p2p-nfc.py revision 281681
350120Swpaul# Example nfcpy to wpa_supplicant wrapper for P2P NFC operations
450120Swpaul# Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
650120Swpaul# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
750120Swpaul# See README for more details.
950120Swpaulimport os
1050120Swpaulimport sys
1150120Swpaulimport time
1250120Swpaulimport random
1350120Swpaulimport threading
1450120Swpaulimport argparse
1650120Swpaulimport nfc
1750120Swpaulimport nfc.ndef
1850120Swpaulimport nfc.llcp
1950120Swpaulimport nfc.handover
2150120Swpaulimport logging
2350120Swpaulimport wpaspy
2550120Swpaulwpas_ctrl = '/var/run/wpa_supplicant'
2650120Swpaulifname = None
2750120Swpaulinit_on_touch = False
2850120Swpaulin_raw_mode = False
2950120Swpaulprev_tcgetattr = 0
3050120Swpaulinclude_wps_req = True
3150120Swpaulinclude_p2p_req = True
3250120Swpaulno_input = False
3350120Swpaulsrv = None
3450120Swpaulcontinue_loop = True
3550120Swpaulterminate_now = False
3650120Swpaulsummary_file = None
3750120Swpaulsuccess_file = None
3950120Swpauldef summary(txt):
4050120Swpaul    print txt
4150120Swpaul    if summary_file:
4250120Swpaul        with open(summary_file, 'a') as f:
4350120Swpaul            f.write(txt + "\n")
4550120Swpauldef success_report(txt):
4650120Swpaul    summary(txt)
4750120Swpaul    if success_file:
4850120Swpaul        with open(success_file, 'a') as f:
4950120Swpaul            f.write(txt + "\n")
5150120Swpauldef wpas_connect():
52179895Sdelphij    ifaces = []
5361907Ssemenu    if os.path.isdir(wpas_ctrl):
5450120Swpaul        try:
55190538Simp            ifaces = [os.path.join(wpas_ctrl, i) for i in os.listdir(wpas_ctrl)]
56179098Syongari        except OSError, error:
5750577Swpaul            print "Could not find wpa_supplicant: ", error
58178667Sjhb            return None
6050120Swpaul    if len(ifaces) < 1:
61160637Syongari        print "No wpa_supplicant control interface found"
6250120Swpaul        return None
6477078Swpaul    for ctrl in ifaces:
65179335Syongari        if ifname:
6650120Swpaul            if ifname not in ctrl:
6750120Swpaul                continue
6850120Swpaul        try:
6994149Swpaul            print "Trying to use control interface " + ctrl
7050120Swpaul            wpas = wpaspy.Ctrl(ctrl)
7150120Swpaul            return wpas
72179592Sbenno        except Exception, e:
7366989Simp            pass
7450120Swpaul    return None
7775353Smjacobdef wpas_tag_read(message):
7884145Sjlemon    wpas = wpas_connect()
7950120Swpaul    if (wpas == None):
8050120Swpaul        return False
8150120Swpaul    cmd = "WPS_NFC_TAG_READ " + str(message).encode("hex")
8250120Swpaul    global force_freq
8374129Sjlemon    if force_freq:
8474129Sjlemon        cmd = cmd + " freq=" + force_freq
8574129Sjlemon    if "FAIL" in wpas.request(cmd):
8650120Swpaul        return False
8750120Swpaul    return True
90165090Sscottldef wpas_get_handover_req():
9150120Swpaul    wpas = wpas_connect()
9250120Swpaul    if (wpas == None):
9350120Swpaul        return None
9450120Swpaul    res = wpas.request("NFC_GET_HANDOVER_REQ NDEF P2P-CR").rstrip()
9559475Swpaul    if "FAIL" in res:
9650120Swpaul        return None
9750120Swpaul    return res.decode("hex")
9950120Swpauldef wpas_get_handover_req_wps():
10050120Swpaul    wpas = wpas_connect()
10150120Swpaul    if (wpas == None):
10250120Swpaul        return None
10350120Swpaul    res = wpas.request("NFC_GET_HANDOVER_REQ NDEF WPS-CR").rstrip()
104173130Syongari    if "FAIL" in res:
105119976Swpaul        return None
10650120Swpaul    return res.decode("hex")
10950120Swpauldef wpas_get_handover_sel(tag=False):
11050120Swpaul    wpas = wpas_connect()
111179895Sdelphij    if (wpas == None):
112179895Sdelphij        return None
113179895Sdelphij    if tag:
11461907Ssemenu        res = wpas.request("NFC_GET_HANDOVER_SEL NDEF P2P-CR-TAG").rstrip()
11561907Ssemenu    else:
116109147Sobrien	res = wpas.request("NFC_GET_HANDOVER_SEL NDEF P2P-CR").rstrip()
117164833Smarius    if "FAIL" in res:
11861907Ssemenu        return None
11950120Swpaul    return res.decode("hex")
122164833Smariusdef wpas_get_handover_sel_wps():
12350120Swpaul    wpas = wpas_connect()
124190538Simp    if (wpas == None):
125190538Simp        return None
126190538Simp    res = wpas.request("NFC_GET_HANDOVER_SEL NDEF WPS-CR");
127179098Syongari    if "FAIL" in res:
128179098Syongari        return None
129183567Sstas    return res.rstrip().decode("hex")
13299440Sbennodef wpas_report_handover(req, sel, type):
13399439Sbenno    wpas = wpas_connect()
13499440Sbenno    if (wpas == None):
13599440Sbenno        return None
136119917Swpaul    cmd = "NFC_REPORT_HANDOVER " + type + " P2P " + str(req).encode("hex") + " " + str(sel).encode("hex")
13759475Swpaul    global force_freq
13883029Swpaul    if force_freq:
13983029Swpaul        cmd = cmd + " freq=" + force_freq
