1//===- InterferenceCache.cpp - Caching per-block interference -------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// InterferenceCache remembers per-block interference in LiveIntervalUnions.
13#include "InterferenceCache.h"
14#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
15#include "llvm/CodeGen/LiveInterval.h"
16#include "llvm/CodeGen/LiveIntervalUnion.h"
17#include "llvm/CodeGen/LiveIntervals.h"
18#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineBasicBlock.h"
19#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
20#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineOperand.h"
21#include "llvm/CodeGen/SlotIndexes.h"
22#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetRegisterInfo.h"
23#include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
24#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
25#include <cassert>
26#include <cstdint>
27#include <cstdlib>
28#include <tuple>
30using namespace llvm;
32#define DEBUG_TYPE "regalloc"
34// Static member used for null interference cursors.
35const InterferenceCache::BlockInterference
36    InterferenceCache::Cursor::NoInterference;
38// Initializes PhysRegEntries (instead of a SmallVector, PhysRegEntries is a
39// buffer of size NumPhysRegs to speed up alloc/clear for targets with large
40// reg files). Calloced memory is used for good form, and quites tools like
41// Valgrind too, but zero initialized memory is not required by the algorithm:
42// this is because PhysRegEntries works like a SparseSet and its entries are
43// only valid when there is a corresponding CacheEntries assignment. There is
44// also support for when pass managers are reused for targets with different
45// numbers of PhysRegs: in this case PhysRegEntries is freed and reinitialized.
46void InterferenceCache::reinitPhysRegEntries() {
47  if (PhysRegEntriesCount == TRI->getNumRegs()) return;
48  free(PhysRegEntries);
49  PhysRegEntriesCount = TRI->getNumRegs();
50  PhysRegEntries = static_cast<unsigned char*>(
51      safe_calloc(PhysRegEntriesCount, sizeof(unsigned char)));
54void InterferenceCache::init(MachineFunction *mf,
55                             LiveIntervalUnion *liuarray,
56                             SlotIndexes *indexes,
57                             LiveIntervals *lis,
58                             const TargetRegisterInfo *tri) {
59  MF = mf;
60  LIUArray = liuarray;
61  TRI = tri;
62  reinitPhysRegEntries();
63  for (unsigned i = 0; i != CacheEntries; ++i)
64    Entries[i].clear(mf, indexes, lis);
67InterferenceCache::Entry *InterferenceCache::get(unsigned PhysReg) {
68  unsigned E = PhysRegEntries[PhysReg];
69  if (E < CacheEntries && Entries[E].getPhysReg() == PhysReg) {
70    if (!Entries[E].valid(LIUArray, TRI))
71      Entries[E].revalidate(LIUArray, TRI);
72    return &Entries[E];
73  }
74  // No valid entry exists, pick the next round-robin entry.
75  E = RoundRobin;
76  if (++RoundRobin == CacheEntries)
77    RoundRobin = 0;
78  for (unsigned i = 0; i != CacheEntries; ++i) {
79    // Skip entries that are in use.
80    if (Entries[E].hasRefs()) {
81      if (++E == CacheEntries)
82        E = 0;
83      continue;
84    }
85    Entries[E].reset(PhysReg, LIUArray, TRI, MF);
86    PhysRegEntries[PhysReg] = E;
87    return &Entries[E];
88  }
89  llvm_unreachable("Ran out of interference cache entries.");
92/// revalidate - LIU contents have changed, update tags.
93void InterferenceCache::Entry::revalidate(LiveIntervalUnion *LIUArray,
94                                          const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) {
95  // Invalidate all block entries.
96  ++Tag;
97  // Invalidate all iterators.
98  PrevPos = SlotIndex();
99  unsigned i = 0;
100  for (MCRegUnitIterator Units(PhysReg, TRI); Units.isValid(); ++Units, ++i)
101    RegUnits[i].VirtTag = LIUArray[*Units].getTag();
104void InterferenceCache::Entry::reset(unsigned physReg,
105                                     LiveIntervalUnion *LIUArray,
106                                     const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI,
107                                     const MachineFunction *MF) {
108  assert(!hasRefs() && "Cannot reset cache entry with references");
109  // LIU's changed, invalidate cache.
110  ++Tag;
111  PhysReg = physReg;
112  Blocks.resize(MF->getNumBlockIDs());
114  // Reset iterators.
115  PrevPos = SlotIndex();
116  RegUnits.clear();
117  for (MCRegUnitIterator Units(PhysReg, TRI); Units.isValid(); ++Units) {
118    RegUnits.push_back(LIUArray[*Units]);
119    RegUnits.back().Fixed = &LIS->getRegUnit(*Units);
120  }
123bool InterferenceCache::Entry::valid(LiveIntervalUnion *LIUArray,
124                                     const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) {
125  unsigned i = 0, e = RegUnits.size();
126  for (MCRegUnitIterator Units(PhysReg, TRI); Units.isValid(); ++Units, ++i) {
127    if (i == e)
128      return false;
129    if (LIUArray[*Units].changedSince(RegUnits[i].VirtTag))
130      return false;
131  }
132  return i == e;
135void InterferenceCache::Entry::update(unsigned MBBNum) {
136  SlotIndex Start, Stop;
137  std::tie(Start, Stop) = Indexes->getMBBRange(MBBNum);
139  // Use advanceTo only when possible.
