article.xml revision 169077
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2950476Speter  <title>&os; &release.current; Release Notes</title>
31200042Strasz  <corpauthor>The &os; Project</corpauthor>
3323353Sdfr  <pubdate>$FreeBSD: head/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/article.sgml 169077 2007-04-28 13:49:06Z bmah $</pubdate>
3523353Sdfr  <copyright>
3623353Sdfr    <year>2000</year>
3723353Sdfr    <year>2001</year>
3823353Sdfr    <year>2002</year>
3984306Sru    <year>2003</year>
4084306Sru    <year>2004</year>
4123353Sdfr    <year>2005</year>
42170323Skib    <year>2006</year>
4323353Sdfr    <year>2007</year>
4486691Sarr    <holder role="">The &os; Documentation Project</holder>
4523353Sdfr  </copyright>
47108257Sru  <legalnotice id="trademarks" role="trademarks">
4823353Sdfr    &tm-attrib.freebsd;
49108257Sru    &;
5023353Sdfr    &;
5123353Sdfr    &;
5223353Sdfr    &tm-attrib.sparc;
5323353Sdfr    &tm-attrib.general;
54115440Shmp  </legalnotice>
56115440Shmp  <abstract>
57140931Sru    <para>The release notes for &os; &release.current; contain a summary
58200042Strasz      of the changes made to the &os; base system on the
59200042Strasz      &release.branch; development line.
60115440Shmp      This document lists applicable security advisories that were issued since
61140931Sru      the last release, as well as significant changes to the &os;
62170323Skib      kernel and userland.
63170323Skib      Some brief remarks on upgrading are also presented.</para>
6423353Sdfr  </abstract>
67170323Skib<sect1 id="intro">
68170323Skib  <title>Introduction</title>
70170323Skib  <para>This document contains the release notes for &os;
71170323Skib    &release.current;.  It
72170323Skib    describes recently added, changed, or deleted features of &os;.
73170323Skib    It also provides some notes on upgrading
74170323Skib    from previous versions of &os;.</para>
76170323Skib<![ %release.type.current [
7823353Sdfr  <para>The &release.type; distribution to which these release notes
7923353Sdfr    apply represents the latest point along the &release.branch; development
8023353Sdfr    branch since &release.branch; was created.  Information regarding pre-built, binary
8123353Sdfr    &release.type; distributions along this branch
8223353Sdfr    can be found at <ulink url="&release.url;"></ulink>.</para>
8623353Sdfr<![ %release.type.snapshot [
8851620Sdillon  <para>The &release.type; distribution to which these release notes
89108257Sru    apply represents a point along the &release.branch; development
9051620Sdillon    branch between &release.prev; and the future &;.
91121382Shmp    Information regarding
92121382Shmp    pre-built, binary &release.type; distributions along this branch
93121382Shmp    can be found at <ulink url="&release.url;"></ulink>.</para>
9723353Sdfr<![ %release.type.release [
9923353Sdfr  <para>This distribution of &os; &release.current; is a
10023353Sdfr    &release.type; distribution.  It can be found at <ulink
10123353Sdfr    url="&release.url;"></ulink> or any of its mirrors.  More
10223353Sdfr    information on obtaining this (or other) &release.type;
103147647Shmp    distributions of &os; can be found in the <ulink
10434504Scharnier    url="&url.books.handbook;/mirrors.html"><quote>Obtaining
105    &os;</quote> appendix</ulink> to the <ulink
106    url="&url.books.handbook;/">&os;
107    Handbook</ulink>.</para>
111  <para>All users are encouraged to consult the release errata before
112    installing &os;.  The errata document is updated with
113    <quote>late-breaking</quote> information discovered late in the
114    release cycle or after the release.  Typically, it contains
115    information on known bugs, security advisories, and corrections to
116    documentation.  An up-to-date copy of the errata for &os;
117    &release.current; can be found on the &os; Web site.</para>
121<sect1 id="new">
122  <title>What's New</title>
124  <para>This section describes
125    the most user-visible new or changed features in &os;
126    since &release.prev;.
127    In general, changes described here are unique to the &release.branch;
128    branch unless specifically marked as &merged; features.
129  </para>
131  <para>Typical release note items
132    document recent security advisories issued after
133    &release.prev;,
134    new drivers or hardware support, new commands or options,
135    major bug fixes, or contributed software upgrades.  They may also
136    list changes to major ports/packages or release engineering
137    practices.  Clearly the release notes cannot list every single
138    change made to &os; between releases; this document focuses
139    primarily on security advisories, user-visible changes, and major
140    architectural improvements.</para>
142  <sect2 id="security">
143    <title>Security Advisories</title>
145    <para>A temporary file vulnerability in &man.texindex.1;, which
146      could allow a local attacker to overwrite files in the context
147      of a user running the &man.texindex.1; utility, has been fixed.
148      For more details see security advisory <ulink
149      url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:01.texindex</ulink>. &merged;</para>
151    <para>A temporary file vulnerability in the &; text
152      editor, which could allow a local attacker to overwrite files in
153      the context of a user running &;, has been fixed.  For
154      more details see security advisory <ulink
155      url=""></ulink>. &merged;</para>
157    <para>Several vulnerabilities in the &man.cpio.1; utility have
158      been corrected.  For more
159      details see security advisory <ulink
160      url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:03.cpio</ulink>. &merged;</para>
162    <para>An error in &man.ipfw.4; IP fragment handling, which could
163      cause a crash, has been fixed.  For more
164      details see security advisory <ulink
165      url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:04.ipfw</ulink>. &merged;</para>
167    <para>A potential buffer overflow in the IEEE 802.11 scanning code
168      has been corrected.  For more
169      details see security advisory <ulink
170      url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:05.80211</ulink>. &merged;</para>
172    <para>Two instances in which portions of kernel memory could be
173      disclosed to users have been fixed.  For more details see
174      security advisory <ulink
175      url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:06.kmem</ulink>. &merged;</para>
177    <para>A logic bug in the IP fragment handling in &;, which
178      could cause a crash under certain circumstances, has been fixed.
179      For more details see security advisory <ulink
180      url=""></ulink>. &merged;</para>
182    <para>A logic bug in the NFS server code, which could cause a crash when
183      the server received a message with a zero-length payload, has been fixed.
184      For more details see security advisory <ulink
185      url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:10.nfs</ulink>. &merged;</para>
187    <para>A programming error in the &; implementation
188      results in the sequence number associated with a Security
189      Association not being updated, allowing packets to unconditionally
190      pass sequence number verification checks, has been fixed.
191      For more details see security advisory <ulink
192      url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:11.ipsec</ulink>. &merged;</para>
194    <para>A logic bug that could cause &man.opiepasswd.1; to allow an unprivileged
195      user to configure OPIE authentication for the root user under certain
196      circumstances, has been fixed.
197      For more details see security advisory <ulink
198      url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:12.opie</ulink>. &merged;</para>
200    <para>An asynchronous signal handling vulnerability in &man.sendmail.8;,
201      which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code with the
202      privileges of the user running sendmail, typically root, has been fixed.
203      For more details see security advisory <ulink
204      url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:13.sendmail</ulink>. &merged;</para>
206    <para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;] An information disclosure issue found in the
207      &os; kernel running on 7th- and 8th-generation AMD processors
208      has been fixed.  For more details see security advisory <ulink
209       url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:14.fpu</ulink>. &merged;</para>
211    <para>A bug in &man.ypserv.8;, which effectively disabled the
212      <filename>/var/yp/securenets</filename> access control mechanism,
213      has been corrected.  More details are available in security
214      advisory
215      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:15.ypserv</ulink>. &merged;</para>
217    <para>A bug in the smbfs file system, which could allow an
218      attacker to escape out of &man.chroot.2 environments on an smbfs
219      mounted file system, has been fixed.  For more details, see
220      security advisory
221      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:16.smbfs</ulink>. &merged;</para>
223    <para>A potential denial of service problem in &man.sendmail.8;
224      caused by excessive recursion which leads to stack
225      exhaustion when attempting delivery of a malformed
226      MIME message, has been fixed.  For more details,
227      see security advisory <ulink
228      url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:17.sendmail</ulink>. &merged;</para>
230    <para>A potential buffer overflow condition in &man.sppp.4; has
231      been corrected.  For more details, see security advisory
232      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:18.ppp</ulink>. &merged;</para>
234    <para>An OpenSSL bug related to validation of PKCS#1 v1.5
235      signatures has been fixed.  For more details, see security
236      advisory
237      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:19.openssl</ulink>. &merged;</para>
239    <para>A potential denial of service attack against &man.named.8;
240      has been fixed.  For more details, see security advisory
241      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:20.bind</ulink>. &merged;</para>
243    <para>Several programming errors have been fixed in &man.gzip.1;.
244      They could have the effect of causing a crash or an infinite
245      loop when decompressing files.  More information can be found in
246      security advisory
247      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:21.gzip</ulink>. &merged;</para>
249    <para>Several vulnerabilities have been fixed in OpenSSH.  More
250      details can be found in security advisory
251      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:22.openssh</ulink>. &merged;</para>
253    <para>Multiple errors in the OpenSSL &man.crypto.3; library have
254      been fixed.  Potential effects are varied, and are documented in
255      more detail in security advisory
256      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:23.openssl</ulink>. &merged;</para>
258    <para>A bug that could permit corrupt archives to cause an
259      infinite loop in &man.libarchive.3; and &man.tar.1; has been
260      fixed.  More details are available in
261      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:24.libarchive</ulink>. &merged;</para>
263    <para>A bug that could allow users in
264      the <groupname>operator</groupname> group to read parts of kernel
265      memory has been corrected.  For more details, consult security
266      advisory
267      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-06:25.kmem</ulink>. &merged;</para>
269    <para>A bug in the <filename>jail</filename> startup script that
270      could permit privilege escalation via a symlink attack has been
271      fixed.  More information is available in
272      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-07:01.jail</ulink>. &merged;</para>
274    <para>Two remote denials of service in BIND (one involving DNSSEC and
275      one involving recursive DNS queries) have been fixed.  For more
276      information, see security advisory
277      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-07:02.bind</ulink>. &merged;</para>
279    <para>Processing of IPv6 type 0 Routing Headers is now
280      controlled by the <varname>net.inet6.ip6.rthdr0_allowed</varname>
281      sysctl variable, which defaults to <literal>0</literal> (off).
282      For more information, see security advisory
283      <ulink url="">FreeBSD-SA-07:03.ipv6</ulink>. &merged;</para>
284  </sect2>
286  <sect2 id="kernel">
287    <title>Kernel Changes</title>
289    <para>&man.acpi.4; now has support for the HPET time counter.  &merged;</para>
291    <para>The &; driver now supports setting the fan control
292      mode to manual or automatic, and adjusting the fan speed if the
293      fan control mode is manual.  To enable manual control of the fan speed,
294      the sysctl variable <varname>dev.acpi_ibm.<replaceable>0</replaceable>.fan</varname>
295      needs to be set to zero (manual).  This should only be used with
296      extreme precaution, as disabling automatic fan control might
297      overheat the hardware and lead to permanent damage.</para>
299    <para>The &man.apm.4; suspend/resume support has been improved.</para>
301    <para>Security event auditing is now supported in the &os; kernel,
302      and is enabled by the <literal>AUDIT</literal> kernel
303      configuration option.  More information can be found in the
304      &man.audit.4; manual page.</para>
306    <para>The <literal>options COMPAT_43</literal> kernel
307      configuration option has been deemed unnecessary and has been
308      removed from <filename>GENERIC</filename> and related kernel
309      configurations.  This change may result in a small performance
310      increase for some workloads.</para>
312    <para>The &man.ddb.4; debugger now provides the <literal>show lock</literal>
313      command.  If the argument has a valid lock class,
314      this displays various information about the lock and calls a
315      new function pointer in lock_class (lc_ddb_show) to dump class-specific
316      information about the lock as well (such as the owner of a mutex or
317      xlock'ed sx lock).  &merged;</para>
319    <para>The &man.ddb.4; debugger now provides the <literal>show sleepq</literal>
320      command.  This takes a wait channel as an argument and looks
321      for a sleep queue associated with that wait channel.</para>
323    <para><filename>DEFAULTS</filename> kernel configuration files
324      for each platform have been added.  These files contain
325      directives that are implicitly included in all kernel
326      configurations, and generally include basic, mandatory
327      functionality for each platform.  &merged;</para>
329    <para>A bug in file descriptor handling such that a simple
330      <literal>close(0); dup(fd)</literal> sequence does not return
331      descriptor <literal>0</literal> in some cases, has been fixed.</para>
333    <para>The &man.firmware.9; subsystem has been added.  This
334      subsystem provides a mechanism
335      to load binary data into the kernel via a specially crafted module.