140165090Sscottl    return wpas.request(cmd)
143170391Sdavidchdef wpas_report_handover_wsc(req, sel, type):
144103103Sjdp    wpas = wpas_connect()
145114547Sps    if (wpas == None):
146117659Swpaul        return None
147135772Sps    cmd = "NFC_REPORT_HANDOVER " + type + " WPS " + str(req).encode("hex") + " " + str(sel).encode("hex")
148146413Sps    if force_freq:
149157041Soleg        cmd = cmd + " freq=" + force_freq
150166876Sjhb    return wpas.request(cmd)
153170391Sdavidchdef p2p_handover_client(llc):
154176850Sdavidch    message = nfc.ndef.HandoverRequestMessage(version="1.2")
155176881Sjhb    message.nonce = random.randint(0, 0xffff)
157178667Sjhb    global include_p2p_req
15850577Swpaul    if include_p2p_req:
159135048Swpaul        data = wpas_get_handover_req()
160135048Swpaul        if (data == None):
161176773Sraj            summary("Could not get handover request carrier record from wpa_supplicant")
162184192Syongari            return
163135048Swpaul        print "Handover request carrier record from wpa_supplicant: " + data.encode("hex")
164135048Swpaul        datamsg = nfc.ndef.Message(data)
165178598Sraj        message.add_carrier(datamsg[0], "active", datamsg[1:])
167135048Swpaul    global include_wps_req
16850120Swpaul    if include_wps_req:
169164833Smarius        print "Handover request (pre-WPS):"
17050120Swpaul        try:
17150120Swpaul            print message.pretty()
17250120Swpaul        except Exception, e:
173170524Syongari            print e
175170524Syongari        data = wpas_get_handover_req_wps()
176170524Syongari        if data:
17750120Swpaul            print "Add WPS request in addition to P2P"
178160637Syongari            datamsg = nfc.ndef.Message(data)
179170366Syongari            message.add_carrier(datamsg[0], "active", datamsg[1:])
181177930Syongari    print "Handover request:"
182160637Syongari    try:
18350120Swpaul        print message.pretty()
18474129Sjlemon    except Exception, e:
18576483Sjlemon        print e
18676483Sjlemon    print str(message).encode("hex")
18874129Sjlemon    client = nfc.handover.HandoverClient(llc)
18950120Swpaul    try:
19077078Swpaul        summary("Trying to initiate NFC connection handover")
19177078Swpaul        client.connect()
19277078Swpaul        summary("Connected for handover")
193179335Syongari    except nfc.llcp.ConnectRefused:
194179335Syongari        summary("Handover connection refused")
195179335Syongari        client.close()
196179335Syongari        return
19750120Swpaul    except Exception, e:
19850120Swpaul        summary("Other exception: " + str(e))
19950120Swpaul        client.close()
20050120Swpaul        return
20250120Swpaul    summary("Sending handover request")
204175702Smarius    if not client.send(message):
20576479Swpaul        summary("Failed to send handover request")
20676479Swpaul        client.close()
20750120Swpaul        return
20950120Swpaul    summary("Receiving handover response")
21050120Swpaul    message = client._recv()
21194149Swpaul    if message is None:
21294149Swpaul        summary("No response received")
213165782Sticso        client.close()
214173130Syongari        return
21594149Swpaul    if message.type != "urn:nfc:wkt:Hs":
21650120Swpaul        summary("Response was not Hs - received: " + message.type)
21750120Swpaul        client.close()
21850120Swpaul        return
22050120Swpaul    print "Received message"
22150120Swpaul    try:
22250120Swpaul        print message.pretty()
223179592Sbenno    except Exception, e:
224179592Sbenno        print e
225179592Sbenno    print str(message).encode("hex")
22666989Simp    message = nfc.ndef.HandoverSelectMessage(message)
22766989Simp    summary("Handover select received")
22866989Simp    try:
22950120Swpaul        print message.pretty()
23050120Swpaul    except Exception, e:
23150120Swpaul        print e
23359475Swpaul    for carrier in message.carriers:
23459475Swpaul        print "Remote carrier type: " + carrier.type
23575353Smjacob        if carrier.type == "application/vnd.wfa.p2p":
23675353Smjacob            print "P2P carrier type match - send to wpa_supplicant"
23784145Sjlemon            if "OK" in wpas_report_handover(data, carrier.record, "INIT"):
238120281Swilko                success_report("P2P handover reported successfully (initiator)")
239165096Syongari            else:
240165096Syongari                summary("P2P handover report rejected")
241165096Syongari            break
243165096Syongari    print "Remove peer"
244165096Syongari    client.close()
245165096Syongari    print "Done with handover"
246165096Syongari    global only_one
247165096Syongari    if only_one:
248182751Sraj        print "only_one -> stop loop"
249165096Syongari        global continue_loop
25084145Sjlemon        continue_loop = False
252165096Syongari    global no_wait
253165096Syongari    if no_wait:
254165096Syongari        print "Trying to exit.."
