1316722Sdelphij.Dd March 21 2017
2275970Scy.Dt NTPD 1ntpdmdoc User Commands
4275970Scy.\"  EDIT THIS FILE WITH CAUTION  (ntpd-opts.mdoc)
6316722Sdelphij.\"  It has been AutoGen-ed  March 21, 2017 at 10:44:23 AM by AutoGen 5.18.5
7275970Scy.\"  From the definitions    ntpd-opts.def
8275970Scy.\"  and the template file   agmdoc-cmd.tpl
9275970Scy.Sh NAME
10275970Scy.Nm ntpd
11275970Scy.Nd NTP daemon program
12275970Scy.Sh SYNOPSIS
14275970Scy.\" Mixture of short (flag) options and long options
15275970Scy.Op Fl flags
16275970Scy.Op Fl flag Op Ar value
17275970Scy.Op Fl \-option\-name Ns Oo Oo Ns "=| " Oc Ns Ar value Oc
18275970Scy[ <server1> ... <serverN> ]
20275970Scy.Sh DESCRIPTION
23275970Scyutility is an operating system daemon which sets
24275970Scyand maintains the system time of day in synchronism with Internet
25275970Scystandard time servers.
26275970ScyIt is a complete implementation of the
27275970ScyNetwork Time Protocol (NTP) version 4, as defined by RFC\-5905,
28275970Scybut also retains compatibility with
29275970Scyversion 3, as defined by RFC\-1305, and versions 1
30275970Scyand 2, as defined by RFC\-1059 and RFC\-1119, respectively.
34275970Scyutility does most computations in 64\-bit floating point
35275970Scyarithmetic and does relatively clumsy 64\-bit fixed point operations
36275970Scyonly when necessary to preserve the ultimate precision, about 232
38275970ScyWhile the ultimate precision is not achievable with
39275970Scyordinary workstations and networks of today, it may be required
40275970Scywith future gigahertz CPU clocks and gigabit LANs.
44275970Scyreads the
45275970Scy.Xr ntp.conf 5
46275970Scyconfiguration file at startup time in order to determine the
47275970Scysynchronization sources and operating modes.
48275970ScyIt is also possible to
49275970Scyspecify a working, although limited, configuration entirely on the
50275970Scycommand line, obviating the need for a configuration file.
51275970ScyThis may
52275970Scybe particularly useful when the local host is to be configured as a
53275970Scybroadcast/multicast client, with all peers being determined by
54275970Scylistening to broadcasts at run time.
56275970ScyIf NetInfo support is built into
57275970Scy.Nm ,
60275970Scywill attempt to read its configuration from the
61275970ScyNetInfo if the default
62275970Scy.Xr ntp.conf 5
63275970Scyfile cannot be read and no file is
64275970Scyspecified by the
65275970Scy.Fl c
68275970ScyVarious internal
70275970Scyvariables can be displayed and
71275970Scyconfiguration options altered while the
73275970Scyis running
74275970Scyusing the
75275970Scy.Xr ntpq 1ntpqmdoc
77275970Scy.Xr ntpdc 1ntpdcmdoc
78275970Scyutility programs.
82275970Scystarts it looks at the value of
83275970Scy.Xr umask 2 ,
84275970Scyand if zero
86275970Scywill set the
87275970Scy.Xr umask 2
88275970Scyto 022.
89275970Scy.Sh "OPTIONS"
90275970Scy.Bl -tag
91275970Scy.It  Fl 4 , Fl \-ipv4 
92275970ScyForce IPv4 DNS name resolution.
93275970ScyThis option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
96275970ScyForce DNS resolution of following host names on the command line
97275970Scyto the IPv4 namespace.
98275970Scy.It  Fl 6 , Fl \-ipv6 
99275970ScyForce IPv6 DNS name resolution.
100275970ScyThis option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
103275970ScyForce DNS resolution of following host names on the command line
104275970Scyto the IPv6 namespace.
105275970Scy.It  Fl a , Fl \-authreq 
106275970ScyRequire crypto authentication.
107275970ScyThis option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
110275970ScyRequire cryptographic authentication for broadcast client,
111275970Scymulticast client and symmetric passive associations.
112275970ScyThis is the default.
113275970Scy.It  Fl A , Fl \-authnoreq 
114275970ScyDo not require crypto authentication.
115275970ScyThis option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
118275970ScyDo not require cryptographic authentication for broadcast client,
119275970Scymulticast client and symmetric passive associations.
120275970ScyThis is almost never a good idea.
121275970Scy.It  Fl b , Fl \-bcastsync 
122275970ScyAllow us to sync to broadcast servers.
124275970Scy.It  Fl c Ar string , Fl \-configfile Ns = Ns Ar string 
125275970Scyconfiguration file name.
