syscalls.master revision 219129
1 $FreeBSD: head/sys/compat/freebsd32/syscalls.master 219129 2011-03-01 13:23:37Z rwatson $
2;	from: @(#)syscalls.master	8.2 (Berkeley) 1/13/94
3;	from: src/sys/kern/syscalls.master 1.107
5; System call name/number master file.
6; Processed to created init_sysent.c, syscalls.c and syscall.h.
8; Columns: number audit type name alt{name,tag,rtyp}/comments
9;	number	system call number, must be in order
10;	audit	the audit event associated with the system call
11;		A value of AUE_NULL means no auditing, but it also means that
12;		there is no audit event for the call at this time. For the
13;		case where the event exists, but we don't want auditing, the
14;		event should be #defined to AUE_NULL in audit_kevents.h.
17;		The COMPAT* options may be combined with one or more NO*
18;		options separated by '|' with no spaces (e.g. COMPAT|NOARGS)
19;	name	psuedo-prototype of syscall routine
20;		If one of the following alts is different, then all appear:
21;	altname	name of system call if different
22;	alttag	name of args struct tag if different from [o]`name'"_args"
23;	altrtyp	return type if not int (bogus - syscalls always return int)
24;		for UNIMPL/OBSOL, name continues with comments
26; types:
27;	STD	always included
28;	COMPAT	included on COMPAT #ifdef
29;	COMPAT4	included on COMPAT4 #ifdef (FreeBSD 4 compat)
30;	COMPAT6	included on COMPAT6 #ifdef (FreeBSD 6 compat)
31;	COMPAT7	included on COMPAT7 #ifdef (FreeBSD 7 compat)
32;	OBSOL	obsolete, not included in system, only specifies name
33;	UNIMPL	not implemented, placeholder only
34;	NOSTD	implemented but as a lkm that can be statically
35;		compiled in; sysent entry will be filled with lkmressys
36;		so the SYSCALL_MODULE macro works
37;	NOARGS	same as STD except do not create structure in sys/sysproto.h
38;	NODEF	same as STD except only have the entry in the syscall table
39;		added.  Meaning - do not create structure or function
40;		prototype in sys/sysproto.h
41;	NOPROTO	same as STD except do not create structure or
42;		function prototype in sys/sysproto.h.  Does add a
43;		definition to syscall.h besides adding a sysent.
45; #ifdef's, etc. may be included, and are copied to the output files.
47#include <sys/param.h>
48#include <sys/sysent.h>
49#include <sys/sysproto.h>
50#include <sys/mount.h>
51#include <sys/socket.h>
52#include <compat/freebsd32/freebsd32.h>
53#include <compat/freebsd32/freebsd32_proto.h>
55#if !defined(PAD64_REQUIRED) && defined(__powerpc__)
56#define PAD64_REQUIRED
59; Reserved/unimplemented system calls in the range 0-150 inclusive
60; are reserved for use in future Berkeley releases.
61; Additional system calls implemented in vendor and other
62; redistributions should be placed in the reserved range at the end
63; of the current calls.
650	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int nosys(void); } syscall nosys_args int
661	AUE_EXIT	NOPROTO	{ void sys_exit(int rval); } exit \
67				    sys_exit_args void
682	AUE_FORK	NOPROTO	{ int fork(void); }
693	AUE_READ	NOPROTO	{ ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, \
70				    size_t nbyte); }
714	AUE_WRITE	NOPROTO	{ ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, \
72				    size_t nbyte); }
735	AUE_OPEN_RWTC	NOPROTO	{ int open(char *path, int flags, \
74				    int mode); }
756	AUE_CLOSE	NOPROTO	{ int close(int fd); }
767	AUE_WAIT4	STD	{ int freebsd32_wait4(int pid, int *status, \
77				    int options, struct rusage32 *rusage); }
788	AUE_CREAT	OBSOL	old creat
799	AUE_LINK	NOPROTO	{ int link(char *path, char *link); }
8010	AUE_UNLINK	NOPROTO	{ int unlink(char *path); }
8111	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	execv
8212	AUE_CHDIR	NOPROTO	{ int chdir(char *path); }
8313	AUE_FCHDIR	NOPROTO	{ int fchdir(int fd); }
8414	AUE_MKNOD	NOPROTO	{ int mknod(char *path, int mode, int dev); }
8515	AUE_CHMOD	NOPROTO	{ int chmod(char *path, int mode); }
8616	AUE_CHOWN	NOPROTO	{ int chown(char *path, int uid, int gid); }
8717	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int obreak(char *nsize); } break \
88				    obreak_args int
8918	AUE_GETFSSTAT	COMPAT4	{ int freebsd32_getfsstat( \
90				    struct statfs32 *buf, long bufsize, \
91				    int flags); }
9219	AUE_LSEEK	OBSOL	olseek
9320	AUE_GETPID	NOPROTO	{ pid_t getpid(void); }
9421	AUE_MOUNT	NOPROTO	{ int mount(char *type, char *path, \
95				    int flags, caddr_t data); }
9622	AUE_UMOUNT	NOPROTO	{ int unmount(char *path, int flags); }
9723	AUE_SETUID	NOPROTO	{ int setuid(uid_t uid); }
9824	AUE_GETUID	NOPROTO	{ uid_t getuid(void); }
9925	AUE_GETEUID	NOPROTO	{ uid_t geteuid(void); }
10026	AUE_PTRACE	NOPROTO	{ int ptrace(int req, pid_t pid, \
101				    caddr_t addr, int data); }
10227	AUE_RECVMSG	STD	{ int freebsd32_recvmsg(int s, struct msghdr32 *msg, \
103				    int flags); }
10428	AUE_SENDMSG	STD	{ int freebsd32_sendmsg(int s, struct msghdr32 *msg, \
105				    int flags); }
10629	AUE_RECVFROM	STD	{ int freebsd32_recvfrom(int s, u_int32_t buf, \
107				    u_int32_t len, int flags, u_int32_t from, \
108				    u_int32_t fromlenaddr); }
10930	AUE_ACCEPT	NOPROTO	{ int accept(int s, caddr_t name, \
110				    int *anamelen); }
11131	AUE_GETPEERNAME	NOPROTO	{ int getpeername(int fdes, caddr_t asa, \
112				    int *alen); }
11332	AUE_GETSOCKNAME	NOPROTO	{ int getsockname(int fdes, caddr_t asa, \
114				    int *alen); }
11533	AUE_ACCESS	NOPROTO	{ int access(char *path, int flags); }
11634	AUE_CHFLAGS	NOPROTO	{ int chflags(char *path, int flags); }
11735	AUE_FCHFLAGS	NOPROTO	{ int fchflags(int fd, int flags); }
11836	AUE_SYNC	NOPROTO	{ int sync(void); }
11937	AUE_KILL	NOPROTO	{ int kill(int pid, int signum); }
12038	AUE_STAT	UNIMPL	ostat
12139	AUE_GETPPID	NOPROTO	{ pid_t getppid(void); }
12240	AUE_LSTAT	UNIMPL	olstat
12341	AUE_DUP		NOPROTO	{ int dup(u_int fd); }
12442	AUE_PIPE	NOPROTO	{ int pipe(void); }
12543	AUE_GETEGID	NOPROTO	{ gid_t getegid(void); }
12644	AUE_PROFILE	NOPROTO	{ int profil(caddr_t samples, size_t size, \
127				    size_t offset, u_int scale); }
12845	AUE_KTRACE	NOPROTO	{ int ktrace(const char *fname, int ops, \
129				    int facs, int pid); }
13046	AUE_SIGACTION	COMPAT	{ int freebsd32_sigaction( int signum, \
131				   struct osigaction32 *nsa, \
132				   struct osigaction32 *osa); }
13347	AUE_GETGID	NOPROTO	{ gid_t getgid(void); }
13448	AUE_SIGPROCMASK	COMPAT	{ int freebsd32_sigprocmask(int how, \
135				   osigset_t mask); }
13649	AUE_GETLOGIN	NOPROTO	{ int getlogin(char *namebuf, \
137				    u_int namelen); }
13850	AUE_SETLOGIN	NOPROTO	{ int setlogin(char *namebuf); }
13951	AUE_ACCT	NOPROTO	{ int acct(char *path); }
14052	AUE_SIGPENDING	COMPAT	{ int freebsd32_sigpending(void); }
