3284194Sdelphij# $File: android,v 1.7 2014/11/10 05:08:23 christos Exp $
4284194Sdelphij# Various android related magic entries
7284194Sdelphij# Dalvik .dex format. http://retrodev.com/android/dexformat.html
8284194Sdelphij# From <mkf@google.com> "Mike Fleming"
9284194Sdelphij# Fixed to avoid regexec 17 errors on some dex files
10284194Sdelphij# From <diff@lookout.com> "Tim Strazzere"
11284194Sdelphij0	string	dex\n
12284194Sdelphij>0	regex	dex\n[0-9]{2}\0	Dalvik dex file
13284194Sdelphij>4	string	>000			version %s
14284194Sdelphij0	string	dey\n
15284194Sdelphij>0	regex	dey\n[0-9]{2}\0	Dalvik dex file (optimized for host)
16284194Sdelphij>4	string	>000			version %s
18284194Sdelphij# Android bootimg format
19284194Sdelphij# From https://android.googlesource.com/\
20284194Sdelphij# platform/system/core/+/master/mkbootimg/bootimg.h
21284194Sdelphij0		string	ANDROID!	Android bootimg
22284194Sdelphij>1024	string	LOKI\01		\b, LOKI'd
23284194Sdelphij>8		lelong	>0			\b, kernel
24284194Sdelphij>>12	lelong	>0			\b (0x%x)
25284194Sdelphij>16		lelong	>0			\b, ramdisk
26284194Sdelphij>>20	lelong	>0			\b (0x%x)
27284194Sdelphij>24		lelong	>0			\b, second stage
28284194Sdelphij>>28	lelong	>0			\b (0x%x)
29284194Sdelphij>36		lelong	>0			\b, page size: %d
30284194Sdelphij>38		string	>0			\b, name: %s
31284194Sdelphij>64		string	>0		 	\b, cmdline (%s)
33284194Sdelphij# Android Backup archive
34284194Sdelphij# From: Ariel Shkedi
35284194Sdelphij# File extension: .ab
36284194Sdelphij# No mime-type defined
37284194Sdelphij# URL: https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/\
38284194Sdelphij# 0bacfd2ba68d21a68a3df345b830bc2a1e515b5a/services/java/com/\
39284194Sdelphij# android/server/BackupManagerService.java#L2367
40284194Sdelphij# After the header comes a tar file
41284194Sdelphij# If compressed, the entire tar file is compressed with JAVA deflate
43284194Sdelphij# Include the version number hardcoded with the magic string to avoid
44284194Sdelphij# false positives
45284194Sdelphij0	string/b	ANDROID\ BACKUP\n1\n	Android Backup
46284194Sdelphij>17	string		0\n			\b, Not-Compressed
47284194Sdelphij>17	string		1\n			\b, Compressed
48284194Sdelphij# any string as long as it's not the word none (which is matched below)
49284194Sdelphij>>19    regex/1l	\^([^n\n]|n[^o]|no[^n]|non[^e]|none.+).*	\b, Encrypted (%s)
50284194Sdelphij>>19	string		none\n			\b, Not-Encrypted
51284194Sdelphij# Commented out because they don't seem useful to print
52284194Sdelphij# (but they are part of the header - the tar file comes after them):
53284194Sdelphij#>>>&1		regex/1l .*	\b, Password salt: %s
54284194Sdelphij#>>>>&1		regex/1l .*	\b, Master salt: %s
55284194Sdelphij#>>>>>&1	regex/1l .*	\b, PBKDF2 rounds: %s
56284194Sdelphij#>>>>>>&1	regex/1l .*	\b, IV: %s
57284194Sdelphij#>>>>>>>&1	regex/1l .*	\b, Key: %s
59284194Sdelphij# *.pit files by Joerg Jenderek
60284194Sdelphij# http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=9122369
61284194Sdelphij# http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=816449
62284194Sdelphij# Partition Information Table for Samsung's smartphone with Android
63284194Sdelphij# used by flash software Odin
64284194Sdelphij0		ulelong			0x12349876	
65284194Sdelphij# 1st pit entry marker
66284194Sdelphij>0x01C	ulequad&0xFFFFFFFCFFFFFFFC	=0x0000000000000000	
67284194Sdelphij# minimal 13 and maximal 18 PIT entries found
68284194Sdelphij>>4		ulelong			<128	Partition Information Table for Samsung smartphone
