2 * Copyright (c) 2016-2020, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
7 * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
8 * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
9 */
11 /*-*************************************
12 *  Dependencies
13 ***************************************/
14#include "zstd_compress_superblock.h"
16#include "../common/zstd_internal.h"  /* ZSTD_getSequenceLength */
17#include "hist.h"                     /* HIST_countFast_wksp */
18#include "zstd_compress_internal.h"
19#include "zstd_compress_sequences.h"
20#include "zstd_compress_literals.h"
23*  Superblock entropy buffer structs
25/** ZSTD_hufCTablesMetadata_t :
26 *  Stores Literals Block Type for a super-block in hType, and
27 *  huffman tree description in hufDesBuffer.
28 *  hufDesSize refers to the size of huffman tree description in bytes.
29 *  This metadata is populated in ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_literal() */
30typedef struct {
31    symbolEncodingType_e hType;
33    size_t hufDesSize;
34} ZSTD_hufCTablesMetadata_t;
36/** ZSTD_fseCTablesMetadata_t :
37 *  Stores symbol compression modes for a super-block in {ll, ol, ml}Type, and
38 *  fse tables in fseTablesBuffer.
39 *  fseTablesSize refers to the size of fse tables in bytes.
40 *  This metadata is populated in ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_sequences() */
41typedef struct {
42    symbolEncodingType_e llType;
43    symbolEncodingType_e ofType;
44    symbolEncodingType_e mlType;
45    BYTE fseTablesBuffer[ZSTD_MAX_FSE_HEADERS_SIZE];
46    size_t fseTablesSize;
47    size_t lastCountSize; /* This is to account for bug in 1.3.4. More detail in ZSTD_compressSubBlock_sequences() */
48} ZSTD_fseCTablesMetadata_t;
50typedef struct {
51    ZSTD_hufCTablesMetadata_t hufMetadata;
52    ZSTD_fseCTablesMetadata_t fseMetadata;
53} ZSTD_entropyCTablesMetadata_t;
56/** ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_literal() :
57 *  Builds entropy for the super-block literals.
58 *  Stores literals block type (raw, rle, compressed, repeat) and
59 *  huffman description table to hufMetadata.
60 *  @return : size of huffman description table or error code */
61static size_t ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_literal(void* const src, size_t srcSize,
62                                            const ZSTD_hufCTables_t* prevHuf,
63                                                  ZSTD_hufCTables_t* nextHuf,
64                                                  ZSTD_hufCTablesMetadata_t* hufMetadata,
65                                                  const int disableLiteralsCompression,
66                                                  void* workspace, size_t wkspSize)
68    BYTE* const wkspStart = (BYTE*)workspace;
69    BYTE* const wkspEnd = wkspStart + wkspSize;
70    BYTE* const countWkspStart = wkspStart;
71    unsigned* const countWksp = (unsigned*)workspace;
72    const size_t countWkspSize = (HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX + 1) * sizeof(unsigned);
73    BYTE* const nodeWksp = countWkspStart + countWkspSize;
74    const size_t nodeWkspSize = wkspEnd-nodeWksp;
75    unsigned maxSymbolValue = 255;
76    unsigned huffLog = HUF_TABLELOG_DEFAULT;
77    HUF_repeat repeat = prevHuf->repeatMode;
79    DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_literal (srcSize=%zu)", srcSize);
81    /* Prepare nextEntropy assuming reusing the existing table */
82    ZSTD_memcpy(nextHuf, prevHuf, sizeof(*prevHuf));
84    if (disableLiteralsCompression) {
85        DEBUGLOG(5, "set_basic - disabled");
86        hufMetadata->hType = set_basic;
87        return 0;
88    }
90    /* small ? don't even attempt compression (speed opt) */
92    {   size_t const minLitSize = (prevHuf->repeatMode == HUF_repeat_valid) ? 6 : COMPRESS_LITERALS_SIZE_MIN;
93        if (srcSize <= minLitSize) {
94            DEBUGLOG(5, "set_basic - too small");
95            hufMetadata->hType = set_basic;
96            return 0;
97        }
98    }
100    /* Scan input and build symbol stats */
101    {   size_t const largest = HIST_count_wksp (countWksp, &maxSymbolValue, (const BYTE*)src, srcSize, workspace, wkspSize);
102        FORWARD_IF_ERROR(largest, "HIST_count_wksp failed");
103        if (largest == srcSize) {
104            DEBUGLOG(5, "set_rle");
105            hufMetadata->hType = set_rle;
106            return 0;
107        }
108        if (largest <= (srcSize >> 7)+4) {
109            DEBUGLOG(5, "set_basic - no gain");
110            hufMetadata->hType = set_basic;
111            return 0;
112        }
113    }
115    /* Validate the previous Huffman table */
116    if (repeat == HUF_repeat_check && !HUF_validateCTable((HUF_CElt const*)prevHuf->CTable, countWksp, maxSymbolValue)) {
117        repeat = HUF_repeat_none;
118    }
120    /* Build Huffman Tree */
121    ZSTD_memset(nextHuf->CTable, 0, sizeof(nextHuf->CTable));
122    huffLog = HUF_optimalTableLog(huffLog, srcSize, maxSymbolValue);
123    {   size_t const maxBits = HUF_buildCTable_wksp((HUF_CElt*)nextHuf->CTable, countWksp,
124                                                    maxSymbolValue, huffLog,
125                                                    nodeWksp, nodeWkspSize);
126        FORWARD_IF_ERROR(maxBits, "HUF_buildCTable_wksp");
127        huffLog = (U32)maxBits;
128        {   /* Build and write the CTable */
129            size_t const newCSize = HUF_estimateCompressedSize(
130                    (HUF_CElt*)nextHuf->CTable, countWksp, maxSymbolValue);
131            size_t const hSize = HUF_writeCTable(
132                    hufMetadata->hufDesBuffer, sizeof(hufMetadata->hufDesBuffer),
133                    (HUF_CElt*)nextHuf->CTable, maxSymbolValue, huffLog);
134            /* Check against repeating the previous CTable */
135            if (repeat != HUF_repeat_none) {
136                size_t const oldCSize = HUF_estimateCompressedSize(
137                        (HUF_CElt const*)prevHuf->CTable, countWksp, maxSymbolValue);
138                if (oldCSize < srcSize && (oldCSize <= hSize + newCSize || hSize + 12 >= srcSize)) {
139                    DEBUGLOG(5, "set_repeat - smaller");
140                    ZSTD_memcpy(nextHuf, prevHuf, sizeof(*prevHuf));
141                    hufMetadata->hType = set_repeat;
142                    return 0;
143                }
144            }
145            if (newCSize + hSize >= srcSize) {
146                DEBUGLOG(5, "set_basic - no gains");
147                ZSTD_memcpy(nextHuf, prevHuf, sizeof(*prevHuf));
148                hufMetadata->hType = set_basic;
149                return 0;
150            }
151            DEBUGLOG(5, "set_compressed (hSize=%u)", (U32)hSize);
152            hufMetadata->hType = set_compressed;
153            nextHuf->repeatMode = HUF_repeat_check;
154            return hSize;
155        }
156    }
159/** ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_sequences() :
160 *  Builds entropy for the super-block sequences.
