VectorUtils.h revision 360784
1102227Smike//===- llvm/Analysis/VectorUtils.h - Vector utilities -----------*- C++ -*-===//
3102227Smike// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4102227Smike// See for license information.
5102227Smike// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9102227Smike// This file defines some vectorizer utilities.
16102227Smike#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
17102227Smike#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
18102227Smike#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopAccessAnalysis.h"
19102227Smike#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
20102227Smike#include "llvm/Support/CheckedArithmetic.h"
22102227Smikenamespace llvm {
24102227Smike/// Describes the type of Parameters
25102227Smikeenum class VFParamKind {
26102227Smike  Vector,            // No semantic information.
27102227Smike  OMP_Linear,        // declare simd linear(i)
28102227Smike  OMP_LinearRef,     // declare simd linear(ref(i))
29102227Smike  OMP_LinearVal,     // declare simd linear(val(i))
30102227Smike  OMP_LinearUVal,    // declare simd linear(uval(i))
31102227Smike  OMP_LinearPos,     // declare simd linear(i:c) uniform(c)
32102227Smike  OMP_LinearValPos,  // declare simd linear(val(i:c)) uniform(c)
33102227Smike  OMP_LinearRefPos,  // declare simd linear(ref(i:c)) uniform(c)
34102227Smike  OMP_LinearUValPos, // declare simd linear(uval(i:c)) uniform(c
35102227Smike  OMP_Uniform,       // declare simd uniform(i)
36102227Smike  GlobalPredicate,   // Global logical predicate that acts on all lanes
37102227Smike                     // of the input and output mask concurrently. For
38102227Smike                     // example, it is implied by the `M` token in the
39102227Smike                     // Vector Function ABI mangled name.
40102227Smike  Unknown
43143063Sjoerg/// Describes the type of Instruction Set Architecture
44143063Sjoergenum class VFISAKind {
45143063Sjoerg  AdvancedSIMD, // AArch64 Advanced SIMD (NEON)
46147744Sthompsa  SVE,          // AArch64 Scalable Vector Extension
47147744Sthompsa  SSE,          // x86 SSE
48102227Smike  AVX,          // x86 AVX
49102227Smike  AVX2,         // x86 AVX2
50102227Smike  AVX512,       // x86 AVX512
51228469Sed  LLVM,         // LLVM internal ISA for functions that are not
52102227Smike  // attached to an existing ABI via name mangling.
53102227Smike  Unknown // Unknown ISA
56102227Smike/// Encapsulates information needed to describe a parameter.
58102227Smike/// The description of the parameter is not linked directly to
59102227Smike/// OpenMP or any other vector function description. This structure
60232261Stijl/// is extendible to handle other paradigms that describe vector
61232261Stijl/// functions and their parameters.
62232261Stijlstruct VFParameter {
63232261Stijl  unsigned ParamPos;         // Parameter Position in Scalar Function.
64232261Stijl  VFParamKind ParamKind;     // Kind of Parameter.
65232261Stijl  int LinearStepOrPos = 0;   // Step or Position of the Parameter.
66232261Stijl  Align Alignment = Align(); // Optional aligment in bytes, defaulted to 1.
68232261Stijl  // Comparison operator.
69232261Stijl  bool operator==(const VFParameter &Other) const {
70232261Stijl    return std::tie(ParamPos, ParamKind, LinearStepOrPos, Alignment) ==
71232261Stijl           std::tie(Other.ParamPos, Other.ParamKind, Other.LinearStepOrPos,
72102227Smike                    Other.Alignment);
73102227Smike  }
76235939Sobrien/// Contains the information about the kind of vectorization
77102227Smike/// available.
79114349Speter/// This object in independent on the paradigm used to
80175398Sbde/// represent vector functions. in particular, it is not attached to
81102227Smike/// any target-specific ABI.
82232261Stijlstruct VFShape {
83232261Stijl  unsigned VF;     // Vectorization factor.
84232261Stijl  bool IsScalable; // True if the function is a scalable function.
85232261Stijl  SmallVector<VFParameter, 8> Parameters; // List of parameter informations.
86232261Stijl  // Comparison operator.
