1316722Sdelphij.Dd March 21 2017
2275970Scy.Dt SNTP 1sntpmdoc User Commands
4275970Scy.\"  EDIT THIS FILE WITH CAUTION  (sntp-opts.mdoc)
6316722Sdelphij.\"  It has been AutoGen-ed  March 21, 2017 at 10:36:52 AM by AutoGen 5.18.5
7275970Scy.\"  From the definitions    sntp-opts.def
8275970Scy.\"  and the template file   agmdoc-cmd.tpl
9275970Scy.Sh NAME
10275970Scy.Nm sntp
11275970Scy.Nd standard Simple Network Time Protocol client program
12275970Scy.Sh SYNOPSIS
14275970Scy.\" Mixture of short (flag) options and long options
15275970Scy.Op Fl flags
16275970Scy.Op Fl flag Op Ar value
17275970Scy.Op Fl \-option\-name Ns Oo Oo Ns "=| " Oc Ns Ar value Oc
18275970Scy[ hostname\-or\-IP ...]
20275970Scy.Sh DESCRIPTION
22275970Scycan be used as an SNTP client to query a NTP or SNTP server and either display
23275970Scythe time or set the local system's time (given suitable privilege).  It can be
24275970Scyrun as an interactive command or from a
25275970Scy.Ic cron
27275970ScyNTP (the Network Time Protocol) and SNTP (the Simple Network Time Protocol)
28275970Scyare defined and described by RFC 5905.
30275970ScyThe default is to write the estimated correct local date and time (i.e. not
31275970ScyUTC) to the standard output in a format like:
32275970Scy.Ic "'1996\-10\-15 20:17:25.123 (+0800) +4.567 +/\- 0.089 [host] IP sN'"
33275970Scywhere the
34275970Scy.Ic "'(+0800)'"
35275970Scymeans that to get to UTC from the reported local time one must
36275970Scyadd 8 hours and 0 minutes,
38275970Scy.Ic "'+4.567'"
39275970Scyindicates the local clock is 4.567 seconds behind the correct time
40275970Scy(so 4.567 seconds must be added to the local clock to get it to be correct).
41275970ScyNote that the number of decimals printed for this value will change
42275970Scybased on the reported precision of the server.
43275970Scy.Ic "'+/\- 0.089'"
44275970Scyis the reported
45275970Scy.Em synchronization distance
46275970Scy(in seconds), which represents the maximum error due to all causes.
47275970ScyIf the server does not report valid data needed to calculate the
48275970Scysynchronization distance, this will be reported as
49275970Scy.Ic "'+/\- ?'" .
50275970ScyIf the
51275970Scy.Em host
52275970Scyis different from the
53275970Scy.Em IP ,
54275970Scyboth will be displayed.
55275970ScyOtherwise, only the 
56275970Scy.Em IP
57275970Scyis displayed.
58275970ScyFinally, the
59275970Scy.Em stratum
60282408Scyof the host is reported
61282408Scyand the leap indicator is decoded and displayed.
62275970Scy.Sh "OPTIONS"
63275970Scy.Bl -tag
64275970Scy.It  Fl 4 , Fl \-ipv4 
65275970ScyForce IPv4 DNS name resolution.
66275970ScyThis option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
69275970ScyForce DNS resolution of the following host names on the command line
70275970Scyto the IPv4 namespace.
71275970Scy.It  Fl 6 , Fl \-ipv6 
72275970ScyForce IPv6 DNS name resolution.
73275970ScyThis option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
76275970ScyForce DNS resolution of the following host names on the command line
77275970Scyto the IPv6 namespace.
78275970Scy.It  Fl a Ar auth\-keynumber , Fl \-authentication Ns = Ns Ar auth\-keynumber 
79275970ScyEnable authentication with the key \fBauth\-keynumber\fP.
80275970ScyThis option takes an integer number as its argument.
82275970ScyEnable authentication using the key specified in this option's
83275970Scyargument.  The argument of this option is the \fBkeyid\fP, a
84275970Scynumber specified in the \fBkeyfile\fP as this key's identifier.
85275970ScySee the \fBkeyfile\fP option (\fB\-k\fP) for more details.
86275970Scy.It  Fl b Ar broadcast\-address , Fl \-broadcast Ns = Ns Ar broadcast\-address 
87275970ScyListen to the address specified for broadcast time sync.
88275970ScyThis option may appear an unlimited number of times.
90275970ScyIf specified \fBsntp\fP will listen to the specified address
91275970Scyfor NTP broadcasts.  The default maximum wait time
92275970Scycan (and probably should) be modified with \fB\-t\fP.
93275970Scy.It  Fl c Ar host\-name , Fl \-concurrent Ns = Ns Ar host\-name 
94275970ScyConcurrently query all IPs returned for host\-name.
95275970ScyThis option may appear an unlimited number of times.
97275970ScyRequests from an NTP "client" to a "server" should never be sent
98275970Scymore rapidly than one every 2 seconds.  By default, any IPs returned
99275970Scyas part of a DNS lookup are assumed to be for a single instance of
100275970Scy\fBntpd\fP, and therefore \fBsntp\fP will send queries to these IPs
101275970Scyone after another, with a 2\-second gap in between each query.