14153	AUE_SIGALTSTACK	STD	{ int freebsd32_sigaltstack( \
142				    struct sigaltstack32 *ss, \
143				    struct sigaltstack32 *oss); }
14454	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_ioctl(int fd, uint32_t com, \
145				    struct md_ioctl32 *data); }
14655	AUE_REBOOT	NOPROTO	{ int reboot(int opt); }
14756	AUE_REVOKE	NOPROTO	{ int revoke(char *path); }
14857	AUE_SYMLINK	NOPROTO	{ int symlink(char *path, char *link); }
14958	AUE_READLINK	NOPROTO	{ ssize_t readlink(char *path, char *buf, \
150				    size_t count); }
15159	AUE_EXECVE	STD	{ int freebsd32_execve(char *fname, \
152				    u_int32_t *argv, u_int32_t *envv); }
15360	AUE_UMASK	NOPROTO	{ int umask(int newmask); } umask \
154				    umask_args int
15561	AUE_CHROOT	NOPROTO	{ int chroot(char *path); }
15662	AUE_FSTAT	OBSOL	ofstat
15763	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	ogetkerninfo
15864	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	ogetpagesize
15965	AUE_MSYNC	NOPROTO	{ int msync(void *addr, size_t len, \
160				    int flags); }
16166	AUE_VFORK	NOPROTO	{ int vfork(void); }
16267	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	vread
16368	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	vwrite
16469	AUE_SBRK	NOPROTO	{ int sbrk(int incr); }
16570	AUE_SSTK	NOPROTO	{ int sstk(int incr); }
16671	AUE_MMAP	OBSOL	ommap
16772	AUE_O_VADVISE	NOPROTO	{ int ovadvise(int anom); } vadvise \
168				    ovadvise_args int
16973	AUE_MUNMAP	NOPROTO	{ int munmap(void *addr, size_t len); }
17074	AUE_MPROTECT	NOPROTO	{ int mprotect(const void *addr, \
171				    size_t len, int prot); }
17275	AUE_MADVISE	NOPROTO	{ int madvise(void *addr, size_t len, \
173				    int behav); }
17476	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	vhangup
17577	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	vlimit
17678	AUE_MINCORE	NOPROTO	{ int mincore(const void *addr, size_t len, \
177				    char *vec); }
17879	AUE_GETGROUPS	NOPROTO	{ int getgroups(u_int gidsetsize, \
179				    gid_t *gidset); }
18080	AUE_SETGROUPS	NOPROTO	{ int setgroups(u_int gidsetsize, \
181				    gid_t *gidset); }
18281	AUE_GETPGRP	NOPROTO	{ int getpgrp(void); }
18382	AUE_SETPGRP	NOPROTO	{ int setpgid(int pid, int pgid); }
18483	AUE_SETITIMER	STD	{ int freebsd32_setitimer(u_int which, \
185				    struct itimerval32 *itv, \
186				    struct itimerval32 *oitv); }
18784	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	owait
188; XXX implement
18985	AUE_SWAPON	NOPROTO	{ int swapon(char *name); }
19086	AUE_GETITIMER	STD	{ int freebsd32_getitimer(u_int which, \
191				    struct itimerval32 *itv); }
19287	AUE_O_GETHOSTNAME	OBSOL	ogethostname
19388	AUE_O_SETHOSTNAME	OBSOL	osethostname
19489	AUE_GETDTABLESIZE	NOPROTO	{ int getdtablesize(void); }
19590	AUE_DUP2	NOPROTO	{ int dup2(u_int from, u_int to); }
19691	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	getdopt
19792	AUE_FCNTL	NOPROTO	{ int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, long arg); }
19893	AUE_SELECT	STD	{ int freebsd32_select(int nd, fd_set *in, \
199				    fd_set *ou, fd_set *ex, \
200				    struct timeval32 *tv); }
20194	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	setdopt
20295	AUE_FSYNC	NOPROTO	{ int fsync(int fd); }
20396	AUE_SETPRIORITY	NOPROTO	{ int setpriority(int which, int who, \
204				    int prio); }
20597	AUE_SOCKET	NOPROTO	{ int socket(int domain, int type, \
206				    int protocol); }
20798	AUE_CONNECT	NOPROTO	{ int connect(int s, caddr_t name, \
208				    int namelen); }
20999	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	oaccept
210100	AUE_GETPRIORITY	NOPROTO	{ int getpriority(int which, int who); }
211101	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	osend
212102	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	orecv
213103	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	osigreturn
214104	AUE_BIND	NOPROTO	{ int bind(int s, caddr_t name, \
215				    int namelen); }
216105	AUE_SETSOCKOPT	NOPROTO	{ int setsockopt(int s, int level, \
217				    int name, caddr_t val, int valsize); }
218106	AUE_LISTEN	NOPROTO	{ int listen(int s, int backlog); }
219107	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	vtimes
220108	AUE_O_SIGVEC	COMPAT	{ int freebsd32_sigvec(int signum, \
221				     struct sigvec32 *nsv, \
222				     struct sigvec32 *osv); }
223109	AUE_O_SIGBLOCK	COMPAT	{ int freebsd32_sigblock(int mask); }
224110	AUE_O_SIGSETMASK	COMPAT	{ int freebsd32_sigsetmask( int mask); }
225111	AUE_SIGSUSPEND	COMPAT	{ int freebsd32_sigsuspend( int mask); }
226112	AUE_O_SIGSTACK	COMPAT	{ int freebsd32_sigstack( \
227				     struct sigstack32 *nss, \
228				     struct sigstack32 *oss); }
229113	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	orecvmsg
230114	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	osendmsg
231115	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	vtrace
232116	AUE_GETTIMEOFDAY	STD	{ int freebsd32_gettimeofday( \
233				    struct timeval32 *tp, \
234				    struct timezone *tzp); }
235117	AUE_GETRUSAGE	STD	{ int freebsd32_getrusage(int who, \
236				    struct rusage32 *rusage); }
237118	AUE_GETSOCKOPT	NOPROTO	{ int getsockopt(int s, int level, \
238				    int name, caddr_t val, int *avalsize); }
239119	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	resuba (BSD/OS 2.x)
240120	AUE_READV	STD	{ int freebsd32_readv(int fd, \
241				    struct iovec32 *iovp, u_int iovcnt); }
242121	AUE_WRITEV	STD	{ int freebsd32_writev(int fd, \
243				    struct iovec32 *iovp, u_int iovcnt); }
244122	AUE_SETTIMEOFDAY	STD	{ int freebsd32_settimeofday( \
245				    struct timeval32 *tv, \
246				    struct timezone *tzp); }
247123	AUE_FCHOWN	NOPROTO	{ int fchown(int fd, int uid, int gid); }
248124	AUE_FCHMOD	NOPROTO	{ int fchmod(int fd, int mode); }
249125	AUE_RECVFROM	OBSOL	orecvfrom
250126	AUE_SETREUID	NOPROTO	{ int setreuid(int ruid, int euid); }
251127	AUE_SETREGID	NOPROTO	{ int setregid(int rgid, int egid); }
252128	AUE_RENAME	NOPROTO	{ int rename(char *from, char *to); }
253129	AUE_TRUNCATE	OBSOL	otruncate
254130	AUE_FTRUNCATE	OBSOL	ftruncate
255131	AUE_FLOCK	NOPROTO	{ int flock(int fd, int how); }
256132	AUE_MKFIFO	NOPROTO	{ int mkfifo(char *path, int mode); }
257133	AUE_SENDTO	NOPROTO	{ int sendto(int s, caddr_t buf, \
258				    size_t len, int flags, caddr_t to, \
259				    int tolen); }
260134	AUE_SHUTDOWN	NOPROTO	{ int shutdown(int s, int how); }
261135	AUE_SOCKETPAIR	NOPROTO	{ int socketpair(int domain, int type, \
262				    int protocol, int *rsv); }
263136	AUE_MKDIR	NOPROTO	{ int mkdir(char *path, int mode); }
264137	AUE_RMDIR	NOPROTO	{ int rmdir(char *path); }
265138	AUE_UTIMES	STD	{ int freebsd32_utimes(char *path, \
266				    struct timeval32 *tptr); }