127275970ScyThe name and path of the configuration file,
129275970Scyby default.
130275970Scy.It  Fl d , Fl \-debug\-level 
131275970ScyIncrease debug verbosity level.
132275970ScyThis option may appear an unlimited number of times.
134275970Scy.It  Fl D Ar number , Fl \-set\-debug\-level Ns = Ns Ar number 
135275970ScySet the debug verbosity level.
136275970ScyThis option may appear an unlimited number of times.
137275970ScyThis option takes an integer number as its argument.
139275970Scy.It  Fl f Ar string , Fl \-driftfile Ns = Ns Ar string 
140275970Scyfrequency drift file name.
142275970ScyThe name and path of the frequency file,
144275970Scyby default.
145275970ScyThis is the same operation as the
146275970Scy\fBdriftfile\fP \fIdriftfile\fP
147282408Scyconfiguration specification in the
150275970Scy.It  Fl g , Fl \-panicgate 
151275970ScyAllow the first adjustment to be Big.
152275970ScyThis option may appear an unlimited number of times.
156275970Scyexits with a message to the system log if the offset exceeds the panic threshold, which is 1000 s by default. This option allows the time to be set to any value without restriction; however, this can happen only once. If the threshold is exceeded after that,
158275970Scywill exit with a message to the system log. This option can be used with the
163275970ScySee the
165275970Scyconfiguration file directive for other options.
166282408Scy.It  Fl G , Fl \-force\-step\-once 
167282408ScyStep any initial offset correction..
171282408Scysteps the time if the time offset exceeds the step threshold,
172282408Scywhich is 128 ms by default, and otherwise slews the time.
173282408ScyThis option forces the initial offset correction to be stepped,
174282408Scyso the highest time accuracy can be achieved quickly.
175282408ScyHowever, this may also cause the time to be stepped back
176282408Scyso this option must not be used if
177282408Scyapplications requiring monotonic time are running.
178282408ScySee the \fBtinker\fP configuration file directive for other options.
179275970Scy.It  Fl i Ar string , Fl \-jaildir Ns = Ns Ar string 
180275970ScyJail directory.
182275970ScyChroot the server to the directory
185275970ScyThis option also implies that the server attempts to drop root privileges at startup.
186275970ScyYou may need to also specify a
189275970ScyThis option is only available if the OS supports adjusting the clock
190275970Scywithout full root privileges.
191275970ScyThis option is supported under NetBSD (configure with
192275970Scy\fB\-\-enable\-clockctl\fP) or Linux (configure with
193275970Scy\fB\-\-enable\-linuxcaps\fP) or Solaris (configure with \fB\-\-enable\-solarisprivs\fP).
194275970Scy.It  Fl I Ar iface , Fl \-interface Ns = Ns Ar iface 
195275970ScyListen on an interface name or address.
196275970ScyThis option may appear an unlimited number of times.
198275970ScyOpen the network address given, or all the addresses associated with the
199275970Scygiven interface name.  This option may appear multiple times.  This option
200275970Scyalso implies not opening other addresses, except wildcard and localhost.
201275970ScyThis option is deprecated. Please consider using the configuration file
202282408Scy\fBinterface\fP command, which is more versatile.
203275970Scy.It  Fl k Ar string , Fl \-keyfile Ns = Ns Ar string 
204275970Scypath to symmetric keys.
206275970ScySpecify the name and path of the symmetric key file.
208275970Scyis the default.
209275970ScyThis is the same operation as the
210275970Scy\fBkeys\fP \fIkeyfile\fP
211275970Scyconfiguration file directive.
212275970Scy.It  Fl l Ar string , Fl \-logfile Ns = Ns Ar string 
213275970Scypath to the log file.
215275970ScySpecify the name and path of the log file.
216275970ScyThe default is the system log file.
217275970ScyThis is the same operation as the
218275970Scy\fBlogfile\fP \fIlogfile\fP
219275970Scyconfiguration file directive.
220275970Scy.It  Fl L , Fl \-novirtualips 
221275970ScyDo not listen to virtual interfaces.
223275970ScyDo not listen to virtual interfaces, defined as those with
224275970Scynames containing a colon.  This option is deprecated.  Please
225275970Scyconsider using the configuration file \fBinterface\fP command, which
226275970Scyis more versatile.
227275970Scy.It  Fl M , Fl \-modifymmtimer 
228275970ScyModify Multimedia Timer (Windows only).
230275970ScySet the Windows Multimedia Timer to highest resolution.  This
231275970Scyensures the resolution does not change while ntpd is running,
232275970Scyavoiding timekeeping glitches associated with changes.
