oo.fr revision 94290
176116Sdcs\ #if FICL_WANT_OOP
240843Smsmith\ ** ficl/softwords/oo.fr
340843Smsmith\ ** F I C L   O - O   E X T E N S I O N S
440843Smsmith\ ** john sadler aug 1998
660959Sdcs\ $FreeBSD: head/sys/boot/ficl/softwords/oo.fr 94290 2002-04-09 17:45:28Z dcs $
876116Sdcs17 ficl-vocabulary oop
940843Smsmithalso oop definitions
1140843Smsmith\ Design goals:
1240843Smsmith\ 0. Traditional OOP: late binding by default for safety. 
1340843Smsmith\    Early binding if you ask for it.
1440843Smsmith\ 1. Single inheritance
1540843Smsmith\ 2. Object aggregation (has-a relationship)
1640843Smsmith\ 3. Support objects in the dictionary and as proxies for 
1740843Smsmith\    existing structures (by reference):
1840843Smsmith\    *** A ficl object can wrap a C struct ***
1940843Smsmith\ 4. Separate name-spaces for methods - methods are
2040843Smsmith\    only visible in the context of a class / object
2140843Smsmith\ 5. Methods can be overridden, and subclasses can add methods.
2240843Smsmith\    No limit on number of methods.
2440843Smsmith\ General info:
2540843Smsmith\ Classes are objects, too: all classes are instances of METACLASS
2640843Smsmith\ All classes are derived (by convention) from OBJECT. This
2740843Smsmith\ base class provides a default initializer and superclass 
2840843Smsmith\ access method
3040843Smsmith\ A ficl object binds instance storage (payload) to a class.
3140843Smsmith\ object  ( -- instance class )
3240843Smsmith\ All objects push their payload address and class address when
3394290Sdcs\ executed. 
3540843Smsmith\ A ficl class consists of a parent class pointer, a wordlist
3640843Smsmith\ ID for the methods of the class, and a size for the payload
3740843Smsmith\ of objects created by the class. A class is an object.
3840843Smsmith\ The NEW method creates and initializes an instance of a class.
3940843Smsmith\ Classes have this footprint:
4040843Smsmith\ cell 0: parent class address
4140843Smsmith\ cell 1: wordlist ID
4240843Smsmith\ cell 2: size of instance's payload
4440843Smsmith\ Methods expect an object couple ( instance class ) 
4594290Sdcs\ on the stack. This is by convention - ficl has no way to 
4694290Sdcs\ police your code to make sure this is always done, but it 
4794290Sdcs\ happens naturally if you use the facilities presented here.
4940843Smsmith\ Overridden methods must maintain the same stack signature as
5094290Sdcs\ their predecessors. Ficl has no way of enforcing this, either.
5294290Sdcs\ Revised Apr 2001 - Added Guy Carver's vtable extensions. Class now
5394290Sdcs\ has an extra field for the vtable method count. Hasvtable declares
5494290Sdcs\ refs to vtable classes
5694290Sdcs\ Revised Nov 2001 - metaclass debug method now finds only metaclass methods
5894290Sdcs\ Planned: Ficl vtable support
5994290Sdcs\ Each class has a vtable size parameter
6094290Sdcs\ END-CLASS allocates and clears the vtable - then it walks class's method 
6194290Sdcs\ list and inserts all new methods into table. For each method, if the table
6294290Sdcs\ slot is already nonzero, do nothing (overridden method). Otherwise fill
6394290Sdcs\ vtable slot. Now do same check for parent class vtable, filling only
6494290Sdcs\ empty slots in the new vtable.
6594290Sdcs\ Methods are now structured as follows:
6694290Sdcs\ - header
6794290Sdcs\ - vtable index
6894290Sdcs\ - xt
6994290Sdcs\ :noname definition for code
7194290Sdcs\ : is redefined to check for override, fill in vtable index, increment method
7294290Sdcs\ count if not an override, create header and fill in index. Allot code pointer
7394290Sdcs\ and run :noname
7494290Sdcs\ ; is overridden to fill in xt returned by :noname
7594290Sdcs\ --> compiles code to fetch vtable address, offset by index, and execute
7694290Sdcs\ => looks up xt in the vtable and compiles it directly
8040843Smsmithuser current-class
8140843Smsmith0 current-class !
