README revision 44743
144743Smarkm@(#) README 1.30 97/03/21 19:27:21
344743SmarkmThis is the 7.6 version of the TCP/IP daemon wrapper package.
544743SmarkmThank you for using this program. If you like it, send me a postcard.
644743SmarkmMy postal address is at the bottom of this file.
844743SmarkmRead the BLURB file for a brief summary of what is new. The CHANGES
944743Smarkmfile gives a complete account of differences with respect to previous
1244743SmarkmAnnouncements of new releases of this software are posted to Usenet
1344743Smarkm(, comp.unix.admin), to the cert-tools mailing list,
1444743Smarkmand to a dedicated mailing list.  You can subscribe to the dedicated
1544743Smarkmmailing list by sending an email message to
1644743Smarkmwith in the body (not subject):  subscribe tcp-wrappers-announce.
1844743SmarkmTable of contents
2144743Smarkm    1 - Introduction
2244743Smarkm    2 - Disclaimer
2344743Smarkm    3 - Tutorials
2444743Smarkm                3.1 - How it works
2544743Smarkm                3.2 - Where the logging information goes
2644743Smarkm    4 - Features
2744743Smarkm                4.1 - Access control
2844743Smarkm                4.2 - Host name spoofing
2944743Smarkm                4.3 - Host address spoofing
3044743Smarkm                4.4 - Client username lookups
3144743Smarkm                4.5 - Language extensions
3244743Smarkm		4.6 - Multiple ftp/gopher/www archives on one host
3344743Smarkm		4.7 - Banner messages
3444743Smarkm		4.8 - Sequence number guessing
3544743Smarkm    5 - Other works
3644743Smarkm                5.1 - Related documents
3744743Smarkm                5.2 - Related software
3844743Smarkm    6 - Limitations
3944743Smarkm                6.1 - Known wrapper limitations
4044743Smarkm                6.2 - Known system software bugs
4144743Smarkm    7 - Configuration and installation
4244743Smarkm                7.1 - Easy configuration and installation
4344743Smarkm                7.2 - Advanced configuration and installation
4444743Smarkm                7.3 - Daemons with arbitrary path names
4544743Smarkm                7.4 - Building and testing the access control rules
4644743Smarkm                7.5 - Other applications
4744743Smarkm    8 - Acknowledgements
4944743Smarkm1 - Introduction
5244743SmarkmWith this package you can monitor and filter incoming requests for the
5444743Smarkmnetwork services.
5644743SmarkmIt supports both 4.3BSD-style sockets and System V.4-style TLI. Praise
5744743Smarkmyourself lucky if you don't know what that means.
5944743SmarkmThe package provides tiny daemon wrapper programs that can be installed
6044743Smarkmwithout any changes to existing software or to existing configuration
6144743Smarkmfiles.  The wrappers report the name of the client host and of the
6244743Smarkmrequested service; the wrappers do not exchange information with the
6344743Smarkmclient or server applications, and impose no overhead on the actual
6444743Smarkmconversation between the client and server applications.
6644743SmarkmOptional features are: access control to restrict what systems can
6744743Smarkmconnect to what network daemons; client user name lookups with the RFC
6844743Smarkm931 etc. protocol; additional protection against hosts that pretend to
6944743Smarkmhave someone elses host name; additional protection against hosts that
7044743Smarkmpretend to have someone elses host address.
7244743SmarkmThe programs are very portable. Build procedures are provided for many
7344743Smarkmcommon (and not so common) environments, and guidelines are provided in
7444743Smarkmcase your environment is not among them.
7644743SmarkmRequirements are that network daemons are spawned by a super server
7744743Smarkmsuch as the inetd; a 4.3BSD-style socket programming interface and/or
7844743SmarkmSystem V.4-style TLI programming interface; and the availability of a
7944743Smarkmsyslog(3) library and of a syslogd(8) daemon.  The wrappers should run
8044743Smarkmwithout modification on any system that satisfies these requirements.
8144743SmarkmWorkarounds have been implemented for several common bugs in systems
8444743SmarkmWhat to do if this is your first encounter with the wrapper programs:
8544743Smarkm1) read the tutorial sections for an introduction to the relevant
8644743Smarkmconcepts and terminology; 2) glance over the security feature sections
8744743Smarkmin this document; 3) follow the installation instructions (easy or
8844743Smarkmadvanced). I recommend that you first use the default security feature
8944743Smarkmsettings.  Run the wrappers for a few days to become familiar with
9044743Smarkmtheir logs, before doing anything drastic such as cutting off access or
9144743Smarkminstalling booby traps.
9344743Smarkm2 - Disclaimer
9644743SmarkmThe wrapper programs rely on source address information obtained from
9744743Smarkmnetwork packets. This information is provided by the client host. It is
9844743Smarkmnot 100 percent reliable, although the wrappers do their best to expose
10144743SmarkmIn the absence of cryptographic protection of message contents, and of
10244743Smarkmcryptographic authentication of message originators, all data from the
10344743Smarkmnetwork should be treated with sound scepticism.
10744743Smarkm3 - Tutorials
11044743SmarkmThe tutorial sections give a gentle introduction to the operation of
11144743Smarkmthe wrapper programs, and introduce some of the terminology that is
11244743Smarkmused in the remainder of the document: client, server, the inetd and
11344743Smarkmsyslogd daemons, and their configuration files.
11544743Smarkm3.1 - How it works
11844743SmarkmAlmost every application of the TCP/IP protocols is based on a client-
11944743Smarkmserver model. For example, when a user invokes the telnet command to
12044743Smarkmconnect to one of your systems, a telnet server process is executed on
12144743Smarkmthe target host. The telnet server process connects the user to a login
12244743Smarkmprocess. A few examples of client and server programs are shown in the
12344743Smarkmtable below:
12544743Smarkm              client   server    application
12644743Smarkm              --------------------------------
12744743Smarkm              telnet   telnetd   remote login
12844743Smarkm              ftp      ftpd      file transfer
12944743Smarkm              finger   fingerd   show users
13144743SmarkmThe usual approach is to run one single daemon process that waits for
13244743Smarkmall kinds of incoming network connections. Whenever a connection is
13344743Smarkmestablished, this daemon (usually called inetd) runs the appropriate
13444743Smarkmserver program and goes back to sleep, waiting for other connections.
13644743SmarkmThe wrapper programs rely on a simple, but powerful mechanism.  Instead
13744743Smarkmof directly running the desired server program, the inetd is tricked
13844743Smarkminto running a small wrapper program. The wrapper logs the client host
13944743Smarkmname or address and performs some additional checks.  When all is well,
14044743Smarkmthe wrapper executes the desired server program and goes away.