255        global terminate_now
256        terminate_now = True
259class HandoverServer(nfc.handover.HandoverServer):
260    def __init__(self, llc):
261        super(HandoverServer, self).__init__(llc)
262        self.sent_carrier = None
263        self.ho_server_processing = False
264        self.success = False
266    # override to avoid parser error in request/response.pretty() in nfcpy
267    # due to new WSC handover format
268    def _process_request(self, request):
269        summary("received handover request {}".format(request.type))
270        response = nfc.ndef.Message("\xd1\x02\x01Hs\x12")
271        if not request.type == 'urn:nfc:wkt:Hr':
272            summary("not a handover request")
273        else:
274            try:
275                request = nfc.ndef.HandoverRequestMessage(request)
276            except nfc.ndef.DecodeError as e:
277                summary("error decoding 'Hr' message: {}".format(e))
278            else:
279                response = self.process_request(request)
280        summary("send handover response {}".format(response.type))
281        return response
283    def process_request(self, request):
284        self.ho_server_processing = True
285        clear_raw_mode()
286        print "HandoverServer - request received"
287        try:
288            print "Parsed handover request: " + request.pretty()
289        except Exception, e:
290            print e
292        sel = nfc.ndef.HandoverSelectMessage(version="1.2")
294        found = False
296        for carrier in request.carriers:
297            print "Remote carrier type: " + carrier.type
298            if carrier.type == "application/vnd.wfa.p2p":
299                print "P2P carrier type match - add P2P carrier record"
300                found = True
301                self.received_carrier = carrier.record
302                print "Carrier record:"
303                try:
304                    print carrier.record.pretty()
305                except Exception, e:
306                    print e
307                data = wpas_get_handover_sel()
308                if data is None:
309                    print "Could not get handover select carrier record from wpa_supplicant"
310                    continue
311                print "Handover select carrier record from wpa_supplicant:"
312                print data.encode("hex")
313                self.sent_carrier = data
314                if "OK" in wpas_report_handover(self.received_carrier, self.sent_carrier, "RESP"):
315                    success_report("P2P handover reported successfully (responder)")
316                else:
317                    summary("P2P handover report rejected")
318                    break
320                message = nfc.ndef.Message(data);
321                sel.add_carrier(message[0], "active", message[1:])
322                break
324        for carrier in request.carriers:
325            if found:
326                break
327            print "Remote carrier type: " + carrier.type
328            if carrier.type == "application/vnd.wfa.wsc":
329                print "WSC carrier type match - add WSC carrier record"
330                found = True
331                self.received_carrier = carrier.record
332                print "Carrier record:"
333                try:
334                    print carrier.record.pretty()
335                except Exception, e:
336                    print e
337                data = wpas_get_handover_sel_wps()
338                if data is None:
339                    print "Could not get handover select carrier record from wpa_supplicant"
340                    continue
341                print "Handover select carrier record from wpa_supplicant:"
342                print data.encode("hex")
343                self.sent_carrier = data
344                if "OK" in wpas_report_handover_wsc(self.received_carrier, self.sent_carrier, "RESP"):
345                    success_report("WSC handover reported successfully")
346                else:
347                    summary("WSC handover report rejected")
348                    break
350                message = nfc.ndef.Message(data);
351                sel.add_carrier(message[0], "active", message[1:])
352                found = True
353                break
355        print "Handover select:"
356        try:
357            print sel.pretty()
358        except Exception, e:
359            print e
360        print str(sel).encode("hex")
362        summary("Sending handover select")
363        self.success = True
364        return sel
367def clear_raw_mode():
368    import sys, tty, termios
369    global prev_tcgetattr, in_raw_mode
370    if not in_raw_mode:
371        return
372    fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
373    termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, prev_tcgetattr)