140  if (PrevPos != Start) {
141    if (!PrevPos.isValid() || Start < PrevPos) {
142      for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegUnits.size(); i != e; ++i) {
143        RegUnitInfo &RUI = RegUnits[i];
144        RUI.VirtI.find(Start);
145        RUI.FixedI = RUI.Fixed->find(Start);
146      }
147    } else {
148      for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegUnits.size(); i != e; ++i) {
149        RegUnitInfo &RUI = RegUnits[i];
150        RUI.VirtI.advanceTo(Start);
151        if (RUI.FixedI != RUI.Fixed->end())
152          RUI.FixedI = RUI.Fixed->advanceTo(RUI.FixedI, Start);
153      }
154    }
155    PrevPos = Start;
156  }
158  MachineFunction::const_iterator MFI =
159      MF->getBlockNumbered(MBBNum)->getIterator();
160  BlockInterference *BI = &Blocks[MBBNum];
161  ArrayRef<SlotIndex> RegMaskSlots;
162  ArrayRef<const uint32_t*> RegMaskBits;
163  while (true) {
164    BI->Tag = Tag;
165    BI->First = BI->Last = SlotIndex();
167    // Check for first interference from virtregs.
168    for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegUnits.size(); i != e; ++i) {
169      LiveIntervalUnion::SegmentIter &I = RegUnits[i].VirtI;
170      if (!I.valid())
171        continue;
172      SlotIndex StartI = I.start();
173      if (StartI >= Stop)
174        continue;
175      if (!BI->First.isValid() || StartI < BI->First)
176        BI->First = StartI;
177    }
179    // Same thing for fixed interference.
180    for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegUnits.size(); i != e; ++i) {
181      LiveInterval::const_iterator I = RegUnits[i].FixedI;
182      LiveInterval::const_iterator E = RegUnits[i].Fixed->end();
183      if (I == E)
184        continue;
185      SlotIndex StartI = I->start;
186      if (StartI >= Stop)
187        continue;
188      if (!BI->First.isValid() || StartI < BI->First)
189        BI->First = StartI;
190    }
192    // Also check for register mask interference.
193    RegMaskSlots = LIS->getRegMaskSlotsInBlock(MBBNum);
194    RegMaskBits = LIS->getRegMaskBitsInBlock(MBBNum);
195    SlotIndex Limit = BI->First.isValid() ? BI->First : Stop;
196    for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegMaskSlots.size();
197         i != e && RegMaskSlots[i] < Limit; ++i)
198      if (MachineOperand::clobbersPhysReg(RegMaskBits[i], PhysReg)) {
199        // Register mask i clobbers PhysReg before the LIU interference.
200        BI->First = RegMaskSlots[i];
201        break;
202      }
204    PrevPos = Stop;
205    if (BI->First.isValid())
206      break;
208    // No interference in this block? Go ahead and precompute the next block.
209    if (++MFI == MF->end())
210      return;
211    MBBNum = MFI->getNumber();
212    BI = &Blocks[MBBNum];
213    if (BI->Tag == Tag)
214      return;
215    std::tie(Start, Stop) = Indexes->getMBBRange(MBBNum);
216  }
218  // Check for last interference in block.
219  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegUnits.size(); i != e; ++i) {
220    LiveIntervalUnion::SegmentIter &I = RegUnits[i].VirtI;
221    if (!I.valid() || I.start() >= Stop)
222      continue;
223    I.advanceTo(Stop);
224    bool Backup = !I.valid() || I.start() >= Stop;
225    if (Backup)
226      --I;
227    SlotIndex StopI = I.stop();
228    if (!BI->Last.isValid() || StopI > BI->Last)
229      BI->Last = StopI;
230    if (Backup)
231      ++I;
232  }
234  // Fixed interference.
235  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegUnits.size(); i != e; ++i) {
236    LiveInterval::iterator &I = RegUnits[i].FixedI;
237    LiveRange *LR = RegUnits[i].Fixed;
238    if (I == LR->end() || I->start >= Stop)
239      continue;
240    I = LR->advanceTo(I, Stop);
241    bool Backup = I == LR->end() || I->start >= Stop;
242    if (Backup)
243      --I;
244    SlotIndex StopI = I->end;
245    if (!BI->Last.isValid() || StopI > BI->Last)
246      BI->Last = StopI;
247    if (Backup)
248      ++I;
249  }
251  // Also check for register mask interference.
252  SlotIndex Limit = BI->Last.isValid() ? BI->Last : Start;
253  for (unsigned i = RegMaskSlots.size();
254       i && RegMaskSlots[i-1].getDeadSlot() > Limit; --i)
255    if (MachineOperand::clobbersPhysReg(RegMaskBits[i-1], PhysReg)) {
256      // Register mask i-1 clobbers PhysReg after the LIU interference.
257      // Model the regmask clobber as a dead def.
258      BI->Last = RegMaskSlots[i-1].getDeadSlot();
259      break;
260    }