87232261Stijl  bool operator==(const VFShape &Other) const {
88232261Stijl    return std::tie(VF, IsScalable, Parameters) ==
89232261Stijl           std::tie(Other.VF, Other.IsScalable, Other.Parameters);
90232261Stijl  }
92102227Smike  /// Update the parameter in position P.ParamPos to P.
93102227Smike  void updateParam(VFParameter P) {
94102227Smike    assert(P.ParamPos < Parameters.size() && "Invalid parameter position.");
95102227Smike    Parameters[P.ParamPos] = P;
96102227Smike    assert(hasValidParameterList() && "Invalid parameter list");
97102227Smike  }
99102227Smike  // Retrieve the basic vectorization shape of the function, where all
100235939Sobrien  // parameters are mapped to VFParamKind::Vector with \p EC
101102227Smike  // lanes. Specifies whether the function has a Global Predicate
102102227Smike  // argument via \p HasGlobalPred.
103102227Smike  static VFShape get(const CallInst &CI, ElementCount EC, bool HasGlobalPred) {
104102227Smike    SmallVector<VFParameter, 8> Parameters;
105102227Smike    for (unsigned I = 0; I < CI.arg_size(); ++I)
106114349Speter      Parameters.push_back(VFParameter({I, VFParamKind::Vector}));
107102227Smike    if (HasGlobalPred)
108232261Stijl      Parameters.push_back(
109232261Stijl          VFParameter({CI.arg_size(), VFParamKind::GlobalPredicate}));
111232261Stijl    return {EC.Min, EC.Scalable, Parameters};
112232261Stijl  }
113232261Stijl  /// Sanity check on the Parameters in the VFShape.
114232261Stijl  bool hasValidParameterList() const;
117232261Stijl/// Holds the VFShape for a specific scalar to vector function mapping.
118232261Stijlstruct VFInfo {
119102227Smike  VFShape Shape;        // Classification of the vector function.
120102227Smike  StringRef ScalarName; // Scalar Function Name.
121102227Smike  StringRef VectorName; // Vector Function Name associated to this VFInfo.
122102227Smike  VFISAKind ISA;        // Instruction Set Architecture.
124102227Smike  // Comparison operator.
125102227Smike  bool operator==(const VFInfo &Other) const {
126102227Smike    return std::tie(Shape, ScalarName, VectorName, ISA) ==
127102227Smike           std::tie(Shape, Other.ScalarName, Other.VectorName, Other.ISA);
128235939Sobrien  }
131232261Stijlnamespace VFABI {
132232261Stijl/// LLVM Internal VFABI ISA token for vector functions.
133232261Stijlstatic constexpr char const *_LLVM_ = "_LLVM_";
135232261Stijl/// Function to contruct a VFInfo out of a mangled names in the
136232261Stijl/// following format:
138232261Stijl/// <VFABI_name>{(<redirection>)}
140232261Stijl/// where <VFABI_name> is the name of the vector function, mangled according
141232261Stijl/// to the rules described in the Vector Function ABI of the target vector
142232261Stijl/// extentsion (or <isa> from now on). The <VFABI_name> is in the following
143102227Smike/// format:
145263998Stijl/// _ZGV<isa><mask><vlen><parameters>_<scalarname>[(<redirection>)]
147237517Sandrew/// This methods support demangling rules for the following <isa>:
149237517Sandrew/// * AArch64:
151102227Smike/// * x86 (libmvec): and
154102227Smike/// \param MangledName -> input string in the format
155286265Sjkim/// _ZGV<isa><mask><vlen><parameters>_<scalarname>[(<redirection>)].
156286265SjkimOptional<VFInfo> tryDemangleForVFABI(StringRef MangledName);
158286293Sjkim/// Retrieve the `VFParamKind` from a string token.
159286293SjkimVFParamKind getVFParamKindFromString(const StringRef Token);
161286293Sjkim// Name of the attribute where the variant mappings are stored.
162286265Sjkimstatic constexpr char const *MappingsAttrName = "vector-function-abi-variant";
164114870Speter/// Populates a set of strings representing the Vector Function ABI variants
165286265Sjkim/// associated to the CallInst CI.