14244743SmarkmThe wrapper programs have no interaction with the client user (or with
14344743Smarkmthe client process).  Nor do the wrappers interact with the server
14444743Smarkmapplication. This has two major advantages: 1) the wrappers are
14544743Smarkmapplication-independent, so that the same program can protect many
14644743Smarkmkinds of network services; 2) no interaction also means that the
14744743Smarkmwrappers are invisible from outside (at least for authorized users).
14944743SmarkmAnother important property is that the wrapper programs are active only
15044743Smarkmwhen the initial contact between client and server is established. Once
15144743Smarkma wrapper has done its work there is no overhead on the client-server
15444743SmarkmThe simple mechanism has one major drawback: the wrappers go away after
15544743Smarkmthe initial contact between client and server processes, so the
15644743Smarkmwrappers are of little use with network daemons that service more than
15744743Smarkmone client.  The wrappers would only see the first client attempt to
15844743Smarkmcontact such a server. The NFS mount daemon is a typical example of a
15944743Smarkmdaemon that services requests from multiple clients. See the section on
16044743Smarkmrelated software for ways to deal with such server programs.
16244743SmarkmThere are two ways to use the wrapper programs:
16444743Smarkm1) The easy way: move network daemons to some other directory and fill
16544743Smarkm   the resulting holes with copies of the wrapper programs.  This
16644743Smarkm   approach involves no changes to system configuration files, so there
16744743Smarkm   is very little risk of breaking things.
16944743Smarkm2) The advanced way: leave the network daemons alone and modify the
17044743Smarkm   inetd configuration file.  For example, an entry such as:
17244743Smarkm     tftp  dgram  udp  wait  root  /usr/etc/tcpd  in.tftpd -s /tftpboot
17444743Smarkm   When a tftp request arrives, inetd will run the wrapper program
17544743Smarkm   (tcpd) with a process name `in.tftpd'.  This is the name that the
17644743Smarkm   wrapper will use when logging the request and when scanning the
17744743Smarkm   optional access control tables.  `in.tftpd' is also the name of the
17844743Smarkm   server program that the wrapper will attempt to run when all is
17944743Smarkm   well.  Any arguments (`-s /tftpboot' in this particular example) are
18044743Smarkm   transparently passed on to the server program.
18244743SmarkmFor an account of the history of the wrapper programs, with real-life
18344743Smarkmexamples, see the section below on related documents.
18544743Smarkm3.2 - Where the logging information goes
18844743SmarkmThe wrapper programs send their logging information to the syslog
18944743Smarkmdaemon (syslogd). The disposition of the wrapper logs is determined by
19044743Smarkmthe syslog configuration file (usually /etc/syslog.conf). Messages are
19144743Smarkmwritten to files, to the console, or are forwarded to a @loghost. Some
19244743Smarkmsyslogd versions can even forward messages down a |pipeline.
19444743SmarkmOlder syslog implementations (still found on Ultrix systems) only
19544743Smarkmsupport priority levels ranging from 9 (debug-level messages) to 0
19644743Smarkm(alerts). All logging information of the specified priority level or
19744743Smarkmmore urgent is written to the same destination.  In the syslog.conf
19844743Smarkmfile, priority levels are specified in numerical form.  For example,
20044743Smarkm    8/usr/spool/mqueue/syslog
20244743Smarkmcauses all messages with priority 8 (informational messages), and
20344743Smarkmanything that is more urgent, to be appended to the file
20644743SmarkmNewer syslog implementations support message classes in addition to
20744743Smarkmpriority levels.  Examples of message classes are: mail, daemon, auth
20844743Smarkmand news. In the syslog.conf file, priority levels are specified with
20944743Smarkmsymbolic names: debug, info, notice, ..., emerg. For example,
21144743Smarkm    mail.debug                  /var/log/syslog
21344743Smarkmcauses all messages of class mail with priority debug (or more urgent)
21444743Smarkmto be appended to the /var/log/syslog file.
21644743SmarkmBy default, the wrapper logs go to the same place as the transaction
21744743Smarkmlogs of the sendmail daemon. The disposition can be changed by editing
21844743Smarkmthe Makefile and/or the syslog.conf file. Send a `kill -HUP' to the
21944743Smarkmsyslogd after changing its configuration file. Remember that syslogd,
22044743Smarkmjust like sendmail, insists on one or more TABs between the left-hand
22144743Smarkmside and the right-hand side expressions in its configuration file.
22344743SmarkmSolaris 2.x note: the syslog daemon depends on the m4 macro processor.
22444743SmarkmThe m4 program is installed as part of the software developer packages.
22644743SmarkmTrouble shooting note: when the syslogging does not work as expected,
22744743Smarkmrun the program by hand (`syslogd -d') and see what really happens.
22944743Smarkm4 - Features
23244743Smarkm4.1 - Access control
23544743SmarkmWhen compiled with -DHOSTS_ACCESS, the wrapper programs support a
23644743Smarkmsimple form of access control.  Access can be controlled per host, per
23744743Smarkmservice, or combinations thereof. The software provides hooks for the
23844743Smarkmexecution of shell commands when an access control rule fires; this
23944743Smarkmfeature may be used to install "booby traps".  For details, see the
24044743Smarkmhosts_access.5 manual page, which is in `nroff -man' format. A later
24144743Smarkmsection describes how you can test your access control rules.
24344743SmarkmAccess control can also be used to connect clients to the "right"
24444743Smarkmservice. What is right may depend on the requested service, the origin
24544743Smarkmof the request, and what host address the client connects to. Examples:
24744743Smarkm(1) A gopher or www database speaks native language when contacted from
24844743Smarkm    within the country, otherwise it speaks English.
25044743Smarkm(2) A service provider offers different ftp, gopher or www services
25144743Smarkm    with different internet hostnames from one host (section 4.6).
25344743SmarkmAccess control is enabled by default. It can be turned off by editing
25444743Smarkmthe Makefile, or by providing no access control tables. The install
25544743Smarkminstructions below describe the Makefile editing process.
25744743SmarkmThe hosts_options.5 manual page (`nroff -man' format) documents an
25844743Smarkmextended version of the access control language. The extensions are
25944743Smarkmdisabled by default. See the section below on language extensions.
26144743SmarkmLater System V implementations provide the Transport Level Interface
26244743Smarkm(TLI), a network programming interface that performs functions similar
26344743Smarkmto the Berkeley socket programming interface.  Like Berkeley sockets,
26444743SmarkmTLI was designed to cover multiple protocols, not just Internet.
26644743SmarkmWhen the wrapper discovers that the TLI interface sits on top of a
26744743SmarkmTCP/IP or UDP/IP conversation it uses this knowledge to provide the
26844743Smarkmsame functions as with traditional socket-based applications.  When
26944743Smarkmsome other protocol is used underneath TLI, the host address will be
27044743Smarkmsome universal magic cookie that may not even be usable for access
27144743Smarkmcontrol purposes.
