1223013Sdim//===- lib/MC/MCWin64EH.cpp - MCWin64EH implementation --------------------===//
3353358Sdim// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4353358Sdim// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5353358Sdim// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9223013Sdim#include "llvm/MC/MCWin64EH.h"
10249423Sdim#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
11223013Sdim#include "llvm/MC/MCContext.h"
12249423Sdim#include "llvm/MC/MCExpr.h"
13344779Sdim#include "llvm/MC/MCObjectFileInfo.h"
14344779Sdim#include "llvm/MC/MCObjectStreamer.h"
15344779Sdim#include "llvm/MC/MCSectionCOFF.h"
16249423Sdim#include "llvm/MC/MCStreamer.h"
17223013Sdim#include "llvm/MC/MCSymbol.h"
18276479Sdim#include "llvm/Support/Win64EH.h"
20309124Sdimusing namespace llvm;
22223013Sdim// NOTE: All relocations generated here are 4-byte image-relative.
24276479Sdimstatic uint8_t CountOfUnwindCodes(std::vector<WinEH::Instruction> &Insns) {
25276479Sdim  uint8_t Count = 0;
26276479Sdim  for (const auto &I : Insns) {
27276479Sdim    switch (static_cast<Win64EH::UnwindOpcodes>(I.Operation)) {
28344779Sdim    default:
29344779Sdim      llvm_unreachable("Unsupported unwind code");
30223013Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_PushNonVol:
31223013Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_AllocSmall:
32223013Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SetFPReg:
33223013Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_PushMachFrame:
34276479Sdim      Count += 1;
35223013Sdim      break;
36223013Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveNonVol:
37223013Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveXMM128:
38276479Sdim      Count += 2;
39223013Sdim      break;
40223013Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveNonVolBig:
41223013Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveXMM128Big:
42276479Sdim      Count += 3;
43223013Sdim      break;
44223013Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_AllocLarge:
45276479Sdim      Count += (I.Offset > 512 * 1024 - 8) ? 3 : 2;
46223013Sdim      break;
47223013Sdim    }
48223013Sdim  }
49276479Sdim  return Count;
52276479Sdimstatic void EmitAbsDifference(MCStreamer &Streamer, const MCSymbol *LHS,
53276479Sdim                              const MCSymbol *RHS) {
54276479Sdim  MCContext &Context = Streamer.getContext();
55276479Sdim  const MCExpr *Diff =
56288943Sdim      MCBinaryExpr::createSub(MCSymbolRefExpr::create(LHS, Context),
57288943Sdim                              MCSymbolRefExpr::create(RHS, Context), Context);
58280031Sdim  Streamer.EmitValue(Diff, 1);
61280031Sdimstatic void EmitUnwindCode(MCStreamer &streamer, const MCSymbol *begin,
62276479Sdim                           WinEH::Instruction &inst) {
63261991Sdim  uint8_t b2;
64223013Sdim  uint16_t w;
65276479Sdim  b2 = (inst.Operation & 0x0F);
66276479Sdim  switch (static_cast<Win64EH::UnwindOpcodes>(inst.Operation)) {
67344779Sdim  default:
68344779Sdim    llvm_unreachable("Unsupported unwind code");
69223013Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_PushNonVol:
70276479Sdim    EmitAbsDifference(streamer, inst.Label, begin);
71276479Sdim    b2 |= (inst.Register & 0x0F) << 4;
72223013Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b2, 1);
73223013Sdim    break;
74223013Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_AllocLarge:
75276479Sdim    EmitAbsDifference(streamer, inst.Label, begin);
76276479Sdim    if (inst.Offset > 512 * 1024 - 8) {
77223013Sdim      b2 |= 0x10;
78223013Sdim      streamer.EmitIntValue(b2, 1);
79276479Sdim      w = inst.Offset & 0xFFF8;
80223013Sdim      streamer.EmitIntValue(w, 2);
81276479Sdim      w = inst.Offset >> 16;
82223013Sdim    } else {
83223013Sdim      streamer.EmitIntValue(b2, 1);
84276479Sdim      w = inst.Offset >> 3;
85223013Sdim    }
86223013Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(w, 2);
87223013Sdim    break;
88223013Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_AllocSmall:
89276479Sdim    b2 |= (((inst.Offset - 8) >> 3) & 0x0F) << 4;
