1//===-- Breakpoint.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
12#include <memory>
13#include <string>
14#include <unordered_set>
15#include <vector>
17#include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointID.h"
18#include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocationCollection.h"
19#include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocationList.h"
20#include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointName.h"
21#include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointOptions.h"
22#include "lldb/Breakpoint/Stoppoint.h"
23#include "lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h"
24#include "lldb/Utility/Event.h"
25#include "lldb/Utility/StringList.h"
26#include "lldb/Utility/StructuredData.h"
28namespace lldb_private {
30/// \class Breakpoint Breakpoint.h "lldb/Breakpoint/Breakpoint.h" Class that
31/// manages logical breakpoint setting.
33/// General Outline:
34/// A breakpoint has four main parts, a filter, a resolver, the list of
35/// breakpoint
36/// locations that have been determined for the filter/resolver pair, and
37/// finally a set of options for the breakpoint.
39/// \b Filter:
40/// This is an object derived from SearchFilter.  It manages the search for
41/// breakpoint location matches through the symbols in the module list of the
42/// target that owns it.  It also filters out locations based on whatever
43/// logic it wants.
45/// \b Resolver:
46/// This is an object derived from BreakpointResolver.  It provides a callback
47/// to the filter that will find breakpoint locations.  How it does this is
48/// determined by what kind of resolver it is.
50/// The Breakpoint class also provides constructors for the common breakpoint
51/// cases which make the appropriate filter and resolver for you.
53/// \b Location List:
54/// This stores the breakpoint locations that have been determined to date.
55/// For a given breakpoint, there will be only one location with a given
56/// address.  Adding a location at an already taken address will just return
57/// the location already at that address.  Locations can be looked up by ID,
58/// or by address.
60/// \b Options:
61/// This includes:
62///    \b Enabled/Disabled
63///    \b Ignore Count
64///    \b Callback
65///    \b Condition
66/// Note, these options can be set on the breakpoint, and they can also be set
67/// on the individual locations.  The options set on the breakpoint take
68/// precedence over the options set on the individual location. So for
69/// instance disabling the breakpoint will cause NONE of the locations to get
70/// hit. But if the breakpoint is enabled, then the location's enabled state
71/// will be checked to determine whether to insert that breakpoint location.
72/// Similarly, if the breakpoint condition says "stop", we won't check the
73/// location's condition. But if the breakpoint condition says "continue",
74/// then we will check the location for whether to actually stop or not. One
75/// subtle point worth observing here is that you don't actually stop at a
76/// Breakpoint, you always stop at one of its locations.  So the "should stop"
77/// tests are done by the location, not by the breakpoint.
78class Breakpoint : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Breakpoint>,
79                   public Stoppoint {
81  static ConstString GetEventIdentifier();
83  /// An enum specifying the match style for breakpoint settings.  At present
84  /// only used for function name style breakpoints.
85  enum MatchType { Exact, Regexp, Glob };
88  enum class OptionNames : uint32_t { Names = 0, Hardware, LastOptionName };
90  static const char
91      *g_option_names[static_cast<uint32_t>(OptionNames::LastOptionName)];
93  static const char *GetKey(OptionNames enum_value) {
94    return g_option_names[static_cast<uint32_t>(enum_value)];
95  }
98  class BreakpointEventData : public EventData {
99  public:
100    BreakpointEventData(lldb::BreakpointEventType sub_type,
101                        const lldb::BreakpointSP &new_breakpoint_sp);
103    ~BreakpointEventData() override;
105    static ConstString GetFlavorString();
107    ConstString GetFlavor() const override;
109    lldb::BreakpointEventType GetBreakpointEventType() const;
111    lldb::BreakpointSP &GetBreakpoint();
113    BreakpointLocationCollection &GetBreakpointLocationCollection() {
114      return m_locations;
115    }
117    void Dump(Stream *s) const override;
119    static lldb::BreakpointEventType
120    GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent(const lldb::EventSP &event_sp);
122    static lldb::BreakpointSP
123    GetBreakpointFromEvent(const lldb::EventSP &event_sp);
125    static lldb::BreakpointLocationSP
126    GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent(const lldb::EventSP &event_sp,
127                                          uint32_t loc_idx);
129    static size_t
130    GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent(const lldb::EventSP &event_sp);
132    static const BreakpointEventData *
133    GetEventDataFromEvent(const Event *event_sp);
135  private:
136    lldb::BreakpointEventType m_breakpoint_event;
137    lldb::BreakpointSP m_new_breakpoint_sp;
138    BreakpointLocationCollection m_locations;
140    BreakpointEventData(const BreakpointEventData &) = delete;
141    const BreakpointEventData &operator=(const BreakpointEventData &) = delete;
142  };
144  // Saving & restoring breakpoints:
145  static lldb::BreakpointSP CreateFromStructuredData(
146      lldb::TargetSP target_sp, StructuredData::ObjectSP &data_object_sp,
147      Status &error);
149  static bool
150  SerializedBreakpointMatchesNames(StructuredData::ObjectSP &bkpt_object_sp,
151                                   std::vector<std::string> &names);
153  virtual StructuredData::ObjectSP SerializeToStructuredData();
155  static const char *GetSerializationKey() { return "Breakpoint"; }
156  /// Destructor.