233275970Scy.It  Fl n , Fl \-nofork 
234275970ScyDo not fork.
235275970ScyThis option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
238275970Scy.It  Fl N , Fl \-nice 
239275970ScyRun at high priority.
241275970ScyTo the extent permitted by the operating system, run
243275970Scyat the highest priority.
244275970Scy.It  Fl p Ar string , Fl \-pidfile Ns = Ns Ar string 
245275970Scypath to the PID file.
247275970ScySpecify the name and path of the file used to record
249275970Scyprocess ID.
250275970ScyThis is the same operation as the
251275970Scy\fBpidfile\fP \fIpidfile\fP
252275970Scyconfiguration file directive.
253275970Scy.It  Fl P Ar number , Fl \-priority Ns = Ns Ar number 
254275970ScyProcess priority.
255275970ScyThis option takes an integer number as its argument.
257275970ScyTo the extent permitted by the operating system, run
259275970Scyat the specified
262275970Scy.It  Fl q , Fl \-quit 
263275970ScySet the time and quit.
264275970ScyThis option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
265275970Scysaveconfigquit, wait\-sync.
268275970Scywill not daemonize and will exit after the clock is first
269275970Scysynchronized.  This behavior mimics that of the
271275970Scyprogram, which will soon be replaced with a shell script.
276275970Scyoptions can be used with this option.
277275970ScyNote: The kernel time discipline is disabled with this option.
278275970Scy.It  Fl r Ar string , Fl \-propagationdelay Ns = Ns Ar string 
279275970ScyBroadcast/propagation delay.
281275970ScySpecify the default propagation delay from the broadcast/multicast server to this client. This is necessary only if the delay cannot be computed automatically by the protocol.
282275970Scy.It  Fl \-saveconfigquit  Ns = Ns Ar string 
283275970ScySave parsed configuration and quit.
284275970ScyThis option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
285275970Scyquit, wait\-sync.
287275970ScyCause \fBntpd\fP to parse its startup configuration file and save an
288275970Scyequivalent to the given filename and exit.  This option was
289275970Scydesigned for automated testing.
290275970Scy.It  Fl s Ar string , Fl \-statsdir Ns = Ns Ar string 
291275970ScyStatistics file location.
293275970ScySpecify the directory path for files created by the statistics facility.
294275970ScyThis is the same operation as the
295275970Scy\fBstatsdir\fP \fIstatsdir\fP
296275970Scyconfiguration file directive.
297275970Scy.It  Fl t Ar tkey , Fl \-trustedkey Ns = Ns Ar tkey 
298275970ScyTrusted key number.
299275970ScyThis option may appear an unlimited number of times.
301275970ScyAdd the specified key number to the trusted key list.
302275970Scy.It  Fl u Ar string , Fl \-user Ns = Ns Ar string 
303275970ScyRun as userid (or userid:groupid).
305275970ScySpecify a user, and optionally a group, to switch to.
306275970ScyThis option is only available if the OS supports adjusting the clock
307275970Scywithout full root privileges.
308275970ScyThis option is supported under NetBSD (configure with
309275970Scy\fB\-\-enable\-clockctl\fP) or Linux (configure with
310275970Scy\fB\-\-enable\-linuxcaps\fP) or Solaris (configure with \fB\-\-enable\-solarisprivs\fP).
311275970Scy.It  Fl U Ar number , Fl \-updateinterval Ns = Ns Ar number 
312275970Scyinterval in seconds between scans for new or dropped interfaces.
313275970ScyThis option takes an integer number as its argument.
315275970ScyGive the time in seconds between two scans for new or dropped interfaces.
316275970ScyFor systems with routing socket support the scans will be performed shortly after the interface change
317275970Scyhas been detected by the system.
318275970ScyUse 0 to disable scanning. 60 seconds is the minimum time between scans.
319275970Scy.It  Fl \-var  Ns = Ns Ar nvar 
320275970Scymake ARG an ntp variable (RW).
321275970ScyThis option may appear an unlimited number of times.
323275970Scy.It  Fl \-dvar  Ns = Ns Ar ndvar 
324275970Scymake ARG an ntp variable (RW|DEF).
325275970ScyThis option may appear an unlimited number of times.
327275970Scy.It  Fl w Ar number , Fl \-wait\-sync Ns = Ns Ar number 
328275970ScySeconds to wait for first clock sync.
329275970ScyThis option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
330275970Scynofork, quit, saveconfigquit.
331275970ScyThis option takes an integer number as its argument.
333275970ScyIf greater than zero, alters \fBntpd\fP's behavior when forking to
334275970Scydaemonize.  Instead of exiting with status 0 immediately after
335275970Scythe fork, the parent waits up to the specified number of
336275970Scyseconds for the child to first synchronize the clock.  The exit
337275970Scystatus is zero (success) if the clock was synchronized,
338275970Scyotherwise it is \fBETIMEDOUT\fP.
