README revision 59874
1$FreeBSD: head/sys/boot/README 59874 2000-05-01 20:32:07Z peter $
3       README file, for the boot config file setup.  This is meant
4       to explain how to manage the loader configuration process.
5       The boot and loading process is either defined, or being
6       defined in boot(8) and loader(8).
8       The ongoing development of the FreeBSD bootloader, and its
9       rapid deployment while still in the development phase, has
10       resulted in a large number of installations with outdated
11       configurations.  Those installations actively tracking the
12       FreeBSD development should also ensure that their bootloader
13       configurations are updated.  If you see files discussed here
14       that your system doesn't yet have, add them yourself.
16       This is an effort to give the currently correct method for
17       setting up your boot process.  It includes information on
18       setting up screen savers and plug and play information, and
19       also on recording any changes you make in your kernel
20       configuration.  This file is temporary, because as I noted,
21       the process is still undergoing development, and will still
22       change.  Man pages are coming out, but they're still going
23       to be somewhat fragile for a while.  If you note anything in
24       here that's broken, it would be a good idea to report it to
25       the FreeBSD-current list, or to Daniel C. Sobral
26       <> or Mike Smith <>.
28       NOTE:
30       Please understand, all this is very current development, and
31       while getting this working for STABLE is a goal, it's not
32       yet ready for that.  It's possible that parts of this might
33       indeed work for stable, but if you're not absolutely sure
34       what you're doing, you're better off not using the
35       information in this README for STABLE.  Use this for current
36       only for a while longer, please!
38       After the first two stages in the booting process (described
39       in boot(8)), the last stage of the booting process, called
40       the loader (see loader(8)) reads in the /boot/loader.rc
41       file.  The two lines you should have there are:
43       include /boot/loader.4th
44       start
46       This reads the ficl (forth) initialization files, then
47       /boot/default/loader.conf.  This file, which strongly
48       resembles in form /etc/rc.conf but functions quite
49       differently, has spots for endless user customization but
50       isn't yet completely finished.  For one thing, it used to
51       assume a /kernel.config instead of a /boot/kernel.conf.
52       Watch the first few lines of /boot/defaults/loader.conf to
53       see if the file name changes.
55       [See the section at the end on loader.conf syntax]
57       You don't actually want to make any changes to
58       /boot/defaults/loader.conf, the file that is a  hacking-
59       target is:
61       /boot/loader.conf
63       and might very likely not exist yet on your system).  You
64       should copy /boot/defaults/loader.conf to /boot/loader.conf,
65       and then cut out anything you didn't want changed.
67       The start command also loads your kernel for you, so don't
68       put any lines in there like "load kernel", they'll fail (but
69       really have already worked for you).  Start also reads in
70       the file /boot/defaults/loader.conf and /boot/loader.conf.
71       If you don't have /boot/loader.conf, you'll see a message on
72       boot about it, but it's a warning only, no other effects.
73       See the section on loader.conf syntax at the end of this
74       document, for some more pointers on loader.conf syntax.
76       The best way to manage splash screens is with entries in
77       /boot/loader.conf, and this is very clearly illustrated in
78       /boot/defaults/loader.conf (which you could just copy over
79       to /boot/loader.conf).  I'm going to illustrate here how you
80       *could* do it in /boot/loader.rc (for information only)
81       but I don't recommend you do this; use the
82       /boot/defaults/loader.conf syntax, it's easier to get it
83       correct.
85       You can load your splash screen by putting the following
86       lines into /boot/loader.rc:
88       load splash_bmp
89       load -t splash_image_data /path/to/file.bmp
91       The top line causes the splash_bmp module to get loaded.
92       The second line has the parameter "-t" which tells the
93       loader that the class of DATA being loaded is not a module,
94       but instead a splash_image_data located in file
95       /path/to/file.bmp.
97       To get your plug and play data correctly set, run kget,
98       redirecting the output to /boot/kernel.conf.  Note that kget
99       right now adds an extra "q" to it's output (from the q for
100       quit you press when you exit config), and if you want, you
101       can remove that from the file.  Kget reports data only, so
102       feel free to run it, just to see the output.  Make certain
103       you have the kernel option USERCONFIG set in your kernel, so
104       that you can do a boot -c, to initially set your cards up.
105       Then, edit /boot/loader.conf so that the following line
106       shows up (overwriting, in effect, a similar line in
107       /boot/default/loader.conf):
109       userconfig_script_load="YES"
111       My own pnp line looks like:
112       pnp 1 0 os irq0 15 irq1 0 drq0 1 drq1 0 port0 1332
113       (kget changes numbers from hexadecimal to decimal).  Note
114       that, at this moment, the change from using /kernel.config
115       to using /boot/kernel.conf as the storage place for kernel
116       config changes is going on.  Take a look at your
117       /boot/defaults/loader.conf, see what's defined as
118       userconfig_script_name, and if you override, make sure the
119       file exists.  Note that the loader only has access to the
120       root filesystem, so be careful where you tell it to read
121       from.