161 *  Stores symbol compression modes and fse table to fseMetadata.
162 *  @return : size of fse tables or error code */
163static size_t ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_sequences(seqStore_t* seqStorePtr,
164                                              const ZSTD_fseCTables_t* prevEntropy,
165                                                    ZSTD_fseCTables_t* nextEntropy,
166                                              const ZSTD_CCtx_params* cctxParams,
167                                                    ZSTD_fseCTablesMetadata_t* fseMetadata,
168                                                    void* workspace, size_t wkspSize)
170    BYTE* const wkspStart = (BYTE*)workspace;
171    BYTE* const wkspEnd = wkspStart + wkspSize;
172    BYTE* const countWkspStart = wkspStart;
173    unsigned* const countWksp = (unsigned*)workspace;
174    const size_t countWkspSize = (MaxSeq + 1) * sizeof(unsigned);
175    BYTE* const cTableWksp = countWkspStart + countWkspSize;
176    const size_t cTableWkspSize = wkspEnd-cTableWksp;
177    ZSTD_strategy const strategy = cctxParams->cParams.strategy;
178    FSE_CTable* CTable_LitLength = nextEntropy->litlengthCTable;
179    FSE_CTable* CTable_OffsetBits = nextEntropy->offcodeCTable;
180    FSE_CTable* CTable_MatchLength = nextEntropy->matchlengthCTable;
181    const BYTE* const ofCodeTable = seqStorePtr->ofCode;
182    const BYTE* const llCodeTable = seqStorePtr->llCode;
183    const BYTE* const mlCodeTable = seqStorePtr->mlCode;
184    size_t const nbSeq = seqStorePtr->sequences - seqStorePtr->sequencesStart;
185    BYTE* const ostart = fseMetadata->fseTablesBuffer;
186    BYTE* const oend = ostart + sizeof(fseMetadata->fseTablesBuffer);
187    BYTE* op = ostart;
189    assert(cTableWkspSize >= (1 << MaxFSELog) * sizeof(FSE_FUNCTION_TYPE));
190    DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_sequences (nbSeq=%zu)", nbSeq);
191    ZSTD_memset(workspace, 0, wkspSize);
193    fseMetadata->lastCountSize = 0;
194    /* convert length/distances into codes */
195    ZSTD_seqToCodes(seqStorePtr);
196    /* build CTable for Literal Lengths */
197    {   U32 LLtype;
198        unsigned max = MaxLL;
199        size_t const mostFrequent = HIST_countFast_wksp(countWksp, &max, llCodeTable, nbSeq, workspace, wkspSize);  /* can't fail */
200        DEBUGLOG(5, "Building LL table");
201        nextEntropy->litlength_repeatMode = prevEntropy->litlength_repeatMode;
202        LLtype = ZSTD_selectEncodingType(&nextEntropy->litlength_repeatMode,
203                                        countWksp, max, mostFrequent, nbSeq,
204                                        LLFSELog, prevEntropy->litlengthCTable,
205                                        LL_defaultNorm, LL_defaultNormLog,
206                                        ZSTD_defaultAllowed, strategy);
207        assert(set_basic < set_compressed && set_rle < set_compressed);
208        assert(!(LLtype < set_compressed && nextEntropy->litlength_repeatMode != FSE_repeat_none)); /* We don't copy tables */
209        {   size_t const countSize = ZSTD_buildCTable(op, oend - op, CTable_LitLength, LLFSELog, (symbolEncodingType_e)LLtype,
210                                                    countWksp, max, llCodeTable, nbSeq, LL_defaultNorm, LL_defaultNormLog, MaxLL,
211                                                    prevEntropy->litlengthCTable, sizeof(prevEntropy->litlengthCTable),
212                                                    cTableWksp, cTableWkspSize);
213            FORWARD_IF_ERROR(countSize, "ZSTD_buildCTable for LitLens failed");
214            if (LLtype == set_compressed)
215                fseMetadata->lastCountSize = countSize;
216            op += countSize;
217            fseMetadata->llType = (symbolEncodingType_e) LLtype;
218    }   }
219    /* build CTable for Offsets */
220    {   U32 Offtype;
221        unsigned max = MaxOff;
222        size_t const mostFrequent = HIST_countFast_wksp(countWksp, &max, ofCodeTable, nbSeq, workspace, wkspSize);  /* can't fail */
223        /* We can only use the basic table if max <= DefaultMaxOff, otherwise the offsets are too large */
224        ZSTD_defaultPolicy_e const defaultPolicy = (max <= DefaultMaxOff) ? ZSTD_defaultAllowed : ZSTD_defaultDisallowed;
225        DEBUGLOG(5, "Building OF table");
226        nextEntropy->offcode_repeatMode = prevEntropy->offcode_repeatMode;
227        Offtype = ZSTD_selectEncodingType(&nextEntropy->offcode_repeatMode,
228                                        countWksp, max, mostFrequent, nbSeq,
229                                        OffFSELog, prevEntropy->offcodeCTable,
230                                        OF_defaultNorm, OF_defaultNormLog,
231                                        defaultPolicy, strategy);
232        assert(!(Offtype < set_compressed && nextEntropy->offcode_repeatMode != FSE_repeat_none)); /* We don't copy tables */
