1//===- DwarfTransformer.cpp -----------------------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include <thread>
10#include <unordered_set>
12#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DIContext.h"
13#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFContext.h"
14#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
15#include "llvm/Support/ThreadPool.h"
16#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
18#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/DwarfTransformer.h"
19#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/FunctionInfo.h"
20#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/GsymCreator.h"
21#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/GsymReader.h"
22#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/InlineInfo.h"
24using namespace llvm;
25using namespace gsym;
27struct llvm::gsym::CUInfo {
28  const DWARFDebugLine::LineTable *LineTable;
29  const char *CompDir;
30  std::vector<uint32_t> FileCache;
31  uint64_t Language = 0;
32  uint8_t AddrSize = 0;
34  CUInfo(DWARFContext &DICtx, DWARFCompileUnit *CU) {
35    LineTable = DICtx.getLineTableForUnit(CU);
36    CompDir = CU->getCompilationDir();
37    FileCache.clear();
38    if (LineTable)
39      FileCache.assign(LineTable->Prologue.FileNames.size() + 1, UINT32_MAX);
40    DWARFDie Die = CU->getUnitDIE();
41    Language = dwarf::toUnsigned(Die.find(dwarf::DW_AT_language), 0);
42    AddrSize = CU->getAddressByteSize();
43  }
45  /// Return true if Addr is the highest address for a given compile unit. The
46  /// highest address is encoded as -1, of all ones in the address. These high
47  /// addresses are used by some linkers to indicate that a function has been
48  /// dead stripped or didn't end up in the linked executable.
49  bool isHighestAddress(uint64_t Addr) const {
50    if (AddrSize == 4)
51      return Addr == UINT32_MAX;
52    else if (AddrSize == 8)
53      return Addr == UINT64_MAX;
54    return false;
55  }
57  /// Convert a DWARF compile unit file index into a GSYM global file index.
58  ///
59  /// Each compile unit in DWARF has its own file table in the line table
60  /// prologue. GSYM has a single large file table that applies to all files
61  /// from all of the info in a GSYM file. This function converts between the
62  /// two and caches and DWARF CU file index that has already been converted so
63  /// the first client that asks for a compile unit file index will end up
64  /// doing the conversion, and subsequent clients will get the cached GSYM
65  /// index.
66  uint32_t DWARFToGSYMFileIndex(GsymCreator &Gsym, uint32_t DwarfFileIdx) {
67    if (!LineTable)
68      return 0;
69    assert(DwarfFileIdx < FileCache.size());
70    uint32_t &GsymFileIdx = FileCache[DwarfFileIdx];
71    if (GsymFileIdx != UINT32_MAX)
72      return GsymFileIdx;
73    std::string File;
74    if (LineTable->getFileNameByIndex(
75            DwarfFileIdx, CompDir,
76            DILineInfoSpecifier::FileLineInfoKind::AbsoluteFilePath, File))
77      GsymFileIdx = Gsym.insertFile(File);
78    else
79      GsymFileIdx = 0;
80    return GsymFileIdx;
81  }
85static DWARFDie GetParentDeclContextDIE(DWARFDie &Die) {
86  if (DWARFDie SpecDie =
87          Die.getAttributeValueAsReferencedDie(dwarf::DW_AT_specification)) {
88    if (DWARFDie SpecParent = GetParentDeclContextDIE(SpecDie))
89      return SpecParent;
90  }
91  if (DWARFDie AbstDie =
92          Die.getAttributeValueAsReferencedDie(dwarf::DW_AT_abstract_origin)) {
93    if (DWARFDie AbstParent = GetParentDeclContextDIE(AbstDie))
94      return AbstParent;
95  }
97  // We never want to follow parent for inlined subroutine - that would
98  // give us information about where the function is inlined, not what
99  // function is inlined
100  if (Die.getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine)
101    return DWARFDie();
103  DWARFDie ParentDie = Die.getParent();
104  if (!ParentDie)
105    return DWARFDie();
107  switch (ParentDie.getTag()) {
108  case dwarf::DW_TAG_namespace:
109  case dwarf::DW_TAG_structure_type:
110  case dwarf::DW_TAG_union_type:
111  case dwarf::DW_TAG_class_type:
112  case dwarf::DW_TAG_subprogram:
113    return ParentDie; // Found parent decl context DIE
114  case dwarf::DW_TAG_lexical_block:
115    return GetParentDeclContextDIE(ParentDie);
116  default:
117    break;
118  }
120  return DWARFDie();
123/// Get the GsymCreator string table offset for the qualified name for the
124/// DIE passed in. This function will avoid making copies of any strings in
125/// the GsymCreator when possible. We don't need to copy a string when the
126/// string comes from our .debug_str section or is an inlined string in the
127/// .debug_info. If we create a qualified name string in this function by
128/// combining multiple strings in the DWARF string table or info, we will make
129/// a copy of the string when we add it to the string table.