90276479Sdim    EmitAbsDifference(streamer, inst.Label, begin);
91223013Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b2, 1);
92223013Sdim    break;
93223013Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SetFPReg:
94276479Sdim    EmitAbsDifference(streamer, inst.Label, begin);
95223013Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b2, 1);
96223013Sdim    break;
97223013Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveNonVol:
98223013Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveXMM128:
99276479Sdim    b2 |= (inst.Register & 0x0F) << 4;
100276479Sdim    EmitAbsDifference(streamer, inst.Label, begin);
101223013Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b2, 1);
102276479Sdim    w = inst.Offset >> 3;
103276479Sdim    if (inst.Operation == Win64EH::UOP_SaveXMM128)
104223013Sdim      w >>= 1;
105223013Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(w, 2);
106223013Sdim    break;
107223013Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveNonVolBig:
108223013Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveXMM128Big:
109276479Sdim    b2 |= (inst.Register & 0x0F) << 4;
110276479Sdim    EmitAbsDifference(streamer, inst.Label, begin);
111223013Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b2, 1);
112276479Sdim    if (inst.Operation == Win64EH::UOP_SaveXMM128Big)
113276479Sdim      w = inst.Offset & 0xFFF0;
114223013Sdim    else
115276479Sdim      w = inst.Offset & 0xFFF8;
116223013Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(w, 2);
117276479Sdim    w = inst.Offset >> 16;
118223013Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(w, 2);
119223013Sdim    break;
120223013Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_PushMachFrame:
121276479Sdim    if (inst.Offset == 1)
122223013Sdim      b2 |= 0x10;
123276479Sdim    EmitAbsDifference(streamer, inst.Label, begin);
124223013Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b2, 1);
125223013Sdim    break;
126223013Sdim  }
129261991Sdimstatic void EmitSymbolRefWithOfs(MCStreamer &streamer,
130261991Sdim                                 const MCSymbol *Base,
131261991Sdim                                 const MCSymbol *Other) {
132261991Sdim  MCContext &Context = streamer.getContext();
133288943Sdim  const MCSymbolRefExpr *BaseRef = MCSymbolRefExpr::create(Base, Context);
134288943Sdim  const MCSymbolRefExpr *OtherRef = MCSymbolRefExpr::create(Other, Context);
135288943Sdim  const MCExpr *Ofs = MCBinaryExpr::createSub(OtherRef, BaseRef, Context);
136288943Sdim  const MCSymbolRefExpr *BaseRefRel = MCSymbolRefExpr::create(Base,
137261991Sdim                                              MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_COFF_IMGREL32,
138261991Sdim                                              Context);
139288943Sdim  streamer.EmitValue(MCBinaryExpr::createAdd(BaseRefRel, Ofs, Context), 4);
142223013Sdimstatic void EmitRuntimeFunction(MCStreamer &streamer,
143280031Sdim                                const WinEH::FrameInfo *info) {
144223013Sdim  MCContext &context = streamer.getContext();
146223013Sdim  streamer.EmitValueToAlignment(4);
147261991Sdim  EmitSymbolRefWithOfs(streamer, info->Function, info->Begin);
148261991Sdim  EmitSymbolRefWithOfs(streamer, info->Function, info->End);
149288943Sdim  streamer.EmitValue(MCSymbolRefExpr::create(info->Symbol,
150261991Sdim                                             MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_COFF_IMGREL32,
151261991Sdim                                             context), 4);
154280031Sdimstatic void EmitUnwindInfo(MCStreamer &streamer, WinEH::FrameInfo *info) {
155223013Sdim  // If this UNWIND_INFO already has a symbol, it's already been emitted.
156280031Sdim  if (info->Symbol)
157280031Sdim    return;
159223013Sdim  MCContext &context = streamer.getContext();
160288943Sdim  MCSymbol *Label = context.createTempSymbol();
162223013Sdim  streamer.EmitValueToAlignment(4);
163280031Sdim  streamer.EmitLabel(Label);
164280031Sdim  info->Symbol = Label;
166261991Sdim  // Upper 3 bits are the version number (currently 1).