233        {   size_t const countSize = ZSTD_buildCTable(op, oend - op, CTable_OffsetBits, OffFSELog, (symbolEncodingType_e)Offtype,
234                                                    countWksp, max, ofCodeTable, nbSeq, OF_defaultNorm, OF_defaultNormLog, DefaultMaxOff,
235                                                    prevEntropy->offcodeCTable, sizeof(prevEntropy->offcodeCTable),
236                                                    cTableWksp, cTableWkspSize);
237            FORWARD_IF_ERROR(countSize, "ZSTD_buildCTable for Offsets failed");
238            if (Offtype == set_compressed)
239                fseMetadata->lastCountSize = countSize;
240            op += countSize;
241            fseMetadata->ofType = (symbolEncodingType_e) Offtype;
242    }   }
243    /* build CTable for MatchLengths */
244    {   U32 MLtype;
245        unsigned max = MaxML;
246        size_t const mostFrequent = HIST_countFast_wksp(countWksp, &max, mlCodeTable, nbSeq, workspace, wkspSize);   /* can't fail */
247        DEBUGLOG(5, "Building ML table (remaining space : %i)", (int)(oend-op));
248        nextEntropy->matchlength_repeatMode = prevEntropy->matchlength_repeatMode;
249        MLtype = ZSTD_selectEncodingType(&nextEntropy->matchlength_repeatMode,
250                                        countWksp, max, mostFrequent, nbSeq,
251                                        MLFSELog, prevEntropy->matchlengthCTable,
252                                        ML_defaultNorm, ML_defaultNormLog,
253                                        ZSTD_defaultAllowed, strategy);
254        assert(!(MLtype < set_compressed && nextEntropy->matchlength_repeatMode != FSE_repeat_none)); /* We don't copy tables */
255        {   size_t const countSize = ZSTD_buildCTable(op, oend - op, CTable_MatchLength, MLFSELog, (symbolEncodingType_e)MLtype,
256                                                    countWksp, max, mlCodeTable, nbSeq, ML_defaultNorm, ML_defaultNormLog, MaxML,
257                                                    prevEntropy->matchlengthCTable, sizeof(prevEntropy->matchlengthCTable),
258                                                    cTableWksp, cTableWkspSize);
259            FORWARD_IF_ERROR(countSize, "ZSTD_buildCTable for MatchLengths failed");
260            if (MLtype == set_compressed)
261                fseMetadata->lastCountSize = countSize;
262            op += countSize;
263            fseMetadata->mlType = (symbolEncodingType_e) MLtype;
264    }   }
265    assert((size_t) (op-ostart) <= sizeof(fseMetadata->fseTablesBuffer));
266    return op-ostart;
270/** ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy() :
271 *  Builds entropy for the super-block.
272 *  @return : 0 on success or error code */
273static size_t
274ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy(seqStore_t* seqStorePtr,
275                      const ZSTD_entropyCTables_t* prevEntropy,
276                            ZSTD_entropyCTables_t* nextEntropy,
277                      const ZSTD_CCtx_params* cctxParams,
278                            ZSTD_entropyCTablesMetadata_t* entropyMetadata,
279                            void* workspace, size_t wkspSize)
281    size_t const litSize = seqStorePtr->lit - seqStorePtr->litStart;
282    DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy");
283    entropyMetadata->hufMetadata.hufDesSize =
284        ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_literal(seqStorePtr->litStart, litSize,
285                                            &prevEntropy->huf, &nextEntropy->huf,
286                                            &entropyMetadata->hufMetadata,
287                                            ZSTD_disableLiteralsCompression(cctxParams),
288                                            workspace, wkspSize);
289    FORWARD_IF_ERROR(entropyMetadata->hufMetadata.hufDesSize, "ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_literal failed");
290    entropyMetadata->fseMetadata.fseTablesSize =
291        ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_sequences(seqStorePtr,
292                                              &prevEntropy->fse, &nextEntropy->fse,
293                                              cctxParams,
294                                              &entropyMetadata->fseMetadata,
295                                              workspace, wkspSize);
296    FORWARD_IF_ERROR(entropyMetadata->fseMetadata.fseTablesSize, "ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_sequences failed");
297    return 0;
300/** ZSTD_compressSubBlock_literal() :
301 *  Compresses literals section for a sub-block.
302 *  When we have to write the Huffman table we will sometimes choose a header
303 *  size larger than necessary. This is because we have to pick the header size
304 *  before we know the table size + compressed size, so we have a bound on the
305 *  table size. If we guessed incorrectly, we fall back to uncompressed literals.