166143063Sjoergvoid getVectorVariantNames(const CallInst &CI,
167143063Sjoerg                           SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &VariantMappings);
168143434Speter} // end namespace VFABI
170102227Smiketemplate <typename T> class ArrayRef;
171102227Smikeclass DemandedBits;
172102227Smikeclass GetElementPtrInst;
173template <typename InstTy> class InterleaveGroup;
174class Loop;
175class ScalarEvolution;
176class TargetTransformInfo;
177class Type;
178class Value;
180namespace Intrinsic {
181typedef unsigned ID;
184/// Identify if the intrinsic is trivially vectorizable.
185/// This method returns true if the intrinsic's argument types are all scalars
186/// for the scalar form of the intrinsic and all vectors (or scalars handled by
187/// hasVectorInstrinsicScalarOpd) for the vector form of the intrinsic.
188bool isTriviallyVectorizable(Intrinsic::ID ID);
190/// Identifies if the vector form of the intrinsic has a scalar operand.
191bool hasVectorInstrinsicScalarOpd(Intrinsic::ID ID, unsigned ScalarOpdIdx);
193/// Returns intrinsic ID for call.
194/// For the input call instruction it finds mapping intrinsic and returns
195/// its intrinsic ID, in case it does not found it return not_intrinsic.
196Intrinsic::ID getVectorIntrinsicIDForCall(const CallInst *CI,
197                                          const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI);
199/// Find the operand of the GEP that should be checked for consecutive
200/// stores. This ignores trailing indices that have no effect on the final
201/// pointer.
202unsigned getGEPInductionOperand(const GetElementPtrInst *Gep);
204/// If the argument is a GEP, then returns the operand identified by
205/// getGEPInductionOperand. However, if there is some other non-loop-invariant
206/// operand, it returns that instead.
207Value *stripGetElementPtr(Value *Ptr, ScalarEvolution *SE, Loop *Lp);
209/// If a value has only one user that is a CastInst, return it.
210Value *getUniqueCastUse(Value *Ptr, Loop *Lp, Type *Ty);
212/// Get the stride of a pointer access in a loop. Looks for symbolic
213/// strides "a[i*stride]". Returns the symbolic stride, or null otherwise.
214Value *getStrideFromPointer(Value *Ptr, ScalarEvolution *SE, Loop *Lp);
216/// Given a vector and an element number, see if the scalar value is
217/// already around as a register, for example if it were inserted then extracted
218/// from the vector.
219Value *findScalarElement(Value *V, unsigned EltNo);
221/// Get splat value if the input is a splat vector or return nullptr.
222/// The value may be extracted from a splat constants vector or from
223/// a sequence of instructions that broadcast a single value into a vector.
224const Value *getSplatValue(const Value *V);
226/// Return true if the input value is known to be a vector with all identical
227/// elements (potentially including undefined elements).
228/// This may be more powerful than the related getSplatValue() because it is
229/// not limited by finding a scalar source value to a splatted vector.
230bool isSplatValue(const Value *V, unsigned Depth = 0);
232/// Compute a map of integer instructions to their minimum legal type
233/// size.
235/// C semantics force sub-int-sized values (e.g. i8, i16) to be promoted to int
236/// type (e.g. i32) whenever arithmetic is performed on them.
238/// For targets with native i8 or i16 operations, usually InstCombine can shrink
239/// the arithmetic type down again. However InstCombine refuses to create
240/// illegal types, so for targets without i8 or i16 registers, the lengthening
241/// and shrinking remains.
243/// Most SIMD ISAs (e.g. NEON) however support vectors of i8 or i16 even when
244/// their scalar equivalents do not, so during vectorization it is important to
245/// remove these lengthens and truncates when deciding the profitability of
246/// vectorization.
248/// This function analyzes the given range of instructions and determines the
249/// minimum type size each can be converted to. It attempts to remove or
250/// minimize type size changes across each def-use chain, so for example in the
251/// following code:
253///   %1 = load i8, i8*
254///   %2 = add i8 %1, 2
255///   %3 = load i16, i16*
256///   %4 = zext i8 %2 to i32
257///   %5 = zext i16 %3 to i32
258///   %6 = add i32 %4, %5
259///   %7 = trunc i32 %6 to i16
261/// Instruction %6 must be done at least in i16, so computeMinimumValueSizes
262/// will return: {%1: 16, %2: 16, %3: 16, %4: 16, %5: 16, %6: 16, %7: 16}.