167261991Sdim  uint8_t flags = 0x01;
168223013Sdim  if (info->ChainedParent)
169223013Sdim    flags |= Win64EH::UNW_ChainInfo << 3;
170223013Sdim  else {
171223013Sdim    if (info->HandlesUnwind)
172223013Sdim      flags |= Win64EH::UNW_TerminateHandler << 3;
173223013Sdim    if (info->HandlesExceptions)
174223013Sdim      flags |= Win64EH::UNW_ExceptionHandler << 3;
175223013Sdim  }
176223013Sdim  streamer.EmitIntValue(flags, 1);
178223013Sdim  if (info->PrologEnd)
179223013Sdim    EmitAbsDifference(streamer, info->PrologEnd, info->Begin);
180223013Sdim  else
181223013Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(0, 1);
183223013Sdim  uint8_t numCodes = CountOfUnwindCodes(info->Instructions);
184223013Sdim  streamer.EmitIntValue(numCodes, 1);
186223013Sdim  uint8_t frame = 0;
187223013Sdim  if (info->LastFrameInst >= 0) {
188276479Sdim    WinEH::Instruction &frameInst = info->Instructions[info->LastFrameInst];
189276479Sdim    assert(frameInst.Operation == Win64EH::UOP_SetFPReg);
190276479Sdim    frame = (frameInst.Register & 0x0F) | (frameInst.Offset & 0xF0);
191223013Sdim  }
192223013Sdim  streamer.EmitIntValue(frame, 1);
194223013Sdim  // Emit unwind instructions (in reverse order).
195223013Sdim  uint8_t numInst = info->Instructions.size();
196223013Sdim  for (uint8_t c = 0; c < numInst; ++c) {
197276479Sdim    WinEH::Instruction inst = info->Instructions.back();
198223013Sdim    info->Instructions.pop_back();
199223013Sdim    EmitUnwindCode(streamer, info->Begin, inst);
200223013Sdim  }
202261991Sdim  // For alignment purposes, the instruction array will always have an even
203261991Sdim  // number of entries, with the final entry potentially unused (in which case
204261991Sdim  // the array will be one longer than indicated by the count of unwind codes
205261991Sdim  // field).
206261991Sdim  if (numCodes & 1) {
207261991Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(0, 2);
208261991Sdim  }
210223013Sdim  if (flags & (Win64EH::UNW_ChainInfo << 3))
211223013Sdim    EmitRuntimeFunction(streamer, info->ChainedParent);
212223013Sdim  else if (flags &
213223013Sdim           ((Win64EH::UNW_TerminateHandler|Win64EH::UNW_ExceptionHandler) << 3))
214288943Sdim    streamer.EmitValue(MCSymbolRefExpr::create(info->ExceptionHandler,
215261991Sdim                                              MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_COFF_IMGREL32,
216261991Sdim                                              context), 4);
217261991Sdim  else if (numCodes == 0) {
218223013Sdim    // The minimum size of an UNWIND_INFO struct is 8 bytes. If we're not
219223013Sdim    // a chained unwind info, if there is no handler, and if there are fewer
220223013Sdim    // than 2 slots used in the unwind code array, we have to pad to 8 bytes.
221261991Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(0, 4);
222223013Sdim  }
225309124Sdimvoid llvm::Win64EH::UnwindEmitter::Emit(MCStreamer &Streamer) const {
226223013Sdim  // Emit the unwind info structs first.
227327952Sdim  for (const auto &CFI : Streamer.getWinFrameInfos()) {
228309124Sdim    MCSection *XData = Streamer.getAssociatedXDataSection(CFI->TextSection);
229276479Sdim    Streamer.SwitchSection(XData);
230327952Sdim    ::EmitUnwindInfo(Streamer, CFI.get());
231223013Sdim  }
233223013Sdim  // Now emit RUNTIME_FUNCTION entries.
234327952Sdim  for (const auto &CFI : Streamer.getWinFrameInfos()) {
235309124Sdim    MCSection *PData = Streamer.getAssociatedPDataSection(CFI->TextSection);
236276479Sdim    Streamer.SwitchSection(PData);
237327952Sdim    EmitRuntimeFunction(Streamer, CFI.get());
238223013Sdim  }
241309124Sdimvoid llvm::Win64EH::UnwindEmitter::EmitUnwindInfo(
242309124Sdim    MCStreamer &Streamer, WinEH::FrameInfo *info) const {
243280031Sdim  // Switch sections (the static function above is meant to be called from
244280031Sdim  // here and from Emit().
