StructuredDataPlugin.h revision 311128
1151497Sru//===-- StructuredDataPlugin.h ----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3104862Sru//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5104862Sru// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6104862Sru// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10104862Sru#ifndef StructuredDataPlugin_h
11104862Sru#define StructuredDataPlugin_h
13104862Sru#include "lldb/Core/PluginInterface.h"
14151497Sru#include "lldb/Core/StructuredData.h"
16104862Srunamespace lldb_private {
18104862Sruclass CommandObjectMultiword;
20104862Sru// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
21104862Sru/// Plugin that supports process-related structured data sent asynchronously
22104862Sru/// from the debug monitor (e.g. debugserver, lldb-server, etc.)
24104862Sru/// This plugin type is activated by a Process-derived instance when that
25104862Sru/// instance detects that a given structured data feature is available.
27104862Sru/// StructuredDataPlugin instances are inherently tied to a process.  The
28104862Sru/// main functionality they support is the ability to consume asynchronously-
29104862Sru/// delivered structured data from the process monitor, and do something
30104862Sru/// reasonable with it.  Something reasonable can include broadcasting a
31104862Sru/// StructuredData event, which other parts of the system can then do with
32104862Sru/// as they please.  An IDE could use this facility to retrieve CPU usage,
33151497Sru/// memory usage, and other run-time aspects of the process.  That data
34104862Sru/// can then be displayed meaningfully to the user through the IDE.
36104862Sru/// For command-line LLDB, the Debugger instance listens for the structured
37104862Sru/// data events raised by the plugin, and give the plugin both the output
38104862Sru/// and error streams such that the plugin can display something about the
39104862Sru/// event, at a time when the debugger ensures it is safe to write to the
40104862Sru/// output or error streams.
41104862Sru// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43104862Sruclass StructuredDataPlugin
44104862Sru    : public PluginInterface,
45104862Sru      public std::enable_shared_from_this<StructuredDataPlugin> {
47104862Sru  virtual ~StructuredDataPlugin();
49104862Sru  lldb::ProcessSP GetProcess() const;
51104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
52104862Sru  // Public instance API
53104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
55104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
56104862Sru  /// Return whether this plugin supports the given StructuredData feature.
57104862Sru  ///
58104862Sru  /// When Process is informed of a list of process-monitor-supported
59104862Sru  /// structured data features, Process will go through the list of plugins,
60104862Sru  /// one at a time, and have the first plugin that supports a given feature
61104862Sru  /// be the plugin instantiated to handle that feature.  There is a 1-1
62104862Sru  /// correspondence between a Process instance and a StructuredDataPlugin
63104862Sru  /// mapped to that process.  A plugin can support handling multiple
64104862Sru  /// features, and if that happens, there is a single plugin instance
65104862Sru  /// created covering all of the mapped features for a given process.
66104862Sru  ///
67104862Sru  /// @param[in] type_name
68104862Sru  ///     The name of the feature tag supported by a process.
69104862Sru  ///     e.g. "darwin-log".
70104862Sru  ///
71104862Sru  /// @return
72104862Sru  ///     true if the plugin supports the feature; otherwise, false.
73104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
74104862Sru  virtual bool SupportsStructuredDataType(const ConstString &type_name) = 0;
76104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
77104862Sru  /// Handle the arrival of asynchronous structured data from the process.
78104862Sru  ///
79104862Sru  /// When asynchronous structured data arrives from the process monitor,
80104862Sru  /// it is immediately delivered to the plugin mapped for that feature
81104862Sru  /// if one exists.  The structured data that arrives from a process
82104862Sru  /// monitor must be a dictionary, and it must have a string field named
83104862Sru  /// "type" that must contain the StructuredData feature name set as the
84104862Sru  /// value.  This is the manner in which the data is routed to the proper
85104862Sru  /// plugin instance.
86104862Sru  ///
87151497Sru  /// @param[in] process
88104862Sru  ///     The process instance that just received the structured data.
89104862Sru  ///     This will always be the same process for a given instance of
90104862Sru  ///     a plugin.
91104862Sru  ///
92104862Sru  /// @param[in] type_name
93104862Sru  ///     The name of the feature tag for the asynchronous structured data.