8340843Smsmith\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
8440843Smsmith\ ** L A T E   B I N D I N G
8540843Smsmith\ Compile the method name, and code to find and
8640843Smsmith\ execute it at run-time...
9194290Sdcs\ p a r s e - m e t h o d
9294290Sdcs\ compiles a method name so that it pushes
9394290Sdcs\ the string base address and count at run-time.
9540843Smsmith: parse-method  \ name  run: ( -- c-addr u )
9640843Smsmith    parse-word
9794290Sdcs    postpone sliteral
9840843Smsmith; compile-only
10094290Sdcs\ l o o k u p - m e t h o d
10194290Sdcs\ takes a counted string method name from the stack (as compiled
10294290Sdcs\ by parse-method) and attempts to look this method up in the method list of 
10394290Sdcs\ the class that's on the stack. If successful, it leaves the class on the stack
10494290Sdcs\ and pushes the xt of the method. If not, it aborts with an error message.
10676116Sdcs: lookup-method  { class 2:name -- class xt }
10794290Sdcs    name class cell+ @  ( c-addr u wid )
10894290Sdcs    search-wordlist     ( 0 | xt 1 | xt -1 )
10994290Sdcs    0= if
11094290Sdcs        name type ."  not found in " 
11176116Sdcs        class body> >name type
11240843Smsmith        cr abort 
11394290Sdcs    endif 
11476116Sdcs    class swap
11740843Smsmith: find-method-xt   \ name ( class -- class xt )
11894290Sdcs    parse-word lookup-method
12176116Sdcsset-current  ( stop hiding definitions )
12376116Sdcs: catch-method  ( instance class c-addr u -- <method-signature> exc-flag )
12476116Sdcs    lookup-method catch
12776116Sdcs: exec-method  ( instance class c-addr u -- <method-signature> )
12876116Sdcs    lookup-method execute
13140843Smsmith\ Method lookup operator takes a class-addr and instance-addr
13240843Smsmith\ and executes the method from the class's wordlist if
13340843Smsmith\ interpreting. If compiling, bind late.
13540843Smsmith: -->   ( instance class -- ??? )
13640843Smsmith    state @ 0= if
13794290Sdcs        find-method-xt execute 
13840843Smsmith    else  
13994290Sdcs        parse-method  postpone exec-method
14040843Smsmith    endif
14140843Smsmith; immediate
14376116Sdcs\ Method lookup with CATCH in case of exceptions
14476116Sdcs: c->   ( instance class -- ?? exc-flag )
14576116Sdcs    state @ 0= if
14694290Sdcs        find-method-xt catch  
14776116Sdcs    else  
14894290Sdcs        parse-method  postpone catch-method
14976116Sdcs    endif
15076116Sdcs; immediate
15276116Sdcs\ METHOD  makes global words that do method invocations by late binding
15376116Sdcs\ in case you prefer this style (no --> in your code)
15494290Sdcs\ Example: everything has next and prev for array access, so...
15594290Sdcs\ method next
15694290Sdcs\ method prev
15794290Sdcs\ my-instance next ( does whatever next does to my-instance by late binding )
15976116Sdcs: method   create does> body> >name lookup-method execute ;
16240843Smsmith\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
16340843Smsmith\ ** E A R L Y   B I N D I N G
16440843Smsmith\ Early binding operator compiles code to execute a method
16540843Smsmith\ given its class at compile time. Classes are immediate,
16640843Smsmith\ so they leave their cell-pair on the stack when compiling.