130static Optional<uint32_t> getQualifiedNameIndex(DWARFDie &Die,
131                                                uint64_t Language,
132                                                GsymCreator &Gsym) {
133  // If the dwarf has mangled name, use mangled name
134  if (auto LinkageName =
135          dwarf::toString(Die.findRecursively({dwarf::DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name,
136                                               dwarf::DW_AT_linkage_name}),
137                          nullptr))
138    return Gsym.insertString(LinkageName, /* Copy */ false);
140  StringRef ShortName(Die.getName(DINameKind::ShortName));
141  if (ShortName.empty())
142    return llvm::None;
144  // For C++ and ObjC, prepend names of all parent declaration contexts
145  if (!(Language == dwarf::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus ||
146        Language == dwarf::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_03 ||
147        Language == dwarf::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_11 ||
148        Language == dwarf::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_14 ||
149        Language == dwarf::DW_LANG_ObjC_plus_plus ||
150        // This should not be needed for C, but we see C++ code marked as C
151        // in some binaries. This should hurt, so let's do it for C as well
152        Language == dwarf::DW_LANG_C))
153    return Gsym.insertString(ShortName, /* Copy */ false);
155  // Some GCC optimizations create functions with names ending with .isra.<num>
156  // or .part.<num> and those names are just DW_AT_name, not DW_AT_linkage_name
157  // If it looks like it could be the case, don't add any prefix
158  if (ShortName.startswith("_Z") &&
159      (ShortName.contains(".isra.") || ShortName.contains(".part.")))
160    return Gsym.insertString(ShortName, /* Copy */ false);
162  DWARFDie ParentDeclCtxDie = GetParentDeclContextDIE(Die);
163  if (ParentDeclCtxDie) {
164    std::string Name = ShortName.str();
165    while (ParentDeclCtxDie) {
166      StringRef ParentName(ParentDeclCtxDie.getName(DINameKind::ShortName));
167      if (!ParentName.empty()) {
168        // "lambda" names are wrapped in < >. Replace with { }
169        // to be consistent with demangled names and not to confuse with
170        // templates
171        if (ParentName.front() == '<' && ParentName.back() == '>')
172          Name = "{" + ParentName.substr(1, ParentName.size() - 2).str() + "}" +
173                "::" + Name;
174        else
175          Name = ParentName.str() + "::" + Name;
176      }
177      ParentDeclCtxDie = GetParentDeclContextDIE(ParentDeclCtxDie);
178    }
179    // Copy the name since we created a new name in a std::string.
180    return Gsym.insertString(Name, /* Copy */ true);
181  }
182  // Don't copy the name since it exists in the DWARF object file.
183  return Gsym.insertString(ShortName, /* Copy */ false);
186static bool hasInlineInfo(DWARFDie Die, uint32_t Depth) {
187  bool CheckChildren = true;
188  switch (Die.getTag()) {
189  case dwarf::DW_TAG_subprogram:
190    // Don't look into functions within functions.