306 *
307 *  We write the header when writeEntropy=1 and set entropyWrriten=1 when we succeeded
308 *  in writing the header, otherwise it is set to 0.
309 *
310 *  hufMetadata->hType has literals block type info.
311 *      If it is set_basic, all sub-blocks literals section will be Raw_Literals_Block.
312 *      If it is set_rle, all sub-blocks literals section will be RLE_Literals_Block.
313 *      If it is set_compressed, first sub-block's literals section will be Compressed_Literals_Block
314 *      If it is set_compressed, first sub-block's literals section will be Treeless_Literals_Block
315 *      and the following sub-blocks' literals sections will be Treeless_Literals_Block.
316 *  @return : compressed size of literals section of a sub-block
317 *            Or 0 if it unable to compress.
318 *            Or error code */
319static size_t ZSTD_compressSubBlock_literal(const HUF_CElt* hufTable,
320                                    const ZSTD_hufCTablesMetadata_t* hufMetadata,
321                                    const BYTE* literals, size_t litSize,
322                                    void* dst, size_t dstSize,
323                                    const int bmi2, int writeEntropy, int* entropyWritten)
325    size_t const header = writeEntropy ? 200 : 0;
326    size_t const lhSize = 3 + (litSize >= (1 KB - header)) + (litSize >= (16 KB - header));
327    BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)dst;
328    BYTE* const oend = ostart + dstSize;
329    BYTE* op = ostart + lhSize;
330    U32 const singleStream = lhSize == 3;
331    symbolEncodingType_e hType = writeEntropy ? hufMetadata->hType : set_repeat;
332    size_t cLitSize = 0;
334    (void)bmi2; /* TODO bmi2... */
336    DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_literal (litSize=%zu, lhSize=%zu, writeEntropy=%d)", litSize, lhSize, writeEntropy);
338    *entropyWritten = 0;
339    if (litSize == 0 || hufMetadata->hType == set_basic) {
340      DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_literal using raw literal");
341      return ZSTD_noCompressLiterals(dst, dstSize, literals, litSize);
342    } else if (hufMetadata->hType == set_rle) {
343      DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_literal using rle literal");
344      return ZSTD_compressRleLiteralsBlock(dst, dstSize, literals, litSize);
345    }
347    assert(litSize > 0);
348    assert(hufMetadata->hType == set_compressed || hufMetadata->hType == set_repeat);
350    if (writeEntropy && hufMetadata->hType == set_compressed) {
351        ZSTD_memcpy(op, hufMetadata->hufDesBuffer, hufMetadata->hufDesSize);
352        op += hufMetadata->hufDesSize;
353        cLitSize += hufMetadata->hufDesSize;
354        DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_literal (hSize=%zu)", hufMetadata->hufDesSize);
355    }
357    /* TODO bmi2 */
358    {   const size_t cSize = singleStream ? HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(op, oend-op, literals, litSize, hufTable)
359                                          : HUF_compress4X_usingCTable(op, oend-op, literals, litSize, hufTable);
360        op += cSize;
361        cLitSize += cSize;
362        if (cSize == 0 || ERR_isError(cSize)) {
363            DEBUGLOG(5, "Failed to write entropy tables %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(cSize));
364            return 0;
365        }
366        /* If we expand and we aren't writing a header then emit uncompressed */
367        if (!writeEntropy && cLitSize >= litSize) {
368            DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_literal using raw literal because uncompressible");
369            return ZSTD_noCompressLiterals(dst, dstSize, literals, litSize);
370        }
371        /* If we are writing headers then allow expansion that doesn't change our header size. */
372        if (lhSize < (size_t)(3 + (cLitSize >= 1 KB) + (cLitSize >= 16 KB))) {
373            assert(cLitSize > litSize);
374            DEBUGLOG(5, "Literals expanded beyond allowed header size");
375            return ZSTD_noCompressLiterals(dst, dstSize, literals, litSize);
376        }
377        DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_literal (cSize=%zu)", cSize);
378    }
380    /* Build header */
381    switch(lhSize)
382    {
383    case 3: /* 2 - 2 - 10 - 10 */
384        {   U32 const lhc = hType + ((!singleStream) << 2) + ((U32)litSize<<4) + ((U32)cLitSize<<14);
385            MEM_writeLE24(ostart, lhc);
386            break;
387        }
388    case 4: /* 2 - 2 - 14 - 14 */
389        {   U32 const lhc = hType + (2 << 2) + ((U32)litSize<<4) + ((U32)cLitSize<<18);
390            MEM_writeLE32(ostart, lhc);
391            break;
392        }
393    case 5: /* 2 - 2 - 18 - 18 */
394        {   U32 const lhc = hType + (3 << 2) + ((U32)litSize<<4) + ((U32)cLitSize<<22);
395            MEM_writeLE32(ostart, lhc);
396            ostart[4] = (BYTE)(cLitSize >> 10);
397            break;
398        }
399    default:  /* not possible : lhSize is {3,4,5} */
400        assert(0);
401    }
402    *entropyWritten = 1;
403    DEBUGLOG(5, "Compressed literals: %u -> %u", (U32)litSize, (U32)(op-ostart));
404    return op-ostart;
407static size_t ZSTD_seqDecompressedSize(seqStore_t const* seqStore, const seqDef* sequences, size_t nbSeq, size_t litSize, int lastSequence) {
408    const seqDef* const sstart = sequences;
409    const seqDef* const send = sequences + nbSeq;
410    const seqDef* sp = sstart;
411    size_t matchLengthSum = 0;
412    size_t litLengthSum = 0;
413    while (send-sp > 0) {
414        ZSTD_sequenceLength const seqLen = ZSTD_getSequenceLength(seqStore, sp);
415        litLengthSum += seqLen.litLength;
416        matchLengthSum += seqLen.matchLength;
417        sp++;
418    }
419    assert(litLengthSum <= litSize);
420    if (!lastSequence) {
421        assert(litLengthSum == litSize);
422    }
423    return matchLengthSum + litSize;
426/** ZSTD_compressSubBlock_sequences() :
427 *  Compresses sequences section for a sub-block.
