LoopVersioningLICM.cpp revision 360784
1148330Snetchild//===- LoopVersioningLICM.cpp - LICM Loop Versioning ----------------------===//
3148330Snetchild// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4148330Snetchild// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5148330Snetchild// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9148330Snetchild// When alias analysis is uncertain about the aliasing between any two accesses,
10148330Snetchild// it will return MayAlias. This uncertainty from alias analysis restricts LICM
11148330Snetchild// from proceeding further. In cases where alias analysis is uncertain we might
12148330Snetchild// use loop versioning as an alternative.
14148543Snetchild// Loop Versioning will create a version of the loop with aggressive aliasing
15148543Snetchild// assumptions in addition to the original with conservative (default) aliasing
16148330Snetchild// assumptions. The version of the loop making aggressive aliasing assumptions
17189585Sthompsa// will have all the memory accesses marked as no-alias. These two versions of
18189585Sthompsa// loop will be preceded by a memory runtime check. This runtime check consists
19189607Sthompsa// of bound checks for all unique memory accessed in loop, and it ensures the
20189607Sthompsa// lack of memory aliasing. The result of the runtime check determines which of
21189607Sthompsa// the loop versions is executed: If the runtime check detects any memory
22189585Sthompsa// aliasing, then the original loop is executed. Otherwise, the version with
23189092Sed// aggressive aliasing assumptions is used.
25188948Sthompsa// Following are the top level steps:
27189000Sthompsa// a) Perform LoopVersioningLICM's feasibility check.
28189000Sthompsa// b) If loop is a candidate for versioning then create a memory bound check,
29189000Sthompsa//    by considering all the memory accesses in loop body.
30189000Sthompsa// c) Clone original loop and set all memory accesses as no-alias in new loop.
31189000Sthompsa// d) Set original loop & versioned loop as a branch target of the runtime check
32189000Sthompsa//    result.
34189000Sthompsa// It transforms loop as shown below:
36189000Sthompsa//                         +----------------+
37189000Sthompsa//                         |Runtime Memcheck|
38189000Sthompsa//                         +----------------+
39189000Sthompsa//                                 |
40188948Sthompsa//              +----------+----------------+----------+
41188948Sthompsa//              |                                      |
42188948Sthompsa//    +---------+----------+               +-----------+----------+
43188948Sthompsa//    |Orig Loop Preheader |               |Cloned Loop Preheader |
44188948Sthompsa//    +--------------------+               +----------------------+
45188948Sthompsa//              |                                      |
46188948Sthompsa//    +--------------------+               +----------------------+
47188948Sthompsa//    |Orig Loop Body      |               |Cloned Loop Body      |
48188948Sthompsa//    +--------------------+               +----------------------+
49188948Sthompsa//              |                                      |
50188948Sthompsa//    +--------------------+               +----------------------+
51188948Sthompsa//    |Orig Loop Exit Block|               |Cloned Loop Exit Block|
52188948Sthompsa//    +--------------------+               +-----------+----------+
53188948Sthompsa//              |                                      |
54188948Sthompsa//              +----------+--------------+-----------+
55188948Sthompsa//                                 |
56188948Sthompsa//                           +-----+----+
57188948Sthompsa//                           |Join Block|
58188948Sthompsa//                           +----------+
62188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
63188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
64188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
65188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/Analysis/AliasSetTracker.h"
66188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/Analysis/GlobalsModRef.h"
67188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopAccessAnalysis.h"
68188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h"
69188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopPass.h"
70188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/Analysis/OptimizationRemarkEmitter.h"
71188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/Analysis/ScalarEvolution.h"
72188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/IR/CallSite.h"
73188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
74188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
75188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
76188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
77188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
78188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/IR/MDBuilder.h"
79188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h"
80188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
81188948Sthompsa#include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
82188652Sed#include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
83188652Sed#include "llvm/Pass.h"
84188652Sed#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
85188652Sed#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
86188102Sgabor#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
87188102Sgabor#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
88187694Santoine#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"
89187694Santoine#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils.h"
90187694Santoine#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/LoopUtils.h"
91187694Santoine#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/LoopVersioning.h"
92187694Santoine#include <cassert>
93186716Santoine#include <memory>
95186437Sbzusing namespace llvm;
97185472Santoine#define DEBUG_TYPE "loop-versioning-licm"
99185472Santoinestatic const char *LICMVersioningMetaData = "llvm.loop.licm_versioning.disable";
101185472Santoine/// Threshold minimum allowed percentage for possible
102183442Sed/// invariant instructions in a loop.