374    in_raw_mode = False
377def getch():
378    import sys, tty, termios, select
379    global prev_tcgetattr, in_raw_mode
380    fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
381    prev_tcgetattr = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
382    ch = None
383    try:
384        tty.setraw(fd)
385        in_raw_mode = True
386        [i, o, e] = select.select([fd], [], [], 0.05)
387        if i:
388            ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
389    finally:
390        termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, prev_tcgetattr)
391        in_raw_mode = False
392    return ch
395def p2p_tag_read(tag):
396    success = False
397    if len(tag.ndef.message):
398        for record in tag.ndef.message:
399            print "record type " + record.type
400            if record.type == "application/vnd.wfa.wsc":
401                summary("WPS tag - send to wpa_supplicant")
402                success = wpas_tag_read(tag.ndef.message)
403                break
404            if record.type == "application/vnd.wfa.p2p":
405                summary("P2P tag - send to wpa_supplicant")
406                success = wpas_tag_read(tag.ndef.message)
407                break
408    else:
409        summary("Empty tag")
411    if success:
412        success_report("Tag read succeeded")
414    return success
417def rdwr_connected_p2p_write(tag):
418    summary("Tag found - writing - " + str(tag))
419    global p2p_sel_data
420    tag.ndef.message = str(p2p_sel_data)
421    success_report("Tag write succeeded")
422    print "Done - remove tag"
423    global only_one
424    if only_one:
425        global continue_loop
426        continue_loop = False
427    global p2p_sel_wait_remove
428    return p2p_sel_wait_remove
430def wps_write_p2p_handover_sel(clf, wait_remove=True):
431    print "Write P2P handover select"
432    data = wpas_get_handover_sel(tag=True)
433    if (data == None):
434        summary("Could not get P2P handover select from wpa_supplicant")
435        return
437    global p2p_sel_wait_remove
438    p2p_sel_wait_remove = wait_remove
439    global p2p_sel_data
440    p2p_sel_data = nfc.ndef.HandoverSelectMessage(version="1.2")
441    message = nfc.ndef.Message(data);
442    p2p_sel_data.add_carrier(message[0], "active", message[1:])
443    print "Handover select:"
444    try:
445        print p2p_sel_data.pretty()
446    except Exception, e:
447        print e
448    print str(p2p_sel_data).encode("hex")
450    print "Touch an NFC tag"
451    clf.connect(rdwr={'on-connect': rdwr_connected_p2p_write})
454def rdwr_connected(tag):
455    global only_one, no_wait
456    summary("Tag connected: " + str(tag))
458    if tag.ndef:
459        print "NDEF tag: " + tag.type
460        try:
461            print tag.ndef.message.pretty()
462        except Exception, e:
463            print e
464        success = p2p_tag_read(tag)
465        if only_one and success:
466            global continue_loop
467            continue_loop = False
468    else:
469        summary("Not an NDEF tag - remove tag")
470        return True
472    return not no_wait
475def llcp_worker(llc):
476    global init_on_touch
477    if init_on_touch:
478            print "Starting handover client"
479            p2p_handover_client(llc)
480            return
482    global no_input
483    if no_input:
484        print "Wait for handover to complete"
485    else:
486        print "Wait for handover to complete - press 'i' to initiate ('w' for WPS only, 'p' for P2P only)"
487    global srv
488    global wait_connection
489    while not wait_connection and srv.sent_carrier is None:
490        if srv.ho_server_processing:
491            time.sleep(0.025)
492        elif no_input:
493            time.sleep(0.5)
494        else:
495            global include_wps_req, include_p2p_req
496            res = getch()
497            if res == 'i':
498                include_wps_req = True
499                include_p2p_req = True
500            elif res == 'p':
501                include_wps_req = False
502                include_p2p_req = True
503            elif res == 'w':
504                include_wps_req = True
505                include_p2p_req = False
506            else:
507                continue
508            clear_raw_mode()
509            print "Starting handover client"
510            p2p_handover_client(llc)
511            return
513    clear_raw_mode()
514    print "Exiting llcp_worker thread"
516def llcp_startup(clf, llc):
517    print "Start LLCP server"
518    global srv
519    srv = HandoverServer(llc)
520    return llc
522def llcp_connected(llc):
523    print "P2P LLCP connected"
524    global wait_connection
525    wait_connection = False
526    global init_on_touch
527    if not init_on_touch:
528        global srv
529        srv.start()
530    if init_on_touch or not no_input:
531        threading.Thread(target=llcp_worker, args=(llc,)).start()
532    return True
534def terminate_loop():
535    global terminate_now
536    return terminate_now
538def main():
539    clf = nfc.ContactlessFrontend()
541    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='nfcpy to wpa_supplicant integration for P2P and WPS NFC operations')
542    parser.add_argument('-d', const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO,
543                        action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
544                        help='verbose debug output')
545    parser.add_argument('-q', const=logging.WARNING, action='store_const',
546                        dest='loglevel', help='be quiet')
547    parser.add_argument('--only-one', '-1', action='store_true',
548                        help='run only one operation and exit')
549    parser.add_argument('--init-on-touch', '-I', action='store_true',
550                        help='initiate handover on touch')
551    parser.add_argument('--no-wait', action='store_true',
552                        help='do not wait for tag to be removed before exiting')
553    parser.add_argument('--ifname', '-i',
554                        help='network interface name')
555    parser.add_argument('--no-wps-req', '-N', action='store_true',
556                        help='do not include WPS carrier record in request')
557    parser.add_argument('--no-input', '-a', action='store_true',
558                        help='do not use stdout input to initiate handover')
559    parser.add_argument('--tag-read-only', '-t', action='store_true',
560                        help='tag read only (do not allow connection handover)')
561    parser.add_argument('--handover-only', action='store_true',
562                        help='connection handover only (do not allow tag read)')
563    parser.add_argument('--freq', '-f',
564                        help='forced frequency of operating channel in MHz')
565    parser.add_argument('--summary',
566                        help='summary file for writing status updates')
567    parser.add_argument('--success',
568                        help='success file for writing success update')
569    parser.add_argument('command', choices=['write-p2p-sel'],
570                        nargs='?')
571    args = parser.parse_args()
573    global only_one
574    only_one = args.only_one
576    global no_wait
577    no_wait = args.no_wait
579    global force_freq
580    force_freq = args.freq
582    logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel)
584    global init_on_touch
585    init_on_touch = args.init_on_touch
587    if args.ifname:
588        global ifname
589        ifname = args.ifname
590        print "Selected ifname " + ifname
592    if args.no_wps_req:
593        global include_wps_req
594        include_wps_req = False
596    if args.summary:
597        global summary_file
598        summary_file = args.summary
600    if args.success:
601        global success_file
602        success_file = args.success
604    if args.no_input:
605        global no_input
606        no_input = True
608    clf = nfc.ContactlessFrontend()
609    global wait_connection
611    try:
612        if not clf.open("usb"):
613            print "Could not open connection with an NFC device"
614            raise SystemExit
616        if args.command == "write-p2p-sel":
617            wps_write_p2p_handover_sel(clf, wait_remove=not args.no_wait)
618            raise SystemExit
620        global continue_loop
621        while continue_loop:
622            print "Waiting for a tag or peer to be touched"
623            wait_connection = True
624            try:
625                if args.tag_read_only:
626                    if not clf.connect(rdwr={'on-connect': rdwr_connected}):
627                        break
628                elif args.handover_only:
629                    if not clf.connect(llcp={'on-startup': llcp_startup,
630                                             'on-connect': llcp_connected},
631                                       terminate=terminate_loop):
632                        break
633                else:
634                    if not clf.connect(rdwr={'on-connect': rdwr_connected},
635                                       llcp={'on-startup': llcp_startup,
636                                             'on-connect': llcp_connected},
637                                       terminate=terminate_loop):
638                        break
639            except Exception, e:
640                print "clf.connect failed"
642            global srv
643            if only_one and srv and srv.success:
644                raise SystemExit
646    except KeyboardInterrupt:
647        raise SystemExit
648    finally:
649        clf.close()
651    raise SystemExit
653if __name__ == '__main__':
654    main()