1//===- SourceCoverageView.cpp - Code coverage view for source code --------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This class implements rendering for code coverage of source code.
14#include "SourceCoverageView.h"
15#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
16#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
17#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
18#include "llvm/Support/LineIterator.h"
20using namespace llvm;
22void SourceCoverageView::renderLine(
23    raw_ostream &OS, StringRef Line, int64_t LineNumber,
24    const coverage::CoverageSegment *WrappedSegment,
25    ArrayRef<const coverage::CoverageSegment *> Segments,
26    unsigned ExpansionCol) {
27  Optional<raw_ostream::Colors> Highlight;
28  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, 2> HighlightedRanges;
30  // The first segment overlaps from a previous line, so we treat it specially.
31  if (WrappedSegment && WrappedSegment->HasCount && WrappedSegment->Count == 0)
32    Highlight = raw_ostream::RED;
34  // Output each segment of the line, possibly highlighted.
35  unsigned Col = 1;
36  for (const auto *S : Segments) {
37    unsigned End = std::min(S->Col, static_cast<unsigned>(Line.size()) + 1);
38    colored_ostream(OS, Highlight ? *Highlight : raw_ostream::SAVEDCOLOR,
39                    Options.Colors && Highlight, /*Bold=*/false, /*BG=*/true)
40        << Line.substr(Col - 1, End - Col);
41    if (Options.Debug && Highlight)
42      HighlightedRanges.push_back(std::make_pair(Col, End));
43    Col = End;
44    if (Col == ExpansionCol)
45      Highlight = raw_ostream::CYAN;
46    else if (S->HasCount && S->Count == 0)
47      Highlight = raw_ostream::RED;
48    else
49      Highlight = None;
50  }
52  // Show the rest of the line
53  colored_ostream(OS, Highlight ? *Highlight : raw_ostream::SAVEDCOLOR,
54                  Options.Colors && Highlight, /*Bold=*/false, /*BG=*/true)
55      << Line.substr(Col - 1, Line.size() - Col + 1);
56  OS << "\n";
58  if (Options.Debug) {
59    for (const auto &Range : HighlightedRanges)
60      errs() << "Highlighted line " << LineNumber << ", " << Range.first
61             << " -> " << Range.second << "\n";
62    if (Highlight)
63      errs() << "Highlighted line " << LineNumber << ", " << Col << " -> ?\n";
64  }
67void SourceCoverageView::renderIndent(raw_ostream &OS, unsigned Level) {
68  for (unsigned I = 0; I < Level; ++I)
69    OS << "  |";
72void SourceCoverageView::renderViewDivider(unsigned Level, unsigned Length,
73                                           raw_ostream &OS) {
74  assert(Level != 0 && "Cannot render divider at top level");
75  renderIndent(OS, Level - 1);
76  OS.indent(2);
77  for (unsigned I = 0; I < Length; ++I)
78    OS << "-";
81/// Format a count using engineering notation with 3 significant digits.
82static std::string formatCount(uint64_t N) {
83  std::string Number = utostr(N);
84  int Len = Number.size();
85  if (Len <= 3)
86    return Number;
87  int IntLen = Len % 3 == 0 ? 3 : Len % 3;
88  std::string Result(Number.data(), IntLen);
89  if (IntLen != 3) {
90    Result.push_back('.');
91    Result += Number.substr(IntLen, 3 - IntLen);
92  }
93  Result.push_back(" kMGTPEZY"[(Len - 1) / 3]);
94  return Result;
98SourceCoverageView::renderLineCoverageColumn(raw_ostream &OS,
99                                             const LineCoverageInfo &Line) {
100  if (!Line.isMapped()) {
101    OS.indent(LineCoverageColumnWidth) << '|';
102    return;
103  }
104  std::string C = formatCount(Line.ExecutionCount);
105  OS.indent(LineCoverageColumnWidth - C.size());
106  colored_ostream(OS, raw_ostream::MAGENTA,
107                  Line.hasMultipleRegions() && Options.Colors)
108      << C;
109  OS << '|';
112void SourceCoverageView::renderLineNumberColumn(raw_ostream &OS,
113                                                unsigned LineNo) {
114  SmallString<32> Buffer;
115  raw_svector_ostream BufferOS(Buffer);
116  BufferOS << LineNo;
117  auto Str = BufferOS.str();
118  // Trim and align to the right
119  Str = Str.substr(0, std::min(Str.size(), (size_t)LineNumberColumnWidth));
120  OS.indent(LineNumberColumnWidth - Str.size()) << Str << '|';
123void SourceCoverageView::renderRegionMarkers(
124    raw_ostream &OS, ArrayRef<const coverage::CoverageSegment *> Segments) {
125  unsigned PrevColumn = 1;
126  for (const auto *S : Segments) {
127    if (!S->IsRegionEntry)
128      continue;
129    // Skip to the new region
130    if (S->Col > PrevColumn)
131      OS.indent(S->Col - PrevColumn);
132    PrevColumn = S->Col + 1;
133    std::string C = formatCount(S->Count);
134    PrevColumn += C.size();
135    OS << '^' << C;
136  }
137  OS << "\n";
139  if (Options.Debug)
140    for (const auto *S : Segments)
141      errs() << "Marker at " << S->Line << ":" << S->Col << " = "
142             << formatCount(S->Count) << (S->IsRegionEntry ? "\n" : " (pop)\n");
145void SourceCoverageView::render(raw_ostream &OS, bool WholeFile,
146                                unsigned IndentLevel) {
147  // The width of the leading columns
148  unsigned CombinedColumnWidth =
149      (Options.ShowLineStats ? LineCoverageColumnWidth + 1 : 0) +
150      (Options.ShowLineNumbers ? LineNumberColumnWidth + 1 : 0);
151  // The width of the line that is used to divide between the view and the
152  // subviews.
