1//===--- UnwrappedLineFormatter.cpp - Format C++ code ---------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "UnwrappedLineFormatter.h"
10#include "NamespaceEndCommentsFixer.h"
11#include "WhitespaceManager.h"
12#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
13#include <queue>
15#define DEBUG_TYPE "format-formatter"
17namespace clang {
18namespace format {
20namespace {
22bool startsExternCBlock(const AnnotatedLine &Line) {
23  const FormatToken *Next = Line.First->getNextNonComment();
24  const FormatToken *NextNext = Next ? Next->getNextNonComment() : nullptr;
25  return Line.startsWith(tok::kw_extern) && Next && Next->isStringLiteral() &&
26         NextNext && NextNext->is(tok::l_brace);
29/// Tracks the indent level of \c AnnotatedLines across levels.
31/// \c nextLine must be called for each \c AnnotatedLine, after which \c
32/// getIndent() will return the indent for the last line \c nextLine was called
33/// with.
34/// If the line is not formatted (and thus the indent does not change), calling
35/// \c adjustToUnmodifiedLine after the call to \c nextLine will cause
36/// subsequent lines on the same level to be indented at the same level as the
37/// given line.
38class LevelIndentTracker {
40  LevelIndentTracker(const FormatStyle &Style,
41                     const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords, unsigned StartLevel,
42                     int AdditionalIndent)
43      : Style(Style), Keywords(Keywords), AdditionalIndent(AdditionalIndent) {
44    for (unsigned i = 0; i != StartLevel; ++i)
45      IndentForLevel.push_back(Style.IndentWidth * i + AdditionalIndent);
46  }
48  /// Returns the indent for the current line.
49  unsigned getIndent() const { return Indent; }
51  /// Update the indent state given that \p Line is going to be formatted
52  /// next.
53  void nextLine(const AnnotatedLine &Line) {
54    Offset = getIndentOffset(*Line.First);
55    // Update the indent level cache size so that we can rely on it
56    // having the right size in adjustToUnmodifiedline.
57    while (IndentForLevel.size() <= Line.Level)
58      IndentForLevel.push_back(-1);
59    if (Line.InPPDirective) {
60      Indent = Line.Level * Style.IndentWidth + AdditionalIndent;
61    } else {
62      IndentForLevel.resize(Line.Level + 1);
63      Indent = getIndent(IndentForLevel, Line.Level);
64    }
65    if (static_cast<int>(Indent) + Offset >= 0)
66      Indent += Offset;
67    if (Line.First->is(TT_CSharpGenericTypeConstraint))
68      Indent = Line.Level * Style.IndentWidth + Style.ContinuationIndentWidth;
69  }
71  /// Update the indent state given that \p Line indent should be
72  /// skipped.
73  void skipLine(const AnnotatedLine &Line) {
74    while (IndentForLevel.size() <= Line.Level)
75      IndentForLevel.push_back(Indent);
76  }
78  /// Update the level indent to adapt to the given \p Line.
79  ///
80  /// When a line is not formatted, we move the subsequent lines on the same
81  /// level to the same indent.
82  /// Note that \c nextLine must have been called before this method.
83  void adjustToUnmodifiedLine(const AnnotatedLine &Line) {
84    unsigned LevelIndent = Line.First->OriginalColumn;
85    if (static_cast<int>(LevelIndent) - Offset >= 0)
86      LevelIndent -= Offset;
87    if ((!Line.First->is(tok::comment) || IndentForLevel[Line.Level] == -1) &&
88        !Line.InPPDirective)
89      IndentForLevel[Line.Level] = LevelIndent;
90  }
93  /// Get the offset of the line relatively to the level.
94  ///
95  /// For example, 'public:' labels in classes are offset by 1 or 2
96  /// characters to the left from their level.
97  int getIndentOffset(const FormatToken &RootToken) {
98    if (Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_Java ||
99        Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript || Style.isCSharp())
100      return 0;
101    if (RootToken.isAccessSpecifier(false) ||
102        RootToken.isObjCAccessSpecifier() ||
103        (RootToken.isOneOf(Keywords.kw_signals, Keywords.kw_qsignals) &&
104         RootToken.Next && RootToken.Next->is(tok::colon)))
105      return Style.AccessModifierOffset;
106    return 0;
107  }
109  /// Get the indent of \p Level from \p IndentForLevel.
110  ///
111  /// \p IndentForLevel must contain the indent for the level \c l
112  /// at \p IndentForLevel[l], or a value < 0 if the indent for
113  /// that level is unknown.
114  unsigned getIndent(ArrayRef<int> IndentForLevel, unsigned Level) {
115    if (IndentForLevel[Level] != -1)
116      return IndentForLevel[Level];
117    if (Level == 0)
118      return 0;
119    return getIndent(IndentForLevel, Level - 1) + Style.IndentWidth;
120  }
122  const FormatStyle &Style;
123  const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords;
124  const unsigned AdditionalIndent;
126  /// The indent in characters for each level.
127  std::vector<int> IndentForLevel;
129  /// Offset of the current line relative to the indent level.
130  ///
131  /// For example, the 'public' keywords is often indented with a negative
132  /// offset.
133  int Offset = 0;
135  /// The current line's indent.
136  unsigned Indent = 0;
139const FormatToken *getMatchingNamespaceToken(
140    const AnnotatedLine *Line,
141    const SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *> &AnnotatedLines) {
142  if (!Line->startsWith(tok::r_brace))
143    return nullptr;
144  size_t StartLineIndex = Line->MatchingOpeningBlockLineIndex;
145  if (StartLineIndex == UnwrappedLine::kInvalidIndex)
146    return nullptr;
147  assert(StartLineIndex < AnnotatedLines.size());
148  return AnnotatedLines[StartLineIndex]->First->getNamespaceToken();
151StringRef getNamespaceTokenText(const AnnotatedLine *Line) {
152  const FormatToken *NamespaceToken = Line->First->getNamespaceToken();
153  return NamespaceToken ? NamespaceToken->TokenText : StringRef();
156StringRef getMatchingNamespaceTokenText(
157    const AnnotatedLine *Line,
158    const SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *> &AnnotatedLines) {
159  const FormatToken *NamespaceToken =
160      getMatchingNamespaceToken(Line, AnnotatedLines);
161  return NamespaceToken ? NamespaceToken->TokenText : StringRef();
164class LineJoiner {
166  LineJoiner(const FormatStyle &Style, const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords,
167             const SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *> &Lines)
168      : Style(Style), Keywords(Keywords), End(Lines.end()), Next(Lines.begin()),
169        AnnotatedLines(Lines) {}
171  /// Returns the next line, merging multiple lines into one if possible.