336      &merged;</para>
338    <para>The &man.gdb.1; remote debugging interface now supports
339      copying console messages to a remote debugger instance.
340      To enable this, set <literal>debug.gdbcons="1"</literal>
341      in <filename>loader.conf</filename>, enter <literal>boot -d;
342	gdb; step</literal> from the loader prompt,
343      then attach &man.gdb.1; from a remote machine.
344      The sysctl variable <varname>debug.gdbcons</varname> can be
345      used to turn on/off this functionality.</para>
347    <para>&man.hwpmc.4; and &man.pmcstat.8; now support profiling
348      of dynamically loaded kernel modules and
349      shared objects loaded with &man.dlopen.3;.
350      &man.pmcstat.8; can now log over a network socket
351      to a remote host.</para>
353    <para>A new <varname>kern.hostuuid</varname> sysctl variable
354      has been added to hold a host's Universally Unique Identifier
355      (UUID).  This UUID is computed or generated by a new
356      <filename>rc.d/hostid</filename> startup script and, where
357      possible, is saved to disk to be persistent across reboots.</para>
359    <para>Support for Kernel Scheduled Entities (KSE) is now a kernel
360      option (previously it was a mandatory feature in the kernel).
361      It is enabled in the GENERIC kernel (thus there is no change in
362      functionality) for all platforms except &arch.sun4v;.</para>
364    <para>Support for Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI) has been added to
365      the &man.pci.4; driver.  &merged;</para>
367    <para>The &man.priv.9; kernel interface has been added.  Its purpose
368      is checking the availability of privilege for threads and credentials.
369      Unlike the existing &man.suser.9; interface, &man.priv.9; exposes a
370      named privilege identifier to the privilege checking code, allowing
371      more complex policies regarding the granting of privilege to be
372      expressed.</para>
374    <para>The &man.random.4; entropy device driver is now MPSAFE.
375      &merged;</para>
377    <para>&os; now supports concurrent &;/&man.readv.2;
378      access to a file.</para>
380    <para>The kernel's &; locks have been optimized to use
381      simple atomic operations for the common cases of obtaining and 
382      releasing shared and exclusive locks.  While this change is not
383      generally user-visible, it is the basis for some substantial
384      performance improvements.</para>
386    <para>The ULE process scheduler has been revised to improve its
387      behavior, in particular interactivity under load.  This
388      implementation can commonly be referred to as <quote>ULE
389      2.0</quote>.</para>
391    <para>The experimental CORE process scheduler has been added,
392      enabled with the <literal>options SCHED_CORE</literal> kernel
393      configuration option.  It is forked from the &man.sched.ule.4;
394      scheduler, but
395      with a different algorithm for detecting an interactive process.
396      More information can be found in the &man.sched.core.4; manual
397      page.</para>
399    <para>The <literal>SIGCHLD</literal> signal queuing has been
400      added.  For each child process whose status has been changed,
401      a <literal>SIGCHLD</literal> instance is queued.  If the signal is still pending,
402      and the process changed status several times, the signal information
403      is updated to reflect the latest process status.
404      There is a loader tunable <varname>kern.sigqueue.queue_sigchild</varname>
405      which can control the behavior, setting it to zero disables the
406      <literal>SIGCHLD</literal> queuing feature.</para>
408    <para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;] Instead of including all of physical
409      memory in a kernel crash dump, the kernel now defaults to dumping only pages that are
410      actively mapped into kernel virtual memory.  A new
411      <varname>debug.minidump</varname> sysctl variable
412      can be used to turn off this behavior when set to zero. &merged;</para>
414    <para>A new sysctl variable <varname>kern.malloc_stats</varname>
415      has been added.  This allows exporting of kernel malloc
416      statistics via a binary structure stream.</para>
418    <para>A new sysctl variable <varname>kern.forcesigexit</varname>
419      has been added.  This forces a process
420      to sigexit if a trap signal is being held by the current thread or
421      ignored by the current process.  It is enabled by default.</para>
423    <para>The pcvt(4) driver, an alternative to &man.syscons.4;,
424      has been removed, as it had fallen out of sync with the rest
425      of the kernel.</para>
427    <para>RedZone, a buffer corruption protection for the kernel &man.malloc.9;
428      facility has been implemented.  This detects both buffer underflows and
429      overflows at runtime on &; and &man.realloc.9;,
430      and prints backtraces from where memory was allocated and from where
431      it was freed.  For more details, see the &man.redzone.9; manual page.</para>
433    <para>A new sysctl variable <varname>security.mac.biba.interfaces_equal</varname>
434      which makes all network interfaces be created with the label
435      <literal>biba/equal(equal-equal)</literal>, has been added.
436      This is useful where programs such as &man.dhclient.8; and &man.ppp.8;.
437      which initialize network interfaces do not have any labeling support.
438      This variable is set as <literal>0</literal> (disabled) by default.
439      &merged;</para>
441    <para>A new sysctl variable <varname>vm.zone_stats</varname>
442      has been added.  This allows to export &man.uma.9; allocator
443      statistics via a binary structure stream.</para>
445    <para>The sysctl variable <varname>hw.pci.do_powerstate</varname>
446      has been split into two sysctl variables
447      <varname>hw.pci.do_powerstate_nodriver</varname>
448      and <varname>hw.pci.do_powerstate_resume</varname>.
449      Also, these variables have been changed from a boolean to a range.
450      <literal>0</literal> means no power management,
451      <literal>1</literal> means conservative power management which
452      any device class that has caused problems is added to the watch list,
453      <literal>2</literal> means aggressive power management where
454      any device class that is not fundamental to the system is added to the list,
455      and <literal>3</literal> means power them all down unconditionally.
456      The default values are <literal>0</literal> for
457      <varname>hw.pci.do_powerstate_nodriver</varname> and
458      <literal>1</literal> for <varname>hw.pci.do_powerstate_resume</varname>.</para>
460    <para>[&arch.ia64;] The <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel now enables
461      SMP support by default.</para>
463    <para>Sample kernel configuration files
464      <filename>src/sys/<replaceable>arch</replaceable>/conf/MAC</filename>
465      for the Mandatory Access Control framework have been added.</para>
467    <para><varname>POSIX_TIMERS</varname> support has been updated to 200112L.</para>
469    <para>An experimental support for POSIX message queue has been
470      implemented.</para>
472    <para>&os; now runs on the Xbox, whose architecture is nearly identical
473      to the i386.  For details of the latest development, see
474      <ulink url=""></ulink>.
475      &merged; </para>
477    <para>The locking strategy for UNIX domain sockets has been
478      revised to improve concurrency; this change has yielded
479      substantial performance improvements on various SMP workloads
480      (in particular, MySQL on 8-way &arch.amd64; systems) with little
481      or no measured overhead on UP systems.</para>
483    <para>Several minor but widespread changes to the Newbus API have
484      been made In order to support some on-going work with interrupt
485      filtering.  Because this change also breaks the kernel ABI, all
486      third-party device drivers will need to be modified and
487      recompiled.</para>
489    <sect3 id="boot">
490      <title>Boot Loader Changes</title>
492      <para>A new option <option>-S</option>,
493	which allows setting the <filename>boot2</filename>
494	serial console speed in the <filename>/boot.config</filename>
495	file or on the <prompt>boot:</prompt> prompt line,
496	has been added.</para>
498      <para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;] A new loader tunable
499	<varname>comconsole_speed</varname> to change
500	the serial console speed has been added.
501	If the previous stage boot loader requested a serial console,
502	then the default speed is determined from the current serial port
503	speed.  Otherwise it is set to 9600 or the value of
504	the <literal>BOOT_COMCONSOLE_SPEED</literal> kernel option.
505	&merged;</para>
507      <!-- Above this line, order boot loader changes by keyword-->
509      <para>[&arch.pc98;] A bootable CDROM loader has been implemented
510	for the pc98 platform. &merged;</para>
512      <para>[&arch.pc98;] The <application>IPLware</application> support
513	in boot0.5 has been enhanced to support version 3.33.</para>
515      <para>[&arch.i386;] A bug in the i386 boot loader, which could
516	cause file system corruption if
517	a <filename>nextboot.conf</filename> file was used and landed
518	after cylinder 1023, has been fixed. &merged;</para>
520    </sect3>
522    <sect3 id="proc">
523      <title>Hardware Support</title>
525      <para>The &man.amdsmb.4; driver has been added.  It provides
526	support for the AMD-8111 SMBus 2.0 controller. &merged;</para>
528      <para>The &man.cardbus.4;, &man.pccard.4;,
529	&man.pccbb.4;, and &man.exca.4; drivers are now buildable
530	as kernel modules.</para>
532      <para>An &man.acpi.dock.4; driver has been added to provide
533        support for controlling laptop docking station functions via
534        ACPI.  &merged;</para>
536      <para>The &man.acpi.thermal.4; driver now supports
537	passive cooling. &merged;</para>
539      <para>The &man.acpi.thermal.4; driver now supports overriding
540	the <literal>_PSV</literal>, <literal>_HOT</literal>, and
541	<literal>_CRT</literal> temperature values.</para>
543    <para>Support for the alpha architecture has been removed.  Alpha
544      support will remain on the RELENG_5 and RELENG_6 codelines.</para>
546      <para>The &man.cardbus.4; driver now supports
547	<filename>/dev/cardbus<replaceable>%d</replaceable>.cis</filename>.</para>
549      <para>[&arch.i386;, &arch.pc98;] The &man.ce.4; driver,
550	which supports Cronyx Tau-PCI/32 adapters, has been added.
551	&merged;</para>
553      <para>The <literal>est</literal> &man.cpufreq.4; driver now supports
554        frequency control for the VIA C7-M family of processors.</para> 
556      <para>Support for the PadLock Security Co-processor in VIA C3,
557	Eden, and C7
558	processors has been added to the &man.crypto.9; subsystem.
559	More information can be found in the &man.padlock.4; manual
560	page.
561	&merged;</para>
563      <para>icee(4), a generic I2C EEPROM driver, has been added.</para>
565      <para>A bug which prevented the &man.ichsmb.4; kernel module
566	from unloading has been fixed.</para>
568      <para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;] Dual-core processors (such as the Intel
569	Core Duo) now have both cores available for use by
570	default in SMP-enabled kernels. &merged;</para>
572      <para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;] &man.ipmi.4;, an OpenIPMI compatible driver,
573	has been added.
574	OpenIPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) is an open
575	standard designed to enable remote monitoring and control of server,
576	networking and telecommunication platforms. &merged;</para>
578      <para>The &man.kbdmux.4; driver has been integrated into &man.syscons.4; and
579	the <devicename>kbd</devicename> device driver.
580	By default &man.syscons.4; will look for the &man.kbdmux.4;
581	keyboard first, and then, if not found, look for any keyboard.
582	Switching to &man.kbdmux.4; can be done at boot time by loading
583	the <literal>kbdmux</literal> kernel module via &man.loader.8;,
584	or at runtime via &man.kldload.8; and releasing the active
585	keyboard.  &merged;</para>
587      <para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;] The &man.kbdmux.4; driver is now included in the
588	<filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel by default.
589	Also, the <quote>Boot FreeBSD with USB keyboard</quote>
590	menu item in the boot loader menu has been removed
591	since this fixes USB keyboard probing problems.
592	&merged;</para>
594      <para>The &man.nfsmb.4; driver, which supports the NVIDIA nForce
595	2/3/4 SMBus 2.0 controller, has been added.  &merged;</para>
597      <para>[&arch.ia64;, &arch.powerpc;] The loader tunable <varname>debug.mpsafevfs</varname>
598	is set to <literal>1</literal> by default.</para>
600      <para>The &man.sab.4; driver has been removed (it has been
601        superceded by the &man.scc.4; driver).</para>
603      <para>The &man.scc.4; driver has been added.
