1353141SphilipGuidelines for contributing
4353141SphilipTo report a security issue (segfault, buffer overflow, infinite loop, arbitrary
5353141Sphilipcode execution etc) please send an e-mail to security@tcpdump.org, do not use
6353141Sphilipthe bug tracker!
8353141SphilipTo report a non-security problem (failure to compile, failure to capture packets
9353141Sphilipproperly, missing support for a network interface type or DLT) please check
10353141Sphilipfirst that it reproduces with the latest stable release of libpcap. If it does,
11353141Sphilipplease check that the problem reproduces with the current git master branch of
12353141Sphiliplibpcap. If it does (and it is not a security-related problem, otherwise see
13353141Sphilipabove), please navigate to https://github.com/the-tcpdump-group/libpcap/issues
14353141Sphilipand check if the problem has already been reported. If it has not, please open
15353141Sphilipa new issue and provide the following details:
17353141Sphilip* libpcap version (e.g. from tcpdump --version)
18353141Sphilip* operating system name and version and any other details that may be relevant
19353141Sphilip  (uname -a, compiler name and version, CPU type etc.)
20353141Sphilip* configure flags if any were used
21353141Sphilip* statement of the problem
22353141Sphilip* steps to reproduce
24353141SphilipPlease note that if you know exactly how to solve the problem and the solution
25353141Sphilipwould not be too intrusive, it would be best to contribute some development time
26353141Sphilipand open a pull request instead.
28353141SphilipStill not sure how to do? Feel free to [subscribe](https://www.tcpdump.org/#mailing-lists)
29353141Sphilipto the mailing list tcpdump-workers@lists.tcpdump.org and ask!