@(#)publickey.3r 2.1 88/08/07 4.0 RPCSRC
$FreeBSD: releng/11.0/lib/libc/rpc/publickey.3 235286 2012-05-11 20:06:46Z gjb $

.Dd October 6, 1987 .Dt PUBLICKEY 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm publickey , getpublickey , getsecretkey .Nd "get public or secret key" .Sh LIBRARY .Lb librpcsvc .Sh SYNOPSIS n rpc/rpc.h n rpc/key_prot.h .Ft int .Fo getpublickey .Fa "const char netname[MAXNETNAMELEN+1]" .Fa "char publickey[HEXKEYBYTES+1]" .Fc .Ft int .Fo getsecretkey .Fa "char netname[MAXNETNAMELEN+1]" .Fa "char secretkey[HEXKEYBYTES+1]" .Fa "char *passwd" .Fc .Sh DESCRIPTION These routines are used to get public and secret keys from the .Tn YP database. The .Fn getsecretkey function has an extra argument, .Fa passwd , which is used to decrypt the encrypted secret key stored in the database. Both routines return 1 if they are successful in finding the key, 0 otherwise. The keys are returned as .Dv NUL Ns -terminated , hexadecimal strings. If the password supplied to .Fn getsecretkey fails to decrypt the secret key, the routine will return 1 but the .Fa secretkey argument will be a .Dv NUL string

q Dq . .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr publickey 5

p .%T "RPC Programmer's Manual" in

a /usr/share/doc/psd/23.rpc .