191    CheckChildren = Depth == 0;
192    break;
193  case dwarf::DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine:
194    return true;
195  default:
196    break;
197  }
198  if (!CheckChildren)
199    return false;
200  for (DWARFDie ChildDie : Die.children()) {
201    if (hasInlineInfo(ChildDie, Depth + 1))
202      return true;
203  }
204  return false;
207static void parseInlineInfo(GsymCreator &Gsym, CUInfo &CUI, DWARFDie Die,
208                            uint32_t Depth, FunctionInfo &FI,
209                            InlineInfo &parent) {
210  if (!hasInlineInfo(Die, Depth))
211    return;
213  dwarf::Tag Tag = Die.getTag();
214  if (Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine) {
215    // create new InlineInfo and append to parent.children
216    InlineInfo II;
217    DWARFAddressRange FuncRange =
218        DWARFAddressRange(FI.startAddress(), FI.endAddress());
219    Expected<DWARFAddressRangesVector> RangesOrError = Die.getAddressRanges();
220    if (RangesOrError) {
221      for (const DWARFAddressRange &Range : RangesOrError.get()) {
222        // Check that the inlined function is within the range of the function
223        // info, it might not be in case of split functions
224        if (FuncRange.LowPC <= Range.LowPC && Range.HighPC <= FuncRange.HighPC)
225          II.Ranges.insert(AddressRange(Range.LowPC, Range.HighPC));
226      }
227    }
228    if (II.Ranges.empty())
229      return;
231    if (auto NameIndex = getQualifiedNameIndex(Die, CUI.Language, Gsym))
232      II.Name = *NameIndex;
233    II.CallFile = CUI.DWARFToGSYMFileIndex(
234        Gsym, dwarf::toUnsigned(Die.find(dwarf::DW_AT_call_file), 0));
235    II.CallLine = dwarf::toUnsigned(Die.find(dwarf::DW_AT_call_line), 0);
236    // parse all children and append to parent
237    for (DWARFDie ChildDie : Die.children())
238      parseInlineInfo(Gsym, CUI, ChildDie, Depth + 1, FI, II);
239    parent.Children.emplace_back(std::move(II));
240    return;
241  }
242  if (Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_subprogram || Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_lexical_block) {
243    // skip this Die and just recurse down
244    for (DWARFDie ChildDie : Die.children())
245      parseInlineInfo(Gsym, CUI, ChildDie, Depth + 1, FI, parent);
246  }
249static void convertFunctionLineTable(raw_ostream &Log, CUInfo &CUI,
250                                     DWARFDie Die, GsymCreator &Gsym,
251                                     FunctionInfo &FI) {
252  std::vector<uint32_t> RowVector;
253  const uint64_t StartAddress = FI.startAddress();
254  const uint64_t EndAddress = FI.endAddress();
255  const uint64_t RangeSize = EndAddress - StartAddress;
256  const object::SectionedAddress SecAddress{
257      StartAddress, object::SectionedAddress::UndefSection};
260  if (!CUI.LineTable->lookupAddressRange(SecAddress, RangeSize, RowVector)) {
261    // If we have a DW_TAG_subprogram but no line entries, fall back to using
262    // the DW_AT_decl_file an d DW_AT_decl_line if we have both attributes.
263    if (auto FileIdx =
264            dwarf::toUnsigned(Die.findRecursively({dwarf::DW_AT_decl_file}))) {
265      if (auto Line =
266              dwarf::toUnsigned(Die.findRecursively({dwarf::DW_AT_decl_line}))) {
267        LineEntry LE(StartAddress, CUI.DWARFToGSYMFileIndex(Gsym, *FileIdx),
268                     *Line);
269        FI.OptLineTable = LineTable();
270        FI.OptLineTable->push(LE);
271        // LE.Addr = EndAddress;
272        // FI.OptLineTable->push(LE);
273      }
274    }
275    return;
276  }
278  FI.OptLineTable = LineTable();
279  DWARFDebugLine::Row PrevRow;
280  for (uint32_t RowIndex : RowVector) {
281    // Take file number and line/column from the row.
282    const DWARFDebugLine::Row &Row = CUI.LineTable->Rows[RowIndex];
283    const uint32_t FileIdx = CUI.DWARFToGSYMFileIndex(Gsym, Row.File);
284    uint64_t RowAddress = Row.Address.Address;
285    // Watch out for a RowAddress that is in the middle of a line table entry
286    // in the DWARF. If we pass an address in between two line table entries
287    // we will get a RowIndex for the previous valid line table row which won't
288    // be contained in our function. This is usually a bug in the DWARF due to
289    // linker problems or LTO or other DWARF re-linking so it is worth emitting
290    // an error, but not worth stopping the creation of the GSYM.