172  const AnnotatedLine *getNextMergedLine(bool DryRun,
173                                         LevelIndentTracker &IndentTracker) {
174    if (Next == End)
175      return nullptr;
176    const AnnotatedLine *Current = *Next;
177    IndentTracker.nextLine(*Current);
178    unsigned MergedLines = tryFitMultipleLinesInOne(IndentTracker, Next, End);
179    if (MergedLines > 0 && Style.ColumnLimit == 0)
180      // Disallow line merging if there is a break at the start of one of the
181      // input lines.
182      for (unsigned i = 0; i < MergedLines; ++i)
183        if (Next[i + 1]->First->NewlinesBefore > 0)
184          MergedLines = 0;
185    if (!DryRun)
186      for (unsigned i = 0; i < MergedLines; ++i)
187        join(*Next[0], *Next[i + 1]);
188    Next = Next + MergedLines + 1;
189    return Current;
190  }
193  /// Calculates how many lines can be merged into 1 starting at \p I.
194  unsigned
195  tryFitMultipleLinesInOne(LevelIndentTracker &IndentTracker,
196                           SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator I,
197                           SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator E) {
198    const unsigned Indent = IndentTracker.getIndent();
200    // Can't join the last line with anything.
201    if (I + 1 == E)
202      return 0;
203    // We can never merge stuff if there are trailing line comments.
204    const AnnotatedLine *TheLine = *I;
205    if (TheLine->Last->is(TT_LineComment))
206      return 0;
207    if (I[1]->Type == LT_Invalid || I[1]->First->MustBreakBefore)
208      return 0;
209    if (TheLine->InPPDirective &&
210        (!I[1]->InPPDirective || I[1]->First->HasUnescapedNewline))
211      return 0;
213    if (Style.ColumnLimit > 0 && Indent > Style.ColumnLimit)
214      return 0;
216    unsigned Limit =
217        Style.ColumnLimit == 0 ? UINT_MAX : Style.ColumnLimit - Indent;
218    // If we already exceed the column limit, we set 'Limit' to 0. The different
219    // tryMerge..() functions can then decide whether to still do merging.
220    Limit = TheLine->Last->TotalLength > Limit
221                ? 0
222                : Limit - TheLine->Last->TotalLength;
224    if (TheLine->Last->is(TT_FunctionLBrace) &&
225        TheLine->First == TheLine->Last &&
226        !Style.BraceWrapping.SplitEmptyFunction &&
227        I[1]->First->is(tok::r_brace))
228      return tryMergeSimpleBlock(I, E, Limit);
230    // Handle empty record blocks where the brace has already been wrapped
231    if (TheLine->Last->is(tok::l_brace) && TheLine->First == TheLine->Last &&
232        I != AnnotatedLines.begin()) {
233      bool EmptyBlock = I[1]->First->is(tok::r_brace);
235      const FormatToken *Tok = I[-1]->First;
236      if (Tok && Tok->is(tok::comment))
237        Tok = Tok->getNextNonComment();
239      if (Tok && Tok->getNamespaceToken())
240        return !Style.BraceWrapping.SplitEmptyNamespace && EmptyBlock
241                   ? tryMergeSimpleBlock(I, E, Limit)
242                   : 0;
244      if (Tok && Tok->is(tok::kw_typedef))
245        Tok = Tok->getNextNonComment();
246      if (Tok && Tok->isOneOf(tok::kw_class, tok::kw_struct, tok::kw_union,
247                              tok::kw_extern, Keywords.kw_interface))
248        return !Style.BraceWrapping.SplitEmptyRecord && EmptyBlock
249                   ? tryMergeSimpleBlock(I, E, Limit)
250                   : 0;
251    }
253    // FIXME: TheLine->Level != 0 might or might not be the right check to do.
254    // If necessary, change to something smarter.
255    bool MergeShortFunctions =
256        Style.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine == FormatStyle::SFS_All ||
257        (Style.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine >= FormatStyle::SFS_Empty &&
258         I[1]->First->is(tok::r_brace)) ||
259        (Style.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine & FormatStyle::SFS_InlineOnly &&
260         TheLine->Level != 0);
262    if (Style.CompactNamespaces) {
263      if (auto nsToken = TheLine->First->getNamespaceToken()) {
264        int i = 0;
265        unsigned closingLine = TheLine->MatchingClosingBlockLineIndex - 1;
266        for (; I + 1 + i != E &&
267               nsToken->TokenText == getNamespaceTokenText(I[i + 1]) &&
268               closingLine == I[i + 1]->MatchingClosingBlockLineIndex &&
269               I[i + 1]->Last->TotalLength < Limit;
270             i++, closingLine--) {
271          // No extra indent for compacted namespaces
272          IndentTracker.skipLine(*I[i + 1]);
274          Limit -= I[i + 1]->Last->TotalLength;
275        }
276        return i;
277      }
279      if (auto nsToken = getMatchingNamespaceToken(TheLine, AnnotatedLines)) {
280        int i = 0;
281        unsigned openingLine = TheLine->MatchingOpeningBlockLineIndex - 1;
282        for (; I + 1 + i != E &&
283               nsToken->TokenText ==
284                   getMatchingNamespaceTokenText(I[i + 1], AnnotatedLines) &&
285               openingLine == I[i + 1]->MatchingOpeningBlockLineIndex;
286             i++, openingLine--) {
287          // No space between consecutive braces
288          I[i + 1]->First->SpacesRequiredBefore = !I[i]->Last->is(tok::r_brace);
290          // Indent like the outer-most namespace
291          IndentTracker.nextLine(*I[i + 1]);
292        }
293        return i;
294      }
295    }
297    // Try to merge a function block with left brace unwrapped
298    if (TheLine->Last->is(TT_FunctionLBrace) &&
299        TheLine->First != TheLine->Last) {
300      return MergeShortFunctions ? tryMergeSimpleBlock(I, E, Limit) : 0;
301    }
302    // Try to merge a control statement block with left brace unwrapped
303    if (TheLine->Last->is(tok::l_brace) && TheLine->First != TheLine->Last &&
304        TheLine->First->isOneOf(tok::kw_if, tok::kw_while, tok::kw_for)) {
305      return Style.AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine != FormatStyle::SBS_Never
306                 ? tryMergeSimpleBlock(I, E, Limit)
307                 : 0;
308    }
309    // Try to merge a control statement block with left brace wrapped
310    if (I[1]->First->is(tok::l_brace) &&
311        (TheLine->First->isOneOf(tok::kw_if, tok::kw_while, tok::kw_for,
312                                 tok::kw_switch, tok::kw_try, tok::kw_do) ||
313         (TheLine->First->is(tok::r_brace) && TheLine->First->Next &&
314          TheLine->First->Next->isOneOf(tok::kw_else, tok::kw_catch))) &&
315        Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement ==
316            FormatStyle::BWACS_MultiLine) {
317      // If possible, merge the next line's wrapped left brace with the current
318      // line. Otherwise, leave it on the next line, as this is a multi-line
319      // control statement.