157  ///
158  /// The destructor is not virtual since there should be no reason to
159  /// subclass breakpoints.  The varieties of breakpoints are specified
160  /// instead by providing different resolvers & filters.
161  ~Breakpoint() override;
163  // Methods
165  /// Tell whether this breakpoint is an "internal" breakpoint. \return
166  ///     Returns \b true if this is an internal breakpoint, \b false otherwise.
167  bool IsInternal() const;
169  /// Standard "Dump" method.  At present it does nothing.
170  void Dump(Stream *s) override;
172  // The next set of methods provide ways to tell the breakpoint to update it's
173  // location list - usually done when modules appear or disappear.
175  /// Tell this breakpoint to clear all its breakpoint sites.  Done when the
176  /// process holding the breakpoint sites is destroyed.
177  void ClearAllBreakpointSites();
179  /// Tell this breakpoint to scan it's target's module list and resolve any
180  /// new locations that match the breakpoint's specifications.
181  void ResolveBreakpoint();
183  /// Tell this breakpoint to scan a given module list and resolve any new
184  /// locations that match the breakpoint's specifications.
185  ///
186  /// \param[in] module_list
187  ///    The list of modules to look in for new locations.
188  ///
189  /// \param[in]  send_event
190  ///     If \b true, send a breakpoint location added event for non-internal
191  ///     breakpoints.
192  void ResolveBreakpointInModules(ModuleList &module_list,
193                                  bool send_event = true);
195  /// Tell this breakpoint to scan a given module list and resolve any new
196  /// locations that match the breakpoint's specifications.
197  ///
198  /// \param[in] module_list
199  ///    The list of modules to look in for new locations.
200  ///
201  /// \param[in]  new_locations
202  ///     Fills new_locations with the new locations that were made.
203  void ResolveBreakpointInModules(ModuleList &module_list,
204                                  BreakpointLocationCollection &new_locations);
206  /// Like ResolveBreakpointInModules, but allows for "unload" events, in
207  /// which case we will remove any locations that are in modules that got
208  /// unloaded.
209  ///
210  /// \param[in] changed_modules
211  ///    The list of modules to look in for new locations.
212  /// \param[in] load_event
213  ///    If \b true then the modules were loaded, if \b false, unloaded.
214  /// \param[in] delete_locations
215  ///    If \b true then the modules were unloaded delete any locations in the
216  ///    changed modules.
217  void ModulesChanged(ModuleList &changed_modules, bool load_event,
218                      bool delete_locations = false);
220  /// Tells the breakpoint the old module \a old_module_sp has been replaced
221  /// by new_module_sp (usually because the underlying file has been rebuilt,
222  /// and the old version is gone.)
223  ///
224  /// \param[in] old_module_sp
225  ///    The old module that is going away.
226  /// \param[in] new_module_sp
227  ///    The new module that is replacing it.
