something possibly expensive only when tracing this category
135//     }
137#ifndef NTRACE
138#define TRACE_CATEGORY_ENABLED(category_literal) \
139    (trace_is_category_enabled(category_literal))
141#define TRACE_CATEGORY_ENABLED(category_literal) ((void)(category_literal), false)
142#endif // NTRACE
144// Returns a new unique 64-bit unsigned integer (within this process).
145// Each invocation returns a different non-zero value.
146// Useful for generating identifiers for async and flow events.
148// Usage:
150//     trace_async_id_t async_id = TRACE_NONCE();
151//     TRACE_ASYNC_BEGIN("category", "name", async_id);
152//     // a little while later...
153//     TRACE_ASYNC_END("category", "name", async_id);
155#define TRACE_NONCE() (trace_generate_nonce())
157// Writes an instant event representing a single moment in time (a probe).
159// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
160// to annotate the moment with additional information.
162// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
164// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
166// Usage:
168//     TRACE_INSTANT("category", "name", TRACE_SCOPE_PROCESS, "x", TA_INT32(42));
170#define TRACE_INSTANT(category_literal, name_literal, scope, args...) \
171    TRACE_INTERNAL_INSTANT((category_literal), (name_literal), (scope), args)
173// Writes a counter event with the specified id.
175// The arguments to this event are numeric samples are typically represented by
176// the visualizer as a stacked area chart.  The id serves to distinguish multiple
177// instances of counters which share the same category and name within the
178// same process.
180// 1 to 15 numeric arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is
181// interpreted as a distinct time series.
183// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
184// |counter_id| is the correlation id of the counter.
185//              Must be unique for a given process, category, and name combination.
186// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
188// Usage:
190//     trace_counter_id_t counter_id = 555;
191//     TRACE_COUNTER("category", "name", counter_id, "x", TA_INT32(42), "y", TA_DOUBLE(2.0))
193#define TRACE_COUNTER(category_literal, name_literal, counter_id, arg1, args...) \
194    TRACE_INTERNAL_COUNTER((category_literal), (name_literal), (counter_id), arg1, ##args)
196// Writes a duration event which ends when the current scope exits.
198// Durations describe work which is happening synchronously on one thread.
199// They can be nested to represent a control flow stack.
201// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
202// to annotate the duration with additional information.
204// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
205// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
207// Usage:
209//     void function(int arg) {
210//         TRACE_DURATION("category", "name", "arg", TA_INT32(arg));
211//         // do something useful here
212//     }
214#define TRACE_DURATION(category_literal, name_literal, args...) \
215    TRACE_INTERNAL_DURATION((category_literal), (name_literal), args)
217// Writes a duration begin event only.
218// This event must be matched by a duration end event with the same category and name.
220// Durations describe work which is happening synchronously on one thread.
221// They can be nested to represent a control flow stack.
223// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
224// to annotate the duration with additional information.  The arguments provided
225// to matching duration begin and duration end events are combined together in
226// the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
228// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
229// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
231// Usage:
233//     TRACE_DURATION_BEGIN("category", "name", "x", TA_INT32(42));
235#define TRACE_DURATION_BEGIN(category_literal, name_literal, args...) \
236    TRACE_INTERNAL_DURATION_BEGIN((category_literal), (name_literal), args)
238// Writes a duration end event only.
240// Durations describe work which is happening synchronously on one thread.
241// They can be nested to represent a control flow stack.
243// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
244// to annotate the duration with additional information.  The arguments provided
245// to matching duration begin and duration end events are combined together in
246// the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
248// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
249// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
251// Usage:
253//     TRACE_DURATION_END("category", "name", "x", TA_INT32(42));
255#define TRACE_DURATION_END(category_literal, name_literal, args...) \
256    TRACE_INTERNAL_DURATION_END((category_literal), (name_literal), args)
258// Writes an asynchronous begin event with the specified id.
259// This event may be followed by async instant events and must be matched by
260// an async end event with the same category, name, and id.
262// Asynchronous events describe work which is happening asynchronously and which
263// may span multiple threads.  Asynchronous events do not nest.  The id serves
264// to correlate the progress of distinct asynchronous operations which share
265// the same category and name within the same process.
267// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
268// to annotate the asynchronous operation with additional information.  The
269// arguments provided to matching async begin, async instant, and async end
270// events are combined together in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
272// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
273// |async_id| is the correlation id of the asynchronous operation.
274//            Must be unique for a given process, category, and name combination.
275// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
277// Usage:
279//     trace_async_id_t async_id = 555;
280//     TRACE_ASYNC_BEGIN("category", "name", async_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
282#define TRACE_ASYNC_BEGIN(category_literal, name_literal, async_id, args...) \
283    TRACE_INTERNAL_ASYNC_BEGIN((category_literal), (name_literal), (async_id), args)
285// Writes an asynchronous instant event with the specified id.