320      return (Style.ColumnLimit == 0 ||
321              TheLine->Last->TotalLength <= Style.ColumnLimit)
322                 ? 1
323                 : 0;
324    } else if (I[1]->First->is(tok::l_brace) &&
325               TheLine->First->isOneOf(tok::kw_if, tok::kw_while,
326                                       tok::kw_for)) {
327      return (Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement ==
328              FormatStyle::BWACS_Always)
329                 ? tryMergeSimpleBlock(I, E, Limit)
330                 : 0;
331    } else if (I[1]->First->is(tok::l_brace) &&
332               TheLine->First->isOneOf(tok::kw_else, tok::kw_catch) &&
333               Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement ==
334                   FormatStyle::BWACS_MultiLine) {
335      // This case if different from the upper BWACS_MultiLine processing
336      // in that a preceding r_brace is not on the same line as else/catch
337      // most likely because of BeforeElse/BeforeCatch set to true.
338      // If the line length doesn't fit ColumnLimit, leave l_brace on the
339      // next line to respect the BWACS_MultiLine.
340      return (Style.ColumnLimit == 0 ||
341              TheLine->Last->TotalLength <= Style.ColumnLimit)
342                 ? 1
343                 : 0;
344    }
345    // Don't merge block with left brace wrapped after ObjC special blocks
346    if (TheLine->First->is(tok::l_brace) && I != AnnotatedLines.begin() &&
347        I[-1]->First->is(tok::at) && I[-1]->First->Next) {
348      tok::ObjCKeywordKind kwId = I[-1]->First->Next->Tok.getObjCKeywordID();
349      if (kwId == clang::tok::objc_autoreleasepool ||
350          kwId == clang::tok::objc_synchronized)
351        return 0;
352    }
353    // Don't merge block with left brace wrapped after case labels
354    if (TheLine->First->is(tok::l_brace) && I != AnnotatedLines.begin() &&
355        I[-1]->First->isOneOf(tok::kw_case, tok::kw_default))
356      return 0;
357    // Try to merge a block with left brace wrapped that wasn't yet covered
358    if (TheLine->Last->is(tok::l_brace)) {
359      return !Style.BraceWrapping.AfterFunction ||
360                     (I[1]->First->is(tok::r_brace) &&
361                      !Style.BraceWrapping.SplitEmptyRecord)
362                 ? tryMergeSimpleBlock(I, E, Limit)
363                 : 0;
364    }
365    // Try to merge a function block with left brace wrapped
366    if (I[1]->First->is(TT_FunctionLBrace) &&
367        Style.BraceWrapping.AfterFunction) {
368      if (I[1]->Last->is(TT_LineComment))
369        return 0;
371      // Check for Limit <= 2 to account for the " {".
372      if (Limit <= 2 || (Style.ColumnLimit == 0 && containsMustBreak(TheLine)))
373        return 0;
374      Limit -= 2;
376      unsigned MergedLines = 0;
377      if (MergeShortFunctions ||
378          (Style.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine >= FormatStyle::SFS_Empty &&
379           I[1]->First == I[1]->Last && I + 2 != E &&
380           I[2]->First->is(tok::r_brace))) {
381        MergedLines = tryMergeSimpleBlock(I + 1, E, Limit);
382        // If we managed to merge the block, count the function header, which is
383        // on a separate line.
384        if (MergedLines > 0)
385          ++MergedLines;
386      }
387      return MergedLines;
388    }
389    if (TheLine->First->is(tok::kw_if)) {
390      return Style.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine
391                 ? tryMergeSimpleControlStatement(I, E, Limit)
392                 : 0;
393    }
394    if (TheLine->First->isOneOf(tok::kw_for, tok::kw_while, tok::kw_do)) {
395      return Style.AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine
396                 ? tryMergeSimpleControlStatement(I, E, Limit)
397                 : 0;
398    }
399    if (TheLine->First->isOneOf(tok::kw_case, tok::kw_default)) {
400      return Style.AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine
401                 ? tryMergeShortCaseLabels(I, E, Limit)
402                 : 0;
403    }
404    if (TheLine->InPPDirective &&
405        (TheLine->First->HasUnescapedNewline || TheLine->First->IsFirst)) {
406      return tryMergeSimplePPDirective(I, E, Limit);
407    }
408    return 0;
409  }
411  unsigned
412  tryMergeSimplePPDirective(SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator I,
413                            SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator E,
414                            unsigned Limit) {
415    if (Limit == 0)
416      return 0;
417    if (I + 2 != E && I[2]->InPPDirective && !I[2]->First->HasUnescapedNewline)
418      return 0;
419    if (1 + I[1]->Last->TotalLength > Limit)
420      return 0;
421    return 1;
422  }
424  unsigned tryMergeSimpleControlStatement(
425      SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator I,
426      SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator E, unsigned Limit) {
427    if (Limit == 0)
428      return 0;
429    if (Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement ==
430            FormatStyle::BWACS_Always &&
431        I[1]->First->is(tok::l_brace) &&
432        Style.AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine == FormatStyle::SBS_Never)
433      return 0;
434    if (I[1]->InPPDirective != (*I)->InPPDirective ||
435        (I[1]->InPPDirective && I[1]->First->HasUnescapedNewline))
436      return 0;
437    Limit = limitConsideringMacros(I + 1, E, Limit);
438    AnnotatedLine &Line = **I;
439    if (!Line.First->is(tok::kw_do) && Line.Last->isNot(tok::r_paren))
440      return 0;
441    // Only merge do while if do is the only statement on the line.
442    if (Line.First->is(tok::kw_do) && !Line.Last->is(tok::kw_do))
443      return 0;
444    if (1 + I[1]->Last->TotalLength > Limit)
445      return 0;
446    if (I[1]->First->isOneOf(tok::semi, tok::kw_if, tok::kw_for, tok::kw_while,
447                             TT_LineComment))
448      return 0;
449    // Only inline simple if's (no nested if or else), unless specified
450    if (Style.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine != FormatStyle::SIS_Always) {
451      if (I + 2 != E && Line.startsWith(tok::kw_if) &&
452          I[2]->First->is(tok::kw_else))
453        return 0;
454    }
455    return 1;
456  }
458  unsigned
459  tryMergeShortCaseLabels(SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator I,
460                          SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator E,
461                          unsigned Limit) {
462    if (Limit == 0 || I + 1 == E ||
463        I[1]->First->isOneOf(tok::kw_case, tok::kw_default))
464      return 0;
465    if (I[0]->Last->is(tok::l_brace) || I[1]->First->is(tok::l_brace))
466      return 0;
467    unsigned NumStmts = 0;
468    unsigned Length = 0;
469    bool EndsWithComment = false;
470    bool InPPDirective = I[0]->InPPDirective;
471    const unsigned Level = I[0]->Level;
472    for (; NumStmts < 3; ++NumStmts) {
473      if (I + 1 + NumStmts == E)
474        break;
475      const AnnotatedLine *Line = I[1 + NumStmts];
476      if (Line->InPPDirective != InPPDirective)
477        break;
478      if (Line->First->isOneOf(tok::kw_case, tok::kw_default, tok::r_brace))
479        break;
480      if (Line->First->isOneOf(tok::kw_if, tok::kw_for, tok::kw_switch,
481                               tok::kw_while) ||
482          EndsWithComment)
483        return 0;
484      if (Line->First->is(tok::comment)) {
485        if (Level != Line->Level)
486          return 0;
487        SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator J = I + 2 + NumStmts;
488        for (; J != E; ++J) {
489          Line = *J;
490          if (Line->InPPDirective != InPPDirective)
491            break;
492          if (Line->First->isOneOf(tok::kw_case, tok::kw_default, tok::r_brace))
493            break;
494          if (Line->First->isNot(tok::comment) || Level != Line->Level)
495            return 0;
496        }
497        break;
498      }
499      if (Line->Last->is(tok::comment))