103183442Sedstatic cl::opt<float>
104183442Sed    LVInvarThreshold("licm-versioning-invariant-threshold",
105183442Sed                     cl::desc("LoopVersioningLICM's minimum allowed percentage"
106183442Sed                              "of possible invariant instructions per loop"),
107183442Sed                     cl::init(25), cl::Hidden);
109183235Santoine/// Threshold for maximum allowed loop nest/depth
110183235Santoinestatic cl::opt<unsigned> LVLoopDepthThreshold(
111183026Santoine    "licm-versioning-max-depth-threshold",
112183026Santoine    cl::desc(
113182105Sed        "LoopVersioningLICM's threshold for maximum allowed loop nest/depth"),
114182105Sed    cl::init(2), cl::Hidden);
116182518Santoinenamespace {
118182518Santoinestruct LoopVersioningLICM : public LoopPass {
119182518Santoine  static char ID;
121182518Santoine  LoopVersioningLICM()
122182518Santoine      : LoopPass(ID), LoopDepthThreshold(LVLoopDepthThreshold),
123182518Santoine        InvariantThreshold(LVInvarThreshold) {
124182518Santoine    initializeLoopVersioningLICMPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
125182518Santoine  }
127182518Santoine  bool runOnLoop(Loop *L, LPPassManager &LPM) override;
129182518Santoine  void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
130182518Santoine    AU.setPreservesCFG();
131182518Santoine    AU.addRequired<AAResultsWrapperPass>();
132182518Santoine    AU.addRequired<DominatorTreeWrapperPass>();
133181905Sed    AU.addRequiredID(LCSSAID);
134181905Sed    AU.addRequired<LoopAccessLegacyAnalysis>();
135181905Sed    AU.addRequired<LoopInfoWrapperPass>();
136180800Sed    AU.addRequiredID(LoopSimplifyID);
137180800Sed    AU.addRequired<ScalarEvolutionWrapperPass>();
138180614Smarcel    AU.addPreserved<AAResultsWrapperPass>();
139180614Smarcel    AU.addPreserved<GlobalsAAWrapperPass>();
140180614Smarcel    AU.addRequired<OptimizationRemarkEmitterWrapperPass>();
141180614Smarcel  }
143180614Smarcel  StringRef getPassName() const override { return "Loop Versioning for LICM"; }
145180331Smarcel  void reset() {
146180331Smarcel    AA = nullptr;
147180331Smarcel    SE = nullptr;
148180331Smarcel    LAA = nullptr;
149180267Sjhb    CurLoop = nullptr;
150180267Sjhb    LoadAndStoreCounter = 0;
151180267Sjhb    InvariantCounter = 0;
152180265Sjhb    IsReadOnlyLoop = true;
153180265Sjhb    ORE = nullptr;
154180265Sjhb    CurAST.reset();
155180259Sjhb  }
157180259Sjhb  class AutoResetter {
158180259Sjhb  public:
159180259Sjhb    AutoResetter(LoopVersioningLICM &LVLICM) : LVLICM(LVLICM) {}
160180257Sjhb    ~AutoResetter() { LVLICM.reset(); }
162180257Sjhb  private:
163180259Sjhb    LoopVersioningLICM &LVLICM;
164180257Sjhb  };
167180248Smarcel  // Current AliasAnalysis information
168180248Smarcel  AliasAnalysis *AA = nullptr;
170180248Smarcel  // Current ScalarEvolution
171180230Smarcel  ScalarEvolution *SE = nullptr;
173180230Smarcel  // Current LoopAccessAnalysis
174180230Smarcel  LoopAccessLegacyAnalysis *LAA = nullptr;
176180230Smarcel  // Current Loop's LoopAccessInfo
177180230Smarcel  const LoopAccessInfo *LAI = nullptr;
179180159Sdanger  // The current loop we are working on.