264/// If the optional TargetTransformInfo is provided, this function tries harder
265/// to do less work by only looking at illegal types.
266MapVector<Instruction*, uint64_t>
267computeMinimumValueSizes(ArrayRef<BasicBlock*> Blocks,
268                         DemandedBits &DB,
269                         const TargetTransformInfo *TTI=nullptr);
271/// Compute the union of two access-group lists.
273/// If the list contains just one access group, it is returned directly. If the
274/// list is empty, returns nullptr.
275MDNode *uniteAccessGroups(MDNode *AccGroups1, MDNode *AccGroups2);
277/// Compute the access-group list of access groups that @p Inst1 and @p Inst2
278/// are both in. If either instruction does not access memory at all, it is
279/// considered to be in every list.
281/// If the list contains just one access group, it is returned directly. If the
282/// list is empty, returns nullptr.
283MDNode *intersectAccessGroups(const Instruction *Inst1,
284                              const Instruction *Inst2);
286/// Specifically, let Kinds = [MD_tbaa, MD_alias_scope, MD_noalias, MD_fpmath,
287/// MD_nontemporal, MD_access_group].
288/// For K in Kinds, we get the MDNode for K from each of the
289/// elements of VL, compute their "intersection" (i.e., the most generic
290/// metadata value that covers all of the individual values), and set I's
291/// metadata for M equal to the intersection value.
293/// This function always sets a (possibly null) value for each K in Kinds.
294Instruction *propagateMetadata(Instruction *I, ArrayRef<Value *> VL);
296/// Create a mask that filters the members of an interleave group where there
297/// are gaps.
299/// For example, the mask for \p Group with interleave-factor 3
300/// and \p VF 4, that has only its first member present is:
302///   <1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0>
304/// Note: The result is a mask of 0's and 1's, as opposed to the other
305/// create[*]Mask() utilities which create a shuffle mask (mask that
306/// consists of indices).
307Constant *createBitMaskForGaps(IRBuilder<> &Builder, unsigned VF,
308                               const InterleaveGroup<Instruction> &Group);
310/// Create a mask with replicated elements.
312/// This function creates a shuffle mask for replicating each of the \p VF
313/// elements in a vector \p ReplicationFactor times. It can be used to
314/// transform a mask of \p VF elements into a mask of
315/// \p VF * \p ReplicationFactor elements used by a predicated
316/// interleaved-group of loads/stores whose Interleaved-factor ==
317/// \p ReplicationFactor.
319/// For example, the mask for \p ReplicationFactor=3 and \p VF=4 is:
321///   <0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3>
322Constant *createReplicatedMask(IRBuilder<> &Builder, unsigned ReplicationFactor,
323                               unsigned VF);
325/// Create an interleave shuffle mask.
327/// This function creates a shuffle mask for interleaving \p NumVecs vectors of
328/// vectorization factor \p VF into a single wide vector. The mask is of the
329/// form:
331///   <0, VF, VF * 2, ..., VF * (NumVecs - 1), 1, VF + 1, VF * 2 + 1, ...>
333/// For example, the mask for VF = 4 and NumVecs = 2 is:
335///   <0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7>.
336Constant *createInterleaveMask(IRBuilder<> &Builder, unsigned VF,
337                               unsigned NumVecs);
339/// Create a stride shuffle mask.
341/// This function creates a shuffle mask whose elements begin at \p Start and
342/// are incremented by \p Stride. The mask can be used to deinterleave an
343/// interleaved vector into separate vectors of vectorization factor \p VF. The
344/// mask is of the form:
346///   <Start, Start + Stride, ..., Start + Stride * (VF - 1)>
348/// For example, the mask for Start = 0, Stride = 2, and VF = 4 is:
350///   <0, 2, 4, 6>
351Constant *createStrideMask(IRBuilder<> &Builder, unsigned Start,
352                           unsigned Stride, unsigned VF);
354/// Create a sequential shuffle mask.