27344743Smarkm4.2 - Host name spoofing
27644743SmarkmWith some network applications, such as RSH or RLOGIN, the client host
27744743Smarkmname plays an important role in the authentication process. Host name
27844743Smarkminformation can be reliable when lookups are done from a _local_ hosts
27944743Smarkmtable, provided that the client IP address can be trusted.
28144743SmarkmWith _distributed_ name services, authentication schemes that rely on
28244743Smarkmhost names become more problematic. The security of your system now may
28344743Smarkmdepend on some far-away DNS (domain name server) outside your own
28644743SmarkmThe wrapper programs verify the client host name that is returned by
28744743Smarkmthe address->name DNS server, by asking for a second opinion.  To this
28844743Smarkmend, the programs look at the name and addresses that are returned by
28944743Smarkmthe name->address DNS server, which may be an entirely different host. 
29144743SmarkmIf any name or address discrepancies are found, or if the second DNS
29244743Smarkmopinion is not available, the wrappers assume that one of the two name
29344743Smarkmservers is lying, and assume that the client host pretends to have
29444743Smarkmsomeone elses host name.
29644743SmarkmWhen compiled with -DPARANOID, the wrappers will always attempt to look
29744743Smarkmup and double check the client host name, and will always refuse
29844743Smarkmservice in case of a host name/address discrepancy.  This is a
29944743Smarkmreasonable policy for most systems.
30144743SmarkmWhen compiled without -DPARANOID, the wrappers by default still perform
30244743Smarkmhostname lookup. You can match hosts with a name/address discrepancy
30344743Smarkmwith the PARANOID wildcard and decide whether or not to grant service.
30544743SmarkmAutomatic hostname verification is enabled by default. Automatic
30644743Smarkmhostname lookups and verification can be turned off by editing the
30744743SmarkmMakefile. The configuration and installation section below describes
30844743Smarkmthe Makefile editing process.
31044743Smarkm4.3 - Host address spoofing
31344743SmarkmWhile host name spoofing can be found out by asking a second opinion,
31444743Smarkmit is much harder to find out that a host claims to have someone elses
31544743Smarkmnetwork address. And since host names are deduced from network
31644743Smarkmaddresses, address spoofing is at least as effective as name spoofing.
31844743SmarkmThe wrapper programs can give additional protection against hosts that
31944743Smarkmclaim to have an address that lies outside their own network.  For
32044743Smarkmexample, some far-away host that claims to be a trusted host within
32144743Smarkmyour own network. Such things are possible even while the impersonated
32244743Smarkmsystem is up and running.
32444743SmarkmThis additional protection is not an invention of my own; it has been
32544743Smarkmpresent for at least five years in the BSD rsh and rlogin daemons.
32644743SmarkmUnfortunately, that feature was added *after* 4.3 BSD came out, so that
32744743Smarkmvery few, if any, UNIX vendors have adopted it.  Our site, and many
32844743Smarkmother ones, has been running these enhanced daemons for several years,
32944743Smarkmand without any ill effects.
33144743SmarkmWhen the wrapper programs are compiled with -DKILL_IP_OPTIONS, the
33244743Smarkmprograms refuse to service TCP connections with IP source routing
33344743Smarkmoptions. -DKILL_IP_OPTIONS is not needed on modern UNIX systems
33444743Smarkmthat can stop source-routed traffic in the kernel. Examples are
33544743Smarkm4.4BSD derivatives, Solaris 2.x, and Linux. See your system manuals
33644743Smarkmfor details.
33844743SmarkmIf you are going to use this feature on SunOS 4.1.x you should apply
33944743Smarkmpatch 100804-03+ or 101790-something depending on your SunOS version.
34044743SmarkmOtherwise you may experience "BAD TRAP" and "Data fault" panics when
34144743Smarkmthe getsockopt() system call is executed after a TCP RESET has been
34244743Smarkmreceived. This is a kernel bug, it is not the fault of the wrappers.
34444743SmarkmThe feature is disabled by default. It can be turned on by editing the
34544743SmarkmMakefile.  The configuration and installation section below describes
34644743Smarkmthe Makefile editing process.
34844743SmarkmUDP services do not benefit from this additional protection. With UDP,
34944743Smarkmall you can be certain of is the network packet's destination address.
35144743Smarkm4.4 - Client username lookups
35444743SmarkmThe protocol proposed in RFC 931 provides a means to obtain the client
35544743Smarkmuser name from the client host.  The requirement is that the client
35644743Smarkmhost runs an RFC 931-compliant daemon. The information provided by such
35744743Smarkma daemon is not intended to be used for authentication purposes, but it
35844743Smarkmcan provide additional information about the owner of a TCP connection.
36044743SmarkmThe RFC 931 protocol has diverged into different directions (IDENT,
36144743SmarkmTAP, RFC 1413). To add to the confusion, they all use the same network
36244743Smarkmport.  The daemon wrappers implement a common subset of the protocols.
36444743SmarkmThere are some limitations: the number of hosts that run an RFC 931 (or
36544743Smarkmcompatible) daemon is limited (but growing); client user name lookups
36644743Smarkmdo not work for datagram (UDP) services. More seriously, client user
36744743Smarkmname lookups can cause noticeable delays with connections from non-UNIX
36844743SmarkmPCs. Recent PC software seem to have fixed this (for example NCSA
36944743Smarkmtelnet). The wrappers use a 10-second timeout for RFC931 lookups, to
37044743Smarkmaccommodate slow networks and slow hosts.
37244743SmarkmBy default, the wrappers will do username lookup only when the access
37344743Smarkmcontrol rules require them to do so (via user@host client patterns, see
37444743Smarkmthe hosts_access.5 manual page) or when the username is needed for
37544743Smarkm%<letter> expansions.
37744743SmarkmYou can configure the wrappers to always perform client username
37844743Smarkmlookups, by editing the Makefile.  The client username lookup timeout
37944743Smarkmperiod (10 seconds default) can be changed by editing the Makefile. The
38044743Smarkminstallation sections below describe the Makefile editing process.
38244743SmarkmOn System V with TLI-based network services, client username lookups
38344743Smarkmwill be possible only when the underlying network protocol is TCP/IP.
38544743Smarkm4.5 - Language extensions
38844743SmarkmThe wrappers sport only a limited number of features. This is for a
38944743Smarkmgood reason: programs that run at high privilege levels must be easy to
39044743Smarkmverify. And the smaller a program, the easier to verify. There is,
39144743Smarkmhowever, a provision to add features.
39344743SmarkmThe options.c module provides a framework for language extensions.
39444743SmarkmQuite a few extensions have already been implemented; they are
39544743Smarkmdocumented in the hosts_options.5 document, which is in `nroff -man'
39644743Smarkmformat. Examples: changing the severity level at which a request for
39744743Smarkmservice is logged; "allow" and "deny" keywords; running a customized
39844743Smarkmserver instead of the standard one; many others.
