1222625Sed/*===-- udivmodsi4.S - 32-bit unsigned integer divide and modulus ---------===//
2222625Sed *
3222625Sed *                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4222625Sed *
5222625Sed * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
6222625Sed * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7222625Sed *
8222625Sed *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9222625Sed *
10222625Sed * This file implements the __udivmodsi4 (32-bit unsigned integer divide and
11222625Sed * modulus) function for the ARM architecture.  A naive digit-by-digit
12222625Sed * computation is employed for simplicity.
13222625Sed *
14222625Sed *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*/
16222625Sed#include "../assembly.h"
18222625Sed#define ESTABLISH_FRAME    \
19222625Sed    push   {r4, r7, lr}   ;\
20222625Sed    add     r7,     sp, #4
21222625Sed#define CLEAR_FRAME_AND_RETURN \
22222625Sed    pop    {r4, r7, pc}
24222625Sed#define a r0
25222625Sed#define b r1
26222625Sed#define i r3
27222625Sed#define r r4
28222625Sed#define q ip
29222625Sed#define one lr
31222625Sed.syntax unified
32222625Sed.align 3
34222625Sed//  We use a simple digit by digit algorithm; before we get into the actual
35222625Sed//  divide loop, we must calculate the left-shift amount necessary to align
36222625Sed//  the MSB of the divisor with that of the dividend (If this shift is
37222625Sed//  negative, then the result is zero, and we early out). We also conjure a
38222625Sed//  bit mask of 1 to use in constructing the quotient, and initialize the
39222625Sed//  quotient to zero.
40222625Sed    ESTABLISH_FRAME
41222625Sed    clz     r4,     a
42222625Sed    tst     b,      b   // detect divide-by-zero
43222625Sed    clz     r3,     b
44222625Sed    mov     q,      #0
45222625Sed    beq     LOCAL_LABEL(return)    // return 0 if b is zero.
46222625Sed    mov     one,    #1
47222625Sed    subs    i,      r3, r4
48222625Sed    blt     LOCAL_LABEL(return)    // return 0 if MSB(a) < MSB(b)
51222625Sed//  This loop basically implements the following:
53222625Sed//  do {
54222625Sed//      if (a >= b << i) {
55222625Sed//          a -= b << i;
56222625Sed//          q |= 1 << i;
57222625Sed//          if (a == 0) break;
58222625Sed//      }
59222625Sed//  } while (--i)
61222625Sed//  Note that this does not perform the final iteration (i == 0); by doing it
62222625Sed//  this way, we can merge the two branches which is a substantial win for
63222625Sed//  such a tight loop on current ARM architectures.
64222625Sed    subs    r,      a,  b, lsl i
65222625Sed    orrhs   q,      q,one, lsl i
66222625Sed    movhs   a,      r
67222625Sed    subsne  i,      i, #1
68222625Sed    bhi     LOCAL_LABEL(mainLoop)
70222625Sed//  Do the final test subtraction and update of quotient (i == 0), as it is
71222625Sed//  not performed in the main loop.
72222625Sed    subs    r,      a,  b
73222625Sed    orrhs   q,      #1
74222625Sed    movhs   a,      r
77222625Sed//  Store the remainder, and move the quotient to r0, then return.
78222625Sed    str     a,     [r2]
79222625Sed    mov     r0,     q