153  unsigned DividerWidth = CombinedColumnWidth + 4;
155  // We need the expansions and instantiations sorted so we can go through them
156  // while we iterate lines.
157  std::sort(ExpansionSubViews.begin(), ExpansionSubViews.end());
158  std::sort(InstantiationSubViews.begin(), InstantiationSubViews.end());
159  auto NextESV = ExpansionSubViews.begin();
160  auto EndESV = ExpansionSubViews.end();
161  auto NextISV = InstantiationSubViews.begin();
162  auto EndISV = InstantiationSubViews.end();
164  // Get the coverage information for the file.
165  auto NextSegment = CoverageInfo.begin();
166  auto EndSegment = CoverageInfo.end();
168  unsigned FirstLine = NextSegment != EndSegment ? NextSegment->Line : 0;
169  const coverage::CoverageSegment *WrappedSegment = nullptr;
170  SmallVector<const coverage::CoverageSegment *, 8> LineSegments;
171  for (line_iterator LI(File, /*SkipBlanks=*/false); !LI.is_at_eof(); ++LI) {
172    // If we aren't rendering the whole file, we need to filter out the prologue
173    // and epilogue.
174    if (!WholeFile) {
175      if (NextSegment == EndSegment)
176        break;
177      else if (LI.line_number() < FirstLine)
178        continue;
179    }
181    // Collect the coverage information relevant to this line.
182    if (LineSegments.size())
183      WrappedSegment = LineSegments.back();
184    LineSegments.clear();
185    while (NextSegment != EndSegment && NextSegment->Line == LI.line_number())
186      LineSegments.push_back(&*NextSegment++);
188    // Calculate a count to be for the line as a whole.
189    LineCoverageInfo LineCount;
190    if (WrappedSegment && WrappedSegment->HasCount)
191      LineCount.addRegionCount(WrappedSegment->Count);
192    for (const auto *S : LineSegments)
193      if (S->HasCount && S->IsRegionEntry)
194          LineCount.addRegionStartCount(S->Count);
196    // Render the line prefix.
197    renderIndent(OS, IndentLevel);
198    if (Options.ShowLineStats)
199      renderLineCoverageColumn(OS, LineCount);
200    if (Options.ShowLineNumbers)
201      renderLineNumberColumn(OS, LI.line_number());
203    // If there are expansion subviews, we want to highlight the first one.
204    unsigned ExpansionColumn = 0;
205    if (NextESV != EndESV && NextESV->getLine() == LI.line_number() &&
206        Options.Colors)
207      ExpansionColumn = NextESV->getStartCol();
209    // Display the source code for the current line.
210    renderLine(OS, *LI, LI.line_number(), WrappedSegment, LineSegments,
211               ExpansionColumn);
213    // Show the region markers.
214    if (Options.ShowRegionMarkers && (!Options.ShowLineStatsOrRegionMarkers ||
215                                      LineCount.hasMultipleRegions()) &&
216        !LineSegments.empty()) {
217      renderIndent(OS, IndentLevel);
218      OS.indent(CombinedColumnWidth);
219      renderRegionMarkers(OS, LineSegments);
220    }
222    // Show the expansions and instantiations for this line.
223    unsigned NestedIndent = IndentLevel + 1;
224    bool RenderedSubView = false;
225    for (; NextESV != EndESV && NextESV->getLine() == LI.line_number();
226         ++NextESV) {
227      renderViewDivider(NestedIndent, DividerWidth, OS);
228      OS << "\n";
229      if (RenderedSubView) {
230        // Re-render the current line and highlight the expansion range for
231        // this subview.
232        ExpansionColumn = NextESV->getStartCol();
233        renderIndent(OS, IndentLevel);
234        OS.indent(CombinedColumnWidth + (IndentLevel == 0 ? 0 : 1));
235        renderLine(OS, *LI, LI.line_number(), WrappedSegment, LineSegments,
236                   ExpansionColumn);
237        renderViewDivider(NestedIndent, DividerWidth, OS);
238        OS << "\n";
239      }
240      // Render the child subview
241      if (Options.Debug)
242        errs() << "Expansion at line " << NextESV->getLine() << ", "
243               << NextESV->getStartCol() << " -> " << NextESV->getEndCol()
244               << "\n";
245      NextESV->View->render(OS, false, NestedIndent);
246      RenderedSubView = true;
247    }
248    for (; NextISV != EndISV && NextISV->Line == LI.line_number(); ++NextISV) {
249      renderViewDivider(NestedIndent, DividerWidth, OS);
250      OS << "\n";
251      renderIndent(OS, NestedIndent);
252      OS << ' ';
253      Options.colored_ostream(OS, raw_ostream::CYAN) << NextISV->FunctionName
254                                                     << ":";
255      OS << "\n";
256      NextISV->View->render(OS, false, NestedIndent);
257      RenderedSubView = true;
258    }
259    if (RenderedSubView) {
260      renderViewDivider(NestedIndent, DividerWidth, OS);
261      OS << "\n";
262    }
263  }