356/// This function creates shuffle mask whose elements are sequential and begin
357/// at \p Start.  The mask contains \p NumInts integers and is padded with \p
358/// NumUndefs undef values. The mask is of the form:
360///   <Start, Start + 1, ... Start + NumInts - 1, undef_1, ... undef_NumUndefs>
362/// For example, the mask for Start = 0, NumInsts = 4, and NumUndefs = 4 is:
364///   <0, 1, 2, 3, undef, undef, undef, undef>
365Constant *createSequentialMask(IRBuilder<> &Builder, unsigned Start,
366                               unsigned NumInts, unsigned NumUndefs);
368/// Concatenate a list of vectors.
370/// This function generates code that concatenate the vectors in \p Vecs into a
371/// single large vector. The number of vectors should be greater than one, and
372/// their element types should be the same. The number of elements in the
373/// vectors should also be the same; however, if the last vector has fewer
374/// elements, it will be padded with undefs.
375Value *concatenateVectors(IRBuilder<> &Builder, ArrayRef<Value *> Vecs);
377/// Given a mask vector of the form <Y x i1>, Return true if all of the
378/// elements of this predicate mask are false or undef.  That is, return true
379/// if all lanes can be assumed inactive.
380bool maskIsAllZeroOrUndef(Value *Mask);
382/// Given a mask vector of the form <Y x i1>, Return true if all of the
383/// elements of this predicate mask are true or undef.  That is, return true
384/// if all lanes can be assumed active.
385bool maskIsAllOneOrUndef(Value *Mask);
387/// Given a mask vector of the form <Y x i1>, return an APInt (of bitwidth Y)
388/// for each lane which may be active.
389APInt possiblyDemandedEltsInMask(Value *Mask);
391/// The group of interleaved loads/stores sharing the same stride and
392/// close to each other.
394/// Each member in this group has an index starting from 0, and the largest
395/// index should be less than interleaved factor, which is equal to the absolute
396/// value of the access's stride.
398/// E.g. An interleaved load group of factor 4:
399///        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1024; i+=4) {
400///          a = A[i];                           // Member of index 0
401///          b = A[i+1];                         // Member of index 1
402///          d = A[i+3];                         // Member of index 3
403///          ...
404///        }
406///      An interleaved store group of factor 4:
407///        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1024; i+=4) {
408///          ...
409///          A[i]   = a;                         // Member of index 0
410///          A[i+1] = b;                         // Member of index 1
411///          A[i+2] = c;                         // Member of index 2
412///          A[i+3] = d;                         // Member of index 3
413///        }
415/// Note: the interleaved load group could have gaps (missing members), but
416/// the interleaved store group doesn't allow gaps.
417template <typename InstTy> class InterleaveGroup {
419  InterleaveGroup(uint32_t Factor, bool Reverse, Align Alignment)
420      : Factor(Factor), Reverse(Reverse), Alignment(Alignment),
421        InsertPos(nullptr) {}
423  InterleaveGroup(InstTy *Instr, int32_t Stride, Align Alignment)
424      : Alignment(Alignment), InsertPos(Instr) {
425    Factor = std::abs(Stride);
426    assert(Factor > 1 && "Invalid interleave factor");
428    Reverse = Stride < 0;
429    Members[0] = Instr;
430  }
432  bool isReverse() const { return Reverse; }
433  uint32_t getFactor() const { return Factor; }
434  uint32_t getAlignment() const { return Alignment.value(); }
435  uint32_t getNumMembers() const { return Members.size(); }
437  /// Try to insert a new member \p Instr with index \p Index and
438  /// alignment \p NewAlign. The index is related to the leader and it could be
439  /// negative if it is the new leader.
440  ///
441  /// \returns false if the instruction doesn't belong to the group.
442  bool insertMember(InstTy *Instr, int32_t Index, Align NewAlign) {
443    // Make sure the key fits in an int32_t.
444    Optional<int32_t> MaybeKey = checkedAdd(Index, SmallestKey);
445    if (!MaybeKey)
446      return false;
447    int32_t Key = *MaybeKey;
449    // Skip if there is already a member with the same index.