40044743SmarkmThe language extensions are not enabled by default because they
40144743Smarkmintroduce an incompatible change to the access control language
40244743Smarkmsyntax.  Instructions to enable the extensions are given in the
40544743Smarkm4.6 - Multiple ftp/gopher/www archives on one host
40844743SmarkmImagine one host with multiple internet addresses. These addresses do
40944743Smarkmnot need to have the same internet hostname. Thus, it is possible to
41044743Smarkmoffer services with different internet hostnames from just one host.
41244743SmarkmService providers can use this to offer organizations a presence on the
41344743Smarkm"net" with their own internet hostname, even when those organizations
41444743Smarkmaren't connected to the Internet at all.  To the end user it makes no
41544743Smarkmdifference, because applications use internet hostnames.
41744743SmarkmThere are several ways to assign multiple addresses to one machine.
41844743SmarkmThe nice way is to take an existing network interface and to assign
41944743Smarkmadditional internet addresses with the `ifconfig' command. Examples:
42144743Smarkm    Solaris 2:	ifconfig le0:1 <address> netmask <mask> up
42244743Smarkm    4.4 BSD:	ifconfig en0 alias <address> netmask <mask>
42444743SmarkmOn other systems one has to increase the number of network interfaces:
42544743Smarkmeither with hardware interfaces, or with pseudo interfaces like SLIP or
42644743SmarkmPPP.  The interfaces do not need to be attached to anything. They just
42744743Smarkmneed to be up and to be assigned a suitable internet address and mask.
42944743SmarkmWith the wrapper software, `daemon@host' access control patterns can be
43044743Smarkmused to distinguish requests by the network address that they are aimed
43144743Smarkmat.  Judicious use of the `twist' option (see the hosts_options.5 file,
43244743Smarkm`nroff -man' format) can guide the requests to the right server.  These
43344743Smarkmcan be servers that live in separate chroot areas, or servers modified
43444743Smarkmto take additional context from the command line, or a combination.
43644743SmarkmAnother way is to modify gopher or www listeners so that they bind to
43744743Smarkmonly one specific network address. Multiple gopher or www servers can
43844743Smarkmthen be run side by side, each taking requests sent to its respective
43944743Smarkmnetwork address.
44144743Smarkm4.7 - Banner messages
44444743SmarkmSome sites are required to present an informational message to users
44544743Smarkmbefore they attempt to login.  Banner messages can also be useful when
44644743Smarkmdenying service:  instead of simply dropping the connection a polite
44744743Smarkmexplanation is given first. Finally, banners can be used to give your
44844743Smarkmsystem a more personal touch.
45044743SmarkmThe wrapper software provides easy-to-use tools to generate pre-login
45144743Smarkmbanners for ftp, telnet, rlogin etc. from a single prototype banner
45244743Smarkmtextfile.  Details on banners and on-the-fly %<letter> expansions are
45344743Smarkmgiven in the hosts_options.5 manual page (`nroff -man' format). An
45444743Smarkmexample is given in the file Banners.Makefile.
45644743SmarkmIn order to support banner messages the wrappers have to be built with
45744743Smarkmlanguage extensions enabled. See the section on language extensions.
45944743Smarkm4.8 - Sequence number guessing
46244743SmarkmRecently, systems came under attack from intruders that exploited a
46344743Smarkmwell-known weakness in TCP/IP sequence number generators.  This
46444743Smarkmweakness allows intruders to impersonate trusted hosts. Break-ins have
46544743Smarkmbeen reported via the rsh service. In fact, any network service can be
46644743Smarkmexploited that trusts the client host name or address.
46844743SmarkmA long-term solution is to stop using network services that trust the
46944743Smarkmclient host name or address, and to use data encryption instead.
47144743SmarkmA short-term solution, as outlined in in CERT advisory CA-95:01, is to
47244743Smarkmconfigure network routers so that they discard datagrams from "outside"
47344743Smarkmwith an "inside" source address. This approach is most fruitful when
47444743Smarkmyou do not trust any hosts outside your local network.
47644743SmarkmThe IDENT (RFC931 etc.) client username lookup protocol can help to
47744743Smarkmdetect host impersonation attacks.  Before accepting a client request,
47844743Smarkmthe wrappers can query the client's IDENT server and find out that the
47944743Smarkmclient never sent that request.
48144743SmarkmWhen the client host provides IDENT service, a negative IDENT lookup
48244743Smarkmresult (the client matches `UNKNOWN@host') is strong evidence of a host
48344743Smarkmimpersonation attack.
48544743SmarkmA positive IDENT lookup result (the client matches `KNOWN@host') is
48644743Smarkmless trustworthy.  It is possible for an attacker to spoof both the
48744743Smarkmclient request and the IDENT lookup connection, although doing so
48844743Smarkmshould be much harder than spoofing just a client request. Another
48944743Smarkmpossibility is that the client's IDENT server is lying.
49144743SmarkmClient username lookups are described in more detail in a previous
49244743Smarkmsection. Pointers to IDENT daemon software are described in the section
49344743Smarkmon related software.
49544743Smarkm5 - Other works
49844743Smarkm5.1 - Related documents
50144743SmarkmThe war story behind the tcp wrapper tools is described in:
50344743Smarkm    W.Z. Venema, "TCP WRAPPER, network monitoring, access control and
50444743Smarkm    booby traps", UNIX Security Symposium III Proceedings (Baltimore),
50544743Smarkm    September 1992. 
50744743Smarkm (postscript)
50844743Smarkm (flat text)
51044743SmarkmThe same cracker is also described in:
51244743Smarkm    W.R. Cheswick, "An Evening with Berferd, In Which a Cracker is
51344743Smarkm    Lured, Endured, and Studied", Proceedings of the Winter USENIX
51444743Smarkm    Conference (San Francisco), January 1992.
51844743SmarkmAn updated version of the latter paper appeared in:
52044743Smarkm    W.R. Cheswick, S.M. Bellovin, "Firewalls and Internet Security",
52144743Smarkm    Addison-Wesley, 1994.
52344743SmarkmDiscussions on internet firewalls are archived on
52444743SmarkmSubscribe to the mailing list by sending a message to 
52844743SmarkmWith in the body (not subject): subscribe firewalls.
53044743Smarkm5.2 - Related software
53344743SmarkmNetwork daemons etc. with enhanced logging capabilities can generate
53444743Smarkmmassive amounts of information: our 150+ workstations generate several
53544743Smarkmhundred kbytes each day. egrep-based filters can help to suppress some
53644743Smarkmof the noise.  A more powerful tool is the Swatch monitoring system by
53744743SmarkmStephen E. Hansen and E. Todd Atkins. Swatch can process log files in
53844743Smarkmreal time and can associate arbitrary actions with patterns; its
53944743Smarkmapplications are by no means restricted to security.  Swatch is
54044743Smarkmavailable, directory /general/security-tools/swatch.