103275970ScyThe \fB\-c\fP or \fB\-\-concurrent\fP flag says that any IPs
104275970Scyreturned for the DNS lookup of the supplied host\-name are on
105275970Scydifferent machines, so we can send concurrent queries.
106275970Scy.It  Fl d , Fl \-debug\-level 
107275970ScyIncrease debug verbosity level.
108275970ScyThis option may appear an unlimited number of times.
110275970Scy.It  Fl D Ar number , Fl \-set\-debug\-level Ns = Ns Ar number 
111275970ScySet the debug verbosity level.
112275970ScyThis option may appear an unlimited number of times.
113275970ScyThis option takes an integer number as its argument.
115275970Scy.It  Fl g Ar milliseconds , Fl \-gap Ns = Ns Ar milliseconds 
116275970ScyThe gap (in milliseconds) between time requests.
117275970ScyThis option takes an integer number as its argument.
118275970ScyThe default
119275970Scy.Ar milliseconds
120275970Scyfor this option is:
121275970Scy.ti +4
122275970Scy 50
124275970ScySince we're only going to use the first valid response we get and
125275970Scythere is benefit to specifying a good number of servers to query,
126275970Scyseparate the queries we send out by the specified number of
128275970Scy.It  Fl K Ar file\-name , Fl \-kod Ns = Ns Ar file\-name 
129275970ScyKoD history filename.
130275970ScyThe default
131275970Scy.Ar file\-name
132275970Scyfor this option is:
133275970Scy.ti +4
134275970Scy /var/db/ntp\-kod
136275970ScySpecifies the filename to be used for the persistent history of KoD
137275970Scyresponses received from servers.  If the file does not exist, a
138275970Scywarning message will be displayed.  The file will not be created.
139275970Scy.It  Fl k Ar file\-name , Fl \-keyfile Ns = Ns Ar file\-name 
140275970ScyLook in this file for the key specified with \fB\-a\fP.
142275970ScyThis option specifies the keyfile.
143275970Scy\fBsntp\fP will search for the key specified with \fB\-a\fP
144275970Scy\fIkeyno\fP in this file.  See \fBntp.keys(5)\fP for more
146275970Scy.It  Fl l Ar file\-name , Fl \-logfile Ns = Ns Ar file\-name 
147275970ScyLog to specified logfile.
149275970ScyThis option causes the client to write log messages to the specified
151275970Scy.It  Fl M Ar number , Fl \-steplimit Ns = Ns Ar number 
152275970ScyAdjustments less than \fBsteplimit\fP msec will be slewed.
153275970ScyThis option takes an integer number as its argument.
154275970ScyThe value of
155275970Scy.Ar number
156275970Scyis constrained to being:
157275970Scy.in +4
160275970Scygreater than or equal to 0
162275970Scy.in -4
164275970ScyIf the time adjustment is less than \fIsteplimit\fP milliseconds,
165275970Scyslew the amount using \fBadjtime(2)\fP.  Otherwise, step the
166280849Scycorrection using \fBsettimeofday(2)\fP.  The default value is 0,
167280849Scywhich means all adjustments will be stepped.  This is a feature, as
168280849Scydifferent situations demand different values.
169275970Scy.It  Fl o Ar number , Fl \-ntpversion Ns = Ns Ar number 
170275970ScySend \fBint\fP as our NTP protocol version.
171275970ScyThis option takes an integer number as its argument.
172275970ScyThe value of
173275970Scy.Ar number
174275970Scyis constrained to being:
175275970Scy.in +4
178275970Scyin the range  0 through 7
180275970Scy.in -4
181275970ScyThe default
182275970Scy.Ar number
183275970Scyfor this option is:
184275970Scy.ti +4
185275970Scy 4
187275970ScyWhen sending requests to a remote server, tell them we are running
188275970ScyNTP protocol version \fIntpversion\fP .
189275970Scy.It  Fl r , Fl \-usereservedport 
190275970ScyUse the NTP Reserved Port (port 123).
192275970ScyUse port 123, which is reserved for NTP, for our network
194275970Scy.It  Fl S , Fl \-step 
195275970ScyOK to 'step' the time with \fBsettimeofday(2)\fP.
197275970Scy.It  Fl s , Fl \-slew 
198275970ScyOK to 'slew' the time with \fBadjtime(2)\fP.
200275970Scy.It  Fl t Ar seconds , Fl \-timeout Ns = Ns Ar seconds 
201275970ScyThe number of seconds to wait for responses.
202275970ScyThis option takes an integer number as its argument.
203275970ScyThe default
204275970Scy.Ar seconds
205275970Scyfor this option is:
206275970Scy.ti +4
207275970Scy 5
209275970ScyWhen waiting for a reply, \fBsntp\fP will wait the number
210275970Scyof seconds specified before giving up.  The default should be
211275970Scymore than enough for a unicast response.  If \fBsntp\fP is
212275970Scyonly waiting for a broadcast response a longer timeout is
213275970Scylikely needed.