450    if (Members.find(Key) != Members.end())
451      return false;
453    if (Key > LargestKey) {
454      // The largest index is always less than the interleave factor.
455      if (Index >= static_cast<int32_t>(Factor))
456        return false;
458      LargestKey = Key;
459    } else if (Key < SmallestKey) {
461      // Make sure the largest index fits in an int32_t.
462      Optional<int32_t> MaybeLargestIndex = checkedSub(LargestKey, Key);
463      if (!MaybeLargestIndex)
464        return false;
466      // The largest index is always less than the interleave factor.
467      if (*MaybeLargestIndex >= static_cast<int64_t>(Factor))
468        return false;
470      SmallestKey = Key;
471    }
473    // It's always safe to select the minimum alignment.
474    Alignment = std::min(Alignment, NewAlign);
475    Members[Key] = Instr;
476    return true;
477  }
479  /// Get the member with the given index \p Index
480  ///
481  /// \returns nullptr if contains no such member.
482  InstTy *getMember(uint32_t Index) const {
483    int32_t Key = SmallestKey + Index;
484    auto Member = Members.find(Key);
485    if (Member == Members.end())
486      return nullptr;
488    return Member->second;
489  }
491  /// Get the index for the given member. Unlike the key in the member
492  /// map, the index starts from 0.
493  uint32_t getIndex(const InstTy *Instr) const {
494    for (auto I : Members) {
495      if (I.second == Instr)
496        return I.first - SmallestKey;
497    }
499    llvm_unreachable("InterleaveGroup contains no such member");
500  }
502  InstTy *getInsertPos() const { return InsertPos; }
503  void setInsertPos(InstTy *Inst) { InsertPos = Inst; }
505  /// Add metadata (e.g. alias info) from the instructions in this group to \p
506  /// NewInst.
507  ///
508  /// FIXME: this function currently does not add noalias metadata a'la
509  /// addNewMedata.  To do that we need to compute the intersection of the
510  /// noalias info from all members.
511  void addMetadata(InstTy *NewInst) const;
513  /// Returns true if this Group requires a scalar iteration to handle gaps.
514  bool requiresScalarEpilogue() const {
515    // If the last member of the Group exists, then a scalar epilog is not
516    // needed for this group.
517    if (getMember(getFactor() - 1))
518      return false;
520    // We have a group with gaps. It therefore cannot be a group of stores,
521    // and it can't be a reversed access, because such groups get invalidated.
522    assert(!getMember(0)->mayWriteToMemory() &&
523           "Group should have been invalidated");
524    assert(!isReverse() && "Group should have been invalidated");
526    // This is a group of loads, with gaps, and without a last-member
527    return true;
528  }
531  uint32_t Factor; // Interleave Factor.
532  bool Reverse;
533  Align Alignment;
534  DenseMap<int32_t, InstTy *> Members;
535  int32_t SmallestKey = 0;
536  int32_t LargestKey = 0;
538  // To avoid breaking dependences, vectorized instructions of an interleave
539  // group should be inserted at either the first load or the last store in
540  // program order.
541  //
542  // E.g. %even = load i32             // Insert Position
543  //      %add = add i32 %even         // Use of %even
544  //      %odd = load i32
545  //
546  //      store i32 %even
547  //      %odd = add i32               // Def of %odd
548  //      store i32 %odd               // Insert Position
549  InstTy *InsertPos;
552/// Drive the analysis of interleaved memory accesses in the loop.
554/// Use this class to analyze interleaved accesses only when we can vectorize
555/// a loop. Otherwise it's meaningless to do analysis as the vectorization
556/// on interleaved accesses is unsafe.
558/// The analysis collects interleave groups and records the relationships
559/// between the member and the group in a map.
560class InterleavedAccessInfo {
562  InterleavedAccessInfo(PredicatedScalarEvolution &PSE, Loop *L,
563                        DominatorTree *DT, LoopInfo *LI,
564                        const LoopAccessInfo *LAI)
565      : PSE(PSE), TheLoop(L), DT(DT), LI(LI), LAI(LAI) {}
567  ~InterleavedAccessInfo() { reset(); }
569  /// Analyze the interleaved accesses and collect them in interleave
570  /// groups. Substitute symbolic strides using \p Strides.