339275970ScyThis provides the option for a script starting \fBntpd\fP to easily
340275970Scywait for the first set of the clock before proceeding.
341275970Scy.It  Fl x , Fl \-slew 
342275970ScySlew up to 600 seconds.
344275970ScyNormally, the time is slewed if the offset is less than the step threshold, which is 128 ms by default, and stepped if above the threshold.
345275970ScyThis option sets the threshold to 600 s, which is well within the accuracy window to set the clock manually.
346275970ScyNote: Since the slew rate of typical Unix kernels is limited to 0.5 ms/s, each second of adjustment requires an amortization interval of 2000 s.
347275970ScyThus, an adjustment as much as 600 s will take almost 14 days to complete.
348275970ScyThis option can be used with the
353275970ScySee the
355275970Scyconfiguration file directive for other options.
356275970ScyNote: The kernel time discipline is disabled with this option.
357275970Scy.It  Fl \-usepcc 
358275970ScyUse CPU cycle counter (Windows only).
360275970ScyAttempt to substitute the CPU counter for \fBQueryPerformanceCounter\fP.
361275970ScyThe CPU counter and \fBQueryPerformanceCounter\fP are compared, and if
362275970Scythey have the same frequency, the CPU counter (RDTSC on x86) is
363275970Scyused directly, saving the overhead of a system call.
364275970Scy.It  Fl \-pccfreq  Ns = Ns Ar string 
365275970ScyForce CPU cycle counter use (Windows only).
367275970ScyForce substitution the CPU counter for \fBQueryPerformanceCounter\fP.
368275970ScyThe CPU counter (RDTSC on x86) is used unconditionally with the
369275970Scygiven frequency (in Hz).
370275970Scy.It  Fl m , Fl \-mdns 
371275970ScyRegister with mDNS as a NTP server.
373275970ScyRegisters as an NTP server with the local mDNS server which allows
374275970Scythe server to be discovered via mDNS client lookup.
375275970Scy.It Fl \&? , Fl \-help
376275970ScyDisplay usage information and exit.
377275970Scy.It Fl \&! , Fl \-more\-help
378275970ScyPass the extended usage information through a pager.
379275970Scy.It Fl \-version Op Brq Ar v|c|n
380275970ScyOutput version of program and exit.  The default mode is `v', a simple
381275970Scyversion.  The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will
382275970Scyprint the full copyright notice.
384275970Scy.Sh "OPTION PRESETS"
385275970ScyAny option that is not marked as \fInot presettable\fP may be preset
386275970Scyby loading values from environment variables named:
388275970Scy  \fBNTPD_<option\-name>\fP or \fBNTPD\fP
391275970Scy.Sh USAGE
392275970Scy.Ss "How NTP Operates"
395275970Scyutility operates by exchanging messages with
396275970Scyone or more configured servers over a range of designated poll intervals.
398275970Scystarted, whether for the first or subsequent times, the program
399275970Scyrequires several exchanges from the majority of these servers so
400275970Scythe signal processing and mitigation algorithms can accumulate and
401275970Scygroom the data and set the clock.
402275970ScyIn order to protect the network
403275970Scyfrom bursts, the initial poll interval for each server is delayed
404275970Scyan interval randomized over a few seconds.
405275970ScyAt the default initial poll
406275970Scyinterval of 64s, several minutes can elapse before the clock is
408275970ScyThis initial delay to set the clock
409275970Scycan be safely and dramatically reduced using the
410275970Scy.Cm iburst
411275970Scykeyword with the
412275970Scy.Ic server
414275970Scycommand, as described in
415275970Scy.Xr ntp.conf 5 .
417275970ScyMost operating systems and hardware of today incorporate a
418275970Scytime\-of\-year (TOY) chip to maintain the time during periods when
419275970Scythe power is off.
420275970ScyWhen the machine is booted, the chip is used to
421275970Scyinitialize the operating system time.
422275970ScyAfter the machine has
423275970Scysynchronized to a NTP server, the operating system corrects the
424275970Scychip from time to time.
425275970ScyIn the default case, if
427275970Scydetects that the time on the host
428275970Scyis more than 1000s from the server time,
430275970Scyassumes something must be terribly wrong and the only
431275970Scyreliable action is for the operator to intervene and set the clock
432275970Scyby hand.
433275970Scy(Reasons for this include there is no TOY chip,
434275970Scyor its battery is dead, or that the TOY chip is just of poor quality.)
435275970ScyThis causes
437275970Scyto exit with a panic message to
438275970Scythe system log.