291    if (!FI.Range.contains(RowAddress)) {
292      if (RowAddress < FI.Range.Start) {
293        Log << "error: DIE has a start address whose LowPC is between the "
294          "line table Row[" << RowIndex << "] with address "
295          << HEX64(RowAddress) << " and the next one.\n";
296        Die.dump(Log, 0, DIDumpOptions::getForSingleDIE());
297        RowAddress = FI.Range.Start;
298      } else {
299        continue;
300      }
301    }
303    LineEntry LE(RowAddress, FileIdx, Row.Line);
304    if (RowIndex != RowVector[0] && Row.Address < PrevRow.Address) {
305      // We have seen full duplicate line tables for functions in some
306      // DWARF files. Watch for those here by checking the the last
307      // row was the function's end address (HighPC) and that the
308      // current line table entry's address is the same as the first
309      // line entry we already have in our "function_info.Lines". If
310      // so break out after printing a warning.
311      auto FirstLE = FI.OptLineTable->first();
312      if (FirstLE && *FirstLE == LE) {
313        Log << "warning: duplicate line table detected for DIE:\n";
314        Die.dump(Log, 0, DIDumpOptions::getForSingleDIE());
315      } else {
316        // Print out (ignore if os == nulls as this is expensive)
317        Log << "error: line table has addresses that do not "
318             << "monotonically increase:\n";
319        for (uint32_t RowIndex2 : RowVector) {
320          CUI.LineTable->Rows[RowIndex2].dump(Log);
321        }
322        Die.dump(Log, 0, DIDumpOptions::getForSingleDIE());
323      }
324      break;
325    }
327    // Skip multiple line entries for the same file and line.
328    auto LastLE = FI.OptLineTable->last();
329    if (LastLE && LastLE->File == FileIdx && LastLE->Line == Row.Line)
330        continue;
331    // Only push a row if it isn't an end sequence. End sequence markers are
332    // included for the last address in a function or the last contiguous
333    // address in a sequence.
334    if (Row.EndSequence) {
335      // End sequence means that the next line entry could have a lower address
336      // that the previous entries. So we clear the previous row so we don't
337      // trigger the line table error about address that do not monotonically
338      // increase.
339      PrevRow = DWARFDebugLine::Row();
340    } else {
341      FI.OptLineTable->push(LE);
342      PrevRow = Row;
343    }
344  }
345  // If not line table rows were added, clear the line table so we don't encode
346  // on in the GSYM file.
347  if (FI.OptLineTable->empty())
348    FI.OptLineTable = llvm::None;
351void DwarfTransformer::handleDie(raw_ostream &OS, CUInfo &CUI, DWARFDie Die) {
352  switch (Die.getTag()) {
353  case dwarf::DW_TAG_subprogram: {
354    Expected<DWARFAddressRangesVector> RangesOrError = Die.getAddressRanges();
355    if (!RangesOrError) {
356      consumeError(RangesOrError.takeError());
357      break;
358    }
359    const DWARFAddressRangesVector &Ranges = RangesOrError.get();
360    if (Ranges.empty())
361      break;
362    auto NameIndex = getQualifiedNameIndex(Die, CUI.Language, Gsym);
363    if (!NameIndex) {
364      OS << "error: function at " << HEX64(Die.getOffset())
365         << " has no name\n ";
366      Die.dump(OS, 0, DIDumpOptions::getForSingleDIE());
367      break;
368    }
370    // Create a function_info for each range
371    for (const DWARFAddressRange &Range : Ranges) {
372      // The low PC must be less than the high PC. Many linkers don't remove
373      // DWARF for functions that don't get linked into the final executable.
374      // If both the high and low pc have relocations, linkers will often set
375      // the address values for both to the same value to indicate the function
376      // has been remove. Other linkers have been known to set the one or both
377      // PC values to a UINT32_MAX for 4 byte addresses and UINT64_MAX for 8
378      // byte addresses to indicate the function isn't valid. The check below
379      // tries to watch for these cases and abort if it runs into them.
380      if (Range.LowPC >= Range.HighPC || CUI.isHighestAddress(Range.LowPC))
381        break;
383      // Many linkers can't remove DWARF and might set the LowPC to zero. Since
384      // high PC can be an offset from the low PC in more recent DWARF versions
385      // we need to watch for a zero'ed low pc which we do using
386      // ValidTextRanges below.