604	This provides generic support for serial communications
605	controllers and delegates the control over each channel
606	and mode to a subordinate driver such as &man.uart.4;.</para>
608      <para>[&arch.amd64;] The smbios(4) driver support for amd64 has been
609	added.</para>
611      <para>[&arch.sun4v;] &os; now has preliminary support for the Sun Microsystems
612	UltraSPARC-T1 architecture.  &os;/sun4v has been demonstrated
613	to run on the Sun Fire T1000 and Sun Fire T2000 servers.
614	More information can be found on the
615	<ulink url="">sun4v
616	Project</ulink>
617	page.</para>
619      <para>The tnt4882(4) driver, which supports the National Instruments
620	PCI-GPIB card, has been added.</para>
622      <para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;, &arch.ia64;, &arch.sparc64;] The &man.uart.4; driver has been included in the
623	<filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel by default.
624	When both &man.sio.4; and &man.uart.4; can handle a given serial port,
625	&man.sio.4; will claim it.</para>
627      <para>The &man.uart.4; driver now supports LOM (Lights Out Management)
628	and RSC (Remote System Control) devices as consoles.</para>
630      <para>The zs driver has been removed.  Its functionality
631	has been superceded by that of the &man.uart.4; driver.</para>
633      <para>[&arch.i386;] A new loader tunable
634	<varname>hw.apic.enable_extint</varname> has been added.
635	This tunable can be used to disable masking of the ExtINT pin on the first
636	I/O APIC.  At least one chipset for the Intel Pentium III seems
637	to need this, even though all of the pins in the 8259As are masked.
638	The default is still to mask the ExtINT pin.</para>
640      <para>[&arch.i386;] Support has been improved for
641	so-called <quote>legacy-free</quote> hardware, in particular,
642	i386 systems without AT-style keyboard controllers such as the
643	Macbook Pro. &merged;</para>
645      <sect4 id="mm">
646	<title>Multimedia Support</title>
648	<para>The &man.agp.4; driver now supports ATI AGP chipsets.
649	  &merged;</para>
651	<para>The new midi(4) driver which is based on NetBSD's one
652	  has been added.  This supports &man.snd.cmi.4; and
653	  &man.snd.emu10k1.4; drivers.</para>
655	<para>The &man.sound.4; driver now supports
656	  wider range sampling rate, multiple precisions choice,
657	  and 24/32 bit PCM format conversion.  &merged;</para>
659	<para>The &man.snd.als4000.4; driver is now MPSAFE.  &merged;</para>
661	<para>The &man.snd.atiixp.4; driver has been added.
662	  This supports ATI IXP 200/300/400 series audio controllers.  &merged;</para>
664	<para>The &man.snd.atiixp.4; driver now supports
665	  suspend and resume features.</para>
667	<para>The &man.snd.cmi.4; driver is now MPSAFE.</para>
669	<para>The &man.snd.emu10kx.4; driver has been added.  It
670	  supports Creative SoundBlaster Live! and Audigy series sound
671	  cards with optional pseudo-multichannel playback.</para>
673	<para>The &man.snd.envy24.4; driver has been added to support
674	  the Envy24 series of audio chips.</para>
676	<para>The &man.snd.envy24ht.4; driver has been added to support
677	  the VIA Envy24HT series of audio chips.</para>
679	<para>The &man.snd.es137x.4; driver is now MPSAFE.  &merged;</para>
681	<para>The &man.snd.ich.4; driver is now MPSAFE.  &merged;</para>
683	<para>The &man.snd.hda.4; driver has been added.  It supports
684	  devices that conform to revision 1.0 of the  Intel High Definition
685	  Audio specification.</para>
687	<para>The &man.snd.solo.4; driver is now MPSAFE.  &merged;</para>
689	<para>The &man.snd.spicds.4; driver has been added to support
690	  I2S SPI audio codec chips.</para>
692	<para>The &man.snd.via8233.4; driver is now MPSAFE.  &merged;</para>
694	<para>The &man.snd.via82c686.4; driver is now MPSAFE.  &merged;</para>
696	<para>[&arch.amd64;] The &man.speaker.4; driver now supports &os;/amd64.  &merged;</para>
698	<para>The &man.uaudio.4; driver now supports 24/32 bit audio
699	  formats and conversion.</para>
700      </sect4>
702      <sect4 id="net-if">
703	<title>Network Interface Support</title>
705	<para>The &man.ath.4; driver has been updated to
706	  HAL version  &merged;</para>
708	<para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;, &arch.pc98;, &arch.sparc64;]
709	  The &man.ath.4;, &man.ath.hal.4;, and
710	  <literal>ath_rate_sample</literal> drivers have been
711	  included in the <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel by
712	  default. &merged;</para>
714	<para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;] The &man.bce.4; driver, which supports Broadcom
715	  NetXtreme II (BCM5706/BCM5708) PCI/PCIe Gigabit Ethernet controllers,
716	  has been added.  For more details, see &man.bce.4;. &merged;</para>
718	<para>A bug which prevents the &man.bfe.4; driver from working
719	  on a system with over 1GB RAM has been fixed.  &merged;</para>
721	<para>The &man.bge.4; driver's Jumbo frame support is now MPSAFE.</para>
723	<para>The &man.bge.4; driver now supports big-endian
724	  architectures such as sparc64.</para>
726	<para>The &man.bge.4; driver now supports &man.polling.4; mode.
727	  &merged;</para>
729	<para>The &; driver is now MPSAFE.</para>
731	<para>The &man.cxgb.4; driver has been added.  It provides support for
732	  10 Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Chelsio T3 and T3B chipsets.
733	  </para>
735	<para>The &man.dc.4; driver is now MPSAFE. &merged;</para>
737	<para>The &; driver has been converted to the &man.bus.dma.9;
738	  API and is now MPSAFE.</para>
740	<para>The &man.ed.4; driver is now MPSAFE.</para>
742	<para>The &man.el.4; driver has been removed due to lack of use.</para>
744	<para>The &man.em.4; driver now supports big-endian
745	  architectures such as sparc64.  &merged;</para>
747	<para>The &man.em.4; driver has been updated to
748	  version 6.2.9 from Intel.  Among other changes, it now supports
749	  80003, 82571, 82571EB and 82572 based adapters, as well as
750	  onboard-NICs on ICH8-based motherboards. &merged;</para>
752	<para>The &man.em.4; driver now includes
753	  initial support for suspend and resume features.</para>
755	<para>The performance of the &man.em.4; driver has been improved
756	  by using a fast interrupt handler and taskqueue
757	  instead of ithread handler.  This change can be disabled
758	  by defining <literal>NO_EM_FASTINTR</literal> kernel option
759	  for debugging purpose.</para>
761	<para>The firmware images needed by the &man.ipw.4; driver are now
762	  part of the &os; base system.  For the loaded firmware to work the
763	  license at <filename>/usr/share/doc/legal/intel_ipw/LICENSE</filename>
764	  must be agreed to and <literal>legal.intel_ipw.license_ack=1</literal>
765	  has to be added to <filename>/boot/loader.conf</filename>.
766	  Prior versions of the driver used the firmware image in the
767	  <filename role="package">net/ipw-firmware-kmod</filename>
768	  port/package or the
769	  <filename role="package">net/ipw-firmware</filename>
770	  port/package. &merged;</para>
772	<para>The &man.iwi.4; driver now supports big-endian
773	  architectures such as sparc64.</para>
775	<para>A number of improvements and bugfixes have been made to the
776	  functionality of the &man.iwi.4; driver.  &merged;</para>
778	<para>The firmware images needed by the &man.iwi.4; driver are now
779	  part of the &os; base system.  For the loaded firmware to work the
780	  license at <filename>/usr/share/doc/legal/intel_iwi/LICENSE</filename>
781	  must be agreed to and <literal>legal.intel_iwi.license_ack=1</literal>
782	  has to be added to <filename>/boot/loader.conf</filename>.
783	  Prior versions of the driver used the firmware image in the
784	  <filename role="package">net/iwi-firmware-kmod</filename>
785	  port/package or the
786	  <filename role="package">net/iwi-firmware</filename>
787	  port/package. &merged;</para>
789	<para>The &man.le.4; driver, which supports AMD Am7900 LANCE
790	  and Am79C9xx PCnet NICs,
791	  has been added.  While the &man.lnc.4; driver also supports these
792	  NICs, this driver has several advantages over it such as
793	  MPSAFE, ALTQ, VLAN_MTU, ifmedia, and 32-bit DMA for PCI
794	  variants.  This driver is based on NetBSD's implementation.
795	  &merged;</para>
797	<para>The &man.lge.4; driver is now MPSAFE. &merged;</para>
799	<para>The lnc(4) driver has been removed.  The &man.le.4; and
800	  &man.pcn.4; drivers support all devices that were supported
801	  by lnc(4).</para>
803	<para>The &man.msk.4; driver has been added.  It supports
804	  network interfaces using the Marvell/SysKonnect Yukon II
805	  Gigabit Ethernet controller.  &merged;</para>
807	<para>The &; driver is now MPSAFE. &merged;</para>
809	<para>The &; driver now supports &man.altq.4;.  &merged;</para>
811	<para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;] The &man.mxge.4; driver,
812	  which supports Myricom Myri10GE 10 Gigabit Ethernet
813	  adapters, has been added.  For more details, see
814	  &man.mxge.4;.</para>
816	<para>The &man.nfe.4; driver, an open-source driver for nForce
817	  Ethernet devices, has been added, originally from
818	  OpenBSD.</para>
820	<para>[&arch.arm;] The &man.npe.4; driver, which supports the
821	   Intel XScale Network Processing Engine, has been
822	   added. &merged;</para>
824	<para>The &man.nve.4; driver has been updated to version 1.0-0310
825	  (23-Nov-2005).  It also now has &man.altq.4; support. &merged;</para>
827	<para>The &man.pcn.4; driver is now MPSAFE. &merged;</para>
829	<para>The &; driver now supports the D-Link DGE-528(T)
830	  Gigabit Ethernet card.</para>
832	<para>The &man.sf.4; driver is now MPSAFE. &merged;</para>
834	<para>The &; driver is now MPSAFE. &merged;</para>
836	<para>The &man.ste.4; driver is now MPSAFE.  &merged;</para>
838	<para>The &man.stge.4; driver has been added.  It supports the
839	  Sundance/Tamarack TC9021 Gigabit Ethernet controller and was
840	  ported from NetBSD.  &merged;</para>
842	<para>The &man.ti.4; driver now supports big-endian
843	  architectures such as sparc64.</para>
845	<para>The &man.ufoma.4; driver for
846	  FOMA (third generation mobile phone system by NTT DoCoMo, Inc.
847	  in Japan) has been added.
848	  This should support other third generation mobile phones
849	  since the driver is based on USB Implementation Guideline
850	  from MCPC (Mobile Computing Promotion Consortium) in Japan.</para>
852	<para>The vgapci(4) driver has been added.  This is a stub
853	  device driver for VGA PCI devices and serves as a bus
854	  so that other drivers such as drm(4),
855	  &;, and &man.agp.4; can attach to
856	  it thus allowing multiple drivers for the same device.</para>
858	<para>The &man.vge.4; driver now supports &man.altq.4;.  &merged;</para>
860	<para>The &man.wi.4; driver is now buildable as
861	  a kernel module.</para>
863	<para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;, &arch.pc98;] The &man.wlan.wep.4;,
864	  &man.wlan.ccmp.4;, and &man.wlan.tkip.4; drivers
865	  have been included in the <filename>GENERIC</filename>
866	  kernel by default.</para>
868	<para>The network interface groups feature has been imported
869	  from OpenBSD.  This feature allows an administrator to, for
870	  example, apply firewall rules to an entire group of
871	  interfaces.  More information can be found in
872	  &man.ifconfig.8;.</para>
874	<para>The 802.11 protocol stack now has support for 900 MHz
875	  cards, as well as quarter- and half-channel support
876	  for 802.11a. &merged;</para>
878      </sect4>
879    </sect3>
881    <sect3 id="net-proto">
882      <title>Network Protocols</title>
884      <para>The &man.arp.4; retransmission algorithm has been
885	rewritten so that ARP requests are retransmitted without
886	suppression, while there is demand for such ARP entry.
