1272343Sngieinclude start
2272343Sngie# no attributes, no color
3272343Sngiecall3 OK 0 0 attr_get
4272343Sngie# set reverse and bold
5272343Sngiecall OK attr_set ($BOLD | $REVERSE) 2
6272343Sngie# returned attributes includes color information
7272343Sngiecall3 OK ($ACS_IS_WACS | $BOLD | $REVERSE) 2 attr_get
8272343Sngie# turn off reverse
9272343Sngiecall OK attr_off $REVERSE
10272343Sngiecall3 OK ($ACS_IS_WACS | $BOLD) 2 attr_get
11272343Sngie# turn on standout
12272343Sngiecall OK attr_on $STANDOUT
13272343Sngiecall3 OK ($ACS_IS_WACS | $BOLD | $STANDOUT) 2 attr_get
14272343Sngie# turn on blink
15272343Sngiecall OK attron $BLINK
16272343Sngiecall3 OK ($ACS_IS_WACS | $BOLD | $STANDOUT | $BLINK) 2 attr_get
17272343Sngie# turn off bold
18272343Sngiecall OK attroff $BOLD
19272343Sngiecall3 OK ($ACS_IS_WACS | $STANDOUT | $BLINK) 2 attr_get
20272343Sngie# print out something to check our attributes are there, standout and blink
21272343Sngiecall OK printw "%s" "hello"
22272343Sngiecall OK refresh
23272343Sngiecompare attributes.chk