pathnames.h revision 173295
2173295Skrion * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3173295Skrion * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
4173295Skrion * <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
5173295Skrion * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
6173295Skrion * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.          Beat G�tzi
7173295Skrion * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8173295Skrion *
9173295Skrion * $FreeBSD: head/usr.sbin/pkg_install/updating/pathnames.h 173295 2007-11-02 22:46:30Z krion $
10173295Skrion *
11173295Skrion */
13173295Skrion/* Copy from ../version/version.h */
15173295Skrion/* Where the ports lives by default */
16173295Skrion#define DEF_PORTS_DIR "/usr/ports/UPDATING"
17173295Skrion/* just in case we change the environment variable name */
18173295Skrion#define PORTSDIR  "PORTSDIR"
19173295Skrion/* macro to get name of directory where we put logging information */
20173295Skrion#define UPDATING (getenv(PORTSDIR) ? strcat(getenv(PORTSDIR), \
21173295Skrion	"/UPDATING") : DEF_PORTS_DIR)
23173295Skrion/* Where we put logging information by default, else ${PKG_DBDIR} if set */
24173295Skrion#define DEF_LOG_DIR	"/var/db/pkg"
25173295Skrion/* just in case we change the environment variable name */
26173295Skrion#define PKG_DBDIR	"PKG_DBDIR"
27173295Skrion/* macro to get name of directory where we put logging information */
28173295Skrion#define LOG_DIR		(getenv(PKG_DBDIR) ? getenv(PKG_DBDIR) : DEF_LOG_DIR)