228  void ModuleReplaced(lldb::ModuleSP old_module_sp,
229                      lldb::ModuleSP new_module_sp);
231  // The next set of methods provide access to the breakpoint locations for
232  // this breakpoint.
234  /// Add a location to the breakpoint's location list.  This is only meant to
235  /// be called by the breakpoint's resolver.  FIXME: how do I ensure that?
236  ///
237  /// \param[in] addr
238  ///    The Address specifying the new location.
239  /// \param[out] new_location
240  ///    Set to \b true if a new location was created, to \b false if there
241  ///    already was a location at this Address.
242  /// \return
243  ///    Returns a pointer to the new location.
244  lldb::BreakpointLocationSP AddLocation(const Address &addr,
245                                         bool *new_location = nullptr);
247  /// Find a breakpoint location by Address.
248  ///
249  /// \param[in] addr
250  ///    The Address specifying the location.
251  /// \return
252  ///    Returns a shared pointer to the location at \a addr.  The pointer
253  ///    in the shared pointer will be nullptr if there is no location at that
254  ///    address.
255  lldb::BreakpointLocationSP FindLocationByAddress(const Address &addr);
257  /// Find a breakpoint location ID by Address.
258  ///
259  /// \param[in] addr
260  ///    The Address specifying the location.
261  /// \return
262  ///    Returns the UID of the location at \a addr, or \b LLDB_INVALID_ID if
263  ///    there is no breakpoint location at that address.
264  lldb::break_id_t FindLocationIDByAddress(const Address &addr);
266  /// Find a breakpoint location for a given breakpoint location ID.
267  ///
268  /// \param[in] bp_loc_id
269  ///    The ID specifying the location.
270  /// \return
271  ///    Returns a shared pointer to the location with ID \a bp_loc_id.  The
272  ///    pointer
273  ///    in the shared pointer will be nullptr if there is no location with that
274  ///    ID.
275  lldb::BreakpointLocationSP FindLocationByID(lldb::break_id_t bp_loc_id);
277  /// Get breakpoint locations by index.
278  ///
279  /// \param[in] index
280  ///    The location index.
281  ///
282  /// \return
283  ///     Returns a shared pointer to the location with index \a
284  ///     index. The shared pointer might contain nullptr if \a index is
285  ///     greater than then number of actual locations.
286  lldb::BreakpointLocationSP GetLocationAtIndex(size_t index);
288  /// Removes all invalid breakpoint locations.
289  ///
290  /// Removes all breakpoint locations with architectures that aren't
291  /// compatible with \a arch. Also remove any breakpoint locations with whose
292  /// locations have address where the section has been deleted (module and
293  /// object files no longer exist).
294  ///
295  /// This is typically used after the process calls exec, or anytime the
296  /// architecture of the target changes.
297  ///
298  /// \param[in] arch
299  ///     If valid, check the module in each breakpoint to make sure
300  ///     they are compatible, otherwise, ignore architecture.
301  void RemoveInvalidLocations(const ArchSpec &arch);
303  // The next section deals with various breakpoint options.
305  /// If \a enable is \b true, enable the breakpoint, if \b false disable it.
306  void SetEnabled(bool enable) override;
308  /// Check the Enable/Disable state.
309  /// \return
310  ///     \b true if the breakpoint is enabled, \b false if disabled.
311  bool IsEnabled() override;
313  /// Set the breakpoint to ignore the next \a count breakpoint hits.
314  /// \param[in] count
315  ///    The number of breakpoint hits to ignore.
316  void SetIgnoreCount(uint32_t count);
318  /// Return the current ignore count/
319  /// \return
320  ///     The number of breakpoint hits to be ignored.
321  uint32_t GetIgnoreCount() const;
323  /// Return the current hit count for all locations. \return
324  ///     The current hit count for all locations.
325  uint32_t GetHitCount() const;
327  /// If \a one_shot is \b true, breakpoint will be deleted on first hit.
328  void SetOneShot(bool one_shot);
330  /// Check the OneShot state.
331  /// \return
332  ///     \b true if the breakpoint is one shot, \b false otherwise.
333  bool IsOneShot() const;
335  /// If \a auto_continue is \b true, breakpoint will auto-continue when on
336  /// hit.
