10Sduke#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
30Sduke# Script to parse the output from the unbound namedaemon.
40Sduke# Unbound supports a threading model, and outputs a multiline log-blob for
50Sduke# every thread.
70Sduke# This script should parse all threads of the once, and store it
80Sduke# in a local cached file for speedy results when queried lots.
100Sdukeuse strict;
110Sdukeuse POSIX qw(SEEK_END);
120Sdukeuse Storable;
130Sdukeuse FileHandle;
140Sdukeuse Carp qw(croak carp);
150Sdukeuse constant UNBOUND_CACHE => "/var/tmp/unbound-cache.stor";
170Sdukemy $run_from_cron = @ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq "--cron" && shift;
180Sdukemy $DEBUG = -t STDERR;
201472Strims# NB. VERY IMPORTANTES: set this when running this script.
211472Strimsmy $numthreads = 4;
230Sduke### if cache exists, read it in. and is newer than 3 minutes
240Sdukeif ( -r UNBOUND_CACHE ) {
250Sduke    my $result = retrieve(UNBOUND_CACHE);
260Sduke    if (-M _ < 3/24/60 && !$run_from_cron ) {
270Sduke        print STDERR "Cached results:\n" if $DEBUG;
280Sduke        print join("\n", @$result), "\n";
290Sduke        exit;
300Sduke    }
320Sdukemy $logfile = shift or die "Usage: parseunbound.pl --cron unboundlogfile";
330Sdukemy $in = new FileHandle $logfile or die "Cannot open $logfile: $!\n";
350Sduke# there is a special key 'thread' that indicates the thread. its not used, but returned anyway.
360Sdukemy @records = ('thread', 'queries', 'cachehits', 'recursions', 'recursionavg',
370Sduke        'outstandingmax', 'outstandingavg', 'outstandingexc',
380Sduke        'median25', 'median50', 'median75',
390Sduke        'us_0', 'us_1', 'us_2', 'us_4', 'us_8', 'us_16', 'us_32',
400Sduke        'us_64', 'us_128', 'us_256', 'us_512', 'us_1024', 'us_2048',
410Sduke        'us_4096', 'us_8192', 'us_16384', 'us_32768', 'us_65536',
420Sduke        'us_131072', 'us_262144', 'us_524288', 's_1', 's_2', 's_4',
430Sduke        's_8', 's_16', 's_32', 's_64', 's_128', 's_256', 's_512');
440Sduke# Stats hash containing one or more keys. for every thread, 1 key.
450Sdukemy %allstats = (); # key="$threadid", stats={key => value}
460Sdukemy %startstats = (); # when we got a queries entry for this thread
470Sdukemy %donestats = (); # same, but only when we got a histogram entry for it
480Sduke# stats hash contains name/value pairs of the actual numbers for that thread.
490Sdukemy $offset = 0;
508187Szmajomy $inthread=0;
518187Szmajomy $inpid;
530Sduke# We should continue looping untill we meet these conditions:
548187Szmajo# a) more total queries than the previous run (which defaults to 0) AND
550Sduke# b) parsed all $numthreads threads in the log.
560Sdukemy $numqueries = $previousresult ? $previousresult->[1] : 0;
588187Szmajo# Main loop
598187Szmajowhile ( scalar keys %startstats < $numthreads || scalar keys %donestats < $numthreads) {
608187Szmajo    $offset += 10000;
618187Szmajo    if ( $offset > -s $logfile or $offset > 10_000_000 ) {
628187Szmajo        die "Cannot find stats in $logfile\n";
630Sduke    }
640Sduke    $in->seek(-$offset, SEEK_END) or croak "cannot seek $logfile: $!\n";
660Sduke    for my $line ( <$in> ) {
670Sduke        chomp($line);
690Sduke        #[1208777234] unbound[6705:0]
700Sduke        if ($line =~ m/^\[\d+\] unbound\[\d+:(\d+)\]/) {
710Sduke            $inthread = $1;
720Sduke            if ($inthread + 1 > $numthreads) {
730Sduke                die "Hey. lazy. change \$numthreads in this script to ($inthread)\n";
740Sduke            }
753447Skvn        }
768187Szmajo        # this line doesn't contain a pid:thread. skip.