287// Asynchronous events describe work which is happening asynchronously and which
288// may span multiple threads.  Asynchronous events do not nest.  The id serves
289// to correlate the progress of distinct asynchronous operations which share
290// the same category and name within the same process.
292// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
293// to annotate the asynchronous operation with additional information.  The
294// arguments provided to matching async begin, async instant, and async end
295// events are combined together in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
297// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
298// |async_id| is the correlation id of the asynchronous operation.
299//            Must be unique for a given process, category, and name combination.
300// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
302// Usage:
304//     trace_async_id_t async_id = 555;
305//     TRACE_ASYNC_INSTANT("category", "name", async_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
307#define TRACE_ASYNC_INSTANT(category_literal, name_literal, async_id, args...) \
308    TRACE_INTERNAL_ASYNC_INSTANT((category_literal), (name_literal), (async_id), args)
310// Writes an asynchronous end event with the specified id.
312// Asynchronous events describe work which is happening asynchronously and which
313// may span multiple threads.  Asynchronous events do not nest.  The id serves
314// to correlate the progress of distinct asynchronous operations which share
315// the same category and name within the same process.
317// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
318// to annotate the asynchronous operation with additional information.  The
319// arguments provided to matching async begin, async instant, and async end
320// events are combined together in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
322// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
323// |async_id| is the correlation id of the asynchronous operation.
324//            Must be unique for a given process, category, and name combination.
325// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
327// Usage:
329//     trace_async_id_t async_id = 555;
330//     TRACE_ASYNC_END("category", "name", async_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
332#define TRACE_ASYNC_END(category_literal, name_literal, async_id, args...) \
333    TRACE_INTERNAL_ASYNC_END((category_literal), (name_literal), (async_id), args)
335// Writes a flow begin event with the specified id.
336// This event may be followed by flow steps events and must be matched by
337// a flow end event with the same category, name, and id.
339// Flow events describe control flow handoffs between threads or across processes.
340// They are typically represented as arrows in a visualizer.  Flow arrows are
341// from the end of the duration event which encloses the beginning of the flow
342// to the beginning of the duration event which encloses the next step or the
343// end of the flow.  The id serves to correlate flows which share the same
344// category and name across processes.
346// This event must be enclosed in a duration event which represents where
347// the flow handoff occurs.
349// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
350// to annotate the flow with additional information.  The arguments provided
351// to matching flow begin, flow step, and flow end events are combined together
352// in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
354// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
355// |flow_id| is the correlation id of the flow.
356//           Must be unique for a given category and name combination.
357// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
359// Usage:
361//     trace_flow_id_t flow_id = 555;
362//     TRACE_FLOW_BEGIN("category", "name", flow_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
364#define TRACE_FLOW_BEGIN(category_literal, name_literal, flow_id, args...) \
365    TRACE_INTERNAL_FLOW_BEGIN((category_literal), (name_literal), (flow_id), args)
367// Writes a flow step event with the specified id.
369// Flow events describe control flow handoffs between threads or across processes.
370// They are typically represented as arrows in a visualizer.  Flow arrows are
371// from the end of the duration event which encloses the beginning of the flow
372// to the beginning of the duration event which encloses the next step or the
373// end of the flow.  The id serves to correlate flows which share the same
374// category and name across processes.
376// This event must be enclosed in a duration event which represents where
377// the flow handoff occurs.
379// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
380// to annotate the flow with additional information.  The arguments provided
381// to matching flow begin, flow step, and flow end events are combined together
382// in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
384// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
385// |flow_id| is the correlation id of the flow.
386//           Must be unique for a given category and name combination.
387// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
389// Usage:
391//     trace_flow_id_t flow_id = 555;
392//     TRACE_FLOW_STEP("category", "name", flow_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
394#define TRACE_FLOW_STEP(category_literal, name_literal, flow_id, args...) \
395    TRACE_INTERNAL_FLOW_STEP((category_literal), (name_literal), (flow_id), args)
397// Writes a flow end event with the specified id.
399// Flow events describe control flow handoffs between threads or across processes.
400// They are typically represented as arrows in a visualizer.  Flow arrows are
401// from the end of the duration event which encloses the beginning of the flow
402// to the beginning of the duration event which encloses the next step or the
403// end of the flow.  The id serves to correlate flows which share the same
404// category and name across processes.
406// This event must be enclosed in a duration event which represents where
407// the flow handoff occurs.
409// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
410// to annotate the flow with additional information.  The arguments provided
411// to matching flow begin, flow step, and flow end events are combined together
412// in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
414// |category_literal| and |name_literal| must be null-terminated static string constants.