245309124Sdim  MCSection *XData = Streamer.getAssociatedXDataSection(info->TextSection);
246309124Sdim  Streamer.SwitchSection(XData);
248309124Sdim  ::EmitUnwindInfo(Streamer, info);
251344779Sdimstatic int64_t GetAbsDifference(MCStreamer &Streamer, const MCSymbol *LHS,
252344779Sdim                                const MCSymbol *RHS) {
253344779Sdim  MCContext &Context = Streamer.getContext();
254344779Sdim  const MCExpr *Diff =
255344779Sdim      MCBinaryExpr::createSub(MCSymbolRefExpr::create(LHS, Context),
256344779Sdim                              MCSymbolRefExpr::create(RHS, Context), Context);
257344779Sdim  MCObjectStreamer *OS = (MCObjectStreamer *)(&Streamer);
258353358Sdim  // It should normally be possible to calculate the length of a function
259353358Sdim  // at this point, but it might not be possible in the presence of certain
260353358Sdim  // unusual constructs, like an inline asm with an alignment directive.
261344779Sdim  int64_t value;
262353358Sdim  if (!Diff->evaluateAsAbsolute(value, OS->getAssembler()))
263353358Sdim    report_fatal_error("Failed to evaluate function length in SEH unwind info");
264344779Sdim  return value;
267344779Sdimstatic uint32_t
268344779SdimARM64CountOfUnwindCodes(const std::vector<WinEH::Instruction> &Insns) {
269344779Sdim  uint32_t Count = 0;
270344779Sdim  for (const auto &I : Insns) {
271344779Sdim    switch (static_cast<Win64EH::UnwindOpcodes>(I.Operation)) {
272344779Sdim    default:
273344779Sdim      llvm_unreachable("Unsupported ARM64 unwind code");
274344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_AllocSmall:
275344779Sdim      Count += 1;
276344779Sdim      break;
277344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_AllocMedium:
278344779Sdim      Count += 2;
279344779Sdim      break;
280344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_AllocLarge:
281344779Sdim      Count += 4;
282344779Sdim      break;
283344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveFPLRX:
284344779Sdim      Count += 1;
285344779Sdim      break;
286344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveFPLR:
287344779Sdim      Count += 1;
288344779Sdim      break;
289344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveReg:
290344779Sdim      Count += 2;
291344779Sdim      break;
292344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveRegP:
293344779Sdim      Count += 2;
294344779Sdim      break;
295344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveRegPX:
296344779Sdim      Count += 2;
297344779Sdim      break;
298344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveRegX:
299344779Sdim      Count += 2;
300344779Sdim      break;
301344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveFReg:
302344779Sdim      Count += 2;
303344779Sdim      break;
304344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveFRegP:
305344779Sdim      Count += 2;
306344779Sdim      break;
307344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveFRegX:
308344779Sdim      Count += 2;
309344779Sdim      break;
310344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SaveFRegPX:
311344779Sdim      Count += 2;
312344779Sdim      break;
313344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_SetFP:
314344779Sdim      Count += 1;
315344779Sdim      break;
316344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_AddFP:
317344779Sdim      Count += 2;
318344779Sdim      break;
319344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_Nop:
320344779Sdim      Count += 1;
321344779Sdim      break;
322344779Sdim    case Win64EH::UOP_End:
323344779Sdim      Count += 1;
324344779Sdim      break;
325344779Sdim    }
326344779Sdim  }
327344779Sdim  return Count;
330344779Sdim// Unwind opcode encodings and restrictions are documented at
331344779Sdim// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/arm64-exception-handling
332344779Sdimstatic void ARM64EmitUnwindCode(MCStreamer &streamer, const MCSymbol *begin,
333344779Sdim                                WinEH::Instruction &inst) {
334344779Sdim  uint8_t b, reg;
335344779Sdim  switch (static_cast<Win64EH::UnwindOpcodes>(inst.Operation)) {
336344779Sdim  default:
337344779Sdim    llvm_unreachable("Unsupported ARM64 unwind code");
338344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_AllocSmall:
339344779Sdim    b = (inst.Offset >> 4) & 0x1F;
340344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
341344779Sdim    break;
342344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_AllocMedium: {
343344779Sdim    uint16_t hw = (inst.Offset >> 4) & 0x7FF;
344344779Sdim    b = 0xC0;
345344779Sdim    b |= (hw >> 8);
346344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
347344779Sdim    b = hw & 0xFF;
348344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
349344779Sdim    break;
350344779Sdim  }
351344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_AllocLarge: {
352344779Sdim    uint32_t w;
353344779Sdim    b = 0xE0;
354344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
355344779Sdim    w = inst.Offset >> 4;
356344779Sdim    b = (w & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
357344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