180180159Sdanger  Loop *CurLoop = nullptr;
182180496Santoine  // AliasSet information for the current loop.
183180496Santoine  std::unique_ptr<AliasSetTracker> CurAST;
185180496Santoine  // Maximum loop nest threshold
186179784Sed  unsigned LoopDepthThreshold;
188179784Sed  // Minimum invariant threshold
189179784Sed  float InvariantThreshold;
191179692Smarcel  // Counter to track num of load & store
192179692Smarcel  unsigned LoadAndStoreCounter = 0;
194179315Sbz  // Counter to track num of invariant
195179315Sbz  unsigned InvariantCounter = 0;
197179315Sbz  // Read only loop marker.
198179315Sbz  bool IsReadOnlyLoop = true;
200179315Sbz  // OptimizationRemarkEmitter
201179315Sbz  OptimizationRemarkEmitter *ORE;
203179315Sbz  bool isLegalForVersioning();
204179315Sbz  bool legalLoopStructure();
205179315Sbz  bool legalLoopInstructions();
206179315Sbz  bool legalLoopMemoryAccesses();
207179315Sbz  bool isLoopAlreadyVisited();
208179315Sbz  void setNoAliasToLoop(Loop *VerLoop);
209179315Sbz  bool instructionSafeForVersioning(Instruction *I);
212179315Sbz} // end anonymous namespace
214179315Sbz/// Check loop structure and confirms it's good for LoopVersioningLICM.
215179315Sbzbool LoopVersioningLICM::legalLoopStructure() {
216179315Sbz  // Loop must be in loop simplify form.
217179315Sbz  if (!CurLoop->isLoopSimplifyForm()) {
218179315Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    loop is not in loop-simplify form.\n");
219179315Sbz    return false;
220179315Sbz  }
221179315Sbz  // Loop should be innermost loop, if not return false.
222179315Sbz  if (!CurLoop->getSubLoops().empty()) {
223179315Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    loop is not innermost\n");
224179315Sbz    return false;
225179315Sbz  }
226179315Sbz  // Loop should have a single backedge, if not return false.
227179315Sbz  if (CurLoop->getNumBackEdges() != 1) {
228179315Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    loop has multiple backedges\n");
229179315Sbz    return false;
230179315Sbz  }
231179315Sbz  // Loop must have a single exiting block, if not return false.
232179315Sbz  if (!CurLoop->getExitingBlock()) {
233179315Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    loop has multiple exiting block\n");
234179315Sbz    return false;
235179315Sbz  }
236179315Sbz  // We only handle bottom-tested loop, i.e. loop in which the condition is
237179315Sbz  // checked at the end of each iteration. With that we can assume that all
238179315Sbz  // instructions in the loop are executed the same number of times.
239179315Sbz  if (CurLoop->getExitingBlock() != CurLoop->getLoopLatch()) {
240179315Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    loop is not bottom tested\n");
241179315Sbz    return false;
242179315Sbz  }
243179315Sbz  // Parallel loops must not have aliasing loop-invariant memory accesses.
244179315Sbz  // Hence we don't need to version anything in this case.
245179315Sbz  if (CurLoop->isAnnotatedParallel()) {
246179315Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Parallel loop is not worth versioning\n");
247179315Sbz    return false;
248179315Sbz  }
249179315Sbz  // Loop depth more then LoopDepthThreshold are not allowed
250179315Sbz  if (CurLoop->getLoopDepth() > LoopDepthThreshold) {
251179315Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    loop depth is more then threshold\n");
252179315Sbz    return false;
253179315Sbz  }
254179315Sbz  // We need to be able to compute the loop trip count in order
255179315Sbz  // to generate the bound checks.
256179315Sbz  const SCEV *ExitCount = SE->getBackedgeTakenCount(CurLoop);
257179315Sbz  if (ExitCount == SE->getCouldNotCompute()) {
258179315Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    loop does not has trip count\n");
259179315Sbz    return false;
260179315Sbz  }
261179315Sbz  return true;
264179315Sbz/// Check memory accesses in loop and confirms it's good for
265179315Sbz/// LoopVersioningLICM.