415// |flow_id| is the correlation id of the flow.
416//           Must be unique for a given category and name combination.
417// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
419// Usage:
421//     trace_flow_id_t id = 555;
422//     TRACE_FLOW_END("category", "name", flow_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
424#define TRACE_FLOW_END(category_literal, name_literal, flow_id, args...) \
425    TRACE_INTERNAL_FLOW_END((category_literal), (name_literal), (flow_id), args)
427// Writes a description of a kernel object indicated by |handle|,
428// including its koid, name, and the supplied arguments.
430// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the record, each of which is used
431// to annotate the handle with additional information.
433// |handle| is the handle of the object being described.
434// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
436// Usage:
438//     zx_handle_t handle = ...;
439//     TRACE_KERNEL_OBJECT(handle, "description", TA_STRING("some object"));
441#define TRACE_KERNEL_OBJECT(handle, args...) \
442    TRACE_INTERNAL_KERNEL_OBJECT((handle), args)
444// Writes a blob of binary data to the trace buffer.
446// |type| is the type of the blob, and must be one of the enums in type
447//        |trace_blob_type_t|.
448// |name_ref| is the name of the blob, and must be a string literal.
449// |blob| is a pointer to the data.
450// |blob_size| is the size, in bytes, of the data.
452// A size of zero is ok. The maximum size of a blob is defined by
453// TRACE_MAX_BLOB_SIZE which is slighly less than 32K.
454// Exercise caution when emitting blob records: space is shared with all
455// trace records and large blobs can eat up space fast.
456// The blob must fit in the remaining space in the buffer. If the blob does
457// not fit the call silently fails, as do all calls that write trace records
458// when the buffer is full.
460// Usage:
461//     size_t blob_size = ...;
462//     const void* blob = ...;
463//     TRACE_BLOB(TRACE_BLOB_TYPE_DATA, "my-blob", blob, blob_size);
465#define TRACE_BLOB(type, name, blob, blob_size) \
466    TRACE_INTERNAL_BLOB((type), (name), (blob), (blob_size))
468// Writes a virtual thread duration begin event.
469// This event must be matched by a duration end event with the same category,
470// name and virtual thread.
472// Virtual thread durations describe work which is happening synchronously on
473// a timeline other than the CPU's (E.g. the GPU).
474// They can be nested to represent a control flow stack.
475// The virtual thread id serves to identify the timeline within the process.
477// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
478// to annotate the duration with additional information.  The arguments provided
479// to matching duration begin and duration end events are combined together in
480// the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
482// |category_literal|, |name_literal| and |vthread_literal| must be
483// null-terminated static string constants.
484// |vthread_id| is the correlation id of the virtual thread.
485//              Must be unique for a given process.
486// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
488// Usage:
490//     trace_vthread_id_t vthread_id = 444;
491//     TRACE_VTHREAD_DURATION_BEGIN("category", "name", "vthread", vthread_id,
492//                                  "x", TA_INT32(42));
494#define TRACE_VTHREAD_DURATION_BEGIN(category_literal, name_literal,          \
495                                     vthread_literal, vthread_id, args...)    \
496    TRACE_INTERNAL_VTHREAD_DURATION_BEGIN((category_literal), (name_literal), \
497                                          (vthread_literal), (vthread_id), args)
499// Writes a virtual thread duration end event.
501// Virtual thread durations describe work which is happening synchronously on
502// a timeline other than the CPU's (E.g. the GPU).
503// They can be nested to represent a control flow stack.
504// The virtual thread id serves to identify the timeline within the process.
506// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
507// to annotate the duration with additional information.  The arguments provided
508// to matching duration begin and duration end events are combined together in
509// the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
511// |category_literal|, |name_literal| and |vthread_literal| must be
512// null-terminated static string constants.
513// |vthread_id| is the correlation id of the virtual thread.
514//              Must be unique for a given process.
515// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
517// Usage:
519//     trace_vthread_id_t vthread_id = 444;
520//     TRACE_VTHREAD_DURATION_END("category", "name", "vthread", vthread_id,
521//                                "x", TA_INT32(42));
523#define TRACE_VTHREAD_DURATION_END(category_literal, name_literal,          \
524                                   vthread_literal, vthread_id, args...)    \
525    TRACE_INTERNAL_VTHREAD_DURATION_END((category_literal), (name_literal), \
526                                        (vthread_literal), (vthread_id), args)
528// Writes a virtual thread flow begin event with the specified id.
529// This event may be followed by flow steps events and must be matched by
530// a flow end event with the same category, name, virtual thread and id.
532// Flow events describe control flow handoffs between threads or across processes.
