README revision 19304
119304Speter#	@(#)README	8.4 (Berkeley) 11/22/94
319304SpeterGenerally, all non-system error and informational messages in nvi are
419304Spetercatalog messages, i.e. they can be tailored to a specific langauge.
519304SpeterCommand strings, usage strings, system errors and other "known text"
619304Speterare not.  It would certainly be possible to internationalize all the
719304Spetertext strings in nvi, but it's unclear that it's the right thing to do.
919304SpeterFirst, there's no portable way to do message catalogs.  The System V
1019304Speterscheme is a reasonable choice, but none of the 4BSD derived systems
1119304Spetersupport it.  So, catalogs are completely implemented within nvi, and
1219304Speterdon't require any library support.
1419304SpeterMessage catalogs in nvi are fairly simple.  Every catalog message
1519304Speterconsists of two parts -- an initial number followed by a pipe (`|')
1619304Spetercharacter, followed by the English text for the message.  For example:
1819304Speter	msgq(sp, M_ERR, "001|This is an error message");
2019304Speterwould be a typical message.
2219304SpeterWhen the msgq() routine is called, if the user has specified a message
2319304Spetercatalog and the format string (the third argument) has a leading number,
2419304Speterthen it is converted to a record number, and that record is retrieved
2519304Speterfrom the message catalog and used as a replacement format string.  If
2619304Speterthe record can't be retrieved for any reason, the English text is displayed
2919304SpeterEach message format string MUST map into the English format string, i.e.
3019304Speterit can't display more or different arguments than the English one.
3219304SpeterFor example:
3419304Speter	msgq(sp, M_ERR, "002|Error: %d %x", arg1, arg2);
3619304Speteris a format string that displays two arguments.  It is possible, however,
3719304Speterto reorder the arguments or to not display all of them.  The convention
3819304Speternvi uses is the System V printf(3) convention, i.e. "%[0-9]*$" is the name
3919304Speterof a specific, numbered argument.  For example:
4119304Speter	msgq(sp, M_ERR, "002|Error: %2$d %1$x", arg1, arg2);
4319304Speterdisplays the arguments in reverse order.
4519304SpeterIf the system supports this convention in its library printf routines
4619304Speter(as specified by the test #define NL_ARGMAX), nvi uses those routines.
4719304SpeterOtherwise, there is some serious magic going on in common/msg.c to make
4819304Speterthis all work.
5019304SpeterArguments to the msgq function are required to contain ONLY printable
5119304Spetercharacters.  No further translation is done by the msgq routine before
5219304Speterdisplaying the message on the screen.  For example, in the msgq call:
5419304Speter	msgq(sp, M_ERR, "003|File: %s", file_name);
5619304Speter"file_name" must contain only printable characters.  The routine
5719304Spetermsg_print() returns a printable version of a string in allocated
5819304Spetermemory.  For example:
6019304Speter	char *p;
6219304Speter	p = msg_print(sp, file_name);
6319304Speter	msgq(sp, M_ERR, M("003", "File: %s"), p);
6419304Speter	FREE_SPACE(sp, p, 0);
6619304Spetermakes sure that "file_name" is printable before calling the msgq
7119304SpeterThe message catalogs themselves are maintained in two files.  The first
7219304Speteris the "base file" which contains two fields, a record number and the
7319304Spetermessage itself.  All base files are named using the convention
7419304Speter"vi_<language>.base", e.g. the English one is "vi_english.base".  For
7719304Speter	002 "Unable to create temporary file"
7819304Speter	003 "Warning: %s is not a regular file"
7919304Speter	004 "%s already locked, session is read-only"
8019304Speter	005 "%s: remove"
8119304Speter	006 "%s: close"
8219304Speter	007 "%s: remove"
8319304Speter	008 "%s: remove"
8419304Speter	009 "Read-only file, not written; use ! to override"
8519304Speter	010 "Read-only file, not written"
8719304Speterare the first few lines of the current vi_english.base file.  Note that
8819304Spetermessage #1 is missing -- the first message of each catalog is a special
8919304Speterone, so that nvi can recognize message catalog files.  It's added by the
9019304SpeterMakefile script that creates the second version of the message catalog.
9219304SpeterThe second file is the file used by nvi to access messages, and is a list
9319304Speterof the messages, one per line:
9619304Speter	Unable to create temporary fileX
9719304Speter	Warning: %s is not a regular fileX
9819304Speter	%s already locked, session is read-onlyX
9919304Speter	%s: removeX
10019304Speter	%s: closeX
10119304Speter	%s: removeX
10219304Speter	%s: removeX
10319304Speter	Read-only file, not written; use ! to overrideX
10419304Speter	Read-only file, not writtenX
10619304SpeterNote that all messages have had a trailing 'X' character appended.  This
10719304Speteris to provide nvi a place to store a trailing nul for the message so that
10819304SpeterC library routines that expect one won't be disappointed.
11019304SpeterThese files are named for their language, e.g. "vi_english".  The second
11119304Speterfiles are automatically created from the first files.
11319304SpeterTo create a new catalog for nvi:
11519304SpeterCopy the file vi_english.base to a file that you can modify , e.g.  "cp
11619304Spetervi_english.base vi_german.base".  For each of the messages in the file,
11719304Speterreplace the message with the string that you want to use.  To find out
11819304Speterwhat the arguments to a message are, I'm afraid you'll have to search
11919304Speterthe source code for the message number.  You can find them fairly quickly
12019304Speterby doing:
12219304Speter	cd ..; egrep '123\|' */*.[chys]
12419304SpeterI'm sorry that there's not an easier way, but I couldn't think of
12519304Speteranything that wasn't a lot of work.
12719304SpeterIf, for some reason, you don't have the file vi_english.base, or you
12819304Speterhave new sources for which you want to create a new base catalog, you
12919304Spetercan create it by running the command "make english" in the catalog
13219304SpeterOnce you've translated all of the strings, then add your catalog to the
13319304Speter"CAT=" line of the Makefile, and run the command "make catalog".  This
13419304Speterwill create the second (and corresponding) file for each file named
13719304SpeterDon't worry about missing line numbers, i.e. base files that look like:
13919304Speter	005	Message number 5.
14019304Speter	007	Message number 7.
14219304SpeterThis simply means that a message was deleted during the course of nvi's
14319304Speterdevelopment.  It will be taken care of automatically when you create
14419304Speterthe second form of the file.
14719304SpeterIf you add new messages to the nvi sources, you can check your work by
14819304Speterdoing "make english; make check".  The "make check" target lists unused
14919304Spetermessage numbers, duplicate message numbers, and duplicate messages.
15019304SpeterUnused message numbers are only useful if you are condensing messages.
15119304SpeterDuplicate message numbers are a serious problem and have to be fixed.
15219304SpeterDuplicate messages are only interesting if a message appears often enough
15319304Speterthat it's worth creating a routine so that the string is only need in
15419304Spetera single place.
15719304SpeterTo select a catalog when running nvi, set the "msgcat" option.  If the
15819304Spetervalue of this option ends with a '/', it is treated as the name of a
15919304Speterdirectory that contains a message catalog "vi_XXXX", where XXXX is the
16019304Spetervalue of the LANG environmental variable, if it's set, or the value of
16119304Speterthe LC_MESSAGES environmental variable if it's not.  If neither of those
16219304Speterenvironmental variables are set, or if the option doesn't end in a '/',
16319304Speterthe option is treated as the full path name of the message catalog to use.
16519304SpeterIf any messages are missing from the catalog, the backup text (English)
16619304Speteris used instead.