358344779Sdim    b = (w & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
359344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
360344779Sdim    b = w & 0x000000FF;
361344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
362344779Sdim    break;
363344779Sdim  }
364344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SetFP:
365344779Sdim    b = 0xE1;
366344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
367344779Sdim    break;
368344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_AddFP:
369344779Sdim    b = 0xE2;
370344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
371344779Sdim    b = (inst.Offset >> 3);
372344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
373344779Sdim    break;
374344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_Nop:
375344779Sdim    b = 0xE3;
376344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
377344779Sdim    break;
378344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveFPLRX:
379344779Sdim    b = 0x80;
380344779Sdim    b |= ((inst.Offset - 1) >> 3) & 0x3F;
381344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
382344779Sdim    break;
383344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveFPLR:
384344779Sdim    b = 0x40;
385344779Sdim    b |= (inst.Offset >> 3) & 0x3F;
386344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
387344779Sdim    break;
388344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveReg:
389344779Sdim    assert(inst.Register >= 19 && "Saved reg must be >= 19");
390344779Sdim    reg = inst.Register - 19;
391344779Sdim    b = 0xD0 | ((reg & 0xC) >> 2);
392344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
393344779Sdim    b = ((reg & 0x3) << 6) | (inst.Offset >> 3);
394344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
395344779Sdim    break;
396344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveRegX:
397344779Sdim    assert(inst.Register >= 19 && "Saved reg must be >= 19");
398344779Sdim    reg = inst.Register - 19;
399344779Sdim    b = 0xD4 | ((reg & 0x8) >> 3);
400344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
401344779Sdim    b = ((reg & 0x7) << 5) | ((inst.Offset >> 3) - 1);
402344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
403344779Sdim    break;
404344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveRegP:
405344779Sdim    assert(inst.Register >= 19 && "Saved registers must be >= 19");
406344779Sdim    reg = inst.Register - 19;
407344779Sdim    b = 0xC8 | ((reg & 0xC) >> 2);
408344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
409344779Sdim    b = ((reg & 0x3) << 6) | (inst.Offset >> 3);
410344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
411344779Sdim    break;
412344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveRegPX:
413344779Sdim    assert(inst.Register >= 19 && "Saved registers must be >= 19");
414344779Sdim    reg = inst.Register - 19;
415344779Sdim    b = 0xCC | ((reg & 0xC) >> 2);
416344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
417344779Sdim    b = ((reg & 0x3) << 6) | ((inst.Offset >> 3) - 1);
418344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
419344779Sdim    break;
420344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveFReg:
421344779Sdim    assert(inst.Register >= 8 && "Saved dreg must be >= 8");
422344779Sdim    reg = inst.Register - 8;
423344779Sdim    b = 0xDC | ((reg & 0x4) >> 2);
424344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
425344779Sdim    b = ((reg & 0x3) << 6) | (inst.Offset >> 3);
426344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
427344779Sdim    break;
428344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveFRegX:
429344779Sdim    assert(inst.Register >= 8 && "Saved dreg must be >= 8");
430344779Sdim    reg = inst.Register - 8;
431344779Sdim    b = 0xDE;
432344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
433344779Sdim    b = ((reg & 0x7) << 5) | ((inst.Offset >> 3) - 1);
434344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
435344779Sdim    break;
436344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveFRegP:
437344779Sdim    assert(inst.Register >= 8 && "Saved dregs must be >= 8");
438344779Sdim    reg = inst.Register - 8;
439344779Sdim    b = 0xD8 | ((reg & 0x4) >> 2);
440344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
441344779Sdim    b = ((reg & 0x3) << 6) | (inst.Offset >> 3);
442344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
443344779Sdim    break;
444344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_SaveFRegPX:
445344779Sdim    assert(inst.Register >= 8 && "Saved dregs must be >= 8");
446344779Sdim    reg = inst.Register - 8;
447344779Sdim    b = 0xDA | ((reg & 0x4) >> 2);
448344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
449344779Sdim    b = ((reg & 0x3) << 6) | ((inst.Offset >> 3) - 1);
450344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
451344779Sdim    break;
452344779Sdim  case Win64EH::UOP_End:
453344779Sdim    b = 0xE4;
454344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(b, 1);
455344779Sdim    break;
456344779Sdim  }
459344779Sdim// Returns the epilog symbol of an epilog with the exact same unwind code
460344779Sdim// sequence, if it exists.  Otherwise, returns nulltpr.