571  /// Consider also predicated loads/stores in the analysis if
572  /// \p EnableMaskedInterleavedGroup is true.
573  void analyzeInterleaving(bool EnableMaskedInterleavedGroup);
575  /// Invalidate groups, e.g., in case all blocks in loop will be predicated
576  /// contrary to original assumption. Although we currently prevent group
577  /// formation for predicated accesses, we may be able to relax this limitation
578  /// in the future once we handle more complicated blocks.
579  void reset() {
580    InterleaveGroupMap.clear();
581    for (auto *Ptr : InterleaveGroups)
582      delete Ptr;
583    InterleaveGroups.clear();
584    RequiresScalarEpilogue = false;
585  }
588  /// Check if \p Instr belongs to any interleave group.
589  bool isInterleaved(Instruction *Instr) const {
590    return InterleaveGroupMap.find(Instr) != InterleaveGroupMap.end();
591  }
593  /// Get the interleave group that \p Instr belongs to.
594  ///
595  /// \returns nullptr if doesn't have such group.
596  InterleaveGroup<Instruction> *
597  getInterleaveGroup(const Instruction *Instr) const {
598    if (InterleaveGroupMap.count(Instr))
599      return InterleaveGroupMap.find(Instr)->second;
600    return nullptr;
601  }
603  iterator_range<SmallPtrSetIterator<llvm::InterleaveGroup<Instruction> *>>
604  getInterleaveGroups() {
605    return make_range(InterleaveGroups.begin(), InterleaveGroups.end());
606  }
608  /// Returns true if an interleaved group that may access memory
609  /// out-of-bounds requires a scalar epilogue iteration for correctness.
610  bool requiresScalarEpilogue() const { return RequiresScalarEpilogue; }
612  /// Invalidate groups that require a scalar epilogue (due to gaps). This can
613  /// happen when optimizing for size forbids a scalar epilogue, and the gap
614  /// cannot be filtered by masking the load/store.
615  void invalidateGroupsRequiringScalarEpilogue();
618  /// A wrapper around ScalarEvolution, used to add runtime SCEV checks.
619  /// Simplifies SCEV expressions in the context of existing SCEV assumptions.
620  /// The interleaved access analysis can also add new predicates (for example
621  /// by versioning strides of pointers).
622  PredicatedScalarEvolution &PSE;
624  Loop *TheLoop;
625  DominatorTree *DT;
626  LoopInfo *LI;
627  const LoopAccessInfo *LAI;
629  /// True if the loop may contain non-reversed interleaved groups with
630  /// out-of-bounds accesses. We ensure we don't speculatively access memory
631  /// out-of-bounds by executing at least one scalar epilogue iteration.
632  bool RequiresScalarEpilogue = false;
634  /// Holds the relationships between the members and the interleave group.
635  DenseMap<Instruction *, InterleaveGroup<Instruction> *> InterleaveGroupMap;
637  SmallPtrSet<InterleaveGroup<Instruction> *, 4> InterleaveGroups;
639  /// Holds dependences among the memory accesses in the loop. It maps a source
640  /// access to a set of dependent sink accesses.
641  DenseMap<Instruction *, SmallPtrSet<Instruction *, 2>> Dependences;
643  /// The descriptor for a strided memory access.
644  struct StrideDescriptor {
645    StrideDescriptor() = default;
646    StrideDescriptor(int64_t Stride, const SCEV *Scev, uint64_t Size,
647                     Align Alignment)
648        : Stride(Stride), Scev(Scev), Size(Size), Alignment(Alignment) {}
650    // The access's stride. It is negative for a reverse access.
651    int64_t Stride = 0;
653    // The scalar expression of this access.
654    const SCEV *Scev = nullptr;
656    // The size of the memory object.
657    uint64_t Size = 0;
659    // The alignment of this access.
660    Align Alignment;
661  };
663  /// A type for holding instructions and their stride descriptors.
664  using StrideEntry = std::pair<Instruction *, StrideDescriptor>;
666  /// Create a new interleave group with the given instruction \p Instr,
667  /// stride \p Stride and alignment \p Align.