124          o If you interrupt autoboot, you'll engage interactive
125            mode with loader. Everything you type will have the
126            same effects as if it were lines in /boot/loader.rc.
128          o While in interactive mode, you can get help by typing
129            "?", "help [<topic> [<subtopic>]]" and "help index".
130            These are mostly commands one would expect a normal
131            user to use. I recommend you play with them a little,
132            to gain further familiarity with what's going on.
134            Note that it is not possible to damage or corrupt your
135            system while experimenting with the loader, as it
136            cannot write to any of your filesystems.
138          o The command "unload" will unload everything. This is
139            very useful.  Once loader.rc has finished and the
140            system is in the autoboot count-down, you will usually
141            have the kernel and other modules loaded. Now, suppose
142            your new /kernel is broken, how do you load
143            /kernel.old? By typing:
145                 unload
146                 load kernel.old
147                 [any other modules you wish to load]
148                 boot
150          o If you use loader.conf, you can do:
152                 unload
153                 set kernel=kernel.old
154                 boot-conf
156            this will then load all the modules you have
157            configured, using kernel.old as kernel, and boot.
159          o From loader, you can use the command "more" to read the
160            contents of /boot/loader.rc, if you wish. This is not
161            FreeBSD's more. It is one of loader's builtin commands.
162            Useful if you can't quite recall what you have there.
163            :-) Of course, you can use this command to read
164            anything else you want.
166          o "boot -flag" works, "boot kernelname" works, "boot
167            -flag kernelname" doesn't. "boot kernelname -flag"
168            might work, but I'm not sure. The problem is that these
169            flags are kernel's flags, not boot's flags.
171          o There are a number of variables that can be set. You
172            can see them in loader.conf, but you can get much more
173            detailed information using the "help" command, eg. help
174            set <variablename>.
176          o The variable root_disk_unit is particularly important,
177            as it solves a relatively common problem. This problem
178            shows when the BIOS assign disk units in a different
179            way than the kernel. For example, if you have two IDE
180            disks, one on the primary, the other on the secondary
181            controller, and both as master, the default in most
182            kernels is having the first as wd0, and the second as
183            wd2. If your root partition is in wd2, you'll get an
184            error, because the BIOS sees these disks as 0 and 1
185            (well, 1 and 2), and that's what loader tells the
186            kernel. In this case, "set root_disk_unit=2" solves the
187            problem.  You use this whenever the kernel fails to
188            mount to root partition because it has a wrong unit
189            number.
194          o /boot/defaults/loader.conf -- Master configuration
195            file, not to be edited.  Overridden by
196            /boot/loader.conf.
198          o /boot/loader.conf -- local system customization file,
199            in form very much like /boot/defaults/loader.conf.
200            This file is meant to be used by local users and the
201            sysinstall process.
203          o /boot/loader.conf.local -- local installation override
204            file.  This is intended for use by installations with
205            large numbers of systems, to allow global policy
206            overrides.  No FreeBSD tools should ever write this
207            file.
209          o /kernel.config -- old location of kernel configuration
210            changes (like pnp changes).
212          o /boot/kernel.conf -- new location for kernel
213            configuration changes.
215          o /boot/loader.rc -- loader initial configuration file,
216            chiefly used to source in a forth file, and start the
217            configuration process.
221       I'm copy here from the last 11 lines from
222       /boot/defaults/loader.conf:
224       ##############################################################
225       ###  Module loading syntax example  ##########################
226       ##############################################################
228       #module_load="YES"              # loads module "module"
229       #module_name="realname"         # uses "realname" instead of "module"
230       #module_type="type"             # passes "-t type" to load
231       #module_flags="flags"           # passes "flags" to the module
232       #module_before="cmd"            # executes "cmd" before loading module
233       #module_after="cmd"             # executes "cmd" after loading module
234       #module_error="cmd"             # executes "cmd" if load fails
236       The way this works, the command processor used by the loader
237       (which is a subset of forth) inspects  these  variables  for
238       their  suffix,  and  the  7  lines  above illustrate all the
239       currently defined suffixes, and their use.   Take  the  part
240       before  the  underscore,  and customize it i(make it unique)
241       for your particular use, keeping the  suffix  to  allow  the
242       particular function you want to activate.  Extra underscores
243       are fine, because it's only the  sufixes  that  are  scanned
244       for.
248       (authors Chuck Robey and Daniel Sobral).