887	Due to this change, a sysctl variable
888	<varname></varname>
889	has been removed.  &merged;</para>
891      <para>The &man.arp.4; protocol now supports a sysctl variable
892	<varname></varname>
893	to suppress logging of attempts to modify
894	permanent ARP entries.  &merged;</para>
896      <para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;, &arch.pc98;] An experimental BPF Just-In-Time compiler
897	has been implemented for both &man.bpf.4; and &;.
898	To enable this, the
899	<literal>options BPF_JITTER</literal> kernel option is needed.
900	The <varname>net.bpf_jitter.enable</varname>
901	can be used to disable this feature.</para>
903      <para>Multiple copies of a packet received via different
904        &man.bpf.4; listeners now all have identical
905        timestamps. &merged;</para>
907      <para>The &man.bpf.4; device now supports several new
908	&man.ioctl.2; calls to allow examining inbound vs. outbound
909	packets, as well as packets that have been injected onto the
910	network.</para>
912      <para>The bridge(4) driver has been removed from the tree.  Its
913	functionality has been completely replaced by
914	&man.if.bridge.4;.</para>
916      <para>The &man.enc.4; IPsec filtering pseudo-device has been
917	added.  It allows firewall packages using the &man.pfil.9;
918	framework to examine (and filter) IPsec traffic before
919	outbound encryption and after inbound decryption. &merged;</para>
921      <para>The &man.gre.4; driver, which is for GRE encapsulation
922	found in RFC 1701 and RFC 1702, now supports IPv6 over GRE.</para>
924      <para>The &man.if.bridge.4; driver now supports
925	creating SPAN ports, which transmit a copy of every frame
926	received by the bridge.  This feature can be enabled
927	by using &man.ifconfig.8;.  &merged;</para>
929      <para>The &man.if.bridge.4; driver now supports
930	RFC 3378 EtherIP.  This change makes it possible to
931	add &man.gif.4; interfaces to bridges, which will then
932	send and receive IP protocol 97 packets.
933	Packets are Ethernet frames with an EtherIP header prepended.
934        &merged;</para>
936      <para>The &man.if.bridge.4; driver now supports RSTP, the Rapid
937	Spanning Tree Protocol (802.1w). &merged;</para>
939      <para>A hard-coded limit on the number of IPv4 multicast group
940        memberships (formerly 20) has been removed.</para>
942      <para>The path MTU discovery for multicast packets in the &os;
943	IPv6 stack has been disabled by default.
944	Path MTU notification from a large number of multicast routers
945	can be a kind of distributed Denial-of-Service attack to a router.
946	This feature can be re-enabled by using a new sysctl variable
947	<varname>net.inet6.ip6.mcast_pmtu</varname>.  &merged;</para>
949      <para>IPv6 multicast forwarding is now dynamically loadable, via
950	the <filename>ip_mroute.ko</filename> module.</para>
952      <para>IPv6 link-local addresses are now enabled only
953	if <varname>ipv6_enable</varname> is set in &man.rc.conf.5;.
954	&merged;</para>
956      <para>The &man.ipfw.4; IP packet filter now supports IPv6.  &merged;</para>
958      <para>The &man.ipfw.4; firewall system now supports
959	a <literal>tablearg</literal> feature, which allows
960	values obtained from a table lookup to be used as part of a
961	rule.  	&merged;
962	This feature can be used to optimize some rulesets
963	or to implement policy-based routing inside a firewall.
964	For example, the following rules will throw different
965	packets to different pipes:</para>
967      <programlisting>pipe 1000 config bw 1000Kbyte/s
968pipe 4000 config bw 4000Kbyte/s
969table 1 add x.x.x.x 1000
970table 1 add x.x.x.y 4000
971pipe tablearg ip from table(1) to any</programlisting>
973      <para>The &man.ipfw.4; packet filter now supports
974	<literal>tag</literal> and <literal>untag</literal> rule keywords.
975	When a packet matches a rule with the <literal>tag</literal>
976	keyword, the numeric tag for the given number in the range
977	from 0 to 65535 will be attached to the packet.
978	The tag acts as an internal marker (it is not sent out over
979	the wire) that can be used to identify these packets later on,
980	for example, by using <literal>tagged</literal>
981	rule option.  For more details, see &man.ipfw.8;. &merged;</para>
983      <para>The <literal>IPFIREWALL_FORWARD_EXTENDED</literal> kernel
984	option has been removed.  This option was used to permit
985	&man.ipfw.4; to redirect packets with local destinations.
986	This behavior is now always enabled when
987	the <literal>IPFIREWALL_FORWARD</literal> kernel option is
988	enabled. &merged;</para>
990      <para>The ip6fw(8) packet filter has been removed.  Since &man.ipfw.4; has gained
991        IPv6 support, it should be used instead.  Please note that some rules might need
992        to be adjusted.</para>
994      <para>The &man.lagg.4; driver, ported from OpenBSD and NetBSD,
995	has been added to support a variety of protocols and algorithms
996	for link aggregation, failover, and fault tolerance.</para>
998      <para>The &man.natm.4;, Native Mode ATM protocol layer is now MPSAFE.</para>
1000      <para>A new &; Netgraph node type has been
1001	added.  It implements Deflate PPP compression. &merged;</para>
1003      <para>The &; Netgraph node no longer overwrites
1004        the MAC address of outgoing frames by default. &merged;</para>
1006      <para>The &; Netgraph node now supports &man.altq.4;.
1007	&merged;</para>
1009      <para>A new &; Netgraph node type has been added
1010	to implement Predictor-1 PPP compression. &merged;</para>
1012      <para>The &; Netgraph node has been added to
1013        support the manipulation of mbuf tags attached to data in the
1014        kernel.  &merged;</para>
1016      <para>A bug has been fixed in which NFS over TCP would not reconnect
1017	when the server sent a FIN.  This problem had occurred
1018	with Solaris NFS servers.  &merged;</para>
1020      <para>The default retransmit timer for NFS over TCP is now 60 seconds.
1021	This change prevents the unnecessary retransmission of
1022	non-idempotent NFS requests.  The <varname>nfs_access_cache</varname>
1023	variable in &man.rc.conf.5; has also been changed to 60.</para>
1025      <para>The default minimum number of nfsiod kernel threads
1026	(&man.sysctl.8; variable <varname>vfs.nfs.iodmin</varname>)
1027	has been changed from 4 to 0.</para>
1029      <para>The sysctl variables <varname>net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh</varname>
1030	and <varname>net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedlow</varname>
1031	can be used with IPv6 now. &merged;</para>
1033      <para>A new sysctl variable <varname>net.inet.icmp.reply_from_interface</varname>
1034	has been added.  This allows the &man.icmp.4;
1035	reply to non-local packets to be generated with
1036	the IP address the packet came through in.
1037	This is useful for routers to show in &man.traceroute.8;
1038	the actual path a packet has taken instead of
1039	the possibly different return path.</para>
1041      <para>A new sysctl variable <varname>net.inet.icmp.quotelen</varname>
1042	has been added.  This allows to change length of
1043	the quotation of the original packet in an ICMP reply.
1044	The minimum of 8 bytes is internally enforced.
1045	The maximum quotation is the remaining space in the
1046	reply mbuf.  This option is added in response to the
1047	issues raised in I-D
1048	<filename>draft-gont-icmp-payload-00.txt</filename>.</para>
1050      <para>The &man.icmp.4; now always quotes the entire TCP header
1051	when responding and allocate an mbuf cluster if needed.
1052	This change fixes the TCP issues raised in I-D
1053	<filename>draft-gont-icmp-payload-00.txt</filename>.</para>
1055      <para>A new socket option <literal>IP_MINTTL</literal> has been added.
1056	This may be used to set the minimum acceptable
1057	TTL a packet must have when received on a socket.
1058	All packets with a lower TTL are silently dropped.
1059	This works on already connected/connecting and
1060	listening sockets for RAW, UDP, and TCP.  This option
1061	is only really useful when set to <literal>255</literal>, preventing packets
1062	from outside the directly connected networks reaching
1063	local listeners on sockets.  Also, this option allows
1064	userland implementation of <quote>The Generalized TTL
1065	  Security Mechanism (GTSM)</quote> found in RFC 3682.</para>
1067      <para>The kernel &man.ppp.4; driver now supports IPv6.</para>
1069      <para>Stealth forwarding now supports IPv6 as well as IPv4.
1070	This behavior can be controlled by using a new sysctl variable
1071	<varname>net.inet6.ip6.stealth</varname>.</para>
1073      <para>The <literal>PIM</literal> kernel option has been removed.
1074	The corresponding code is now included in the
1075	<literal>MROUTING</literal> kernel option.</para>
1077      <para>Support has been added for the Stream Control Transmission
1078	Protocol (SCTP).  SCTP implements a reliable, message-oriented
1079	transport protocol, and is defined in RFC 3268.  It is enabled
1080	in &os; with the <literal>SCTP</literal> kernel option.</para>
1082      <para>The <literal>IPV6_V6ONLY</literal> socket option
1083	now works for UDP.</para>
1085      <para>The <literal>TCP_DROP_SYNFIN</literal> kernel option is now
1086	included in the kernel by default.  The
1087	<varname>net.inet.tcp.drop_synfin</varname> sysctl variable still
1088	defaults to <literal>0</literal>.</para>
1090      <para>The TCP bandwidth-delay product limiting feature has
1091	been disabled when the RTT is below a certain threshold.
1092	This optimization does not make sense on a LAN, as it has
1093	trouble figuring out the maximal bandwidth due to the coarse
1094	tick granularity.  A new sysctl variable
1095	<varname>net.inet.tcp.inflight.rttthresh</varname> specifies
1096	the threshold in milliseconds below which this feature
1097	will disengage.  It defaults to 10ms.  &merged;</para>
1099      <para>The &os; network stack now has support for TCP
1100	Segmentation Offload (TSO).  TSO reduces the overhead of
1101	sending bulk TCP data by allowing a network interface to
1102	convert a large data transfer into multiple TCP segments to be
1103	sent on the network.  This functionality can be enabled or
1104	disabled on a per-interface basis with
1105	the <literal>tso</literal> and <literal>-tso</literal> flags
1106	to &man.ifconfig.8;.  Network interfaces and drivers
1107	supporting TSO currently include &man.em.4;,
1108	&man.mxge.4; and &man.cxgb.4;.</para>
1110      <para>&os; now supports auto-sizing of TCP socket buffers.  This
1111	allows the socket buffer sizes to adapt dynamically to network
1112	conditions, rather than being set statically.  The behavior of
1113	this feature can be controlled using
1114	the <varname>net.inet.tcp.sendbuf_*</varname>
1115	and <varname>net.inet.tcp.recvbuf_*</varname> sysctl
1116	variables.</para>
1118      <para>The <varname></varname> sysctl variable
1119	has been added to the &man.tap.4; driver.  If enabled, new tap
1120	devices will marked <literal>up</literal> upon creation.  &merged;
1121	</para>
1123      <para>Support for &man.kqueue.2; operations has been added to
1124	the &man.tun.4; driver. &merged;</para>
1126    </sect3>
1128    <sect3 id="disks">
1129      <title>Disks and Storage</title>
1131      <para>The &man.aac.4; driver now supports the Adaptec 2610SA SATA-RAID
1132	controller in some Hewlett-Packard machines.</para>
1134      <para>The performance of the &man.amr.4; driver has been improved;
1135	it also now supports full 64-bit DMA.  While this feature is
1136	enabled by default, this can be forced off by setting the
1137	<varname>hw.amr.force_sg32</varname> loader tunable for
1138	debugging purpose.
1139	&merged;</para>
1141      <para>The &man.amr.4; driver now supports the &man.ioctl.2; requests
1142	necessary for the Linux LSI MegaRaid tools in &os;'s Linux emulation
1143	environment.