428 *  fseMetadata->llType, fseMetadata->ofType, and fseMetadata->mlType have
429 *  symbol compression modes for the super-block.
430 *  The first successfully compressed block will have these in its header.
431 *  We set entropyWritten=1 when we succeed in compressing the sequences.
432 *  The following sub-blocks will always have repeat mode.
433 *  @return : compressed size of sequences section of a sub-block
434 *            Or 0 if it is unable to compress
435 *            Or error code. */
436static size_t ZSTD_compressSubBlock_sequences(const ZSTD_fseCTables_t* fseTables,
437                                              const ZSTD_fseCTablesMetadata_t* fseMetadata,
438                                              const seqDef* sequences, size_t nbSeq,
439                                              const BYTE* llCode, const BYTE* mlCode, const BYTE* ofCode,
440                                              const ZSTD_CCtx_params* cctxParams,
441                                              void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
442                                              const int bmi2, int writeEntropy, int* entropyWritten)
444    const int longOffsets = cctxParams->cParams.windowLog > STREAM_ACCUMULATOR_MIN;
445    BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)dst;
446    BYTE* const oend = ostart + dstCapacity;
447    BYTE* op = ostart;
448    BYTE* seqHead;
450    DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_sequences (nbSeq=%zu, writeEntropy=%d, longOffsets=%d)", nbSeq, writeEntropy, longOffsets);
452    *entropyWritten = 0;
453    /* Sequences Header */
454    RETURN_ERROR_IF((oend-op) < 3 /*max nbSeq Size*/ + 1 /*seqHead*/,
455                    dstSize_tooSmall, "");
456    if (nbSeq < 0x7F)
457        *op++ = (BYTE)nbSeq;
458    else if (nbSeq < LONGNBSEQ)
459        op[0] = (BYTE)((nbSeq>>8) + 0x80), op[1] = (BYTE)nbSeq, op+=2;
460    else
461        op[0]=0xFF, MEM_writeLE16(op+1, (U16)(nbSeq - LONGNBSEQ)), op+=3;
462    if (nbSeq==0) {
463        return op - ostart;
464    }
466    /* seqHead : flags for FSE encoding type */
467    seqHead = op++;
469    DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_sequences (seqHeadSize=%u)", (unsigned)(op-ostart));
471    if (writeEntropy) {
472        const U32 LLtype = fseMetadata->llType;
473        const U32 Offtype = fseMetadata->ofType;
474        const U32 MLtype = fseMetadata->mlType;
475        DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_sequences (fseTablesSize=%zu)", fseMetadata->fseTablesSize);
476        *seqHead = (BYTE)((LLtype<<6) + (Offtype<<4) + (MLtype<<2));
477        ZSTD_memcpy(op, fseMetadata->fseTablesBuffer, fseMetadata->fseTablesSize);
478        op += fseMetadata->fseTablesSize;
479    } else {
480        const U32 repeat = set_repeat;
481        *seqHead = (BYTE)((repeat<<6) + (repeat<<4) + (repeat<<2));
482    }
484    {   size_t const bitstreamSize = ZSTD_encodeSequences(
485                                        op, oend - op,
486                                        fseTables->matchlengthCTable, mlCode,
487                                        fseTables->offcodeCTable, ofCode,
488                                        fseTables->litlengthCTable, llCode,
489                                        sequences, nbSeq,
490                                        longOffsets, bmi2);
491        FORWARD_IF_ERROR(bitstreamSize, "ZSTD_encodeSequences failed");
492        op += bitstreamSize;
493        /* zstd versions <= 1.3.4 mistakenly report corruption when
494         * FSE_readNCount() receives a buffer < 4 bytes.
495         * Fixed by https://github.com/facebook/zstd/pull/1146.
496         * This can happen when the last set_compressed table present is 2
497         * bytes and the bitstream is only one byte.
498         * In this exceedingly rare case, we will simply emit an uncompressed
499         * block, since it isn't worth optimizing.
500         */
502        if (writeEntropy && fseMetadata->lastCountSize && fseMetadata->lastCountSize + bitstreamSize < 4) {
503            /* NCountSize >= 2 && bitstreamSize > 0 ==> lastCountSize == 3 */
504            assert(fseMetadata->lastCountSize + bitstreamSize == 3);
505            DEBUGLOG(5, "Avoiding bug in zstd decoder in versions <= 1.3.4 by "
506                        "emitting an uncompressed block.");
507            return 0;
508        }
510        DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_sequences (bitstreamSize=%zu)", bitstreamSize);
511    }
513    /* zstd versions <= 1.4.0 mistakenly report error when
514     * sequences section body size is less than 3 bytes.
515     * Fixed by https://github.com/facebook/zstd/pull/1664.
516     * This can happen when the previous sequences section block is compressed
517     * with rle mode and the current block's sequences section is compressed
518     * with repeat mode where sequences section body size can be 1 byte.
519     */
521    if (op-seqHead < 4) {
522        DEBUGLOG(5, "Avoiding bug in zstd decoder in versions <= 1.4.0 by emitting "
523                    "an uncompressed block when sequences are < 4 bytes");
524        return 0;
525    }
528    *entropyWritten = 1;
529    return op - ostart;
532/** ZSTD_compressSubBlock() :
533 *  Compresses a single sub-block.