500        EndsWithComment = true;
501      Length += I[1 + NumStmts]->Last->TotalLength + 1; // 1 for the space.
502    }
503    if (NumStmts == 0 || NumStmts == 3 || Length > Limit)
504      return 0;
505    return NumStmts;
506  }
508  unsigned
509  tryMergeSimpleBlock(SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator I,
510                      SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator E,
511                      unsigned Limit) {
512    AnnotatedLine &Line = **I;
514    // Don't merge ObjC @ keywords and methods.
515    // FIXME: If an option to allow short exception handling clauses on a single
516    // line is added, change this to not return for @try and friends.
517    if (Style.Language != FormatStyle::LK_Java &&
518        Line.First->isOneOf(tok::at, tok::minus, tok::plus))
519      return 0;
521    // Check that the current line allows merging. This depends on whether we
522    // are in a control flow statements as well as several style flags.
523    if (Line.First->isOneOf(tok::kw_else, tok::kw_case) ||
524        (Line.First->Next && Line.First->Next->is(tok::kw_else)))
525      return 0;
526    // default: in switch statement
527    if (Line.First->is(tok::kw_default)) {
528      const FormatToken *Tok = Line.First->getNextNonComment();
529      if (Tok && Tok->is(tok::colon))
530        return 0;
531    }
532    if (Line.First->isOneOf(tok::kw_if, tok::kw_while, tok::kw_do, tok::kw_try,
533                            tok::kw___try, tok::kw_catch, tok::kw___finally,
534                            tok::kw_for, tok::r_brace, Keywords.kw___except)) {
535      if (Style.AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine == FormatStyle::SBS_Never)
536        return 0;
537      // Don't merge when we can't except the case when
538      // the control statement block is empty
539      if (!Style.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine &&
540          Line.startsWith(tok::kw_if) &&
541          !Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement &&
542          !I[1]->First->is(tok::r_brace))
543        return 0;
544      if (!Style.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine &&
545          Line.startsWith(tok::kw_if) &&
546          Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement ==
547              FormatStyle::BWACS_Always &&
548          I + 2 != E && !I[2]->First->is(tok::r_brace))
549        return 0;
550      if (!Style.AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine &&
551          Line.First->isOneOf(tok::kw_while, tok::kw_do, tok::kw_for) &&
552          !Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement &&
553          !I[1]->First->is(tok::r_brace))
554        return 0;
555      if (!Style.AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine &&
556          Line.First->isOneOf(tok::kw_while, tok::kw_do, tok::kw_for) &&
557          Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement ==
558              FormatStyle::BWACS_Always &&
559          I + 2 != E && !I[2]->First->is(tok::r_brace))
560        return 0;
561      // FIXME: Consider an option to allow short exception handling clauses on
562      // a single line.
563      // FIXME: This isn't covered by tests.
564      // FIXME: For catch, __except, __finally the first token on the line
565      // is '}', so this isn't correct here.
566      if (Line.First->isOneOf(tok::kw_try, tok::kw___try, tok::kw_catch,
567                              Keywords.kw___except, tok::kw___finally))
568        return 0;
569    }
571    if (Line.Last->is(tok::l_brace)) {
572      FormatToken *Tok = I[1]->First;
573      if (Tok->is(tok::r_brace) && !Tok->MustBreakBefore &&
574          (Tok->getNextNonComment() == nullptr ||
575           Tok->getNextNonComment()->is(tok::semi))) {
576        // We merge empty blocks even if the line exceeds the column limit.
577        Tok->SpacesRequiredBefore = Style.SpaceInEmptyBlock ? 1 : 0;
578        Tok->CanBreakBefore = true;
579        return 1;
580      } else if (Limit != 0 && !Line.startsWithNamespace() &&
581                 !startsExternCBlock(Line)) {
582        // We don't merge short records.
583        FormatToken *RecordTok = Line.First;
584        // Skip record modifiers.
585        while (RecordTok->Next &&
586               RecordTok->isOneOf(
587                   tok::kw_typedef, tok::kw_export, Keywords.kw_declare,
588                   Keywords.kw_abstract, tok::kw_default, tok::kw_public,
589                   tok::kw_private, tok::kw_protected, Keywords.kw_internal))
590          RecordTok = RecordTok->Next;
591        if (RecordTok &&
592            RecordTok->isOneOf(tok::kw_class, tok::kw_union, tok::kw_struct,
593                               Keywords.kw_interface))
594          return 0;
596        // Check that we still have three lines and they fit into the limit.
597        if (I + 2 == E || I[2]->Type == LT_Invalid)
598          return 0;
599        Limit = limitConsideringMacros(I + 2, E, Limit);
601        if (!nextTwoLinesFitInto(I, Limit))
602          return 0;
604        // Second, check that the next line does not contain any braces - if it
605        // does, readability declines when putting it into a single line.
606        if (I[1]->Last->is(TT_LineComment))
607          return 0;
608        do {
609          if (Tok->is(tok::l_brace) && Tok->BlockKind != BK_BracedInit)
610            return 0;
611          Tok = Tok->Next;
612        } while (Tok);
614        // Last, check that the third line starts with a closing brace.
615        Tok = I[2]->First;
616        if (Tok->isNot(tok::r_brace))
617          return 0;
619        // Don't merge "if (a) { .. } else {".
620        if (Tok->Next && Tok->Next->is(tok::kw_else))
621          return 0;
623        // Don't merge a trailing multi-line control statement block like:
624        // } else if (foo &&
625        //            bar)
626        // { <-- current Line
627        //   baz();
628        // }
629        if (Line.First == Line.Last &&
630            Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement ==
631                FormatStyle::BWACS_MultiLine)
632          return 0;
634        return 2;
635      }
636    } else if (I[1]->First->is(tok::l_brace)) {
637      if (I[1]->Last->is(TT_LineComment))
638        return 0;
640      // Check for Limit <= 2 to account for the " {".