337  void SetAutoContinue(bool auto_continue);
339  /// Check the AutoContinue state.
340  /// \return
341  ///     \b true if the breakpoint is set to auto-continue, \b false otherwise.
342  bool IsAutoContinue() const;
344  /// Set the valid thread to be checked when the breakpoint is hit.
345  /// \param[in] thread_id
346  ///    If this thread hits the breakpoint, we stop, otherwise not.
347  void SetThreadID(lldb::tid_t thread_id);
349  /// Return the current stop thread value.
350  /// \return
351  ///     The thread id for which the breakpoint hit will stop,
352  ///     LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID for all threads.
353  lldb::tid_t GetThreadID() const;
355  void SetThreadIndex(uint32_t index);
357  uint32_t GetThreadIndex() const;
359  void SetThreadName(const char *thread_name);
361  const char *GetThreadName() const;
363  void SetQueueName(const char *queue_name);
365  const char *GetQueueName() const;
367  /// Set the callback action invoked when the breakpoint is hit.
368  ///
369  /// \param[in] callback
370  ///    The method that will get called when the breakpoint is hit.
371  /// \param[in] baton
372  ///    A void * pointer that will get passed back to the callback function.
373  /// \param[in] is_synchronous
374  ///    If \b true the callback will be run on the private event thread
375  ///    before the stop event gets reported.  If false, the callback will get
376  ///    handled on the public event thread after the stop has been posted.
377  void SetCallback(BreakpointHitCallback callback, void *baton,
378                   bool is_synchronous = false);
380  void SetCallback(BreakpointHitCallback callback,
381                   const lldb::BatonSP &callback_baton_sp,
382                   bool is_synchronous = false);
384  void ClearCallback();
386  /// Set the breakpoint's condition.
387  ///
388  /// \param[in] condition
389  ///    The condition expression to evaluate when the breakpoint is hit.
390  ///    Pass in nullptr to clear the condition.
391  void SetCondition(const char *condition);
393  /// Return a pointer to the text of the condition expression.
394  ///
395  /// \return
396  ///    A pointer to the condition expression text, or nullptr if no
397  //     condition has been set.
398  const char *GetConditionText() const;
400  // The next section are various utility functions.
402  /// Return the number of breakpoint locations that have resolved to actual
403  /// breakpoint sites.
404  ///
405  /// \return
406  ///     The number locations resolved breakpoint sites.
407  size_t GetNumResolvedLocations() const;
409  /// Return whether this breakpoint has any resolved locations.
410  ///
411  /// \return
412  ///     True if GetNumResolvedLocations > 0
413  bool HasResolvedLocations() const;
415  /// Return the number of breakpoint locations.
416  ///
417  /// \return
418  ///     The number breakpoint locations.
419  size_t GetNumLocations() const;
421  /// Put a description of this breakpoint into the stream \a s.
422  ///
423  /// \param[in] s
424  ///     Stream into which to dump the description.
425  ///
426  /// \param[in] level
427  ///     The description level that indicates the detail level to
428  ///     provide.
429  ///
430  /// \see lldb::DescriptionLevel
431  void GetDescription(Stream *s, lldb::DescriptionLevel level,
432                      bool show_locations = false);
434  /// Set the "kind" description for a breakpoint.  If the breakpoint is hit
435  /// the stop info will show this "kind" description instead of the
436  /// breakpoint number.  Mostly useful for internal breakpoints, where the
437  /// breakpoint number doesn't have meaning to the user.
438  ///
439  /// \param[in] kind
440  ///     New "kind" description.
441  void SetBreakpointKind(const char *kind) { m_kind_description.assign(kind); }
443  /// Return the "kind" description for a breakpoint.
444  ///
445  /// \return
446  ///     The breakpoint kind, or nullptr if none is set.
447  const char *GetBreakpointKind() const { return m_kind_description.c_str(); }
449  /// Accessor for the breakpoint Target.
450  /// \return
451  ///     This breakpoint's Target.