534 *  @return : compressed size of the sub-block
535 *            Or 0 if it failed to compress. */
536static size_t ZSTD_compressSubBlock(const ZSTD_entropyCTables_t* entropy,
537                                    const ZSTD_entropyCTablesMetadata_t* entropyMetadata,
538                                    const seqDef* sequences, size_t nbSeq,
539                                    const BYTE* literals, size_t litSize,
540                                    const BYTE* llCode, const BYTE* mlCode, const BYTE* ofCode,
541                                    const ZSTD_CCtx_params* cctxParams,
542                                    void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
543                                    const int bmi2,
544                                    int writeLitEntropy, int writeSeqEntropy,
545                                    int* litEntropyWritten, int* seqEntropyWritten,
546                                    U32 lastBlock)
548    BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)dst;
549    BYTE* const oend = ostart + dstCapacity;
550    BYTE* op = ostart + ZSTD_blockHeaderSize;
551    DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock (litSize=%zu, nbSeq=%zu, writeLitEntropy=%d, writeSeqEntropy=%d, lastBlock=%d)",
552                litSize, nbSeq, writeLitEntropy, writeSeqEntropy, lastBlock);
553    {   size_t cLitSize = ZSTD_compressSubBlock_literal((const HUF_CElt*)entropy->huf.CTable,
554                                                        &entropyMetadata->hufMetadata, literals, litSize,
555                                                        op, oend-op, bmi2, writeLitEntropy, litEntropyWritten);
556        FORWARD_IF_ERROR(cLitSize, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_literal failed");
557        if (cLitSize == 0) return 0;
558        op += cLitSize;
559    }
560    {   size_t cSeqSize = ZSTD_compressSubBlock_sequences(&entropy->fse,
561                                                  &entropyMetadata->fseMetadata,
562                                                  sequences, nbSeq,
563                                                  llCode, mlCode, ofCode,
564                                                  cctxParams,
565                                                  op, oend-op,
566                                                  bmi2, writeSeqEntropy, seqEntropyWritten);
567        FORWARD_IF_ERROR(cSeqSize, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_sequences failed");
568        if (cSeqSize == 0) return 0;
569        op += cSeqSize;
570    }
571    /* Write block header */
572    {   size_t cSize = (op-ostart)-ZSTD_blockHeaderSize;
573        U32 const cBlockHeader24 = lastBlock + (((U32)bt_compressed)<<1) + (U32)(cSize << 3);
574        MEM_writeLE24(ostart, cBlockHeader24);
575    }
576    return op-ostart;
579static size_t ZSTD_estimateSubBlockSize_literal(const BYTE* literals, size_t litSize,
580                                                const ZSTD_hufCTables_t* huf,
581                                                const ZSTD_hufCTablesMetadata_t* hufMetadata,
582                                                void* workspace, size_t wkspSize,
583                                                int writeEntropy)
585    unsigned* const countWksp = (unsigned*)workspace;
586    unsigned maxSymbolValue = 255;
587    size_t literalSectionHeaderSize = 3; /* Use hard coded size of 3 bytes */
589    if (hufMetadata->hType == set_basic) return litSize;
590    else if (hufMetadata->hType == set_rle) return 1;
591    else if (hufMetadata->hType == set_compressed || hufMetadata->hType == set_repeat) {
592        size_t const largest = HIST_count_wksp (countWksp, &maxSymbolValue, (const BYTE*)literals, litSize, workspace, wkspSize);
593        if (ZSTD_isError(largest)) return litSize;
594        {   size_t cLitSizeEstimate = HUF_estimateCompressedSize((const HUF_CElt*)huf->CTable, countWksp, maxSymbolValue);
595            if (writeEntropy) cLitSizeEstimate += hufMetadata->hufDesSize;
596            return cLitSizeEstimate + literalSectionHeaderSize;
597    }   }
598    assert(0); /* impossible */
599    return 0;
602static size_t ZSTD_estimateSubBlockSize_symbolType(symbolEncodingType_e type,
603                        const BYTE* codeTable, unsigned maxCode,
604                        size_t nbSeq, const FSE_CTable* fseCTable,
605                        const U32* additionalBits,
606                        short const* defaultNorm, U32 defaultNormLog, U32 defaultMax,
607                        void* workspace, size_t wkspSize)
609    unsigned* const countWksp = (unsigned*)workspace;
610    const BYTE* ctp = codeTable;
611    const BYTE* const ctStart = ctp;
612    const BYTE* const ctEnd = ctStart + nbSeq;
613    size_t cSymbolTypeSizeEstimateInBits = 0;
614    unsigned max = maxCode;
616    HIST_countFast_wksp(countWksp, &max, codeTable, nbSeq, workspace, wkspSize);  /* can't fail */
617    if (type == set_basic) {
618        /* We selected this encoding type, so it must be valid. */
619        assert(max <= defaultMax);
620        cSymbolTypeSizeEstimateInBits = max <= defaultMax
621                ? ZSTD_crossEntropyCost(defaultNorm, defaultNormLog, countWksp, max)
622                : ERROR(GENERIC);
623    } else if (type == set_rle) {
624        cSymbolTypeSizeEstimateInBits = 0;
625    } else if (type == set_compressed || type == set_repeat) {
626        cSymbolTypeSizeEstimateInBits = ZSTD_fseBitCost(fseCTable, countWksp, max);
627    }
628    if (ZSTD_isError(cSymbolTypeSizeEstimateInBits)) return nbSeq * 10;
629    while (ctp < ctEnd) {
630        if (additionalBits) cSymbolTypeSizeEstimateInBits += additionalBits[*ctp];
631        else cSymbolTypeSizeEstimateInBits += *ctp; /* for offset, offset code is also the number of additional bits */
632        ctp++;
633    }
634    return cSymbolTypeSizeEstimateInBits / 8;
637static size_t ZSTD_estimateSubBlockSize_sequences(const BYTE* ofCodeTable,
638                                                  const BYTE* llCodeTable,
639                                                  const BYTE* mlCodeTable,
640                                                  size_t nbSeq,