69284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			x	\b, %d entries
70284194Sdelphij# 1. pit entry
71284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>0	\b; #1
72284194Sdelphij>>>0x01C	use				PIT-entry
73284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>1	\b; #2
74284194Sdelphij>>>0x0A0	use				PIT-entry
75284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>2	\b; #3
76284194Sdelphij>>>0x124	use				PIT-entry
77284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>3	\b; #4
78284194Sdelphij>>>0x1A8	use				PIT-entry
79284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>4	\b; #5
80284194Sdelphij>>>0x22C	use				PIT-entry
81284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>5	\b; #6
82284194Sdelphij>>>0x2B0	use				PIT-entry
83284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>6	\b; #7
84284194Sdelphij>>>0x334	use				PIT-entry
85284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>7 	\b; #8
86284194Sdelphij>>>0x3B8	use				PIT-entry
87284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>8 	\b; #9
88284194Sdelphij>>>0x43C	use				PIT-entry
89284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>9	\b; #10
90284194Sdelphij>>>0x4C0	use				PIT-entry
91284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>10	\b; #11
92284194Sdelphij>>>0x544	use				PIT-entry
93284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>11	\b; #12
94284194Sdelphij>>>0x5C8	use				PIT-entry
95284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>12	\b; #13
96284194Sdelphij>>>>0x64C	use				PIT-entry
97284194Sdelphij# 14. pit entry
98284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>13	\b; #14
99284194Sdelphij>>>>0x6D0	use				PIT-entry
100284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>14	\b; #15
101284194Sdelphij>>>0x754	use				PIT-entry
102284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>15	\b; #16
103284194Sdelphij>>>0x7D8	use				PIT-entry
104284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>16	\b; #17
105284194Sdelphij>>>0x85C	use				PIT-entry
106284194Sdelphij# 18. pit entry
107284194Sdelphij>>>4		ulelong			>17	\b; #18
108284194Sdelphij>>>0x8E0	use				PIT-entry
110284194Sdelphij0	name			PIT-entry
111284194Sdelphij# garbage value implies end of pit entries
112284194Sdelphij>0x00		ulequad&0xFFFFFFFCFFFFFFFC	=0x0000000000000000	
113284194Sdelphij# skip empty partition name
114284194Sdelphij>>0x24		ubyte				!0			
115284194Sdelphij# partition name
116284194Sdelphij>>>0x24		string				>\0			%-.32s
117284194Sdelphij# flags
118284194Sdelphij>>>0x0C		ulelong&0x00000002		2			\b+RW
119284194Sdelphij# partition ID:
122284194Sdelphij>>>0x08	ulelong		x			(0x%x)
123284194Sdelphij# filename
124284194Sdelphij>>>0x44		string				>\0			"%-.64s"
125284194Sdelphij#>>>0x18	ulelong				>0			
126284194Sdelphij# blocksize in 512 byte units ?
127284194Sdelphij#>>>>0x18	ulelong				x			\b, %db
128284194Sdelphij# partition size in blocks ?
129284194Sdelphij#>>>>0x22	ulelong				x			\b*%d
131284194Sdelphij# Android bootimg format
132284194Sdelphij# From https://android.googlesource.com/\
133284194Sdelphij# platform/system/core/+/master/libsparse/sparse_format.h
134284194Sdelphij0		lelong	0xed26ff3a		Android sparse image
135284194Sdelphij>4		leshort	x			\b, version: %d
136284194Sdelphij>6		leshort	x			\b.%d
137284194Sdelphij>16		lelong	x			\b, Total of %d
138284194Sdelphij>12		lelong	x			\b %d-byte output blocks in
139284194Sdelphij>20		lelong	x			\b %d input chunks.