16740843Smsmith\ Example: 
16840843Smsmith\   : get-wid   metaclass => .wid @ ;
16940843Smsmith\ Usage
17040843Smsmith\   my-class get-wid  ( -- wid-of-my-class )
17276116Sdcs1 ficl-named-wordlist instance-vars
17376116Sdcsinstance-vars dup >search ficl-set-current
17540843Smsmith: =>   \ c:( class meta -- ) run: ( -- ??? ) invokes compiled method
17694290Sdcs    drop find-method-xt compile, drop
17740843Smsmith; immediate compile-only
17976116Sdcs: my=>   \ c:( -- ) run: ( -- ??? ) late bind compiled method of current-class
18076116Sdcs    current-class @ dup postpone =>
18176116Sdcs; immediate compile-only
18394290Sdcs\ Problem: my=[ assumes that each method except the last is am obj: member
18494290Sdcs\ which contains its class as the first field of its parameter area. The code
18594290Sdcs\ detects non-obect members and assumes the class does not change in this case.
18694290Sdcs\ This handles methods like index, prev, and next correctly, but does not deal
18794290Sdcs\ correctly with CLASS.
18876116Sdcs: my=[   \ same as my=> , but binds a chain of methods
18976116Sdcs    current-class @  
19076116Sdcs    begin 
19194290Sdcs        parse-word 2dup             ( class c-addr u c-addr u )
19294290Sdcs        s" ]" compare while         ( class c-addr u )
19394290Sdcs        lookup-method               ( class xt )
19494290Sdcs        dup compile,                ( class xt )
19594290Sdcs        dup ?object if        \ If object member, get new class. Otherwise assume same class
19694290Sdcs           nip >body cell+ @        ( new-class )
19794290Sdcs        else 
19894290Sdcs           drop                     ( class )
19994290Sdcs        endif
20076116Sdcs    repeat 2drop drop 
20176116Sdcs; immediate compile-only
20440843Smsmith\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
20540843Smsmith\ ** I N S T A N C E   V A R I A B L E S
20640843Smsmith\ Instance variables (IV) are represented by words in the class's
20740843Smsmith\ private wordlist. Each IV word contains the offset
20840843Smsmith\ of the IV it represents, and runs code to add that offset
20940843Smsmith\ to the base address of an instance when executed.
21040843Smsmith\ The metaclass SUB method, defined below, leaves the address
21140843Smsmith\ of the new class's offset field and its initial size on the
21240843Smsmith\ stack for these words to update. When a class definition is
21340843Smsmith\ complete, END-CLASS saves the final size in the class's size
21440843Smsmith\ field, and restores the search order and compile wordlist to
21540843Smsmith\ prior state. Note that these words are hidden in their own
21640843Smsmith\ wordlist to prevent accidental use outside a SUB END-CLASS pair.
21840843Smsmith: do-instance-var
21940843Smsmith    does>   ( instance class addr[offset] -- addr[field] )
22094290Sdcs        nip @ +
22340843Smsmith: addr-units:  ( offset size "name" -- offset' )
22440843Smsmith    create over , + 
22540843Smsmith    do-instance-var
22894290Sdcs: chars:    \ ( offset nCells "name" -- offset' ) Create n char member.
22940843Smsmith   chars addr-units: ;
23194290Sdcs: char:     \ ( offset nCells "name" -- offset' ) Create 1 char member.
23240843Smsmith   1 chars: ;
23440843Smsmith: cells:  ( offset nCells "name" -- offset' )
23594290Sdcs    cells >r aligned r> addr-units:
23840843Smsmith: cell:   ( offset nCells "name" -- offset' )
23940843Smsmith    1 cells: ;
24140843Smsmith\ Aggregate an object into the class...