668  ///
669  /// \returns the newly created interleave group.
670  InterleaveGroup<Instruction> *
671  createInterleaveGroup(Instruction *Instr, int Stride, Align Alignment) {
672    assert(!InterleaveGroupMap.count(Instr) &&
673           "Already in an interleaved access group");
674    InterleaveGroupMap[Instr] =
675        new InterleaveGroup<Instruction>(Instr, Stride, Alignment);
676    InterleaveGroups.insert(InterleaveGroupMap[Instr]);
677    return InterleaveGroupMap[Instr];
678  }
680  /// Release the group and remove all the relationships.
681  void releaseGroup(InterleaveGroup<Instruction> *Group) {
682    for (unsigned i = 0; i < Group->getFactor(); i++)
683      if (Instruction *Member = Group->getMember(i))
684        InterleaveGroupMap.erase(Member);
686    InterleaveGroups.erase(Group);
687    delete Group;
688  }
690  /// Collect all the accesses with a constant stride in program order.
691  void collectConstStrideAccesses(
692      MapVector<Instruction *, StrideDescriptor> &AccessStrideInfo,
693      const ValueToValueMap &Strides);
695  /// Returns true if \p Stride is allowed in an interleaved group.
696  static bool isStrided(int Stride);
698  /// Returns true if \p BB is a predicated block.
699  bool isPredicated(BasicBlock *BB) const {
700    return LoopAccessInfo::blockNeedsPredication(BB, TheLoop, DT);
701  }
703  /// Returns true if LoopAccessInfo can be used for dependence queries.
704  bool areDependencesValid() const {
705    return LAI && LAI->getDepChecker().getDependences();
706  }
708  /// Returns true if memory accesses \p A and \p B can be reordered, if
709  /// necessary, when constructing interleaved groups.
710  ///
711  /// \p A must precede \p B in program order. We return false if reordering is
712  /// not necessary or is prevented because \p A and \p B may be dependent.
713  bool canReorderMemAccessesForInterleavedGroups(StrideEntry *A,
714                                                 StrideEntry *B) const {
715    // Code motion for interleaved accesses can potentially hoist strided loads
716    // and sink strided stores. The code below checks the legality of the
717    // following two conditions:
718    //
719    // 1. Potentially moving a strided load (B) before any store (A) that
720    //    precedes B, or
721    //
722    // 2. Potentially moving a strided store (A) after any load or store (B)
723    //    that A precedes.
724    //
725    // It's legal to reorder A and B if we know there isn't a dependence from A
726    // to B. Note that this determination is conservative since some
727    // dependences could potentially be reordered safely.
729    // A is potentially the source of a dependence.
730    auto *Src = A->first;
731    auto SrcDes = A->second;
733    // B is potentially the sink of a dependence.
734    auto *Sink = B->first;
735    auto SinkDes = B->second;
737    // Code motion for interleaved accesses can't violate WAR dependences.
738    // Thus, reordering is legal if the source isn't a write.
739    if (!Src->mayWriteToMemory())
740      return true;
742    // At least one of the accesses must be strided.
743    if (!isStrided(SrcDes.Stride) && !isStrided(SinkDes.Stride))
744      return true;
746    // If dependence information is not available from LoopAccessInfo,
747    // conservatively assume the instructions can't be reordered.
748    if (!areDependencesValid())
749      return false;
751    // If we know there is a dependence from source to sink, assume the
752    // instructions can't be reordered. Otherwise, reordering is legal.
753    return Dependences.find(Src) == Dependences.end() ||
754           !Dependences.lookup(Src).count(Sink);
755  }
757  /// Collect the dependences from LoopAccessInfo.
758  ///
759  /// We process the dependences once during the interleaved access analysis to
760  /// enable constant-time dependence queries.
761  void collectDependences() {
762    if (!areDependencesValid())
763      return;
764    auto *Deps = LAI->getDepChecker().getDependences();
765    for (auto Dep : *Deps)
766      Dependences[Dep.getSource(*LAI)].insert(Dep.getDestination(*LAI));
767  }
770} // llvm namespace