641      if (Limit <= 2 || (Style.ColumnLimit == 0 && containsMustBreak(*I)))
642        return 0;
643      Limit -= 2;
644      unsigned MergedLines = 0;
645      if (Style.AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine != FormatStyle::SBS_Never ||
646          (I[1]->First == I[1]->Last && I + 2 != E &&
647           I[2]->First->is(tok::r_brace))) {
648        MergedLines = tryMergeSimpleBlock(I + 1, E, Limit);
649        // If we managed to merge the block, count the statement header, which
650        // is on a separate line.
651        if (MergedLines > 0)
652          ++MergedLines;
653      }
654      return MergedLines;
655    }
656    return 0;
657  }
659  /// Returns the modified column limit for \p I if it is inside a macro and
660  /// needs a trailing '\'.
661  unsigned
662  limitConsideringMacros(SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator I,
663                         SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator E,
664                         unsigned Limit) {
665    if (I[0]->InPPDirective && I + 1 != E &&
666        !I[1]->First->HasUnescapedNewline && !I[1]->First->is(tok::eof)) {
667      return Limit < 2 ? 0 : Limit - 2;
668    }
669    return Limit;
670  }
672  bool nextTwoLinesFitInto(SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator I,
673                           unsigned Limit) {
674    if (I[1]->First->MustBreakBefore || I[2]->First->MustBreakBefore)
675      return false;
676    return 1 + I[1]->Last->TotalLength + 1 + I[2]->Last->TotalLength <= Limit;
677  }
679  bool containsMustBreak(const AnnotatedLine *Line) {
680    for (const FormatToken *Tok = Line->First; Tok; Tok = Tok->Next) {
681      if (Tok->MustBreakBefore)
682        return true;
683    }
684    return false;
685  }
687  void join(AnnotatedLine &A, const AnnotatedLine &B) {
688    assert(!A.Last->Next);
689    assert(!B.First->Previous);
690    if (B.Affected)
691      A.Affected = true;
692    A.Last->Next = B.First;
693    B.First->Previous = A.Last;
694    B.First->CanBreakBefore = true;
695    unsigned LengthA = A.Last->TotalLength + B.First->SpacesRequiredBefore;
696    for (FormatToken *Tok = B.First; Tok; Tok = Tok->Next) {
697      Tok->TotalLength += LengthA;
698      A.Last = Tok;
699    }
700  }
702  const FormatStyle &Style;
703  const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords;
704  const SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator End;
706  SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::const_iterator Next;
707  const SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *> &AnnotatedLines;
710static void markFinalized(FormatToken *Tok) {
711  for (; Tok; Tok = Tok->Next) {
712    Tok->Finalized = true;
713    for (AnnotatedLine *Child : Tok->Children)
714      markFinalized(Child->First);
715  }
718#ifndef NDEBUG
719static void printLineState(const LineState &State) {
720  llvm::dbgs() << "State: ";
721  for (const ParenState &P : State.Stack) {
722    llvm::dbgs() << (P.Tok ? P.Tok->TokenText : "F") << "|" << P.Indent << "|"
723                 << P.LastSpace << "|" << P.NestedBlockIndent << " ";
724  }
725  llvm::dbgs() << State.NextToken->TokenText << "\n";
729/// Base class for classes that format one \c AnnotatedLine.
730class LineFormatter {
732  LineFormatter(ContinuationIndenter *Indenter, WhitespaceManager *Whitespaces,
733                const FormatStyle &Style,
734                UnwrappedLineFormatter *BlockFormatter)
735      : Indenter(Indenter), Whitespaces(Whitespaces), Style(Style),
736        BlockFormatter(BlockFormatter) {}
737  virtual ~LineFormatter() {}
739  /// Formats an \c AnnotatedLine and returns the penalty.
740  ///
741  /// If \p DryRun is \c false, directly applies the changes.
742  virtual unsigned formatLine(const AnnotatedLine &Line, unsigned FirstIndent,
743                              unsigned FirstStartColumn, bool DryRun) = 0;
746  /// If the \p State's next token is an r_brace closing a nested block,
747  /// format the nested block before it.
748  ///
749  /// Returns \c true if all children could be placed successfully and adapts
750  /// \p Penalty as well as \p State. If \p DryRun is false, also directly
751  /// creates changes using \c Whitespaces.
752  ///
753  /// The crucial idea here is that children always get formatted upon
754  /// encountering the closing brace right after the nested block. Now, if we
755  /// are currently trying to keep the "}" on the same line (i.e. \p NewLine is
756  /// \c false), the entire block has to be kept on the same line (which is only
757  /// possible if it fits on the line, only contains a single statement, etc.
758  ///
759  /// If \p NewLine is true, we format the nested block on separate lines, i.e.
760  /// break after the "{", format all lines with correct indentation and the put
761  /// the closing "}" on yet another new line.
762  ///
763  /// This enables us to keep the simple structure of the
764  /// \c UnwrappedLineFormatter, where we only have two options for each token:
765  /// break or don't break.
766  bool formatChildren(LineState &State, bool NewLine, bool DryRun,
767                      unsigned &Penalty) {
768    const FormatToken *LBrace = State.NextToken->getPreviousNonComment();
769    FormatToken &Previous = *State.NextToken->Previous;
770    if (!LBrace || LBrace->isNot(tok::l_brace) ||
771        LBrace->BlockKind != BK_Block || Previous.Children.size() == 0)
772      // The previous token does not open a block. Nothing to do. We don't
773      // assert so that we can simply call this function for all tokens.
774      return true;
776    if (NewLine) {
777      int AdditionalIndent = State.Stack.back().Indent -
778                             Previous.Children[0]->Level * Style.IndentWidth;
780      Penalty +=
781          BlockFormatter->format(Previous.Children, DryRun, AdditionalIndent,
782                                 /*FixBadIndentation=*/true);
783      return true;
784    }
786    if (Previous.Children[0]->First->MustBreakBefore)
787      return false;
789    // Cannot merge into one line if this line ends on a comment.
790    if (Previous.is(tok::comment))
791      return false;
793    // Cannot merge multiple statements into a single line.
794    if (Previous.Children.size() > 1)
795      return false;
797    const AnnotatedLine *Child = Previous.Children[0];
798    // We can't put the closing "}" on a line with a trailing comment.
799    if (Child->Last->isTrailingComment())
800      return false;
802    // If the child line exceeds the column limit, we wouldn't want to merge it.
803    // We add +2 for the trailing " }".
