2281494Sandrew# GENERIC -- Generic kernel configuration file for FreeBSD/arm64
4281494Sandrew# For more information on this file, please read the config(5) manual page,
5281494Sandrew# and/or the handbook section on Kernel Configuration Files:
7281494Sandrew#    http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig-config.html
9281494Sandrew# The handbook is also available locally in /usr/share/doc/handbook
10281494Sandrew# if you've installed the doc distribution, otherwise always see the
11281494Sandrew# FreeBSD World Wide Web server (http://www.FreeBSD.org/) for the
12281494Sandrew# latest information.
14281494Sandrew# An exhaustive list of options and more detailed explanations of the
15281494Sandrew# device lines is also present in the ../../conf/NOTES and NOTES files.
16281494Sandrew# If you are in doubt as to the purpose or necessity of a line, check first
17281494Sandrew# in NOTES.
19281494Sandrew# $FreeBSD: stable/11/sys/arm64/conf/GENERIC 323770 2017-09-19 16:51:51Z jpaetzel $
21281494Sandrewcpu		ARM64
22281494Sandrewident		GENERIC
24281494Sandrewmakeoptions	DEBUG=-g		# Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols
25289714Semastemakeoptions	WITH_CTF=1		# Run ctfconvert(1) for DTrace support
27281494Sandrewoptions 	SCHED_ULE		# ULE scheduler
28281494Sandrewoptions 	PREEMPTION		# Enable kernel thread preemption
29281494Sandrewoptions 	INET			# InterNETworking
30281494Sandrewoptions 	INET6			# IPv6 communications protocols
31290558Semasteoptions 	IPSEC			# IP (v4/v6) security
32323770Sjpaetzeloptions		IPSEC_SUPPORT		# Allow kldload of ipsec and tcpmd5
33281494Sandrewoptions 	TCP_OFFLOAD		# TCP offload
34281494Sandrewoptions 	SCTP			# Stream Control Transmission Protocol
35281494Sandrewoptions 	FFS			# Berkeley Fast Filesystem
36281494Sandrewoptions 	SOFTUPDATES		# Enable FFS soft updates support
37281494Sandrewoptions 	UFS_ACL			# Support for access control lists
38281494Sandrewoptions 	UFS_DIRHASH		# Improve performance on big directories
39281494Sandrewoptions 	UFS_GJOURNAL		# Enable gjournal-based UFS journaling
40281494Sandrewoptions 	QUOTA			# Enable disk quotas for UFS
41281494Sandrewoptions 	MD_ROOT			# MD is a potential root device
42290558Semasteoptions 	NFSCL			# Network Filesystem Client
43290558Semasteoptions 	NFSD			# Network Filesystem Server
44281494Sandrewoptions 	NFSLOCKD		# Network Lock Manager
45281494Sandrewoptions 	NFS_ROOT		# NFS usable as /, requires NFSCL
46281494Sandrewoptions 	MSDOSFS			# MSDOS Filesystem
47281494Sandrewoptions 	CD9660			# ISO 9660 Filesystem
48281494Sandrewoptions 	PROCFS			# Process filesystem (requires PSEUDOFS)
49281494Sandrewoptions 	PSEUDOFS		# Pseudo-filesystem framework
50281494Sandrewoptions 	GEOM_PART_GPT		# GUID Partition Tables.
51281494Sandrewoptions 	GEOM_RAID		# Soft RAID functionality.
52281494Sandrewoptions 	GEOM_LABEL		# Provides labelization
53281494Sandrewoptions 	SCSI_DELAY=5000		# Delay (in ms) before probing SCSI
54281494Sandrewoptions 	KTRACE			# ktrace(1) support
55281494Sandrewoptions 	STACK			# stack(9) support
56281494Sandrewoptions 	SYSVSHM			# SYSV-style shared memory
57281494Sandrewoptions 	SYSVMSG			# SYSV-style message queues
58281494Sandrewoptions 	SYSVSEM			# SYSV-style semaphores
59281494Sandrewoptions 	_KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING # POSIX P1003_1B real-time extensions
60281494Sandrewoptions 	PRINTF_BUFR_SIZE=128	# Prevent printf output being interspersed.
61281494Sandrewoptions 	KBD_INSTALL_CDEV	# install a CDEV entry in /dev
62281494Sandrewoptions 	HWPMC_HOOKS		# Necessary kernel hooks for hwpmc(4)
63281494Sandrewoptions 	AUDIT			# Security event auditing
64281494Sandrewoptions 	CAPABILITY_MODE		# Capsicum capability mode
65281494Sandrewoptions 	CAPABILITIES		# Capsicum capabilities
66281494Sandrewoptions 	MAC			# TrustedBSD MAC Framework
67281494Sandrewoptions 	KDTRACE_FRAME		# Ensure frames are compiled in
68281494Sandrewoptions 	KDTRACE_HOOKS		# Kernel DTrace hooks
69281494Sandrewoptions 	VFP			# Floating-point support
70282901Straszoptions 	RACCT			# Resource accounting framework
71282901Straszoptions 	RACCT_DEFAULT_TO_DISABLED # Set kern.racct.enable=0 by default
72282901Straszoptions 	RCTL			# Resource limits
73285316Sandrewoptions 	SMP
74301565Sandrewoptions 	INTRNG
76285040Sandrew# Debugging support.  Always need this:
77285040Sandrewoptions 	KDB			# Enable kernel debugger support.