641                                                  const ZSTD_fseCTables_t* fseTables,
642                                                  const ZSTD_fseCTablesMetadata_t* fseMetadata,
643                                                  void* workspace, size_t wkspSize,
644                                                  int writeEntropy)
646    size_t sequencesSectionHeaderSize = 3; /* Use hard coded size of 3 bytes */
647    size_t cSeqSizeEstimate = 0;
648    cSeqSizeEstimate += ZSTD_estimateSubBlockSize_symbolType(fseMetadata->ofType, ofCodeTable, MaxOff,
649                                         nbSeq, fseTables->offcodeCTable, NULL,
650                                         OF_defaultNorm, OF_defaultNormLog, DefaultMaxOff,
651                                         workspace, wkspSize);
652    cSeqSizeEstimate += ZSTD_estimateSubBlockSize_symbolType(fseMetadata->llType, llCodeTable, MaxLL,
653                                         nbSeq, fseTables->litlengthCTable, LL_bits,
654                                         LL_defaultNorm, LL_defaultNormLog, MaxLL,
655                                         workspace, wkspSize);
656    cSeqSizeEstimate += ZSTD_estimateSubBlockSize_symbolType(fseMetadata->mlType, mlCodeTable, MaxML,
657                                         nbSeq, fseTables->matchlengthCTable, ML_bits,
658                                         ML_defaultNorm, ML_defaultNormLog, MaxML,
659                                         workspace, wkspSize);
660    if (writeEntropy) cSeqSizeEstimate += fseMetadata->fseTablesSize;
661    return cSeqSizeEstimate + sequencesSectionHeaderSize;
664static size_t ZSTD_estimateSubBlockSize(const BYTE* literals, size_t litSize,
665                                        const BYTE* ofCodeTable,
666                                        const BYTE* llCodeTable,
667                                        const BYTE* mlCodeTable,
668                                        size_t nbSeq,
669                                        const ZSTD_entropyCTables_t* entropy,
670                                        const ZSTD_entropyCTablesMetadata_t* entropyMetadata,
671                                        void* workspace, size_t wkspSize,
672                                        int writeLitEntropy, int writeSeqEntropy) {
673    size_t cSizeEstimate = 0;
674    cSizeEstimate += ZSTD_estimateSubBlockSize_literal(literals, litSize,
675                                                         &entropy->huf, &entropyMetadata->hufMetadata,
676                                                         workspace, wkspSize, writeLitEntropy);
677    cSizeEstimate += ZSTD_estimateSubBlockSize_sequences(ofCodeTable, llCodeTable, mlCodeTable,
678                                                         nbSeq, &entropy->fse, &entropyMetadata->fseMetadata,
679                                                         workspace, wkspSize, writeSeqEntropy);
680    return cSizeEstimate + ZSTD_blockHeaderSize;
683static int ZSTD_needSequenceEntropyTables(ZSTD_fseCTablesMetadata_t const* fseMetadata)
685    if (fseMetadata->llType == set_compressed || fseMetadata->llType == set_rle)
686        return 1;
687    if (fseMetadata->mlType == set_compressed || fseMetadata->mlType == set_rle)
688        return 1;
689    if (fseMetadata->ofType == set_compressed || fseMetadata->ofType == set_rle)
690        return 1;
691    return 0;
694/** ZSTD_compressSubBlock_multi() :
695 *  Breaks super-block into multiple sub-blocks and compresses them.
696 *  Entropy will be written to the first block.
697 *  The following blocks will use repeat mode to compress.
698 *  All sub-blocks are compressed blocks (no raw or rle blocks).
699 *  @return : compressed size of the super block (which is multiple ZSTD blocks)
700 *            Or 0 if it failed to compress. */
701static size_t ZSTD_compressSubBlock_multi(const seqStore_t* seqStorePtr,
702                            const ZSTD_compressedBlockState_t* prevCBlock,
703                            ZSTD_compressedBlockState_t* nextCBlock,
704                            const ZSTD_entropyCTablesMetadata_t* entropyMetadata,
705                            const ZSTD_CCtx_params* cctxParams,
706                                  void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
707                            const void* src, size_t srcSize,
708                            const int bmi2, U32 lastBlock,
709                            void* workspace, size_t wkspSize)
711    const seqDef* const sstart = seqStorePtr->sequencesStart;
712    const seqDef* const send = seqStorePtr->sequences;
713    const seqDef* sp = sstart;
714    const BYTE* const lstart = seqStorePtr->litStart;
715    const BYTE* const lend = seqStorePtr->lit;
716    const BYTE* lp = lstart;
717    BYTE const* ip = (BYTE const*)src;
718    BYTE const* const iend = ip + srcSize;
719    BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)dst;
720    BYTE* const oend = ostart + dstCapacity;
721    BYTE* op = ostart;
722    const BYTE* llCodePtr = seqStorePtr->llCode;
723    const BYTE* mlCodePtr = seqStorePtr->mlCode;
724    const BYTE* ofCodePtr = seqStorePtr->ofCode;
725    size_t targetCBlockSize = cctxParams->targetCBlockSize;
726    size_t litSize, seqCount;
727    int writeLitEntropy = entropyMetadata->hufMetadata.hType == set_compressed;
728    int writeSeqEntropy = 1;
729    int lastSequence = 0;
731    DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_multi (litSize=%u, nbSeq=%u)",
732                (unsigned)(lend-lp), (unsigned)(send-sstart));
734    litSize = 0;
735    seqCount = 0;
736    do {
737        size_t cBlockSizeEstimate = 0;
738        if (sstart == send) {
739            lastSequence = 1;
740        } else {
741            const seqDef* const sequence = sp + seqCount;
742            lastSequence = sequence == send - 1;
743            litSize += ZSTD_getSequenceLength(seqStorePtr, sequence).litLength;
744            seqCount++;
745        }
746        if (lastSequence) {
747            assert(lp <= lend);
748            assert(litSize <= (size_t)(lend - lp));
749            litSize = (size_t)(lend - lp);
750        }
751        /* I think there is an optimization opportunity here.
