article.xml revision 306040
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2<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook XML V5.0-Based Extension//EN"
3	"../../../share/xml/freebsd50.dtd" [
4<!ENTITY % release PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES Release Specification//EN" "release.ent">
5 %release;
6<!ENTITY % sponsor PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES Sponsor Specification//EN" "sponsor.ent">
7 %sponsor;
8<!ENTITY % vendor PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES Vendor Specification//EN" "vendor.ent">
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11<!ENTITY errata SYSTEM "../../share/xml/errata.xml">
13<article xmlns=""
14  xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0">
16  <info>
17    <title>&os; &release.current; Release Notes</title>
19    <author>
20      <orgname>The &os; Project</orgname>
21    </author>
23    <pubdate>$FreeBSD: releng/11.0/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/article.xml 306040 2016-09-20 16:55:59Z gjb $</pubdate>
25    <!-- Last rev: 288943 -->
27    <copyright>
28      <year>2015</year>
29      <year>2016</year>
30      <holder role="">The &os; Documentation
31	Project</holder>
32    </copyright>
34    <legalnotice xml:id="trademarks" role="trademarks">
35      &tm-attrib.freebsd;
36      &;
37      &;
38      &;
39      &tm-attrib.sparc;
40      &tm-attrib.general;
41    </legalnotice>
43    <abstract>
44      <para>The release notes for &os; &release.current; contain
45	a summary of the changes made to the &os; base system on the
46	&release.branch; development line.  This document lists
47	applicable security advisories that were issued since the last
48	release, as well as significant changes to the &os; kernel and
49	userland.  Some brief remarks on upgrading are also
50	presented.</para>
51    </abstract>
52  </info>
54  <sect1 xml:id="intro">
55    <title>Introduction</title>
57    <para>This document contains the release notes for &os;
58      &release.current;.  It describes recently added, changed, or
59      deleted features of &os;.  It also provides some notes on
60      upgrading from previous versions of &os;.</para>
62    <para releasetype="current">The &release.type; distribution to
63      which these release notes apply represents the latest point
64      along the &release.branch; development branch since
65      &release.branch; was created.  Information regarding pre-built,
66      binary &release.type; distributions along this branch can be
67      found at <uri
68	xlink:href="&release.url;">&release.url;</uri>.</para>
70    <para releasetype="snapshot">The &release.type; distribution to
71      which these release notes apply represents a point along the
72      &release.branch; development branch between &release.prev; and
73      the future &;.  Information regarding pre-built,
74      binary &release.type; distributions along this branch can be
75      found at <uri
76	xlink:href="&release.url;">&release.url;</uri>.</para>
78    <para releasetype="release">This distribution of &os;
79      &release.current; is a &release.type; distribution.  It can be
80      found at <uri xlink:href="&release.url;">&release.url;</uri> or
81      any of its mirrors.  More information on obtaining this (or
82      other) &release.type; distributions of &os; can be found in the
83      <link
84	xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/mirrors.html"><quote>Obtaining
85	  &os;</quote> appendix</link> to the <link
86	xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/">&os;
87	Handbook</link>.</para>
89    <para>All users are encouraged to consult the release errata
90      before installing &os;.  The errata document is updated with
91      <quote>late-breaking</quote> information discovered late in the
92      release cycle or after the release.  Typically, it contains
93      information on known bugs, security advisories, and corrections
94      to documentation.  An up-to-date copy of the errata for &os;
95      &release.current; can be found on the &os; Web site.</para>
97    <para>This document describes the most user-visible new or changed
98      features in &os; since &release.prev;.  In general, changes
99      described here are unique to the &release.branch; branch unless
100      specifically marked as &merged; features.</para>
102    <para>Typical release note items document recent security
103      advisories issued after &release.prev;, new drivers or hardware
104      support, new commands or options, major bug fixes, or
105      contributed software upgrades.  They may also list changes to
106      major ports/packages or release engineering practices.  Clearly
107      the release notes cannot list every single change made to &os;
108      between releases; this document focuses primarily on security
109      advisories, user-visible changes, and major architectural
110      improvements.</para>
111  </sect1>
113  <sect1 xml:id="important">
114    <title>Important Notes</title>
116    <para>This section lists important information for those upgrading
117      from prior &os; releases.</para>
119    <sect2 xml:id="important-notes">
120      <title>User-facing Changes</title>
122      <para>As of <literal>r303719</literal>,
123	<application>OpenSSH</application> <literal>DSA</literal> key
124	generation has been disabled by default.  It is important to
125	update <application>OpenSSH</application> keys prior to
126	upgrading.  Additionally, <literal>Protocol 1</literal>
127	support has been removed.</para>
128    </sect2>
129  </sect1>
131  <sect1 xml:id="upgrade">
132    <title>Upgrading from Previous Releases of &os;</title>
134    <para arch="amd64,i386">Binary upgrades between RELEASE versions
135      (and snapshots of the various security branches) are supported
136      using the &man.freebsd-update.8; utility.  The binary upgrade
137      procedure will update unmodified userland utilities, as well as
138      unmodified GENERIC kernels distributed as a part of an official
139      &os; release.  The &man.freebsd-update.8; utility requires that
140      the host being upgraded have Internet connectivity.</para>
142    <para>Source-based upgrades (those based on recompiling the &os;
143      base system from source code) from previous versions are
144      supported, according to the instructions in
145      <filename>/usr/src/UPDATING</filename>.</para>
147    <important>
148      <para>Upgrading &os; should only be attempted after backing up
149	<emphasis>all</emphasis> data and configuration files.</para>
150    </important>
151  </sect1>
153  <sect1 xml:id="userland">
154    <title>Userland</title>
156    <para>This section covers changes and additions to userland
157      applications, contributed software, and system utilities.</para>
159    <sect2 xml:id="userland-config">
160      <title>Userland Configuration Changes</title>
162      <para revision="266463">The default &man.newsyslog.conf.5; now
163	includes files in the
164	<filename>/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/</filename> and
165	<filename>/usr/local/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/</filename>
166	directories by default for &man.newsyslog.8;.</para>
168      <para revision="270675">The &man.mailwrapper.8; utility has been
169	updated to use &man.mailer.conf.5; from the
170	<literal>LOCALBASE</literal> environment variable, which
171	defaults to <filename class="directory">/usr/local</filename>
172	if unset.</para>
174      <para revision="272350">The <literal>MK_ARM_EABI</literal>
175	&man.src.conf.5; option has been removed.</para>
177      <para revision="301247">The <application>ntp</application> suite
178	has been updated to version 4.2.8p8.</para>
180      <para revision="301247">The
181	<filename>/etc/ntp/leap-seconds</filename> has been updated to
182	version 3676752000.</para>
184      <para revision="302177">The
185	<literal>WITH_SYSTEM_COMPILER</literal> &man.src.conf.5;
186	option is enabled by default.</para>
187    </sect2>
189    <sect2 xml:id="userland-programs">
190      <title>Userland Application Changes</title>
192      <para revision="260594">When unable to load a kernel module with
193	&man.kldload.8;, a message informing to view output of
194	&man.dmesg.8; is now printed, opposed to the previous output
195	<quote>Exec format error.</quote>.</para>
197      <para revision="260910">Allow &man.pciconf.8; to identify PCI
198	devices that are attached to a driver to be identified by
199	their device name instead of just the selector.  Additionally,
200	the <literal>-l</literal> flag now accepts an optional device
201	argument to list details about a single device.</para>
203      <para revision="260913">A new flag, <quote>onifconsole</quote>
204	has been added to <filename>/etc/ttys</filename>.  This allows
205	the system to provide a login prompt via serial console if the
206	device is an active kernel console, otherwise it is equivalent
207	to <literal>off</literal>.</para>
209      <para revision="260926">Support for displaying VPD for PCI
210	devices via &man.pciconf.8; has been added.</para>
212      <para revision="261498">The &; utility has been
213	updated to use the Capsicum framework to drop priviliges,
214	protecting against malicious network packets.</para>
216      <para revision="265229">The &; utility has been
217	updated to include the <literal>-J</literal> flag, used to
218	filter output by matching &man.jail.8; IDs and names.