267139	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	4.2 sigreturn
268140	AUE_ADJTIME	STD	{ int freebsd32_adjtime( \
269				    struct timeval32 *delta, \
270				    struct timeval32 *olddelta); }
271141	AUE_GETPEERNAME	OBSOL	ogetpeername
272142	AUE_SYSCTL	OBSOL	ogethostid
273143	AUE_SYSCTL	OBSOL	sethostid
274144	AUE_GETRLIMIT	OBSOL	getrlimit
275145	AUE_SETRLIMIT	OBSOL	setrlimit
276146	AUE_KILLPG	OBSOL	killpg
277147	AUE_SETSID	NOPROTO	{ int setsid(void); }
278148	AUE_QUOTACTL	NOPROTO	{ int quotactl(char *path, int cmd, int uid, \
279				    caddr_t arg); }
280149	AUE_O_QUOTA	OBSOL oquota
281150	AUE_GETSOCKNAME	OBSOL ogetsockname
283; Syscalls 151-180 inclusive are reserved for vendor-specific
284; system calls.  (This includes various calls added for compatibity
285; with other Unix variants.)
286; Some of these calls are now supported by BSD...
287151	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	sem_lock (BSD/OS 2.x)
288152	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	sem_wakeup (BSD/OS 2.x)
289153	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	asyncdaemon (BSD/OS 2.x)
290; 154 is initialised by the NLM code, if present.
291154	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nlm_syscall
292; 155 is initialized by the NFS code, if present.
293; XXX this is a problem!!!
294155	AUE_NFS_SVC	UNIMPL	nfssvc
295156	AUE_GETDIRENTRIES	OBSOL	ogetdirentries
296157	AUE_STATFS	COMPAT4	{ int freebsd32_statfs(char *path, \
297				    struct statfs32 *buf); }
298158	AUE_FSTATFS	COMPAT4	{ int freebsd32_fstatfs(int fd, \
299				    struct statfs32 *buf); }
300159	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
301160	AUE_LGETFH	UNIMPL	lgetfh
302161	AUE_NFS_GETFH	NOPROTO	{ int getfh(char *fname, \
303				    struct fhandle *fhp); }
304162	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	getdomainname
305163	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	setdomainname
306164	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	uname
307165	AUE_SYSARCH	STD	{ int freebsd32_sysarch(int op, char *parms); }
308166	AUE_RTPRIO	NOPROTO	{ int rtprio(int function, pid_t pid, \
309				    struct rtprio *rtp); }
310167	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
311168	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
312169	AUE_SEMSYS	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_semsys(int which, int a2, \
313				    int a3, int a4, int a5); }
314170	AUE_MSGSYS	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_msgsys(int which, int a2, \
315				    int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6); }
316171	AUE_SHMSYS	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_shmsys(uint32_t which, uint32_t a2, \
317				    uint32_t a3, uint32_t a4); }
318172	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
319173	AUE_PREAD	COMPAT6	{ ssize_t freebsd32_pread(int fd, void *buf, \
320				    size_t nbyte, int pad, \
321				    u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2); }
322174	AUE_PWRITE	COMPAT6	{ ssize_t freebsd32_pwrite(int fd, \
323				    const void *buf, size_t nbyte, int pad, \
324				    u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2); }
325175	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
326176	AUE_NTP_ADJTIME	NOPROTO	{ int ntp_adjtime(struct timex *tp); }
327177	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	sfork (BSD/OS 2.x)
328178	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	getdescriptor (BSD/OS 2.x)
329179	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	setdescriptor (BSD/OS 2.x)
330180	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
332; Syscalls 181-199 are used by/reserved for BSD
333181	AUE_SETGID	NOPROTO	{ int setgid(gid_t gid); }
334182	AUE_SETEGID	NOPROTO	{ int setegid(gid_t egid); }
335183	AUE_SETEUID	NOPROTO	{ int seteuid(uid_t euid); }
336184	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	lfs_bmapv
337185	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	lfs_markv
338186	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	lfs_segclean
339187	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	lfs_segwait
340188	AUE_STAT	STD	{ int freebsd32_stat(char *path, \
341				    struct stat32 *ub); }
342189	AUE_FSTAT	STD	{ int freebsd32_fstat(int fd, \
343				    struct stat32 *ub); }
344190	AUE_LSTAT	STD	{ int freebsd32_lstat(char *path, \
345				    struct stat32 *ub); }
346191	AUE_PATHCONF	NOPROTO	{ int pathconf(char *path, int name); }
347192	AUE_FPATHCONF	NOPROTO	{ int fpathconf(int fd, int name); }
348193	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
349194	AUE_GETRLIMIT	NOPROTO	{ int getrlimit(u_int which, \
350				    struct rlimit *rlp); } getrlimit \
351				    __getrlimit_args int
352195	AUE_SETRLIMIT	NOPROTO	{ int setrlimit(u_int which, \
353				    struct rlimit *rlp); } setrlimit \
354				    __setrlimit_args int
355196	AUE_GETDIRENTRIES	STD	{ int freebsd32_getdirentries(int fd, \
356				    char *buf, u_int count, int32_t *basep); }
357197	AUE_MMAP	COMPAT6	{ caddr_t freebsd32_mmap(caddr_t addr, \
358				    size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, \
359				    int pad, u_int32_t pos1, u_int32_t pos2); }
360198	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int nosys(void); } __syscall \
361				    __syscall_args int
362199	AUE_LSEEK	COMPAT6	{ off_t freebsd32_lseek(int fd, int pad, \
363				    u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2, \
364				    int whence); }
365200	AUE_TRUNCATE	COMPAT6	{ int freebsd32_truncate(char *path, \
366				    int pad, u_int32_t length1, \
367				    u_int32_t length2); }
368201	AUE_FTRUNCATE	COMPAT6	{ int freebsd32_ftruncate(int fd, int pad, \
369				    u_int32_t length1, u_int32_t length2); }
370202	AUE_SYSCTL	STD	{ int freebsd32_sysctl(int *name, \
371				    u_int namelen, void *old, \
372				    u_int32_t *oldlenp, void *new, \
373				    u_int32_t newlen); }
374203	AUE_MLOCK	NOPROTO	{ int mlock(const void *addr, \
375				    size_t len); }
376204	AUE_MUNLOCK	NOPROTO	{ int munlock(const void *addr, \
377				    size_t len); }
378205	AUE_UNDELETE	NOPROTO	{ int undelete(char *path); }
379206	AUE_FUTIMES	STD	{ int freebsd32_futimes(int fd, \
380				    struct timeval32 *tptr); }
381207	AUE_GETPGID	NOPROTO	{ int getpgid(pid_t pid); }
382208	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	newreboot (NetBSD)
383209	AUE_POLL	NOPROTO	{ int poll(struct pollfd *fds, u_int nfds, \
384				    int timeout); }
387; The following are reserved for loadable syscalls
389210	AUE_NULL	NODEF|NOTSTATIC	lkmnosys lkmnosys nosys_args int
390211	AUE_NULL	NODEF|NOTSTATIC	lkmnosys lkmnosys nosys_args int