1144	&merged;</para>
1146      <para>The &man.arcmsr.4; driver has been updated to version
1147 &merged;</para>
1149      <para>The &man.ahc.4; driver is now MPSAFE.</para>
1151      <para>The &man.ahd.4; driver is now MPSAFE.</para>
1153      <para>The &man.ata.4; driver now supports a workaround
1154	for some controllers whose DMA does not work properly
1155	in 48bit mode.  For affected controllers,
1156	PIO mode will be used for access to areas beyond 137GB.
1157	&merged;</para>
1159      <para>The &man.ata.4; driver now supports the ITE IT8211F IDE controller,
1160	and the Promise PDC40718 and PDC40719 chip found in Promise
1161	Fasttrak TX4300.
1162	&merged;</para>
1164      <para>The &man.ata.4; driver now supports DMA for kernel crash dumps,
1165	as well as crash dumping to an &man.ataraid.4; device.
1166	&merged;</para>
1168      <para>The &man.ata.4; driver now supports USB mass storage class
1169	devices.  To enable it, a line <literal>device atausb</literal>
1170	in the kernel configuration file or loading the
1171	<filename>atausb</filename> kernel module is needed.
1172	Note that this functionality cannot coexist with the
1173	&man.umass.4; driver. &merged;</para>
1175      <para>The &man.ataraid.4; driver now supports
1176	JMicron ATA RAID metadata.  &merged;</para>
1178      <para>The CAM subsystem is now MPSAFE.</para>
1180      <para>The <literal>GEOM_LABEL</literal> class now supports
1181	Ext2FS, NTFS, and ReiserFS.  &merged;</para>
1183      <para>The <literal>GEOM_MIRROR</literal> class now supports
1184	kernel crash dumps to the GEOM providers.
1185	&merged;</para>
1187      <para>The <literal>GEOM_MIRROR</literal> and <literal>GEOM_RAID3</literal>
1188	classes now support sysctl variables
1189	<varname>kern.geom.mirror.disconnect_on_failure</varname>
1190	and
1191	<varname>kern.geom.graid3.disconnect_on_failure</varname>
1192	to control whether failed components will be disconnected or not.
1193	The default value is <literal>1</literal> to preserve the current
1194	behavior, and if it is set to <literal>0</literal> such components
1195	are not disconnected and the kernel will try to still use them
1196	(only the first error will be logged).
1197	This is helpful for the case of multiple broken components (in
1198	different places), so actually all data is available.
1199	The broken components will be visible in <command>gmirror list</command>
1200	or <command>graid3 list</command> output with flag
1201	<literal>BROKEN</literal>.
1202	&merged;</para>
1204      <para>The <literal>GEOM_MIRROR</literal> and <literal>GEOM_RAID3</literal>
1205	classes now use parallel I/O requests for synchronization
1206	to improve the performance.  New sysctl variables
1207	<varname>kern.geom.mirror.sync_requests</varname> and
1208	<varname>kern.geom.raid3.sync_requests</varname>
1209	define how many parallel I/O requests should be used.
1210	Also, the sysctl variables
1211	<varname>kern.geom.mirror.reqs_per_sync</varname>,
1212	<varname>kern.geom.mirror.syncs_per_sec</varname>,
1213	<varname>kern.geom.raid3.reqs_per_sync</varname>, and
1214	<varname>kern.geom.raid3.syncs_per_sec</varname>
1215	are deprecated and have been removed.
1216	&merged;</para>
1218      <para>A new GEOM_MULTIPATH class has been added to support
1219	multiple access paths to disk devices.  The &man.gmultipath.8;
1220	utility has been added to control the behavior of disk devices
1221	using this feature.</para>
1223      <para>A new GEOM class <literal>GEOM_ZERO</literal> has been added.
1224	It creates a very huge provider (41PB) <filename>/dev/gzero</filename>
1225	and is mainly useful for performance testing.
1226	On <literal>BIO_READ</literal> request it zero-fills
1227	<varname>bio_data</varname> and on <literal>BIO_WRITE</literal>
1228	it does nothing.
1229	&merged;</para>
1231      <para>The GEOM class kernel module <filename>g_md.ko</filename>
1232	has been renamed to <filename>geom_md.ko</filename>
1233	for consistency.</para>
1235      <para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;] The &man.hptmv.4; driver has been updated and now supports
1236	amd64 as well as PAE.</para>
1238      <para>The &man.mfi.4; driver, which supports
1239	the LSI MegaRAID SAS controller family, has been added.
1240	&merged;</para>
1242      <para>The &man.mpt.4; driver has been updated to support
1243	various new features such as RAID volume and RAID member
1244	state/settings reporting, periodic volume re-synchronization
1245	status reporting, and sysctl variables for volume
1246	re-synchronization rate, volume member write cache status,
1247	and volume transaction queue depth.</para>
1249      <para>The &man.mpt.4; driver now supports SAS HBA (partially),
1250	64-bit PCI, and large data transfer.</para>
1252      <para>The &man.twa.4; driver has been updated to the
1253	release on the 3ware Web site.  &merged;</para>
1255      <para>A new GEOM-based disk encryption facility, GEOM_ELI, has been
1256	added.  It uses the &man.crypto.9; framework for hardware acceleration
1257	and supports different cryptographic algorithms.  See &man.geli.8; for
1258	more information. &merged;</para>
1260      <para>The &man.geli.8; disk encryption system now supports loading keyfiles before the root
1261	file system is mounted.  &merged;
1262	For example, the following entries
1263	can be used in <filename>/boot/loader.conf</filename> to enable
1264	it:</para>
1266      <programlisting>geli_da0_keyfile0_load="YES"
1280      <para>&man.geli.8; is now able to perform data integrity
1281        verification (data authentication) of encrypted data stored on
1282        disk.  Note that the encryption algorithm is now specified to
1283        the &man.geli.8; control program using the <option>-e</option>
1284        option; the <option>-a</option> option is now used to specify
1285        the authentication algorithm. &merged;</para>
1287      <para>The sg driver, which emulates a significant
1288	subset of the Linux SCSI SG passthrough device API, has
1289	been added.  It is
1290	intended to allow programs running under Linux emulation
1291	(as well as native &os; applications) to access the
1292	<filename>/dev/sg<replaceable>*</replaceable></filename>
1293	devices supported by Linux. &merged;</para>
1295      <para>The &man.umass.4; driver now supports
1296	<literal>PLAY_MSF</literal>,
1297	<literal>PLAY_TRACK</literal>,
1298	<literal>PLAY_TRACK_REL</literal>,
1299	<literal>PAUSE</literal>,
1300	<literal>PLAY_12</literal> commands so that
1301	the &man.cdcontrol.1; utility can handle a USB CD drive.</para>
1302    </sect3>
1304    <sect3 id="fs">
1305      <title>File Systems</title>
1307      <para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;, &arch.pc98;] The &man.linsysfs.5;
1308	pseudo-file system driver has been added.
1309	It provides a subset of the
1310	Linux <filename>sys</filename> file system, and is required for
1311	the correct operation of some Linux binaries (such as the LSI
1312	MegaRAID SAS utility). &merged;</para>
1314      <para>A part of the FreeBSD NFS subsystem (the interface with
1315	the protocol stack and callouts, the NFS client side) is now MPSAFE.</para>
1317      <para>The &man.pseudofs.9; pseudo file system construction kit and
1318	all of its consumers (&man.procfs.5;, &man.linprocfs.5; and
1319	&man.linsysfs.5;), are now MPSAFE.</para>
1321      <para>The unionfs file system has been re-implemented.  This
1322	version solves many crashing and locking issues compared to
1323	the previous implementation.  It also adds
1324	new <quote>transparent</quote> and <quote>masquerade</quote>
1325	modes for automatically creating files in the upper file system
1326	layer of unions.  More information can be found in the
1327	&man.mount.unionfs.8; manual page.  &merged;</para>
1329      <para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;, &arch.pc98;] Support for Sun's ZFS has been
1330	added.  More information about this file system can be found
1331	in the &man.zfs.8; manual page or
1332	on the <ulink url="">
1333	  OpenSolaris ZFS page</ulink>.</para>
1335      <para>Initial (read-only) support for SGI's XFS file system has been
1336	added.</para>
1337    </sect3>
1338  </sect2>
1340  <sect2 id="userland">
1341    <title>Userland Changes</title>
1343    <para>The addr2ascii() and ascii2addr() library calls, originally
1344      introduced by the INRIA IPv6 implementation, have been removed
1345      from <filename>libc</filename>.  They have no consumers in the
1346      &os; base system.  In a related change, support
1347      for <literal>AF_LINK</literal> addresses has been added to
1348      &man.getnameinfo.3;.</para>
1350    <para>Padding of <varname>ai_addrlen</varname>
1351      in <varname>struct addrinfo</varname> has been removed,
1352      which was originally for the ABI compatibility.
1353      For example, this change breaks the ABI compatibility of the
1354      &man.getaddrinfo.3; function on 64-bit architectures, including
1355      &os;/amd64, &os;/ia64, and &os;/sparc64.</para>
1357    <para>The &man.asf.8; utility has been revised and extended.  Now
1358      it can operate via several interfaces including &man.kvm.3;,
1359      which supports not only live systems, but also kernel crash dumps.
1360      &merged;</para>
1362    <para>The &man.arp.8; utility now allows the <option>-i</option>
1363      option together with the <option>-d</option> and <option>-a</option> options
1364      to allow all entries for a given interface to be removed. &merged;</para>
1366    <para>The OpenBSM userland tools, including &man.audit.8;,
1367      &man.auditd.8;,
1368      &man.auditreduce.1;, and
1369      &man.praudit.1;, have been added. &merged;</para>
1371    <para>The &man.bsdiff.1; and &man.bspatch.1; utilities
1372      have been added.  These are tools for constructing and
1373      applying binary patches.  &merged;</para>
1375    <para>The &man.bsnmpd.1; utility now supports the Host Resources
1376      MIB described in RFC 2790.  &merged;</para>
1378    <para>&man.cached.8; has been added.  It is a daemon that caches
1379      the results of nsswitch lookups (such as those to the password,
1380      group, and services databases) for improved performance.</para>
1382    <para>The &man.cmp.1; utility now supports an <option>-h</option>
1383      flag to compare the symbolic link itself rather than the
1384      file that the link points to. &merged;</para>
1386    <para>The &man.config.8; utility now supports the <literal>nocpu</literal>
1387      directive, which cancels the effect of a
1388      previous <literal>cpu</literal> directive.  &merged;</para>
1390    <para>The &man.config.8; utility now reads <filename>DEFAULTS</filename>
1391      kernel configuration file if it exists in the current directory
1392      before the specified configuration file.  &merged;</para>
1394    <para>The &man.cp.1; utility now supports a <option>-l</option>
1395      option, which causes it to create hardlinks to the source files
1396      instead of copying them. &merged;</para>
1398    <para>The &man.csh.1; utility now supports NLS catalogs.
1399      Note that this requires installing
1400      the <filename role="package">shells/tcsh_nls</filename> port.
1401      &merged;</para>
1403    <para>The &man.csup.1; utility has been imported.