387      if (!Gsym.IsValidTextAddress(Range.LowPC)) {
388        // We expect zero and -1 to be invalid addresses in DWARF depending
389        // on the linker of the DWARF. This indicates a function was stripped
390        // and the debug info wasn't able to be stripped from the DWARF. If
391        // the LowPC isn't zero or -1, then we should emit an error.
392        if (Range.LowPC != 0) {
393          // Unexpected invalid address, emit an error
394          Log << "warning: DIE has an address range whose start address is "
395              "not in any executable sections (" <<
396              *Gsym.GetValidTextRanges() << ") and will not be processed:\n";
397          Die.dump(Log, 0, DIDumpOptions::getForSingleDIE());
398        }
399        break;
400      }
402      FunctionInfo FI;
403      FI.setStartAddress(Range.LowPC);
404      FI.setEndAddress(Range.HighPC);
405      FI.Name = *NameIndex;
406      if (CUI.LineTable) {
407        convertFunctionLineTable(OS, CUI, Die, Gsym, FI);
408      }
409      if (hasInlineInfo(Die, 0)) {
410        FI.Inline = InlineInfo();
411        FI.Inline->Name = *NameIndex;
412        FI.Inline->Ranges.insert(FI.Range);
413        parseInlineInfo(Gsym, CUI, Die, 0, FI, *FI.Inline);
414      }
415      Gsym.addFunctionInfo(std::move(FI));
416    }
417  } break;
418  default:
419    break;
420  }
421  for (DWARFDie ChildDie : Die.children())
422    handleDie(OS, CUI, ChildDie);
425Error DwarfTransformer::convert(uint32_t NumThreads) {
426  size_t NumBefore = Gsym.getNumFunctionInfos();
427  if (NumThreads == 1) {
428    // Parse all DWARF data from this thread, use the same string/file table
429    // for everything
430    for (const auto &CU : DICtx.compile_units()) {
431      DWARFDie Die = CU->getUnitDIE(false);
432      CUInfo CUI(DICtx, dyn_cast<DWARFCompileUnit>(CU.get()));
433      handleDie(Log, CUI, Die);
434    }
435  } else {
436    // LLVM Dwarf parser is not thread-safe and we need to parse all DWARF up
437    // front before we start accessing any DIEs since there might be
438    // cross compile unit references in the DWARF. If we don't do this we can
439    // end up crashing.
441    // We need to call getAbbreviations sequentially first so that getUnitDIE()
442    // only works with its local data.
443    for (const auto &CU : DICtx.compile_units())
444      CU->getAbbreviations();
446    // Now parse all DIEs in case we have cross compile unit references in a
447    // thread pool.
448    ThreadPool pool(hardware_concurrency(NumThreads));
449    for (const auto &CU : DICtx.compile_units())
450      pool.async([&CU]() { CU->getUnitDIE(false /*CUDieOnly*/); });
451    pool.wait();
453    // Now convert all DWARF to GSYM in a thread pool.
454    std::mutex LogMutex;
455    for (const auto &CU : DICtx.compile_units()) {
456      DWARFDie Die = CU->getUnitDIE(false /*CUDieOnly*/);
457      if (Die) {
458        CUInfo CUI(DICtx, dyn_cast<DWARFCompileUnit>(CU.get()));
459        pool.async([this, CUI, &LogMutex, Die]() mutable {
460          std::string ThreadLogStorage;
461          raw_string_ostream ThreadOS(ThreadLogStorage);
462          handleDie(ThreadOS, CUI, Die);
463          ThreadOS.flush();
464          if (!ThreadLogStorage.empty()) {
465            // Print ThreadLogStorage lines into an actual stream under a lock
466            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(LogMutex);
467            Log << ThreadLogStorage;
468          }
469        });
470      }
471    }
472    pool.wait();
473  }
474  size_t FunctionsAddedCount = Gsym.getNumFunctionInfos() - NumBefore;
475  Log << "Loaded " << FunctionsAddedCount << " functions from DWARF.\n";
476  return Error::success();
479llvm::Error DwarfTransformer::verify(StringRef GsymPath) {
480  Log << "Verifying GSYM file \"" << GsymPath << "\":\n";
482  auto Gsym = GsymReader::openFile(GsymPath);
483  if (!Gsym)
484    return Gsym.takeError();