391212	AUE_NULL	NODEF|NOTSTATIC	lkmnosys lkmnosys nosys_args int
392213	AUE_NULL	NODEF|NOTSTATIC	lkmnosys lkmnosys nosys_args int
393214	AUE_NULL	NODEF|NOTSTATIC	lkmnosys lkmnosys nosys_args int
394215	AUE_NULL	NODEF|NOTSTATIC	lkmnosys lkmnosys nosys_args int
395216	AUE_NULL	NODEF|NOTSTATIC	lkmnosys lkmnosys nosys_args int
396217	AUE_NULL	NODEF|NOTSTATIC	lkmnosys lkmnosys nosys_args int
397218	AUE_NULL	NODEF|NOTSTATIC	lkmnosys lkmnosys nosys_args int
398219	AUE_NULL	NODEF|NOTSTATIC	lkmnosys lkmnosys nosys_args int
401; The following were introduced with NetBSD/4.4Lite-2
402; They are initialized by their respective modules/sysinits
404220	AUE_SEMCTL	COMPAT7|NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_semctl( \
405				    int semid, int semnum, \
406				    int cmd, union semun32 *arg); }
407221	AUE_SEMGET	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int semget(key_t key, int nsems, \
408				    int semflg); }
409222	AUE_SEMOP	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int semop(int semid, \
410				    struct sembuf *sops, u_int nsops); }
411223	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	semconfig
412224	AUE_MSGCTL	COMPAT7|NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_msgctl( \
413				    int msqid, int cmd, \
414				    struct msqid_ds32_old *buf); }
415225	AUE_MSGGET	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int msgget(key_t key, int msgflg); }
416226	AUE_MSGSND	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_msgsnd(int msqid, void *msgp, \
417				    size_t msgsz, int msgflg); }
418227	AUE_MSGRCV	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_msgrcv(int msqid, void *msgp, \
419				    size_t msgsz, long msgtyp, int msgflg); }
420228	AUE_SHMAT	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int shmat(int shmid, void *shmaddr, \
421				    int shmflg); }
422229	AUE_SHMCTL	COMPAT7|NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_shmctl( \
423				    int shmid, int cmd, \
424				    struct shmid_ds32_old *buf); }
425230	AUE_SHMDT	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int shmdt(void *shmaddr); }
426231	AUE_SHMGET	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int shmget(key_t key, int size, \
427				    int shmflg); }
429232	AUE_NULL	STD 	{ int freebsd32_clock_gettime(clockid_t clock_id, \
430				    struct timespec32 *tp); }
431233	AUE_CLOCK_SETTIME	STD	{ int freebsd32_clock_settime(clockid_t clock_id, \
432				    const struct timespec32 *tp); }
433234	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_clock_getres(clockid_t clock_id, \
434				    struct timespec32 *tp); }
435235	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	timer_create
436236	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	timer_delete
437237	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	timer_settime
438238	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	timer_gettime
439239	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	timer_getoverrun
440240	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_nanosleep( \
441				    const struct timespec32 *rqtp, \
442				    struct timespec32 *rmtp); }
443241	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
444242	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
445243	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
446244	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
447245	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
448246	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
449247	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
450248	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	ntp_gettime
451249	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
452; syscall numbers initially used in OpenBSD
453250	AUE_MINHERIT	NOPROTO	{ int minherit(void *addr, size_t len, \
454				    int inherit); }
455251	AUE_RFORK	NOPROTO	{ int rfork(int flags); }
456252	AUE_POLL	NOPROTO	{ int openbsd_poll(struct pollfd *fds, \
457				    u_int nfds, int timeout); }
458253	AUE_ISSETUGID	NOPROTO	{ int issetugid(void); }
459254	AUE_LCHOWN	NOPROTO	{ int lchown(char *path, int uid, int gid); }
460255	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_aio_read( \
461				    struct aiocb32 *aiocbp); }
462256	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_aio_write( \
463				    struct aiocb32 *aiocbp); }
464257	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_lio_listio(int mode, \
465				    struct aiocb32 * const *acb_list, \
466				    int nent, struct sigevent *sig); }
467258	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
468259	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
469260	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
470261	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
471262	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
472263	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
473264	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
474265	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
475266	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
476267	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
477268	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
478269	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
479270	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
480271	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
481272	AUE_O_GETDENTS	NOPROTO	{ int getdents(int fd, char *buf, \
482				    size_t count); }
483273	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
484274	AUE_LCHMOD	NOPROTO	{ int lchmod(char *path, mode_t mode); }
485275	AUE_LCHOWN	NOPROTO	{ int lchown(char *path, uid_t uid, \
486				    gid_t gid); } netbsd_lchown \
487				    lchown_args int
488276	AUE_LUTIMES	STD	{ int freebsd32_lutimes(char *path, \
489				    struct timeval32 *tptr); }
490277	AUE_MSYNC	NOPROTO	{ int msync(void *addr, size_t len, \
491				    int flags); } netbsd_msync msync_args int
492278	AUE_STAT	NOPROTO	{ int nstat(char *path, struct nstat *ub); }
493279	AUE_FSTAT	NOPROTO	{ int nfstat(int fd, struct nstat *sb); }
494280	AUE_LSTAT	NOPROTO	{ int nlstat(char *path, struct nstat *ub); }
495281	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
496282	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
497283	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
498284	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
499285	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
500286	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
501287	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
502288	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
503; 289 and 290 from NetBSD (OpenBSD: 267 and 268)