1404      This is an implementation of a CVSup-compatible client written
1405      in the C language.  Note that it currently supports checkout mode
1406      only. &merged;</para>
1408    <para>The &man.dhclient.8; program now sends the host's name in
1409      DHCP requests if it is not specified in the configuration
1410      file. &merged;</para>
1412    <para>The &man.devd.8; utility now supports a <option>-f</option> option
1413      to specify a configuration file.  &merged;</para>
1415    <para>The &man.du.1; program now supports a <option>-n</option>
1416      flag, which causes it to ignore files and directories with
1417      the <literal>nodump</literal> flag set. &merged;</para>
1419    <para>The &man.dump.8; and &man.restore.8; programs now attempt to
1420      save and restore extended attribute information on files.</para>
1422    <para>The &man.fsdb.8; utility now supports changing the birth
1423      time of files on UFS2 file systems using the new 
1424      <literal>btime</literal> command. &merged;</para>
1426    <para>The &man.fsdb.8; program now supports
1427      a <literal>findblk</literal> command, which finds the inode(s)
1428      owning a specific disk block. &merged;</para>
1430    <para>The &man.find.1; program now supports <option>-Btime</option>
1431      and other related primaries, which can be used to create expressions
1432      based on a file's creation time. &merged;</para>
1434    <para>T/TCP support in &man.finger.1; (and the <option>-T</option>
1435      flag used to enable it) has been removed.</para>
1437    <para>A bug in the &man.find.1; program which prevents
1438      numeric arguments for <option>-user</option> and
1439      <option>-group</option> from working as expected
1440      has been fixed.</para>
1442    <para>The &man.freebsd-update.8; utility, a tool for managing
1443      binary updates to the &os; base system, has been added. &merged;</para>
1445    <para>The &man.ftpd.8; utility now creates a PID file
1446      <filename>/var/run/</filename> even when
1447      no <option>-p</option> option is specified.  &merged;</para>
1449    <para>The &man.ftpd.8; utility now has support for RFC2389 (FEAT)
1450      and rudimentary support for RFC2640 (UTF8).  The RFC2640 support
1451      is optional and can be enabled using the new <option>-8</option>
1452      flag.  More information can be found in the &man.ftpd.8; manual
1453      page.</para>
1455    <para>The &man.gbde.8; utility now supports
1456      <option>-k</option> and <option>-K</option> options
1457      to specify a key file in addition to a passphrase.</para>
1459    <para>The &man.getfacl.1; utility now supports
1460      a <option>-q</option> flag to suppress the per-file header
1461      comment listing the file name, owner, and group.
1462      &merged;</para>
1464    <para>The &man.getent.1; utility has been imported from NetBSD.
1465      It retrieves and displays information from an administrative
1466      database (such as <filename>hosts</filename>) using the lookup
1467      order specified in &man.nsswitch.conf.5;. &merged;</para>
1469    <para>The &man.gpt.8; utility now supports setting GPT partition labels.</para>
1471    <para>The &man.gvinum.8; utility now supports commands
1472      to rename objects and to move a subdisk from
1473      one drive to another.  &merged;</para>
1475    <para>The &man.gvinum.8; utility now supports the
1476      <command>resetconfig</command> sub-command.</para>
1478    <para>An implementation of Generic Security Service API (GSS-API)
1479      version 2 and its C binding described in RFC2743 and RFC2744
1480      has been added.  This is a new extensible GSS-API layer which
1481      can support GSS-API plugins, similar the the Solaris
1482      implementation, and the Kerberos 5 GSS mechanism has
1483      been rewritten as a plugin library for the new implementation.</para>
1485    <para>The &man.hccontrol.8; utility now supports HCI node
1486      autodetection.</para>
1488    <para>The &; utility now prints the effective user
1489      ID after the group ID.</para>
1491    <para>The &; utility now supports a <option>-A</option>
1492      flag to print process audit properties, including the audit user
1493      id. &merged;</para>
1495    <para>The &man.ifconfig.8; utility now supports
1496      a <option>-k</option> flag to allow printing
1497      potentially sensitive keying material to standard output.
1498      This sensitive information will not be printed by default.
1499      &merged;</para>
1501    <para>The &man.ifconfig.8; utility now supports a <option>-tunnel</option>
1502      parameter, which is just an alias for <option>deletetunnel</option>,
1503      yet is more convenient and easier to type. &merged;</para>
1505    <para>The <option>-vlandev</option> parameter to &man.ifconfig.8;
1506      no longer requires a network interface as its argument.  The
1507      argument still is supported for backward compatibility, but
1508      is now deprecated and its use is discouraged. &merged;</para>
1510    <para>The &man.iostat.8; utility now supports
1511      a <option>-x</option> flag (inspired by Solaris) to print
1512      extended disk statistics.  If the new <option>-z</option> flag is
1513      also specified, no output is made for disks with no
1514      activity. &merged;</para>
1516    <para>The &man.ipfwpcap.8; utility has been added; it captures
1517      packets on a &man.divert.4; socket and writes them as
1518      &man.pcap.3; (also known as &man.tcpdump.1;) format data to a
1519      file or pipe.</para>
1521    <para>The &man.jail.8; utility supports a <option>-J
1522	<replaceable>jid_file</replaceable></option> option to
1523      write out a JidFile, similar to a PidFile, containing
1524      the jailid, path, hostname, IP and the command used to start
1525      the jail.  &merged;</para>
1527    <para>The &man.jail.8; program now supports a <option>-s</option>
1528      option to specify a jail's securelevel. &merged;</para>
1530    <para>The &man.jexec.8; utility now supports <option>-u</option>
1531      and <option>-U</option> flags to specify username credentials
1532      under which a command should be executed. &merged;</para>
1534    <para>The &man.kdump.1; program now supports a <option>-H</option>
1535      flag, which causes kdump to print an additional field holding
1536      the threadid.  &merged;</para>
1538    <para>The &man.kdump.1; program now supports a <option>-s</option>
1539      flag to suppress the display of I/O data.  &merged;</para>
1541    <para>The &man.kdump.1; program now supports printing
1542      flags in a system call argument by using symbol names.</para>
1544    <para>The &man.kenv.1; utility now supports a <option>-q</option>
1545      flag to suppress warnings.</para>
1547    <para>&man.kgdb.1; now supports a <option>-w</option>
1548      option to open kmem-based targets in read-write mode.
1549      This allows one to use kgdb on <filename>/dev/mem</filename>
1550      and be able to patch memory on a live system.</para>
1552    <para>The &man.lastcomm.1; utility now supports a <option>-X</option>
1553      flag to export accounting data in a text format.</para>
1555    <para>The &man.libarchive.3; library now supports
1556      POSIX.1e-style Extended Attributes.</para>
1558    <para>The &man.libarchive.3; library now contains support for
1559      &;-style archives.</para>
1561    <para>The <application>libc</application> library now includes
1562      initial implementation of symbol maps and symbol version
1563      definitions.</para>
1565    <para>The <application>libedit</application> library has been
1566      updated from the NetBSD source tree as of August 2005.</para>
1568    <para>The <application>libm</application> library now includes
1569      initial implementation of symbol maps and symbol version
1570      definitions.</para>
1572    <para>The &man.libmemstat.3; library has been added.
1573      This is for use by debugging and monitoring applications
1574      in tracking kernel memory statistics.  It provides an
1575      abstracted interface to &man.uma.9; and &man.malloc.9;
1576      statistics, wrapped around the binary stream sysctl variables
1577      for the allocators. &merged;</para>
1579    <para>The &man.ln.1; utility now supports
1580      an <option>-F</option> flag, which deletes existing
1581      empty directories when creating symbolic links.
1582      &merged;</para>
1584    <para>The &man.locate.1; utility now supports
1585      a <option>-0</option> flag to make this utility
1586      interoperable with &man.xargs.1;'s <option>-0</option> flag.
1587      &merged;</para>
1589    <para>The &man.logger.1; utility now supports
1590      a <option>-P</option>, which specifies the port to which syslog
1591      messages should be sent. &merged;</para>
1593    <para>The &; utility now supports
1594      an <option>-I</option> flag to disable the automatic
1595      <option>-A</option> flag for the superuser.  &merged;</para>
1597    <para>The &; utility now supports
1598      an <option>-U</option> flag to use the file creation
1599      time for sorting. &merged;</para>
1601    <para>A new &man.malloc.3; implementation has been introduced.
1602      This implementation, sometimes referred to
1603      as <quote>jemalloc</quote>, was designed to improve the
1604      performance of multi-threaded programs, particularly on SMP
1605      systems, while preserving the performance of single-threaded
1606      programs.  Due to the use of different algorithms and data
1607      structures, jemalloc may expose some previously-unknown bugs in
1608      userland code, although most of the &os; base system and common
1609      ports have been tested and/or fixed.</para>
1611    <para>The &man.mdconfig.8; utility now supports producing
1612      device listings formatted as XML.  Currently, the
1613      <command>list</command> and <command>query</command>
1614      sub-commands support this feature.</para>
1616    <para>The &man.mdconfig.8; utility's <option>-u</option> option
1617      now supports specifying multiple devices separated
1618      by comma character.</para>
1620    <para>The &man.mdmfs.8; utility now supports a <option>-P</option> flag
1621      to allow skipping the &man.newfs.8; process
1622      when using a vnode-backed disk.</para>
1624    <para>The &man.mdmfs.8; utility now supports a <option>-E</option> flag
1625      to allow to specify location of the &man.mdconfig.8;
1626      utility instead of using the default one
1627      (<filename>/sbin/mdconfig</filename>).</para>
1629    <para>A new function &man.memmem.3; has been implemented in
1630      <filename>libc</filename>.  This is the binary equivalent to
1631      &man.strstr.3; and found in <filename>glibc</filename>.</para>
1633    <para>The &man.mergemaster.8; utility now supports
1634      an <option>-A</option> option to explicitly specify
1635      an architecture to pass through to the underlying makefiles.
1636      &merged;</para>
1638    <para>The &man.mount.8; <literal>nodev</literal> option has
1639      been removed.</para>
1641    <para>The &man.mount.8; utility now supports &man.mqueuefs.5;.</para>
1643    <para>A bug which prevents the &man.mount.8; utility from converting
1644      a read-only mount to read-write via <command>mount -u -o rw</command>,
1645      has been fixed.</para>
1647    <para>The &man.mount.8; utility now supports a
1648      <literal>late</literal> keyword in &man.fstab.5;, along with a
1649      corresponding <option>-l</option> command-line option to specify
1650      that these <quote>late</quote> file systems should be
1651      mounted. &merged;</para>
1653    <para>The &man.moused.8; daemon now supports an <option>-H</option> flag
1654      to enable horizontal virtual scrolling similar to the
1655      <option>-V</option> flag for vertical virtual scrolling.
1656      &merged;</para>
1658    <para>The mrouted(8) multicast routing daemon has been removed
1659      from the &os; base system.  It implements the DVMRP multicast
1660      routing protocol, which has largely been replaced by PIM in many
1661      multicast installations.  The related map-mbone(8) and mrinfo(8)
1662      utilities have also been removed.  These programs are now
1663      available in the &os; Ports Collection
1664      as <filename role="package">net/mrouted</filename>.</para>
1666    <para>The &man.netstat.1; utility now supports an
1667      <option>-h</option> flag for interface stats mode,
1668      which prints all interface statistics in human readable form. &merged;</para>
1670    <para>The &man.netstat.1; utility now supports
1671      printing &man.ipsec.4; protocol statistics if the
1672      kernel was compiled with <literal>FAST_IPSEC</literal>
1673      rather than the KAME IPSEC stack.
1674      Note that the output of <command>netstat -s -p ipsec</command>
1675      differs depending on which stack is compiled into
1676      the kernel since they each keep different statistics.  &merged;</para>
1678    <para>The <filename>/etc/nsswitch.conf</filename> file is now
1679      installed statically instead of being generated on every
1680      reboot.</para>
1682    <para>The objformat(1) utility and getobjformat(3) library (the
1683      last remnants of a.out object file support) have been removed.</para>
1685    <para>The &man.periodic.8; daily script now supports
1686      display of the status of &man.gmirror.8;, &man.graid3.8;,
1687      &man.gstripe.8;, and &man.gconcat.8; devices.
1688      Note that these are disabled by default.  &merged;</para>
1690    <para>A new function, &man.pidfile.3;, which provides reliable
1691      pidfiles handling, has been implemented in
1692      <filename>libutil</filename>.  &merged;</para>
1694    <para>The &; utility now supports a <quote>sweeping
1695	ping</quote> in which &man.icmp.4; payload of
1696      packets being sent is increased with given step.
1697      This is useful for testing problematic channels, MTU issues
1698      or traffic policing functions in networks.  &merged;</para>
1700    <para>The &; command now supports a <option>-W</option>
1701      option to specify the maximum time to wait for an echo reply.