440275970Scy.Fl g
441275970Scyoption overrides this check and the
442275970Scyclock will be set to the server time regardless of the chip time
443275970Scy(up to 68 years in the past or future \(em
444275970Scythis is a limitation of the NTPv4 protocol).
445275970ScyHowever, and to protect against broken hardware, such as when the
446275970ScyCMOS battery fails or the clock counter becomes defective, once the
447275970Scyclock has been set an error greater than 1000s will cause
449275970Scyto exit anyway.
451275970ScyUnder ordinary conditions,
453275970Scyadjusts the clock in
454275970Scysmall steps so that the timescale is effectively continuous and
455275970Scywithout discontinuities.
456275970ScyUnder conditions of extreme network
457275970Scycongestion, the roundtrip delay jitter can exceed three seconds and
458275970Scythe synchronization distance, which is equal to one\-half the
459275970Scyroundtrip delay plus error budget terms, can become very large.
462275970Scyalgorithms discard sample offsets exceeding 128 ms,
463275970Scyunless the interval during which no sample offset is less than 128
464275970Scyms exceeds 900s.
465275970ScyThe first sample after that, no matter what the
466275970Scyoffset, steps the clock to the indicated time.
467275970ScyIn practice this
468275970Scyreduces the false alarm rate where the clock is stepped in error to
469275970Scya vanishingly low incidence.
471275970ScyAs the result of this behavior, once the clock has been set it
472275970Scyvery rarely strays more than 128 ms even under extreme cases of
473275970Scynetwork path congestion and jitter.
474275970ScySometimes, in particular when
476275970Scyis first started without a valid drift file
477275970Scyon a system with a large intrinsic drift
478275970Scythe error might grow to exceed 128 ms,
479275970Scywhich would cause the clock to be set backwards
480275970Scyif the local clock time is more than 128 s
481275970Scyin the future relative to the server.
482275970ScyIn some applications, this behavior may be unacceptable.
483275970ScyThere are several solutions, however.
484275970ScyIf the
485275970Scy.Fl x
486275970Scyoption is included on the command line, the clock will
487275970Scynever be stepped and only slew corrections will be used.
488275970ScyBut this choice comes with a cost that
489275970Scyshould be carefully explored before deciding to use
491275970Scy.Fl x
493275970ScyThe maximum slew rate possible is limited
494275970Scyto 500 parts\-per\-million (PPM) as a consequence of the correctness
495275970Scyprinciples on which the NTP protocol and algorithm design are
497275970ScyAs a result, the local clock can take a long time to
498275970Scyconverge to an acceptable offset, about 2,000 s for each second the
499275970Scyclock is outside the acceptable range.
500275970ScyDuring this interval the
501275970Scylocal clock will not be consistent with any other network clock and
502275970Scythe system cannot be used for distributed applications that require
503275970Scycorrectly synchronized network time.
505275970ScyIn spite of the above precautions, sometimes when large
506275970Scyfrequency errors are present the resulting time offsets stray
507275970Scyoutside the 128\-ms range and an eventual step or slew time
508275970Scycorrection is required.
509275970ScyIf following such a correction the
510275970Scyfrequency error is so large that the first sample is outside the
511275970Scyacceptable range,
513275970Scyenters the same state as when the
514275970Scy.Pa ntp.drift
515275970Scyfile is not present.
516275970ScyThe intent of this behavior
517275970Scyis to quickly correct the frequency and restore operation to the
518275970Scynormal tracking mode.
519275970ScyIn the most extreme cases
520275970Scy(the host
521275970Scy.Cm time.ien.it
522275970Scycomes to mind), there may be occasional
523275970Scystep/slew corrections and subsequent frequency corrections.
525275970Scyhelps in these cases to use the
526275970Scy.Cm burst
527275970Scykeyword when
528275970Scyconfiguring the server, but
530275970Scywhen you have permission to do so from the owner of the target host.
533275970Scyin the past many startup scripts would run
534275970Scy.Xr ntpdate 1ntpdatemdoc
536289764Sglebius.Xr sntp 1sntpmdoc
537275970Scyto get the system clock close to correct before starting
538275970Scy.Xr ntpd 1ntpdmdoc ,
539275970Scybut this was never more than a mediocre hack and is no longer needed.
540275970ScyIf you are following the instructions in
541275970Scy.Sx "Starting NTP (Best Current Practice)"
542275970Scyand you still need to set the system time before starting
543275970Scy.Nm ,
544275970Scyplease open a bug report and document what is going on,
545275970Scyand then look at using
546289764Sglebius.Xr sntp 1sntpmdoc
547289764Sglebiusif you really need to set the clock before starting
548289764Sglebius.Nm .