54244743SmarkmSocks, described in the UNIX Security III proceedings, can be used to
54344743Smarkmcontrol network traffic from hosts on an internal network, through a
54444743Smarkmfirewall host, to the outer world. Socks consists of a daemon that is
54544743Smarkmrun on the firewall host, and of a library with routines that redirect
54644743Smarkmapplication socket calls through the firewall daemon.  Socks is
54744743Smarkmavailable from in /pub/firewalls/socks.tar.Z.
54944743SmarkmFor a modified Socks version by Ying-Da Lee ( try, directory /pub/security/socks.cstc.
55244743SmarkmTcpr is a set of perl scripts by Paul Ziemba that enable you to run ftp
55344743Smarkmand telnet commands across a firewall. Unlike socks it can be used with
55444743Smarkmunmodified client software. Available from, /pub/tcpr.
55644743SmarkmThe TIS firewall toolkit provides a multitude of tools to build your
55744743Smarkmown internet firewall system., directory /pub/firewalls.
55944743SmarkmVersions of rshd and rlogind, modified to report the client user name
56044743Smarkmin addition to the client host name, are available for anonymous ftp
56144743Smarkm(  These programs are
56244743Smarkmdrop-in replacements for SunOS 4.x, Ultrix 4.x, SunOS 5.x and HP-UX
56344743Smarkm9.x. This archive also contains ftpd/rexecd/login versions that support
56444743SmarkmS/Key or SecureNet one-time passwords in addition to traditional UNIX
56544743Smarkmreusable passwords.
56744743SmarkmThe securelib shared library by William LeFebvre can be used to control
56844743Smarkmaccess to network daemons that are not run under control of the inetd
56944743Smarkmor that serve more than one client, such as the NFS mount daemon that
57044743Smarkmruns until the machine goes down.  Available from, file
57344743Smarkmxinetd (posted to comp.sources.unix) is an inetd replacement that
57444743Smarkmprovides, among others, logging, username lookup and access control.
57544743SmarkmHowever, it does not support the System V TLI services, and involves
57644743Smarkmmuch more source code than the daemon wrapper programs. Available
57744743Smarkmfrom, directory /usenet/comp.sources.unix.
57944743Smarkmnetlog from Texas A&M relies on the SunOS 4.x /dev/nit interface to
58044743Smarkmpassively watch all TCP and UDP network traffic on a network.  The
58144743Smarkmcurrent version is on in /pub/security/TAMU.
58344743SmarkmWhere shared libraries or router-based packet filtering are not an
58444743Smarkmoption, an alternative portmap daemon can help to prevent hackers
58544743Smarkmfrom mounting your NFS file systems using the proxy RPC facility. was tested with SunOS
58744743Smarkm4.1.X Ultrix 3.0 and Ultrix 4.x, HP-UX 8.x and some version of AIX. The
58844743Smarkmprotection is less effective than that of the securelib library because
58944743Smarkmportmap is mostly a dictionary service.
59144743SmarkmAn rpcbind replacement (the Solaris 2.x moral equivalent of portmap)
59244743Smarkmcan be found on in /pub/security. It prevents hackers
59344743Smarkmfrom mounting your NFS file systems by using the proxy RPC facility.
59544743SmarkmSource for a portable RFC 931 (TAP, IDENT, RFC 1413) daemon by Peter
59644743SmarkmEriksson is available from
59844743SmarkmSome TCP/IP implementations come without syslog library. Some come with
59944743Smarkmthe library but have no syslog daemon. A replacement can be found in  The fakesyslog
60144743Smarkmlibrary that comes with the nntp sources reportedly works well, too.
60344743Smarkm6 - Limitations
60644743Smarkm6.1 - Known wrapper limitations
60944743SmarkmMany UDP (and rpc/udp) daemons linger around for a while after they
61044743Smarkmhave serviced a request, just in case another request comes in.  In the
61144743Smarkminetd configuration file these daemons are registered with the `wait'
61244743Smarkmoption. Only the request that started such a daemon will be seen by the
61344743Smarkmwrappers.  Such daemons are better protected with the securelib shared
61444743Smarkmlibrary (see: Related software).
61644743SmarkmThe wrappers do not work with RPC services over TCP. These services are
61744743Smarkmregistered as rpc/tcp in the inetd configuration file. The only non-
61844743Smarkmtrivial service that is affected by this limitation is rexd, which is
61944743Smarkmused by the on(1) command. This is no great loss.  On most systems,
62044743Smarkmrexd is less secure than a wildcard in /etc/hosts.equiv.
62244743SmarkmSome RPC requests (for example: rwall, rup, rusers) appear to come from
62344743Smarkmthe server host. What happens is that the client broadcasts its request
62444743Smarkmto all portmap daemons on its network; each portmap daemon forwards the
62544743Smarkmrequest to a daemon on its own system. As far as the rwall etc.  daemons
62644743Smarkmknow, the request comes from the local host.
62844743SmarkmPortmap and RPC (e.g. NIS and NFS) (in)security is a topic in itself.
62944743SmarkmSee the section in this document on related software.
63144743Smarkm6.2 - Known system software bugs
63444743SmarkmWorkarounds have been implemented for several bugs in system software.
63544743SmarkmThey are described in the Makefile. Unfortunately, some system software
63644743Smarkmbugs cannot be worked around. The result is loss of functionality.
63844743SmarkmIRIX has so many bugs that it has its own README.IRIX file.
64044743SmarkmOlder ConvexOS versions come with a broken recvfrom(2) implementation.
64144743SmarkmThis makes it impossible for the daemon wrappers to look up the
64244743Smarkmclient host address (and hence, the name) in case of UDP requests.
64344743SmarkmA patch is available for ConvexOS 10.1; later releases should be OK.
64544743SmarkmWith early Solaris (SunOS 5) versions, the syslog daemon will leave
64644743Smarkmbehind zombie processes when writing to logged-in users.  Workaround:
64744743Smarkmincrease the syslogd threshold for logging to users, or reduce the
64844743Smarkmwrapper's logging severity.
65044743SmarkmOn some systems, the optional RFC 931 etc. client username lookups may
65144743Smarkmtrigger a kernel bug.  When a client host connects to your system, and
65244743Smarkmthe RFC 931 connection from your system to that client is rejected by a
65344743Smarkmrouter, your kernel may drop all connections with that client.  This is
65444743Smarkmnot a bug in the wrapper programs: complain to your vendor, and don't
65544743Smarkmenable client user name lookups until the bug has been fixed.
65744743SmarkmReportedly, SunOS 4.1.1, Next 2.0a, ISC 3.0 with TCP 1.3, and AIX 3.2.2
65844743Smarkmand later are OK.