486  auto NumAddrs = Gsym->getNumAddresses();
487  DILineInfoSpecifier DLIS(
488      DILineInfoSpecifier::FileLineInfoKind::AbsoluteFilePath,
489      DILineInfoSpecifier::FunctionNameKind::LinkageName);
490  std::string gsymFilename;
491  for (uint32_t I = 0; I < NumAddrs; ++I) {
492    auto FuncAddr = Gsym->getAddress(I);
493    if (!FuncAddr)
494        return createStringError(std::errc::invalid_argument,
495                                  "failed to extract address[%i]", I);
497    auto FI = Gsym->getFunctionInfo(*FuncAddr);
498    if (!FI)
499      return createStringError(std::errc::invalid_argument,
500                            "failed to extract function info for address 0x%"
501                            PRIu64, *FuncAddr);
503    for (auto Addr = *FuncAddr; Addr < *FuncAddr + FI->size(); ++Addr) {
504      const object::SectionedAddress SectAddr{
505          Addr, object::SectionedAddress::UndefSection};
506      auto LR = Gsym->lookup(Addr);
507      if (!LR)
508        return LR.takeError();
510      auto DwarfInlineInfos =
511          DICtx.getInliningInfoForAddress(SectAddr, DLIS);
512      uint32_t NumDwarfInlineInfos = DwarfInlineInfos.getNumberOfFrames();
513      if (NumDwarfInlineInfos == 0) {
514        DwarfInlineInfos.addFrame(
515            DICtx.getLineInfoForAddress(SectAddr, DLIS));
516      }
518      // Check for 1 entry that has no file and line info
519      if (NumDwarfInlineInfos == 1 &&
520          DwarfInlineInfos.getFrame(0).FileName == "<invalid>") {
521        DwarfInlineInfos = DIInliningInfo();
522        NumDwarfInlineInfos = 0;
523      }
524      if (NumDwarfInlineInfos > 0 &&
525          NumDwarfInlineInfos != LR->Locations.size()) {
526        Log << "error: address " << HEX64(Addr) << " has "
527            << NumDwarfInlineInfos << " DWARF inline frames and GSYM has "
528            << LR->Locations.size() << "\n";
529        Log << "    " << NumDwarfInlineInfos << " DWARF frames:\n";
530        for (size_t Idx = 0; Idx < NumDwarfInlineInfos; ++Idx) {
531          const auto dii = DwarfInlineInfos.getFrame(Idx);
532          Log << "    [" << Idx << "]: " << dii.FunctionName << " @ "
533              << dii.FileName << ':' << dii.Line << '\n';
534        }
535        Log << "    " << LR->Locations.size() << " GSYM frames:\n";
536        for (size_t Idx = 0, count = LR->Locations.size();
537              Idx < count; ++Idx) {
538          const auto &gii = LR->Locations[Idx];
539          Log << "    [" << Idx << "]: " << gii.Name << " @ " << gii.Dir
540              << '/' << gii.Base << ':' << gii.Line << '\n';
541        }
542        DwarfInlineInfos = DICtx.getInliningInfoForAddress(SectAddr, DLIS);
543        Gsym->dump(Log, *FI);
544        continue;
545      }
547      for (size_t Idx = 0, count = LR->Locations.size(); Idx < count;
548            ++Idx) {
549        const auto &gii = LR->Locations[Idx];
550        if (Idx < NumDwarfInlineInfos) {
551          const auto dii = DwarfInlineInfos.getFrame(Idx);
552          gsymFilename = LR->getSourceFile(Idx);
553          // Verify function name
554          if (dii.FunctionName.find(gii.Name.str()) != 0)
555            Log << "error: address " << HEX64(Addr) << " DWARF function \""
556                << dii.FunctionName.c_str()
557                << "\" doesn't match GSYM function \"" << gii.Name << "\"\n";
558          // Verify source file path
559          if (dii.FileName != gsymFilename)
560            Log << "error: address " << HEX64(Addr) << " DWARF path \""
561                << dii.FileName.c_str() << "\" doesn't match GSYM path \""
562                << gsymFilename.c_str() << "\"\n";
563          // Verify source file line
564          if (dii.Line != gii.Line)
565            Log << "error: address " << HEX64(Addr) << " DWARF line "
566                << dii.Line << " != GSYM line " << gii.Line << "\n";
567        }
568      }
569    }
570  }
571  return Error::success();