219	Additionally, argument <literal>0</literal> can be used to
220	<literal>-J</literal> to only list processes running on the
221	host system.</para>
223      <para revision="265249">The &; utility has been updated
224	to filter by &man.jail.8; ID or name, in followup to the
225	&; change in <literal>r265229</literal>.</para>
227      <para revision="266209">The &man.pmcstat.8; utility has been
228	updated to include a new flag, <literal>-l</literal>, which
229	ends event collection after the specified number of
230	seconds.</para>
232      <para revision="270745">The &; utility has been updated
233	to include a new keyword, <quote>tracer</quote>, which
234	displays the <acronym>PID</acronym> of the tracing
235	process.</para>
237      <para revision="271482">Support for adding empty partitions has
238	been added to the &man.mkimg.1; utility.</para>
240      <para revision="272166">The &man.primes.6; utility has been
241	updated to correctly enumerate prime numbers between
242	<literal>4295098369</literal> and
243	<literal>3825123056546413050</literal>, which prior to this
244	change, it would be possible for returned values to be
245	incorrectly identified as prime numbers.</para>
247      <para revision="272198">The &man.mkimg.1; utility has been
248	updated to include three options used to print information
249	about &man.mkimg.1; itself:</para>
251      <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="0">
252	<tgroup cols="2">
253	  <colspec colwidth="1*"/>
254	  <colspec colwidth="1*"/>
255	  <thead>
256	    <row>
257	      <entry>Option</entry>
258	      <entry>Output</entry>
259	    </row>
260	  </thead>
262	  <tbody>
263	    <row>
264	      <entry><literal>--version</literal></entry>
265	      <entry>The current version of the &man.mkimg.1;
266		utility</entry>
267	    </row>
269	    <row>
270	      <entry><literal>--formats</literal></entry>
271	      <entry>The disk image file formats supported by
272		&man.mkimg.1;</entry>
273	    </row>
275	    <row>
276	      <entry><literal>--schemes</literal></entry>
277	      <entry>The partition schemes supported by
278		&man.mkimg.1;</entry>
279	    </row>
280	  </tbody>
281	</tgroup>
282      </informaltable>
284      <para revision="272488">Userland &man.ctf.5; support in
285	&man.dtrace.1; has been added.  With this change,
286	&man.dtrace.1; is able to resolve type info for function and
287	<acronym>USDT</acronym> probe arguments, and function return
288	values.</para>
290      <para revision="274960">The &man.elfdump.1; utility has been
291	updated to support capability mode provided by
292	&man.capsicum.4;.</para>
294      <para revision="275680" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
295	&man.fstyp.8; utility has been added, which is used to
296	determine the filesystem on a specified device.</para>
298      <para revision="276881">The <literal>libedit</literal> library
299	has been updated to support <acronym>UTF</acronym>-8, which
300	additionally provides unicode support to &;.</para>
302      <para revision="276893" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
303	&man.mkimg.1; utility has been updated to support the
304	<acronym>MBR</acronym> <acronym>EFI</acronym> partition
305	type.</para>
307      <para revision="277166" arch="powerpc">The &man.ptrace.2; system
308	call has been updated include support for Altivec registers on
309	&os;/&arch.powerpc;.</para>
311      <para revision="278320">A new device control utility,
312	&man.devctl.8; has been added, which allows making
313	administrative changes to individual devices, such as
314	attaching and detaching drivers, and enabling and disabling
315	devices.  The &man.devctl.8; utility uses the new
316	&man.devctl.3; library.</para>
318      <para revision="279122" contrib="sponsor"
319	sponsor="&juniper;">The &man.netstat.1; utility has been
320	updated to link against the &man.libxo.3; shared
321	library.</para>
323      <para revision="279139">A new flag, <literal>-c</literal>, has
324	been added to the &man.mkimg.1; utility, which allows
325	specifying the capacity of the target disk image.</para>
327      <para revision="279315" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
328	&man.uefisign.8; utility has been added.</para>
330      <para revision="279571" contrib="sponsor"
331	sponsor="&scaleengine;">The &man.freebsd-update.8; utility has
332	been updated to prevent fetching updated binary patches when
333	a previous upgrade has not been thoroughly completed.</para>
335      <para revision="280870">A regression in the &man.libarchive.3;
336	library that would prevent a directory from being included in
337	the archive when <literal>--one-file-system</literal> is used
338	has been fixed.</para>
340      <para revision="281311" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
341	&; utility has been updated to set
342	<literal>ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_SECURE_SYMLINKS</literal> and
343	<literal>ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_SECURE_NODOTDOT</literal> to disallow
344	directory traversal when extracting an archive, similar to
345	&man.tar.1;.</para>
347      <para revision="281617">A race condition in &man.wc.1; that
348	would cause final results to be sent to &man.stderr.4; when
349	receiving the <literal>SIGINFO</literal> signal has been
350	fixed.</para>
352      <para revision="282208" contrib="sponsor"
353	sponsor="&multiplay;">The &man.chflags.1;, &man.chgrp.1;,
354	&man.chmod.1;, and &man.chown.8; utilities now affect symbolic
355	links when the <literal>-R</literal> flag is specified, as
356	documented in &man.symlink.7;.</para>
358      <para revision="282608">The &; utility has been
359	updated to print the modification time of the file passed as
360	an argument to the <literal>-r</literal> flag, improving
361	compatibility with the <acronym>GNU</acronym> &;
362	utility behavior.</para>
364      <para revision="283961">The &; utility has been updated
365	with a new flag, <literal>-R</literal>, that sets the root
366	directory within which the utility will operate.</para>
368      <para revision="284297" contrib="sponsor"
369	sponsor="&clusterhq;">The &man.lockstat.1; utility has been
370	updated with several improvements:</para>
372      <itemizedlist>
373	<listitem>
374	  <para>Spin locks are now reported as the amount of time
375	    spinning, instead of loop iterations.</para>
376	</listitem>
378	<listitem>
379	  <para>Reader locks are now recognized as adaptive that can
380	    spin on &os;.</para>
381	</listitem>
383	<listitem>
384	  <para>Lock aquisition events for successful reader try-lock
385	    events are now reported.</para>
386	</listitem>
388	<listitem>
389	  <para>Spin and block events are now reported before lock
390	    acquisition events.</para>
391	</listitem>
392      </itemizedlist>
394      <para revision="284589" contrib="sponsor"
395	sponsor="&scaleengine;">The &man.fstyp.8; utility has been
396	updated to be able to detect &man.zfs.8; and &man.geli.8;
397	filesystems.</para>
399      <para revision="284883">The &man.mkimg.1; utility has been
400	updated to include support for <literal>NTFS</literal>
401	filesystems in both <acronym>MBR</acronym> and
402	<acronym>GPT</acronym> partitioning schemes.</para>
404      <para revision="285253">The &man.quota.1; utility has been
405	updated to include support for <acronym>IPv6</acronym>.</para>
407      <para revision="285420">The &man.jexec.8; utility has been
408	updated to include a new flag, <literal>-l</literal>, which
409	ensures a clean environment in the target jail when used.
410	Additionally, &man.jexec.8; will run a shell within the target
411	jail when run no commands are specified.</para>
413      <para revision="285550">The &man.w.1; utility has been updated
414	to display the full IPv6 remote address of the host from which
415	a user is connected.</para>
417      <para revision="285685">The &man.jail.8; framework has been
418	updated to allow mounting &man.linprocfs.5; and
419	&man.linsysfs.5; within a jail.</para>
421      <para revision="285772" contrib="sponsor"
422	sponsor="&emcisilon;">The &man.patch.1; utility has been
423	updated to include a new option to the <literal>-V</literal>
424	flag, <literal>none</literal>, which disables backup file
425	creation when applying a patch.</para>
427      <para revision="286010" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
428	&; utility now enables deterministic mode
429	(<literal>-D</literal>) by default.  This behavior can be
430	disabled by specifying the <literal>-U</literal> flag.</para>
432      <para revision="286289" contrib="sponsor"
433	sponsor="&scaleengine;">The &man.xargs.1; utility has been
434	updated to allow specifying <literal>0</literal> as an
435	argument to the <literal>-P</literal> (parallel mode) flag,
436	which allows creating as many concurrent processes as
437	possible.</para>
439      <para revision="286795">The &man.patch.1; utility has been
440	updated to remove the automatic checkout feature.</para>
442      <para revision="287473" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&gandi;">A
443	new utility, &man.sesutil.8;, has been added, which is used
444	to manage &; devices.</para>
446      <para revision="287522">The &man.pciconf.8; utility has been
447	updated to use the PCI ID database from the <filename
448	  role="package">misc/pciids</filename> package, if present,
449	falling back to the PCI ID database in the &os; base
450	system.</para>
452      <para revision="300738">By default the &man.ifconfig.8; utility
453	will set the default regulatory domain to
454	<literal>FCC</literal> on wireless interfaces.  As a result,
455	newly created wireless interfaces with default settings will
456	have less chances to violate country-specific
457	regulations.</para>
458    </sect2>
460    <sect2 xml:id="userland-contrib">
461      <title>Contributed Software</title>
463      <para revision="275718">The <application>binutils</application>
464	suite of utilities has been updated to include upstream
465	patches that add new relocations for &arch.powerpc;
466	support.</para>
468      <para revision="292120" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
469	<application>ELF Tool Chain</application> has been updated to
470	upstream revision r3272.</para>
472      <para revision="276551">The <application>texinfo</application>
473	utility and <literal>info</literal> pages were removed from
474	the base system.  The <filename
475	  role="package">print/texinfo</filename> port should be
476	installed on systems where <literal>info</literal> pages are
477	needed.</para>
479      <para revision="276796" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The ELF
480	object manipulation tools
481	<application>addr2line</application>,
482	<application>elfcopy (strip)</application>,
483	<application>nm</application>,
484	<application>readelf</application>,
485	<application>size</application>, and
486	<application>strings</application> were switched to the
487	versions from the ELF Tool Chain project.</para>
489      <para revision="278433">The &man.xz.1; utility has been updated
490	to support multi-threaded compression.</para>
492      <para revision="280932" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
493	<application>elftoolchain</application> utilities have been
494	updated to version 3179.</para>
496      <para revision="281373">The &man.nvi.1; utility has been updated
497	to version 2.1.3.</para>
499      <para revision="281806">The &man.wpa.supplicant.8; and
500	&man.hostapd.8; utilities have been updated to version
501	2.4.</para>
503      <para revision="284254"><application>bmake</application> has
504	been updated to version 20150606.</para>
506      <para revision="285229"><application>Sendmail</application> has
507	been updated to 8.15.2.  Starting with &os;&nbsp;11.0 and
508	sendmail 8.15, sendmail uses uncompressed IPv6 addresses by
509	default, i.e., they will not contain <quote>::</quote>.  For
510	example, instead of <quote>::1</quote>, it will be
511	<quote>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1</quote>.  This permits a zero subnet to
512	have a more specific match, such as different map entries for
513	IPv6:0:0 versus IPv6:0.  This change requires that
514	configuration data (including maps, files, classes, custom
515	ruleset, etc.) must use the same format, so make certain such
516	configuration data is upgrading.  As a very simple check
517	search for patterns like 'IPv6:[0-9a-fA-F:]*::' and 'IPv6::'.
