3354939Sdelphij# $File: misctools,v 1.18 2019/04/19 00:42:27 christos Exp $
4186690Sobrien# misctools:  file(1) magic for miscellaneous UNIX tools.
6186690Sobrien0	search/1	%%!!			X-Post-It-Note text
7169962Sobrien0	string/c	BEGIN:VCALENDAR		vCalendar calendar file
8226048Sobrien!:mime	text/calendar
9284237Sdelphij# updated by Joerg Jenderek at Apr 2015
10284237Sdelphij# Extension: .vcf
11354939Sdelphij# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard
12169962Sobrien0	string/c	BEGIN:VCARD		vCard visiting card
13284237Sdelphij# deprecated
14284237Sdelphij#!:mime	text/x-vcard
15284237Sdelphij!:mime	text/vcard
16284237Sdelphij# VERSION must come right after BEGIN for 3.0 or 4.0 except in 2.1 , where it can be anywhere
17328874Seadler>12	search/14000/c	VERSION:
18284237Sdelphij# VERSION 2.1 , 3.0 or 4.0
19284237Sdelphij>>&0	string		x			\b, version %-.3s
21186690Sobrien# Summary: Libtool library file
22186690Sobrien# Extension: .la
23186690Sobrien# Submitted by: Tomasz Trojanowski <tomek@uninet.com.pl>
24169942Sobrien0	search/80	.la\ -\ a\ libtool\ library\ file	libtool library file
26186690Sobrien# Summary: Libtool object file
27186690Sobrien# Extension: .lo
28186690Sobrien# Submitted by: Abel Cheung <abelcheung@gmail.com>
29186690Sobrien0	search/80	.lo\ -\ a\ libtool\ object\ file	libtool object file
31226048Sobrien# From: Daniel Novotny <dnovotny@redhat.com>
32298192Sdelphij# Update: Joerg Jenderek
33298192Sdelphij# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Core_dump#User-mode_memory_dumps
34298192Sdelphij# Reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms680378%28VS.85%29.aspx
36298192Sdelphij# "Windows Minidump" by TrID
37298192Sdelphij# ./misctools (version 5.25) labeled the entry as "MDMP crash report data"
38298192Sdelphij0	string		MDMP					Mini DuMP crash report
39354939Sdelphij# https://filext.com/file-extension/DMP
40298192Sdelphij!:mime	application/x-dmp
41298192Sdelphij!:ext	dmp/mdmp
42298192Sdelphij# The high-order word is an internal value that is implementation specific.
43298192Sdelphij# The low-order word is MINIDUMP_VERSION 0xA793
44298192Sdelphij>4	ulelong&0x0000FFFF	!0xA793				\b, version 0x%4.4x
45298192Sdelphij# NumberOfStreams 8,9,10,13
46298192Sdelphij>8	ulelong			x				\b, %d streams
47298192Sdelphij# StreamDirectoryRva 0x20
48298192Sdelphij>12	ulelong			!0x20				\b, 0x%8.8x RVA
49298192Sdelphij# CheckSum 0
50298192Sdelphij>16	ulelong			!0				\b, CheckSum 0x%8.8x
51328874Seadler# Reserved or TimeDateStamp
52298192Sdelphij>20	ledate			x				\b, %s
53298192Sdelphij# https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms680519%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
54298192Sdelphij# Flags MINIDUMP_TYPE enumeration type 0 0x121 0x800
55298192Sdelphij>24	ulelong			x				\b, 0x%x type
56298192Sdelphij# >24	ulelong			>0				\b; include
57298192Sdelphij# >>24	ulelong			&0x00000001			\b data sections,
58298192Sdelphij# >>24	ulelong			&0x00000020			\b list of unloaded modules,
59298192Sdelphij# >>24	ulelong			&0x00000100			\b process and thread information,
60298192Sdelphij# >>24	ulelong			&0x00000800			\b memory information,
62267843Sdelphij# Summary: abook addressbook file
63267843Sdelphij# Submitted by: Mark Schreiber <mark7@alumni.cmu.edu>
64267843Sdelphij0	string	#\x20abook\x20addressbook\x20file abook address book
65267843Sdelphij!:mime application/x-abook-addressbook