504289	AUE_PREADV	STD	{ ssize_t freebsd32_preadv(int fd, \
505					struct iovec32 *iovp, \
506					u_int iovcnt, \
507					u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2); }
508290	AUE_PWRITEV	STD	{ ssize_t freebsd32_pwritev(int fd, \
509					struct iovec32 *iovp, \
510					u_int iovcnt, \
511					u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2); }
512291	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
513292	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
514293	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
515294	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
516295	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
517296	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
518; XXX 297 is 300 in NetBSD 
519297	AUE_FHSTATFS	COMPAT4	{ int freebsd32_fhstatfs( \
520				    const struct fhandle *u_fhp, \
521				    struct statfs32 *buf); }
522298	AUE_FHOPEN	NOPROTO	{ int fhopen(const struct fhandle *u_fhp, \
523			 	    int flags); }
524299	AUE_FHSTAT	NOPROTO	{ int fhstat(const struct fhandle *u_fhp, \
525				    struct stat *sb); }
526; syscall numbers for FreeBSD
527300	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int modnext(int modid); }
528301	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_modstat(int modid, \
529				    struct module_stat32* stat); }
530302	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int modfnext(int modid); }
531303	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int modfind(const char *name); }
532304	AUE_MODLOAD	NOPROTO	{ int kldload(const char *file); }
533305	AUE_MODUNLOAD	NOPROTO	{ int kldunload(int fileid); }
534306	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int kldfind(const char *file); }
535307	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int kldnext(int fileid); }
536308	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int kldstat(int fileid, \
537				    struct kld_file_stat* stat); }
538309	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int kldfirstmod(int fileid); }
539310	AUE_GETSID	NOPROTO	{ int getsid(pid_t pid); }
540311	AUE_SETRESUID	NOPROTO	{ int setresuid(uid_t ruid, uid_t euid, \
541				    uid_t suid); }
542312	AUE_SETRESGID	NOPROTO	{ int setresgid(gid_t rgid, gid_t egid, \
543				    gid_t sgid); }
544313	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	signanosleep
545314	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_aio_return( \
546				    struct aiocb32 *aiocbp); }
547315	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_aio_suspend( \
548				    struct aiocb32 * const * aiocbp, int nent, \
549				    const struct timespec32 *timeout); }
550316	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_aio_cancel(int fd, \
551				    struct aiocb32 *aiocbp); }
552317	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_aio_error( \
553				    struct aiocb32 *aiocbp); }
554318	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_oaio_read( \
555				    struct oaiocb32 *aiocbp); }
556319	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_oaio_write( \
557				    struct oaiocb32 *aiocbp); }
558320	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_olio_listio(int mode, \
559				    struct oaiocb32 * const *acb_list, \
560				    int nent, struct osigevent32 *sig); }
561321	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int yield(void); }
562322	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	thr_sleep
563323	AUE_NULL	OBSOL	thr_wakeup
564324	AUE_MLOCKALL	NOPROTO	{ int mlockall(int how); }
565325	AUE_MUNLOCKALL	NOPROTO	{ int munlockall(void); }
566326	AUE_GETCWD	NOPROTO	{ int __getcwd(u_char *buf, u_int buflen); }
568327	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sched_setparam (pid_t pid, \
569				    const struct sched_param *param); }
570328	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sched_getparam (pid_t pid, \
571				    struct sched_param *param); }
573329	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sched_setscheduler (pid_t pid, \
574				    int policy, \
575				    const struct sched_param *param); }
576330	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sched_getscheduler (pid_t pid); }
578331	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sched_yield (void); }
579332	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sched_get_priority_max (int policy); }
580333	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sched_get_priority_min (int policy); }
581334	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sched_rr_get_interval (pid_t pid, \
582				    struct timespec *interval); }
583335	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int utrace(const void *addr, size_t len); }
584336	AUE_SENDFILE	COMPAT4	{ int freebsd32_sendfile(int fd, int s, \
585				    u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2, \
586				    size_t nbytes, struct sf_hdtr32 *hdtr, \
587				    off_t *sbytes, int flags); }
588337	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int kldsym(int fileid, int cmd, \
589				    void *data); }
590338	AUE_JAIL	STD	{ int freebsd32_jail(struct jail32 *jail); }
591339	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	pioctl
592340	AUE_SIGPROCMASK	NOPROTO	{ int sigprocmask(int how, \
593				    const sigset_t *set, sigset_t *oset); }
594341	AUE_SIGSUSPEND	NOPROTO	{ int sigsuspend(const sigset_t *sigmask); }
595342	AUE_SIGACTION	COMPAT4	{ int freebsd32_sigaction(int sig, \
596				    struct sigaction32 *act, \
597				    struct sigaction32 *oact); }
598343	AUE_SIGPENDING	NOPROTO	{ int sigpending(sigset_t *set); }
599344	AUE_SIGRETURN	COMPAT4	{ int freebsd32_sigreturn( \
600		    const struct freebsd4_freebsd32_ucontext *sigcntxp); }
601345	AUE_SIGWAIT	STD	{ int freebsd32_sigtimedwait(const sigset_t *set, \
602				    siginfo_t *info, \
603				    const struct timespec *timeout); }
604346	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_sigwaitinfo(const sigset_t *set, \
605				    siginfo_t *info); }
606347	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __acl_get_file(const char *path, \
607				    acl_type_t type, struct acl *aclp); }
608348	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __acl_set_file(const char *path, \
609				    acl_type_t type, struct acl *aclp); }
610349	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __acl_get_fd(int filedes, \
611				    acl_type_t type, struct acl *aclp); }
612350	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __acl_set_fd(int filedes, \
613				    acl_type_t type, struct acl *aclp); }
614351	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __acl_delete_file(const char *path, \
615				    acl_type_t type); }