804    if (Style.ColumnLimit > 0 &&
805        Child->Last->TotalLength + State.Column + 2 > Style.ColumnLimit)
806      return false;
808    if (!DryRun) {
809      Whitespaces->replaceWhitespace(
810          *Child->First, /*Newlines=*/0, /*Spaces=*/1,
811          /*StartOfTokenColumn=*/State.Column, /*IsAligned=*/false,
812          State.Line->InPPDirective);
813    }
814    Penalty +=
815        formatLine(*Child, State.Column + 1, /*FirstStartColumn=*/0, DryRun);
817    State.Column += 1 + Child->Last->TotalLength;
818    return true;
819  }
821  ContinuationIndenter *Indenter;
824  WhitespaceManager *Whitespaces;
825  const FormatStyle &Style;
826  UnwrappedLineFormatter *BlockFormatter;
829/// Formatter that keeps the existing line breaks.
830class NoColumnLimitLineFormatter : public LineFormatter {
832  NoColumnLimitLineFormatter(ContinuationIndenter *Indenter,
833                             WhitespaceManager *Whitespaces,
834                             const FormatStyle &Style,
835                             UnwrappedLineFormatter *BlockFormatter)
836      : LineFormatter(Indenter, Whitespaces, Style, BlockFormatter) {}
838  /// Formats the line, simply keeping all of the input's line breaking
839  /// decisions.
840  unsigned formatLine(const AnnotatedLine &Line, unsigned FirstIndent,
841                      unsigned FirstStartColumn, bool DryRun) override {
842    assert(!DryRun);
843    LineState State = Indenter->getInitialState(FirstIndent, FirstStartColumn,
844                                                &Line, /*DryRun=*/false);
845    while (State.NextToken) {
846      bool Newline =
847          Indenter->mustBreak(State) ||
848          (Indenter->canBreak(State) && State.NextToken->NewlinesBefore > 0);
849      unsigned Penalty = 0;
850      formatChildren(State, Newline, /*DryRun=*/false, Penalty);
851      Indenter->addTokenToState(State, Newline, /*DryRun=*/false);
852    }
853    return 0;
854  }
857/// Formatter that puts all tokens into a single line without breaks.
858class NoLineBreakFormatter : public LineFormatter {
860  NoLineBreakFormatter(ContinuationIndenter *Indenter,
861                       WhitespaceManager *Whitespaces, const FormatStyle &Style,
862                       UnwrappedLineFormatter *BlockFormatter)
863      : LineFormatter(Indenter, Whitespaces, Style, BlockFormatter) {}
865  /// Puts all tokens into a single line.
866  unsigned formatLine(const AnnotatedLine &Line, unsigned FirstIndent,
867                      unsigned FirstStartColumn, bool DryRun) override {
868    unsigned Penalty = 0;
869    LineState State =
870        Indenter->getInitialState(FirstIndent, FirstStartColumn, &Line, DryRun);
871    while (State.NextToken) {
872      formatChildren(State, /*NewLine=*/false, DryRun, Penalty);
873      Indenter->addTokenToState(
874          State, /*Newline=*/State.NextToken->MustBreakBefore, DryRun);
875    }
876    return Penalty;
877  }
880/// Finds the best way to break lines.
881class OptimizingLineFormatter : public LineFormatter {
883  OptimizingLineFormatter(ContinuationIndenter *Indenter,
884                          WhitespaceManager *Whitespaces,
885                          const FormatStyle &Style,
886                          UnwrappedLineFormatter *BlockFormatter)
887      : LineFormatter(Indenter, Whitespaces, Style, BlockFormatter) {}
889  /// Formats the line by finding the best line breaks with line lengths
890  /// below the column limit.
891  unsigned formatLine(const AnnotatedLine &Line, unsigned FirstIndent,
892                      unsigned FirstStartColumn, bool DryRun) override {
893    LineState State =
894        Indenter->getInitialState(FirstIndent, FirstStartColumn, &Line, DryRun);
896    // If the ObjC method declaration does not fit on a line, we should format
897    // it with one arg per line.
898    if (State.Line->Type == LT_ObjCMethodDecl)
899      State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter = true;
901    // Find best solution in solution space.
902    return analyzeSolutionSpace(State, DryRun);
903  }
906  struct CompareLineStatePointers {
907    bool operator()(LineState *obj1, LineState *obj2) const {
908      return *obj1 < *obj2;
909    }
910  };
912  /// A pair of <penalty, count> that is used to prioritize the BFS on.
913  ///
914  /// In case of equal penalties, we want to prefer states that were inserted
915  /// first. During state generation we make sure that we insert states first
916  /// that break the line as late as possible.
917  typedef std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> OrderedPenalty;
919  /// An edge in the solution space from \c Previous->State to \c State,
920  /// inserting a newline dependent on the \c NewLine.
921  struct StateNode {
922    StateNode(const LineState &State, bool NewLine, StateNode *Previous)
923        : State(State), NewLine(NewLine), Previous(Previous) {}
924    LineState State;
925    bool NewLine;
926    StateNode *Previous;
927  };
929  /// An item in the prioritized BFS search queue. The \c StateNode's
930  /// \c State has the given \c OrderedPenalty.
931  typedef std::pair<OrderedPenalty, StateNode *> QueueItem;
933  /// The BFS queue type.
934  typedef std::priority_queue<QueueItem, std::vector<QueueItem>,
935                              std::greater<QueueItem>>
936      QueueType;
938  /// Analyze the entire solution space starting from \p InitialState.
939  ///
940  /// This implements a variant of Dijkstra's algorithm on the graph that spans
941  /// the solution space (\c LineStates are the nodes). The algorithm tries to
942  /// find the shortest path (the one with lowest penalty) from \p InitialState
943  /// to a state where all tokens are placed. Returns the penalty.
944  ///
945  /// If \p DryRun is \c false, directly applies the changes.
946  unsigned analyzeSolutionSpace(LineState &InitialState, bool DryRun) {
947    std::set<LineState *, CompareLineStatePointers> Seen;
949    // Increasing count of \c StateNode items we have created. This is used to
950    // create a deterministic order independent of the container.
951    unsigned Count = 0;
952    QueueType Queue;
954    // Insert start element into queue.
955    StateNode *Node =
956        new (Allocator.Allocate()) StateNode(InitialState, false, nullptr);
957    Queue.push(QueueItem(OrderedPenalty(0, Count), Node));
958    ++Count;
960    unsigned Penalty = 0;
962    // While not empty, take first element and follow edges.
963    while (!Queue.empty()) {
964      Penalty = Queue.top().first.first;
965      StateNode *Node = Queue.top().second;
966      if (!Node->State.NextToken) {
967        LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
968                   << "\n---\nPenalty for line: " << Penalty << "\n");
969        break;
970      }
971      Queue.pop();
973      // Cut off the analysis of certain solutions if the analysis gets too
974      // complex. See description of IgnoreStackForComparison.
975      if (Count > 50000)
976        Node->State.IgnoreStackForComparison = true;
978      if (!Seen.insert(&Node->State).second)
979        // State already examined with lower penalty.