24240843Smsmith\ Needs the class of the instance to create
24340843Smsmith\ Example: object obj: m_obj
24540843Smsmith: do-aggregate
24694290Sdcs    objectify
24794290Sdcs    does>   ( instance class pfa -- a-instance a-class )
24894290Sdcs    2@          ( inst class a-class a-offset )
24994290Sdcs    2swap drop  ( a-class a-offset inst )
25094290Sdcs    + swap      ( a-inst a-class )
25394290Sdcs: obj:   { offset class meta -- offset' }  \ "name" 
25440843Smsmith    create  offset , class , 
25594290Sdcs    class meta --> get-size  offset +
25694290Sdcs    do-aggregate
25940843Smsmith\ Aggregate an array of objects into a class
26040843Smsmith\ Usage example:
26140843Smsmith\ 3 my-class array: my-array
26240843Smsmith\ Makes an instance variable array of 3 instances of my-class
26340843Smsmith\ named my-array.
26540843Smsmith: array:   ( offset n class meta "name" -- offset' )
26694290Sdcs    locals| meta class nobjs offset |
26794290Sdcs    create offset , class , 
26894290Sdcs    class meta --> get-size  nobjs * offset + 
26994290Sdcs    do-aggregate
27240843Smsmith\ Aggregate a pointer to an object: REF is a member variable
27340843Smsmith\ whose class is set at compile time. This is useful for wrapping
27440843Smsmith\ data structures in C, where there is only a pointer and the type
27540843Smsmith\ it refers to is known. If you want polymorphism, see c_ref
27640843Smsmith\ in classes.fr. REF is only useful for pre-initialized structures,
27740843Smsmith\ since there's no supported way to set one.
27840843Smsmith: ref:   ( offset class meta "name" -- offset' )
27994290Sdcs    locals| meta class offset |
28094290Sdcs    create offset , class ,
28194290Sdcs    offset cell+
28294290Sdcs    does>    ( inst class pfa -- ptr-inst ptr-class )
28394290Sdcs    2@       ( inst class ptr-class ptr-offset )
28494290Sdcs    2swap drop + @ swap
28794290Sdcs\ #if FICL_WANT_VCALL
28894290Sdcs\ vcall extensions contributed by Guy Carver
28994290Sdcs: vcall:  ( paramcnt "name" -- )   
29094290Sdcs    current-class @ 8 + dup @ dup 1+ rot !  \ Kludge fix to get to .vtCount before it's defined.
29194290Sdcs    create , ,                              \ ( paramcnt index -- )
29294290Sdcs    does>                                   \ ( inst class pfa -- ptr-inst ptr-class )
29394290Sdcs   nip 2@ vcall                             \ ( params offset inst class offset -- )
29694290Sdcs: vcallr: 0x80000000 or vcall: ;            \ Call with return address desired.
29894290Sdcs\ #if FICL_WANT_FLOAT
29994290Sdcs: vcallf:                                   \ ( paramcnt -<name>- f: r )
30094290Sdcs    0x80000000 or 
30194290Sdcs    current-class @ 8 + dup @ dup 1+ rot !  \ Kludge fix to get to .vtCount before it's defined.
30294290Sdcs    create , ,                              \ ( paramcnt index -- )
30394290Sdcs    does>                                   \ ( inst class pfa -- ptr-inst ptr-class )
30494290Sdcs    nip 2@ vcall f>                         \ ( params offset inst class offset -- f: r )
30694290Sdcs\ #endif /* FLOAT */
30794290Sdcs\ #endif /* VCALL */
30940843Smsmith\ END-CLASS terminates construction of a class by storing
31040843Smsmith\  the size of its instance variables in the class's size field
31140843Smsmith\ ( -- old-wid addr[size] 0 )
31340843Smsmith: end-class  ( old-wid addr[size] size -- )
31440843Smsmith    swap ! set-current 
31594290Sdcs    search> drop        \ pop struct builder wordlist
31876116Sdcs\ See resume-class (a metaclass method) below for usage
31976116Sdcs\ This is equivalent to end-class for now, but that will change
32076116Sdcs\ when we support vtable bindings.
32176116Sdcs: suspend-class  ( old-wid addr[size] size -- )   end-class ;
32340843Smsmithset-current previous
32440843Smsmith\ E N D   I N S T A N C E   V A R I A B L E S
32740843Smsmith\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
32840843Smsmith\ D O - D O - I N S T A N C E
32940843Smsmith\ Makes a class method that contains the code for an 
33040843Smsmith\ instance of the class. This word gets compiled into
33140843Smsmith\ the wordlist of every class by the SUB method.