461344779Sdim// EpilogInstrs - Unwind codes for the current epilog.
462344779Sdim// Epilogs - Epilogs that potentialy match the current epilog.
463344779Sdimstatic MCSymbol*
464344779SdimFindMatchingEpilog(const std::vector<WinEH::Instruction>& EpilogInstrs,
465344779Sdim                   const std::vector<MCSymbol *>& Epilogs,
466344779Sdim                   const WinEH::FrameInfo *info) {
467344779Sdim  for (auto *EpilogStart : Epilogs) {
468344779Sdim    auto InstrsIter = info->EpilogMap.find(EpilogStart);
469344779Sdim    assert(InstrsIter != info->EpilogMap.end() &&
470344779Sdim           "Epilog not found in EpilogMap");
471344779Sdim    const auto &Instrs = InstrsIter->second;
473344779Sdim    if (Instrs.size() != EpilogInstrs.size())
474344779Sdim      continue;
476344779Sdim    bool Match = true;
477344779Sdim    for (unsigned i = 0; i < Instrs.size(); ++i)
478344779Sdim      if (Instrs[i].Operation != EpilogInstrs[i].Operation ||
479344779Sdim          Instrs[i].Offset != EpilogInstrs[i].Offset ||
480344779Sdim          Instrs[i].Register != EpilogInstrs[i].Register) {
481344779Sdim         Match = false;
482344779Sdim         break;
483344779Sdim      }
485344779Sdim    if (Match)
486344779Sdim      return EpilogStart;
487344779Sdim  }
488344779Sdim  return nullptr;
491344779Sdim// Populate the .xdata section.  The format of .xdata on ARM64 is documented at
492344779Sdim// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/arm64-exception-handling
493344779Sdimstatic void ARM64EmitUnwindInfo(MCStreamer &streamer, WinEH::FrameInfo *info) {
494344779Sdim  // If this UNWIND_INFO already has a symbol, it's already been emitted.
495344779Sdim  if (info->Symbol)
496344779Sdim    return;
498344779Sdim  MCContext &context = streamer.getContext();
499344779Sdim  MCSymbol *Label = context.createTempSymbol();
501344779Sdim  streamer.EmitValueToAlignment(4);
502344779Sdim  streamer.EmitLabel(Label);
503344779Sdim  info->Symbol = Label;
505353358Sdim  int64_t RawFuncLength;
506353358Sdim  if (!info->FuncletOrFuncEnd) {
507353358Sdim    // FIXME: This is very wrong; we emit SEH data which covers zero bytes
508353358Sdim    // of code. But otherwise test/MC/AArch64/seh.s crashes.
509353358Sdim    RawFuncLength = 0;
510353358Sdim  } else {
511353358Sdim    // FIXME: GetAbsDifference tries to compute the length of the function
512353358Sdim    // immediately, before the whole file is emitted, but in general
513353358Sdim    // that's impossible: the size in bytes of certain assembler directives
514353358Sdim    // like .align and .fill is not known until the whole file is parsed and
515353358Sdim    // relaxations are applied. Currently, GetAbsDifference fails with a fatal
516353358Sdim    // error in that case. (We mostly don't hit this because inline assembly
517353358Sdim    // specifying those directives is rare, and we don't normally try to
518353358Sdim    // align loops on AArch64.)
519353358Sdim    //
520353358Sdim    // There are two potential approaches to delaying the computation. One,
521353358Sdim    // we could emit something like ".word (endfunc-beginfunc)/4+0x10800000",
522353358Sdim    // as long as we have some conservative estimate we could use to prove
523353358Sdim    // that we don't need to split the unwind data. Emitting the constant
524353358Sdim    // is straightforward, but there's no existing code for estimating the
525353358Sdim    // size of the function.
526353358Sdim    //
527353358Sdim    // The other approach would be to use a dedicated, relaxable fragment,
528353358Sdim    // which could grow to accommodate splitting the unwind data if
529353358Sdim    // necessary. This is more straightforward, since it automatically works
530353358Sdim    // without any new infrastructure, and it's consistent with how we handle
531353358Sdim    // relaxation in other contexts.  But it would require some refactoring
532353358Sdim    // to move parts of the pdata/xdata emission into the implementation of
533353358Sdim    // a fragment. We could probably continue to encode the unwind codes
534353358Sdim    // here, but we'd have to emit the pdata, the xdata header, and the
535353358Sdim    // epilogue scopes later, since they depend on whether the we need to
536353358Sdim    // split the unwind data.
