ttys revision 94929
289029Sjhb# $FreeBSD: head/etc/etc.sparc64/ttys 94929 2002-04-17 10:42:41Z gerald $
389029Sjhb#	@(#)ttys	5.1 (Berkeley) 4/17/89
589029Sjhb# This file specifies various information about terminals on the system.
689029Sjhb# It is used by several different programs.  Common entries for the
789029Sjhb# various columns include:
989029Sjhb# name  The name of the terminal device.
1189029Sjhb# getty The program to start running on the terminal.  Typically a
1289029Sjhb#       getty program, as the name implies.  Other common entries
1389029Sjhb#       include none, when no getty is needed, and xdm, to start the
1489029Sjhb#       X Window System.
1689029Sjhb# type The initial terminal type for this port.  For hardwired
1789029Sjhb#      terminal lines, this will contain the type of terminal used.
1894929Sgerald#      For virtual consoles, the correct type is typically cons25, but
1994929Sgerald#      vt220 will work better if you need interoperability with other
2094929Sgerald#      systems like Solaris or GNU/Linux.
2194929Sgerald#      Other common values include network for network connections on
2289029Sjhb#      pseudo-terminals, dialup for incoming modem ports, and unknown
2389029Sjhb#      when the terminal type cannot be predetermined.
2589029Sjhb# status Must be on or off.  If on, init will run the getty program on
2689029Sjhb#        the specified port.  If the word "secure" appears, this tty
2789029Sjhb#        allows root login.
2989029Sjhb# name	getty				type	status		comments
3189029Sjhb# If console is marked "insecure", then init will ask for the root password
3289029Sjhb# when going to single-user mode.
3389029Sjhbconsole	none				unknown	off secure
3489029Sjhb# Openfirmware console
3589029Sjhbofwcons	"/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"	vt100	on  secure
3789029Sjhb#ttyv0	"/usr/libexec/getty Pc"		cons25	on  secure
3889029Sjhb# Virtual terminals
3989029Sjhb#ttyv1	"/usr/libexec/getty Pc"		cons25	on  secure
4089029Sjhb#ttyv2	"/usr/libexec/getty Pc"		cons25	on  secure
4189029Sjhb#ttyv3	"/usr/libexec/getty Pc"		cons25	on  secure
4289029Sjhb#ttyv4	"/usr/libexec/getty Pc"		cons25	on  secure
4389029Sjhb#ttyv5	"/usr/libexec/getty Pc"		cons25	on  secure
4489029Sjhb#ttyv6	"/usr/libexec/getty Pc"		cons25	on  secure
4589029Sjhb#ttyv7	"/usr/libexec/getty Pc"		cons25	on  secure
4689029Sjhb#ttyv8	"/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon"	xterm	off secure
4789029Sjhb# Serial terminals
4889029Sjhb# The 'dialup' keyword identifies dialin lines to login, fingerd etc.
4989029Sjhbttyd0	"/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"	dialup	off secure
5089029Sjhbttyd1	"/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"	dialup	off secure
5189029Sjhbttyd2	"/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"	dialup	off secure
5289029Sjhbttyd3	"/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"	dialup	off secure
5389029Sjhb# Pseudo terminals
5489029Sjhbttyp0	none			network
5589029Sjhbttyp1	none			network
5689029Sjhbttyp2	none			network
5789029Sjhbttyp3	none			network
5889029Sjhbttyp4	none			network
5989029Sjhbttyp5	none			network
6089029Sjhbttyp6	none			network
6189029Sjhbttyp7	none			network
6289029Sjhbttyp8	none			network
6389029Sjhbttyp9	none			network
6489029Sjhbttypa	none			network
6589029Sjhbttypb	none			network
6689029Sjhbttypc	none			network
6789029Sjhbttypd	none			network
6889029Sjhbttype	none			network
6989029Sjhbttypf	none			network
7089029Sjhbttypg	none			network
7189029Sjhbttyph	none			network
7289029Sjhbttypi	none			network
7389029Sjhbttypj	none			network
7489029Sjhbttypk	none			network
7589029Sjhbttypl	none			network
7689029Sjhbttypm	none			network
7789029Sjhbttypn	none			network
7889029Sjhbttypo	none			network
7989029Sjhbttypp	none			network
8089029Sjhbttypq	none			network
8189029Sjhbttypr	none			network
8289029Sjhbttyps	none			network
8389029Sjhbttypt	none			network
8489029Sjhbttypu	none			network
8589029Sjhbttypv	none			network
8689029Sjhbttyq0	none			network
8789029Sjhbttyq1	none			network
8889029Sjhbttyq2	none			network
8989029Sjhbttyq3	none			network
9089029Sjhbttyq4	none			network
9189029Sjhbttyq5	none			network
9289029Sjhbttyq6	none			network
9389029Sjhbttyq7	none			network
9489029Sjhbttyq8	none			network
9589029Sjhbttyq9	none			network
9689029Sjhbttyqa	none			network
9789029Sjhbttyqb	none			network
9889029Sjhbttyqc	none			network
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10389029Sjhbttyqh	none			network
10489029Sjhbttyqi	none			network
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10789029Sjhbttyql	none			network
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