33240843Smsmith\ PRECONDITION: current-class contains the class address
33360959Sdcs\ why use a state variable instead of the stack?
33494290Sdcs\ >> Stack state is not well-defined during compilation (there are
33560959Sdcs\ >> control structure match codes on the stack, of undefined size
33660959Sdcs\ >> easiest way around this is use of this thread-local variable
33840843Smsmith: do-do-instance  ( -- )
33940843Smsmith    s" : .do-instance does> [ current-class @ ] literal ;" 
34040843Smsmith    evaluate 
34340843Smsmith\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
34440843Smsmith\ ** M E T A C L A S S 
34540843Smsmith\ Every class is an instance of metaclass. This lets
34640843Smsmith\ classes have methods that are different from those
34740843Smsmith\ of their instances.
34840843Smsmith\ Classes are IMMEDIATE to make early binding simpler
34940843Smsmith\ See above...
35294290Sdcs    wordlist
35394290Sdcs    create  
35460959Sdcs    immediate
35594290Sdcs    0       ,   \ NULL parent class
35694290Sdcs    dup     ,   \ wid
35794290Sdcs\ #if FICL_WANT_VCALL
35894290Sdcs    4 cells ,   \ instance size 
35994290Sdcs\ #else
36094290Sdcs    3 cells ,   \ instance size 
36194290Sdcs\ #endif
36294290Sdcs    ficl-set-current
36394290Sdcs    does> dup
36476116Sdcs;  execute metaclass 
36576116Sdcs\ now brand OBJECT's wordlist (so that ORDER can display it by name)
36676116Sdcsmetaclass drop cell+ @ brand-wordlist
36840843Smsmithmetaclass drop current-class !
37240843Smsmith\ C L A S S   M E T H O D S
37440843Smsmithinstance-vars >search
37640843Smsmithcreate .super  ( class metaclass -- parent-class )
37740843Smsmith    0 cells , do-instance-var 
37940843Smsmithcreate .wid    ( class metaclass -- wid ) \ return wid of class
38040843Smsmith    1 cells , do-instance-var 
38294290Sdcs\ #if FICL_WANT_VCALL
38394290Sdcscreate .vtCount   \ Number of VTABLE methods, if any
38494290Sdcs    2 cells , do-instance-var 
38640843Smsmithcreate  .size  ( class metaclass -- size ) \ return class's payload size 
38794290Sdcs    3 cells , do-instance-var 
38894290Sdcs\ #else
38994290Sdcscreate  .size  ( class metaclass -- size ) \ return class's payload size 
39040843Smsmith    2 cells , do-instance-var 
39194290Sdcs\ #endif
39340843Smsmith: get-size    metaclass => .size  @ ;
39440843Smsmith: get-wid     metaclass => .wid   @ ;
39540843Smsmith: get-super   metaclass => .super @ ;
39694290Sdcs\ #if FICL_WANT_VCALL
39794290Sdcs: get-vtCount metaclass => .vtCount @ ;
39894290Sdcs: get-vtAdd   metaclass => .vtCount ;
39994290Sdcs\ #endif
40140843Smsmith\ create an uninitialized instance of a class, leaving
40240843Smsmith\ the address of the new instance and its class
40440843Smsmith: instance   ( class metaclass "name" -- instance class )
40540843Smsmith    locals| meta parent |
40694290Sdcs    create
40740843Smsmith    here parent --> .do-instance \ ( inst class )
40840843Smsmith    parent meta metaclass => get-size 
40940843Smsmith    allot                        \ allocate payload space
41240843Smsmith\ create an uninitialized array
41340843Smsmith: array   ( n class metaclass "name" -- n instance class ) 
41440843Smsmith    locals| meta parent nobj |
41594290Sdcs    create  nobj
41640843Smsmith    here parent --> .do-instance \ ( nobj inst class )