518	To return to the old behavior, set the m4 option
519	<literal>confUSE_COMPRESSED_IPV6_ADDRESSES</literal> or the cf
520	option <literal>UseCompressedIPv6Addresses</literal>.</para>
522      <para revision="285275">The &man.tcpdump.1; utility has been
523	updated to version 4.7.4.</para>
525      <para revision="285642" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&dell;">The
526	&man.ssh.1; utility has been updated to re-implement hostname
527	canonicalization before locating the host in
528	<filename>known_hosts</filename>.</para>
530      <para revision="285972">The &man.libarchive.3; library has been
531	updated to properly skip a sparse file entry in a &man.tar.1;
532	file, which would previously produce errors.</para>
534      <para revision="286503">The <application>apr</application>
535	library used by &man.svnlite.1; has been updated to version
536	1.5.2.</para>
538      <para revision="286505">The <application>serf</application>
539	library used by &man.svnlite.1; has been updated to version
540	1.3.8.</para>
542      <para revision="287168">The &man.acpi.4; subsystem has been
543	updated to version 20150818.</para>
545      <para revision="287917">The &man.unbound.8; utility has been
546	updated to version 1.5.4.</para>
548      <para revision="288303">The &; utility has been updated
549	to the OpenBSD 5.8 version.</para>
551      <para revision="290697">Timezone data files have been updated to
552	version 2015g.</para>
554      <para revision="291125">The &man.xz.1; utility has been updated
555	to version 5.2.2.</para>
557      <para revision="292257">The &man.mandoc.1; utility has been
558	updated to version 20160116.</para>
560      <para revision="292432"><application>OpenBSM</application> has
561	been updated to version 1.2 alpha 4.</para>
563      <para revision="296417"><application>Clang</application> has
564	been updated to version 3.8.0.</para>
566      <para revision="296417"><application>LLVM</application> has
567	been updated to version 3.8.0.</para>
569      <para revision="296417"><application>LLDB</application> has
570	been updated to version 3.8.0.</para>
572      <para revision="296417"><application>libc++</application> has
573	been updated to version 3.8.0.</para>
575      <para revision="296417">The
576	<application>compiler_rt</application> utility has been
577	updated to version 3.8.0.</para>
579      <para revision="296190" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
580	&man.resolvconf.8; utility has been updated to version
581	3.7.3.</para>
583      <para revision="296633"><application>OpenSSH</application> has
584	been updated to 7.2p2.</para>
586      <para revision="297276">The &man.byacc.1; utility has been
587	updated to version 20160324.</para>
589      <para revision="298161">The <application>sqlite3</application>
590	library used by &man.svnlite.1; and &man.kerberos.8; has been
591	updated to version 3.12.1.</para>
593      <para revision="298166"><application>libucl</application> has
594	been updated to version 0.8.0.</para>
596      <para revision="298845">The &man.svnlite.1; utility has been
597	updated to version 1.9.4.</para>
599      <para revision="298998"><application>OpenSSL</application> has
600	been updated to version 1.0.2h.</para>
602      <para revision="300879"><application>ACPICA</application> has
603	been updated to version 20160527.</para>
605      <para revision="301169" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
606	&man.libblacklist.3; library and applications have been ported
607	from the NetBSD Project.  Packet filtering support for the
608	&; packet filtering systems has been implemented.  The
609	<application>blacklist</application> system provides the
610	<application>blacklistd</application> daemon, the helper
611	script <application>blacklistd-helper</application> to make
612	changes to the running packet filter system and the
613	<application>blacklistctl</application> control program.
614	A selection of system daemons, including:
615	<application>fingerd</application>,
616	<application>ftpd</application>,
617	<application>rlogind</application>, and
618	<application>rshd</application> have been modified to support
619	sending notifications to the
620	<application>blacklistd</application> daemon.</para>
622      <para revision="301718">The &man.jemalloc.3; library has been
623	updated to version 4.2.1.</para>
625      <para revision="301736" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">Support
626	for the &man.ipfw.4; packet filter has been added to the
627	<application>blacklistd-helper</application> script.</para>
629      <para revision="301843" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">Support
630	for the &man.ipfilter.4; packet filter has been added to the
631	<application>blacklistd-helper</application> script.</para>
633      <para revision="302221">The &man.file.1; utility has been
634	updated to version 5.28.</para>
636      <para revision="303716">SSHv1 support has been removed from
637	<application>OpenSSH</application>.</para>
639      <para revision="303719">Support for DSA is disabled by default
640	in <application>OpenSSH</application>.</para>
641    </sect2>
643    <sect2 xml:id="userland-installer">
644      <title>Installation and Configuration Tools</title>
646      <para revision="271539">The &man.bsdinstall.8; partition editor
647	and &man.sade.8; utility have been updated to include native
648	<acronym>ZFS</acronym> support.</para>
650      <para revision="272274">The &os; installation utility,
651	&man.bsdinstall.8;, has been updated to set the
652	<literal>canmount</literal> &man.zfs.8; property to
653	<literal>off</literal> for the <filename
654	  class="directory">/var</filename> dataset, preventing the
655	contents of directories within <filename
656	  class="directory">/var</filename> from conflicting when
657	using multiple boot environments, such as that provided by
658	<filename role="package">sysutils/beadm</filename>.</para>
660      <para revision="274394">The &man.bsdconfig.8; utility has been
661	updated to skip the initial &man.tzsetup.8;
662	<acronym>UTC</acronym> versus wall-clock time prompt when run
663	in a virtual machine, determined when the
664	<literal>kern.vm_guest</literal> &man.sysctl.8; is set to
665	<literal>1</literal>.</para>
667      <para revision="275874">The &man.bsdinstall.8; utility has been
668	updated to use the new &man.dpv.3; library to display progress
669	when extracting the &os; distributions.</para>
671      <para revision="285557" contrib="sponsor"
672	sponsor="&scaleengine;">Support for detecting and implementing
673	aligning partitions on 1Mb boundaries has been added to
674	&man.bsdinstall.8;.</para>
676      <para revision="285679" contrib="sponsor"
677	sponsor="&scaleengine;">Support for detecting and implementing
678	a workaround for various laptops and motherboards that do not
679	boot properly from <acronym>GPT</acronym>-partitioned disks
680	has been added to &man.bsdinstall.8;.  Additionally, the
681	<literal>active</literal> flag will be set on the partition
682	when needed.</para>
684      <para revision="285679" contrib="sponsor"
685	sponsor="&scaleengine;">Support for selecting the partitioning
686	scheme when installing on the <acronym>UFS</acronym>
687	filesystem has been added to &man.bsdinstall.8;.</para>
689      <para revision="303447">The &man.bsdinstall.8; utility has been
690	updated to include various system hardening options during
691	installation.</para>
692    </sect2>
694    <sect2 xml:id="userland-rc">
695      <title><filename class="directory">/etc/rc.d</filename>
696	Scripts</title>
698      <para revision="270676">The &man.rc.8; subsystem has been
699	updated to allow configuring services in <filename
700	  class="directory">&dollar;{LOCALBASE}/etc/rc.conf.d/</filename>.
701	If <literal>LOCALBASE</literal> is unset, it defaults to
702	<filename class="directory">/usr/local</filename>.</para>
704      <para revision="273955">A new &man.rc.8; script,
705	<filename>growfs</filename>, has been added, which will resize
706	the root filesystem on boot if <filename>/firstboot</filename>
707	exists.</para>
709      <para revision="275299">The <filename>mrouted</filename>
710	&man.rc.8; script has been removed from the base system.  An
711	equivalent script is available from the <filename
712	  role="package">net/mrouted</filename> port.</para>
714      <para revision="287576" contrib="sponsor"
715	sponsor="&scaleengine;">The &man.service.8; utility has been
716	updated to honor entries within <filename
717	  class="directory">/etc/rc.conf.d/</filename>.</para>
719      <para revision="298515">Two new subcommands have been added to
720	the &man.rc.8; subsystem.  <command>describe</command> shows
721	an rc script's description, and
722	<command>extracommands</command> shows any non-standard
723	commands present in an rc script, like
724	<command>reload</command>, <command>configtest</command>, or
725	<command>keygen</command>.</para>
726    </sect2>
728    <sect2 xml:id="userland-periodic">
729      <title><filename class="directory">/etc/periodic</filename>
730	Scripts</title>
732      <para revision="271321">The daily &man.periodic.8; script
733	<filename>110.clean-tmps</filename> has been updated to avoid
734	crossing filesystem mount boundaries when cleaning files in
735	<filename class="directory">/tmp</filename>.</para>
737      <para revision="277216" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">A new
738	&man.periodic.8; script,
739	<filename>510.status-world-kernel</filename>, has been added,
740	which evaluates the running userland and kernel versions from
741	the &man.uname.1; <literal>-U</literal> and
742	<literal>-K</literal> arguments, and prints an error if the
743	system userland and kernel are not in sync.</para>
744    </sect2>
746    <sect2 xml:id="userland-libraries">
747      <title>Runtime Libraries and API</title>
749      <para revision="265995">The Blowfish &man.crypt.3; default
750	format has been changed to
751	<literal>&dollar;2b&dollar;</literal>.</para>
753      <para revision="268461">The &man.readline.3; library is now
754	statically linked in software within the base system, and the
755	shared library is no longer installed, allowing the Ports
756	Collection to use a modern version of the library.</para>
758      <para revision="272273">The &man.strptime.3; library has been
759	updated to add support for <acronym>POSIX</acronym>-2001
760	features <literal>%U</literal> and
761	<literal>%W</literal>.</para>
763      <para revision="272842,272848" contrib="sponsor"
764	sponsor="&ff;">The &man.dl.iterate.phdr.3; library has been
765	changed to always return the path name of the
766	<acronym>ELF</acronym> object in the
767	<literal>dlpi_name</literal> structure member.</para>
769      <para revision="273562" contrib="sponsor"
770	sponsor="&juniper;">The &man.libxo.3; library has been
771	imported to the base system.</para>
773      <para revision="273806" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&chelsio;">A
774	userland library for Chelsio Terminator 5 based iWARP cards
775	has been added, allowing userland <acronym>RDMA</acronym>
776	applications to work over compatible
777	<acronym>NIC</acronym>s.</para>
779      <para revision="274987">The &man.gpio.3; library has been added,
780	providing a wrapper around the &man.gpio.4; kernel
781	interface.</para>
783      <para revision="275800" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
784	&man.procctl.2; system call has been updated to include
785	a facility for non-&man.init.8; processes to be declared as
786	the reaper of child processes and their decendants.</para>