550275970ScyThere is a way to start
551275970Scy.Xr ntpd 1ntpdmdoc
552275970Scythat often addresses all of the problems mentioned above.
553275970Scy.Ss "Starting NTP (Best Current Practice)"
554275970ScyFirst, use the
555275970Scy.Cm iburst
556275970Scyoption on your
557275970Scy.Cm server
560275970ScyIf you can also keep a good
561275970Scy.Pa ntp.drift
562275970Scyfile then
563275970Scy.Xr ntpd 1ntpdmdoc
564275970Scywill effectively "warm\-start" and your system's clock will
565275970Scybe stable in under 11 seconds' time.
567275970ScyAs soon as possible in the startup sequence, start
568275970Scy.Xr ntpd 1ntpdmdoc
569275970Scywith at least the
570275970Scy.Fl g
571275970Scyand perhaps the
572275970Scy.Fl N
575275970Scystart the rest of your "normal" processes.
576275970ScyThis will give
577275970Scy.Xr ntpd 1ntpdmdoc
578275970Scyas much time as possible to get the system's clock synchronized and stable.
581275970Scyif you have processes like
582275970Scy.Cm dovecot
583275970Scyor database servers
584275970Scythat require
585275970Scymonotonically\-increasing time,
587275970Scy.Xr ntp\-wait 1ntp\-waitmdoc
588275970Scyas late as possible in the boot sequence
589275970Scy(perhaps with the
590275970Scy.Fl v
592275970Scyand after
593275970Scy.Xr ntp\-wait 1ntp\-waitmdoc
594275970Scyexits successfully
595275970Scyit is as safe as it will ever be to start any process that require
596275970Scystable time.
597275970Scy.Ss "Frequency Discipline"
600275970Scybehavior at startup depends on whether the
601275970Scyfrequency file, usually
602275970Scy.Pa ntp.drift ,
604275970ScyThis file
605275970Scycontains the latest estimate of clock frequency error.
606275970ScyWhen the
608275970Scyis started and the file does not exist, the
610275970Scyenters a special mode designed to quickly adapt to
611275970Scythe particular system clock oscillator time and frequency error.
612275970ScyThis takes approximately 15 minutes, after which the time and
613275970Scyfrequency are set to nominal values and the
616275970Scynormal mode, where the time and frequency are continuously tracked
617275970Scyrelative to the server.
618275970ScyAfter one hour the frequency file is
619275970Scycreated and the current frequency offset written to it.
620275970ScyWhen the
622275970Scyis started and the file does exist, the
624275970Scyfrequency is initialized from the file and enters normal mode
626275970ScyAfter that the current frequency offset is written to
627275970Scythe file at hourly intervals.
628275970Scy.Ss "Operating Modes"
631275970Scyutility can operate in any of several modes, including
632275970Scysymmetric active/passive, client/server broadcast/multicast and
633275970Scymanycast, as described in the
634275970Scy.Qq Association Management
636275970Scy(available as part of the HTML documentation
637275970Scyprovided in
638275970Scy.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp ) .
639275970ScyIt normally operates continuously while
640275970Scymonitoring for small changes in frequency and trimming the clock
641275970Scyfor the ultimate precision.
642275970ScyHowever, it can operate in a one\-time
643275970Scymode where the time is set from an external server and frequency is
644275970Scyset from a previously recorded frequency file.
646275970Scybroadcast/multicast or manycast client can discover remote servers,
647275970Scycompute server\-client propagation delay correction factors and
648275970Scyconfigure itself automatically.
649275970ScyThis makes it possible to deploy a
650275970Scyfleet of workstations without specifying configuration details
651275970Scyspecific to the local environment.
653275970ScyBy default,
655275970Scyruns in continuous mode where each of
656275970Scypossibly several external servers is polled at intervals determined
657275970Scyby an intricate state machine.
658275970ScyThe state machine measures the
659275970Scyincidental roundtrip delay jitter and oscillator frequency wander
660275970Scyand determines the best poll interval using a heuristic algorithm.
661275970ScyOrdinarily, and in most operating environments, the state machine
662275970Scywill start with 64s intervals and eventually increase in steps to
664275970ScyA small amount of random variation is introduced in order to
665275970Scyavoid bunching at the servers.
666275970ScyIn addition, should a server become
667275970Scyunreachable for some time, the poll interval is increased in steps
668275970Scyto 1024s in order to reduce network overhead.
670275970ScyIn some cases it may not be practical for
672275970Scyto run continuously.