41740843Smsmith    parent meta metaclass => get-size
41894290Sdcs    nobj *  allot           \ allocate payload space
42140843Smsmith\ create an initialized instance
42340843Smsmith: new   \ ( class metaclass "name" -- ) 
42440843Smsmith    metaclass => instance --> init
42740843Smsmith\ create an initialized array of instances
42840843Smsmith: new-array   ( n class metaclass "name" -- ) 
42994290Sdcs    metaclass => array 
43094290Sdcs    --> array-init
43360959Sdcs\ Create an anonymous initialized instance from the heap
43460959Sdcs: alloc   \ ( class metaclass -- instance class )
43560959Sdcs    locals| meta class |
43660959Sdcs    class meta metaclass => get-size allocate   ( -- addr fail-flag )
43760959Sdcs    abort" allocate failed "                    ( -- addr )
43860959Sdcs    class 2dup --> init
44160959Sdcs\ Create an anonymous array of initialized instances from the heap
44260959Sdcs: alloc-array   \ ( n class metaclass -- instance class )
44360959Sdcs    locals| meta class nobj |
44460959Sdcs    class meta metaclass => get-size 
44560959Sdcs    nobj * allocate                 ( -- addr fail-flag )
44660959Sdcs    abort" allocate failed "        ( -- addr )
44760959Sdcs    nobj over class --> array-init
44860959Sdcs    class 
45176116Sdcs\ Create an anonymous initialized instance from the dictionary
45276116Sdcs: allot   { 2:this -- 2:instance }
45376116Sdcs    here   ( instance-address )
45476116Sdcs    this my=> get-size  allot
45576116Sdcs    this drop 2dup --> init
45876116Sdcs\ Create an anonymous array of initialized instances from the dictionary
45976116Sdcs: allot-array   { nobj 2:this -- 2:instance }
46076116Sdcs    here   ( instance-address )
46176116Sdcs    this my=> get-size  nobj * allot
46276116Sdcs    this drop 2dup     ( 2instance 2instance )
46376116Sdcs    nobj -rot --> array-init
46640843Smsmith\ create a proxy object with initialized payload address given
46740843Smsmith: ref   ( instance-addr class metaclass "name" -- )
46840843Smsmith    drop create , ,
46940843Smsmith    does> 2@ 
47276116Sdcs\ suspend-class and resume-class help to build mutually referent classes.
47376116Sdcs\ Example: 
47476116Sdcs\ object subclass c-akbar
47576116Sdcs\ suspend-class   ( put akbar on hold while we define jeff )
47676116Sdcs\ object subclass c-jeff
47776116Sdcs\     c-akbar ref: .akbar
47876116Sdcs\     ( and whatever else comprises this class )
47976116Sdcs\ end-class    ( done with c-jeff )
48076116Sdcs\ c-akbar --> resume-class
48176116Sdcs\     c-jeff ref: .jeff
48276116Sdcs\     ( and whatever else goes in c-akbar )
48376116Sdcs\ end-class    ( done with c-akbar )
48576116Sdcs: resume-class   { 2:this -- old-wid addr[size] size }
48676116Sdcs    this --> .wid @ ficl-set-current  ( old-wid )
48776116Sdcs    this --> .size dup @   ( old-wid addr[size] size )
48876116Sdcs    instance-vars >search
49140843Smsmith\ create a subclass
49276116Sdcs\ This method leaves the stack and search order ready for instance variable
49376116Sdcs\ building. Pushes the instance-vars wordlist onto the search order,
49476116Sdcs\ and sets the compilation wordlist to be the private wordlist of the
49576116Sdcs\ new class. The class's wordlist is deliberately NOT in the search order -
49676116Sdcs\ to prevent methods from getting used with wrong data.
