RuntimeDyldMachOAArch64.h revision 274968
1//===-- RuntimeDyldMachOAArch64.h -- MachO/AArch64 specific code. -*- C++ -*-=//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
13#include "../RuntimeDyldMachO.h"
15#define DEBUG_TYPE "dyld"
17namespace llvm {
19class RuntimeDyldMachOAArch64
20    : public RuntimeDyldMachOCRTPBase<RuntimeDyldMachOAArch64> {
22  RuntimeDyldMachOAArch64(RTDyldMemoryManager *MM)
23      : RuntimeDyldMachOCRTPBase(MM) {}
25  unsigned getMaxStubSize() override { return 8; }
27  unsigned getStubAlignment() override { return 8; }
29  relocation_iterator
30  processRelocationRef(unsigned SectionID, relocation_iterator RelI,
31                       ObjectImage &ObjImg, ObjSectionToIDMap &ObjSectionToID,
32                       const SymbolTableMap &Symbols, StubMap &Stubs) override {
33    const MachOObjectFile &Obj =
34        static_cast<const MachOObjectFile &>(*ObjImg.getObjectFile());
35    MachO::any_relocation_info RelInfo =
36        Obj.getRelocation(RelI->getRawDataRefImpl());
38    assert(!Obj.isRelocationScattered(RelInfo) && "");
40    // ARM64 has an ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND relocation type that carries an explicit
41    // addend for the following relocation. If found: (1) store the associated
42    // addend, (2) consume the next relocation, and (3) use the stored addend to
43    // override the addend.
44    bool HasExplicitAddend = false;
45    int64_t ExplicitAddend = 0;
46    if (Obj.getAnyRelocationType(RelInfo) == MachO::ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND) {
47      assert(!Obj.getPlainRelocationExternal(RelInfo));
48      assert(!Obj.getAnyRelocationPCRel(RelInfo));
49      assert(Obj.getAnyRelocationLength(RelInfo) == 2);
50      HasExplicitAddend = true;
51      int64_t RawAddend = Obj.getPlainRelocationSymbolNum(RelInfo);
52      // Sign-extend the 24-bit to 64-bit.
53      ExplicitAddend = (RawAddend << 40) >> 40;
54      ++RelI;
55      RelInfo = Obj.getRelocation(RelI->getRawDataRefImpl());
56    }
58    RelocationEntry RE(getBasicRelocationEntry(SectionID, ObjImg, RelI));
59    RelocationValueRef Value(
60        getRelocationValueRef(ObjImg, RelI, RE, ObjSectionToID, Symbols));
62    if (HasExplicitAddend) {
63      RE.Addend = ExplicitAddend;
64      Value.Addend = ExplicitAddend;
65    }
67    bool IsExtern = Obj.getPlainRelocationExternal(RelInfo);
68    if (!IsExtern && RE.IsPCRel)
69      makeValueAddendPCRel(Value, ObjImg, RelI);
71    RE.Addend = Value.Addend;
73    if (RE.RelType == MachO::ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGE21 ||
74        RE.RelType == MachO::ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGEOFF12)
75      processGOTRelocation(RE, Value, Stubs);
76    else {
77      if (Value.SymbolName)
78        addRelocationForSymbol(RE, Value.SymbolName);
79      else
80        addRelocationForSection(RE, Value.SectionID);
81    }
83    return ++RelI;
84  }
86  void resolveRelocation(const RelocationEntry &RE, uint64_t Value) {
87    DEBUG(dumpRelocationToResolve(RE, Value));
89    const SectionEntry &Section = Sections[RE.SectionID];
90    uint8_t *LocalAddress = Section.Address + RE.Offset;
92    switch (RE.RelType) {
93    default:
94      llvm_unreachable("Invalid relocation type!");
95    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_UNSIGNED: {
96      assert(!RE.IsPCRel && "PCRel and ARM64_RELOC_UNSIGNED not supported");
97      // Mask in the target value a byte at a time (we don't have an alignment
98      // guarantee for the target address, so this is safest).
99      if (RE.Size < 2)
100        llvm_unreachable("Invalid size for ARM64_RELOC_UNSIGNED");
102      writeBytesUnaligned(LocalAddress, Value + RE.Addend, 1 << RE.Size);
103      break;
104    }
105    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_BRANCH26: {
106      assert(RE.IsPCRel && "not PCRel and ARM64_RELOC_BRANCH26 not supported");
107      // Mask the value into the target address. We know instructions are
108      // 32-bit aligned, so we can do it all at once.
109      uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)LocalAddress;
110      // Check if the addend is encoded in the instruction.
111      uint32_t EncodedAddend = *p & 0x03FFFFFF;
112      if (EncodedAddend != 0) {
113        if (RE.Addend == 0)
114          llvm_unreachable("branch26 instruction has embedded addend.");
115        else
116          llvm_unreachable("branch26 instruction has embedded addend and"
117                           "ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND.");
118      }
119      // Check if branch is in range.
120      uint64_t FinalAddress = Section.LoadAddress + RE.Offset;
121      uint64_t PCRelVal = Value - FinalAddress + RE.Addend;
122      assert(isInt<26>(PCRelVal) && "Branch target out of range!");
123      // Insert the value into the instruction.
124      *p = (*p & 0xFC000000) | ((uint32_t)(PCRelVal >> 2) & 0x03FFFFFF);
125      break;
126    }
127    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGE21:
128    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_PAGE21: {
129      assert(RE.IsPCRel && "not PCRel and ARM64_RELOC_PAGE21 not supported");
130      // Mask the value into the target address. We know instructions are
131      // 32-bit aligned, so we can do it all at once.
