3354939Sdelphij# $File: mozilla,v 1.10 2019/04/19 00:42:27 christos Exp $
4328874Seadler# mozilla:  file(1) magic for Mozilla XUL fastload files
5186690Sobrien# (XUL.mfasl and XPC.mfasl)
6354939Sdelphij# URL:	https://www.mozilla.org/
7186690Sobrien# From:	Josh Triplett <josh@freedesktop.org>
9186690Sobrien0	string	XPCOM\nMozFASL\r\n\x1A		Mozilla XUL fastload data
10354939Sdelphij# Probably the next magic line contains misspelled "mozLz40\0"
11284237Sdelphij0	string	mozLz4a				Mozilla lz4 compressed bookmark data
12354939Sdelphij# From: Joerg Jenderek
13354939Sdelphij# URL: https://lz4.github.io/lz4/
14354939Sdelphij# Reference: https://github.com/avih/dejsonlz4/archive/master.zip/
15354939Sdelphij# dejsonlz4-master\src\dejsonlz4.c 
16354939Sdelphij# Note: mostly JSON compressed with a non-standard LZ4 header
17354939Sdelphij# can be unpacked by dejsonlz4 but not lz4 programm.
18354939Sdelphij0	string	mozLz40\0			Mozilla lz4 compressed data
19354939Sdelphij!:mime	application/x-lz4+json
20354939Sdelphij# mozlz4 extension seems to be used for search/store, while jsonlz4 for bookmarks
21354939Sdelphij!:ext	jsonlz4/mozlz4
22354939Sdelphij# decomp_size
23354939Sdelphij>8	ulelong	x				\b, originally %u bytes
24354939Sdelphij# lz4 data
25354939Sdelphij#>12	ubequad	x				\b, lz4 data 0x%16.16llx
27337827Seadler# From: Joerg Jenderek
28337827Seadler# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox_4
29337827Seadler# Reference: https://pkware.cachefly.net/webdocs/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT
30337827Seadler# Note:	Most ZIP utilities are able to extract such archives
31337827Seadler#	maybe only partly or after some warnings. Example:
32337827Seadler#	zip -FF omni.ja --out omni.zip
33337827Seadler4	string	PK\001\002	Mozilla archive omni.ja
34337827Seadler!:mime	application/x-zip
35337827Seadler!:ext	ja
36337827Seadler# TODO:
37337827Seadler#>4	use	zip-dir-entry