1# FIDL: Overview
3This document is a description of the Fuchsia Interface Definition Language
4(FIDL) purpose, high-level goals, and requirements.
6## Related Documents
8*   [FIDL: Wire Format Specification]
9*   [FIDL: Language Specification]
10*   [FIDL: Compiler Specification]
11*   [FIDL: C Language Bindings]
12*   [FIDL: C++ Language Bindings]
13*   [FIDL Examples]: Some small example code used during development
14*   [FIDL Tutorial]: A tutorial on using FIDL services in several languages
16<!-- Reference links because these are used again below. -->
18[FIDL: Wire Format Specification]: wire-format/index.md
19[FIDL: Language Specification]: language.md
20[FIDL: Compiler Specification]: compiler.md
21[FIDL: C Language Bindings]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/docs/+/master/development/languages/fidl/c.md
22[FIDL: C++ Language Bindings]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/docs/+/master/development/languages/fidl/cpp.md
23[FIDL Examples]: ../../system/host/fidl/examples
24[FIDL Tutorial]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/docs/+/master/development/languages/fidl/tutorial.md
28## Overview
30The Fuchsia Interface Definition Language (FIDL) is the language used to
31describe interprocess communication (IPC) protocols used by programs running on
32the Fuchsia Operating System. FIDL is supported by a toolchain (compiler) and
33runtime support libraries (bindings) to help developers use IPC effectively.
37Fuchsia extensively relies on IPC since it has a microkernel architecture
38wherein most functionality is implemented in user space outside of the kernel,
39including privileged components such as device drivers. Consequently the IPC
40mechanism must be efficient, deterministic, robust, and easy to use.
42**IPC efficiency** pertains to the computational overhead required to generate,
43transfer, and consume messages between processes. IPC will be involved in all
44aspects of system operation so it must be efficient. The FIDL compiler must
45generate tight code without excess indirection or hidden costs. It should be at
46least as good as hand-rolled code would be where it matters most.
48**IPC determinism** pertains to the ability to perform transactions within a
49known resource envelope. IPC will be used extensively by critical system
50services such as filesystems which serve many clients and which must perform in
51predictable ways. The FIDL wire format must offer strong static guarantees such
52as ensuring that structure size and layout is invariant thereby alleviating the
53need for dynamic memory allocation or complex validation rules.
55**IPC robustness** pertains to the need to consider IPC as an essential part of
56the operating system's ABI. Maintaining binary stability is crucial. Mechanisms
57for protocol evolution must be designed conservatively so as not to violate the
58invariants of existing services and their clients, particularly when the need
59for determinism is also considered. The FIDL bindings must perform effective,
60lightweight, and strict validation.
62**IPC ease of use** pertains to the fact that IPC protocols are an essential
63part of the operating system's API. It is important to provide good developer
64ergonomics for accessing services via IPC. The FIDL code generator removes the
65burden of writing IPC bindings by hand. Moreover, the FIDL code generator can
66produce different bindings to suit the needs of different audiences and their
69TODO: express goal of meeting the needs of different audiences using
70appropriately tailored bindings, eg. system programming native vs. event-driven
71dispatch vs. async calls, etc... say more things about FIDL as our system API,
72SDK concerns, etc.
76# Purpose
78*   Describe data structures and interfaces used by IPC protocols on Zircon.
79*   Optimized for interprocess communication only; FIDL must not be persisted to
80    disk or used for network transfer across device boundaries.
81*   Efficiently transport messages consisting of data (bytes) and capabilities
82    (handles) over Zircon channels between processes running on the same
83    device.
84*   Designed specifically to facilitate effective use of Zircon primitives; not
85    intended for use on other platforms; not portable.
86*   Offers convenient APIs for creating, sending, receiving, and consuming
87    messages.
88*   Perform sufficient validation to maintain protocol invariants (but no more
89    than that).
91# Efficiency
93*   Just as efficient (speed and memory) as using hand-rolled data structures
94    would be.
95*   Wire format uses uncompressed native datatypes with host-endianness and
96    correct alignment to support in-place access of message contents.
97*   No dynamic memory allocation is required to produce or to consume messages
98    when their size is statically known or bounded.
99*   Explicitly handle ownership with move-only semantics.
100*   Data structure packing order is canonical, unambiguous, and has minimum
101    padding.
102*   Avoid back-patching pointers.
103*   Avoid expensive validation.
104*   Avoid calculations which may overflow.
105*   Leverage pipelining of interface requests for asynchronous operation.
106*   Structures are fixed size; variable-size data is stored out-of-line.
107*   Structures are not self-described; FIDL files describe their contents.
108*   No versioning of structures, but interfaces can be extended with new methods
109    for protocol evolution.
111# Ergonomics
113*   Programming language bindings maintained by Fuchsia team:
114    *   C, C++ (native), C++ (idiomatic), Dart, Go, Rust
115*   Keeping in mind we might want to support other languages in the future, such
116    as:
117    *   Java, Javascript, etc.
118*   The bindings and generated code are available in native or idiomatic flavors
119    depending on the intended application.