616352	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __acl_delete_fd(int filedes, \
617				    acl_type_t type); }
618353	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __acl_aclcheck_file(const char *path, \
619				    acl_type_t type, struct acl *aclp); }
620354	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __acl_aclcheck_fd(int filedes, \
621				    acl_type_t type, struct acl *aclp); }
622355	AUE_EXTATTRCTL	NOPROTO	{ int extattrctl(const char *path, int cmd, \
623				    const char *filename, int attrnamespace, \
624				    const char *attrname); }
625356	AUE_EXTATTR_SET_FILE	NOPROTO	{ int extattr_set_file( \
626				    const char *path, int attrnamespace, \
627				    const char *attrname, void *data, \
628				    size_t nbytes); }
629357	AUE_EXTATTR_GET_FILE	NOPROTO	{ ssize_t extattr_get_file( \
630				    const char *path, int attrnamespace, \
631				    const char *attrname, void *data, \
632				    size_t nbytes); }
633358	AUE_EXTATTR_DELETE_FILE	NOPROTO	{ int extattr_delete_file( \
634				    const char *path, int attrnamespace, \
635				    const char *attrname); }
636359	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_aio_waitcomplete( \
637				    struct aiocb32 **aiocbp, \
638				    struct timespec32 *timeout); }
639360	AUE_GETRESUID	NOPROTO	{ int getresuid(uid_t *ruid, uid_t *euid, \
640				    uid_t *suid); }
641361	AUE_GETRESGID	NOPROTO	{ int getresgid(gid_t *rgid, gid_t *egid, \
642				    gid_t *sgid); }
643362	AUE_KQUEUE	NOPROTO	{ int kqueue(void); }
644363	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_kevent(int fd, \
645				    const struct kevent32 *changelist, \
646				    int nchanges, \
647				    struct kevent32 *eventlist, int nevents, \
648				    const struct timespec32 *timeout); }
649364	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__cap_get_proc
650365	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__cap_set_proc
651366	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__cap_get_fd
652367	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__cap_get_file
653368	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__cap_set_fd
654369	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__cap_set_file
655370	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
656371	AUE_EXTATTR_SET_FD	NOPROTO	{ int extattr_set_fd(int fd, \
657				    int attrnamespace, const char *attrname, \
658				    void *data, size_t nbytes); }
659372	AUE_EXTATTR_GET_FD	NOPROTO	{ ssize_t extattr_get_fd(int fd, \
660				    int attrnamespace, const char *attrname, \
661				    void *data, size_t nbytes); }
662373	AUE_EXTATTR_DELETE_FD	NOPROTO	{ int extattr_delete_fd(int fd, \
663				    int attrnamespace, \
664				    const char *attrname); }
665374	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __setugid(int flag); }
666375	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nfsclnt
667376	AUE_EACCESS	NOPROTO	{ int eaccess(char *path, int flags); }
668377	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	afs_syscall
669378	AUE_NMOUNT	STD	{ int freebsd32_nmount(struct iovec32 *iovp, \
670				    unsigned int iovcnt, int flags); }
671379	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	kse_exit
672380	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	kse_wakeup
673381	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	kse_create
674382	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	kse_thr_interrupt
675383	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	kse_release
676384	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__mac_get_proc
677385	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__mac_set_proc
678386	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__mac_get_fd
679387	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__mac_get_file
680388	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__mac_set_fd
681389	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__mac_set_file
682390	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int kenv(int what, const char *name, \
683				    char *value, int len); }
684391	AUE_LCHFLAGS	NOPROTO	{ int lchflags(const char *path, int flags); }
685392	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int uuidgen(struct uuid *store, \
686				    int count); }
687393	AUE_SENDFILE	STD	{ int freebsd32_sendfile(int fd, int s, \
688				    u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2, \
689				    size_t nbytes, struct sf_hdtr32 *hdtr, \
690				    off_t *sbytes, int flags); }
691394	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	mac_syscall
692395	AUE_GETFSSTAT	NOPROTO	{ int getfsstat(struct statfs *buf, \
693				    long bufsize, int flags); }
694396	AUE_STATFS	NOPROTO	{ int statfs(char *path, \
695				    struct statfs *buf); }
696397	AUE_FSTATFS	NOPROTO	{ int fstatfs(int fd, struct statfs *buf); }
697398	AUE_FHSTATFS	NOPROTO	{ int fhstatfs(const struct fhandle *u_fhp, \
698				    struct statfs *buf); }
699399	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
700400	AUE_NULL	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int ksem_close(semid_t id); }
701401	AUE_NULL	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int ksem_post(semid_t id); }
702402	AUE_NULL	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int ksem_wait(semid_t id); }
703403	AUE_NULL	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int ksem_trywait(semid_t id); }
704404	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_ksem_init(semid_t *idp, \
705				    unsigned int value); }
706405	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_ksem_open(semid_t *idp, \
707				    const char *name, int oflag, \
708				    mode_t mode, unsigned int value); }
709406	AUE_NULL	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int ksem_unlink(const char *name); }
710407	AUE_NULL	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int ksem_getvalue(semid_t id, \
711				    int *val); }
712408	AUE_NULL	NOSTD|NOPROTO	{ int ksem_destroy(semid_t id); }
713409	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__mac_get_pid
714410	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__mac_get_link
715411	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__mac_set_link
716412	AUE_EXTATTR_SET_LINK	NOPROTO	{ int extattr_set_link( \
717				    const char *path, int attrnamespace, \
718				    const char *attrname, void *data, \
719				    size_t nbytes); }
720413	AUE_EXTATTR_GET_LINK	NOPROTO	{ ssize_t extattr_get_link( \
721				    const char *path, int attrnamespace, \
722				    const char *attrname, void *data, \
723				    size_t nbytes); }
724414	AUE_EXTATTR_DELETE_LINK	NOPROTO	{ int extattr_delete_link( \