94104862Sru  ///     Note this data will also be present in the \b object_sp dictionary
95104862Sru  ///     under the string value with key "type".
96104862Sru  ///
97104862Sru  /// @param[in] object_sp
98104862Sru  ///     A shared pointer to the structured data that arrived.  This must
99104862Sru  ///     be a dictionary.  The only key required is the aforementioned
100104862Sru  ///     key named "type" that must be a string value containing the
101104862Sru  ///     structured data type name.
102104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
103104862Sru  virtual void
104104862Sru  HandleArrivalOfStructuredData(Process &process, const ConstString &type_name,
105104862Sru                                const StructuredData::ObjectSP &object_sp) = 0;
107104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
108104862Sru  /// Get a human-readable description of the contents of the data.
109104862Sru  ///
110104862Sru  /// In command-line LLDB, this method will be called by the Debugger
111104862Sru  /// instance for each structured data event generated, and the output
112104862Sru  /// will be printed to the LLDB console.  If nothing is added to the stream,
113151497Sru  /// nothing will be printed; otherwise, a newline will be added to the end
114151497Sru  /// when displayed.
115104862Sru  ///
116104862Sru  /// @param[in] object_sp
117104862Sru  ///     A shared pointer to the structured data to format.
118151497Sru  ///
119104862Sru  /// @param[in] stream
120104862Sru  ///     The stream where the structured data should be pretty printed.
121104862Sru  ///
122104862Sru  /// @return
123104862Sru  ///     The error if formatting the object contents failed; otherwise,
124104862Sru  ///     success.
125104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
126104862Sru  virtual Error GetDescription(const StructuredData::ObjectSP &object_sp,
127104862Sru                               lldb_private::Stream &stream) = 0;
129104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
130104862Sru  /// Returns whether the plugin's features are enabled.
131104862Sru  ///
132104862Sru  /// This is a convenience method for plugins that can enable or disable
133104862Sru  /// their functionality.  It allows retrieval of this state without
134104862Sru  /// requiring a cast.
135104862Sru  ///
136104862Sru  /// @param[in] type_name
137104862Sru  ///     The name of the feature tag for the asynchronous structured data.
138104862Sru  ///     This is needed for plugins that support more than one feature.
139104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
140104862Sru  virtual bool GetEnabled(const ConstString &type_name) const;
142104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
143151497Sru  /// Allow the plugin to do work related to modules that loaded in the
144104862Sru  /// the corresponding process.
145104862Sru  ///
146104862Sru  /// This method defaults to doing nothing.  Plugins can override it
147104862Sru  /// if they have any behavior they want to enable/modify based on loaded
148104862Sru  /// modules.
149104862Sru  ///
150104862Sru  /// @param[in] process
151104862Sru  ///     The process that just was notified of modules having been loaded.
152104862Sru  ///     This will always be the same process for a given instance of
153104862Sru  ///     a plugin.
154104862Sru  ///
155104862Sru  /// @param[in] module_list
156104862Sru  ///     The list of modules that the process registered as having just
157104862Sru  ///     loaded.  See \b Process::ModulesDidLoad(...).
158104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
159104862Sru  virtual void ModulesDidLoad(Process &process, ModuleList &module_list);
162104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
163104862Sru  // Derived-class API
164104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
165104862Sru  StructuredDataPlugin(const lldb::ProcessWP &process_wp);
167151497Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
168104862Sru  /// Derived classes must call this before attempting to hook up commands
169104862Sru  /// to the 'plugin structured-data' tree.
170104862Sru  ///
171104862Sru  /// This ensures the relevant command and options hook points for all
172104862Sru  /// StructuredDataPlugin derived classes are available for this debugger.
173104862Sru  /// If this has already happened, this call is a no-op.
174104862Sru  ///
175104862Sru  /// @param[in] debugger
176104862Sru  ///     The Debugger instance for which we're creating the required shared
177104862Sru  ///     components for the StructuredDataPlugin derived classes.
178104862Sru  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
179104862Sru  static void InitializeBasePluginForDebugger(Debugger &debugger);
182104862Sru  lldb::ProcessWP m_process_wp;
184104862Sru  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StructuredDataPlugin);