120*   Use compile-time code generation to optimize message serialization,
121    deserialization, and validation.
122*   FIDL syntax is familiar, easily accessible, and programming language
123    agnostic.
124*   FIDL provides a library system to simplify deployment and use by other
125    developers.
126*   FIDL expresses the most common data types needed for system APIs; it does
127    not seek to provide a comprehensive one-to-one mapping of all types offered
128    by all programming languages.
130# Implementation
132*   Compiler is written in C++ to be usable by components built in Zircon.
134*   Compiler is portable and can be built with a host toolchain.
136*   We will not support FIDL bindings for any platform other than Fuchsia.
138## Where to Find the Code
140- [The compiler](../../system/host/fidl)
141- [C bindings](../../system/ulib/fidl)
142- [C++ bindings](https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/garnet/+/master/public/lib/fidl/cpp)
143- [Go bindings](https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/garnet/+/master/public/lib/fidl/go)
144- [Rust bindings](https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/garnet/+/master/public/lib/fidl/rust)
146## Constituent Parts of Specification
148### FIDL Wire Format
150The FIDL wire format specified how FIDL messages are represented in memory for
151transmission over IPC.
153The fidl wire format is documented [FIDL: Wire Format Specification].
155### FIDL Language
157The FIDL language is the syntax by which interfaces are described in ***.fidl**
160The fidl language is documented [FIDL: Language Specification].
162### FIDL Compiler
164The FIDL compiler generates code for programs to use and implement interfaces
165described by the FIDL language.
167The fidl compiler is documented [FIDL: Compiler Specification].
169### FIDL Bindings
171FIDL bindings are language-specific runtime support libraries and code
172generators which provide APIs for manipulating FIDL data structures and
175Languages-specific topics:
177*   [FIDL: C Language Bindings]
178*   [FIDL: C++ Language Bindings]
180Bindings are available in various flavors depending on the language:
182*   **Native bindings**: designed for highly sensitive contexts such as device
183    drivers and high-throughput servers, leverage in-place access, avoid memory
184    allocation, but may require somewhat more awareness of the constraints of
185    the protocol on the part of the developer.
186*   **Idiomatic bindings**: designed to be more developer-friendly by copying
187    data from the wire format into easier to use data types (such as heap-backed
188    strings or vectors), but correspondingly somewhat less efficient as a
189    result.
191Bindings offer several various ways of invoking interface methods depending on
192the language:
194*   **Send/receive**: read or write messages directly to a channel, no built-in
195    wait loop (C)
196*   **Callback-based**: received messages are dispatched asynchronously as
197    callbacks on an event loop (C++, Dart)
198*   **Port-based**: received messages are delivered to a port or future (Rust)
199*   **Synchronous call**: waits for reply and return it (Go, C++ unit tests)
201Bindings provide some or all of the following principal operations:
203*   **Encode**: in-place transform native data structures into the wire format
204    (coupled with validation)
205*   **Decode**: in-place transform wire format data into native data structures
206    (coupled with validation)
207*   **Copy/Move To Idiomatic Form**: copy contents of native data structures
208    into idiomatic data structures, handles are moved
209*   **Copy/Move To Native Form**: copy contents of idiomatic data structures
210    into native data structures, handles are moved
211*   **Clone**: copy native or idiomatic data structures (that do not contain
212    move-only types)
213*   **Call**: invoke interface method
215## Workflow
217This section describes the workflow of authors, publishers, and consumers of IPC
218protocols described using FIDL.
220# Authoring FIDL
222The author of a FIDL based protocol creates one or more ***.fidl files** to
223describe their data structures and interfaces.
225FIDL files are grouped into one or more **FIDL libraries** by the author. Each
226library represents a group of logically related functionality with a unique
227library name. FIDL files within the same library implicitly have access to all
228other declarations within the same library. The order of declarations within the
229FIDL files that make up a library is not significant.
231FIDL files of one library can access declarations within another FIDL library by
232**importing** the other FIDL module. Importing other FIDL libraries makes their
233symbols available for use thereby enabling the construction of protocols derived
234from them. Imported symbols must be qualified by the library name or by an alias
235to prevent namespace collisions.
237# Publishing FIDL
239The publisher of a FIDL based protocol is responsible for making FIDL libraries
240available to consumers. For example, the author may disseminate FIDL libraries in
241a public source repository or distribute them as part of an SDK.
243Consumers need only point the FIDL compiler at the directory which contains the
244FIDL files for a library (and its dependencies) to generate code for that
245library. The precise details for how this is done will generally be addressed by
246the consumer's build system.
248# Consuming FIDL
250The consumer of a FIDL based protocol uses the FIDL compiler to generate code
251suitable for use with their language runtime specific bindings. For certain
252language runtimes, the consumer may have a choice of a few different flavors of
253generated code all of which are interoperable at the wire format level but
254perhaps not at the source level.
256In the Fuchsia world build environment, generating code from FIDL libraries will
257be done automatically for all relevant languages by individual FIDL build
258targets for each library.
260In the Fuchsia SDK environment, generating code from FIDL libraries will be done
261as part of compiling the applications which use them.