266179315Sbzbool LoopVersioningLICM::legalLoopMemoryAccesses() {
267179315Sbz  bool HasMayAlias = false;
268179315Sbz  bool TypeSafety = false;
269179315Sbz  bool HasMod = false;
270179315Sbz  // Memory check:
271179315Sbz  // Transform phase will generate a versioned loop and also a runtime check to
272179315Sbz  // ensure the pointers are independent and they don���t alias.
273179315Sbz  // In version variant of loop, alias meta data asserts that all access are
274179315Sbz  // mutually independent.
275179315Sbz  //
276179315Sbz  // Pointers aliasing in alias domain are avoided because with multiple
277179315Sbz  // aliasing domains we may not be able to hoist potential loop invariant
278179315Sbz  // access out of the loop.
279179315Sbz  //
280179315Sbz  // Iterate over alias tracker sets, and confirm AliasSets doesn't have any
281179315Sbz  // must alias set.
282179315Sbz  for (const auto &I : *CurAST) {
283179315Sbz    const AliasSet &AS = I;
284179315Sbz    // Skip Forward Alias Sets, as this should be ignored as part of
285179315Sbz    // the AliasSetTracker object.
286179315Sbz    if (AS.isForwardingAliasSet())
287179315Sbz      continue;
288179315Sbz    // With MustAlias its not worth adding runtime bound check.
289179315Sbz    if (AS.isMustAlias())
290179315Sbz      return false;
291179315Sbz    Value *SomePtr = AS.begin()->getValue();
292179315Sbz    bool TypeCheck = true;
293179315Sbz    // Check for Mod & MayAlias
294179315Sbz    HasMayAlias |= AS.isMayAlias();
295179315Sbz    HasMod |= AS.isMod();
296179315Sbz    for (const auto &A : AS) {
297179315Sbz      Value *Ptr = A.getValue();
298179315Sbz      // Alias tracker should have pointers of same data type.
299179315Sbz      TypeCheck = (TypeCheck && (SomePtr->getType() == Ptr->getType()));
300179315Sbz    }
301179315Sbz    // At least one alias tracker should have pointers of same data type.
302179315Sbz    TypeSafety |= TypeCheck;
303179315Sbz  }
304179315Sbz  // Ensure types should be of same type.
305179315Sbz  if (!TypeSafety) {
306179315Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Alias tracker type safety failed!\n");
307179315Sbz    return false;
308179361Santoine  }
309179361Santoine  // Ensure loop body shouldn't be read only.
310179361Santoine  if (!HasMod) {
311179361Santoine    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    No memory modified in loop body\n");
312179361Santoine    return false;
313179361Santoine  }
314179361Santoine  // Make sure alias set has may alias case.
315179361Santoine  // If there no alias memory ambiguity, return false.
316179361Santoine  if (!HasMayAlias) {
317179361Santoine    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    No ambiguity in memory access.\n");
318179361Santoine    return false;
319179361Santoine  }
320179361Santoine  return true;
323179361Santoine/// Check loop instructions safe for Loop versioning.
324179361Santoine/// It returns true if it's safe else returns false.
325179361Santoine/// Consider following:
326179361Santoine/// 1) Check all load store in loop body are non atomic & non volatile.
327179361Santoine/// 2) Check function call safety, by ensuring its not accessing memory.
328178924Santoine/// 3) Loop body shouldn't have any may throw instruction.
329178924Santoine/// 4) Loop body shouldn't have any convergent or noduplicate instructions.