214310419Sdelphij.It  Fl \-wait , Fl \-no\-wait
215275970ScyWait for pending replies (if not setting the time).
216275970ScyThe \fIno\-wait\fP form will disable the option.
217275970ScyThis option is enabled by default.
219275970ScyIf we are not setting the time, wait for all pending responses.
220275970Scy.It Fl \&? , Fl \-help
221275970ScyDisplay usage information and exit.
222275970Scy.It Fl \&! , Fl \-more\-help
223275970ScyPass the extended usage information through a pager.
224275970Scy.It Fl > Oo Ar cfgfile Oc , Fl \-save\-opts Oo Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile Oc
225275970ScySave the option state to \fIcfgfile\fP.  The default is the \fIlast\fP
226275970Scyconfiguration file listed in the \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP section, below.
227275970ScyThe command will exit after updating the config file.
228275970Scy.It Fl < Ar cfgfile , Fl \-load\-opts Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile , Fl \-no\-load\-opts
229275970ScyLoad options from \fIcfgfile\fP.
230275970ScyThe \fIno\-load\-opts\fP form will disable the loading
231275970Scyof earlier config/rc/ini files.  \fI\-\-no\-load\-opts\fP is handled early,
232275970Scyout of order.
233275970Scy.It Fl \-version Op Brq Ar v|c|n
234275970ScyOutput version of program and exit.  The default mode is `v', a simple
235275970Scyversion.  The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will
236275970Scyprint the full copyright notice.
238275970Scy.Sh "OPTION PRESETS"
239275970ScyAny option that is not marked as \fInot presettable\fP may be preset
240275970Scyby loading values from configuration ("RC" or ".INI") file(s) and values from
241275970Scyenvironment variables named:
243275970Scy  \fBSNTP_<option\-name>\fP or \fBSNTP\fP
246275970ScyThe environmental presets take precedence (are processed later than)
247275970Scythe configuration files.
248275970ScyThe \fIhomerc\fP files are "\fI$HOME\fP", and "\fI.\fP".
249275970ScyIf any of these are directories, then the file \fI.ntprc\fP
250275970Scyis searched for within those directories.
251275970Scy.Sh USAGE
252275970Scy.Bl -tag -width indent
253275970Scy.It Li "sntp ntpserver.somewhere"
254275970Scyis the simplest use of this program
255275970Scyand can be run as an unprivileged command
256275970Scyto check the current time and error in the local clock.
257280849Scy.It Li "sntp \-Ss \-M 128 ntpserver.somewhere"
258275970ScyWith suitable privilege,
259275970Scyrun as a command
260275970Scyor from a
261275970Scy.Xr cron 8
263280849Scy.Ic "sntp \-Ss \-M 128 ntpserver.somewhere"
264280849Scywill request the time from the server,
265280849Scyand if that server reports that it is synchronized
266280849Scythen if the offset adjustment is less than 128 milliseconds
267280849Scythe correction will be slewed,
268280849Scyand if the correction is more than 128 milliseconds
269280849Scythe correction  will be stepped.
270280849Scy.It Li "sntp \-S ntpserver.somewhere"
271280849ScyWith suitable privilege,
272280849Scyrun as a command
273280849Scyor from a
274280849Scy.Xr cron 8
276280849Scy.Ic "sntp \-S ntpserver.somewhere"
277280849Scywill set (step) the local clock from a synchronized specified server,
278275970Scylike the (deprecated)
279275970Scy.Xr ntpdate 1ntpdatemdoc ,
281275970Scy.Xr rdate 8
284275970Scy.Sh "ENVIRONMENT"
285275970ScySee \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration environment variables.
286275970Scy.Sh "FILES"
287275970ScySee \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration files.
288275970Scy.Sh "EXIT STATUS"
289275970ScyOne of the following exit values will be returned:
290275970Scy.Bl -tag
291275970Scy.It 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)"
292275970ScySuccessful program execution.
293275970Scy.It 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)"
294275970ScyThe operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
295275970Scy.It 66 " (EX_NOINPUT)"
296275970ScyA specified configuration file could not be loaded.
297275970Scy.It 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)"
298275970Scylibopts had an internal operational error.  Please report
299275970Scyit to autogen\-users@lists.sourceforge.net.  Thank you.
301275970Scy.Sh AUTHORS
302275970Scy.An "Johannes Maximilian Kuehn"
303275970Scy.An "Harlan Stenn"
304275970Scy.An "Dave Hart"
305275970Scy.Sh "COPYRIGHT"
306316722SdelphijCopyright (C) 1992\-2017 The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation all rights reserved.
307275970ScyThis program is released under the terms of the NTP license, <http://ntp.org/license>.
308275970Scy.Sh "BUGS"
309275970ScyPlease send bug reports to: http://bugs.ntp.org, bugs@ntp.org
310275970Scy.Sh "NOTES"
311275970ScyThis manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP\-erated from the \fBsntp\fP
312275970Scyoption definitions.