1272343Sngie# $FreeBSD: releng/11.0/share/examples/pf/queue2 173536 2007-11-11 01:16:51Z mlaier $
2272343Sngie# $OpenBSD: queue2,v 1.4 2006/10/07 04:48:01 mcbride Exp $
3272343Sngie# advanced queue example.
4272343Sngie# give interactive ssh traffic priority over ssh bulk transfers (scp, sftp)
10272343Sngiealtq on $ext_if cbq bandwidth 5Mb queue { std, http, mail, ssh }
12272343Sngiequeue std bandwidth 10% cbq(default)
13272343Sngiequeue http bandwidth 60% priority 2 cbq(borrow red) { employees, developers }
14272343Sngiequeue  developers bandwidth 75% cbq(borrow)
15272343Sngiequeue  employees bandwidth 15%
16272343Sngiequeue mail bandwidth 10% priority 0 cbq(borrow ecn)
17272343Sngiequeue ssh bandwidth 20% cbq(borrow) { ssh_interactive, ssh_bulk }
18272343Sngiequeue  ssh_interactive bandwidth 25% priority 7
19272343Sngiequeue  ssh_bulk bandwidth 75% priority 0
21272343Sngieblock return out on $ext_if inet all queue std
22272343Sngiepass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $developerhosts to any port 80 \
23272343Sngie    queue developers
24272343Sngiepass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $employeehosts to any port 80 \
25272343Sngie    queue employees
26272343Sngiepass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to any port 22 \
27272343Sngie    queue(ssh_bulk, ssh_interactive)
28272343Sngiepass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to any port 25 \
29272343Sngie    queue mail