452  Target &GetTarget() { return m_target; }
454  const Target &GetTarget() const { return m_target; }
456  const lldb::TargetSP GetTargetSP();
458  void GetResolverDescription(Stream *s);
460  /// Find breakpoint locations which match the (filename, line_number)
461  /// description. The breakpoint location collection is to be filled with the
462  /// matching locations. It should be initialized with 0 size by the API
463  /// client.
464  ///
465  /// \return
466  ///     True if there is a match
467  ///
468  ///     The locations which match the filename and line_number in loc_coll.
469  ///     If its
470  ///     size is 0 and true is returned, it means the breakpoint fully matches
471  ///     the
472  ///     description.
473  bool GetMatchingFileLine(ConstString filename, uint32_t line_number,
474                           BreakpointLocationCollection &loc_coll);
476  void GetFilterDescription(Stream *s);
478  /// Returns the BreakpointOptions structure set at the breakpoint level.
479  ///
480  /// Meant to be used by the BreakpointLocation class.
481  ///
482  /// \return
483  ///     A pointer to this breakpoint's BreakpointOptions.
484  BreakpointOptions *GetOptions();
486  /// Returns the BreakpointOptions structure set at the breakpoint level.
487  ///
488  /// Meant to be used by the BreakpointLocation class.
489  ///
490  /// \return
491  ///     A pointer to this breakpoint's BreakpointOptions.
492  const BreakpointOptions *GetOptions() const;
494  /// Invoke the callback action when the breakpoint is hit.
495  ///
496  /// Meant to be used by the BreakpointLocation class.
497  ///
498  /// \param[in] context
499  ///     Described the breakpoint event.
500  ///
501  /// \param[in] bp_loc_id
502  ///     Which breakpoint location hit this breakpoint.
503  ///
504  /// \return
505  ///     \b true if the target should stop at this breakpoint and \b false not.
506  bool InvokeCallback(StoppointCallbackContext *context,
507                      lldb::break_id_t bp_loc_id);
509  bool IsHardware() const { return m_hardware; }
511  lldb::BreakpointResolverSP GetResolver() { return m_resolver_sp; }
513  lldb::SearchFilterSP GetSearchFilter() { return m_filter_sp; }
515private: // The target needs to manage adding & removing names.  It will do the
516         // checking for name validity as well.
517  bool AddName(llvm::StringRef new_name);
519  void RemoveName(const char *name_to_remove) {
520    if (name_to_remove)
521      m_name_list.erase(name_to_remove);
522  }
525  bool MatchesName(const char *name) {
526    return m_name_list.find(name) != m_name_list.end();
527  }
529  void GetNames(std::vector<std::string> &names) {
530    names.clear();
531    for (auto name : m_name_list) {
532      names.push_back(name);
533    }
534  }
536  /// Set a pre-condition filter that overrides all user provided
537  /// filters/callbacks etc.
538  ///
539  /// Used to define fancy breakpoints that can do dynamic hit detection
540  /// without taking up the condition slot - which really belongs to the user
541  /// anyway...
542  ///
543  /// The Precondition should not continue the target, it should return true
544  /// if the condition says to stop and false otherwise.
545  ///
546  void SetPrecondition(lldb::BreakpointPreconditionSP precondition_sp) {
547    m_precondition_sp = precondition_sp;
548  }
550  bool EvaluatePrecondition(StoppointCallbackContext &context);
552  lldb::BreakpointPreconditionSP GetPrecondition() { return m_precondition_sp; }
554  // Produces the OR'ed values for all the names assigned to this breakpoint.
555  const BreakpointName::Permissions &GetPermissions() const {
556      return m_permissions;
557  }
559  BreakpointName::Permissions &GetPermissions() {
560      return m_permissions;
561  }
563  bool AllowList() const {
564    return GetPermissions().GetAllowList();
565  }
566  bool AllowDisable() const {
567    return GetPermissions().GetAllowDisable();
568  }
569  bool AllowDelete() const {
570    return GetPermissions().GetAllowDelete();
571  }
573  // This one should only be used by Target to copy breakpoints from target to
574  // target - primarily from the dummy target to prime new targets.