980        continue;
982      FormatDecision LastFormat = Node->State.NextToken->Decision;
983      if (LastFormat == FD_Unformatted || LastFormat == FD_Continue)
984        addNextStateToQueue(Penalty, Node, /*NewLine=*/false, &Count, &Queue);
985      if (LastFormat == FD_Unformatted || LastFormat == FD_Break)
986        addNextStateToQueue(Penalty, Node, /*NewLine=*/true, &Count, &Queue);
987    }
989    if (Queue.empty()) {
990      // We were unable to find a solution, do nothing.
991      // FIXME: Add diagnostic?
992      LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Could not find a solution.\n");
993      return 0;
994    }
996    // Reconstruct the solution.
997    if (!DryRun)
998      reconstructPath(InitialState, Queue.top().second);
1000    LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
1001               << "Total number of analyzed states: " << Count << "\n");
1002    LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "---\n");
1004    return Penalty;
1005  }
1007  /// Add the following state to the analysis queue \c Queue.
1008  ///
1009  /// Assume the current state is \p PreviousNode and has been reached with a
1010  /// penalty of \p Penalty. Insert a line break if \p NewLine is \c true.
1011  void addNextStateToQueue(unsigned Penalty, StateNode *PreviousNode,
1012                           bool NewLine, unsigned *Count, QueueType *Queue) {
1013    if (NewLine && !Indenter->canBreak(PreviousNode->State))
1014      return;
1015    if (!NewLine && Indenter->mustBreak(PreviousNode->State))
1016      return;
1018    StateNode *Node = new (Allocator.Allocate())
1019        StateNode(PreviousNode->State, NewLine, PreviousNode);
1020    if (!formatChildren(Node->State, NewLine, /*DryRun=*/true, Penalty))
1021      return;
1023    Penalty += Indenter->addTokenToState(Node->State, NewLine, true);
1025    Queue->push(QueueItem(OrderedPenalty(Penalty, *Count), Node));
1026    ++(*Count);
1027  }
1029  /// Applies the best formatting by reconstructing the path in the
1030  /// solution space that leads to \c Best.
1031  void reconstructPath(LineState &State, StateNode *Best) {
1032    std::deque<StateNode *> Path;
1033    // We do not need a break before the initial token.
1034    while (Best->Previous) {
1035      Path.push_front(Best);
1036      Best = Best->Previous;
1037    }
1038    for (auto I = Path.begin(), E = Path.end(); I != E; ++I) {
1039      unsigned Penalty = 0;
1040      formatChildren(State, (*I)->NewLine, /*DryRun=*/false, Penalty);
1041      Penalty += Indenter->addTokenToState(State, (*I)->NewLine, false);
1043      LLVM_DEBUG({
1044        printLineState((*I)->Previous->State);
1045        if ((*I)->NewLine) {
1046          llvm::dbgs() << "Penalty for placing "
1047                       << (*I)->Previous->State.NextToken->Tok.getName()
1048                       << " on a new line: " << Penalty << "\n";
1049        }
1050      });
1051    }
1052  }
1054  llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<StateNode> Allocator;
1057} // anonymous namespace
1059unsigned UnwrappedLineFormatter::format(
1060    const SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *> &Lines, bool DryRun,
1061    int AdditionalIndent, bool FixBadIndentation, unsigned FirstStartColumn,
1062    unsigned NextStartColumn, unsigned LastStartColumn) {
1063  LineJoiner Joiner(Style, Keywords, Lines);
1065  // Try to look up already computed penalty in DryRun-mode.
1066  std::pair<const SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *> *, unsigned> CacheKey(
1067      &Lines, AdditionalIndent);
1068  auto CacheIt = PenaltyCache.find(CacheKey);
1069  if (DryRun && CacheIt != PenaltyCache.end())
1070    return CacheIt->second;
1072  assert(!Lines.empty());
1073  unsigned Penalty = 0;
1074  LevelIndentTracker IndentTracker(Style, Keywords, Lines[0]->Level,
1075                                   AdditionalIndent);
1076  const AnnotatedLine *PreviousLine = nullptr;
1077  const AnnotatedLine *NextLine = nullptr;
1079  // The minimum level of consecutive lines that have been formatted.
1080  unsigned RangeMinLevel = UINT_MAX;
1082  bool FirstLine = true;
1083  for (const AnnotatedLine *Line =
1084           Joiner.getNextMergedLine(DryRun, IndentTracker);
1085       Line; Line = NextLine, FirstLine = false) {
1086    const AnnotatedLine &TheLine = *Line;
1087    unsigned Indent = IndentTracker.getIndent();
1089    // We continue formatting unchanged lines to adjust their indent, e.g. if a
1090    // scope was added. However, we need to carefully stop doing this when we
1091    // exit the scope of affected lines to prevent indenting a the entire
1092    // remaining file if it currently missing a closing brace.
1093    bool PreviousRBrace =
1094        PreviousLine && PreviousLine->startsWith(tok::r_brace);
1095    bool ContinueFormatting =
1096        TheLine.Level > RangeMinLevel ||
1097        (TheLine.Level == RangeMinLevel && !PreviousRBrace &&
1098         !TheLine.startsWith(tok::r_brace));
1100    bool FixIndentation = (FixBadIndentation || ContinueFormatting) &&
1101                          Indent != TheLine.First->OriginalColumn;
1102    bool ShouldFormat = TheLine.Affected || FixIndentation;
1103    // We cannot format this line; if the reason is that the line had a
1104    // parsing error, remember that.
1105    if (ShouldFormat && TheLine.Type == LT_Invalid && Status) {
1106      Status->FormatComplete = false;
1107      Status->Line =
1108          SourceMgr.getSpellingLineNumber(TheLine.First->Tok.getLocation());
1109    }
1111    if (ShouldFormat && TheLine.Type != LT_Invalid) {
1112      if (!DryRun) {
1113        bool LastLine = Line->First->is(tok::eof);
1114        formatFirstToken(TheLine, PreviousLine, Lines, Indent,
1115                         LastLine ? LastStartColumn : NextStartColumn + Indent);
1116      }
1118      NextLine = Joiner.getNextMergedLine(DryRun, IndentTracker);
1119      unsigned ColumnLimit = getColumnLimit(TheLine.InPPDirective, NextLine);
1120      bool FitsIntoOneLine =
1121          TheLine.Last->TotalLength + Indent <= ColumnLimit ||
1122          (TheLine.Type == LT_ImportStatement &&
1123           (Style.Language != FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript ||
1124            !Style.JavaScriptWrapImports)) ||
1125          (Style.isCSharp() &&
1126           TheLine.InPPDirective); // don't split #regions in C#
1127      if (Style.ColumnLimit == 0)
1128        NoColumnLimitLineFormatter(Indenter, Whitespaces, Style, this)
1129            .formatLine(TheLine, NextStartColumn + Indent,
1130                        FirstLine ? FirstStartColumn : 0, DryRun);
1131      else if (FitsIntoOneLine)
1132        Penalty += NoLineBreakFormatter(Indenter, Whitespaces, Style, this)
1133                       .formatLine(TheLine, NextStartColumn + Indent,
1134                                   FirstLine ? FirstStartColumn : 0, DryRun);
1135      else
1136        Penalty += OptimizingLineFormatter(Indenter, Whitespaces, Style, this)
1137                       .formatLine(TheLine, NextStartColumn + Indent,
1138                                   FirstLine ? FirstStartColumn : 0, DryRun);
1139      RangeMinLevel = std::min(RangeMinLevel, TheLine.Level);
1140    } else {
1141      // If no token in the current line is affected, we still need to format
1142      // affected children.