66044743SmarkmSony News/OS 4.51, HP-UX 8-something and Ultrix 4.3 still have the bug.
66144743SmarkmReportedly, a fix for Ultrix is available (CXO-8919).
66344743SmarkmThe following procedure can be used (from outside the domain) to
66444743Smarkmfind out if your kernel has the bug. From the system under test, do:
66644743Smarkm        % ftp
66844743SmarkmThis command attempts to make an ftp connection to our anonymous ftp
66944743Smarkmserver (  When the connection has been established, run
67044743Smarkmthe following command from the same system under test, while keeping
67144743Smarkmthe ftp connection open:
67344743Smarkm        % telnet 111
67544743SmarkmDo not forget the `111' at the end of the command. This telnet command
67644743Smarkmattempts to connect to our portmap process.  The telnet command should
67744743Smarkmfail with:  "host not reachable", or with a timeout error. If your ftp
67844743Smarkmconnection gets messed up, you have the bug. If the telnet command does
67944743Smarkmnot fail, please let me know a.s.a.p.!
68144743SmarkmFor those who care, the bug is that the BSD kernel code was not careful
68244743Smarkmenough with incoming ICMP UNREACHABLE control messages (it ignored the
68344743Smarkmlocal and remote port numbers, and therefore zapped *all* connections
68444743Smarkmwith the remote system). The bug is still present in the BSD NET/1
68544743Smarkmsource release (1989) but apparently has been fixed in BSD NET/2 (1991). 
68744743Smarkm7 - Configuration and installation
69044743Smarkm7.1 - Easy configuration and installation
69344743SmarkmThe "easy" recipe requires no changes to existing software or
69444743Smarkmconfiguration files.  Basically, you move the daemons that you want to
69544743Smarkmprotect to a different directory and plug the resulting holes with
69644743Smarkmcopies of the wrapper programs.
69844743SmarkmIf you don't run Ultrix, you won't need the miscd wrapper program.  The
69944743Smarkmmiscd daemon implements among others the SYSTAT service, which produces
70044743Smarkmthe same output as the WHO command.
70244743SmarkmType `make' and follow the instructions.  The Makefile comes with
70344743Smarkmready-to-use templates for many common UNIX implementations (sun,
70444743Smarkmultrix, hp-ux, aix, irix,...). 
70644743SmarkmIRIX has so many bugs that it has its own README.IRIX file.
70844743SmarkmWhen the `make' succeeds the result is five executables (six in case of
71144743SmarkmYou can use the `tcpdchk' program to identify the most common problems
71244743Smarkmin your wrapper and inetd configuration files.  
71444743SmarkmWith the `tcpdmatch' program you can examine how the wrapper would
71544743Smarkmreact to specific requests for service.  
71744743SmarkmThe `safe_finger' command should be used when you implement booby
71844743Smarkmtraps:  it gives better protection against nasty stuff that remote
71944743Smarkmhosts may do in response to your finger probes.
72144743SmarkmThe `try-from' program tests the host and username lookup code.  Run it
72244743Smarkmfrom a remote shell command (`rsh host /some/where/try-from') and it
72344743Smarkmshould be able to figure out from what system it is being called.
72544743SmarkmThe tcpd program can be used to monitor the telnet, finger, ftp, exec,
72644743Smarkmrsh, rlogin, tftp, talk, comsat and other tcp or udp services that have
72744743Smarkma one-to-one mapping onto executable files.
72944743SmarkmThe tcpd program can also be used for services that are marked as
73044743Smarkmrpc/udp in the inetd configuration file, but not for rpc/tcp services
73144743Smarkmsuch as rexd.  You probably do not want to run rexd anyway. On most
73244743Smarkmsystems it is even less secure than a wildcard in /etc/hosts.equiv.
73444743SmarkmWith System V.4-style systems, the tcpd program can also handle TLI
73544743Smarkmservices. When TCP/IP or UDP/IP is used underneath TLI, tcpd provides
73644743Smarkmthe same functions as with socket-based applications. When some other
73744743Smarkmprotocol is used underneath TLI, functionality will be limited (no
73844743Smarkmclient username lookups, weird network address formats).
74044743SmarkmDecide which services you want to monitor. Move the corresponding
74144743Smarkmvendor-provided daemon programs to the location specified by the
74244743SmarkmREAL_DAEMON_DIR constant in the Makefile, and fill the holes with
74344743Smarkmcopies of the tcpd program. That is, one copy of (or link to) the tcpd
74444743Smarkmprogram for each service that you want to monitor. For example, to
74544743Smarkmmonitor the use of your finger service:
74744743Smarkm    # mkdir REAL_DAEMON_DIR
74844743Smarkm    # mv /usr/etc/in.fingerd REAL_DAEMON_DIR
74944743Smarkm    # cp tcpd /usr/etc/in.fingerd
75144743SmarkmThe example applies to SunOS 4. With other UNIX implementations the
75244743Smarkmnetwork daemons live in /usr/libexec, /usr/sbin or in /etc, or have no
75344743Smarkm"in." prefix to their names, but you get the idea.
75544743SmarkmFile protections: the wrapper, all files used by the wrapper, and all
75644743Smarkmdirectories in the path leading to those files, should be accessible
75744743Smarkmbut not writable for unprivileged users (mode 755 or mode 555). Do not
75844743Smarkminstall the wrapper set-uid.
76044743SmarkmUltrix only:  If you want to monitor the SYSTAT service, move the
76144743Smarkmvendor-provided miscd daemon to the location specified by the
76244743SmarkmREAL_DAEMON_DIR macro in the Makefile, and install the miscd wrapper
76344743Smarkmat the original miscd location.
76544743SmarkmIn the absence of any access-control tables, the daemon wrappers
76644743Smarkmwill just maintain a record of network connections made to your system.
76844743Smarkm7.2 - Advanced configuration and installation
77144743SmarkmThe advanced recipe leaves your daemon executables alone, but involves
77244743Smarkmsimple modifications to the inetd configuration file.
77444743SmarkmType `make' and follow the instructions.  The Makefile comes with
77544743Smarkmready-to-use templates for many common UNIX implementations (sun,
77644743Smarkmultrix, hp-ux, aix, irix, ...). 
77844743SmarkmIRIX users should read the warnings in the README.IRIX file first.
78044743SmarkmWhen the `make' succeeds the result is five executables (six in case of
78344743SmarkmYou can use the `tcpdchk' program to identify the most common problems
78444743Smarkmin your wrapper and inetd configuration files.  
78644743SmarkmWith the `tcpdmatch' program you can examine how the wrapper would
78744743Smarkmreact to specific requests for service.  
78944743SmarkmThe `try-from' program tests the host and username lookup code.  Run it
79044743Smarkmfrom a remote shell command (`rsh host /some/where/try-from') and it
79144743Smarkmshould be able to figure out from what system it is being called.