537353358Sdim    RawFuncLength = GetAbsDifference(streamer, info->FuncletOrFuncEnd,
538353358Sdim                                     info->Begin);
539353358Sdim  }
540353358Sdim  if (RawFuncLength > 0xFFFFF)
541353358Sdim    report_fatal_error("SEH unwind data splitting not yet implemented");
542353358Sdim  uint32_t FuncLength = (uint32_t)RawFuncLength / 4;
543344779Sdim  uint32_t PrologCodeBytes = ARM64CountOfUnwindCodes(info->Instructions);
544344779Sdim  uint32_t TotalCodeBytes = PrologCodeBytes;
546344779Sdim  // Process epilogs.
547344779Sdim  MapVector<MCSymbol *, uint32_t> EpilogInfo;
548344779Sdim  // Epilogs processed so far.
549344779Sdim  std::vector<MCSymbol *> AddedEpilogs;
551344779Sdim  for (auto &I : info->EpilogMap) {
552344779Sdim    MCSymbol *EpilogStart = I.first;
553344779Sdim    auto &EpilogInstrs = I.second;
554344779Sdim    uint32_t CodeBytes = ARM64CountOfUnwindCodes(EpilogInstrs);
556344779Sdim    MCSymbol* MatchingEpilog =
557344779Sdim      FindMatchingEpilog(EpilogInstrs, AddedEpilogs, info);
558344779Sdim    if (MatchingEpilog) {
559344779Sdim      assert(EpilogInfo.find(MatchingEpilog) != EpilogInfo.end() &&
560344779Sdim             "Duplicate epilog not found");
561349004Sdim      EpilogInfo[EpilogStart] = EpilogInfo.lookup(MatchingEpilog);
562344779Sdim      // Clear the unwind codes in the EpilogMap, so that they don't get output
563344779Sdim      // in the logic below.
564344779Sdim      EpilogInstrs.clear();
565344779Sdim    } else {
566344779Sdim      EpilogInfo[EpilogStart] = TotalCodeBytes;
567344779Sdim      TotalCodeBytes += CodeBytes;
568344779Sdim      AddedEpilogs.push_back(EpilogStart);
569344779Sdim    }
570344779Sdim  }
572344779Sdim  // Code Words, Epilog count, E, X, Vers, Function Length
573344779Sdim  uint32_t row1 = 0x0;
574344779Sdim  uint32_t CodeWords = TotalCodeBytes / 4;
575344779Sdim  uint32_t CodeWordsMod = TotalCodeBytes % 4;
576344779Sdim  if (CodeWordsMod)
577344779Sdim    CodeWords++;
578344779Sdim  uint32_t EpilogCount = info->EpilogMap.size();
579344779Sdim  bool ExtensionWord = EpilogCount > 31 || TotalCodeBytes > 124;
580344779Sdim  if (!ExtensionWord) {
581344779Sdim    row1 |= (EpilogCount & 0x1F) << 22;
582344779Sdim    row1 |= (CodeWords & 0x1F) << 27;
583344779Sdim  }
584344779Sdim  // E is always 0 right now, TODO: packed epilog setup
585344779Sdim  if (info->HandlesExceptions) // X
586344779Sdim    row1 |= 1 << 20;
587344779Sdim  row1 |= FuncLength & 0x3FFFF;
588344779Sdim  streamer.EmitIntValue(row1, 4);
590344779Sdim  // Extended Code Words, Extended Epilog Count
591344779Sdim  if (ExtensionWord) {
592344779Sdim    // FIXME: We should be able to split unwind info into multiple sections.
593344779Sdim    // FIXME: We should share epilog codes across epilogs, where possible,
594344779Sdim    // which would make this issue show up less frequently.
