dup_test.c revision 250513
2164191Smaxim * $OpenBSD: dup2test.c,v 1.3 2003/07/31 21:48:08 deraadt Exp $
3164191Smaxim * $OpenBSD: dup2_self.c,v 1.3 2003/07/31 21:48:08 deraadt Exp $
4164191Smaxim * $OpenBSD: fcntl_dup.c,v 1.2 2003/07/31 21:48:08 deraadt Exp $
5164191Smaxim *
6164191Smaxim * Written by Artur Grabowski <art@openbsd.org> 2002 Public Domain.
7164191Smaxim *
8164191Smaxim * $FreeBSD: head/tools/regression/file/dup/dup.c 250513 2013-05-11 16:31:41Z jilles $
9164191Smaxim */
12164191Smaxim * Test #1:  check if dup(2) works.
13164191Smaxim * Test #2:  check if dup2(2) works.
14164191Smaxim * Test #3:  check if dup2(2) returned a fd we asked for.
15164191Smaxim * Test #4:  check if dup2(2) cleared close-on-exec flag for duped fd.
16164191Smaxim * Test #5:  check if dup2(2) allows to dup fd to itself.
17164191Smaxim * Test #6:  check if dup2(2) returned a fd we asked for.
18164191Smaxim * Test #7:  check if dup2(2) did not clear close-on-exec flag for duped fd.
19164191Smaxim * Test #8:  check if fcntl(F_DUPFD) works.
20164191Smaxim * Test #9:  check if fcntl(F_DUPFD) cleared close-on-exec flag for duped fd.
21164191Smaxim * Test #10: check if dup2() to a fd > current maximum number of open files
22164191Smaxim *           limit work.
23176957Santoine * Test #11: check if fcntl(F_DUP2FD) works.
24176957Santoine * Test #12: check if fcntl(F_DUP2FD) returned a fd we asked for.
25176957Santoine * Test #13: check if fcntl(F_DUP2FD) cleared close-on-exec flag for duped fd.
26176957Santoine * Test #14: check if fcntl(F_DUP2FD) allows to dup fd to itself.
27176957Santoine * Test #15: check if fcntl(F_DUP2FD) returned a fd we asked for.
28176957Santoine * Test #16: check if fcntl(F_DUP2FD) did not clear close-on-exec flag for
29176957Santoine *           duped fd.
30176957Santoine * Test #17: check if fcntl(F_DUP2FD) to a fd > current maximum number of open
31176957Santoine *           files limit work.
32250513Sjilles * Test #18: check if fcntl(F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC) works.
33250513Sjilles * Test #19: check if fcntl(F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC) set close-on-exec flag for duped
34250513Sjilles *           fd.
35164191Smaxim */
37164191Smaxim#include <sys/types.h>
38164191Smaxim#include <sys/time.h>
39164191Smaxim#include <sys/resource.h>
41164191Smaxim#include <err.h>
42164191Smaxim#include <fcntl.h>
43164191Smaxim#include <stdio.h>
44164191Smaxim#include <stdlib.h>
45164191Smaxim#include <unistd.h>
47164191Smaximstatic int	getafile(void);
49164191Smaximstatic int
52164191Smaxim	int fd;
54164191Smaxim	char temp[] = "/tmp/dup2XXXXXXXXX";
55164191Smaxim	if ((fd = mkstemp(temp)) < 0)
56164191Smaxim		err(1, "mkstemp");
57164191Smaxim	remove(temp);
58164191Smaxim	if (ftruncate(fd, 1024) != 0)
59164191Smaxim		err(1, "ftruncate");
60164191Smaxim	return (fd);
64164191Smaximmain(int __unused argc, char __unused *argv[])
66164191Smaxim	struct rlimit rlp;
67164191Smaxim	int orgfd, fd1, fd2, test = 0;
69164191Smaxim	orgfd = getafile();
71250513Sjilles	printf("1..19\n");
73164191Smaxim	/* If dup(2) ever work? */
74164191Smaxim	if ((fd1 = dup(orgfd)) < 0)
75164191Smaxim		err(1, "dup");
76164191Smaxim	printf("ok %d - dup(2) works\n", ++test);
78164191Smaxim	/* Set close-on-exec */
79164191Smaxim	if (fcntl(fd1, F_SETFD, 1) != 0)
80164191Smaxim		err(1, "fcntl(F_SETFD)");
82164191Smaxim	/* If dup2(2) ever work? */
83164191Smaxim	if ((fd2 = dup2(fd1, fd1 + 1)) < 0)
84164191Smaxim		err(1, "dup2");
85164191Smaxim	printf("ok %d - dup2(2) works\n", ++test);
87164191Smaxim	/* Do we get the right fd? */
88164191Smaxim	++test;
89164191Smaxim	if (fd2 != fd1 + 1)
90164191Smaxim		printf("no ok %d - dup2(2) didn't give us the right fd\n",
91164191Smaxim		    test);
92164191Smaxim	else
93164191Smaxim		printf("ok %d - dup2(2) returned a correct fd\n", test);
95164191Smaxim	/* Was close-on-exec cleared? */
96164191Smaxim	++test;
97164191Smaxim	if (fcntl(fd2, F_GETFD) != 0)
98164191Smaxim		printf("not ok %d - dup2(2) didn't clear close-on-exec\n",
99164191Smaxim		    test);
100164191Smaxim	else
101164191Smaxim		printf("ok %d - dup2(2) cleared close-on-exec\n", test);
103164191Smaxim	/*
104164191Smaxim	 * Dup to itself.