330178924Santoinebool LoopVersioningLICM::instructionSafeForVersioning(Instruction *I) {
331178924Santoine  assert(I != nullptr && "Null instruction found!");
332178924Santoine  // Check function call safety
333177831Sflz  if (auto *Call = dyn_cast<CallBase>(I)) {
334177831Sflz    if (Call->isConvergent() || Call->cannotDuplicate()) {
335177831Sflz      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Convergent call site found.\n");
336177831Sflz      return false;
337177831Sflz    }
339178331Santoine    if (!AA->doesNotAccessMemory(Call)) {
340178331Santoine      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Unsafe call site found.\n");
341178331Santoine      return false;
342178331Santoine    }
343178331Santoine  }
345178331Santoine  // Avoid loops with possiblity of throw
346178331Santoine  if (I->mayThrow()) {
347178331Santoine    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    May throw instruction found in loop body\n");
348178331Santoine    return false;
349178331Santoine  }
350178331Santoine  // If current instruction is load instructions
351178331Santoine  // make sure it's a simple load (non atomic & non volatile)
352178331Santoine  if (I->mayReadFromMemory()) {
353178331Santoine    LoadInst *Ld = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I);
354178924Santoine    if (!Ld || !Ld->isSimple()) {
355178924Santoine      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Found a non-simple load.\n");
356178924Santoine      return false;
357178924Santoine    }
358176422Sthompsa    LoadAndStoreCounter++;
359176422Sthompsa    Value *Ptr = Ld->getPointerOperand();
360175690Sbrueffer    // Check loop invariant.
361175690Sbrueffer    if (SE->isLoopInvariant(SE->getSCEV(Ptr), CurLoop))
362175690Sbrueffer      InvariantCounter++;
363175576Sattilio  }
364175576Sattilio  // If current instruction is store instruction
365175227Sjhb  // make sure it's a simple store (non atomic & non volatile)
366175227Sjhb  else if (I->mayWriteToMemory()) {
367175227Sjhb    StoreInst *St = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I);
368174426Sdougb    if (!St || !St->isSimple()) {
369174426Sdougb      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Found a non-simple store.\n");
370174426Sdougb      return false;
371177153Sbrueffer    }
372177153Sbrueffer    LoadAndStoreCounter++;
373174092Sbrooks    Value *Ptr = St->getPointerOperand();
374174092Sbrooks    // Check loop invariant.
375174092Sbrooks    if (SE->isLoopInvariant(SE->getSCEV(Ptr), CurLoop))
376174092Sbrooks      InvariantCounter++;
378176956Santoine    IsReadOnlyLoop = false;
379176956Santoine  }
380176956Santoine  return true;
383174061Sjb/// Check loop instructions and confirms it's good for
384175227Sjhb/// LoopVersioningLICM.
385175227Sjhbbool LoopVersioningLICM::legalLoopInstructions() {
386173466Simp  // Resetting counters.
387173466Simp  LoadAndStoreCounter = 0;
388173662Smarcel  InvariantCounter = 0;
389173662Smarcel  IsReadOnlyLoop = true;
390173662Smarcel  using namespace ore;
391173662Smarcel  // Iterate over loop blocks and instructions of each block and check
392173662Smarcel  // instruction safety.
393173662Smarcel  for (auto *Block : CurLoop->getBlocks())
394175227Sjhb    for (auto &Inst : *Block) {
395175227Sjhb      // If instruction is unsafe just return false.
396172983Smtm      if (!instructionSafeForVersioning(&Inst)) {
397172983Smtm        ORE->emit([&]() {
398172390Sbushman          return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "IllegalLoopInst", &Inst)
399173176Sbushman                 << " Unsafe Loop Instruction";
400172390Sbushman        });
401172390Sbushman        return false;
402172570Sru      }
403172570Sru    }
404171786Smarcel  // Get LoopAccessInfo from current loop.
405171786Smarcel  LAI = &LAA->getInfo(CurLoop);
406171786Smarcel  // Check LoopAccessInfo for need of runtime check.
407171786Smarcel  if (LAI->getRuntimePointerChecking()->getChecks().empty()) {
408171696Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    LAA: Runtime check not found !!\n");
409171696Sbz    return false;
410179368Sbz  }
411171461Srwatson  // Number of runtime-checks should be less then RuntimeMemoryCheckThreshold
412171461Srwatson  if (LAI->getNumRuntimePointerChecks() >
413171461Srwatson      VectorizerParams::RuntimeMemoryCheckThreshold) {
414171461Srwatson    LLVM_DEBUG(
415171461Srwatson        dbgs() << "    LAA: Runtime checks are more than threshold !!\n");
416171461Srwatson    ORE->emit([&]() {
417171461Srwatson      return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "RuntimeCheck",
418171461Srwatson                                      CurLoop->getStartLoc(),
419171461Srwatson                                      CurLoop->getHeader())
420171461Srwatson             << "Number of runtime checks "
421171461Srwatson             << NV("RuntimeChecks", LAI->getNumRuntimePointerChecks())
422171461Srwatson             << " exceeds threshold "
423171461Srwatson             << NV("Threshold", VectorizerParams::RuntimeMemoryCheckThreshold);
424171461Srwatson    });
425171461Srwatson    return false;
426171461Srwatson  }
427171461Srwatson  // Loop should have at least one invariant load or store instruction.