788      <para revision="277610">The <literal>futimens()</literal> and
789	<literal>utimensat()</literal> system calls have been
790	added.  See &man.utimensat.2; for more information.</para>
792      <para revision="278934">The &man.elf.3; compile-time dependency
793	has been removed from <filename>dtri.o</filename>, which
794	allows adding <application>DTrace</application> probes to
795	userland applications and libraries without also linking
796	against &man.elf.3;.</para>
798      <para revision="279186">The &man.setmode.3; function has been
799	updated to consistently set <literal>errno</literal> on
800	failure.</para>
802      <para revision="279663">The &man.qsort.3; functions have been
803	updated to be able to handle 32-bit aligned data on 64-bit
804	platforms, also providing a significant improvement in 32-bit
805	workloads.</para>
807      <para revision="281130">Several standard include headers have
808	been updated to use of <application>gcc</application>
809	attributes, such as <literal>__result_use_check()</literal>,
810	<literal>__alloc_size()</literal>, and
811	<literal>__nonnull()</literal>.</para>
813      <para revision="281845">Support for file verification in
814	<acronym>MAC</acronym> has been added.</para>
816      <para revision="282973" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
817	<literal>libgomp</literal> library is now only built when
818	building <acronym>GCC</acronym> from the base system.  An
819	up-to-date version is available in the Ports Collection as
820	<filename
821	  role="package">devel/libiomp5-devel</filename>.</para>
823      <para revision="282988">The <filename>stdlib.h</filename> and
824	<filename>malloc.h</filename> headers have been updated to
825	make use of the <application>gcc</application>
826	<literal>alloc_align()</literal> attribute.</para>
828      <para revision="284483" contrib="sponsor"
829	sponsor="&scaleengine;">The Blowfish &man.crypt.3; library
830	has been updated to support &dollar;2y&dollar; hashes.</para>
832      <para revision="285277">The &man.execl.3; and &man.execlp.3;
833	library functions have been updated to use the
834	<literal>__sentinel</literal> <application>gcc</application>
835	attribute.</para>
836    </sect2>
838    <sect2 xml:id="userland-abi">
839      <title>ABI Compatibility</title>
841      <para revision="271982">The &linux; compatibility version has
842	been updated to <literal>2.6.18</literal>.  The
843	<literal>compat.linux.osrelease</literal> &man.sysctl.8; is
844	evaluated when building the <filename
845	  role="package">emulators/linux-c6</filename> and related
846	ports.</para>
848      <para revision="288669">The stack protector has been upgraded to
849	the "strong" level, elevating the protection against buffer
850	overflows.  While this significantly improves the security of
851	the system, extensive testing was done to ensure there are no
852	measurable side effects in performance or
853	functionality.</para>
854    </sect2>
855  </sect1>
857  <sect1 xml:id="kernel">
858    <title>Kernel</title>
860    <para>This section covers changes to kernel configurations, system
861      tuning, and system control parameters that are not otherwise
862      categorized.</para>
864    <sect2 xml:id="kernel-bugfix">
865      <title>Kernel Bug Fixes</title>
867      <para revision="265876">A kernel bug that inhibited proper
868	functionality of the <literal>dev.cpu.0.freq</literal>
869	&man.sysctl.8; on &intel; processors with Turbo
870	Boost&nbsp;&trade; enabled has been fixed.</para>
872      <para revision="271697" arch="powerpc">Support for
873	&man.dtrace.1; stack tracing has been fixed for
874	&os;/&arch.powerpc;, using the <literal>trapexit()</literal>
875	and <literal>asttrapexit()</literal> functions instead of
876	checking within addressed kernel space.</para>
878      <para revision="271917">A kernel panic triggered when destroying
879	a &man.vnet.9; &man.jail.8; configured with &man.gif.4; has
880	been fixed.</para>
882      <para revision="271918">A kernel panic triggered when destroying
883	a &man.vnet.9; &man.jail.8; configured with &man.gre.4; has
884	been fixed.</para>
886      <para revision="272089">A bug in &man.ipfw.4; that could
887	potentially lead to a kernel panic when using &man.dummynet.4;
888	at layer 2 has been fixed.</para>
890      <para revision="280930" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&mitail;">The
891	kernel <acronym>RPC</acronym> has been updated to include
892	several enhancements:</para>
894      <itemizedlist>
895	<listitem>
896	  <para>The 45 MiB limit on requests queued for
897	    &man.nfsd.8; threads has been removed.</para>
898	</listitem>
900	<listitem>
901	  <para>Avoids unnecessary throttling by not deferring
902	    accounting for completed requests.</para>
903	</listitem>
905	<listitem>
906	  <para>Fixes an integer overflow and signedness bugs.</para>
907	</listitem>
908      </itemizedlist>
910      <para revision="281261" arch="powerpc">Support for
911	&man.dtrace.1; has been added for the
912	Book-E&nbsp;&trade;.</para>
914      <para revision="287886" contrib="sponsor"
915	sponsor="&multiplay;">The &man.kqueue.2; system call has been
916	updated to handle write events to files larger than 2
917	gigabytes.</para>
918    </sect2>
920    <sect2 xml:id="kernel-config">
921      <title>Kernel Configuration</title>
923      <para revision="266531">The <literal>IMAGACT_BINMISC</literal>
924	kernel configuration option has been enabled by default,
925	which enables application execution through emulators, such
926	as <application>Qemu</application>.</para>
928      <para revision="268045">The <literal>VT</literal> kernel
929	configuration file has been removed, and the &man.vt.4;
930	driver is included in the <literal>GENERIC</literal> kernel.
931	To enable &man.vt.4;, enter <literal>set kern.vty=vt</literal>
932	at the &man.loader.8; prompt during boot, or add
933	<literal>kern.vty=vt</literal> to &man.loader.conf.5; and
934	reboot the system.</para>
936      <para revision="277904">The &man.config.8; utility has been
937	updated to allow using a non-standard <filename
938	  class="directory">src/</filename> tree, specified as an
939	argument to the <literal>-s</literal> flag.</para>
941      <para revision="277990" arch="powerpc64">The
942	&os;/&arch.powerpc64; kernel now builds as
943	a position-independent executable, allowing the kernel to be
944	loaded into and run from any physical or virtual
945	address.</para>
947      <important>
948	<para>This change requires an update to &man.loader.8;.
949	  The userland and kernel must be updated before rebooting the
950	  system.</para>
951      </important>
953      <para revision="278338" arch="arm">A new module for creating
954	<filename>rpi.dtb</filename> has been added for the Raspberry
955	Pi.</para>
957      <para revision="278340" arch="arm">The
958	<filename>rpi.dtb</filename> module is now installed to
959	<filename class="directory">/boot/dtb/</filename> by
960	default for the Raspberry Pi system.</para>
962      <para revision="279189" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;"
963	arch="powerpc">Kernel support for Vector-Scalar eXtension
964	(<acronym>VSX</acronym>) found on POWER7 and POWER8 hardware
965	has been added.</para>
967      <para revision="279252" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;"
968	arch="powerpc">The &man.pmap.9; implementation for 64-bit
969	&powerpc; processors has been overhaulded to improve
970	concurrency.</para>
972      <para revision="279824" arch="arm">A new module for creating
973	the <filename>dtb</filename> module for AM335x systems has
974	been added.</para>
976      <para revision="281495" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
977	<literal>PAE_TABLES</literal> kernel configuration option has
978	been added for &os;/&arch.i386;, which instructs &man.pmap.9;
979	to use <acronym>PAE</acronym> format for page tables while
980	maintaining a 32-bit physical address size elsewhere in the
981	kernel.  The use of this option can enhance application-level
982	security by enabling the creation of <quote>no execute</quote>
983	mappings on modern &arch.i386; processors.  Unlike the
984	<literal>PAE</literal> option, <literal>PAE_TABLES</literal>
985	preserves kernel binary interface (<acronym>KBI</acronym>)
986	compatibility with non-<literal>PAE</literal> kernels,
987	allowing non-<literal>PAE</literal> kernel modules and drivers
988	to work with a <literal>PAE_TABLES</literal>-enabled kernel.
989	Additionally, system limits are tuned for 4GB maximum
990	<acronym>RAM</acronym>, avoiding kernel virtual address space
991	(<acronym>KVA</acronym>) exhaustion.</para>
993      <para revision="282215">The <literal>SIFTR</literal> kernel
994	configuration has been added, allowing building &man.siftr.4;
995	statically into the kernel.</para>
997      <para revision="282731" arch="arm">The &arch.arm; boot loader,
998	<filename>ubldr</filename>, is now relocatable.  In addition,
999	<filename>ubldr.bin</filename> is now created during build
1000	time, which is a stripped binary with an entry point of
1001	<literal>0</literal>, providing the ability to specify the
1002	load address by running <literal>go
1003	  &dollar;{loadaddr}</literal> in
1004	<literal>u-boot</literal>.</para>
1006      <para revision="282921" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&intelcorp;"
1007	arch="amd64,i386">The &man.nvd.4; and &man.nvme.4; drivers are
1008	now included in the <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel
1009	configuration by default.</para>
1011      <para revision="283959" contrib="sponsor"
1012	  sponsor="&limelight;">A new kernel configuration option,
1013	<literal>EM_MULTIQUEUE</literal>, has been added which enables
1014	multi-queue support in the &man.em.4; driver.</para>
1016      <note>
1017	<para>Multi-queue support in the &man.em.4; driver is not
1018	  officially supported by &intel;.</para>
1019      </note>
1021      <para revision="285142" contrib="sponsor"
1022	sponsor="&netgate;">The <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel
1023	configuration has been updated to include the
1024	<literal>IPSEC</literal> option by default.</para>
1026      <para revision="285387" contrib="sponsor"
1027	sponsor="&norse;, &dell;">Initial <acronym>NUMA</acronym>
1028	affinity and policy configuration has been added.  See
1029	&man.numactl.1;, and &man.numa.getaffinity.2;, for usage
1030	details.</para>
1032      <note>
1033	<para>If the system BIOS generates an invalid ACPI SRAT table,
1034	  the kernel will ignore it, effectively disabling
1035	  <acronym>NUMA</acronym>.  If dmesg shows &quot;SRAT:
1036	  Duplicate local APIC ID&quot;, try updating the BIOS to fix
1037	  NUMA support.</para>
1038      </note>
1040      <para revision="285307">Support for running CloudABI executables
1041	on amd64 and arm64 has been added.  CloudABI is a runtime
1042	environment that uses capability-based security exclusively,
1043	similar to &man.capsicum.4; always being enabled.  It allows
1044	designing, implementing and testing strongly sandboxed
1045	applications more easily.</para>
1047      <para revision="286231">The &man.pms.4; driver has been added
1048	to the <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel configuration for
1049	supported architectures.</para>
1051      <para revision="287306" arch="arm">The
1052	<filename>CUBIEBOARD2</filename> kernel configuration has been
1053	renamed to <filename>A20</filename>.</para>
1055      <para revision="288176" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">Kernel
1056	debugging symbols are now installed to <filename
1057	  class="directory">/usr/lib/debug/boot/kernel/</filename>.