132      uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)LocalAddress;
133      // Check if the addend is encoded in the instruction.
134      uint32_t EncodedAddend =
135          ((*p & 0x60000000) >> 29) | ((*p & 0x01FFFFE0) >> 3);
136      if (EncodedAddend != 0) {
137        if (RE.Addend == 0)
138          llvm_unreachable("adrp instruction has embedded addend.");
139        else
140          llvm_unreachable("adrp instruction has embedded addend and"
141                           "ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND.");
142      }
143      // Adjust for PC-relative relocation and offset.
144      uint64_t FinalAddress = Section.LoadAddress + RE.Offset;
145      uint64_t PCRelVal =
146          ((Value + RE.Addend) & (-4096)) - (FinalAddress & (-4096));
147      // Check that the value fits into 21 bits (+ 12 lower bits).
148      assert(isInt<33>(PCRelVal) && "Invalid page reloc value!");
149      // Insert the value into the instruction.
150      uint32_t ImmLoValue = (uint32_t)(PCRelVal << 17) & 0x60000000;
151      uint32_t ImmHiValue = (uint32_t)(PCRelVal >> 9) & 0x00FFFFE0;
152      *p = (*p & 0x9F00001F) | ImmHiValue | ImmLoValue;
153      break;
154    }
155    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGEOFF12:
156    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_PAGEOFF12: {
157      assert(!RE.IsPCRel && "PCRel and ARM64_RELOC_PAGEOFF21 not supported");
158      // Mask the value into the target address. We know instructions are
159      // 32-bit aligned, so we can do it all at once.
160      uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)LocalAddress;
161      // Check if the addend is encoded in the instruction.
162      uint32_t EncodedAddend = *p & 0x003FFC00;
163      if (EncodedAddend != 0) {
164        if (RE.Addend == 0)
165          llvm_unreachable("adrp instruction has embedded addend.");
166        else
167          llvm_unreachable("adrp instruction has embedded addend and"
168                           "ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND.");
169      }
170      // Add the offset from the symbol.
171      Value += RE.Addend;
172      // Mask out the page address and only use the lower 12 bits.
173      Value &= 0xFFF;
174      // Check which instruction we are updating to obtain the implicit shift
175      // factor from LDR/STR instructions.
176      if (*p & 0x08000000) {
177        uint32_t ImplicitShift = ((*p >> 30) & 0x3);
178        switch (ImplicitShift) {
179        case 0:
180          // Check if this a vector op.
181          if ((*p & 0x04800000) == 0x04800000) {
182            ImplicitShift = 4;
183            assert(((Value & 0xF) == 0) &&
184                   "128-bit LDR/STR not 16-byte aligned.");
185          }
186          break;
187        case 1:
188          assert(((Value & 0x1) == 0) && "16-bit LDR/STR not 2-byte aligned.");
189        case 2:
190          assert(((Value & 0x3) == 0) && "32-bit LDR/STR not 4-byte aligned.");
191        case 3:
192          assert(((Value & 0x7) == 0) && "64-bit LDR/STR not 8-byte aligned.");
193        }
194        // Compensate for implicit shift.
195        Value >>= ImplicitShift;
196      }
197      // Insert the value into the instruction.
198      *p = (*p & 0xFFC003FF) | ((uint32_t)(Value << 10) & 0x003FFC00);
199      break;
200    }
201    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR:
202    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_POINTER_TO_GOT:
203    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_TLVP_LOAD_PAGE21:
204    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_TLVP_LOAD_PAGEOFF12:
205      llvm_unreachable("Relocation type not implemented yet!");
206    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND:
207      llvm_unreachable("ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND should have been handeled by "
208                       "processRelocationRef!");
209    }
210  }
212  void finalizeSection(ObjectImage &ObjImg, unsigned SectionID,
213                       const SectionRef &Section) {}
216  void processGOTRelocation(const RelocationEntry &RE,
217                            RelocationValueRef &Value, StubMap &Stubs) {
218    assert(RE.Size == 2);
219    SectionEntry &Section = Sections[RE.SectionID];
220    StubMap::const_iterator i = Stubs.find(Value);
221    uint8_t *Addr;
222    if (i != Stubs.end())
223      Addr = Section.Address + i->second;
224    else {
225      // FIXME: There must be a better way to do this then to check and fix the
226      // alignment every time!!!
227      uintptr_t BaseAddress = uintptr_t(Section.Address);
228      uintptr_t StubAlignment = getStubAlignment();
229      uintptr_t StubAddress =
230          (BaseAddress + Section.StubOffset + StubAlignment - 1) &
231          -StubAlignment;
232      unsigned StubOffset = StubAddress - BaseAddress;
233      Stubs[Value] = StubOffset;
234      assert(((StubAddress % getStubAlignment()) == 0) &&
235             "GOT entry not aligned");
236      RelocationEntry GOTRE(RE.SectionID, StubOffset,
237                            MachO::ARM64_RELOC_UNSIGNED, Value.Addend,
238                            /*IsPCRel=*/false, /*Size=*/3);
239      if (Value.SymbolName)
240        addRelocationForSymbol(GOTRE, Value.SymbolName);
241      else
242        addRelocationForSection(GOTRE, Value.SectionID);
243      Section.StubOffset = StubOffset + getMaxStubSize();
244      Addr = (uint8_t *)StubAddress;
245    }
246    RelocationEntry TargetRE(RE.SectionID, RE.Offset, RE.RelType, /*Addend=*/0,
247                             RE.IsPCRel, RE.Size);
248    resolveRelocation(TargetRE, (uint64_t)Addr);
249  }
253#undef DEBUG_TYPE