575  static lldb::BreakpointSP CopyFromBreakpoint(lldb::TargetSP new_target,
576      const Breakpoint &bp_to_copy_from);
579  friend class Target;
580  // Protected Methods
582  /// Constructors and Destructors
583  /// Only the Target can make a breakpoint, and it owns the breakpoint
584  /// lifespans. The constructor takes a filter and a resolver.  Up in Target
585  /// there are convenience variants that make breakpoints for some common
586  /// cases.
587  ///
588  /// \param[in] target
589  ///    The target in which the breakpoint will be set.
590  ///
591  /// \param[in] filter_sp
592  ///    Shared pointer to the search filter that restricts the search domain of
593  ///    the breakpoint.
594  ///
595  /// \param[in] resolver_sp
596  ///    Shared pointer to the resolver object that will determine breakpoint
597  ///    matches.
598  ///
599  /// \param hardware
600  ///    If true, request a hardware breakpoint to be used to implement the
601  ///    breakpoint locations.
602  ///
603  /// \param resolve_indirect_symbols
604  ///    If true, and the address of a given breakpoint location in this
605  ///    breakpoint is set on an
606  ///    indirect symbol (i.e. Symbol::IsIndirect returns true) then the actual
607  ///    breakpoint site will
608  ///    be set on the target of the indirect symbol.
609  // This is the generic constructor
610  Breakpoint(Target &target, lldb::SearchFilterSP &filter_sp,
611             lldb::BreakpointResolverSP &resolver_sp, bool hardware,
612             bool resolve_indirect_symbols = true);
614  friend class BreakpointLocation; // To call the following two when determining
615                                   // whether to stop.
617  void DecrementIgnoreCount();
619  // BreakpointLocation::IgnoreCountShouldStop &
620  // Breakpoint::IgnoreCountShouldStop can only be called once per stop, and
621  // BreakpointLocation::IgnoreCountShouldStop should be tested first, and if
622  // it returns false we should continue, otherwise we should test
623  // Breakpoint::IgnoreCountShouldStop.
625  bool IgnoreCountShouldStop();
627  void IncrementHitCount() { m_hit_count++; }
629  void DecrementHitCount() {
630    assert(m_hit_count > 0);
631    m_hit_count--;
632  }
635  // To call from CopyFromBreakpoint.
636  Breakpoint(Target &new_target, const Breakpoint &bp_to_copy_from);
638  // For Breakpoint only
639  bool m_being_created;
640  bool
641      m_hardware; // If this breakpoint is required to use a hardware breakpoint
642  Target &m_target; // The target that holds this breakpoint.
643  std::unordered_set<std::string> m_name_list; // If not empty, this is the name
644                                               // of this breakpoint (many
645                                               // breakpoints can share the same
646                                               // name.)
647  lldb::SearchFilterSP
648      m_filter_sp; // The filter that constrains the breakpoint's domain.
649  lldb::BreakpointResolverSP
650      m_resolver_sp; // The resolver that defines this breakpoint.
651  lldb::BreakpointPreconditionSP m_precondition_sp; // The precondition is a
652                                                    // breakpoint-level hit
653                                                    // filter that can be used
654  // to skip certain breakpoint hits.  For instance, exception breakpoints use
655  // this to limit the stop to certain exception classes, while leaving the
656  // condition & callback free for user specification.
657  std::unique_ptr<BreakpointOptions>
658      m_options_up; // Settable breakpoint options
659  BreakpointLocationList
660      m_locations; // The list of locations currently found for this breakpoint.
661  std::string m_kind_description;
662  bool m_resolve_indirect_symbols;
663  uint32_t m_hit_count; // Number of times this breakpoint/watchpoint has been
664                        // hit.  This is kept
665  // separately from the locations hit counts, since locations can go away when
666  // their backing library gets unloaded, and we would lose hit counts.
667  BreakpointName::Permissions m_permissions;
669  void SendBreakpointChangedEvent(lldb::BreakpointEventType eventKind);
671  void SendBreakpointChangedEvent(BreakpointEventData *data);
673  Breakpoint(const Breakpoint &) = delete;
674  const Breakpoint &operator=(const Breakpoint &) = delete;
677} // namespace lldb_private