725				    const char *path, int attrnamespace, \
726				    const char *attrname); }
727415	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__mac_execve
728416	AUE_SIGACTION	STD	{ int freebsd32_sigaction(int sig, \
729				    struct sigaction32 *act, \
730				    struct sigaction32 *oact); }
731417	AUE_SIGRETURN	STD	{ int freebsd32_sigreturn( \
732		    const struct freebsd32_ucontext *sigcntxp); }
733418	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__xstat
734419	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__xfstat
735420	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__xlstat
736421	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_getcontext( \
737				    struct freebsd32_ucontext *ucp); }
738422	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_setcontext( \
739				    const struct freebsd32_ucontext *ucp); }
740423	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_swapcontext( \
741				    struct freebsd32_ucontext *oucp, \
742				    const struct freebsd32_ucontext *ucp); }
743424	AUE_SWAPOFF	UNIMPL	swapoff
744425	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __acl_get_link(const char *path, \
745				    acl_type_t type, struct acl *aclp); }
746426	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __acl_set_link(const char *path, \
747				    acl_type_t type, struct acl *aclp); }
748427	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __acl_delete_link(const char *path, \
749				    acl_type_t type); }
750428	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int __acl_aclcheck_link(const char *path, \
751				    acl_type_t type, struct acl *aclp); }
752429	AUE_SIGWAIT	NOPROTO	{ int sigwait(const sigset_t *set, \
753				    int *sig); }
754430	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	thr_create;
755431	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ void thr_exit(long *state); }
756432	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int thr_self(long *id); }
757433	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int thr_kill(long id, int sig); }
758434	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_umtx_lock(struct umtx *umtx); }
759435	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_umtx_unlock(struct umtx *umtx); }
760436	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int jail_attach(int jid); }
761437	AUE_EXTATTR_LIST_FD	NOPROTO	{ ssize_t extattr_list_fd(int fd, \
762				    int attrnamespace, void *data, \
763				    size_t nbytes); }
764438	AUE_EXTATTR_LIST_FILE	NOPROTO	{ ssize_t extattr_list_file( \
765				    const char *path, int attrnamespace, \
766				    void *data, size_t nbytes); }
767439	AUE_EXTATTR_LIST_LINK	NOPROTO	{ ssize_t extattr_list_link( \
768				    const char *path, int attrnamespace, \
769				    void *data, size_t nbytes); }
770440	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	kse_switchin
771441	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_ksem_timedwait(semid_t id, \
772				    const struct timespec32 *abstime); }
773442	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_thr_suspend( \
774				    const struct timespec32 *timeout); }
775443	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int thr_wake(long id); }
776444	AUE_MODUNLOAD	NOPROTO	{ int kldunloadf(int fileid, int flags); }
777445	AUE_AUDIT	NOPROTO	{ int audit(const void *record, \
778				    u_int length); }
779446	AUE_AUDITON	NOPROTO	{ int auditon(int cmd, void *data, \
780				    u_int length); }
781447	AUE_GETAUID	NOPROTO	{ int getauid(uid_t *auid); }
782448	AUE_SETAUID	NOPROTO	{ int setauid(uid_t *auid); }
783449	AUE_GETAUDIT	NOPROTO	{ int getaudit(struct auditinfo *auditinfo); }
784450	AUE_SETAUDIT	NOPROTO	{ int setaudit(struct auditinfo *auditinfo); }
785451	AUE_GETAUDIT_ADDR	NOPROTO	{ int getaudit_addr( \
786				    struct auditinfo_addr *auditinfo_addr, \
787				    u_int length); }
788452	AUE_SETAUDIT_ADDR	NOPROTO	{ int setaudit_addr( \
789				    struct auditinfo_addr *auditinfo_addr, \
790				    u_int length); }
791453	AUE_AUDITCTL	NOPROTO	{ int auditctl(char *path); }
792454	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_umtx_op(void *obj, int op,\
793				    u_long val, void *uaddr, \
794				    void *uaddr2); }
795455	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_thr_new(	\
796				    struct thr_param32 *param,	\
797				    int param_size); }
798456	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sigqueue(pid_t pid, int signum, \
799				    void *value); }
800457	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_kmq_open( \
801				    const char *path, int flags, mode_t mode, \
802				    const struct mq_attr32 *attr); }
803458	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_kmq_setattr(int mqd, \
804				    const struct mq_attr32 *attr,	\
805				    struct mq_attr32 *oattr); }
806459	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_kmq_timedreceive(int mqd, \
807				    char *msg_ptr, size_t msg_len,	\
808				    unsigned *msg_prio,			\
809				    const struct timespec32 *abs_timeout); }
810460	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_kmq_timedsend(int mqd,	\
811				    const char *msg_ptr, size_t msg_len,\
812				    unsigned msg_prio,			\
813				    const struct timespec32 *abs_timeout);}
814461	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO|NOSTD	{ int kmq_notify(int mqd,	\
815				    const struct sigevent *sigev); }
816462	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO|NOSTD	{ int kmq_unlink(const char *path); }
817463	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int abort2(const char *why, int nargs, void **args); }
818464	AUE_NULL 	NOPROTO	{ int thr_set_name(long id, const char *name); }
819465	AUE_NULL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_aio_fsync(int op, \
820				    struct aiocb32 *aiocbp); }
821466	AUE_RTPRIO	NOPROTO	{ int rtprio_thread(int function, \
822				    lwpid_t lwpid, struct rtprio *rtp); }
823467	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
824468	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	nosys
825469	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__getpath_fromfd
826470	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	__getpath_fromaddr
827471	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sctp_peeloff(int sd, uint32_t name); }
828472	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sctp_generic_sendmsg(int sd, caddr_t msg, int mlen, \
829				    caddr_t to, __socklen_t tolen, \
830				    struct sctp_sndrcvinfo *sinfo, int flags); }
831473	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sctp_generic_sendmsg_iov(int sd, struct iovec *iov, int iovlen, \
