umad_send.3 revision 302408
-*- nroff -*-

UMAD_SEND 3 "May 11, 2007" "OpenIB" "OpenIB Programmer\'s Manual"
umad_send - send umad
 #include <infiniband/umad.h>  "int umad_send(int " "portid" ", int " "agentid" ", void " "*umad" ", int " "timeout_ms" ", int " "retries"); 
umad_send() sends the specified umad buffer from the port specified by portid, and using the agent specified by agentid. timeout_ms controls the solicited MADs behavior as follows: zero value means not solicited. Positive value makes kernel indicate timeout in milliseconds. If reply is not received within the specified value, the original buffer is returned in the read channel with the status field set (to non zero). Negative timeout_ms makes kernel wait forever for the reply. retries indicates the number of times the MAD will be retried before giving up.
umad_send() returns 0 on success, and a negative value on error as follows: -EINVAL invalid port handle or agentid -EIO send operation failed

Hal Rosenstock <>