673275970ScyA common workaround has been to run the
674275970Scy.Xr ntpdate 1ntpdatemdoc
676275970Scy.Xr sntp 1sntpmdoc
677275970Scyprograms from a
678275970Scy.Xr cron 8
679275970Scyjob at designated
681275970ScyHowever, these programs do not have the crafted signal
682275970Scyprocessing, error checking or mitigation algorithms of
683275970Scy.Nm .
685275970Scy.Fl q
686275970Scyoption is intended for this purpose.
687275970ScySetting this option will cause
689275970Scyto exit just after
690275970Scysetting the clock for the first time.
691275970ScyThe procedure for initially
692275970Scysetting the clock is the same as in continuous mode; most
693275970Scyapplications will probably want to specify the
694275970Scy.Cm iburst
695275970Scykeyword with the
696275970Scy.Ic server
697275970Scyconfiguration command.
698275970ScyWith this
699275970Scykeyword a volley of messages are exchanged to groom the data and
700275970Scythe clock is set in about 10 s.
701275970ScyIf nothing is heard after a
702275970Scycouple of minutes, the daemon times out and exits.
703275970ScyAfter a suitable
704275970Scyperiod of mourning, the
705275970Scy.Xr ntpdate 1ntpdatemdoc
706275970Scyprogram will be
709275970ScyWhen kernel support is available to discipline the clock
710275970Scyfrequency, which is the case for stock Solaris, Tru64, Linux and
711275970Scy.Fx ,
712275970Scya useful feature is available to discipline the clock
716275970Scyis run in continuous mode with
717275970Scyselected servers in order to measure and record the intrinsic clock
718275970Scyfrequency offset in the frequency file.
719275970ScyIt may take some hours for
720275970Scythe frequency and offset to settle down.
721275970ScyThen the
724275970Scystopped and run in one\-time mode as required.
725275970ScyAt each startup, the
726275970Scyfrequency is read from the file and initializes the kernel
728275970Scy.Ss "Poll Interval Control"
729275970ScyThis version of NTP includes an intricate state machine to
730275970Scyreduce the network load while maintaining a quality of
731275970Scysynchronization consistent with the observed jitter and wander.
732275970ScyThere are a number of ways to tailor the operation in order enhance
733275970Scyaccuracy by reducing the interval or to reduce network overhead by
734275970Scyincreasing it.
735275970ScyHowever, the user is advised to carefully consider
736275970Scythe consequences of changing the poll adjustment range from the
737275970Scydefault minimum of 64 s to the default maximum of 1,024 s.
739275970Scydefault minimum can be changed with the
740275970Scy.Ic tinker
741275970Scy.Cm minpoll
742275970Scycommand to a value not less than 16 s.
743275970ScyThis value is used for all
744275970Scyconfigured associations, unless overridden by the
745275970Scy.Cm minpoll
746275970Scyoption on the configuration command.
747275970ScyNote that most device drivers
748275970Scywill not operate properly if the poll interval is less than 64 s
749275970Scyand that the broadcast server and manycast client associations will
750275970Scyalso use the default, unless overridden.
752275970ScyIn some cases involving dial up or toll services, it may be
753275970Scyuseful to increase the minimum interval to a few tens of minutes
754275970Scyand maximum interval to a day or so.
755275970ScyUnder normal operation
756275970Scyconditions, once the clock discipline loop has stabilized the
757275970Scyinterval will be increased in steps from the minimum to the
759275970ScyHowever, this assumes the intrinsic clock frequency error
760275970Scyis small enough for the discipline loop correct it.
761275970ScyThe capture
762275970Scyrange of the loop is 500 PPM at an interval of 64s decreasing by a
763275970Scyfactor of two for each doubling of interval.
764275970ScyAt a minimum of 1,024
765275970Scys, for example, the capture range is only 31 PPM.
766275970ScyIf the intrinsic
767275970Scyerror is greater than this, the drift file
768275970Scy.Pa ntp.drift
770275970Scyhave to be specially tailored to reduce the residual error below
771275970Scythis limit.
772275970ScyOnce this is done, the drift file is automatically
773275970Scyupdated once per hour and is available to initialize the frequency
774275970Scyon subsequent daemon restarts.
775275970Scy.Ss "The huff\-n'\-puff Filter"
776275970ScyIn scenarios where a considerable amount of data are to be
777275970Scydownloaded or uploaded over telephone modems, timekeeping quality
778275970Scycan be seriously degraded.
779275970ScyThis occurs because the differential
780275970Scydelays on the two directions of transmission can be quite large.
782275970Scymany cases the apparent time errors are so large as to exceed the
783275970Scystep threshold and a step correction can occur during and after the
784275970Scydata transfer is in progress.
786275970ScyThe huff\-n'\-puff filter is designed to correct the apparent time
787275970Scyoffset in these cases.