428171461Srwatson  if (!InvariantCounter) {
429171461Srwatson    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Invariant not found !!\n");
430171461Srwatson    return false;
431171461Srwatson  }
432171461Srwatson  // Read only loop not allowed.
433171461Srwatson  if (IsReadOnlyLoop) {
434171461Srwatson    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Found a read-only loop!\n");
435171461Srwatson    return false;
436171461Srwatson  }
437171461Srwatson  // Profitablity check:
438171461Srwatson  // Check invariant threshold, should be in limit.
439171461Srwatson  if (InvariantCounter * 100 < InvariantThreshold * LoadAndStoreCounter) {
440171461Srwatson    LLVM_DEBUG(
441171461Srwatson        dbgs()
442171461Srwatson        << "    Invariant load & store are less then defined threshold\n");
443171461Srwatson    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Invariant loads & stores: "
444171461Srwatson                      << ((InvariantCounter * 100) / LoadAndStoreCounter)
445171461Srwatson                      << "%\n");
446171461Srwatson    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Invariant loads & store threshold: "
447171461Srwatson                      << InvariantThreshold << "%\n");
448171461Srwatson    ORE->emit([&]() {
449171461Srwatson      return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "InvariantThreshold",
450171461Srwatson                                      CurLoop->getStartLoc(),
451171461Srwatson                                      CurLoop->getHeader())
452171461Srwatson             << "Invariant load & store "
453171461Srwatson             << NV("LoadAndStoreCounter",
454171461Srwatson                   ((InvariantCounter * 100) / LoadAndStoreCounter))
455171461Srwatson             << " are less then defined threshold "
456171461Srwatson             << NV("Threshold", InvariantThreshold);
457171461Srwatson    });
458171461Srwatson    return false;
459171461Srwatson  }
460171461Srwatson  return true;
463171461Srwatson/// It checks loop is already visited or not.
464171461Srwatson/// check loop meta data, if loop revisited return true
465171461Srwatson/// else false.
466171461Srwatsonbool LoopVersioningLICM::isLoopAlreadyVisited() {
467171461Srwatson  // Check LoopVersioningLICM metadata into loop
468171461Srwatson  if (findStringMetadataForLoop(CurLoop, LICMVersioningMetaData)) {
469171461Srwatson    return true;
470171461Srwatson  }
471171461Srwatson  return false;
474171461Srwatson/// Checks legality for LoopVersioningLICM by considering following:
475171461Srwatson/// a) loop structure legality   b) loop instruction legality
476171461Srwatson/// c) loop memory access legality.
477171461Srwatson/// Return true if legal else returns false.
478171461Srwatsonbool LoopVersioningLICM::isLegalForVersioning() {
479171461Srwatson  using namespace ore;
480171461Srwatson  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Loop: " << *CurLoop);
481171461Srwatson  // Make sure not re-visiting same loop again.
482171461Srwatson  if (isLoopAlreadyVisited()) {
483176956Santoine    LLVM_DEBUG(
484176956Santoine        dbgs() << "    Revisiting loop in LoopVersioningLICM not allowed.\n\n");
485176956Santoine    return false;
486176956Santoine  }
487176956Santoine  // Check loop structure leagality.
488176956Santoine  if (!legalLoopStructure()) {
489171274Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(
490171274Sbz        dbgs() << "    Loop structure not suitable for LoopVersioningLICM\n\n");
491171274Sbz    ORE->emit([&]() {
492171274Sbz      return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "IllegalLoopStruct",
493171274Sbz                                      CurLoop->getStartLoc(),
494171274Sbz                                      CurLoop->getHeader())
495171274Sbz             << " Unsafe Loop structure";
496171274Sbz    });
497171274Sbz    return false;
498179368Sbz  }
499171205Sbz  // Check loop instruction leagality.