105164191Smaxim	 *
106164191Smaxim	 * We're testing a small tweak in dup2 semantics.
107164191Smaxim	 * Normally dup and dup2 will clear the close-on-exec
108164191Smaxim	 * flag on the new fd (which appears to be an implementation
109164191Smaxim	 * mistake from start and not some planned behavior).
110228975Suqs	 * In today's implementations of dup and dup2 we have to make
111164191Smaxim	 * an effort to really clear that flag.  But all tested
112164191Smaxim	 * implementations of dup2 have another tweak.  If we
113164191Smaxim	 * dup2(old, new) when old == new, the syscall short-circuits
114164191Smaxim	 * and returns early (because there is no need to do all the
115164191Smaxim	 * work (and there is a risk for serious mistakes)).
116164191Smaxim	 * So although the docs say that dup2 should "take 'old',
117164191Smaxim	 * close 'new' perform a dup(2) of 'old' into 'new'"
118164191Smaxim	 * the docs are not really followed because close-on-exec
119164191Smaxim	 * is not cleared on 'new'.
120164191Smaxim	 *
121164191Smaxim	 * Since everyone has this bug, we pretend that this is
122164191Smaxim	 * the way it is supposed to be and test here that it really
123164191Smaxim	 * works that way.
124164191Smaxim	 *
125164191Smaxim	 * This is a fine example on where two separate implementation
126164191Smaxim	 * fuckups take out each other and make the end-result the way
127164191Smaxim	 * it was meant to be.
128164191Smaxim	 */
129164192Smaxim	if ((fd2 = dup2(fd1, fd1)) < 0)
130164191Smaxim		err(1, "dup2");
131164191Smaxim	printf("ok %d - dup2(2) to itself works\n", ++test);
133164191Smaxim	/* Do we get the right fd? */
134164191Smaxim	++test;
135164191Smaxim	if (fd2 != fd1)
136164191Smaxim		printf("not ok %d - dup2(2) didn't give us the right fd\n",
137164191Smaxim		    test);
138164191Smaxim	else
139164191Smaxim		printf("ok %d - dup2(2) to itself returned a correct fd\n",
140164191Smaxim		    test);
142164191Smaxim	/* Was close-on-exec cleared? */
143164191Smaxim	++test;
144164191Smaxim	if (fcntl(fd2, F_GETFD) == 0)
145164191Smaxim		printf("not ok %d - dup2(2) cleared close-on-exec\n", test);
146164191Smaxim	else
147164191Smaxim		printf("ok %d - dup2(2) didn't clear close-on-exec\n", test);
149164191Smaxim	/* Does fcntl(F_DUPFD) work? */
150250512Sjilles	if ((fd2 = fcntl(fd1, F_DUPFD, 10)) < 0)
151164191Smaxim		err(1, "fcntl(F_DUPFD)");
152250512Sjilles	if (fd2 < 10)
153250512Sjilles		printf("not ok %d - fcntl(F_DUPFD) returned wrong fd %d\n",
154250512Sjilles		    ++test, fd2);
155250512Sjilles	else
156250512Sjilles		printf("ok %d - fcntl(F_DUPFD) works\n", ++test);
158164191Smaxim	/* Was close-on-exec cleared? */
159164191Smaxim	++test;
160164191Smaxim        if (fcntl(fd2, F_GETFD) != 0)
161164191Smaxim		printf(
162164191Smaxim		    "not ok %d - fcntl(F_DUPFD) didn't clear close-on-exec\n",
163164191Smaxim		    test);
164164191Smaxim	else
165164191Smaxim		printf("ok %d - fcntl(F_DUPFD) cleared close-on-exec\n", test);
167164191Smaxim	++test;
168164191Smaxim	if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlp) < 0)
169164191Smaxim		err(1, "getrlimit");
170176957Santoine	if ((fd2 = dup2(fd1, rlp.rlim_cur + 1)) >= 0)
171164191Smaxim		printf("not ok %d - dup2(2) bypassed NOFILE limit\n", test);
172164191Smaxim	else
173164191Smaxim		printf("ok %d - dup2(2) didn't bypass NOFILE limit\n", test);
175176957Santoine	/* If fcntl(F_DUP2FD) ever work? */
176176957Santoine	if ((fd2 = fcntl(fd1, F_DUP2FD, fd1 + 1)) < 0)