1058	To retain the previous behavior, add
1059	<literal>KERN_DEBUGDIR=""</literal> to
1060	&man.src.conf.5;.</para>
1062      <para revision="296277" contrib="sponsor"
1063	  sponsor="&chelsio;">Support for POSIX asynchronous I/O is
1064	now included in the kernel by default.  The
1065	<literal>VFS_AIO</literal> kernel option and
1066	<literal>aio.ko</literal> kernel module have been removed.
1067	Asynchronous I/O operations on sockets, local files, and
1068	disk devices are permitted by default.  However, operations
1069	on other file types are disabled.  See the &man.aio.4;
1070	manual page for more details.</para>
1072      <para revision="301565" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;"
1073	  arch="arm64">&arch.arm64; has been switched over to using
1074	<literal>INTRNG</literal> by default.</para>
1075    </sect2>
1077    <sect2 xml:id="kernel-sysctl">
1078      <title>System Tuning and Controls</title>
1080      <para revision="275140" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
1081	&man.hwpmc.4; default and maximum callchain depths have been
1082	increased.  The default has been increased from 16 to 32, and
1083	the maximum increased from 32 to 128.</para>
1085      <para revision="279361">The <literal>kern.osrelease</literal>
1086	and <literal>kern.osreldate</literal> are now configurable
1087	&man.jail.8; parameters.</para>
1089      <para revision="280308,280949" contrib="sponsor"
1090	sponsor="&ix;, &ff;">The &man.devfs.5; device filesystem has
1091	been changed to update timestamps for read/write operations
1092	using seconds precision.  A new &man.sysctl.8;,
1093	<literal>vfs.devfs.dotimes</literal> has been added, which
1094	when set to a non-zero value, enables default precision
1095	timestamps for these operations.</para>
1097      <para revision="282213" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">A new
1098	&man.sysctl.8;, <literal>kern.racct.enable</literal>, has been
1099	added, which when set to a non-zero value allows using
1100	&man.rctl.8; with the <literal>GENERIC</literal> kernel.
1101	A new kernel configuration option,
1102	<literal>RACCT_DISABLED</literal> has also been added.</para>
1104      <para revision="282901" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
1105	<literal>GENERIC</literal> kernel configuration now includes
1106	<literal>RACCT</literal> and <literal>RCTL</literal> by
1107	default.</para>
1109      <note>
1110	<para>To enable <literal>RACCT</literal> and
1111	  <literal>RCTL</literal> on a system using the
1112	  <literal>GENERIC</literal> kernel configuration, add
1113	  <literal>kern.racct.enable=1</literal> to
1114	  &man.loader.conf.5;, and reboot the system.</para>
1115      </note>
1117      <para revision="283136" contrib="sponsor"
1118	sponsor="&limelight;">A new &man.sysctl.8;,
1119	<literal>net.inet.tcp.hostcache.purgenow</literal>, has
1120	been added, which when set to <literal>1</literal> during
1121	runtime will flush all
1122	<literal>net.inet.tcp.hostcache</literal> entries.</para>
1124      <para revision="285524">A new &man.sysctl.8;,
1125	<literal>hw.model</literal>, has been added, which displays
1126	<acronym>CPU</acronym> model information.</para>
1128      <para revision="286591">The &man.uart.4; driver has been
1129	updated to allow tuning pulses per second captured in the
1130	CTS line during runtime, whereas previously only the DCD line
1131	could be used without rebuilding the kernel.</para>
1132    </sect2>
1133  </sect1>
1135  <sect1 xml:id="drivers">
1136    <title>Devices and Drivers</title>
1138    <para>This section covers changes and additions to devices and
1139      device drivers since &release.prev;.</para>
1141    <sect2 xml:id="drivers-device">
1142      <title>Device Drivers</title>
1144      <para revision="260903">Support for GPS ports has been added to
1145	&man.uhso.4;.</para>
1147      <para revision="265132">The &man.full.4; device has been added,
1148	and the <literal>lindev(4)</literal> device has been removed.
1149	Prior to this change, <literal>lindev(4)</literal> provided
1150	only the <filename>/dev/full</filename> character device,
1151	returning <literal>ENOSPC</literal> on write attempts.  As
1152	this device is not specific to &linux;, a native &os; version
1153	has been added.</para>
1155      <para revision="271705">Hardware context support has been
1156	added to the <literal>drm/i915</literal> driver, adding
1157	support for <application>Mesa</application> 9.2 and
1158	later.</para>
1160      <para revision="273178">The &man.vt.4; driver has been updated,
1161	replacing the bitmapped <literal>kern.vt.spclkeys</literal>
1162	&man.sysctl.8; with individual
1163	<literal>kern.vt.kbd_*</literal> variants.</para>
1165      <para revision="273598">The &man.hpet.4; driver has been updated
1166	to create a
1167	<filename>/dev/hpet<replaceable>N</replaceable></filename>
1168	device, providing access to <acronym>HPET</acronym> from
1169	userspace.</para>
1171      <para revision="280183">The <literal>drm</literal> code has
1172	been updated to match &linux; version 3.8.13.</para>
1174      <para revision="281440">The &man.psm.4; driver has been updated
1175	to include improved support for newer Synaptics&nbsp;&reg;
1176	touchpads and the ClickPad&nbsp;&reg; mouse on newer
1177	Lenovo&nbsp;&trade; laptops.</para>
1179      <para revision="282783" arch="powerpc">Support for the Freescale
1180	<acronym>PCI</acronym> Root Complex device has been
1181	added.</para>
1183      <para revision="285876">The &man.cyapa.4; driver has been added,
1184	supporting the Cypress APA I2C trackpad.</para>
1186      <para revision="285883">The &man.isl.4; driver has been added,
1187	supporting the Intersil I2C ISL29018 digital ambient light
1188	sensor.</para>
1189    </sect2>
1191    <sect2 xml:id="drivers-storage">
1192      <title>Storage Drivers</title>
1194      <para revision="265236" contrib="sponsor"
1195	sponsor="&lsi;, &spectralogic;" sponsorurl="">The &man.mpr.4;
1196	device has been added, providing support for LSI Fusion-MPT
1197	3 12Gb SCSI/SATA controllers.</para>
1199      <para revision="265555" contrib="sponsor"
1200	  sponsor="&lsi;">The &man.mrsas.4; driver has been added,
1201	providing support for LSI MegaRAID SAS controllers.  The
1202	&man.mfi.4; driver will attach to the controller, by default.