49776116Sdcs\ Postcondition: leaves the address of the new class in current-class
49840843Smsmith: sub   ( class metaclass "name" -- old-wid addr[size] size )
49940843Smsmith    wordlist
50094290Sdcs    locals| wid meta parent |
50194290Sdcs    parent meta metaclass => get-wid
50294290Sdcs    wid wid-set-super       \ set superclass
50394290Sdcs    create  immediate       \ get the  subclass name
50476116Sdcs    wid brand-wordlist      \ label the subclass wordlist
50594290Sdcs    here current-class !    \ prep for do-do-instance
50694290Sdcs    parent ,                \ save parent class
50794290Sdcs    wid    ,                \ save wid
50894290Sdcs\ #if FICL_WANT_VCALL
50994290Sdcs    parent meta --> get-vtCount , 
51094290Sdcs\ #endif
51194290Sdcs    here parent meta --> get-size dup ,  ( addr[size] size )
51294290Sdcs    metaclass => .do-instance
51394290Sdcs    wid ficl-set-current -rot
51494290Sdcs    do-do-instance
51594290Sdcs    instance-vars >search \ push struct builder wordlist
51840843Smsmith\ OFFSET-OF returns the offset of an instance variable
51940843Smsmith\ from the instance base address. If the next token is not
52040843Smsmith\ the name of in instance variable method, you get garbage
52140843Smsmith\ results -- there is no way at present to check for this error.
52240843Smsmith: offset-of   ( class metaclass "name" -- offset )
52340843Smsmith    drop find-method-xt nip >body @ ;
52540843Smsmith\ ID returns the string name cell-pair of its class
52640843Smsmith: id   ( class metaclass -- c-addr u )
52794290Sdcs    drop body> >name  ;
52940843Smsmith\ list methods of the class
53040843Smsmith: methods \ ( class meta -- ) 
53194290Sdcs    locals| meta class |
53294290Sdcs    begin
53394290Sdcs        class body> >name type ."  methods:" cr 
53494290Sdcs        class meta --> get-wid >search words cr previous 
53594290Sdcs        class meta metaclass => get-super
53694290Sdcs        dup to class
53794290Sdcs    0= until  cr
54040843Smsmith\ list class's ancestors
54140843Smsmith: pedigree  ( class meta -- )
54294290Sdcs    locals| meta class |
54394290Sdcs    begin
54494290Sdcs        class body> >name type space
54594290Sdcs        class meta metaclass => get-super
54694290Sdcs        dup to class
54794290Sdcs    0= until  cr
55094290Sdcs\ decompile an instance method
55140843Smsmith: see  ( class meta -- )   
55240843Smsmith    metaclass => get-wid >search see previous ;
55494290Sdcs\ debug a method of metaclass
55594290Sdcs\ Eg: my-class --> debug my-method
55694290Sdcs: debug  ( class meta -- )
55794290Sdcs	find-method-xt debug-xt ;
55994290Sdcsprevious set-current    
56040843Smsmith\ E N D   M E T A C L A S S
56276116Sdcs\ ** META is a nickname for the address of METACLASS...
56340843Smsmithmetaclass drop  
56440843Smsmithconstant meta
56676116Sdcs\ ** SUBCLASS is a nickname for a class's SUB method...
56740843Smsmith\ Subclass compilation ends when you invoke end-class
56840843Smsmith\ This method is late bound for safety...
56940843Smsmith: subclass   --> sub ;
57194290Sdcs\ #if FICL_WANT_VCALL
57294290Sdcs\ VTABLE Support extensions (Guy Carver)
57394290Sdcs\ object --> sub mine hasvtable
57494290Sdcs: hasvtable 4 + ; immediate
57594290Sdcs\ #endif
57840843Smsmith\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
57940843Smsmith\ ** O B J E C T
58040843Smsmith\ Root of all classes
58294290Sdcs    wordlist
58394290Sdcs    create  immediate
58494290Sdcs    0       ,   \ NULL parent class
58594290Sdcs    dup     ,   \ wid
58694290Sdcs    0       ,   \ instance size 
58794290Sdcs    ficl-set-current
58894290Sdcs    does> meta
58940843Smsmith;  execute object
59076116Sdcs\ now brand OBJECT's wordlist (so that ORDER can display it by name)
59176116Sdcsobject drop cell+ @ brand-wordlist
59340843Smsmithobject drop current-class ! 