788275970ScyIt depends on knowledge of the propagation
789275970Scydelay when no other traffic is present.
790275970ScyIn common scenarios this
791275970Scyoccurs during other than work hours.
792275970ScyThe filter maintains a shift
793275970Scyregister that remembers the minimum delay over the most recent
794275970Scyinterval measured usually in hours.
795275970ScyUnder conditions of severe
796275970Scydelay, the filter corrects the apparent offset using the sign of
797275970Scythe offset and the difference between the apparent delay and
798275970Scyminimum delay.
799275970ScyThe name of the filter reflects the negative (huff)
800275970Scyand positive (puff) correction, which depends on the sign of the
803275970ScyThe filter is activated by the
804275970Scy.Ic tinker
805275970Scycommand and
806275970Scy.Cm huffpuff
807275970Scykeyword, as described in
808275970Scy.Xr ntp.conf 5 .
809275970Scy.Sh "ENVIRONMENT"
810275970ScySee \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration environment variables.
811275970Scy.Sh FILES
812275970Scy.Bl -tag -width /etc/ntp.drift -compact
813275970Scy.It Pa /etc/ntp.conf
814275970Scythe default name of the configuration file
815275970Scy.It Pa /etc/ntp.drift
816275970Scythe default name of the drift file
817275970Scy.It Pa /etc/ntp.keys
818275970Scythe default name of the key file
820275970Scy.Sh "EXIT STATUS"
821275970ScyOne of the following exit values will be returned:
822275970Scy.Bl -tag
823275970Scy.It 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)"
824275970ScySuccessful program execution.
825275970Scy.It 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)"
826275970ScyThe operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
827275970Scy.It 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)"
828275970Scylibopts had an internal operational error.  Please report
829275970Scyit to autogen\-users@lists.sourceforge.net.  Thank you.
831275970Scy.Sh "SEE ALSO"
832275970Scy.Xr ntp.conf 5 ,
833275970Scy.Xr ntpdate 1ntpdatemdoc ,
834275970Scy.Xr ntpdc 1ntpdcmdoc ,
835275970Scy.Xr ntpq 1ntpqmdoc ,
836275970Scy.Xr sntp 1sntpmdoc
838275970ScyIn addition to the manual pages provided,
839275970Scycomprehensive documentation is available on the world wide web
841275970Scy.Li http://www.ntp.org/ .
842275970ScyA snapshot of this documentation is available in HTML format in
843275970Scy.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp .
845275970Scy.%A David L. Mills
846275970Scy.%T Network Time Protocol (Version 1)
847275970Scy.%O RFC1059
850275970Scy.%A David L. Mills
851275970Scy.%T Network Time Protocol (Version 2)
852275970Scy.%O RFC1119
855275970Scy.%A David L. Mills
856275970Scy.%T Network Time Protocol (Version 3)
857275970Scy.%O RFC1305
860275970Scy.%A David L. Mills
861275970Scy.%A J. Martin, Ed.
862275970Scy.%A J. Burbank
863275970Scy.%A W. Kasch
864275970Scy.%T Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification
865275970Scy.%O RFC5905
868275970Scy.%A David L. Mills
869275970Scy.%A B. Haberman, Ed.
870275970Scy.%T Network Time Protocol Version 4: Autokey Specification
871275970Scy.%O RFC5906
874275970Scy.%A H. Gerstung
875275970Scy.%A C. Elliott
876275970Scy.%A B. Haberman, Ed.
877275970Scy.%T Definitions of Managed Objects for Network Time Protocol Version 4: (NTPv4)
878275970Scy.%O RFC5907
881275970Scy.%A R. Gayraud
882275970Scy.%A B. Lourdelet
883275970Scy.%T Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Option for DHCPv6
884275970Scy.%O RFC5908
886275970Scy.Sh "AUTHORS"
887280849ScyThe University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation
888275970Scy.Sh "COPYRIGHT"
889316722SdelphijCopyright (C) 1992\-2017 The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation all rights reserved.
890275970ScyThis program is released under the terms of the NTP license, <http://ntp.org/license>.
891275970Scy.Sh BUGS
894275970Scyutility has gotten rather fat.
895275970ScyWhile not huge, it has gotten
896275970Scylarger than might be desirable for an elevated\-priority
898275970Scyrunning on a workstation, particularly since many of
899275970Scythe fancy features which consume the space were designed more with
900275970Scya busy primary server, rather than a high stratum workstation in
903275970ScyPlease send bug reports to: http://bugs.ntp.org, bugs@ntp.org
904275970Scy.Sh NOTES
905275970ScyPortions of this document came from FreeBSD.
907275970ScyThis manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP\-erated from the \fBntpd\fP
908275970Scyoption definitions.