79344743SmarkmThe `safe_finger' command should be used when you implement a booby
79444743Smarkmtrap:  it gives better protection against nasty stuff that remote hosts
79544743Smarkmmay do in response to your finger probes.
79744743SmarkmThe tcpd program can be used to monitor the telnet, finger, ftp, exec,
79844743Smarkmrsh, rlogin, tftp, talk, comsat and other tcp or udp services that have
79944743Smarkma one-to-one mapping onto executable files.
80144743SmarkmWith System V.4-style systems, the tcpd program can also handle TLI
80244743Smarkmservices. When TCP/IP or UDP/IP is used underneath TLI, tcpd provides
80344743Smarkmthe same functions as with socket-based applications. When some other
80444743Smarkmprotocol is used underneath TLI, functionality will be limited (no
80544743Smarkmclient username lookups, weird network address formats).
80744743SmarkmThe tcpd program can also be used for services that are marked as
80844743Smarkmrpc/udp in the inetd configuration file, but not for rpc/tcp services
80944743Smarkmsuch as rexd.  You probably do not want to run rexd anyway. On most
81044743Smarkmsystems it is even less secure than a wildcard in /etc/hosts.equiv.
81244743SmarkmInstall the tcpd command in a suitable place. Apollo UNIX users will
81344743Smarkmwant to install it under a different name because the name "tcpd" is
81444743Smarkmalready taken; a suitable name would be "frontd".  
81644743SmarkmFile protections: the wrapper, all files used by the wrapper, and all
81744743Smarkmdirectories in the path leading to those files, should be accessible
81844743Smarkmbut not writable for unprivileged users (mode 755 or mode 555). Do not
81944743Smarkminstall the wrapper set-uid.
82144743SmarkmThen perform the following edits on the inetd configuration file
82244743Smarkm(usually /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/inet/inetd.conf):
82444743Smarkm    finger  stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  /usr/etc/in.fingerd     in.fingerd
82544743Smarkm                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
82844743Smarkm    finger  stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  /usr/etc/tcpd           in.fingerd
82944743Smarkm                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
83044743SmarkmSend a `kill -HUP' to the inetd process to make the change effective.
83144743SmarkmSome IRIX inetd implementations require that you first disable the
83244743Smarkmfinger service (comment out the finger service and `kill -HUP' the
83344743Smarkminetd) before you can turn on the modified version. Sending a HUP
83444743Smarkmtwice seems to work just as well for IRIX 5.3, 6.0, 6.0.1 and 6.1.
83644743SmarkmAIX note: you may have to execute the `inetimp' command after changing
83744743Smarkmthe inetd configuration file.
83944743SmarkmThe example applies to SunOS 4. With other UNIX implementations the
84044743Smarkmnetwork daemons live in /usr/libexec, /usr/sbin, or /etc, the network
84144743Smarkmdaemons have no "in." prefix to their names, or the username field in
84244743Smarkmthe inetd configuration file may be missing.
84444743SmarkmWhen the finger service works as expected you can perform similar
84544743Smarkmchanges for other network services. Do not forget the `kill -HUP'.
84744743SmarkmThe miscd daemon that comes with Ultrix implements several network
84844743Smarkmservices. It decides what to do by looking at its process name. One of
84944743Smarkmthe services is systat, which is a kind of limited finger service.  If
85044743Smarkmyou want to monitor the systat service, install the miscd wrapper in a
85144743Smarkmsuitable place and update the inetd configuration file:
85344743Smarkm    systat  stream  tcp     nowait  /suitable/place/miscd      systatd
85544743SmarkmUltrix 4.3 allows you to specify a user id under which the daemon will
85644743Smarkmbe executed. This feature is not documented in the manual pages.  Thus,
85744743Smarkmthe example would become:
85944743Smarkm    systat  stream  tcp     nowait  nobody /suitable/place/miscd    systatd
86144743SmarkmOlder Ultrix systems still run all their network daemons as root.
86344743SmarkmIn the absence of any access-control tables, the daemon wrappers
86444743Smarkmwill just maintain a record of network connections made to your system.
86644743Smarkm7.3 - Daemons with arbitrary path names
86944743SmarkmThe above tcpd examples work fine with network daemons that live in a
87044743Smarkmcommon directory, but sometimes that is not practical. Having soft
87144743Smarkmlinks all over your file system is not a clean solution, either.
87344743SmarkmInstead you can specify, in the inetd configuration file, an absolute
87444743Smarkmpath name for the daemon process name.  For example,
87644743Smarkm    ntalk   dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/etc/tcpd /usr/local/lib/ntalkd
87844743SmarkmWhen the daemon process name is an absolute path name, tcpd ignores the
87944743Smarkmvalue of the REAL_DAEMON_DIR constant, and uses the last path component
88044743Smarkmof the daemon process name for logging and for access control.
88244743Smarkm7.4 - Building and testing the access control rules
88544743SmarkmIn order to support access control the wrappers must be compiled with
88644743Smarkmthe -DHOSTS_ACCESS option. The access control policy is given in the
88744743Smarkmform of two tables (default: /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny).
88844743SmarkmAccess control is disabled when there are no access control tables, or
88944743Smarkmwhen the tables are empty.
89144743SmarkmIf you haven't used the wrappers before I recommend that you first run
89244743Smarkmthem a couple of days without any access control restrictions. The
89344743Smarkmlogfile records should give you an idea of the process names and of the
89444743Smarkmhost names that you will have to build into your access control rules.
89644743SmarkmThe syntax of the access control rules is documented in the file
89744743Smarkmhosts_access.5, which is in `nroff -man' format. This is a lengthy
89844743Smarkmdocument, and no-one expects you to read it right away from beginning
89944743Smarkmto end.  Instead, after reading the introductory section, skip to the
90044743Smarkmexamples at the end so that you get a general idea of the language.
90144743SmarkmThen you can appreciate the detailed reference sections near the
90244743Smarkmbeginning of the document.
90444743SmarkmThe examples in the hosts_access.5 document (`nroff -man' format) show
90544743Smarkmtwo specific types of access control policy:  1) mostly closed (only
90644743Smarkmpermitting access from a limited number of systems) and 2) mostly open
90744743Smarkm(permitting access from everyone except a limited number of trouble
90844743Smarkmmakers). You will have to choose what model suits your situation best.
90944743SmarkmImplementing a mixed policy should not be overly difficult either.
91144743SmarkmOptional extensions to the access control language are described in the
91244743Smarkmhosts_options.5 document (`nroff -man' format).
91444743SmarkmThe `tcpdchk' program examines all rules in your access control files
91544743Smarkmand reports any problems it can find. `tcpdchk -v' writes to standard
91644743Smarkmoutput a pretty-printed list of all rules. `tcpdchk -d' examines the
91744743Smarkmhosts.access and hosts.allow files in the current directory. This
91844743Smarkmprogram is described in the tcpdchk.8 document (`nroff -man' format).
