$NetBSD: motd.5,v 1.2 1994/12/28 18:58:53 glass Exp $

This file is in the public domain.
$FreeBSD: releng/10.3/share/man/man5/motd.5 79727 2001-07-14 19:41:16Z schweikh $

.Dd February 13, 1997 .Dt MOTD 5 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm motd .Nd file containing message(s) of the day .Sh DESCRIPTION The file

a /etc/motd is normally displayed by .Xr login 1 after a user has logged in but before the shell is run. It is generally used for important system-wide announcements. During system startup, a line containing the kernel version string is prepended to this file.

p Individual users may suppress the display of this file by creating a file named .Dq Pa .hushlogin in their home directories or through .Xr login.conf 5 . .Sh FILES l -tag -width $HOME/.hushlogin -compact t Pa /etc/motd The message of the day. t Pa $HOME/.hushlogin Suppresses output of

a /etc/motd . .El .Sh EXAMPLES d -literal FreeBSD (GENERIC) #0: Sun Dec 29 03:08:31 PST 1996 /home is full. Please cleanup your directories. .Ed .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr login 1 , .Xr login.conf 5