177176957Santoine		err(1, "fcntl(F_DUP2FD)");
178176957Santoine	printf("ok %d - fcntl(F_DUP2FD) works\n", ++test);
180176957Santoine	/* Do we get the right fd? */
181176957Santoine	++test;
182176957Santoine	if (fd2 != fd1 + 1)
183176957Santoine		printf(
184176957Santoine		    "no ok %d - fcntl(F_DUP2FD) didn't give us the right fd\n",
185176957Santoine		    test);
186176957Santoine	else
187176957Santoine		printf("ok %d - fcntl(F_DUP2FD) returned a correct fd\n",
188176957Santoine		    test);
190176957Santoine	/* Was close-on-exec cleared? */
191176957Santoine	++test;
192176957Santoine	if (fcntl(fd2, F_GETFD) != 0)
193176957Santoine		printf(
194176957Santoine		    "not ok %d - fcntl(F_DUP2FD) didn't clear close-on-exec\n",
195176957Santoine		    test);
196176957Santoine	else
197176957Santoine		printf("ok %d - fcntl(F_DUP2FD) cleared close-on-exec\n",
198176957Santoine		    test);
200176957Santoine	/* Dup to itself */
201176957Santoine	if ((fd2 = fcntl(fd1, F_DUP2FD, fd1)) < 0)
202176957Santoine		err(1, "fcntl(F_DUP2FD)");
203176957Santoine	printf("ok %d - fcntl(F_DUP2FD) to itself works\n", ++test);
205176957Santoine	/* Do we get the right fd? */
206176957Santoine	++test;
207176957Santoine	if (fd2 != fd1)
208176957Santoine		printf(
209176957Santoine		    "not ok %d - fcntl(F_DUP2FD) didn't give us the right fd\n",
210176957Santoine		    test);
211176957Santoine	else
212176957Santoine		printf(
213176957Santoine		    "ok %d - fcntl(F_DUP2FD) to itself returned a correct fd\n",
214176957Santoine		    test);
216176957Santoine	/* Was close-on-exec cleared? */
217176957Santoine	++test;
218176957Santoine	if (fcntl(fd2, F_GETFD) == 0)
219176957Santoine		printf("not ok %d - fcntl(F_DUP2FD) cleared close-on-exec\n",
220176957Santoine		    test);
221176957Santoine	else
222176957Santoine		printf("ok %d - fcntl(F_DUP2FD) didn't clear close-on-exec\n",
223176957Santoine		    test);
225176957Santoine	++test;
226176957Santoine	if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlp) < 0)
227176957Santoine		err(1, "getrlimit");
228176957Santoine	if ((fd2 = fcntl(fd1, F_DUP2FD, rlp.rlim_cur + 1)) >= 0)
229176957Santoine		printf("not ok %d - fcntl(F_DUP2FD) bypassed NOFILE limit\n",
230176957Santoine		    test);
231176957Santoine	else
232176957Santoine		printf("ok %d - fcntl(F_DUP2FD) didn't bypass NOFILE limit\n",
233176957Santoine		    test);
235250513Sjilles	/* Does fcntl(F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC) work? */
236250513Sjilles	if ((fd2 = fcntl(fd1, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 10)) < 0)
237250513Sjilles		err(1, "fcntl(F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC)");
238250513Sjilles	if (fd2 < 10)
239250513Sjilles		printf("not ok %d - fcntl(F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC) returned wrong fd %d\n",
240250513Sjilles		    ++test, fd2);
241250513Sjilles	else
242250513Sjilles		printf("ok %d - fcntl(F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC) works\n", ++test);
244250513Sjilles	/* Was close-on-exec cleared? */
245250513Sjilles	++test;
246250513Sjilles        if (fcntl(fd2, F_GETFD) != 1)
247250513Sjilles		printf(
248250513Sjilles		    "not ok %d - fcntl(F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC) didn't set close-on-exec\n",
249250513Sjilles		    test);
250250513Sjilles	else
251250513Sjilles		printf("ok %d - fcntl(F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC) set close-on-exec\n",
252250513Sjilles		    test);
254164191Smaxim	return (0);