driver39.html revision 303975
1259698Sdim<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
5259698Sdim	<head>
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7259698Sdim		<title>hopf clock drivers by ATLSoft</title>
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12259698Sdim		<h1><font face="Arial"><i><blink><font size="5">hopf</font></blink></i><font size="+2"> </font><font size="3">PCI-Bus Receiver (6039 GPS/DCF77)</font></font></h1>
13259698Sdim<p>Last update:
14259698Sdim  <!-- #BeginDate format:En2m -->21-Oct-2010  23:44<!-- #EndDate -->
15259698Sdim  UTC</p>
16259698Sdim		<hr>
17259698Sdim		<div align="center">
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19259698Sdim				<table width="100%">
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21259698Sdim						<td width="50%">
22259698Sdim							<h2><font size="+1">Synopsis</font></h2>
23259698Sdim							<table bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
24259698Sdim								<tr>
25259698Sdim									<td height="21">
26259698Sdim										<div align="right">
27259698Sdim											<tt>Address:&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></div>
28259698Sdim									</td>
29259698Sdim									<td height="21"><b>127.127.39.<i>X</i></b></td>
30259698Sdim								</tr>
31259698Sdim								<tr>
32259698Sdim									<td height="21">
33259698Sdim										<div align="right">
34259698Sdim											<tt>Reference ID:&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></div>
35259698Sdim									</td>
36259698Sdim									<td height="21"><a name="REFID"></a><b>.hopf. </b>(default)<b>, GPS, DCF</b></td>
37259698Sdim								</tr>
38259698Sdim								<tr>
39259698Sdim									<td height="21">
40259698Sdim										<div align="right">
41259698Sdim											<tt>Driver ID:&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></div>
42259698Sdim									</td>
43259698Sdim									<td height="21"><b>HOPF_P</b></td>
44259698Sdim								</tr>
45259698Sdim							</table>
46259698Sdim						</td>
47259698Sdim						<td align="center" valign="middle"><font face="Arial"><i><blink><font size="5"><img src="../pic/fg6039.jpg" alt="gif" height="140" width="141" border="0"></font></blink></i></font></td>
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52259698Sdim		<hr>
53259698Sdim		<h2><font size="+1">Description</font></h2>
54259698Sdim		The <b>refclock_hopf_pci </b>driver supports the <a href="">hopf</a> PCI-bus interface 6039 GPS/DCF77.<br>
55259698Sdim		Additional software and information about the software drivers maybe available from: <a href=""></a>.<br>
56259698Sdim		Latest NTP driver source, executables and documentation is maintained at: <a href=""></a>
57259698Sdim		<hr>
58259698Sdim		<h2><font size="+1">Operating System Compatibility</font></h2>
59259698Sdim		<p align="left">The hopf clock driver has been tested on the following software and hardware platforms:<br>&nbsp;</p>
60259698Sdim		<table bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
61259698Sdim			<tr>
62259698Sdim				<td valign="CENTER" nowrap width="23%">
63259698Sdim					<p align="left"><b>Platform</b></p>
64259698Sdim				</td>
65259698Sdim				<td valign="CENTER" nowrap>
66259698Sdim					<p align="left"><b>Operating System</b></p>
67259698Sdim				</td>
68259698Sdim			</tr>
69259698Sdim			<tr>
70259698Sdim				<td valign="CENTER" nowrap width="23%">
71259698Sdim					<p align="left">i386 (PC)&nbsp;</p>
72259698Sdim				</td>
73259698Sdim				<td valign="CENTER" nowrap>
74259698Sdim					<p align="left">Linux</p>
75259698Sdim				</td>
76259698Sdim			</tr>
77259698Sdim			<tr>
78259698Sdim				<td nowrap>
79259698Sdim					<p align="left">i386 (PC)&nbsp;</p>
80259698Sdim				</td>
81259698Sdim				<td nowrap>
82259698Sdim					<p align="left">Windows NT</p>
83259698Sdim				</td>
84259698Sdim			</tr>
85259698Sdim			<tr>
86259698Sdim				<td nowrap>
87259698Sdim					<p align="left">i386 (PC)&nbsp;</p>
88259698Sdim				</td>
89259698Sdim				<center>
90259698Sdim					<td nowrap>Windows 2000</td>
91259698Sdim				</center>
92259698Sdim			</tr>
93259698Sdim		</table>
94259698Sdim		<hr>
95259698Sdim		<h2><font size="+1">O/S System Configuration</font></h2>
96259698Sdim		<p><b>UNIX</b></p>
97		The driver attempts to open the device <b><tt><a href="#REFID">/dev/hopf6039</a></tt></b> . The device entry will be made by the installation process of the kernel module for the PCI-bus board. The driver sources belongs to the delivery equipment of the PCI-board.
98		<p><b>Windows NT/2000</b></p>
99		<p>The driver attempts to open the device by calling the function &quot;OpenHopfDevice()&quot;. This function will be installed by the Device Driver for the PCI-bus board. The driver belongs to the delivery equipment of the PCI-board.</p>
100		<hr>
101		<h2><font size="+1">Fudge Factors</font></h2>
102		<dl>
103			<dt><tt><font size="+1"><a href="#REFID"><b>refid <i>string</i></b></a></font></tt>
104			<dd>Specifies the driver reference identifier, <b>GPS </b><i>or</i> <b>DCF</b>.
105			<dt><tt><font size="+1"><b>flag1 0 | 1</b></font></tt>
106			<dd>When set to 1, driver sync's even if only crystal driven.
107		</dl>
108		<hr>
109		<h3>Questions or Comments:</h3>
110		<p><a href="">Bernd Altmeier</a><a href=""><br>Ing.-B&uuml;ro f&uuml;r Software</a></p>
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