1702      &merged;</para>
1704    <para>The &man.pkill.1; utility now supports a
1705      <option>-F</option> option which allows to
1706      restrict matches to a process whose PID is stored in the
1707      pidfile file.  When another new option <option>-L</option>
1708      is also specified, the pidfile file must be locked with the
1709      &man.flock.2; syscall or created with &man.pidfile.3;.</para>
1711    <para>The &man.pkill.1; utility now supports a
1712      <option>-I</option> flag which works like <option>-i</option>
1713      of &man.rm.1;.  When this flag is specified, &man.pkill.1;
1714      will ask for confirmation before sending a signal to
1715      each matching process.</para>
1717    <para>The &man.pkill.1; utility (also known as &man.pgrep.1;) has
1718      been moved from <filename>/usr/bin</filename>
1719      to <filename>/bin</filename> so that it can be used by startup
1720      scripts.  Symbolic links from its former location have been
1721      created for backward compatibility. &merged;</para>
1723    <para>The &man.powerd.8; program now supports a
1724      <option>-P</option> option, which specifies a pidfile to use.</para>
1726    <para>An extensible implementation of &man.printf.3;, compatible
1727      with GLIBC, has been added to <filename>libc</filename>.  It is
1728      only used if the environment variable
1729      <varname>USE_XPRINTF</varname> is defined, one of the extension
1730      functions is called, or the global variable
1731      <varname>__use_xprintf</varname> is set to a value greater than
1732      <literal>0</literal>.  Five extensions are currently supported:
1733      <literal>%H</literal> (hex dump),
1734      <literal>%T</literal> (<varname>time_t</varname> and
1735      time-related structures),
1736      <literal>%M</literal> (errno message),
1737      <literal>%Q</literal> (double-quoted, escaped string),
1738      <literal>%V</literal> (&man.strvis.3;-format string),
1739      &merged;</para>
1741    <para>The DNS resolver library in &os;'s <application>libc</application>
1742      has been updated to that from BIND 9.3.3. &merged;</para>
1744    <para>The &man.rfcomm.sppd.1; program now supports service names
1745      in addition to <option>-c</option> option with channel number.
1746      The supported names are: DUN (Dial-Up Networking), FAX (Fax),
1747      LAN (LAN Access Using PPP), and SP (Serial Port).  &merged;</para>
1749    <para>The &man.rpcgen.1; utility now generates headers and stub files
1750      that can be used with ANSI C compilers by default.</para>
1752    <para>The &man.rtld.1; runtime linker now supports ELF symbol versioning
1753      using GNU semantics.  This implementation aims to be compatible
1754      with symbol versioning support as implemented by GNU libc and
1755      documented in <ulink url=""></ulink>
1756      and LSB 3.0.  Also, <function>dlvsym()</function>
1757      function has been added to
1758      allow lookups for a specific version of a given symbol.</para>
1760    <para>The &man.rpc.lockd.8; and &man.rpc.statd.8; programs now
1761      accept <option>-p</option> options to indicate which port they
1762      should bind to. &merged;</para>
1764    <para>A bug in the &man.sed.1; utility which can cause
1765      incorrect calculation of pattern space length in some cases
1766      has been fixed.</para>
1768    <para>The <option>-h</option> flag to &man.setfacl.1; now properly
1769      sets the ACL on a symbolic link, not the link target.</para>
1771    <para>The &; utility now supports a <literal>times</literal>
1772      built-in command. &merged;</para>
1774    <para>The &man.snapinfo.8; utility, which shows snapshot locations
1775      on UFS file systems, has been added.  &merged;</para>
1777    <para>The &man.sockstat.1; utility, which shows connected and
1778      listening network sockets, now supports a new <option>-P</option>
1779      command-line option, which can be used to filter displayed sockets
1780      by protocol name (as listed in &man.protocols.5;).</para>
1782    <para>The &man.strtonum.3; library function has been implemented
1783      based on OpenBSD's implementation.  This is an improved version of
1784      &man.strtoll.3;.  &merged;</para>
1786    <para>The &man.sysctl.8; utility now supports a <option>-q</option>
1787      flag to suppress a limited set of warnings and errors.</para>
1789    <para>The &man.tail.1; utility now supports a <option>-q</option>
1790      flag to suppress header lines when multiple files are
1791      specified. &merged;</para>
1793    <para>The version of tcpslice in the &os; base system has been
1794      removed due to obsolescence.  A more up-to-date version can be
1795      found in the Ports Collection
1796      as <filename role="package">net/tcpslice</filename>.</para>
1798    <para>The &man.time.1; utility now prints the time that a given
1799      command has been running if sent a <literal>SIGINFO</literal> signal.</para>
1801    <para>The &; program now supports a <option>-a</option>
1802      flag to display process titles from their argument vectors;
1803      this feature is useful for watching processes that change their
1804      titles via &man.setproctitle.3;.</para>
1806    <para>The &man.traceroute.8; program now supports
1807      a <option>-D</option> flag, which causes it to display the
1808      differences between the sent and received
1809      packets. &merged;</para>
1811    <para>The &man.traceroute.8; utility now supports
1812      a <option>-e</option> option, which sets a fixed destination
1813      port for probe packets.  This can be useful for tracing behind
1814      packet-filtering firewalls. &merged;</para>
1816    <para>&man.traceroute.8; now decodes the complete set of ICMP
1817      unreachable messages in its output. &merged;</para>
1819    <para>The &man.truss.1; utility now supports an <option>-s</option>
1820      flag for the same functionality as the strace utility
1821      (<filename role="package">devel/strace</filename>).</para>
1823    <para>The &man.truss.1; utility no longer depends on the availability
1824      of the &man.procfs.5; file system; it uses the &man.ptrace.2;
1825      interface instead for controlling a traced process.</para>
1827    <para>[&arch.powerpc;] The &man.truss.1; utility now supports &os;/powerpc.</para>
1829    <para>The usbd(8) utility has been removed.
1830      The &man.devd.8; utility and its configuration
1831      file now support functionality which is equivalent to it.</para>
1833    <para>The &man.uuidgen.1; utility has been moved from
1834      <filename>/usr/bin</filename> to <filename>/bin</filename>.</para>
1836    <para>The vnconfig(8) utility, which was long ago replaced by
1837      &man.mdconfig.8;, has been removed.</para>
1839    <para>The &man.xargs.1; utility now supports a <option>-r</option>
1840      flag which makes the command execution when the standard input
1841      does not contain any non-whitespace-characters.  &merged;</para>
1843    <para>The shared library version number of all libraries has
1844      been updated due to some possible ABI changes.  The libraries
1845      include: snmp_<replaceable>*</replaceable>, libdialog, libg2c, libobjc,
1846      libreadline, libregex, libstdc++, libkrb5, libalias, libarchive,
1847      libbegemot, libbluetooth, libbsnmp, libbz2, libc_r, libcrypt,
1848      libdevstat, libedit, libexpat, libfetch, libftpio, libgpib,
1849      libipsec, libkiconv, libmagic, libmp, libncp, libncurses,
1850      libnetgraph, libngatm, libopie, libpam, libpthread, libradius,
1851      libsdp, libsmb, libtacplus, libthr, libthread_db, libugidfw,
1852      libusbhid, libutil, libvgl, libwrap, libypclnt, libm, libcrypto,
1853      libssh, and libssl.</para>
1855    <para>The <function>wcsdup()</function> function has been
1856      implemented.  This function is popular in Microsoft and GNU
1857      systems.</para>
1859    <para>The &man.wpa.passphrase.8; utility has been added.  It
1860      generates a 256-bit pre-shared WPA key from an ASCII
1861      passphrase. &merged;</para>
1863    <para>The compiler toolchain is now capable of generating
1864      executables for systems using the ARM processor. &merged;</para>
1866    <sect3 id="rc-scripts">
1867      <title><filename>/etc/rc.d</filename> Scripts</title>
1869      <para>The <filename>auditd</filename> script for
1870	OpenBSM &man.auditd.8; has been added. &merged;</para>
1872      <para>The <filename>bluetooth</filename> script
1873	has been added.  This script will be called from
1874	&man.devd.8; in response to device attachment/detachment
1875	events and to stop/start particular device without unplugging
1876	it by hand.  The configuration parameters are in
1877	<filename>/etc/defaults/bluetooth.device.conf</filename>,
1878	and can be overridden by using
1879	<filename>/etc/bluetooth/<replaceable>$device</replaceable>.conf</filename>
1880	(where <replaceable>$device</replaceable> is <devicename>ubt0</devicename>,
1881	<devicename>btcc0</devicename>, and so on.)
1882	For more details, see &man.bluetooth.conf.5;.  &merged;</para>
1884      <para>The <filename>ftpd</filename> script for
1885	stand-alone &man.ftpd.8; has been added.</para>
1887      <para>The <filename>gbde_swap</filename> script has
1888	been removed in favor a new <filename>encswap</filename>
1889	script which also supports &man.geli.8; for swap
1890	encryption.</para>
1892      <para>The <filename>geli</filename> and <filename>geli2</filename>
1893	scripts has been added for &man.geli.8; device
1894	configuration on boot.</para>
1896      <para>The <filename>ike</filename> script for
1897	IPsec IKE daemon has been removed because no such daemon
1898	is included in the base system.</para>
1900      <para>The <filename>hcsecd</filename> and
1901	<filename>sdpd</filename> scripts have been added
1902	for &man.hcsecd.8; and &man.sdpd.8; daemons.
1903	These daemons can run even if no Bluetooth devices
1904	are attached to the system, but both daemons depend on
1905	Bluetooth socket layer and thus disabled by default.
1906	Bluetooth sockets layer must be either loaded
1907	as a module or compiled into kernel before the daemons can run.
1908	&merged;</para>
1910      <para>The <filename>hostapd</filename> script for
1911	&man.hostapd.8; has been added.  &merged;</para>
1913      <para>The <filename>mdconfig</filename> script to
1914	handle vnode backed &; devices has been added.
1915	This is a replacement of the <filename>ramdisk</filename>
1916	script, and all of variables in <varname>ramdisk_*</varname>
1917	have been changed to <varname>mdconfig_*</varname>.
1918	Also, two new &man.rc.conf.5; variables
1919	<varname>mdconfig_<replaceable>*</replaceable>_files</varname>
1920	and
1921	<varname>mdconfig_<replaceable>*</replaceable>_cmd</varname>
1922	have been added.  For example:</para>
1924      <programlisting>mdconfig_md0="-t malloc -s 10m"
1925mdconfig_md1="-t vnode -f /var/foo.img"</programlisting>
1927      <para>The <filename>netif</filename> script now supports
1928	<varname>ipv4_addrs_<replaceable>ifn</replaceable></varname>
1929	variables,
1930	which add one or more IPv4 address from a ranged list in
1931	CIDR notation.  &merged;  For example:</para>
1933      <programlisting>ipv4_addrs_ed0=""</programlisting>
1935      <para>The <filename></filename> script in <filename>/etc/rc.d</filename>
1936	has been removed and a variable <varname>early_late_divider</varname>,
1937	which designates the script to separate the early and late stages
1938	of the boot process, has been added.</para>
1940      <para>The <filename>rc.initdiskless</filename> script now uses &man.tar.1;
1941	instead of &man.pax.1; because &man.pax.1; needs a writable
1942	temporary directory that may not be available when this script
1943	runs.</para>
1945      <para>The <filename>pccard</filename> script has been removed
1946	since OLDCARD is deprecated.</para>
1948      <para>The <filename>ppp-user</filename> script has been renamed to
1949	<filename>ppp</filename>.  &merged;</para>
1951      <para>The <varname>removable_interfaces</varname> variable
1952	has been removed.</para>
1954      <para>A new keyword <literal>NOAUTO</literal> in
1955	<varname>ifconfig_<replaceable>ifn</replaceable></varname>
1956	has been added. This prevents configuration of an interface
1957	at boot time or via <filename>/etc/pccard_ether</filename>,
1958	and allows <filename>/etc/rc.d/netif</filename>
1959	to be used to start and stop an interface
1960	on a purely manual basis.</para>
1961    </sect3>
1962  </sect2>
1964  <sect2 id="contrib">
1965    <title>Contributed Software</title>
1967    <para><application>Intel ACPI-CA</application>
1968      has been updated to 20070320.</para>
1970    <para><application>BIND</application> has been updated from 9.3.1
1971      to 9.3.4. &merged;</para>
1973    <para><application>BSNMPD</application> has been updated from
1974      1.11 to 1.12.</para>
1976    <para><application>BZIP2</application> has been updated from
1977      1.0.3 to 1.0.4.</para>
1979    <para><application>DRM</application> has
1980      been updated to a snapshot from DRI CVS as of 20060517.