832				    caddr_t to, __socklen_t tolen, \
833				    struct sctp_sndrcvinfo *sinfo, int flags); }
834474	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int sctp_generic_recvmsg(int sd, struct iovec *iov, int iovlen, \
835				    struct sockaddr * from, __socklen_t *fromlenaddr, \
836				    struct sctp_sndrcvinfo *sinfo, int *msg_flags); }
837#ifdef PAD64_REQUIRED
838475	AUE_PREAD	STD	{ ssize_t freebsd32_pread(int fd, \
839				    void *buf,size_t nbyte, \
840				    int pad, \
841				    u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2); }
842476	AUE_PWRITE	STD	{ ssize_t freebsd32_pwrite(int fd, \
843				    const void *buf, size_t nbyte, \
844				    int pad, \
845				    u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2); }
846477	AUE_MMAP	STD 	{ caddr_t freebsd32_mmap(caddr_t addr, \
847				    size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, \
848				    int pad, \
849				    u_int32_t pos1, u_int32_t pos2); }
850478	AUE_LSEEK	STD	{ off_t freebsd32_lseek(int fd, \
851				    int pad, \
852				    u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2, \
853				    int whence); }
854479	AUE_TRUNCATE	STD	{ int freebsd32_truncate(char *path, \
855				    int pad, \
856				    u_int32_t length1, u_int32_t length2); }
857480	AUE_FTRUNCATE	STD	{ int freebsd32_ftruncate(int fd, \
858				    int pad, \
859				    u_int32_t length1, u_int32_t length2); }
861475	AUE_PREAD	STD	{ ssize_t freebsd32_pread(int fd, \
862				    void *buf,size_t nbyte, \
863				    u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2); }
864476	AUE_PWRITE	STD	{ ssize_t freebsd32_pwrite(int fd, \
865				    const void *buf, size_t nbyte, \
866				    u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2); }
867477	AUE_MMAP	STD 	{ caddr_t freebsd32_mmap(caddr_t addr, \
868				    size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, \
869				    u_int32_t pos1, u_int32_t pos2); }
870478	AUE_LSEEK	STD	{ off_t freebsd32_lseek(int fd, \
871				    u_int32_t offset1, u_int32_t offset2, \
872				    int whence); }
873479	AUE_TRUNCATE	STD	{ int freebsd32_truncate(char *path, \
874				    u_int32_t length1, u_int32_t length2); }
875480	AUE_FTRUNCATE	STD	{ int freebsd32_ftruncate(int fd, \
876				    u_int32_t length1, u_int32_t length2); }
878481	AUE_KILL	NOPROTO	{ int thr_kill2(pid_t pid, long id, int sig); }
879482	AUE_SHMOPEN	NOPROTO	{ int shm_open(const char *path, int flags, \
880				    mode_t mode); }
881483	AUE_SHMUNLINK	NOPROTO	{ int shm_unlink(const char *path); }
882484	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int cpuset(cpusetid_t *setid); }
883#ifdef PAD64_REQUIRED
884485	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_cpuset_setid(cpuwhich_t which, \
885				    int pad, \
886				    u_int32_t id1, u_int32_t id2, \
887				    cpusetid_t setid); }
889485	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_cpuset_setid(cpuwhich_t which, \
890				    u_int32_t id1, u_int32_t id2, \
891				    cpusetid_t setid); }
893486	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_cpuset_getid(cpulevel_t level, \
894				    cpuwhich_t which, \
895				    u_int32_t id1, u_int32_t id2, \
896				    cpusetid_t *setid); }
897487	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_cpuset_getaffinity( \
898				    cpulevel_t level, cpuwhich_t which, \
899				    u_int32_t id1, u_int32_t id2, \
900				    size_t cpusetsize, \
901				    cpuset_t *mask); }
902488	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_cpuset_setaffinity( \
903				    cpulevel_t level, cpuwhich_t which, \
904				    u_int32_t id1, u_int32_t id2, \
905				    size_t cpusetsize, \
906				    const cpuset_t *mask); }
907489	AUE_FACCESSAT	NOPROTO	{ int faccessat(int fd, char *path, int mode, \
908				    int flag); }
909490	AUE_FCHMODAT	NOPROTO	{ int fchmodat(int fd, const char *path, \
910				    mode_t mode, int flag); }
911491	AUE_FCHOWNAT	NOPROTO	{ int fchownat(int fd, char *path, uid_t uid, \
912				    gid_t gid, int flag); }
913492	AUE_FEXECVE	STD	{ int freebsd32_fexecve(int fd, \
914				    u_int32_t *argv, u_int32_t *envv); }
915493	AUE_FSTATAT	STD	{ int freebsd32_fstatat(int fd, char *path, \
916				    struct stat *buf, int flag); }
917494	AUE_FUTIMESAT	STD	{ int freebsd32_futimesat(int fd, char *path, \
918				    struct timeval *times); }
919495	AUE_LINKAT	NOPROTO	{ int linkat(int fd1, char *path1, int fd2, \
920				    char *path2, int flag); }
921496	AUE_MKDIRAT	NOPROTO	{ int mkdirat(int fd, char *path, \
922				    mode_t mode); }
923497	AUE_MKFIFOAT	NOPROTO	{ int mkfifoat(int fd, char *path, \
924				    mode_t mode); }
925498	AUE_MKNODAT	NOPROTO	{ int mknodat(int fd, char *path, \
926				    mode_t mode, dev_t dev); }
927499	AUE_OPENAT_RWTC	NOPROTO	{ int openat(int fd, char *path, int flag, \
928				    mode_t mode); }
929500	AUE_READLINKAT	NOPROTO	{ int readlinkat(int fd, char *path, char *buf, \
930				    size_t bufsize); }
931501	AUE_RENAMEAT	NOPROTO	{ int renameat(int oldfd, char *old, int newfd, \
932				    const char *new); }
933502	AUE_SYMLINKAT	NOPROTO	{ int symlinkat(char *path1, int fd, \
934				    char *path2); }
935503	AUE_UNLINKAT	NOPROTO	{ int unlinkat(int fd, char *path, \
936				    int flag); }
937504	AUE_POSIX_OPENPT	NOPROTO	{ int posix_openpt(int flags); }
938; 505 is initialised by the kgssapi code, if present.
939505	AUE_NULL	UNIMPL	gssd_syscall
940506	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_jail_get(struct iovec32 *iovp, \
941				    unsigned int iovcnt, int flags); }
942507	AUE_NULL	STD	{ int freebsd32_jail_set(struct iovec32 *iovp, \
943				    unsigned int iovcnt, int flags); }
944508	AUE_NULL	NOPROTO	{ int jail_remove(int jid); }
945509	AUE_CLOSEFROM	NOPROTO	{ int closefrom(int lowfd); }
946510	AUE_SEMCTL	NOSTD { int freebsd32_semctl(int semid, int semnum, \
947				    int cmd, union semun32 *arg); }
948511	AUE_MSGCTL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_msgctl(int msqid, int cmd, \
949				    struct msqid_ds32 *buf); }
950512	AUE_SHMCTL	NOSTD	{ int freebsd32_shmctl(int shmid, int cmd, \
951				    struct shmid_ds32 *buf); }
952513	AUE_LPATHCONF	NOPROTO	{ int lpathconf(char *path, int name); }
953514	AUE_CAP_NEW	UNIMPL	cap_new
954515	AUE_CAP_GETRIGHTS	UNIMPL	cap_getrights
955516	AUE_CAP_ENTER	NOPROTO	{ int cap_enter(void); }
956517	AUE_CAP_GETMODE	NOPROTO	{ int cap_getmode(u_int *modep); }
957518	AUE_PDFORK	UNIMPL	pdfork
958519	AUE_PDKILL	UNIMPL	pdkill
959520	AUE_PDGETPID	UNIMPL	pdgetpid
960521	AUE_PDWAIT	UNIMPL	pdwait
961522	AUE_SELECT	STD	{ int freebsd32_pselect(int nd, fd_set *in, \
962				    fd_set *ou, fd_set *ex, \
963				    const struct timespec32 *ts, \
964				    const sigset_t *sm); }