1203	To enable &man.mrsas.4; add
1204	<literal>hw.mfi.mrsas_enable=1</literal> to
1205	<filename>/boot/loader.conf</filename>, which turns off
1206	&man.mfi.4; device probing.</para>
1208      <note>
1209	<para>At this time, the &man.mfiutil.8; utility and the &os;
1210	  version of <application>MegaCLI</application> and
1211	  <application>StorCli</application> do not work with
1212	  &man.mrsas.4;.</para>
1213      </note>
1215      <para revision="275461" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ix;">The
1216	&man.ctl.4; subsystem has been updated, increasing the ports
1217	limit from <literal>128</literal> to <literal>256</literal>,
1218	and <acronym>LUN</acronym> limit from <literal>256</literal>
1219	to <literal>1024</literal>.</para>
1221      <para revision="276526">The <literal>asr(4)</literal> driver has
1222	been removed, and is no longer supported.</para>
1224      <para revision="281387">The &man.hptnr.4; driver has been
1225	updated to version 1.1.1.</para>
1227      <para revision="285662">The &man.pms.4; driver has been added,
1228	providing support for the PMC Sierra line of
1229	<acronym>SAS</acronym>/<acronym>SATA</acronym> host bus
1230	adapters.</para>
1232      <para revision="287117" contrib="sponsor"
1233	sponsor="&emcisilon;">The &man.ioat.4; driver has been added,
1234	providing support for the <acronym>PSE</acronym> (Platform
1235	Storage Extension).</para>
1237      <para revision="287621" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ix;">The
1238	<acronym>CTL</acronym> High Availability implementation has
1239	been rewritten.</para>
1241      <para revision="288310">The &man.ctl.4; driver has been updated
1242	to support CD-ROM and removable devices.</para>
1244      <para contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ix;">The &man.isp.4; driver
1245	has been updated and improved: added support for 16Gbps FC
1246	cards, improved target mode support, completed Multi-ID (NPIV)
1247	functionality.</para>
1248    </sect2>
1250    <sect2 xml:id="drivers-network">
1251      <title>Network Drivers</title>
1253      <para revision="258830">Support for Broadcom chipsets BCM57764,
1254	BCM57767, BCM57782, BCM57786 and BCM57787 has been added to
1255	&man.bge.4;.</para>
1257      <para revision="260448">Support for the &intel; Centrino&trade;
1258	Wireless-N 135 chipset has been added.</para>
1260      <para revision="260552">Firmware for &intel; Centrino&trade;
1261	Wireless-N 105 devices has been added to the base
1262	system.</para>
1264      <para revision="261975">The deprecated nve(4) driver has been
1265	removed.  Users of NVIDIA nForce MCP network adapters are
1266	advised to use the &man.nfe.4; driver instead, which has been
1267	the default driver for this hardware since
1268	&os;&nbsp;7.0.</para>
1270      <para revision="264601" contrib="sponsor"
1271	sponsor="&darpa_afrl;">The <literal>if_nf10bmac(4)</literal>
1272	device has been added, providing support for NetFPGA-10G
1273	Embedded CPU Ethernet Core.</para>
1275      <note>
1276	<para>The <literal>if_nf10bmac(4)</literal> driver operates on
1277	  the FPGA, and is not suited for the PCI host
1278	  interface.</para>
1279      </note>
1281      <para revision="265348" contrib="sponsor"
1282	sponsor="&netgate;">The &man.ath.hal.4; driver has been
1283	updated to support the Atheros AR1111 chipset.</para>
1285      <para revision="266770">Support for the &intel; Centrino&trade;
1286	Wireless-N 105 chipset has been added.</para>
1288      <para revision="266757" contrib="sponsor"
1289	sponsor="&chelsio;">Support for the &man.cxgbe.4; Terminator
1290	5 (T5) 10G/40G cards has been added to &man.netmap.4;.</para>
1292      <para revision="272730">The &man.alc.4; driver has been updated
1293	to support AR816x and AR817x ethernet controllers.</para>
1295      <para revision="272906">The &; packet filter default
1296	hash has been changed from <literal>Jenkins</literal> to
1297	<literal>Murmur3</literal>, providing a 3-percent performance
1298	increase in packets-per-second.</para>
1300      <para revision="273331">The &man.vxlan.4; driver has been added,
1301	which creates a virtual Layer 2 (Ethernet) network overlaid in
1302	a Layer 3 (IP/UDP) network.  The &man.vxlan.4; driver is
1303	analogous to &man.vlan.4;, but is designed to be better suited
1304	for large, multiple-tenant datacenter environments.</para>
1306      <para revision="274246" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&yandex;">The
1307	&man.gre.4; driver has been significantly overhauled, and has
1308	been split into two separate modules, &man.gre.4; and
1309	&;.</para>
1311      <para revision="278551">The &man.ral.4; driver has been updated
1312	to support the RT5390 and RT5392 chipsets.</para>
1314      <para revision="283514" contrib="sponsor"
1315	sponsor="&solarflare;">The &man.sfxge.4; driver has been
1316	updated to support Solarflare Flareon Ultra 7000-series
1317	chipsets.</para>
1319      <para revision="283766" contrib="sponsor"
1320	sponsor="&limelight;">The &man.em.4; driver has been updated
1321	with improved transmission queue hang detection.</para>
1323      <para revision="284125">The &man.cdce.4; driver has been updated
1324	to include support for the RTL8153 chipset.</para>
1326      <para revision="286441">The &man.iwm.4; driver has been imported
1327	from OpenBSD, providing support for &intel; 3160/7260/7265
1328	wireless chipsets.</para>
1330      <para revision="286829" contrib="sponsor"
1331	sponsor="&limelight;">The &man.em.4; driver has been updated
1332	to allow disabling <acronym>CRC</acronym> stripping.</para>
1334      <para revision="287222">The &; implementation has been
1335	updated to remove support for the <literal>scrub fragment
1336	  crop|drop-ovl</literal> filtering rule.  Systems with this
1337	rule in &; will implicitly be converted to the
1338	<literal>scrub fragment reassemble</literal> filtering rule,
1339	without necessary intervention.</para>
1341      <para revision="288654">The &man.lagg.4; driver has been updated
1342	to remove support for the <literal>fec</literal>
1343	protocol.</para>
1344    </sect2>
1345  </sect1>
1347  <sect1 xml:id="hardware">
1348    <title>Hardware Support</title>
1350    <para>This section covers general hardware support for physical
1351      machines, hypervisors, and virtualization environments, as well
1352      as hardware changes and updates that do not otherwise fit in
1353      other sections of this document.</para>
1355    <sect2 xml:id="hardware-support">
1356      <title>Hardware Support</title>
1358      <para revision="268303">The &man.asmc.4; driver has been
1359	updated to support the &apple;&nbsp;MacMini 3,1.</para>
1361      <para revision="268351">Support for &os;/ia64 has been dropped
1362	as of &os;&nbsp;11.</para>
1364      <para revision="274386">An issue that could cause a system to
1365	hang when entering <acronym>ACPI</acronym>
1366	<literal>S3</literal> state (suspend to
1367	<acronym>RAM</acronym>) has been corrected in the &man.acpi.4;
1368	and &man.pci.4; drivers.</para>
1370      <para revision="274733" arch="powerpc">The power management unit
1371	subsystem has been updated to support power button events on
1372	certain &arch.powerpc; hardware, such as aluminum
1373	PowerBook&nbsp;&reg;.</para>
1375      <para revision="275171,275190" arch="powerpc">The &man.hwpmc.4;
1376	driver has been updated to correct performance counter
1377	sampling on G4 (MPC74xxx) and G5 class processors.</para>
1379      <para revision="275732" contrib="sponsor"
1380	sponsor="&ff;,&netgate;">The
1381	<application>OpenCrypto</application> framework has been
1382	updated to include <literal>AES-ICM</literal> and
1383	<literal>AES-GCM</literal> modes, both of which have also been
1384	added to the &man.aesni.4; driver.</para>
1386      <para revision="281713" arch="powerpc">The &man.hwpmc.4;
1387	driver has been updated to support the Freescale e500
1388	core.</para>
1390      <para revision="283766">The &man.ig4.4; driver has been added,
1391	providing support for the fourth generation &intel;
1392	<acronym>I2C</acronym> SMBus.</para>
1394      <para>The &man.uart.4; driver has been updated to support
1395	<acronym>AMT</acronym> devices on newer systems.</para>
1397      <para revision="285316" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;"
1398	arch="arm64">Initial <acronym>SMP</acronym> support has been
1399	added to the &os;/&arch.arm64; port.</para>
1401      <para revision="299142">Native PCI-express HotPlug support is
1402	enabled by default on &arch.amd64;, &arch.arm64;, and
1403	&arch.powerpc;.  This feature has exposed compatibility issues
1404	on some hardware that result in missing devices or a hang
1405	during boot.  To work around such issues, run <literal>set
1406	  hw.pci.enable_pcie_hp=0</literal> in the boot loader, and
1407	add <literal>hw.pci.enable_pcie_hp=0</literal> to
1408	<filename>/boot/loader.conf</filename>.</para>
1409    </sect2>
1411    <sect2 xml:id="hardware-virtualization">
1412      <title>Virtualization Support</title>
1414      <para revision="260410">Support for the <quote>Virtual Interrupt
1415	  Delivery</quote> feature of &intel;&nbsp;VT-x is enabled if
1416	supported by the CPU.  This feature can be disabled by running
1417	<literal>sysctl hw.vmm.vmx.use_apic_vid=0</literal>.
1418	Additionally, to persist this setting across reboots, add
1419	<literal>hw.vmm.vmx.use_apic_vid=0</literal> to
1420	<filename>/etc/sysctl.conf</filename>.</para>
1422      <para revision="260532">Support for <quote>Posted Interrupt
1423	  Processing</quote> is enabled if supported by the CPU.  This
1424	feature can be disabled by running <literal>sysctl
1425	  hw.vmm.vmx.use_apic_pir=0</literal>.  Additionally, to
1426	persist this setting across reboots, add
1427	<literal>hw.vmm.vmx.use_apic_pir=0</literal> to
1428	<filename>/etc/sysctl.conf</filename>.</para>
1430      <para revision="260582">Unmapped IO support has been added to
1431	&man.virtio_blk.4;.</para>
1433      <para revision="260583">Unmapped IO support has been added to
1434	&man.virtio_scsi.4;.</para>
1436      <para revision="260847">The &man.virtio_random.4; driver has
1437	been added to harvest entropy from the host system.</para>
1439      <para revision="261504">&os;/&arch.i386; guests can be run under
1440	bhyve.</para>
1442      <para revision="267536" contrib="sponsor"
1443	sponsor="&citrix.rd;">Support for running a &os;/&arch.amd64;
1444	<application>Xen</application> guest instance as
1445	<acronym>PVH</acronym> guest has been added.