1143      if (TheLine.ChildrenAffected)
1144        for (const FormatToken *Tok = TheLine.First; Tok; Tok = Tok->Next)
1145          if (!Tok->Children.empty())
1146            format(Tok->Children, DryRun);
1148      // Adapt following lines on the current indent level to the same level
1149      // unless the current \c AnnotatedLine is not at the beginning of a line.
1150      bool StartsNewLine =
1151          TheLine.First->NewlinesBefore > 0 || TheLine.First->IsFirst;
1152      if (StartsNewLine)
1153        IndentTracker.adjustToUnmodifiedLine(TheLine);
1154      if (!DryRun) {
1155        bool ReformatLeadingWhitespace =
1156            StartsNewLine && ((PreviousLine && PreviousLine->Affected) ||
1157                              TheLine.LeadingEmptyLinesAffected);
1158        // Format the first token.
1159        if (ReformatLeadingWhitespace)
1160          formatFirstToken(TheLine, PreviousLine, Lines,
1161                           TheLine.First->OriginalColumn,
1162                           TheLine.First->OriginalColumn);
1163        else
1164          Whitespaces->addUntouchableToken(*TheLine.First,
1165                                           TheLine.InPPDirective);
1167        // Notify the WhitespaceManager about the unchanged whitespace.
1168        for (FormatToken *Tok = TheLine.First->Next; Tok; Tok = Tok->Next)
1169          Whitespaces->addUntouchableToken(*Tok, TheLine.InPPDirective);
1170      }
1171      NextLine = Joiner.getNextMergedLine(DryRun, IndentTracker);
1172      RangeMinLevel = UINT_MAX;
1173    }
1174    if (!DryRun)
1175      markFinalized(TheLine.First);
1176    PreviousLine = &TheLine;
1177  }
1178  PenaltyCache[CacheKey] = Penalty;
1179  return Penalty;
1182void UnwrappedLineFormatter::formatFirstToken(
1183    const AnnotatedLine &Line, const AnnotatedLine *PreviousLine,
1184    const SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *> &Lines, unsigned Indent,
1185    unsigned NewlineIndent) {
1186  FormatToken &RootToken = *Line.First;
1187  if (RootToken.is(tok::eof)) {
1188    unsigned Newlines = std::min(RootToken.NewlinesBefore, 1u);
1189    unsigned TokenIndent = Newlines ? NewlineIndent : 0;
1190    Whitespaces->replaceWhitespace(RootToken, Newlines, TokenIndent,
1191                                   TokenIndent);
1192    return;
1193  }
1194  unsigned Newlines =
1195      std::min(RootToken.NewlinesBefore, Style.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep + 1);
1196  // Remove empty lines before "}" where applicable.
1197  if (RootToken.is(tok::r_brace) &&
1198      (!RootToken.Next ||
1199       (RootToken.Next->is(tok::semi) && !RootToken.Next->Next)) &&
1200      // Do not remove empty lines before namespace closing "}".
1201      !getNamespaceToken(&Line, Lines))
1202    Newlines = std::min(Newlines, 1u);
1203  // Remove empty lines at the start of nested blocks (lambdas/arrow functions)
1204  if (PreviousLine == nullptr && Line.Level > 0)
1205    Newlines = std::min(Newlines, 1u);
1206  if (Newlines == 0 && !RootToken.IsFirst)
1207    Newlines = 1;
1208  if (RootToken.IsFirst && !RootToken.HasUnescapedNewline)
1209    Newlines = 0;
1211  // Remove empty lines after "{".
1212  if (!Style.KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks && PreviousLine &&
1213      PreviousLine->Last->is(tok::l_brace) &&
1214      !PreviousLine->startsWithNamespace() &&
1215      !startsExternCBlock(*PreviousLine))
1216    Newlines = 1;
1218  // Insert extra new line before access specifiers.
1219  if (PreviousLine && PreviousLine->Last->isOneOf(tok::semi, tok::r_brace) &&
1220      RootToken.isAccessSpecifier() && RootToken.NewlinesBefore == 1)
1221    ++Newlines;
1223  // Remove empty lines after access specifiers.
1224  if (PreviousLine && PreviousLine->First->isAccessSpecifier() &&
1225      (!PreviousLine->InPPDirective || !RootToken.HasUnescapedNewline))
1226    Newlines = std::min(1u, Newlines);
1228  if (Newlines)
1229    Indent = NewlineIndent;
1231  // If in Whitemsmiths mode, indent start and end of blocks
1232  if (Style.BreakBeforeBraces == FormatStyle::BS_Whitesmiths) {
1233    if (RootToken.isOneOf(tok::l_brace, tok::r_brace, tok::kw_case,
1234                          tok::kw_default))
1235      Indent += Style.IndentWidth;
1236  }
1238  // Preprocessor directives get indented before the hash only if specified
1239  if (Style.IndentPPDirectives != FormatStyle::PPDIS_BeforeHash &&
1240      (Line.Type == LT_PreprocessorDirective ||
1241       Line.Type == LT_ImportStatement))
1242    Indent = 0;
1244  Whitespaces->replaceWhitespace(RootToken, Newlines, Indent, Indent,
1245                                 /*IsAligned=*/false,
1246                                 Line.InPPDirective &&
1247                                     !RootToken.HasUnescapedNewline);
1251UnwrappedLineFormatter::getColumnLimit(bool InPPDirective,
1252                                       const AnnotatedLine *NextLine) const {
1253  // In preprocessor directives reserve two chars for trailing " \" if the
1254  // next line continues the preprocessor directive.
1255  bool ContinuesPPDirective =
1256      InPPDirective &&
1257      // If there is no next line, this is likely a child line and the parent
1258      // continues the preprocessor directive.
1259      (!NextLine ||
1260       (NextLine->InPPDirective &&
1261        // If there is an unescaped newline between this line and the next, the
1262        // next line starts a new preprocessor directive.
1263        !NextLine->First->HasUnescapedNewline));
1264  return Style.ColumnLimit - (ContinuesPPDirective ? 2 : 0);
1267} // namespace format
1268} // namespace clang