500171205Sbz  if (!legalLoopInstructions()) {
501171205Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(
502171205Sbz        dbgs()
503171205Sbz        << "    Loop instructions not suitable for LoopVersioningLICM\n\n");
504171175Smlaier    return false;
505171175Smlaier  }
506171137Sbz  // Check loop memory access leagality.
507171137Sbz  if (!legalLoopMemoryAccesses()) {
508171137Sbz    LLVM_DEBUG(
509171137Sbz        dbgs()
510171137Sbz        << "    Loop memory access not suitable for LoopVersioningLICM\n\n");
511171137Sbz    ORE->emit([&]() {
512171137Sbz      return OptimizationRemarkMissed(DEBUG_TYPE, "IllegalLoopMemoryAccess",
513171137Sbz                                      CurLoop->getStartLoc(),
514171137Sbz                                      CurLoop->getHeader())
515171137Sbz             << " Unsafe Loop memory access";
516171137Sbz    });
517171137Sbz    return false;
518171137Sbz  }
519171137Sbz  // Loop versioning is feasible, return true.
520171137Sbz  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Loop Versioning found to be beneficial\n\n");
521171137Sbz  ORE->emit([&]() {
522171137Sbz    return OptimizationRemark(DEBUG_TYPE, "IsLegalForVersioning",
523171137Sbz                              CurLoop->getStartLoc(), CurLoop->getHeader())
524171137Sbz           << " Versioned loop for LICM."
525171131Sthompsa           << " Number of runtime checks we had to insert "
526171131Sthompsa           << NV("RuntimeChecks", LAI->getNumRuntimePointerChecks());
527171143Sthompsa  });
528171023Srafan  return true;
531171023Srafan/// Update loop with aggressive aliasing assumptions.
532171023Srafan/// It marks no-alias to any pairs of memory operations by assuming
533171023Srafan/// loop should not have any must-alias memory accesses pairs.
534171388Sdougb/// During LoopVersioningLICM legality we ignore loops having must
535171388Sdougb/// aliasing memory accesses.
536171388Sdougbvoid LoopVersioningLICM::setNoAliasToLoop(Loop *VerLoop) {
537171388Sdougb  // Get latch terminator instruction.
538170926Srafan  Instruction *I = VerLoop->getLoopLatch()->getTerminator();
539170926Srafan  // Create alias scope domain.
540170926Srafan  MDBuilder MDB(I->getContext());
541170926Srafan  MDNode *NewDomain = MDB.createAnonymousAliasScopeDomain("LVDomain");
542170926Srafan  StringRef Name = "LVAliasScope";
543170926Srafan  SmallVector<Metadata *, 4> Scopes, NoAliases;
544170926Srafan  MDNode *NewScope = MDB.createAnonymousAliasScope(NewDomain, Name);
545170926Srafan  // Iterate over each instruction of loop.
546170926Srafan  // set no-alias for all load & store instructions.
547170926Srafan  for (auto *Block : CurLoop->getBlocks()) {
548170926Srafan    for (auto &Inst : *Block) {
549170926Srafan      // Only interested in instruction that may modify or read memory.
550170926Srafan      if (!Inst.mayReadFromMemory() && !Inst.mayWriteToMemory())
551170926Srafan        continue;
552170926Srafan      Scopes.push_back(NewScope);
553170926Srafan      NoAliases.push_back(NewScope);
554170926Srafan      // Set no-alias for current instruction.
555170926Srafan      Inst.setMetadata(
556170926Srafan          LLVMContext::MD_noalias,
557170926Srafan          MDNode::concatenate(Inst.getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_noalias),
558170926Srafan                              MDNode::get(Inst.getContext(), NoAliases)));
559170926Srafan      // set alias-scope for current instruction.
