DiagnosticSerializationKinds.td revision 249423
1//==--- DiagnosticSerializationKinds.td - serialization diagnostics -------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10let Component = "Serialization" in {
12def err_fe_unable_to_read_pch_file : Error<
13    "unable to read PCH file %0: '%1'">;
14def err_fe_not_a_pch_file : Error<
15    "input is not a PCH file: '%0'">;
16def err_fe_pch_malformed : Error<
17    "malformed or corrupted PCH file: '%0'">, DefaultFatal;
18def err_fe_pch_malformed_block : Error<
19    "malformed block record in PCH file: '%0'">, DefaultFatal;
20def err_fe_pch_file_modified : Error<
21    "file '%0' has been modified since the precompiled header '%1' was built">,
22    DefaultFatal;
23def err_fe_pch_file_overridden : Error<
24    "file '%0' from the precompiled header has been overridden">;
26def err_pch_targetopt_mismatch : Error<
27    "PCH file was compiled for the %0 '%1' but the current translation "
28    "unit is being compiled for target '%2'">;
29def err_pch_targetopt_feature_mismatch : Error<
30    "%select{AST file|current translation unit}0 was compiled with the target "
31    "feature'%1' but the %select{current translation unit is|AST file was}0 "
32    "not">;
33def err_pch_langopt_mismatch : Error<"%0 was %select{disabled|enabled}1 in "
34    "PCH file but is currently %select{disabled|enabled}2">;
35def err_pch_langopt_value_mismatch : Error<
36  "%0 differs in PCH file vs. current file">;
38def warn_pch_version_too_old : Error<
39    "PCH file uses an older PCH format that is no longer supported">;
40def warn_pch_version_too_new : Error<
41    "PCH file uses a newer PCH format that cannot be read">;
42def warn_pch_different_branch : Error<
43    "PCH file built from a different branch (%0) than the compiler (%1)">;
44def err_pch_with_compiler_errors : Error<
45    "PCH file contains compiler errors">;
47def warn_module_conflict : Warning<
48    "module '%0' conflicts with already-imported module '%1': %2">, 
49    InGroup<ModuleConflict>;
51def err_pch_macro_def_undef : Error<
52    "macro '%0' was %select{defined|undef'd}1 in the precompiled header but "
53    "%select{undef'd|defined}1 on the command line">;
54def err_pch_macro_def_conflict : Error<
55    "definition of macro '%0' differs between the precompiled header ('%1') "
56    "and the command line ('%2')">;
57def err_pch_undef : Error<
58    "%select{command line contains|precompiled header was built with}0 "
59    "'-undef' but %select{precompiled header was not built with it|"
60    "it is not present on the command line}0">;
62def err_not_a_pch_file : Error<
63    "'%0' does not appear to be a precompiled header file">, DefaultFatal;