1981      &merged;</para>
1983    <para>The Forth Inspired Command Language (<application>FICL</application>)
1984      used in the boot loader has been updated to 3.03.</para>
1986    <para><application>FILE</application> has been updated from 4.12
1987      to 4.17.</para>
1989    <para>The GNU version of <application>gzip</application> has been
1990      replaced with a modified version of gzip ported from NetBSD.
1991      &merged;</para>
1993    <para><application>netcat</application> has been updated from the
1994      version in a 4 February 2005 OpenBSD snapshot to the version
1995      included in OpenBSD 4.1.</para>
1997    <para><application>GCC</application> has been updated from 3.4.4
1998      to 3.4.6. &merged;</para>
2000    <para><application>GNU Readline library</application> has been
2001      updated from 5.0 to 5.2 patch 2. &merged;</para>
2003    <para><application>GNU Troff</application>
2004      has been updated from version 1.19 to version 1.19.2.
2005      &merged;</para>
2007    <para><application>IPFilter</application> has been updated from
2008      4.1.8 to 4.1.13. &merged;</para>
2010    <para><application>less</application> has been updated from v381
2011      to v394. &merged;</para>
2013    <para><application>libpcap</application> has been updated from
2014      0.9.1 to 0.9.4. &merged;</para>
2016    <para><application>lukemftpd</application> has been updated from a
2017      snapshot from NetBSD as of 9 August 2004 to a snapshot from
2018      NetBSD as of 31 August 2006. &merged;</para>
2020    <para><application>OpenSSH</application> has been updated from
2021      4.2p1 to 4.5p1. &merged;</para>
2023    <para><application>OpenSSL</application> has been updated from
2024      0.9.7e to 0.9.8e.</para>
2026    <para><application>ncurses</application> has been updated from
2027      5.2-20020615 to 5.6-20061217.  ncurses now also has wide
2028      character support.  &merged;</para>
2030    <para><application>hostapd</application>
2031      has been updated from version 0.3.9 to version 0.4.8.
2032      &merged;</para>
2034    <para><application>sendmail</application> has been updated from
2035      8.13.4 to 8.14.1.  &merged;</para>
2037    <para><application>tcpdump</application> has been updated from
2038      3.9.1 to 3.9.4. &merged;</para>
2040    <para>The timezone database has been updated from the
2041      <application>tzdata2005l</application> release to the
2042      <application>tzdata2006n</application> release. &merged;</para>
2044    <para><application>tip</application> has been updated to a
2045      snapshot from OpenBSD as of 20060831.</para>
2047    <para>TrustedBSD <application>OpenBSM</application>,
2048      version 1.0 alpha 14, an implementation of the documented Sun Basic
2049      Security Module (BSM) Audit API and file format, as well as local
2050      extensions to support the Mac OS X and &os; operating systems
2051      has been added.  This also includes command line tools for audit
2052      trail reduction and conversion to text and XML, as well as
2053      documentation of the commands, file format, and APIs.
2054      For this functionality, the <literal>AUDIT</literal> kernel option,
2055      <filename>/var/audit</filename> directory, and
2056      <literal>audit</literal> group have been added. &merged;</para>
2058    <para><application>WPA Supplicant</application>
2059      has been updated from version 0.3.9 to version 0.4.8.
2060      &merged;</para>
2062    <para><application>zlib</application>
2063      has been updated from version 1.2.2 to version 1.2.3. &merged;</para>
2064  </sect2>
2066  <sect2 id="ports">
2067    <title>Ports/Packages Collection Infrastructure</title>
2069    <para>&man.pkg.add.1; now supports an <option>-F</option>
2070      flag to disable checking whether the same package is already
2071      installed or not. &merged;</para>
2073    <para>The &man.pkg.add.1; program now supports an <option>-P</option>
2074      flag, which is the same as the <option>-p</option> flag
2075      except that the given prefix is also used recursively for the
2076      dependency packages if any.  &merged;</para>
2078    <para>The &man.pkg.add.1; and &man.pkg.create.1; utilities now support
2079      a <option>-K</option> flag to save packages to the current directory
2080      (or <varname>PKGDIR</varname> if defined) by default.
2081      &merged;</para>
2083    <para>The &man.pkg.create.1; program now supports an <option>-x</option>
2084      flag to support basic regular expressions for package name,
2085      an <option>-E</option> flag for extended regular
2086      expressions, and a <option>-G</option> for exact matching.  &merged;</para>
2088    <para>The &man.pkg.version.1; utility now supports an <option>-o</option>
2089      flag to show the origin recorded on package generation
2090      instead of the package name, and an <option>-O</option> flag
2091      to list packages with a specific registered origin.
2092      &merged;</para>
2094    <para>The &man.portsnap.8; utility (<filename>sysutils/portsnap</filename>)
2095      has been added into the &os; base system.  This is a secure,
2096      easy to use, fast, lightweight, and generally good way for
2097      users to keep their ports trees up to date.  &merged;</para>
2099    <para>A incorrect handling of <varname>HTTP_PROXY_AUTH</varname>
2100      in the &man.portsnap.8; utility has been fixed.  &merged;</para>
2102    <para>The startup scripts from the <varname>local_startup</varname>
2103      directory now evaluated by using &man.rcorder.8; with scripts
2104      in the base system.  &merged;</para>
2106    <para>The suffix of startup scripts from the Ports Collection
2107      has been removed.  This means <filename></filename>
2108      is renamed to <filename>foo</filename>, and now
2109      scripts whose name is something like
2110      <filename>foo.ORG</filename> will also be invoked.
2111      You are recommended to reinstall packages which install
2112      such scripts and remove extra files in the
2113      <varname>local_startup</varname> directory.  &merged;</para>
2115    <para>New <filename>rc.conf</filename> variables,
2116      <varname>ldconfig_local_dirs</varname> and
2117      <varname>ldconfig_local32_dirs</varname> have been added.
2118      These hold lists of local &man.ldconfig.8; directories.
2119      &merged;</para>
2121    <para>The <command>@cwd</command> command in
2122      <filename>pkg-plist</filename> now allows
2123      the case where no directory argument is given.  If no
2124      directory argument is given, it will set current
2125      working directory to the first prefix given by the
2126      <command>@cwd</command> command.  &merged;</para>
2127  </sect2>
2129  <sect2 id="releng">
2130    <title>Release Engineering and Integration</title>
2132    <para>The default partition sizing algorithm of the
2133      &man.sysinstall.8; utility has been changed.</para>
2135    <itemizedlist>
2136      <listitem>
2137	<para>On systems where the disk capacity is larger than (3 * RAMsize + 10GB),
2138	  the default sizes will now be as follows:</para>
2140	<informaltable frame="none" pgwide="0">
2141	  <tgroup cols="2">
2142	    <colspec colwidth="1*">
2143	    <colspec colwidth="2*">
2144	    <thead>
2145	      <row>
2146		<entry>Partition</entry>
2147		<entry>Size</entry>
2148	      </row>
2149	    </thead>
2151	    <tbody>
2152	      <row><entry>swap</entry><entry>RAMsize * 2</entry></row>
2153	      <row><entry><filename>/</filename></entry><entry>512 MB</entry></row>
2154	      <row><entry><filename>/tmp</filename></entry><entry>512 MB</entry></row>
2155	      <row><entry><filename>/var</filename></entry><entry>1024 MB + RAMsize</entry></row>
2156	      <row><entry><filename>/usr</filename></entry><entry>the rest (8GB or more)</entry></row>
2157	    </tbody>
2158	  </tgroup>
2159	</informaltable>
2160      </listitem>
2162      <listitem>
2163	<para>On systems where the disk capacity is larger than
2164	  (RAMsize / 8 + 2 GB), the default sizes will be
2165	  in the following ranges, with space allocated
2166	  proportionally:</para>
2168	<informaltable frame="none" pgwide="0">
2169	  <tgroup cols="2">
2170	    <colspec colwidth="1*">
2171	    <colspec colwidth="2*">
2172	    <thead>
2173	      <row>
2174		<entry>Partition</entry>
2175		<entry>Size</entry>
2176	      </row>
2177	    </thead>
2179	    <tbody>
2180	      <row><entry>swap</entry><entry>from RAMsize / 8 to RAMsize * 2</entry></row>
2181	      <row><entry><filename>/</filename></entry><entry>from 256MB to 512MB</entry></row>
2182	      <row><entry><filename>/tmp</filename></entry><entry>from 128MB to 512MB</entry></row>
2183	      <row><entry><filename>/var</filename></entry><entry>from 128MB to 1024MB</entry></row>
2184	      <row><entry><filename>/usr</filename></entry><entry>from 1536MB to 8192MB</entry></row>
2185	    </tbody>
2186	  </tgroup>
2187	</informaltable>
2188      </listitem>
2190      <listitem>
2191	<para>On systems with even less disk space, the existing behavior is not
2192	  changed.</para>
2193      </listitem>
2194    </itemizedlist>
2196    <para>The &man.sysinstall.8; utility now displays the running &os;
2197      version in menu titles. &merged;</para>
2199    <para>A new <literal>showconfig</literal>
2200      target has been added in <filename>src/Makefile</filename>
2201      to show the build configuration of the &os; source tree.</para>
2203    <para>A <filename>/media</filename> directory has been
2204      added to contain mount points for removable media
2205      such as CDROMs, floppy disks, USB drives, and so on. &merged;</para>
2207    <para>The <filename>src.conf</filename> file, which
2208      contains settings that will apply to every build involving
2209      the &os; source tree, has been added.
2210      For details, see &; and &man.src.conf.5;.</para>
2212    <para>The supported version of
2213      the <application>GNOME</application> desktop environment
2214      (<filename role="package">x11/gnome2</filename>) has been
2215      updated from 2.10.2 to 2.18.0.  As a part of this update, the
2216      default prefix for <application>GNOME</application> (and some
2217      related programs) has moved from
2218      <filename>/usr/X11R6</filename>
2219      to <filename>/usr/local</filename>.  &merged;</para>
2221    <para>The supported version of
2222      the <application>KDE</application> desktop environment
2223      (<filename role="package">x11/kde3</filename>) has been
2224      updated from 3.4.2 to 3.5.6. &merged;</para>
2226    <para>[&arch.amd64;, &arch.i386;] The supported Linux emulation now uses the
2227      libraries in the
2228      <filename role="package">emulators/linux_base-fc4</filename>
2229      package. &merged;</para>
2231    <para>The supported version of
2232      the <application>Perl</application> interpreter
2233      (<filename role="package">lang/perl5.8</filename>) has been updated
2234      from 5.8.7 to 5.8.8. &merged;</para>
2236    <para>The supported version of
2237      the <application>&xorg;</application> windowing system
2238      (<filename role="package">x11/xorg</filename>) has been updated
2239      from 6.8.2 to 6.9.0. &merged;</para>
2241    <para>[&arch.pc98;] &os;/pc98 release CDROMs are now
2242      bootable on systems with some supported SCSI adapters.
2243      &merged;</para>
2244  </sect2>
2246  <sect2 id="doc">
2247    <title>Documentation</title>
2249    <para>Documentation of existing functionality has been improved by
2250      the addition of the following manual pages:
2251      &;, &man.device.get.sysctl.9;,
2252      &man.ext2fs.5;,
2253      &man.mca.8;,
2254      &man.nanobsd.8;,
2255      &man.snd.mss.4;, &man.snd.t4dwave.4;,
2256      &man.sysctl.9;.</para>
2258    <para>The manual pages for <application>NTP</application>
2259      have been updated to 4.2.0, to match the version of
2260      code actually included in &os;. &merged;</para>
2262    <para>Initial support for kernel subsystem API documentation generating
2263      framework using <filename role="package">devel/doxygen</filename>
2264      has been added into <filename>src/sys/doc/subsys</filename>.
2265      To generate the API document, type <command>make doxygen</command>
2266      in <filename>src/</filename> directory.</para>
2267  </sect2>
2270<sect1 id="upgrade">
2271  <title>Upgrading from previous releases of &os;</title>
2273  <para></para>
2275  <important>
2276    <para>Upgrading &os; should, of course, only be attempted after
2277      backing up <emphasis>all</emphasis> data and configuration
2278      files.</para>
2279  </important>