1446	<acronym>PVH</acronym> mode, short for <quote>Para-Virtualized
1447	  Hardware</quote>, uses para-virtualized drivers for boot and
1448	I/O, and uses hardware virtualization extensions for all other
1449	tasks, without the need for emulation.</para>
1451      <para revision="273375">The &man.bhyve.8; hypervisor has been
1452	updated to support &amd; processors with
1453	<acronym>SVM</acronym> and <acronym>AMD-V</acronym> hardware
1454	extensions.</para>
1456      <para revision="273515">The &man.virtio.console.4; driver has
1457	been added, which provides an interface to VirtIO console
1458	devices through a &man.tty.4; device.</para>
1460      <para revision="279463" contrib="sponsor"
1461	sponsor="&sandvine;">Support for PCI Single Root I/O
1462	Virtualization (SR-IOV) has been introduced, allowing the
1463	creation of PCI Virtual Functions (VFs) for device drivers
1464	that support SR-IOV.  See &man.iovctl.8; for details on
1465	creating and configuring VFs.</para>
1467      <para revision="279957">The &man.bhyve.8; hypervisor has been
1468	updated to support <literal>DSM TRIM</literal> commands for
1469	virtual <acronym>AHCI</acronym> disks.</para>
1471      <para revision="281439" arch="arm">Support for the
1472	<application>QEMU</application> <literal>virt</literal> system
1473	has been added.</para>
1475      <para revision="282212" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&msostc;">The
1476	Hyper-V&trade; drivers have been updated with several
1477	enhancements:</para>
1479      <itemizedlist>
1480	<listitem>
1481	  <para>The &man.hv.vmbus.4; driver now has multi-channel
1482	    support.</para>
1483	</listitem>
1485	<listitem>
1486	  <para>The &man.hv.storvsc.4; driver now has scatter/gather
1487	    support, in addition to performance improvements.</para>
1488	</listitem>
1490	<listitem>
1491	  <para>The &man.hv.kvp.4; driver has received several bug
1492	    fixes.</para>
1493	</listitem>
1494      </itemizedlist>
1496      <para revision="282274">Support for &man.xen.4; para-virtualized
1497	<literal>domU</literal> kernels has been removed.</para>
1499      <para revision="284746" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&msostc;">The
1500	&man.hv.netvsc.4; driver has been updated to support checksum
1501	offloading and <acronym>TSO</acronym>.</para>
1503      <para revision="286062">The &man.xen.4; driver has been updated
1504	to include support for <literal>blkif</literal> indirect
1505	segment I/O.</para>
1507      <para revision="302288">Indirect segment I/O is enabled by
1508	default in the Xen blkfront driver when running on AWS
1509	EC2.</para>
1511      <para revision="302332">Native graphics support has been added
1512	to the &man.bhyve.8; hypervisor.</para>
1513    </sect2>
1515    <sect2 xml:id="hardware-arm">
1516      <title>ARM Support</title>
1518      <para revision="260921">The &man.nand.4; device is enabled for
1519	ARM devices by default.</para>
1521      <para revision="266943" arch="arm">Support for the Exynos 5420
1522	Octa system has been added.</para>
1524      <para revision="267390" arch="arm">The <acronym>SMP</acronym>
1525	option has been enabled for all Exynos 5 systems supported by
1526	&os;.</para>
1528      <para revision="268838" arch="arm">Support for the Toradex
1529	Apalis i.MX6 development board has been added.</para>
1531      <para revision="273264" arch="armv6">An issue that could cause
1532	instability when detecting <acronym>SD</acronym> cards on the
1533	Raspberry Pi <acronym>SOC</acronym> has been fixed.</para>
1535      <para revision="275963">The <literal>bcm2835_cpufreq</literal>
1536	driver has been added, which supports <acronym>CPU</acronym>
1537	frequency and voltage control on the Raspberry Pi
1538	<acronym>SOC</acronym>.</para>
1540      <para revision="277042" arch="arm">Support to turn off the
1541	BeagleBone Black system with the &man.shutdown.8;
1542	<literal>-p</literal> flag or by invoking &man.poweroff.8; has
1543	been added.</para>
1545      <para revision="277644" arch="arm">Audio transmission drivers
1546	have been added for Digital Audio Multiplexer
1547	(<acronym>AUDMUXM</acronym>), Smart Direct Memory Access
1548	Controller (<acronym>SDMA</acronym>), and Syncronous Serial
1549	Interface (<acronym>SSI</acronym>).</para>
1551      <para revision="280259" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">Initial
1552	support for the ARM AArch64 architecture has been
1553	added.</para>
1555      <para revision="282779" arch="arm">Kernel support for Thumb-2
1556	userland has been added.</para>
1558      <para revision="282827">Support for the hardware power button
1559	on the BeagleBone Black system has been added.</para>
1561      <para revision="284273" contrib="sponsor"
1562	sponsor="&ff;">Initial
1563	<acronym>ACPI</acronym> support has been added for
1564	&os;/&arch.arm64;.</para>
1566      <para revision="287225">Support for 1-Wire devices has been
1567	added, providing support for 1-Wire hardware through
1568	&man.gpio.4;.  See &man.ow.4;, &man.owc.4;, and
1569	&man.ow.temp.4; for more information.</para>
1571      <para revision="287371" arch="arm64" contrib="sponsor"
1572	  sponsor="&abt;">Support for the HiSilicon HI6220 SoC has
1573	been added.</para>
1575      <para revision="263698" arch="arm">The second CPU core on
1576	Allwinner A20 SoC have been enabled.</para>
1578      <para revision="299688" arch="arm">Support for the Allwinner H3
1579	SoC has been added.</para>
1581      <para revision="299786" arch="arm">Support for X-Powers AXP813
1582	and AXP818 power management integrated circuits have been
1583	added.</para>
1585      <para revision="299781" arch="arm">Support for the Allwinner
1586	Reduced Serial Bus (RSB) has been added.</para>
1588      <para revision="296064" arch="arm">Support for Allwinner A20
1589	HDMI has been added.</para>
1591      <para revision="300777" arch="arm">Support for GPIO, Sensors and
1592	interrupts on AXP209 power management integrated circuits have
1593	been added.</para>
1594    </sect2>
1595  </sect1>
1597  <sect1 xml:id="storage">
1598    <title>Storage</title>
1600    <para>This section covers changes and additions to file systems
1601      and other storage subsystems, both local and networked.</para>
1603    <sect2 xml:id="storage-general">
1604      <title>General Storage</title>
1606      <para revision="278037" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ix;">The
1607	&man.ctl.4; <acronym>LUN</acronym> mapping has been rewritten,
1608	replacing <acronym>iSCSI</acronym>-specific mapping mechanisms
1609	with a new mechanism that works for any port.</para>
1611      <para revision="278354" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ix;">The
1612	&man.ctld.8; utility has been updated to allow controlling
1613	non-<acronym>iSCSI</acronym> &man.ctl.4; ports.</para>
1615      <para revision="275681" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
1616	&man.autofs.5; subsystem has been updated to include a new
1617	&; map, <literal>-media</literal>, which
1618	allows automatically mounting removable media, such as
1619	<acronym>CD</acronym> drives or <acronym>USB</acronym> flash
1620	drives.</para>
1622      <para revision="279955" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
1623	&man.autofs.5; subsystem has been updated to include a new
1624	&; map, <literal>-noauto</literal>, which
1625	handles &man.fstab.5; entries set to
1626	<literal>noauto</literal>.</para>
1628      <para revision="286444">The <acronym>GELI</acronym> class has
1629	been updated to support the <literal>BIO_DELETE</literal>
1630	&; <literal>bio_cmd</literal> field, providing
1631	<acronym>TRIM</acronym>/<acronym>UNMAP</acronym> support on
1632	<acronym>GELI</acronym>-backed <acronym>SSD</acronym> storage
1633	providers.</para>
1635      <para revision="295212" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ix;">Support
1636	for parsing libucl-based configuration files has been added to
1637	&man.ctld.8;.</para>
1639      <para revision="298002" contrib="sponsor"
1640	sponsor="&netflix;">The &man.ahci.4; driver has been updated
1641	to add <acronym>NCQ</acronym> <acronym>TRIM</acronym> support
1642	for drives that support it.</para>
1644      <note>
1645	<para>Drives that advertise this feature but do not properly
1646	  support it have been blacklisted.  Systems experiencing
1647	  traffic problems with <acronym>NCQ</acronym>
1648	  <acronym>TRIM</acronym> enabled can set the
1649	  <literal></literal> tunable to
1650	  <literal>2</literal> for 512k sectors or
1651	  <literal>3</literal> for 4096k sectors, replacing
1652	  <literal>%d</literal> with the drive number.</para>
1653      </note>
1655      <para revision="298002" contrib="sponsor"
1656	sponsor="&netflix;">The &; driver has been updated to
1657	allow I/O scheduling tuning to fit workload and drive
1658	characteristics.  This option is off by default, and can be
1659	enabled by adding <literal>option
1660	  CAM_IOSCHED_ADAPTIVE</literal> option to the kernel
1661	configuration and recompiling the kernel.</para>
1663      <para revision="299371" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
1664	&man.camcontrol.8; command can manually force updating
1665	capacity data after a disk gets resized using the reprobe
1666	subcommand.</para>
1668      <para revision="300880" contrib="sponsor"
1669	sponsor="&spectralogic;"> Leading spaces are now stripped off
1670	<acronym>SCSI</acronym> disk serial numbers when populating
1671	the CAM serial number.  This affects the output of
1672	&man.diskinfo.8; and the names of
1673	<filename>/dev/diskid/DISK-*</filename> device nodes, among
1674	other things.</para>
1676      <para revision="300207" contrib="sponsor"
1677	sponsor="&spectralogic;"> Support for managing Shingled
1678	Magnetic Recording (SMR) drives has been added.</para>
1679    </sect2>
1681    <sect2 xml:id="storage-net">
1682      <title>Networked Storage</title>
1684      <para revision="270096" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The new
1685	filesystem automount facility, &man.autofs.5;, has been added.
1686	The new &man.autofs.5; facility is similar to that found in
1687	other &unix;-like operating systems, such as OS&nbsp;X&trade;
1688	and Solaris&trade;.  The &man.autofs.5; facility uses
1689	a &sun;-compatible &; configuration file, and
1690	is administered with the &man.automount.8; userland utility,
1691	and the &man.automountd.8; and &man.autounmountd.8;
1692	daemons.</para>
1694      <para revision="273849" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">Support
1695	for the <literal>timeo</literal>, <literal>actimeo</literal>,
1696	<literal>noac</literal>, and <literal>proto</literal> options
1697	have been added to &man.mount.nfs.8;.</para>
1699      <para revision="300723">The Mellanox implementation of iSER
1700	(iSCSI Extensions for RDMA) has been imported.</para>
1702      <para revision="301033">The ability to discover iSCSI targets
1703	without having to attach to a target has been added to the
1704	&man.iscsictl.8; command.</para>
1705    </sect2>
1707    <sect2 xml:id="storage-zfs">
1708      <title>ZFS</title>
1710      <para revision="275748">The <literal>arc_meta_limit</literal>
1711	statistics are now visible through the
1712	<literal>kstat</literal> &man.sysctl.8;.  As a result of this
1713	change, the <literal>vfs.zfs.arc_meta_used</literal>
1714	&man.sysctl.8; has been removed, and replaced with the
1715	<literal>kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.arc_meta_used</literal>
1716	&man.sysctl.8;.</para>
1718      <para revision="287099" contrib="sponsor"
1719	sponsor="&clusterhq;">The &man.zfs.8; <literal>l2arc</literal>
1720	code has been updated to take <literal>ashift</literal> into
1721	account when gathering buffers to be written to the
1722	<literal>l2arc</literal> device.</para>
1724      <para revision="297633" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">Four
1725	new resources have been added to &man.rctl.8; to allow
1726	throttles to be set on filesystem IO.</para>
1728      <para revision="300906" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ix;,
1729	&spectralogic;">The zfsd daemon has been added, which manages
1730	hotspares and replements in drive slots that publish physical
1731	paths.</para>
1733      <para revision="302265" contrib="sponsor"
1734	sponsor="&multiplay;">The minimum and maximum values for the
1735	ZFS adaptive replacement cache can be modified at
1736	runtime.</para>
1737    </sect2>
1739    <sect2 xml:id="storage-geom">
1740      <title>&man.geom.4;</title>
1742      <para revision="267359">Support for the
1743	<literal>disklabel64</literal> partitioning scheme has been
1744	added to &man.gpart.8;.</para>
1746      <para revision="282465">Support for the
1747	<literal>apple-boot</literal>, <literal>apple-hfs</literal>,
1748	and <literal>apple-ufs</literal> <acronym>MBR</acronym>
1749	partitioning schemes have been added to &man.gpart.8;.</para>
1751      <para revision="285594" contrib="sponsor"
1752	sponsor="&scaleengine;">The &man.gpart.8; utility has been
1753	updated to include a new attribute for <acronym>GPT</acronym>
1754	partitions, <literal>lenovofix</literal>, which when set,
1755	which works around <acronym>BIOS</acronym> compatibility
1756	issues reported on several Lenovo&nbsp;&trade; laptops.</para>
1757    </sect2>
1758  </sect1>
1760  <sect1 xml:id="boot">
1761    <title>Boot Loader Changes</title>
1763    <para>This section covers the boot loader, boot menu, and other
1764      boot-related changes.</para>
1766    <sect2 xml:id="boot-loader">
1767      <title>Boot Loader Changes</title>
1769      <para revision="258431" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
1770	memory test run at boot time on &os;/&arch.amd64; platforms
1771	has been disabled by default.</para>
1773      <para revision="262955">A new &man.ttys.5; class,
1774	<literal>3wire</literal>, has been added.  This is similar to
1775	the existing terminal classes, but does not have a defined
1776	baudrate.</para>
1778      <para revision="274085">The &man.vt.4; driver has been made the
1779	default system console driver.  The &man.syscons.4; driver is
1780	still available, and can be enabled by adding
1781	<literal>kern.vty=sc</literal> in &man.loader.conf.5;.