778187Szmajo        else {
788187Szmajo            next;
790Sduke        }
810Sduke        if ( $line =~ m/info: server stats for thread \d+: (\d+) queries, (\d+) answers from cache, (\d+) recursions/ ) {
820Sduke            $startstats{$inthread} = 1;
830Sduke            $allstats{$inthread}->{thread} = $inthread;
840Sduke            $allstats{$inthread}->{queries} = $1;
850Sduke            $allstats{$inthread}->{cachehits} = $2;
860Sduke            $allstats{$inthread}->{recursions} = $3;
870Sduke        }
880Sduke        elsif ( $line =~ m/info: server stats for thread (\d+): requestlist max (\d+) avg ([0-9\.]+) exceeded (\d+)/ ) {
890Sduke            $allstats{$inthread}->{outstandingmax} = $2;
900Sduke            $allstats{$inthread}->{outstandingavg} = int($3); # This is a float; rrdtool only handles ints.
910Sduke            $allstats{$inthread}->{outstandingexc} = $4;
920Sduke        }
930Sduke        elsif ( $line =~ m/info: average recursion processing time ([0-9\.]+) sec/ ) {
940Sduke            $allstats{$inthread}->{recursionavg} = int($1 * 1000); # change sec to millisec.
950Sduke        }
960Sduke        elsif ( $line =~ m/info: histogram of recursion processing times/ ) {
970Sduke            next;
980Sduke        }
990Sduke        elsif ( $line =~ m/info: \[25%\]=([0-9\.]+) median\[50%\]=([0-9\.]+) \[75%\]=([0-9\.]+)/ ) {
1000Sduke            $allstats{$inthread}->{median25} = int($1 * 1000000); # change seconds to usec
1010Sduke            $allstats{$inthread}->{median50} = int($2 * 1000000);
1020Sduke            $allstats{$inthread}->{median75} = int($3 * 1000000);
1030Sduke        }
1040Sduke        elsif ( $line =~ m/info: lower\(secs\) upper\(secs\) recursions/ ) {
1050Sduke            # since after this line we're unsure if we get these numbers
1060Sduke            # at all, we should consider this marker as the end of the
1070Sduke            # block. Chances that we're parsing a file halfway written
1080Sduke            # at this stage are small. Bold statement.
1090Sduke            $donestats{$inthread} = 1;
1100Sduke            next;
1110Sduke        }
1120Sduke        elsif ( $line =~ m/info:\s+(\d+)\.(\d+)\s+(\d+)\.(\d+)\s+(\d+)/ ) {
1130Sduke            my ($froms, $fromus, $toms, $tous, $counter) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
1140Sduke            my $prefix = '';
1150Sduke            if ($froms > 0) {
1160Sduke                $allstats{$inthread}->{'s_' . int($froms)} = $counter;
1170Sduke            } else {
1180Sduke                $allstats{$inthread}->{'us_' . int($fromus)} = $counter;
1190Sduke            }
1200Sduke        }
1210Sduke    }
1240Sdukemy @result;
1250Sduke# loop on the records we want to store
1260Sdukefor my $key ( @records ) {
1270Sduke    my $sum = 0;
1280Sduke    # these are the different threads parsed
1290Sduke    foreach my $thread ( 0 .. $numthreads - 1 ) {
1300Sduke        $sum += ($allstats{$thread}->{$key} || 0);
1310Sduke    }
1320Sduke    print STDERR "$key = " . $sum . "\n" if $DEBUG;
1330Sduke    push @result, $sum;
1350Sdukeprint join("\n", @result), "\n";
1360Sdukestore \@result, UNBOUND_CACHE;
1380Sdukeif ($DEBUG) {
1390Sduke    print STDERR "Threads: " . (scalar keys %allstats) . "\n";