533// They are typically represented as arrows in a visualizer.  Flow arrows are
534// from the end of the duration event which encloses the beginning of the flow
535// to the beginning of the duration event which encloses the next step or the
536// end of the flow.  The id serves to correlate flows which share the same
537// category and name across processes.
539// This event must be enclosed in a duration event which represents where
540// the flow handoff occurs.
542// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
543// to annotate the flow with additional information.  The arguments provided
544// to matching flow begin, flow step, and flow end events are combined together
545// in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
547// |category_literal|, |name_literal| and |vthread_literal| must be
548// null-terminated static string constants.
549// |vthread_id| is the correlation id of the virtual thread.
550//              Must be unique for a given process.
551// |flow_id| is the correlation id of the flow.
552//           Must be unique for a given category and name combination.
553// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
555// Usage:
557//     trace_vthread_id_t vthread_id = 444;
558//     trace_flow_id_t flow_id = 555;
559//     TRACE_VTHREAD_FLOW_BEGIN("category", "name", "vthread", vthread_id,
560//                              flow_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
562#define TRACE_VTHREAD_FLOW_BEGIN(category_literal, name_literal,          \
563                                 vthread_literal, vthread_id, flow_id,    \
564                                 args...)                                 \
565    TRACE_INTERNAL_VTHREAD_FLOW_BEGIN((category_literal), (name_literal), \
566                                      (vthread_literal), (vthread_id),    \
567                                      (flow_id), args)
569// Writes a virtual thread flow step event with the specified id.
571// Flow events describe control flow handoffs between threads or across processes.
572// They are typically represented as arrows in a visualizer.  Flow arrows are
573// from the end of the duration event which encloses the beginning of the flow
574// to the beginning of the duration event which encloses the next step or the
575// end of the flow.  The id serves to correlate flows which share the same
576// category and name across processes.
578// This event must be enclosed in a duration event which represents where
579// the flow handoff occurs.
581// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
582// to annotate the flow with additional information.  The arguments provided
583// to matching flow begin, flow step, and flow end events are combined together
584// in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
586// |category_literal|, |name_literal| and |vthread_literal| must be
587// null-terminated static string constants.
588// |vthread_id| is the correlation id of the virtual thread.
589//              Must be unique for a given process.
590// |flow_id| is the correlation id of the flow.
591//           Must be unique for a given category and name combination.
592// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
594// Usage:
596//     trace_vthread_id_t vthread_id = 444;
597//     trace_flow_id_t flow_id = 555;
598//     TRACE_VTHREAD_FLOW_STEP("category", "name", "vthread", vthread_id,
599//                              flow_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
601#define TRACE_VTHREAD_FLOW_STEP(category_literal, name_literal,          \
602                                vthread_literal, vthread_id, flow_id,    \
603                                args...)                                 \
604    TRACE_INTERNAL_VTHREAD_FLOW_STEP((category_literal), (name_literal), \
605                                     (vthread_literal), (vthread_id),    \
606                                     (flow_id), args)
608// Writes a virtual thread flow end event with the specified id.
610// Flow events describe control flow handoffs between threads or across processes.
611// They are typically represented as arrows in a visualizer.  Flow arrows are
612// from the end of the duration event which encloses the beginning of the flow
613// to the beginning of the duration event which encloses the next step or the
614// end of the flow.  The id serves to correlate flows which share the same
615// category and name across processes.
617// This event must be enclosed in a duration event which represents where
618// the flow handoff occurs.
620// 0 to 15 arguments can be associated with the event, each of which is used
621// to annotate the flow with additional information.  The arguments provided
622// to matching flow begin, flow step, and flow end events are combined together
623// in the trace; it is not necessary to repeat them.
625// |category_literal|, |name_literal| and |vthread_literal| must be
626// null-terminated static string constants.
627// |vthread_id| is the correlation id of the virtual thread.
628//              Must be unique for a given process.
629// |flow_id| is the correlation id of the flow.
630//           Must be unique for a given category and name combination.
631// |args| is the list of argument key/value pairs.
633// Usage:
635//     trace_vthread_id_t vthread_id = 444;
636//     trace_flow_id_t flow_id = 555;
637//     TRACE_VTHREAD_FLOW_END("category", "name", "vthread", vthread_id,
638//                            flow_id, "x", TA_INT32(42));
640#define TRACE_VTHREAD_FLOW_END(category_literal, name_literal,          \
641                               vthread_literal, vthread_id, flow_id,    \
642                               args...)                                 \
643    TRACE_INTERNAL_VTHREAD_FLOW_END((category_literal), (name_literal), \
644                                    (vthread_literal), (vthread_id),    \
645                                    (flow_id), args)