59576116Sdcsinstance-vars >search
59740843Smsmith\ O B J E C T   M E T H O D S
59840843Smsmith\ Convert instance cell-pair to class cell-pair
59940843Smsmith\ Useful for binding class methods from an instance
60040843Smsmith: class  ( instance class -- class metaclass )
60194290Sdcs    nip meta ;
60340843Smsmith\ default INIT method zero fills an instance
60440843Smsmith: init   ( instance class -- )
60540843Smsmith    meta 
60640843Smsmith    metaclass => get-size   ( inst size )
60740843Smsmith    erase ;
60940843Smsmith\ Apply INIT to an array of NOBJ objects...
61140843Smsmith: array-init   ( nobj inst class -- )
61294290Sdcs    0 dup locals| &init &next class inst |
61394290Sdcs    \
61494290Sdcs    \ bind methods outside the loop to save time
61594290Sdcs    \
61694290Sdcs    class s" init" lookup-method to &init
61794290Sdcs          s" next" lookup-method to &next
61894290Sdcs    drop
61994290Sdcs    0 ?do 
62094290Sdcs        inst class 2dup 
62194290Sdcs        &init execute
62294290Sdcs        &next execute  drop to inst
62394290Sdcs    loop
62660959Sdcs\ free storage allocated to a heap instance by alloc or alloc-array
62760959Sdcs\ NOTE: not protected against errors like FREEing something that's
62860959Sdcs\ really in the dictionary.
62960959Sdcs: free   \ ( instance class -- )
63094290Sdcs    drop free 
63194290Sdcs    abort" free failed "
63440843Smsmith\ Instance aliases for common class methods
63540843Smsmith\ Upcast to parent class
63640843Smsmith: super     ( instance class -- instance parent-class )
63740843Smsmith    meta  metaclass => get-super ;
63940843Smsmith: pedigree  ( instance class -- )
64094290Sdcs    object => class 
64140843Smsmith    metaclass => pedigree ;
64340843Smsmith: size      ( instance class -- sizeof-instance )
64494290Sdcs    object => class 
64540843Smsmith    metaclass => get-size ;
64740843Smsmith: methods   ( instance class -- )
64894290Sdcs    object => class 
64940843Smsmith    metaclass => methods ;
65140843Smsmith\ Array indexing methods...
65240843Smsmith\ Usage examples:
65340843Smsmith\ 10 object-array --> index
65440843Smsmith\ obj --> next
65640843Smsmith: index   ( n instance class -- instance[n] class )
65794290Sdcs    locals| class inst |
65894290Sdcs    inst class 
65940843Smsmith    object => class
66094290Sdcs    metaclass => get-size  *   ( n*size )
66194290Sdcs    inst +  class ;
66340843Smsmith: next   ( instance[n] class -- instance[n+1] class )
66494290Sdcs    locals| class inst |
66594290Sdcs    inst class 
66640843Smsmith    object => class
66794290Sdcs    metaclass => get-size 
66894290Sdcs    inst +
66994290Sdcs    class ;
67140843Smsmith: prev   ( instance[n] class -- instance[n-1] class )
67294290Sdcs    locals| class inst |
67394290Sdcs    inst class 
67440843Smsmith    object => class
67594290Sdcs    metaclass => get-size
67694290Sdcs    inst swap -
67794290Sdcs    class ;
67976116Sdcs: debug   ( 2this --  ?? )
68076116Sdcs    find-method-xt debug-xt ;
68276116Sdcsprevious set-current
68340843Smsmith\ E N D   O B J E C T
68594290Sdcs\ reset to default search order
68694290Sdcsonly definitions
68894290Sdcs\ redefine oop in default search order to put OOP words in the search order and make them
68994290Sdcs\ the compiling wordlist...
69194290Sdcs: oo   only also oop definitions ;
69376116Sdcs\ #endif