595344779Sdim    if (CodeWords > 0xFF || EpilogCount > 0xFFFF)
596344779Sdim      report_fatal_error("SEH unwind data splitting not yet implemented");
597344779Sdim    uint32_t row2 = 0x0;
598344779Sdim    row2 |= (CodeWords & 0xFF) << 16;
599344779Sdim    row2 |= (EpilogCount & 0xFFFF);
600344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(row2, 4);
601344779Sdim  }
603344779Sdim  // Epilog Start Index, Epilog Start Offset
604344779Sdim  for (auto &I : EpilogInfo) {
605344779Sdim    MCSymbol *EpilogStart = I.first;
606344779Sdim    uint32_t EpilogIndex = I.second;
607344779Sdim    uint32_t EpilogOffset =
608344779Sdim        (uint32_t)GetAbsDifference(streamer, EpilogStart, info->Begin);
609344779Sdim    if (EpilogOffset)
610344779Sdim      EpilogOffset /= 4;
611344779Sdim    uint32_t row3 = EpilogOffset;
612344779Sdim    row3 |= (EpilogIndex & 0x3FF) << 22;
613344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(row3, 4);
614344779Sdim  }
616344779Sdim  // Emit prolog unwind instructions (in reverse order).
617344779Sdim  uint8_t numInst = info->Instructions.size();
618344779Sdim  for (uint8_t c = 0; c < numInst; ++c) {
619344779Sdim    WinEH::Instruction inst = info->Instructions.back();
620344779Sdim    info->Instructions.pop_back();
621344779Sdim    ARM64EmitUnwindCode(streamer, info->Begin, inst);
622344779Sdim  }
624344779Sdim  // Emit epilog unwind instructions
625344779Sdim  for (auto &I : info->EpilogMap) {
626344779Sdim    auto &EpilogInstrs = I.second;
627344779Sdim    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < EpilogInstrs.size(); i++) {
628344779Sdim      WinEH::Instruction inst = EpilogInstrs[i];
629344779Sdim      ARM64EmitUnwindCode(streamer, info->Begin, inst);
630344779Sdim    }
631344779Sdim  }
633344779Sdim  int32_t BytesMod = CodeWords * 4 - TotalCodeBytes;
634344779Sdim  assert(BytesMod >= 0);
635344779Sdim  for (int i = 0; i < BytesMod; i++)
636344779Sdim    streamer.EmitIntValue(0xE3, 1);
638344779Sdim  if (info->HandlesExceptions)
639344779Sdim    streamer.EmitValue(
640344779Sdim        MCSymbolRefExpr::create(info->ExceptionHandler,
641344779Sdim                                MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_COFF_IMGREL32, context),
642344779Sdim        4);
645344779Sdimstatic void ARM64EmitRuntimeFunction(MCStreamer &streamer,
646344779Sdim                                     const WinEH::FrameInfo *info) {
647344779Sdim  MCContext &context = streamer.getContext();
649344779Sdim  streamer.EmitValueToAlignment(4);
650344779Sdim  EmitSymbolRefWithOfs(streamer, info->Function, info->Begin);
651344779Sdim  streamer.EmitValue(MCSymbolRefExpr::create(info->Symbol,
652344779Sdim                                             MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_COFF_IMGREL32,
653344779Sdim                                             context),
654344779Sdim                     4);
657344779Sdimvoid llvm::Win64EH::ARM64UnwindEmitter::Emit(MCStreamer &Streamer) const {
658344779Sdim  // Emit the unwind info structs first.
659344779Sdim  for (const auto &CFI : Streamer.getWinFrameInfos()) {
660344779Sdim    MCSection *XData = Streamer.getAssociatedXDataSection(CFI->TextSection);
661344779Sdim    Streamer.SwitchSection(XData);
662344779Sdim    ARM64EmitUnwindInfo(Streamer, CFI.get());
663344779Sdim  }
665344779Sdim  // Now emit RUNTIME_FUNCTION entries.
666344779Sdim  for (const auto &CFI : Streamer.getWinFrameInfos()) {
667344779Sdim    MCSection *PData = Streamer.getAssociatedPDataSection(CFI->TextSection);
668344779Sdim    Streamer.SwitchSection(PData);
669344779Sdim    ARM64EmitRuntimeFunction(Streamer, CFI.get());
670344779Sdim  }
673344779Sdimvoid llvm::Win64EH::ARM64UnwindEmitter::EmitUnwindInfo(
674344779Sdim    MCStreamer &Streamer, WinEH::FrameInfo *info) const {
675344779Sdim  // Switch sections (the static function above is meant to be called from
676344779Sdim  // here and from Emit().
677344779Sdim  MCSection *XData = Streamer.getAssociatedXDataSection(info->TextSection);
678344779Sdim  Streamer.SwitchSection(XData);
679344779Sdim  ARM64EmitUnwindInfo(Streamer, info);