1782	Alternatively, &man.syscons.4; can be enabled at boot time by
1783	entering <literal>set kern.vty=sc</literal> at the
1784	&man.loader.8; prompt.</para>
1786      <para revision="279950">Support for <literal>bzipfs</literal>
1787	has been added to the <acronym>EFI</acronym> loader.</para>
1789      <para revision="281616">The boot loader has been updated to
1790	support entering the <acronym>GELI</acronym> passphrase before
1791	loading the kernel.  To enable this behavior, add
1792	<literal>geom_eli_passphrase_prompt="YES"</literal> to
1793	&man.loader.conf.5;.</para>
1795      <para revision="284683" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;"
1796	arch="arm">The &man.ttys.5; file for &os;/&arch.arm; has been
1797	updated to enable <filename>ttyu1</filename>,
1798	<filename>ttyu2</filename>, and <filename>ttyu3</filename> by
1799	default, if the callin port is an active console port.</para>
1801      <para revision="299393">The default installation directory for
1802	modules has been changed to
1803	<filename>/boot/modules</filename>.</para>
1804    </sect2>
1805  </sect1>
1807  <sect1 xml:id="network">
1808    <title>Networking</title>
1810    <para>This section describes changes that affect networking in
1811      &os;.</para>
1813    <sect2 xml:id="network-protocols">
1814      <title>Network Protocols</title>
1816      <para revision="263140">Support for the IPX network transport
1817	protocol has been removed, and will not be supported in
1818	&os;&nbsp;11 and later releases.</para>
1820      <para revision="272720" contrib="sponsor"
1821	sponsor="&limelight;">Support for <acronym>PLPMTUD</acronym>
1822	blackhole detection (<acronym>RFC</acronym> 4821) has been
1823	added to the &man.tcp.4; stack, disabled by default.  New
1824	control tunables have been added:</para>
1826      <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="0">
1827	<tgroup cols="2">
1828	  <colspec colwidth="1*"/>
1829	  <colspec colwidth="1*"/>
1830	  <thead>
1831	    <row>
1832	      <entry>Tunable</entry>
1833	      <entry>Description</entry>
1834	    </row>
1835	  </thead>
1837	  <tbody>
1838	    <row>
1839	      <entry><literal>net.inet.tcp.pmtud_blackhole_detection</literal></entry>
1840	      <entry>Enables or disables <acronym>PLPMTUD</acronym>
1841		blackhole detection</entry>
1842	    </row>
1844	    <row>
1845	      <entry><literal>net.inet.tcp.pmtud_blackhole_mss</literal></entry>
1846	      <entry><acronym>MSS</acronym> to try for IPv4</entry>
1847	    </row>
1849	    <row>
1850	      <entry><literal>net.inet.tcp.v6pmtud_blackhole_mss</literal></entry>
1851	      <entry><acronym>MSS to try for IPv6</acronym></entry>
1852	    </row>
1853	  </tbody>
1854	</tgroup>
1855      </informaltable>
1857      <para>New monitoring &man.sysctl.8;s haven been added:</para>
1859      <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="0">
1860	<tgroup cols="2">
1861	  <colspec colwidth="1*"/>
1862	  <colspec colwidth="1*"/>
1863	  <thead>
1864	    <row>
1865	      <entry>Tunable</entry>
1866	      <entry>Description</entry>
1867	    </row>
1868	  </thead>
1870	  <tbody>
1871	    <row>
1872	      <entry><literal>net.inet.tcp.pmtud_blackhole_activated</literal></entry>
1873	      <entry>Number of times the code was activated to attempt
1874		downshifting the <acronym>MSS</acronym></entry>
1875	    </row>
1877	    <row>
1878	      <entry><literal>net.inet.tcp.pmtud_blackhole_min_activated</literal></entry>
1879	      <entry>Number of times the blackhole
1880		<acronym>MSS</acronym> was used in an attempt to
1881		downshift</entry>
1882	    </row>
1884	    <row>
1885	      <entry><literal>net.inet.tcp.pmtud_blackhole_failed</literal></entry>
1886	      <entry>Number of times that the blackhole failed to
1887		connect after downshifting the
1888		<acronym>MSS</acronym></entry>
1889	    </row>
1890	  </tbody>
1891	</tgroup>
1892      </informaltable>
1894      <para revision="280971" contrib="sponsor"
1895	sponsor="&netflix;, &nginx;">Support for <acronym>IP</acronym>
1896	identification for atomic datagrams (<acronym>RFC</acronym>
1897	6864) has been added.  Support for this feature can be toggled
1898	with the <literal>net.inet.ip.rfc6864</literal>
1899	&man.sysctl.8;, which is enabled by default.</para>
1901      <para revision="285336" contrib="sponsor"
1902	sponsor="&netgate;">The <acronym>IPSEC</acronym> has been
1903	updated to include support for <acronym>AES</acronym> modes on
1904	both software-only and hardware-backed (&man.aesni.4;)
1905	systems.</para>
1907      <para revision="287798" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&dell;">The
1908	network stack has been updated to fix handling of
1909	<acronym>IPv6</acronym> On-Link redirects.</para>
1911      <para revision="299848" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">Support
1912	to be able to reroot into a NFSv4 volume has been
1913	added.</para>
1915      <para revision="300240">The net.inet.tcp.ecn.enable sysctl mib
1916	has been changed from a binary off/on control to a three way
1917	setting.</para>
1919      <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="0">
1920	<tgroup cols="2">
1921	  <colspec colwidth="1*"/>
1922	  <colspec colwidth="1*"/>
1923	  <thead>
1924	    <row>
1925	      <entry>Value</entry>
1926	      <entry>Description</entry>
1927	    </row>
1928	  </thead>
1929	  <tbody>
1930	    <row>
1931	      <entry><literal>0</literal></entry>
1932	      <entry>Totally disable ECN.</entry>
1933	    </row>
1935	    <row>
1936	      <entry><literal>1</literal></entry>
1937	      <entry>Enable ECN if incoming connections request it.
1938		Outgoing connections will request ECN.</entry>
1939	    </row>
1941	    <row>
1942	      <entry><literal>2</literal></entry>
1943	      <entry>Enable ECN if incoming connections request it.
1944		Outgoing conections will not request ECN.</entry>
1945	    </row>
1946	  </tbody>
1947	</tgroup>
1948      </informaltable>
1950      <para revision="300779">Dummynet AQM, an independent
1951	implementation of CoDel and FQ-CoDel for ipfw/dummynet has
1952	been imported to the base system.</para>
1954      <para revision="301875">The unused
1955	<literal>SIOCSIFALIFETIME_IN6</literal> ioctl has been
1956	removed.</para>
1957    </sect2>
1958  </sect1>
1960  <sect1 xml:id="releng">
1961    <title>Release Engineering and Integration</title>
1963    <para>This section convers changes that are specific to the
1964      &os;&nbsp;Release Engineering processes.</para>
1966    <sect2 xml:id="releng-changes">
1967      <title>Integration Changes</title>
1969      <para revision="277458" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
1970	Release Engineering build tools have been updated to include
1971	support for producing virtual machine disk images for various
1972	cloud hosting providers.</para>
1974      <para revision="278926">The Release Engineering build tools have
1975	been updated to use multi-threaded &man.xz.1;.  By default,
1976	the number of &man.xz.1; threads is set to the number of cores
1977	available.</para>
1979      <para revision="281802" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
1980	Release Engineering build tools have been updated to include
1981	support for building &os;/&arch.arm64; virtual machine and
1982	memory stick installation images.</para>
1984      <para revision="282693" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
1985	Release Engineering build tools have been updated to support
1986	building &os;/&arch.arm; images without external utilities for
1987	supported boards where a corresponding
1988	<literal>u-boot</literal> port exists in the Ports
1989	Collection.</para>
1991      <para revision="283307" contrib="sponsor" sponsor="&ff;">The
1992	&os;/&arch.i386; memory stick installation images are now
1993	created using the &man.mkimg.1; utility, matching the way
1994	the &os;/&arch.amd64; images are created.</para>
1995    </sect2>
1996  </sect1>