78285040Sandrewoptions 	KDB_TRACE		# Print a stack trace for a panic.
79285040Sandrew# For full debugger support use (turn off in stable branch):
80285040Sandrewoptions 	DDB			# Support DDB.
81285040Sandrew#options 	GDB			# Support remote GDB.
82285040Sandrewoptions 	DEADLKRES		# Enable the deadlock resolver
83285040Sandrewoptions 	INVARIANTS		# Enable calls of extra sanity checking
84285040Sandrewoptions 	INVARIANT_SUPPORT	# Extra sanity checks of internal structures, required by INVARIANTS
85285040Sandrewoptions 	WITNESS			# Enable checks to detect deadlocks and cycles
86285040Sandrewoptions 	WITNESS_SKIPSPIN	# Don't run witness on spinlocks for speed
87285040Sandrewoptions 	MALLOC_DEBUG_MAXZONES=8	# Separate malloc(9) zones
89287162Sandrew# SoC support
90287162Sandrewoptions 	SOC_CAVM_THUNDERX
91287169Sandrewoptions 	SOC_HISI_HI6220
93287160Sandrew# VirtIO support
94281494Sandrewdevice		virtio
95281494Sandrewdevice		virtio_mmio
96281494Sandrewdevice		virtio_blk
97281494Sandrewdevice		vtnet
99286470Szbb# Bus drivers
100286470Szbbdevice		pci
101299142Sjhboptions 	PCI_HP			# PCI-Express native HotPlug
102290558Semasteoptions 	PCI_IOV		# PCI SR-IOV support
104286473Szbb# Ethernet NICs
105292112Sandrewdevice		mii
106292112Sandrewdevice		miibus		# MII bus support
107286473Szbbdevice		em		# Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Family
108290482Semastedevice		igb		# Intel PRO/1000 PCIE Server Gigabit Family
109295888Swmadevice		ix		# Intel 10Gb Ethernet Family
110292112Sandrewdevice		msk		# Marvell/SysKonnect Yukon II Gigabit Ethernet
111292112Sandrewdevice		vnic		# Cavium ThunderX NIC
113286473Szbb# Block devices
114286473Szbbdevice		ahci
115286473Szbbdevice		scbus
116286473Szbbdevice		da
118288132Semaste# ATA/SCSI peripherals
119288132Semastedevice		pass		# Passthrough device (direct ATA/SCSI access)
121287371Sandrew# MMC/SD/SDIO Card slot support
122287371Sandrewdevice		mmc			# mmc/sd bus
123287371Sandrewdevice		mmcsd			# mmc/sd flash cards
124287371Sandrewdevice		dwmmc
126281494Sandrew# Serial (COM) ports
127281494Sandrewdevice		uart		# Generic UART driver
128296255Swmadevice		uart_ns8250	# ns8250-type UART driver
129281494Sandrewdevice		pl011
131287373Sandrew# USB support
132287373Sandrewoptions 	USB_DEBUG		# enable debug msgs
133287373Sandrewdevice		dwcotg			# DWC OTG controller
134305543Sandrewdevice		ohci			# OHCI PCI->USB interface
135305543Sandrewdevice		ehci			# EHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 2.0)
136287829Semastedevice		xhci			# XHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 3.0)
137287373Sandrewdevice		usb			# USB Bus (required)
138287829Semastedevice		ukbd			# Keyboard
139287829Semastedevice		umass			# Disks/Mass storage - Requires scbus and da
141281494Sandrew# Pseudo devices.
142281494Sandrewdevice		loop		# Network loopback
143281494Sandrewdevice		random		# Entropy device
144281494Sandrewdevice		ether		# Ethernet support
145281494Sandrewdevice		vlan		# 802.1Q VLAN support
146281494Sandrewdevice		tun		# Packet tunnel.
147281494Sandrewdevice		md		# Memory "disks"
148281494Sandrewdevice		gif		# IPv6 and IPv4 tunneling
149281494Sandrewdevice		firmware	# firmware assist module
150281497Sandrewdevice		psci		# Support for ARM PSCI
152281494Sandrew# The `bpf' device enables the Berkeley Packet Filter.
153281494Sandrew# Be aware of the administrative consequences of enabling this!
154281494Sandrew# Note that 'bpf' is required for DHCP.
155281494Sandrewdevice		bpf		# Berkeley packet filter
157286121Szbb# Chip-specific errata
158286121Szbboptions 	THUNDERX_PASS_1_1_ERRATA
160281494Sandrewoptions 	FDT
161298639Sandrew#device		acpi
163285530Sbrueffer# The crypto framework is required by IPSEC
164285142Sgnndevice		crypto			# Required by IPSEC