ex_at.c revision 302408
2193323Sed * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994
3193323Sed *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4193323Sed * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
5193323Sed *	Keith Bostic.  All rights reserved.
6193323Sed *
7193323Sed * See the LICENSE file for redistribution information.
8193323Sed */
10193323Sed#include "config.h"
12193323Sed#ifndef lint
13193323Sedstatic const char sccsid[] = "$Id: ex_at.c,v 10.16 2001/06/25 15:19:14 skimo Exp $";
14193323Sed#endif /* not lint */
16193399Sed#include <sys/types.h>
17193323Sed#include <sys/queue.h>
18193323Sed#include <sys/time.h>
20198090Srdivacky#include <bitstring.h>
21193323Sed#include <ctype.h>
22193323Sed#include <limits.h>
23193323Sed#include <stdio.h>
24193323Sed#include <stdlib.h>
25193323Sed#include <string.h>
27193323Sed#include "../common/common.h"
30193323Sed * ex_at -- :@[@ | buffer]
31193323Sed *	    :*[* | buffer]
32193323Sed *
33193323Sed *	Execute the contents of the buffer.
34193323Sed *
35193323Sed * PUBLIC: int ex_at(SCR *, EXCMD *);
36193323Sed */
38193323Sedex_at(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
40193323Sed	CB *cbp;
41193323Sed	CHAR_T name;
42193323Sed	EXCMD *ecp;
43193323Sed	RANGE *rp;
44193323Sed	TEXT *tp;
45193323Sed	size_t len = 0;
46193323Sed	CHAR_T *p;
48193323Sed	/*
49193323Sed	 * !!!
50193323Sed	 * Historically, [@*]<carriage-return> and [@*][@*] executed the most
51193323Sed	 * recently executed buffer in ex mode.
52193323Sed	 */
53193323Sed	name = FL_ISSET(cmdp->iflags, E_C_BUFFER) ? cmdp->buffer : '@';
54193323Sed	if (name == '@' || name == '*') {
55193323Sed		if (!F_ISSET(sp, SC_AT_SET)) {
56193323Sed			ex_emsg(sp, NULL, EXM_NOPREVBUF);
57193323Sed			return (1);
58193323Sed		}
59193323Sed		name = sp->at_lbuf;
60193323Sed	}
61193323Sed	sp->at_lbuf = name;
62193323Sed	F_SET(sp, SC_AT_SET);
64193323Sed	CBNAME(sp, cbp, name);
65193323Sed	if (cbp == NULL) {
66193323Sed		ex_emsg(sp, KEY_NAME(sp, name), EXM_EMPTYBUF);
67193323Sed		return (1);
68193323Sed	}
70193323Sed	/*
71193323Sed	 * !!!
72193323Sed	 * Historically the @ command took a range of lines, and the @ buffer
73193323Sed	 * was executed once per line.  The historic vi could be trashed by
74193323Sed	 * this because it didn't notice if the underlying file changed, or,
75193323Sed	 * for that matter, if there were no more lines on which to operate.
76193323Sed	 * For example, take a 10 line file, load "%delete" into a buffer,
77193323Sed	 * and enter :8,10@<buffer>.
78193323Sed	 *
79193323Sed	 * The solution is a bit tricky.  If the user specifies a range, take
80193323Sed	 * the same approach as for global commands, and discard the command
81193323Sed	 * if exit or switch to a new file/screen.  If the user doesn't specify
82193323Sed	 * the  range, continue to execute after a file/screen switch, which
83193323Sed	 * means @ buffers are still useful in a multi-screen environment.
84193323Sed	 */
85193323Sed	CALLOC_RET(sp, ecp, EXCMD *, 1, sizeof(EXCMD));
86193323Sed	TAILQ_INIT(ecp->rq);
87193323Sed	CALLOC_RET(sp, rp, RANGE *, 1, sizeof(RANGE));
88193323Sed	rp->start = cmdp->addr1.lno;
89193323Sed	if (F_ISSET(cmdp, E_ADDR_DEF)) {
90193323Sed		rp->stop = rp->start;
91193323Sed		FL_SET(ecp->agv_flags, AGV_AT_NORANGE);
92193323Sed	} else {
93193323Sed		rp->stop = cmdp->addr2.lno;
94193323Sed		FL_SET(ecp->agv_flags, AGV_AT);
95193323Sed	}
96193323Sed	TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(ecp->rq, rp, q);
98193323Sed	/*
99193323Sed	 * Buffers executed in ex mode or from the colon command line in vi
100193323Sed	 * were ex commands.  We can't push it on the terminal queue, since
101193323Sed	 * it has to be executed immediately, and we may be in the middle of
102193323Sed	 * an ex command already.  Push the command on the ex command stack.
103193323Sed	 * Build two copies of the command.  We need two copies because the
104193323Sed	 * ex parser may step on the command string when it's parsing it.
105193323Sed	 */
106193323Sed	TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(tp, cbp->textq, _texth, q)
107193323Sed		len += tp->len + 1;
109193323Sed	MALLOC_RET(sp, ecp->cp, CHAR_T *, len * 2 * sizeof(CHAR_T));
110193323Sed	ecp->o_cp = ecp->cp;
111193323Sed	ecp->o_clen = len;
112193323Sed	ecp->cp[len] = '\0';
114193323Sed	/* Copy the buffer into the command space. */
115193323Sed	p = ecp->cp + len;
116193323Sed	TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(tp, cbp->textq, _texth, q) {
117193323Sed		MEMCPY(p, tp->lb, tp->len);
118193323Sed		p += tp->len;
119193323Sed		*p++ = '\n';
120193323Sed	}
122193323Sed	SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(sp->gp->ecq, ecp, q);
123193323Sed	return (0);