560170926Srafan      Inst.setMetadata(
561170926Srafan          LLVMContext::MD_alias_scope,
562170926Srafan          MDNode::concatenate(Inst.getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_alias_scope),
563170926Srafan                              MDNode::get(Inst.getContext(), Scopes)));
564170926Srafan    }
565170926Srafan  }
568170926Srafanbool LoopVersioningLICM::runOnLoop(Loop *L, LPPassManager &LPM) {
569170926Srafan  // This will automatically release all resources hold by the current
570170926Srafan  // LoopVersioningLICM object.
571170926Srafan  AutoResetter Resetter(*this);
573170926Srafan  if (skipLoop(L))
574170926Srafan    return false;
576170926Srafan  // Do not do the transformation if disabled by metadata.
577170926Srafan  if (hasLICMVersioningTransformation(L) & TM_Disable)
578170926Srafan    return false;
580176956Santoine  // Get Analysis information.
581176956Santoine  AA = &getAnalysis<AAResultsWrapperPass>().getAAResults();
582176956Santoine  SE = &getAnalysis<ScalarEvolutionWrapperPass>().getSE();
583176956Santoine  LAA = &getAnalysis<LoopAccessLegacyAnalysis>();
584176956Santoine  ORE = &getAnalysis<OptimizationRemarkEmitterWrapperPass>().getORE();
585176956Santoine  LAI = nullptr;
586176956Santoine  // Set Current Loop
587176956Santoine  CurLoop = L;
588176956Santoine  CurAST.reset(new AliasSetTracker(*AA));
590176956Santoine  // Loop over the body of this loop, construct AST.
591176956Santoine  LoopInfo *LI = &getAnalysis<LoopInfoWrapperPass>().getLoopInfo();
592176956Santoine  for (auto *Block : L->getBlocks()) {
593176956Santoine    if (LI->getLoopFor(Block) == L) // Ignore blocks in subloop.
594176956Santoine      CurAST->add(*Block);          // Incorporate the specified basic block
595176956Santoine  }
597176956Santoine  bool Changed = false;
599176956Santoine  // Check feasiblity of LoopVersioningLICM.
600176956Santoine  // If versioning found to be feasible and beneficial then proceed
601176956Santoine  // else simply return, by cleaning up memory.
602176956Santoine  if (isLegalForVersioning()) {
603176956Santoine    // Do loop versioning.
604176956Santoine    // Create memcheck for memory accessed inside loop.
605176956Santoine    // Clone original loop, and set blocks properly.
606176956Santoine    DominatorTree *DT = &getAnalysis<DominatorTreeWrapperPass>().getDomTree();
607176956Santoine    LoopVersioning LVer(*LAI, CurLoop, LI, DT, SE, true);
608176956Santoine    LVer.versionLoop();
609176956Santoine    // Set Loop Versioning metaData for original loop.
610176956Santoine    addStringMetadataToLoop(LVer.getNonVersionedLoop(), LICMVersioningMetaData);
611176956Santoine    // Set Loop Versioning metaData for version loop.
612176956Santoine    addStringMetadataToLoop(LVer.getVersionedLoop(), LICMVersioningMetaData);
613176956Santoine    // Set "llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access" metaData to versioned loop.
614176956Santoine    // FIXME: "llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access" annotates memory access
615171476Sdelphij    // instructions, not loops.
616171476Sdelphij    addStringMetadataToLoop(LVer.getVersionedLoop(),
617170312Sdelphij                            "llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access");
618170312Sdelphij    // Update version loop with aggressive aliasing assumption.
619170926Srafan    setNoAliasToLoop(LVer.getVersionedLoop());
620173816Sru    Changed = true;
621169815Sdelphij  }
622169815Sdelphij  return Changed;
625169815Sdelphijchar LoopVersioningLICM::ID = 0;
627169815SdelphijINITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(LoopVersioningLICM, "loop-versioning-licm",
628169815Sdelphij                      "Loop Versioning For LICM", false, false)
638170204SruINITIALIZE_PASS_END(LoopVersioningLICM, "loop-versioning-licm",
639169815Sdelphij                    "Loop Versioning For LICM", false, false)
641169815SdelphijPass *llvm::createLoopVersioningLICMPass() { return new LoopVersioningLICM(); }