92044743SmarkmThe `tcpdmatch' command can be used to try out your local access
92144743Smarkmcontrol files.  The command syntax is:
92344743Smarkm    tcpdmatch process_name hostname (e.g.: tcpdmatch in.tftpd localhost)
92544743Smarkm    tcpdmatch process_name address  (e.g.: tcpdmatch in.tftpd
92744743SmarkmThis way you can simulate what decisions will be made, and what actions
92844743Smarkmwill be taken, when hosts connect to your own system. The program is
92944743Smarkmdescribed in the tcpdmatch.8 document (`nroff -man' format).
93144743SmarkmNote 1: `tcpdmatch -d' will look for hosts.{allow,deny} tables in the
93244743Smarkmcurrent working directory. This is useful for testing new rules without
93344743Smarkmbothering your users.
93544743SmarkmNote 2: you cannot use the `tcpdmatch' command to simulate what happens
93644743Smarkmwhen the local system connects to other hosts.
93844743SmarkmIn order to find out what process name to use, just use the service and
93944743Smarkmwatch the process name that shows up in the logfile.  Alternatively,
94044743Smarkmyou can look up the name from the inetd configuration file. Coming back
94144743Smarkmto the tftp example in the tutorial section above:
94344743Smarkm    tftp  dgram  udp  wait  root  /usr/etc/tcpd  in.tftpd -s /tftpboot
94544743SmarkmThis entry causes the inetd to run the wrapper program (tcpd) with a
94644743Smarkmprocess name `in.tftpd'.  This is the name that the wrapper will use
94744743Smarkmwhen scanning the access control tables. Therefore, `in.tftpd' is the
94844743Smarkmprocess name that should be given to the `tcpdmatch' command. On your
94944743Smarkmsystem the actual inetd.conf entry may differ (tftpd instead of
95044743Smarkmin.tftpd, and no `root' field), but you get the idea.
95244743SmarkmWhen you specify a host name, the `tcpdmatch' program will use both the
95344743Smarkmhost name and address. This way you can simulate the most common case
95444743Smarkmwhere the wrappers know both the host address and the host name.  The
95544743Smarkm`tcpdmatch' program will iterate over all addresses that it can find
95644743Smarkmfor the given host name.
95844743SmarkmWhen you specify a host address instead of a host name, the `tcpdmatch'
95944743Smarkmprogram will pretend that the host name is unknown, so that you can
96044743Smarkmsimulate what happens when the wrapper is unable to look up the client
96144743Smarkmhost name.
96344743Smarkm7.5 - Other applications
96644743SmarkmThe access control routines can easily be integrated with other
96744743Smarkmprograms.  The hosts_access.3 manual page (`nroff -man' format)
96844743Smarkmdescribes the external interface of the libwrap.a library.
97044743SmarkmThe tcpd program can even be used to control access to the mail
97144743Smarkmservice.  This can be useful when you suspect that someone is trying
97244743Smarkmout some obscure sendmail bug, or when a remote site is misconfigured
97344743Smarkmand keeps hammering your mail daemon.
97544743SmarkmIn that case, sendmail should not be run as a stand-alone network
97644743Smarkmlistener, but it should be registered in the inetd configuration file.
97744743SmarkmFor example:
97944743Smarkm    smtp    stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/etc/tcpd /usr/lib/sendmail -bs
98144743SmarkmYou will still need to run one sendmail background process to handle
98244743Smarkmqueued-up outgoing mail. A command like:
98444743Smarkm    /usr/lib/sendmail -q15m
98644743Smarkm(no `-bd' flag) should take care of that. You cannot really prevent
98744743Smarkmpeople from posting forged mail this way, because there are many
98844743Smarkmunprotected smtp daemons on the network.
99044743Smarkm8 - Acknowledgements
99344743SmarkmMany people contributed to the evolution of the programs, by asking
99444743Smarkminspiring questions, by suggesting features or bugfixes, or by
99544743Smarkmsubmitting source code.  Nevertheless, all mistakes and bugs in the
99644743Smarkmwrappers are my own.
99844743SmarkmThanks to Brendan Kehoe (, Heimir Sverrisson (
99944743Smarkmand Dan Bernstein ( for feedback on an early
100044743Smarkmrelease of this product.  The host name/address check was suggested by
100144743SmarkmJohn Kimball (  Apollo's UNIX environment has some
100244743Smarkmpeculiar quirks: Willem-Jan Withagen (, Pieter
100344743SmarkmSchoenmakers ( and Charles S. Fuller (
100444743Smarkmprovided assistance.  Hal R.  Brand ( told me how to
100544743Smarkmget the client IP address in case of datagram-oriented services, and
100644743Smarkmsuggested the optional shell command feature.  Shabbir Safdar
100744743Smarkm( provided a first version of a much-needed manual
100844743Smarkmpage.  Granville Boman Goza, IV ( suggested to use the
100944743Smarkmclient IP address even when the host name is available.  Casper H.S.
101044743SmarkmDik ( provided additional insight into DNS spoofing
101144743Smarkmtechniques.  The bogus daemon feature was inspired by code from Andrew
101244743SmarkmMacpherson (BNR Europe Ltd).  Steve Bellovin (
101344743Smarkmconfirmed some of my suspicions about the darker sides of TCP/IP
101444743Smarkminsecurity. Risks of automated fingers were pointed out by Borja Marcos
101544743Smarkm( Brad Plecs ( was kind enough to try
101644743Smarkmmy early TLI code and to work out how DG/UX differs from Solaris.
101844743SmarkmJohn P.  Rouillard ( deserves special mention for his
101944743Smarkmpersistent, but constructive, nagging about wrong or missing things,
102044743Smarkmand for trying out and discussing embryonic code or ideas.
102244743SmarkmLast but not least, Howard Chu (, Darren Reed
102344743Smarkm(, Icarus Sparry (, Scott Schwartz
102444743Smarkm(, John A. Kunze (, Daniel Len Schales
102544743Smarkm(, Chris Turbeville (, Paul Kranenburg
102644743Smarkm(, Marc Boucher (, Dave Mitchell
102744743Smarkm(, Andrew Maffei, Adrian van Bloois, Rop Gonggrijp, John
102844743SmarkmC. Wingenbach, Everett F. Batey  and many, many others provided fixes,
102944743Smarkmcode fragments, or ideas for improvements.
103144743Smarkm        Wietse Venema (
103244743Smarkm        Department of Mathematics and Computing Science
103344743Smarkm        Eindhoven University of Technology
103444743Smarkm        P.O. Box 513
103544743Smarkm        5600 MB Eindhoven
103644743Smarkm        The Netherlands
103844743Smarkm	Currently visiting IBM T.J. Watson Research, Hawthorne NY, USA.