752         * Calling ZSTD_estimateSubBlockSize for every sequence can be wasteful
753         * since it recalculates estimate from scratch.
754         * For example, it would recount literal distribution and symbol codes everytime.
755         */
756        cBlockSizeEstimate = ZSTD_estimateSubBlockSize(lp, litSize, ofCodePtr, llCodePtr, mlCodePtr, seqCount,
757                                                       &nextCBlock->entropy, entropyMetadata,
758                                                       workspace, wkspSize, writeLitEntropy, writeSeqEntropy);
759        if (cBlockSizeEstimate > targetCBlockSize || lastSequence) {
760            int litEntropyWritten = 0;
761            int seqEntropyWritten = 0;
762            const size_t decompressedSize = ZSTD_seqDecompressedSize(seqStorePtr, sp, seqCount, litSize, lastSequence);
763            const size_t cSize = ZSTD_compressSubBlock(&nextCBlock->entropy, entropyMetadata,
764                                                       sp, seqCount,
765                                                       lp, litSize,
766                                                       llCodePtr, mlCodePtr, ofCodePtr,
767                                                       cctxParams,
768                                                       op, oend-op,
769                                                       bmi2, writeLitEntropy, writeSeqEntropy,
770                                                       &litEntropyWritten, &seqEntropyWritten,
771                                                       lastBlock && lastSequence);
772            FORWARD_IF_ERROR(cSize, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock failed");
773            if (cSize > 0 && cSize < decompressedSize) {
774                DEBUGLOG(5, "Committed the sub-block");
775                assert(ip + decompressedSize <= iend);
776                ip += decompressedSize;
777                sp += seqCount;
778                lp += litSize;
779                op += cSize;
780                llCodePtr += seqCount;
781                mlCodePtr += seqCount;
782                ofCodePtr += seqCount;
783                litSize = 0;
784                seqCount = 0;
785                /* Entropy only needs to be written once */
786                if (litEntropyWritten) {
787                    writeLitEntropy = 0;
788                }
789                if (seqEntropyWritten) {
790                    writeSeqEntropy = 0;
791                }
792            }
793        }
794    } while (!lastSequence);
795    if (writeLitEntropy) {
796        DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_multi has literal entropy tables unwritten");
797        ZSTD_memcpy(&nextCBlock->entropy.huf, &prevCBlock->entropy.huf, sizeof(prevCBlock->entropy.huf));
798    }
799    if (writeSeqEntropy && ZSTD_needSequenceEntropyTables(&entropyMetadata->fseMetadata)) {
800        /* If we haven't written our entropy tables, then we've violated our contract and
801         * must emit an uncompressed block.
802         */
803        DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_multi has sequence entropy tables unwritten");
804        return 0;
805    }
806    if (ip < iend) {
807        size_t const cSize = ZSTD_noCompressBlock(op, oend - op, ip, iend - ip, lastBlock);
808        DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_multi last sub-block uncompressed, %zu bytes", (size_t)(iend - ip));
809        FORWARD_IF_ERROR(cSize, "ZSTD_noCompressBlock failed");
810        assert(cSize != 0);
811        op += cSize;
812        /* We have to regenerate the repcodes because we've skipped some sequences */
813        if (sp < send) {
814            seqDef const* seq;
815            repcodes_t rep;
816            ZSTD_memcpy(&rep, prevCBlock->rep, sizeof(rep));
817            for (seq = sstart; seq < sp; ++seq) {
818                rep = ZSTD_updateRep(rep.rep, seq->offset - 1, ZSTD_getSequenceLength(seqStorePtr, seq).litLength == 0);
819            }
820            ZSTD_memcpy(nextCBlock->rep, &rep, sizeof(rep));
821        }
822    }
823    DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTD_compressSubBlock_multi compressed");
824    return op-ostart;
827size_t ZSTD_compressSuperBlock(ZSTD_CCtx* zc,
828                               void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
829                               void const* src, size_t srcSize,
830                               unsigned lastBlock) {
831    ZSTD_entropyCTablesMetadata_t entropyMetadata;
833    FORWARD_IF_ERROR(ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy(&zc->seqStore,
834          &zc->blockState.prevCBlock->entropy,
835          &zc->blockState.nextCBlock->entropy,
836          &zc->appliedParams,
837          &entropyMetadata,
838          zc->entropyWorkspace, ENTROPY_WORKSPACE_SIZE /* statically allocated in resetCCtx */), "");
840    return ZSTD_compressSubBlock_multi(&zc->seqStore,
841            zc->blockState.prevCBlock,
842            zc->blockState.nextCBlock,
843            &entropyMetadata,
844            &zc->appliedParams,
845            dst, dstCapacity,
846            src, srcSize,
847            zc->bmi2, lastBlock,
848            zc->entropyWorkspace, ENTROPY_WORKSPACE_SIZE /* statically allocated in resetCCtx */);